Berry improved mqtt.unsubscribe()

This commit is contained in:
Stephan Hadinger 2022-06-26 18:59:31 +02:00
parent a96fe3b188
commit 9a74a63740
4 changed files with 1379 additions and 1159 deletions

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@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ extern const bcstring be_const_str__settings_ptr;
extern const bcstring be_const_str__subscribe;
extern const bcstring be_const_str__t;
extern const bcstring be_const_str__timers;
extern const bcstring be_const_str__unsubscribe;
extern const bcstring be_const_str__validate;
extern const bcstring be_const_str__write;
extern const bcstring be_const_str_a;
@ -427,6 +428,7 @@ extern const bcstring be_const_str_fromptr;
extern const bcstring be_const_str_fromstring;
extern const bcstring be_const_str_full_state;
extern const bcstring be_const_str_full_status;
extern const bcstring be_const_str_fulltopic;
extern const bcstring be_const_str_function;
extern const bcstring be_const_str_gamma;
extern const bcstring be_const_str_gamma10;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
#include "be_constobj.h"
static be_define_const_map_slots(m_libmqtt_map) {
{ be_const_key(publish, -1), be_const_func(be_mqtt_publish) },
{ be_const_key(_subscribe, -1), be_const_ctype_func(be_mqtt_subscribe) },
{ be_const_key(unsubscribe, 1), be_const_ctype_func(be_mqtt_unsubscribe) },
{ be_const_key(unsubscribe, -1), be_const_closure(unsubscribe_closure) },
{ be_const_key(subscribe, -1), be_const_closure(subscribe_closure) },
{ be_const_key(publish, 3), be_const_func(be_mqtt_publish) },
{ be_const_key(_, -1), be_const_closure(__closure) },
{ be_const_key(_subscribe, -1), be_const_ctype_func(be_mqtt_subscribe) },
{ be_const_key(_unsubscribe, 1), be_const_ctype_func(be_mqtt_unsubscribe) },
static be_define_const_map(
static be_define_const_module(

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@ -10,18 +10,24 @@
def subscribe(topic, closure)
def _(action, topic, closure) # inner class for subscribe and unsubscribe
class mqtt_listener
var topic
var topic # topic as a list of subtopics
var fulltopic # fulltopic as string
var closure
def init(topic, closure)
import string
self.fulltopic = topic
self.topic = string.split(topic, '/')
self.closure = closure
def remove()
def mqtt_data(topic, idx, payload_s, payload_b)
# check if the topic matches the patter
import string
@ -63,18 +69,151 @@ def subscribe(topic, closure)
import mqtt
if type(closure) == 'function'
mqtt_listener(topic, closure)
if action
# subscribe
if type(closure) == 'function'
mqtt_listener(topic, closure)
# unsubscribe
if topic != nil
# scan through drivers if any matches the topic
for d: tasmota._drivers.copy() # make a copy of the list since we might modify it on the fly
if isinstance(d, mqtt_listener)
# class of interest
# topic was specified
if topic != nil
if d.fulltopic == topic
# remove all topics
if d.fulltopic != topic # don't call again unsubscribe if we just did
def subscribe(topic, closure)
import mqtt
mqtt._(true, topic, closure)
def unsubscribe(topic)
import mqtt
mqtt._(false, topic)
solidify.dump(_) solidify.dump(subscribe) solidify.dump(unsubscribe)
# example
import mqtt
def p(a,b,c) print("mqtt",a,b,c) end
mqtt.subscribe("/a/b", p)
mqtt.subscribe("/a/b/c", p)
mqtt.subscribe("#", p)
print(">unsub /a/b")
print(">unsub all")
** Solidified function: init
be_local_closure(mqtt_listener_init, /* name */
8, /* nstack */
3, /* argc */
2, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 8]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_str(string),
/* K1 */ be_nested_str(fulltopic),
/* K2 */ be_nested_str(topic),
/* K3 */ be_nested_str(split),
/* K4 */ be_nested_str(_X2F),
/* K5 */ be_nested_str(closure),
/* K6 */ be_nested_str(tasmota),
/* K7 */ be_nested_str(add_driver),
( &(const binstruction[13]) { /* code */
0xA40E0000, // 0000 IMPORT R3 K0
0x90020201, // 0001 SETMBR R0 K1 R1
0x8C100703, // 0002 GETMET R4 R3 K3
0x5C180200, // 0003 MOVE R6 R1
0x581C0004, // 0004 LDCONST R7 K4
0x7C100600, // 0005 CALL R4 3
0x90020404, // 0006 SETMBR R0 K2 R4
0x90020A02, // 0007 SETMBR R0 K5 R2
0xB8120C00, // 0008 GETNGBL R4 K6
0x8C100907, // 0009 GETMET R4 R4 K7
0x5C180000, // 000A MOVE R6 R0
0x7C100400, // 000B CALL R4 2
0x80000000, // 000C RET 0
** Solidified function: remove
be_local_closure(mqtt_listener_remove, /* name */
4, /* nstack */
1, /* argc */
2, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_str(tasmota),
/* K1 */ be_nested_str(remove_driver),
( &(const binstruction[ 5]) { /* code */
0xB8060000, // 0000 GETNGBL R1 K0
0x8C040301, // 0001 GETMET R1 R1 K1
0x5C0C0000, // 0002 MOVE R3 R0
0x7C040400, // 0003 CALL R1 2
0x80000000, // 0004 RET 0
** Solidified function: mqtt_data
@ -162,70 +301,128 @@ be_local_closure(mqtt_listener_mqtt_data, /* name */
** Solidified function: init
** Solidified class: mqtt_listener
be_local_closure(mqtt_listener_init, /* name */
( (struct bmapnode*) &(const bmapnode[]) {
{ be_const_key(remove, -1), be_const_closure(mqtt_listener_remove_closure) },
{ be_const_key(mqtt_data, -1), be_const_closure(mqtt_listener_mqtt_data_closure) },
{ be_const_key(topic, -1), be_const_var(0) },
{ be_const_key(init, 0), be_const_closure(mqtt_listener_init_closure) },
{ be_const_key(closure, 1), be_const_var(2) },
{ be_const_key(fulltopic, -1), be_const_var(1) },
(bstring*) &be_const_str_mqtt_listener
** Solidified function: _
be_local_closure(_, /* name */
8, /* nstack */
10, /* nstack */
3, /* argc */
2, /* varg */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 7]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_str(string),
/* K1 */ be_nested_str(topic),
/* K2 */ be_nested_str(split),
/* K3 */ be_nested_str(_X2F),
/* K4 */ be_nested_str(closure),
/* K5 */ be_nested_str(tasmota),
/* K6 */ be_nested_str(add_driver),
( &(const bvalue[12]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_const_class(be_class_mqtt_listener),
/* K1 */ be_nested_str(mqtt),
/* K2 */ be_nested_str(_subscribe),
/* K3 */ be_nested_str(function),
/* K4 */ be_nested_str(tasmota),
/* K5 */ be_nested_str(check_not_method),
/* K6 */ be_nested_str(_unsubscribe),
/* K7 */ be_nested_str(_drivers),
/* K8 */ be_nested_str(copy),
/* K9 */ be_nested_str(fulltopic),
/* K10 */ be_nested_str(remove),
/* K11 */ be_nested_str(stop_iteration),
( &(const binstruction[12]) { /* code */
0xA40E0000, // 0000 IMPORT R3 K0
0x8C100702, // 0001 GETMET R4 R3 K2
0x5C180200, // 0002 MOVE R6 R1
0x581C0003, // 0003 LDCONST R7 K3
0x7C100600, // 0004 CALL R4 3
0x90020204, // 0005 SETMBR R0 K1 R4
0x90020802, // 0006 SETMBR R0 K4 R2
0xB8120A00, // 0007 GETNGBL R4 K5
0x8C100906, // 0008 GETMET R4 R4 K6
0x5C180000, // 0009 MOVE R6 R0
0x7C100400, // 000A CALL R4 2
0x80000000, // 000B RET 0
( &(const binstruction[63]) { /* code */
0x580C0000, // 0000 LDCONST R3 K0
0xB4000000, // 0001 CLASS K0
0xA4120200, // 0002 IMPORT R4 K1
0x78020010, // 0003 JMPF R0 #0015
0x8C140902, // 0004 GETMET R5 R4 K2
0x5C1C0200, // 0005 MOVE R7 R1
0x7C140400, // 0006 CALL R5 2
0x60140004, // 0007 GETGBL R5 G4
0x5C180400, // 0008 MOVE R6 R2
0x7C140200, // 0009 CALL R5 1
0x1C140B03, // 000A EQ R5 R5 K3
0x78160007, // 000B JMPF R5 #0014
0xB8160800, // 000C GETNGBL R5 K4
0x8C140B05, // 000D GETMET R5 R5 K5
0x5C1C0400, // 000E MOVE R7 R2
0x7C140400, // 000F CALL R5 2
0x5C140600, // 0010 MOVE R5 R3
0x5C180200, // 0011 MOVE R6 R1
0x5C1C0400, // 0012 MOVE R7 R2
0x7C140400, // 0013 CALL R5 2
0x70020028, // 0014 JMP #003E
0x4C140000, // 0015 LDNIL R5
0x20140205, // 0016 NE R5 R1 R5
0x78160002, // 0017 JMPF R5 #001B
0x8C140906, // 0018 GETMET R5 R4 K6
0x5C1C0200, // 0019 MOVE R7 R1
0x7C140400, // 001A CALL R5 2
0x60140010, // 001B GETGBL R5 G16
0xB81A0800, // 001C GETNGBL R6 K4
0x88180D07, // 001D GETMBR R6 R6 K7
0x8C180D08, // 001E GETMET R6 R6 K8
0x7C180200, // 001F CALL R6 1
0x7C140200, // 0020 CALL R5 1
0xA8020018, // 0021 EXBLK 0 #003B
0x5C180A00, // 0022 MOVE R6 R5
0x7C180000, // 0023 CALL R6 0
0x601C000F, // 0024 GETGBL R7 G15
0x5C200C00, // 0025 MOVE R8 R6
0x5C240600, // 0026 MOVE R9 R3
0x7C1C0400, // 0027 CALL R7 2
0x781E0010, // 0028 JMPF R7 #003A
0x4C1C0000, // 0029 LDNIL R7
0x201C0207, // 002A NE R7 R1 R7
0x781E0005, // 002B JMPF R7 #0032
0x881C0D09, // 002C GETMBR R7 R6 K9
0x1C1C0E01, // 002D EQ R7 R7 R1
0x781E0001, // 002E JMPF R7 #0031
0x8C1C0D0A, // 002F GETMET R7 R6 K10
0x7C1C0200, // 0030 CALL R7 1
0x70020007, // 0031 JMP #003A
0x881C0D09, // 0032 GETMBR R7 R6 K9
0x201C0E01, // 0033 NE R7 R7 R1
0x781E0002, // 0034 JMPF R7 #0038
0x8C1C0906, // 0035 GETMET R7 R4 K6
0x88240D09, // 0036 GETMBR R9 R6 K9
0x7C1C0400, // 0037 CALL R7 2
0x8C1C0D0A, // 0038 GETMET R7 R6 K10
0x7C1C0200, // 0039 CALL R7 1
0x7001FFE6, // 003A JMP #0022
0x5814000B, // 003B LDCONST R5 K11
0xAC140200, // 003C CATCH R5 1 0
0xB0080000, // 003D RAISE 2 R0 R0
0x80000000, // 003E RET 0
** Solidified class: mqtt_listener
( (struct bmapnode*) &(const bmapnode[]) {
{ be_const_key(topic, 1), be_const_var(0) },
{ be_const_key(mqtt_data, -1), be_const_closure(mqtt_listener_mqtt_data_closure) },
{ be_const_key(closure, -1), be_const_var(1) },
{ be_const_key(init, -1), be_const_closure(mqtt_listener_init_closure) },
(bstring*) &be_const_str_mqtt_listener
** Solidified function: subscribe
be_local_closure(subscribe, /* name */
7, /* nstack */
8, /* nstack */
2, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
@ -233,43 +430,57 @@ be_local_closure(subscribe, /* name */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 6]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_const_class(be_class_mqtt_listener),
/* K1 */ be_nested_str(mqtt),
/* K2 */ be_nested_str(_subscribe),
/* K3 */ be_nested_str(function),
/* K4 */ be_nested_str(tasmota),
/* K5 */ be_nested_str(check_not_method),
( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_str(mqtt),
/* K1 */ be_nested_str(_),
( &(const binstruction[20]) { /* code */
0x58080000, // 0000 LDCONST R2 K0
0xB4000000, // 0001 CLASS K0
0xA40E0200, // 0002 IMPORT R3 K1
0x8C100702, // 0003 GETMET R4 R3 K2
0x5C180000, // 0004 MOVE R6 R0
0x7C100400, // 0005 CALL R4 2
0x60100004, // 0006 GETGBL R4 G4
0x5C140200, // 0007 MOVE R5 R1
0x7C100200, // 0008 CALL R4 1
0x1C100903, // 0009 EQ R4 R4 K3
0x78120007, // 000A JMPF R4 #0013
0xB8120800, // 000B GETNGBL R4 K4
0x8C100905, // 000C GETMET R4 R4 K5
0x5C180200, // 000D MOVE R6 R1
0x7C100400, // 000E CALL R4 2
0x5C100400, // 000F MOVE R4 R2
0x5C140000, // 0010 MOVE R5 R0
0x5C180200, // 0011 MOVE R6 R1
0x7C100400, // 0012 CALL R4 2
0x80000000, // 0013 RET 0
( &(const binstruction[ 7]) { /* code */
0xA40A0000, // 0000 IMPORT R2 K0
0x8C0C0501, // 0001 GETMET R3 R2 K1
0x50140200, // 0002 LDBOOL R5 1 0
0x5C180000, // 0003 MOVE R6 R0
0x5C1C0200, // 0004 MOVE R7 R1
0x7C0C0800, // 0005 CALL R3 4
0x80000000, // 0006 RET 0
** Solidified function: unsubscribe
be_local_closure(unsubscribe, /* name */
6, /* nstack */
1, /* argc */
0, /* varg */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
NULL, /* no sub protos */
1, /* has constants */
( &(const bvalue[ 2]) { /* constants */
/* K0 */ be_nested_str(mqtt),
/* K1 */ be_nested_str(_),
( &(const binstruction[ 6]) { /* code */
0xA4060000, // 0000 IMPORT R1 K0
0x8C080301, // 0001 GETMET R2 R1 K1
0x50100000, // 0002 LDBOOL R4 0 0
0x5C140000, // 0003 MOVE R5 R0
0x7C080600, // 0004 CALL R2 3
0x80000000, // 0005 RET 0
extern int be_mqtt_publish(bvm *vm);
@ -281,8 +492,10 @@ extern void be_mqtt_unsubscribe(const char* topic); BE_FUNC_CTYPE_DECLARE(be_m
module mqtt (scope: global) {
publish, func(be_mqtt_publish)
subscribe, closure(subscribe_closure)
unsubscribe, closure(unsubscribe_closure)
_, closure(__closure)
_subscribe, ctype_func(be_mqtt_subscribe)
unsubscribe, ctype_func(be_mqtt_unsubscribe)
_unsubscribe, ctype_func(be_mqtt_unsubscribe)
@const_object_info_end */
#include "be_fixed_mqtt.h"