mirror of https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota.git
Merge branch 'arendst/development' into development
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ If you like **Sonoff-Tasmota**, give it a star, or fork it and contribute!
[![GitHub forks](https://img.shields.io/github/forks/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota.svg?style=social&label=Fork)](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/network)
See [RELEASENOTES.md](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/blob/development/RELEASENOTES.md) for release information.
In addition to the [release webpage](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/releases/latest) the binaries can also be OTA downloaded from http://thehackbox.org/tasmota/release/
### Development
[![Dev Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/development%20version-6.2.1.x-blue.svg)](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota)
[![Download Dev](https://img.shields.io/badge/download-development-yellow.svg)](http://thehackbox.org/tasmota/)
@ -114,21 +118,25 @@ You can contribute to Sonoff-Tasmota by
Libraries used with Sonoff-Tasmota are:
- [ESP8266 core for Arduino](https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino)
- [Adafruit CCS811](https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CCS811)
- [Adafruit ILI9341](https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_ILI9341)
- [Adafruit LED Backpack](https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-LED-Backpack-Library)
- [Adafruit SGP30](https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_SGP30)
- [Adafruit SSD1306](https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_SSD1306)
- [Adafruit GFX](https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-GFX-Library)
- [ArduinoJson](https://arduinojson.org/)
- [arduino mqtt](https://github.com/256dpi/arduino-mqtt)
- [Bosch BME680](https://github.com/BoschSensortec/BME680_driver)
- [C2 Programmer](http://app.cear.ufpb.br/~lucas.hartmann/tag/efm8bb1/)
- [Esp8266MqttClient](https://github.com/tuanpmt/ESP8266MQTTClient)
- [esp-knx-ip](https://github.com/envy/esp-knx-ip)
- [esp-mqtt-arduino](https://github.com/i-n-g-o/esp-mqtt-arduino)
- [ESPAsyncUDP](https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncUDP)
- [I2Cdevlib](https://github.com/jrowberg/i2cdevlib)
- [IRremoteEsp8266](https://github.com/markszabo/IRremoteESP8266)
- [JobaTsl2561](https://github.com/joba-1/Joba_Tsl2561)
- [Liquid Cristal](https://github.com/marcoschwartz/LiquidCrystal_I2C)
- [MultiChannelGasSensor](http://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Grove-Multichannel_Gas_Sensor/)
- [NeoPixelBus](https://github.com/Makuna/NeoPixelBus)
- [OneWire](https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/OneWire)
- [PubSubClient](https://github.com/knolleary/pubsubclient)
- [rc-switch](https://github.com/sui77/rc-switch)
#### People inspiring me
People helping to keep the show on the road:
@ -142,16 +150,19 @@ People helping to keep the show on the road:
- Flexiti for his initial timer implementation
- reloxx13 for his [TasmoAdmin](https://github.com/reloxx13/TasmoAdmin) management tool
- Joachim Banzhaf for his TSL2561 library and driver
- Gijs Noorlander for his MHZ19 and SenseAir drivers
- Gijs Noorlander for his MHZ19, SenseAir and updated PubSubClient drivers
- Emontnemery for his HomeAssistant Discovery concept and many code tuning tips
- Aidan Mountford for his HSB support
- Daniel Ztolnai for his Serial Bridge implementation
- Gerhard Mutz for his SGP30 and Sunrise/Sunset driver
- Gerhard Mutz for his SGP30, Sunrise/Sunset and display support drivers
- Nuno Ferreira for his HC-SR04 driver
- Adrian Scillato for his (security)fixes and implementing and maintaining KNX
- Gennaro Tortone for implementing and maintaining Eastron drivers
- Raymond Mouthaan for managing Wemos Wiki information
- Norbert Richter, Frogmore42 and Jason2866 for providing many issue answers
- Norbert Richter for his decode-config.py tool
- Andre Thomas for providing [thehackbox](http://thehackbox.org/tasmota/) OTA support and daily development builds
- Joel Stein and digiblur for their Tuya research and driver
- Frogmore42 and Jason2866 for providing many issue answers
- Many more providing Tips, Pocs or PRs
### License
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ To save memory space all other binaries support **WifiManager only**.
See _changelog.ino how to enable them again.
- Define WIFI_CONFIG_TOOL now contains the default behaviour once a SSID has been configured.
- If no SSID is configured making a wifi connection impossible the new define WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID will be used.
- While define WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID is set to WIFI_WPSCONFIG in user_config.h the compiler will check for define USE_WPS and if not enabled WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID will default to WIFI_MANAGER using the webserver. If define USE_WEBSERVER is also not enabled WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID will default to WIFI_SMARTCONFIG. If define USE_SMARTCONFIG is also not enabled WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID will default to a new option WIFI_SERIAL allowing to enter wifi parameters to serial which is always possible.
- While define WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID is set to WIFI_WPSCONFIG in my_user_config.h the compiler will check for define USE_WPS and if not enabled WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID will default to WIFI_MANAGER using the webserver. If define USE_WEBSERVER is also not enabled WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID will default to WIFI_SMARTCONFIG. If define USE_SMARTCONFIG is also not enabled WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID will default to a new option WIFI_SERIAL allowing to enter wifi parameters to serial which is always possible.
## Provided Binary Downloads
The following binary downloads have been compiled with ESP8266/Arduino library version **2.3.0**
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ The following binary downloads have been compiled with ESP8266/Arduino library v
- **sonoff.bin** = The Sonoff version without Wps and SmartConfig configuration but adds more sensors.
- **sonoff-BG.bin** to **sonoff-TW.bin** = The Sonoff version without Wps and SmartConfig configuration in different languages.
- **sonoff-sensors.bin** = The Sensors version without Wps and SmartConfig configuration but adds even more useful sensors.
- **sonoff-display.bin** = The Display version without Wps and SmartConfig configuration but adds display support.
- **sonoff-knx.bin** = The Knx version without Wps and SmartConfig configuration and some other features but adds KNX support.
See [Tasmota ESP/Arduino library version related issues](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/Theo's-Tasmota-Tips#20180523---relation-tasmota-and-esp8266arduino-core-version) why these files are still released using ESP/Arduino library version v2.3.0.
@ -33,8 +34,8 @@ See [Tasmota ESP/Arduino library version related issues](https://github.com/aren
| Feature or Sensor | minimal | classic | sonoff | knx | sensors | Remarks
| ESP/Arduino lib v2.3.0 | 340k | 477k | 473k | 492k | 497k |
| ESP/Arduino lib v2.4.2 | 360k | 491k | 491k | 509k | 513k | No sleep
| ESP/Arduino lib v2.3.0 | 344k | 485k | 491k | 510k | 516k |
| ESP/Arduino lib v2.4.2 | 363k | 499k | 509k | 526k | 532k | No sleep
| | | | | | |
| MY_LANGUAGE en-GB | x | x | x | x | x |
| USE_WPS | - | x | - | - | - | WPS
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ See [Tasmota ESP/Arduino library version related issues](https://github.com/aren
| USE_SUNRISE | - | - | x | x | x |
| USE_RULES | - | - | x | x | x |
| | | | | | |
| USE_ADC_VCC | x | x | x | x | |
| USE_ADC_VCC | x | x | x | x | - |
| USE_DS18B20 | - | - | - | - | - | Single sensor
| USE_DS18x20 | - | x | x | x | x | Multiple sensors
| USE_DS18x20_LEGACY | - | - | - | - | - | Multiple sensors
@ -111,76 +112,89 @@ See [Tasmota ESP/Arduino library version related issues](https://github.com/aren
| USE_RF_FLASH | - | - | x | x | x |
| USE_TUYA_DIMMER | - | - | x | x | x |
| USE_TX20_WIND_SENSOR | - | - | x | x | x |
| USE_RC_SWITCH | - | - | x | x | x |
| USE_DISPLAY | - | - | - | - | - |
## Changelog
Version 6.2.1 20180905
* Fix possible ambiguity on command parameters if StateText contains numbers only (#3656)
* Fix Wemo emulation to select the first relay when more than one relay is present (#3657)
* Fix possible exception due to buffer overflow (#3659)
* Fix lost energy today and total energy value after power cycle (#3689)
Version 6.2.0 20180901
* Allow user override of define MAX_RULE_VARS and MAX_RULE_TIMERS (#3561)
* Disable wifi sleep for both Esp8266/Arduino core 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 to solve device freeze caused by Espressif SDK bug (#3554)
* Change DS18B20 driver to provide better instant results
* Change some sensor drivers to provide instant results
* Change define USE_ALL_SENSORS to USE_SENSORS as it doesn't contain all sensors due to duplicate I2C addresses
* Change some sensor update timings: AdcEvery 200 -> 250, Senseair 300 -> 250, SDM120 300 -> 250, SDM630 300 -> 250
* Change default Wifi config option from WPS to Wifi Manager if WPS is disabled or Wifi Smartconfig if webserver is disabled or Wifi Serial input if Smartconfig is disabled
* Change SHT1x driver to provide better instant results and fix I2C interference
* Change DHT driver to provide better instant results and add decimals to DHT11 (#3164)
* Change DS18x20 driver to provide better instant results (#3169)
* Change CounterType 1 from milliseconds to microseconds (#3437)
* Change scheduler for better sleep support using Uptime, Delay, PulseTime and TelePeriod, Blinktime (#3581)
* Remove unused functionality from Sonoff-minimal to save space
* Remove WPS and SmartConfig from sonoff-minimal saving 56k code space
* Remove TSL2561 debug message and update library (#2415)
* Remove forced restart when sleep command is executed (#3554)
* Fix invalid response using more than 4 switches and domoticz
* Fix sonoff-minimal not using default settings
* Fix unsecure main webpage update
* Fix DHT driver mixing values for different sensors (#1797)
* Fix EnergyReset3 regression not clearing total energy (#2723)
* Fix rules once regression from v6.1.0 (#3198, #3226)
* Fix command Scale buffer overflow (#3236)
* Fix possible WDT due to long MQTT publish handling (#3313)
* Fix command TimeDst/TimeStd invalid JSON (#3322)
* Fix handling of default names when using names starting with shortcut character ",0,1 or 2 (#3392, #3600, #3618)
* Fix LM75AD I2C sensor detection (#3408)
* Fix iFan02 power on state (#3412, #3530)
* Fix some Pow R2 and S31 checksum errors using optimized re-sync (#3425)
* Fix SDM120 reporting wrong negative values to Domoticz (#3521)
* Fix MQTT reconnection detection when using TasmotaMqtt library (#3558)
* Fix OtaMagic when file path contains a dash (-) (#3563)
* Fix Sonoff Bridge data reception when using Portisch EFM8 firmware using in data buffer length (#3605)
* Add read sensor retry to DS18B20, DS18x20, DHT, SHT1X and HTU21
* Add user selection of Wifi Smartconfig as define USE_SMARTCONFIG in user_config.h
* Add boot loop detection and perform some solutions
* Add wifi and mqtt status led blinkyblinky to be disabled by SetOption31 1. Does not work when LedPower is On (deliberate) (#871, #2230, #3114, #3155)
* Add support for TM1638 switch (#2226)
* Add GPIO options ButtonXn, SwitchXn and CounterXn to select INPUT mode instead of INPUT_PULLUP (#2525)
* Add support for APDS9960 proximity sensor (#3051)
* Add support for MPR121 controller in input mode for touch buttons (#3142)
* Add support for MCP230xx for general purpose input expansion and command Sensor29 (#3188)
* Add default Wifi Configuration tool as define WIFI_CONFIG_NO_SSID in user_config.h if no SSID is configured (#3224)
* Add command Timers 0/1 to globally disable or enable armed timers (#3270)
* Add support for CCS811 sensor (#3309)
* Add Turkish language file (#3332)
* Add command SerialSend4 to send binary serial data (#3345)
* Add initial support for sensor MPU6050 (#3352)
* Add rule triggers Wifi#Connected and Wifi#Disconnected (#3359)
* Add option + to command Rule to concatenate new rule with existing rules (#3365)
* Add message when JavaScript is not enabled in webbrowser (#3388)
* Add build time setting of ButtonTopic and SwitchTopic (#3414)
* Add iFan02 Fanspeed + and Fanspeed - command options (#3415)
* Add Individual HSBColorX commands (#3430, #3615)
* Add output support on MCP23008/MCP23017 (#3436)
* Add modulo option to rules like rule1 on Time#Minute|5 do backlog power on;delay 200;power off endon (#3466)
* Add RGB support for Domoticz (#3547)
* Add all ruletimer values to command RuleTimer result message (#3571)
* Add command Publish2 for publishing retained MQTT messages (#3593)
* Add commands ButtonDebounce 40..1000 and SwitchDebounce 40..1000 to have user control over debounce timing. Default is 50mS (#3594)
* Add RuleX debug options 8,9,10 (StopOnError) to control RuleX execution status after an exception restart (#3607)
* Add rule variables %sunrise%, %sunset%, %uptime% and %time% (#3608)
* Add optional MQTT_TELE_RETAIN to Energy Margins message (#3612, 3614)
Version 6.3.0 soon
* Change web Configure Module GPIO drop down list order for better readability
* Change status JSON message providing more switch and retain information
* Change xsns_17_senseair.ino to use TasmotaModbus library
* Change MCP230xx driver
* Change PubSubClient Mqtt library to non-blocking EspEasy version
* Change energy monitoring using energy sensor driver modules
* Change Webserver page handler for easier extension (thx to Adrian Scillato)
* Change pinmode for no-pullup defined switches to pullup when configured as switchmode PUSHBUTTON (=3 and up) (#3896)
* Change default OTA Url to http://thehackbox.org/tasmota/release/sonoff.bin (#4170)
* Remove support for MQTT Client esp-mqtt-arduino by #define MQTT_LIBRARY_TYPE MQTT_ESPMQTTARDUINO
* Remove commands PowerCal, VoltageCal and CurrentCal as more functionality is provided by commands PowerSet, VoltageSet and CurrentSet
* Remove restart after ntpserver change and force NTP re-sync (#3890)
* Fix showing Period Power in energy threshold messages
* Fix header file execution order by renaming user_config.h to my_user_config.h
* Fix some TSL2561 driver issues (#3681)
* Fix KNX PA exception. Regression from 6.2.1 buffer overflow caused by subStr() (#3700, #3710)
* Fix setting and getting color temperature for Philips Hue emulation (#3733)
* Fix ButtonRetain to not use default topic for clearing retain messages (#3737)
* Fix syslog when emulation is selected (#2109, #3784)
* Fix rule trigger POWER1#STATE execution after restart and SetOption0 is 0 (#3856)
* Fix Home Assistant forced light discovery (#3908)
* Fix invalid configuration restores and decode_config.py crc error when savedata = 0 (#3918)
* Fix timer offset -00:00 causing 12:00 hour offset (#3923)
* Fix I2CScan invalid JSON error message (#3925)
* Fix exception when wrong Domoticz JSON message is received (#3963)
* Fix Sonoff Bridge RfRaw receive (#4080, #4085)
* Fix possible wifi connection error (#4044, #4083)
* Fix invalid JSON floating point result from nan (Not a Number) and inf (Infinity) into null (#4147)
* Fix rule mqtt#connected trigger when mqtt is disabled (#4149)
* Add support for LCD, Matrix, TFT and Oled displays
* Add support for Neo Coolcam Wifi Smart Power Plug
* Add support for Michael Haustein ESP Switch
* Add support for MQTT Client based on lwmqtt to be selected by #define MQTT_LIBRARY_TYPE MQTT_ARDUINOMQTT
* Add support for Neo Coolcam Wifi Smart Power Plug
* Add support for Michael Haustein ESP Switch
* Add support for MQTT Client based on lwmqtt to be selected by #define MQTT_LIBRARY_TYPE MQTT_ARDUINOMQTT
* Add support for DS3231 Real Time Clock
* Add support for HX711 Load Cell with optional web GUI scale interface to demonstrate easy GUI plug-in
* Add support for serial 8N2 communication to TasmotaModbus and TasmotaSerial libraries
* Add support for RF transceiving using library RcSwitch (#2702)
* Add support for Shelly 1 and Shelly 2 (#2789)
* Add support for La Crosse TX20 Anemometer (#2654, #3146)
* Add support for MP3 player using DFRobot RB-DFR-562 (#3723)
* Add Support for Xiaomi-Philips Bulbs (#3787)
* Add support for PCA9685 12bit 16pin hardware PWM driver (#3866)
* Add support for EXS Relay V5.0 (#3810)
* Add support for OBI Power Socket (#1988, #3944)
* Add support for Teckin Power Socket with Energy Monitoring (#3950)
* Add support for Pzem-003/017 DC Energy monitoring module (#3694)
* Add support for Pzem-014/016 AC Energy monitoring module (#3694)
* Add support for CSL Aplic WDP 303075 Power Socket with Energy Monitoring (#3991, #3996)
* Add support for Tuya Dimmer (#469, #4075)
* Add command Display to show all settings at once
* Add command SerialSend5 to send raw serial data like "A5074100545293"
* Add command WebRefresh 1000..10000 to control web page refresh in milliseconds. Default is 2345
* Add command WeightRes 0..3 to control display of decimals for kilogram
* Add command SetOption52 to control display of optional time offset from UTC in JSON messages (#3629, #3711)
* Add command RGBWWTable to support color calibration (#3933)
* Add command Reset 4 (reset to defaults but keep wifi params) and Reset 5 (as reset 4 and also erase flash) (#4061)
* Add authentication to HTTP web pages
* Add decimals as input to commands PowerSet, VoltageSet and CurrentSet
* Add tools/decode-config.py by Norbert Richter to decode configuration data. See file for information
* Add define USE_DISPLAYS for selecting image sonoff-display
* Add auto reload of main web page to some web restarts
* Add TasmotaModbus library as very basic modbus wrapper for TasmotaSerial
* Add more API callbacks and document API.md
* Add Wifi channel number to state message (#3664)
* Add user configurable GPIO02 and GPIO03 on H801 devices (#3692)
* Add network information to display start screen (#3704)
* Add toggle function RGBW lights (#3695, #3697)
* Add sleep to Nova Fitness SDS01X sensor (#2841, #3724, #3749)
* Add Analog input AD0 enabled to sonoff-sensors.bin (#3756, #3757)
* Add userid/password option to decode-status.py (#3796)
* Add power value below 5W to Sonoff Pow R2 and S31 (#3745)
* Add force_update to Home Assistant discovery (#3873)
* Add delay after restart before processing rule sensor data (#3811)
* Add rule triggers SWITCH1#BOOT and POWER1#BOOT (#3904, #3910)
* Add Apparent Power and Reactive Power to Energy Monitoring devices (#251)
* Add RF Receiver control to module MagicHome to be used on Arilux LC10 (#3792)
* Add Hebrew language file (#3960)
* Add whitespace removal from RfRaw and SerialSend5 (#4020)
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ src_dir = sonoff
; *** Uncomment one of the lines below to build/upload only one environment
env_default = sonoff
;env_default = sonoff-minimal
;env_default = sonoff-basic
;env_default = sonoff-classic
;env_default = sonoff-knx
;env_default = sonoff-sensors
@ -45,6 +46,8 @@ platform = espressif8266@1.5.0
;platform = espressif8266@1.7.3
; *** Esp8266 core for Arduino version 2.4.2
;platform = espressif8266@1.8.0
; *** Esp8266 core for Arduino version Core 2.5.0 beta tested for Tasmota
;platform = https://github.com/Jason2866/platform-espressif8266.git#Tasmota
; *** Esp8266 core for Arduino version latest beta
;platform = https://github.com/platformio/platform-espressif8266.git#feature/stage
; *** Esp8266 core for Arduino current version (located in %USERPROFILE%\.platformio\platforms\espressif8266)
@ -130,6 +133,20 @@ upload_resetmethod = ${common.upload_resetmethod}
upload_speed = ${common.upload_speed}
extra_scripts = ${common.extra_scripts}
platform = ${common.platform}
framework = ${common.framework}
board = ${common.board}
board_build.flash_mode = ${common.board_build.flash_mode}
board_build.f_cpu = ${common.board_build.f_cpu}
build_unflags = ${common.build_unflags}
build_flags = ${common.build_flags} -DUSE_BASIC
monitor_speed = ${common.monitor_speed}
upload_port = ${common.upload_port}
upload_resetmethod = ${common.upload_resetmethod}
upload_speed = ${common.upload_speed}
extra_scripts = ${common.extra_scripts}
platform = ${common.platform}
framework = ${common.framework}
@ -165,7 +182,7 @@ board = ${common.board}
board_build.flash_mode = ${common.board_build.flash_mode}
board_build.f_cpu = ${common.board_build.f_cpu}
build_unflags = ${common.build_unflags}
build_flags = ${common.build_flags} -DUSE_ALL_SENSORS
build_flags = ${common.build_flags} -DUSE_SENSORS
monitor_speed = ${common.monitor_speed}
upload_port = ${common.upload_port}
upload_resetmethod = ${common.upload_resetmethod}
@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
* Fix invalid JSON floating point result from nan (Not a Number) and inf (Infinity) into null (#4147)
* Fix rule mqtt#connected trigger when mqtt is disabled (#4149)
* Initial release of RF transceiving using library RcSwitch (#2702)
* Change default OTA Url to http://thehackbox.org/tasmota/release/sonoff.bin (#4170)
* Add Tuya Software Serial to support additional Tuya configurations (#4178)
* Add sonoff-basic.bin without most sensors
* 20181019
* Add more API callbacks and document API.md
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "A"
@ -535,7 +537,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "kΩ"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "lx"
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "A"
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "A"
@ -535,7 +537,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "h"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "kOhm"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "lx"
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
el-GR.h - localization for Greek - Greece for Sonoff-Tasmota
@ -527,6 +528,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "A"
@ -535,7 +538,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "Hr"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "kOhm"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "lx"
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "A"
@ -535,7 +537,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "Hr"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "kOhm"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "lx"
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "A"
@ -535,7 +537,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "Hr"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "kOhm"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "lx"
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "A"
@ -535,7 +537,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "h"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "kΩ"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "lx"
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "A"
@ -535,7 +537,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "Hr"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "kOhm"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "lx"
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "A"
@ -535,7 +537,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "ó"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "kOhm"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "lx"
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "A"
@ -535,7 +537,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "Hr"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "kOhm"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "lx"
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "A"
@ -535,7 +537,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "h"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "kOhm"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "lx"
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "A"
@ -535,7 +537,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "Godz"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "kOhm"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "lx"
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "A"
@ -535,7 +537,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "H"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "kOhm"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "lx"
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "A"
@ -535,7 +537,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "Hr"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "kOhm"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "lx"
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "А"
@ -535,7 +537,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "Ч"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "кОм"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "лк"
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "A"
@ -534,7 +536,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "Hr"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "kOhm"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "lx"
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "А"
@ -535,7 +537,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "Г"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "кОм"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "лк"
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "安"
@ -534,7 +536,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "时"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "千欧"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "勒克斯"
@ -527,6 +527,8 @@
#define D_SENSOR_TX20_TX "TX20"
#define D_SENSOR_RFSEND "RFSend"
#define D_SENSOR_RFRECV "RFrecv"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_TX "Tuya Tx"
#define D_SENSOR_TUYA_RX "Tuya Rx"
// Units
#define D_UNIT_AMPERE "安"
@ -535,7 +537,7 @@
#define D_UNIT_HOUR "時"
#define D_UNIT_INCREMENTS "inc"
#define D_UNIT_KILOGRAM "kg"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "kmph" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOMETER_PER_HOUR "km/h" // or "km/h"
#define D_UNIT_KILOOHM "千歐"
#define D_UNIT_LUX "勒克斯"
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
// -- Ota -----------------------------------------
#define OTA_URL "http://sonoff.maddox.co.uk/tasmota/sonoff.bin" // [OtaUrl]
#define OTA_URL "http://thehackbox.org/tasmota/release/sonoff.bin" // [OtaUrl]
// -- MQTT ----------------------------------------
#define MQTT_USE 1 // [SetOption3] Select default MQTT use (0 = Off, 1 = On)
@ -353,6 +353,8 @@
#define SDM630_SPEED 9600 // SDM630-Modbus RS485 serial speed (default: 9600 baud)
//#define USE_MP3_PLAYER // Use of the DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player RB-DFR-562 commands: play, volume and stop
#define MP3_VOLUME 10 // Set the startup volume on init, the range can be 0..30(max)
#define USE_TUYA_DIMMER // Add support for Tuya Serial Dimmer
#define TUYA_DIMMER_ID 3 // Default dimmer Id
// Power monitoring sensors -----------------------
#define USE_PZEM004T // Add support for PZEM004T Energy monitor (+2k code)
@ -379,12 +381,9 @@
#define USE_RF_FLASH // Add support for flashing the EFM8BB1 chip on the Sonoff RF Bridge. C2CK must be connected to GPIO4, C2D to GPIO5 on the PCB (+3k code)
#define USE_TUYA_DIMMER // Add support for Tuya Serial Dimmer
#define TUYA_DIMMER_ID 3 // Default dimmer Id
#define USE_TX20_WIND_SENSOR // Add support for La Crosse TX20 anemometer (+2k code)
#define USE_RC_SWITCH // Add support for RF transceiver using library RcSwitch (+2k7 code)
#define USE_RC_SWITCH // Add support for RF transceiver using library RcSwitch (+2k7 code, 460 iram)
* Debug features are only supported in development branch
@ -399,6 +398,7 @@
//#define USE_CLASSIC // Create sonoff-classic with initial configuration tools WPS, SmartConfig and WifiManager
//#define USE_BASIC // Create sonoff-basic with no sensors
//#define USE_SENSORS // Create sonoff-sensors with useful sensors enabled
//#define USE_KNX_NO_EMULATION // Create sonoff-knx with KNX but without Emulation
//#define USE_DISPLAYS // Create sonoff-display with display drivers enabled
@ -57,10 +57,7 @@ void KNX_CB_Action(message_t const &msg, void *arg);
#ifdef USE_ADC_VCC
#undef USE_ADC_VCC
//#define USE_ADC_VCC // Display Vcc in Power status. Disable for use as Analog input on selected devices
#undef USE_ADC_VCC // Add Analog input on selected devices
#define USE_DS18x20 // For more than one DS18x20 sensors with id sort, single scan and read retry (+1k3 code)
//#define USE_DS18x20_LEGACY // For more than one DS18x20 sensors with dynamic scan using library OneWire (+1k5 code)
#define USE_I2C // I2C using library wire (+10k code, 0k2 mem, 124 iram)
@ -80,7 +77,17 @@ void KNX_CB_Action(message_t const &msg, void *arg);
#define USE_INA219 // Add I2C code for INA219 Low voltage and current sensor (+1k code)
#define USE_MGS // Add I2C code for Xadow and Grove Mutichannel Gas sensor using library Multichannel_Gas_Sensor (+10k code)
//#define USE_APDS9960 // Add I2C code for APDS9960 Proximity Sensor. Disables SHT and VEML6070 (+4k7 code)
//#define USE_MCP230xx // Enable MCP23008/MCP23017 - Must define I2C Address in #define USE_MCP230xx_ADDR below - range 0x20 - 0x27 (+4k7 code)
// #define USE_MCP230xx_ADDR 0x20 // Enable MCP23008/MCP23017 I2C Address to use (Must be within range 0x20 through 0x27 - set according to your wired setup)
// #define USE_MCP230xx_OUTPUT // Enable MCP23008/MCP23017 OUTPUT support through sensor29 commands (+1k5 code)
// #define USE_MCP230xx_DISPLAYOUTPUT // Enable MCP23008/MCP23017 to display state of OUTPUT pins on Web UI (+0k2 code)
//#define USE_PCA9685 // Enable PCA9685 I2C HW PWM Driver - Must define I2C Address in #define USE_PCA9685_ADDR below - range 0x40 - 0x47 (+1k4 code)
// #define USE_PCA9685_ADDR 0x40 // Enable PCA9685 I2C Address to use (Must be within range 0x40 through 0x47 - set according to your wired setup)
// #define USE_PCA9685_FREQ 50 // Define default PWM frequency in Hz to be used (must be within 24 to 1526) - If other value is used, it will rever to 50Hz
//#define USE_MPR121 // Enable MPR121 controller (I2C addresses 0x5A, 0x5B, 0x5C and 0x5D) in input mode for touch buttons (+1k3 code)
//#define USE_CCS811 // Add I2C code for CCS811 sensor (+2k2 code)
//#define USE_MPU6050 // Enable MPU6050 sensor (I2C address 0x68 AD0 low or 0x69 AD0 high) (+2k6 code)
//#define USE_DS3231 // Enable DS3231 external RTC in case no Wifi is avaliable. See docs in the source file (+1k2 code)
#define USE_MHZ19 // Add support for MH-Z19 CO2 sensor (+2k code)
#define USE_SENSEAIR // Add support for SenseAir K30, K70 and S8 CO2 sensor (+2k3 code)
#ifndef CO2_LOW
@ -91,10 +98,17 @@ void KNX_CB_Action(message_t const &msg, void *arg);
#define USE_PMS5003 // Add support for PMS5003 and PMS7003 particle concentration sensor (+1k3 code)
#define USE_NOVA_SDS // Add support for SDS011 and SDS021 particle concentration sensor (+0k7 code)
#define USE_PZEM004T // Add support for PZEM004T Energy monitor (+2k code)
#define USE_SERIAL_BRIDGE // Add support for software Serial Bridge (+0k8 code)
#define USE_SDM120 // Add support for Eastron SDM120-Modbus energy meter (+1k7 code)
#define USE_SDM630 // Add support for Eastron SDM630-Modbus energy meter (+2k code)
#define USE_MP3_PLAYER // Use of the DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player RB-DFR-562 commands: play, volume and stop
#define MP3_VOLUME 10 // Set the startup volume on init, the range can be 0..30(max)
#define USE_TUYA_DIMMER // Add support for Tuya Serial Dimmer
#define TUYA_DIMMER_ID 3 // Default dimmer Id
#define USE_PZEM004T // Add support for PZEM004T Energy monitor (+2k code)
#define USE_PZEM_AC // Add support for PZEM014,016 Energy monitor (+1k1 code)
#define USE_PZEM_DC // Add support for PZEM003,017 Energy monitor (+1k1 code)
#define USE_MCP39F501 // Add support for MCP39F501 Energy monitor as used in Shelly 2 (+3k1 code)
#define USE_IR_REMOTE // Send IR remote commands using library IRremoteESP8266 and ArduinoJson (+4k code, 0k3 mem, 48 iram)
#define USE_IR_HVAC // Support for HVAC system using IR (+2k code)
#define USE_IR_RECEIVE // Support for IR receiver (+5k5 code, 264 iram)
@ -105,6 +119,12 @@ void KNX_CB_Action(message_t const &msg, void *arg);
// #define USE_WS2812_DMA // DMA supports only GPIO03 (= Serial RXD) (+1k mem). When USE_WS2812_DMA is enabled expect Exceptions on Pow
#define USE_ARILUX_RF // Add support for Arilux RF remote controller (+0k8 code, 252 iram (non 2.3.0))
#define USE_SR04 // Add support for HC-SR04 ultrasonic devices (+1k code)
#define USE_TM1638 // Add support for TM1638 switches copying Switch1 .. Switch8 (+1k code)
#define USE_HX711 // Add support for HX711 load cell (+1k5 code)
//#define USE_HX711_GUI // Add optional web GUI to HX711 as scale (+1k8 code)
#define USE_RF_FLASH // Add support for flashing the EFM8BB1 chip on the Sonoff RF Bridge. C2CK must be connected to GPIO4, C2D to GPIO5 on the PCB (+3k code)
#define USE_TX20_WIND_SENSOR // Add support for La Crosse TX20 anemometer (+2k code)
#define USE_RC_SWITCH // Add support for RF transceiver using library RcSwitch (+2k7 code, 460 iram)
#endif // USE_SENSORS
@ -141,6 +161,8 @@ void KNX_CB_Action(message_t const &msg, void *arg);
#undef USE_SERIAL_BRIDGE // Disable support for software Serial Bridge
#undef USE_SDM120 // Disable support for Eastron SDM120-Modbus energy meter
#undef USE_SDM630 // Disable support for Eastron SDM630-Modbus energy meter
#undef USE_MP3_PLAYER // Disable DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player RB-DFR-562 commands: play, volume and stop
#undef USE_TUYA_DIMMER // Disable support for Tuya Serial Dimmer
#undef USE_IR_REMOTE // Disable IR remote commands using library IRremoteESP8266 and ArduinoJson
#undef USE_IR_RECEIVE // Disable support for IR receiver
#undef USE_ARILUX_RF // Disable support for Arilux RF remote controller
@ -148,8 +170,8 @@ void KNX_CB_Action(message_t const &msg, void *arg);
#undef USE_TM1638 // Disable support for TM1638 switches copying Switch1 .. Switch8
#undef USE_HX711 // Disable support for HX711 load cell
#undef USE_RF_FLASH // Disable support for flashing the EFM8BB1 chip on the Sonoff RF Bridge. C2CK must be connected to GPIO4, C2D to GPIO5 on the PCB
#undef USE_TUYA_DIMMER // Disable support for Tuya Serial Dimmer
#undef USE_TX20_WIND_SENSOR // Disable support for La Crosse TX20 anemometer
#undef USE_RC_SWITCH // Disable support for RF transceiver using library RcSwitch
#undef DEBUG_THEO // Disable debug code
#undef USE_DEBUG_DRIVER // Disable debug code
#endif // USE_CLASSIC
@ -200,6 +222,62 @@ void KNX_CB_Action(message_t const &msg, void *arg);
#define USE_DS18B20 // Default DS18B20 sensor needs no external library
* [sonoff-basic.bin]
* Provide an image without sensors
#ifdef USE_BASIC
//#undef USE_ENERGY_SENSOR // Disable energy sensors
#undef USE_ARDUINO_OTA // Disable support for Arduino OTA
#undef USE_WPS // Disable support for WPS as initial wifi configuration tool
#undef USE_SMARTCONFIG // Disable support for Wifi SmartConfig as initial wifi configuration tool
#undef USE_DOMOTICZ // Disable Domoticz
#undef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT // Disable Home Assistant
#undef USE_MQTT_TLS // Disable TLS support won't work as the MQTTHost is not set
#undef USE_KNX // Disable KNX IP Protocol Support
//#undef USE_WEBSERVER // Disable Webserver
//#undef USE_EMULATION // Disable Wemo or Hue emulation
#undef USE_CUSTOM // Disable Custom features
#undef USE_DISCOVERY // Disable Discovery services for both MQTT and web server
//#undef USE_TIMERS // Disable support for up to 16 timers
//#undef USE_TIMERS_WEB // Disable support for timer webpage
//#undef USE_SUNRISE // Disable support for Sunrise and sunset tools
//#undef USE_RULES // Disable support for rules
#undef USE_DHT // Disable internal DHT sensor
#undef USE_DS18x20 // Disable DS18x20 sensor
#undef USE_DS18x20_LEGACY // Disable DS18x20 sensor
#undef USE_DS18B20 // Disable internal DS18B20 sensor
#undef USE_I2C // Disable all I2C sensors and devices
#undef USE_SPI // Disable all SPI devices
#undef USE_DISPLAY // Disable Display support
#undef USE_MHZ19 // Disable support for MH-Z19 CO2 sensor
#undef USE_SENSEAIR // Disable support for SenseAir K30, K70 and S8 CO2 sensor
#undef USE_PMS5003 // Disable support for PMS5003 and PMS7003 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_NOVA_SDS // Disable support for SDS011 and SDS021 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_SERIAL_BRIDGE // Disable support for software Serial Bridge
#undef USE_SDM120 // Disable support for Eastron SDM120-Modbus energy meter
#undef USE_SDM630 // Disable support for Eastron SDM630-Modbus energy meter
#undef USE_MP3_PLAYER // Disable DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player RB-DFR-562 commands: play, volume and stop
//#undef USE_TUYA_DIMMER // Disable support for Tuya Serial Dimmer
#undef USE_PZEM004T // Disable PZEM004T energy sensor
#undef USE_PZEM_AC // Disable PZEM014,016 Energy monitor
#undef USE_PZEM_DC // Disable PZEM003,017 Energy monitor
//#undef USE_MCP39F501 // Disable MCP39F501 Energy monitor as used in Shelly 2
#undef USE_IR_REMOTE // Disable IR driver
#undef USE_WS2812 // Disable WS2812 Led string
#undef USE_ARILUX_RF // Disable support for Arilux RF remote controller
#undef USE_SR04 // Disable support for for HC-SR04 ultrasonic devices
#undef USE_TM1638 // Disable support for TM1638 switches copying Switch1 .. Switch8
#undef USE_HX711 // Disable support for HX711 load cell
#undef USE_RF_FLASH // Disable support for flashing the EFM8BB1 chip on the Sonoff RF Bridge. C2CK must be connected to GPIO4, C2D to GPIO5 on the PCB
#undef USE_TX20_WIND_SENSOR // Disable support for La Crosse TX20 anemometer
#undef USE_RC_SWITCH // Disable support for RF transceiver using library RcSwitch
#undef DEBUG_THEO // Disable debug code
#undef USE_DEBUG_DRIVER // Disable debug code
#endif // USE_BASIC
* [sonoff-minimal.bin]
* Provide the smallest image possible while still enabling a webserver for intermediate image load
@ -216,9 +294,9 @@ void KNX_CB_Action(message_t const &msg, void *arg);
#undef USE_MQTT_TLS // Disable TLS support won't work as the MQTTHost is not set
#undef USE_KNX // Disable KNX IP Protocol Support
//#undef USE_WEBSERVER // Disable Webserver
#undef USE_EMULATION // Disable Wemo or Hue emulation
#undef USE_CUSTOM // Disable Custom features
#undef USE_DISCOVERY // Disable Discovery services for both MQTT and web server
#undef USE_EMULATION // Disable Wemo or Hue emulation
#undef USE_TIMERS // Disable support for up to 16 timers
#undef USE_TIMERS_WEB // Disable support for timer webpage
#undef USE_SUNRISE // Disable support for Sunrise and sunset tools
@ -234,10 +312,15 @@ void KNX_CB_Action(message_t const &msg, void *arg);
#undef USE_SENSEAIR // Disable support for SenseAir K30, K70 and S8 CO2 sensor
#undef USE_PMS5003 // Disable support for PMS5003 and PMS7003 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_NOVA_SDS // Disable support for SDS011 and SDS021 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_PZEM004T // Disable PZEM004T energy sensor
#undef USE_SERIAL_BRIDGE // Disable support for software Serial Bridge
#undef USE_SDM120 // Disable support for Eastron SDM120-Modbus energy meter
#undef USE_SDM630 // Disable support for Eastron SDM630-Modbus energy meter
#undef USE_MP3_PLAYER // Disable DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player RB-DFR-562 commands: play, volume and stop
#undef USE_TUYA_DIMMER // Disable support for Tuya Serial Dimmer
#undef USE_PZEM004T // Disable PZEM004T energy sensor
#undef USE_PZEM_AC // Disable PZEM014,016 Energy monitor
#undef USE_PZEM_DC // Disable PZEM003,017 Energy monitor
#undef USE_MCP39F501 // Disable MCP39F501 Energy monitor as used in Shelly 2
#undef USE_IR_REMOTE // Disable IR driver
#undef USE_WS2812 // Disable WS2812 Led string
#undef USE_ARILUX_RF // Disable support for Arilux RF remote controller
@ -245,8 +328,8 @@ void KNX_CB_Action(message_t const &msg, void *arg);
#undef USE_TM1638 // Disable support for TM1638 switches copying Switch1 .. Switch8
#undef USE_HX711 // Disable support for HX711 load cell
#undef USE_RF_FLASH // Disable support for flashing the EFM8BB1 chip on the Sonoff RF Bridge. C2CK must be connected to GPIO4, C2D to GPIO5 on the PCB
#undef USE_TUYA_DIMMER // Disable support for Tuya Serial Dimmer
#undef USE_TX20_WIND_SENSOR // Disable support for La Crosse TX20 anemometer
#undef USE_RC_SWITCH // Disable support for RF transceiver using library RcSwitch
#undef DEBUG_THEO // Disable debug code
#undef USE_DEBUG_DRIVER // Disable debug code
#endif // BE_MINIMAL
@ -131,6 +131,8 @@ enum UserSelectablePins {
GPIO_TX20_TXD_BLACK, // TX20 Transmission Pin
GPIO_RFSEND, // RF transmitter
GPIO_RFRECV, // RF receiver
GPIO_TUYA_TX, // Tuya Serial interface
GPIO_TUYA_RX, // Tuya Serial interface
// Programmer selectable GPIO functionality offset by user selectable GPIOs
@ -187,7 +189,8 @@ const char kSensorNames[] PROGMEM =
@ -371,7 +374,9 @@ const uint8_t kGpioNiceList[GPIO_SENSOR_END] PROGMEM = {
GPIO_SDM630_RX, // SDM630 Serial interface
GPIO_PMS5003, // Plantower PMS5003 Serial interface
GPIO_TX20_TXD_BLACK, // TX20 Transmission Pin
GPIO_MP3_DFR562 // RB-DFR-562, DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player Serial interface
GPIO_MP3_DFR562, // RB-DFR-562, DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player Serial interface
GPIO_TUYA_TX, // Tuya Serial interface
GPIO_TUYA_RX // Tuya Serial interface
const uint8_t kModuleNiceList[MAXMODULE] PROGMEM = {
@ -1150,9 +1155,9 @@ const mytmplt kModules[MAXMODULE] PROGMEM = {
{ "Tuya Dimmer", // Tuya Dimmer (ESP8266 w/ separate MCU dimmer)
// https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CTNSZZ8/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
GPIO_KEY1, // Virtual Button (controlled by MCU)
GPIO_TXD, // GPIO01 MCU serial control
GPIO_USER, // GPIO01 MCU serial control
GPIO_RXD, // GPIO03 MCU serial control
GPIO_USER, // GPIO03 MCU serial control
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Flash connection
@ -22,6 +22,11 @@
#define TUYA_DIMMER_ID 3
#define TUYA_BUFFER_SIZE 256
#include <TasmotaSerial.h>
TasmotaSerial *TuyaSerial = nullptr;
uint8_t tuya_new_dim = 0; // Tuya dimmer value temp
boolean tuya_ignore_dim = false; // Flag to skip serial send to prevent looping when processing inbound states from the faceplate interaction
@ -29,6 +34,9 @@ uint8_t tuya_cmd_status = 0; // Current status of serial-read
uint8_t tuya_cmd_checksum = 0; // Checksum of tuya command
uint8_t tuya_data_len = 0; // Data lenght of command
char tuya_buffer[TUYA_BUFFER_SIZE]; // Serial receive buffer
int tuya_byte_counter = 0; // Index in serial receive buffer
boolean TuyaSetPower()
boolean status = false;
@ -36,24 +44,24 @@ boolean TuyaSetPower()
uint8_t rpower = XdrvMailbox.index;
int16_t source = XdrvMailbox.payload;
if (source != SRC_SWITCH ) { // ignore to prevent loop from pushing state from faceplate interaction
if (source != SRC_SWITCH && TuyaSerial) { // ignore to prevent loop from pushing state from faceplate interaction
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("TYA: SetDevicePower.rpower=%d"), rpower);
Serial.write(0x55); // Tuya header 55AA
Serial.write(0x00); // version 00
Serial.write(0x06); // Tuya command 06
Serial.write(0x05); // following data length 0x05
Serial.write(0x01); // relay number 1,2,3
Serial.write(rpower); // status
Serial.write(0x0D + rpower); // checksum sum of all bytes in packet mod 256
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x55); // Tuya header 55AA
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x00); // version 00
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x06); // Tuya command 06
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x05); // following data length 0x05
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x01); // relay number 1,2,3
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)rpower); // status
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x0D + rpower); // checksum sum of all bytes in packet mod 256
status = true;
@ -62,26 +70,26 @@ boolean TuyaSetPower()
void LightSerialDuty(uint8_t duty)
if (duty > 0 && !tuya_ignore_dim ) {
if (duty > 0 && !tuya_ignore_dim && TuyaSerial) {
if (duty < 25) {
duty = 25; // dimming acts odd below 25(10%) - this mirrors the threshold set on the faceplate itself
Serial.write(0x55); // Tuya header 55AA
Serial.write(0x00); // version 00
Serial.write(0x06); // Tuya command 06 - send order
Serial.write(0x08); // following data length 0x08
Serial.write(Settings.param[P_TUYA_DIMMER_ID]); // dimmer id
Serial.write(0x02); // type=value
Serial.write(0x00); // length hi
Serial.write(0x04); // length low
Serial.write(0x00); //
Serial.write(0x00); //
Serial.write(0x00); //
Serial.write( duty ); // dim value (0-255)
Serial.write( byte(Settings.param[P_TUYA_DIMMER_ID] + 19 + duty) ); // checksum:sum of all bytes in packet mod 256
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x55); // Tuya header 55AA
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x00); // version 00
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x06); // Tuya command 06 - send order
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x08); // following data length 0x08
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)Settings.param[P_TUYA_DIMMER_ID]); // dimmer id
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x02); // type=value
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x00); // length hi
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x04); // length low
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x00); //
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x00); //
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x00); //
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t) duty ); // dim value (0-255)
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t) byte(Settings.param[P_TUYA_DIMMER_ID] + 19 + duty) ); // checksum:sum of all bytes in packet mod 256
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR( "TYA: Send Serial Packet Dim Value=%d (id=%d)"), duty, Settings.param[P_TUYA_DIMMER_ID]);
@ -99,27 +107,27 @@ void TuyaPacketProcess()
char scmnd[20];
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("TYA: Packet Size=%d"), serial_in_byte_counter);
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("TYA: Packet Size=%d"), tuya_byte_counter);
if (serial_in_byte_counter == 7 && serial_in_buffer[3] == 14 ) { // heartbeat packet
if (tuya_byte_counter == 7 && tuya_buffer[3] == 14 ) { // heartbeat packet
AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TYA: Heartbeat"));
else if (serial_in_byte_counter == 12 && serial_in_buffer[3] == 7 && serial_in_buffer[5] == 5) { // on/off packet
else if (tuya_byte_counter == 12 && tuya_buffer[3] == 7 && tuya_buffer[5] == 5) { // on/off packet
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data),PSTR("TYA: Rcvd - %s State"),serial_in_buffer[10]?"On":"Off");
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data),PSTR("TYA: Rcvd - %s State"),tuya_buffer[10]?"On":"Off");
if((power || Settings.light_dimmer > 0) && (power != serial_in_buffer[10])) {
ExecuteCommandPower(1, serial_in_buffer[10], SRC_SWITCH); // send SRC_SWITCH? to use as flag to prevent loop from inbound states from faceplate interaction
if((power || Settings.light_dimmer > 0) && (power != tuya_buffer[10])) {
ExecuteCommandPower(1, tuya_buffer[10], SRC_SWITCH); // send SRC_SWITCH? to use as flag to prevent loop from inbound states from faceplate interaction
else if (serial_in_byte_counter == 15 && serial_in_buffer[3] == 7 && serial_in_buffer[5] == 8) { // dim packet
else if (tuya_byte_counter == 15 && tuya_buffer[3] == 7 && tuya_buffer[5] == 8) { // dim packet
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("TYA: Rcvd Dim State=%d"), serial_in_buffer[13]);
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("TYA: Rcvd Dim State=%d"), tuya_buffer[13]);
tuya_new_dim = round(serial_in_buffer[13] * (100. / 255.));
tuya_new_dim = round(tuya_buffer[13] * (100. / 255.));
if((power) && (tuya_new_dim > 0) && (abs(tuya_new_dim - Settings.light_dimmer) > 2)) {
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("TYA: Send CMND_DIMMER=%d"), tuya_new_dim );
@ -134,7 +142,7 @@ void TuyaPacketProcess()
ExecuteCommand(scmnd, SRC_SWITCH);
else if (serial_in_byte_counter == 8 && serial_in_buffer[3] == 5 && serial_in_buffer[5] == 1 && serial_in_buffer[7] == 5 ) { // reset WiFi settings packet - to do: reset red MCU LED after WiFi is up
else if (tuya_byte_counter == 8 && tuya_buffer[3] == 5 && tuya_buffer[5] == 1 && tuya_buffer[7] == 5 ) { // reset WiFi settings packet - to do: reset red MCU LED after WiFi is up
AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TYA: WiFi Reset Rcvd"));
@ -145,16 +153,16 @@ void TuyaPacketProcess()
void TuyaSerialInput()
while (Serial.available()) {
while (TuyaSerial->available()) {
serial_in_byte = Serial.read();
byte serial_in_byte = TuyaSerial->read();
//snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("TYA: serial_in_byte %d, tuya_cmd_status %d, tuya_cmd_checksum %d, tuya_data_len %d, serial_in_byte_counter %d"), serial_in_byte, tuya_cmd_status, tuya_cmd_checksum, tuya_data_len, serial_in_byte_counter);
//snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("TYA: serial_in_byte %d, tuya_cmd_status %d, tuya_cmd_checksum %d, tuya_data_len %d, tuya_byte_counter %d"), serial_in_byte, tuya_cmd_status, tuya_cmd_checksum, tuya_data_len, tuya_byte_counter);
if (serial_in_byte == 0x55) { // Start TUYA Packet
tuya_cmd_status = 1;
serial_in_buffer[serial_in_byte_counter++] = serial_in_byte;
tuya_buffer[tuya_byte_counter++] = serial_in_byte;
tuya_cmd_checksum += serial_in_byte;
else if (tuya_cmd_status == 1 && serial_in_byte == 0xAA){ // Only packtes with header 0x55AA are valid
@ -162,40 +170,40 @@ void TuyaSerialInput()
AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TYA: 0x55AA Packet Start"));
serial_in_byte_counter = 0;
serial_in_buffer[serial_in_byte_counter++] = 0x55;
serial_in_buffer[serial_in_byte_counter++] = 0xAA;
tuya_byte_counter = 0;
tuya_buffer[tuya_byte_counter++] = 0x55;
tuya_buffer[tuya_byte_counter++] = 0xAA;
tuya_cmd_checksum = 0xFF;
else if (tuya_cmd_status == 2){
if(serial_in_byte_counter == 5){ // Get length of data
if(tuya_byte_counter == 5){ // Get length of data
tuya_cmd_status = 3;
tuya_data_len = serial_in_byte;
tuya_cmd_checksum += serial_in_byte;
serial_in_buffer[serial_in_byte_counter++] = serial_in_byte;
tuya_buffer[tuya_byte_counter++] = serial_in_byte;
else if ((tuya_cmd_status == 3) && (serial_in_byte_counter == (6 + tuya_data_len)) && (tuya_cmd_checksum == serial_in_byte)){ // Compare checksum and process packet
serial_in_buffer[serial_in_byte_counter++] = serial_in_byte;
else if ((tuya_cmd_status == 3) && (tuya_byte_counter == (6 + tuya_data_len)) && (tuya_cmd_checksum == serial_in_byte)){ // Compare checksum and process packet
tuya_buffer[tuya_byte_counter++] = serial_in_byte;
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("TYA: 0x55 Packet End: \""));
for (int i = 0; i < serial_in_byte_counter; i++) {
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("%s%02x"), log_data, serial_in_buffer[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < tuya_byte_counter; i++) {
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("%s%02x"), log_data, tuya_buffer[i]);
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("%s\""), log_data);
serial_in_byte_counter = 0;
tuya_byte_counter = 0;
tuya_cmd_status = 0;
tuya_cmd_checksum = 0;
tuya_data_len = 0;
} // read additional packets from TUYA
else if(serial_in_byte_counter < INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE -1) { // add char to string if it still fits
serial_in_buffer[serial_in_byte_counter++] = serial_in_byte;
else if(tuya_byte_counter < TUYA_BUFFER_SIZE -1) { // add char to string if it still fits
tuya_buffer[tuya_byte_counter++] = serial_in_byte;
tuya_cmd_checksum += serial_in_byte;
} else {
serial_in_byte_counter = 0;
tuya_byte_counter = 0;
tuya_cmd_status = 0;
tuya_cmd_checksum = 0;
tuya_data_len = 0;
@ -205,7 +213,10 @@ void TuyaSerialInput()
boolean TuyaModuleSelected()
baudrate = 9600;
if (!(pin[GPIO_TUYA_RX] < 99) || !(pin[GPIO_TUYA_TX] < 99)) { // fallback to hardware-serial if not explicitly selected
pin[GPIO_TUYA_RX] = 1;
pin[GPIO_TUYA_TX] = 3;
light_type = LT_SERIAL;
return true;
@ -215,20 +226,23 @@ void TuyaInit()
if (!Settings.param[P_TUYA_DIMMER_ID]) {
TuyaSerial = new TasmotaSerial(pin[GPIO_TUYA_RX], pin[GPIO_TUYA_TX], 1);
if (TuyaSerial->begin(9600)) {
if (TuyaSerial->hardwareSerial()) { ClaimSerial(); }
// Get current status of MCU
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), "TYA: Request MCU state");
Serial.write(0x55); // header 55AA
Serial.write(0x00); // version 00
Serial.write(0x08); // command 08 - get status
Serial.write(0x00); // following data length 0x00
Serial.write(0x07); // checksum:sum of all bytes in packet mod 256
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x55); // header 55AA
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x00); // version 00
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x08); // command 08 - get status
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x00); // following data length 0x00
TuyaSerial->write((uint8_t)0x07); // checksum:sum of all bytes in packet mod 256
boolean TuyaButtonPressed()
@ -266,7 +280,7 @@ boolean Xdrv16(byte function)
if (TuyaSerial) { TuyaSerialInput(); }
result = TuyaSetPower();
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
* RF send and receive using RCSwitch library
* RF send and receive using RCSwitch library https://github.com/sui77/rc-switch/
#define D_JSON_RF_PROTOCOL "Protocol"
@ -34,39 +34,38 @@
RCSwitch mySwitch = RCSwitch();
#define RF_TIME_AVOID_DUPLICATE 500 // Milliseconds
#define RF_TIME_AVOID_DUPLICATE 1000 // Milliseconds
unsigned long rf_lasttime = 0;
uint32_t rf_lasttime = 0;
void RfReceiveCheck()
if (mySwitch.available()) {
unsigned long value = mySwitch.getReceivedValue();
unsigned int bit_length = mySwitch.getReceivedBitlength();
unsigned int delay = mySwitch.getReceivedDelay();
unsigned int protocol = mySwitch.getReceivedProtocol();
unsigned long data = mySwitch.getReceivedValue();
unsigned int bits = mySwitch.getReceivedBitlength();
int protocol = mySwitch.getReceivedProtocol();
int delay = mySwitch.getReceivedDelay();
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("RFR: BitLen %d, Delay %d, Protocol %d, Value %lX (%u)"),
bit_length, delay, protocol, value, value);
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR("RFR: Data %lX (%u), Bits %d, Protocol %d, Delay %d"), data, data, bits, protocol, delay);
unsigned long now = millis();
if ((now - rf_lasttime > RF_TIME_AVOID_DUPLICATE) && (value > 0)) {
uint32_t now = millis();
if ((now - rf_lasttime > RF_TIME_AVOID_DUPLICATE) && (data > 0)) {
rf_lasttime = now;
char stemp[16];
if (Settings.flag.rf_receive_decimal) {
snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("%u"), (uint32_t)value);
if (Settings.flag.rf_receive_decimal) { // SetOption28 (0 = hexadecimal, 1 = decimal)
snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("%u"), (uint32_t)data);
} else {
snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("\"%lX\""), (uint32_t)value);
snprintf_P(stemp, sizeof(stemp), PSTR("\"%lX\""), (uint32_t)data);
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_RFRECEIVED "\":{\"" D_JSON_RF_PROTOCOL "\":%d,\"" D_JSON_RF_BITS "\":%d,\"" D_JSON_RF_DATA "\":%s}}"),
protocol, bit_length, stemp);
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_RFRECEIVED "\":{\"" D_JSON_RF_DATA "\":%s,\"" D_JSON_RF_BITS "\":%d,\"" D_JSON_RF_PROTOCOL "\":%d}}"),
stemp, bits, protocol);
DomoticzSensor(DZ_COUNT, value); // Send value as Domoticz Counter value
DomoticzSensor(DZ_COUNT, data); // Send data as Domoticz Counter value
#endif // USE_DOMOTICZ
@ -87,42 +86,54 @@ void RfInit()
* Commands
* ArduinoJSON entry used to calculate jsonBuf: JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(3) + 40 = 96
{ "protocol":1, "pulse":320, "repeat":15, "bits":24, "data":551502015 }
boolean RfSendCommand()
boolean serviced = true;
boolean error = false;
char dataBufUc[XdrvMailbox.data_len];
uint32_t protocol = 0;
uint32_t pulse = 0;
uint32_t repeat = 0;
uint32_t bits = 0;
uint32_t data = 0;
UpperCase(dataBufUc, XdrvMailbox.data);
if (!strcasecmp_P(XdrvMailbox.topic, PSTR(D_CMND_RFSEND))) {
if (XdrvMailbox.data_len) {
StaticJsonBuffer<128> jsonBuf;
JsonObject &root = jsonBuf.parseObject(dataBufUc);
if (!root.success()) {
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"" D_CMND_RFSEND "\":\"" D_JSON_INVALID_JSON "\"}")); // JSON decode failed
else {
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"" D_CMND_RFSEND "\":\"" D_JSON_DONE "\"}"));
unsigned long data = 0;
unsigned int bits = 24;
int protocol = 1;
int repeat = 10;
int pulse = 350;
char dataBufUc[XdrvMailbox.data_len];
UpperCase(dataBufUc, XdrvMailbox.data);
StaticJsonBuffer<150> jsonBuf; // ArduinoJSON entry used to calculate jsonBuf: JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(5) + 40 = 134
JsonObject &root = jsonBuf.parseObject(dataBufUc);
if (root.success()) {
// RFsend {"data":0x501014,"bits":24,"protocol":1,"repeat":10,"pulse":350}
char parm_uc[10];
protocol = root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_RF_PROTOCOL))];
pulse = root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_RF_PULSE))];
repeat = root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_RF_REPEAT))];
data = strtoul(root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_RF_DATA))], NULL, 0); // Allow decimal (5246996) and hexadecimal (0x501014) input
bits = root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_RF_BITS))];
data = strtoul(root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_RF_DATA))], NULL, 0);
protocol = root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_RF_PROTOCOL))];
repeat = root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_RF_REPEAT))];
pulse = root[UpperCase_P(parm_uc, PSTR(D_JSON_RF_PULSE))];
} else {
// RFsend data, bits, protocol, repeat, pulse
char *p;
byte i = 0;
for (char *str = strtok_r(XdrvMailbox.data, ", ", &p); str && i < 5; str = strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &p)) {
switch (i++) {
case 0:
data = strtoul(str, NULL, 0); // Allow decimal (5246996) and hexadecimal (0x501014) input
case 1:
bits = atoi(str);
case 2:
protocol = atoi(str);
case 3:
repeat = atoi(str);
case 4:
pulse = atoi(str);
if (!protocol) { protocol = 1; }
@ -133,17 +144,15 @@ boolean RfSendCommand()
if (!bits) { bits = 24; } // Default 24 bits
if (data) {
mySwitch.send(data, bits);
else {
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"" D_CMND_RFSEND "\":\"" D_JSON_DONE "\"}"));
} else {
error = true;
else {
} else {
error = true;
if (error) {
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"" D_CMND_RFSEND "\":\"" D_JSON_NO " " D_JSON_RF_PROTOCOL ", " D_JSON_RF_PULSE ", " D_JSON_RF_REPEAT ", " D_JSON_RF_BITS " " D_JSON_OR " " D_JSON_RF_DATA "\"}"));
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"" D_CMND_RFSEND "\":\"" D_JSON_NO " " D_JSON_RF_DATA ", " D_JSON_RF_BITS ", " D_JSON_RF_PROTOCOL ", " D_JSON_RF_REPEAT " " D_JSON_OR " " D_JSON_RF_PULSE "\"}"));
else serviced = false; // Unknown command
@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
<h1 id="decode-config-py">decode-config.py</h1>
<p><em>decode-config.py</em> backup and restore Sonoff-Tasmota configuration.</p>
<p>Comparing backup files created by <em>decode-config.py</em> and *.dmp files created by Tasmota "Backup/Restore Configuration": </p>
<th> </th>
<th style="text-align:center">decode-config.py<br />*.json file</th>
<th style="text-align:center">Sonoff-Tasmota<br />*.dmp file</th>
<td style="text-align:center">No</td>
<td style="text-align:center">Yes</td>
<td style="text-align:center">Yes</td>
<td style="text-align:center">No</td>
<td>Simply editable</td>
<td style="text-align:center">Yes</td>
<td style="text-align:center">No</td>
<td>Simply batch processing</td>
<td style="text-align:center">Yes</td>
<td style="text-align:center">No</td>
<p><em>decode-config.py</em> handles Tasmota configurations for release version since 5.10.0 up to now.</p>
<h1 id="content">Content</h1>
<li><a href="decode-config.html#prerequisite">Prerequisite</a></li>
<li><a href="decode-config.html#file-types">File Types</a><ul>
<li><a href="decode-config.html#-dmp-file-format">.dmp File Format</a></li>
<li><a href="decode-config.html#-json-file-format">.json File Format</a></li>
<li><a href="decode-config.html#-bin-file-format">.bin File Format</a><ul>
<li><a href="decode-config.html#file-extensions">File extensions</a></li>
<li><a href="decode-config.html#usage">Usage</a><ul>
<li><a href="decode-config.html#basics">Basics</a></li>
<li><a href="decode-config.html#save-backup-file">Save backup file</a></li>
<li><a href="decode-config.html#restore-backup-file">Restore backup file</a></li>
<li><a href="decode-config.html#configuration-file">Configuration file</a></li>
<li><a href="decode-config.html#more-program-arguments">More program arguments</a></li>
<li><a href="decode-config.html#examples">Examples</a><ul>
<li><a href="decode-config.html#config-file">Config file</a></li>
<li><a href="decode-config.html#using-tasmota-binary-configuration-files">Using Tasmota binary configuration files</a></li>
<li><a href="decode-config.html#use-batch-processing">Use batch processing</a></li>
<h2 id="prerequisite">Prerequisite</h2>
<li><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_(programming_language">Python</a>)<br>This program is written in <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_(programming_language">Python</a>) so you need to install a python environment (for details see <a href="https://docs.python.org/2.7/using/index.html">Python Setup and Usage</a>)</li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota">Sonoff-Tasmota</a> <a href="https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/releases">Firmware</a> with enabled Web-Server<br>To backup or restore configurations from/to a Sonoff-Tasmota device you need a firmare with enabled web-server in admin mode (command <a href="https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/Commands#wifi">WebServer 2</a>).
<br />Only self compiled firmware may do not have a web-server sod if you use your own compiled firmware be aware to enable the web-server, otherwise you can only use the <code>--file</code> parameter as source.</li>
<h2 id="file-types">File Types</h2>
<p><em>decode-config.py</em> can handle the following backup file types: </p>
<h3 id="-dmp-format">.dmp Format</h3>
<p>Configuration data as used by Tasmota "Backup/Restore Configuration" web interface.<br>This format is binary and encrypted.</p>
<h3 id="-json-format">.json Format</h3>
<p>Configuration data in <a href="http://www.json.org/">JSON</a>-format.<br>This format is decrypted, human readable and editable and can also be used for the <code>--restore-file</code> command.<br>This file will becreated by <em>decode-config.py</em> using <code>--backup-file</code> with <code>--backup-type json</code> parameter (default).</p>
<h3 id="-bin-format">.bin Format</h3>
<p>Configuration data in binary format.<br>This format is binary decryptet, editable (e.g. using a hex editor) and can also be used for <code>--restore-file</code> command.<br>It will be created by <em>decode-config.py</em> using <code>--backup-file</code> with <code>--backup-type bin</code>.<br>Note:<br>This file is 4 byte longer than an original .dmp file due to an prefix header at the beginning. The file data starting at address position 4 are containing the same as the <strong>struct SYSCFG</strong> from Tasmota <a href="https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/blob/master/sonoff/settings.h">settings.h</a> in decrypted format.</p>
<h4 id="file-extensions">File extensions</h4>
<p><em>decode-config.py</em> uses auto extension as default for backup filenames; you don't need to append extensions to your backup file, it will be selected based on <code>--backup-type</code> argument.<br>If you want using your own extension use the <code>--no-extension</code> argument.</p>
<h2 id="usage">Usage</h2>
<p>After download don't forget to set exec flag under linux with <code>chmod +x decode-config.py</code> or call the program using <code>python decode-config.py...</code>.</p>
<h3 id="basics">Basics</h3>
<p>At least pass a source where you want to read the configuration data from using <code>-f <filename></code> or <code>-d <host></code>:</p>
<p>The source can be either </p>
<li>a Tasmota device hostname or IP by passing it using the <code>-d <host></code> arg</li>
<li>or a previously stored Tasmota *.dmp<code>configuration file by passing the filename using</code>-f <filename>` arg</li>
<p>Example: </p>
<pre><code>decode-config<span class="hljs-selector-class">.py</span> -d sonoff-<span class="hljs-number">4281</span>
</code></pre><p>will output a human readable configuration in <a href="http://www.json.org/">JSON</a>-format:</p>
<span class="hljs-string">"altitude"</span>: <span class="hljs-number">112</span>,
<span class="hljs-string">"baudrate"</span>: <span class="hljs-number">115200</span>,
<span class="hljs-string">"blinkcount"</span>: <span class="hljs-number">10</span>,
<span class="hljs-string">"blinktime"</span>: <span class="hljs-number">10</span>,
<span class="hljs-string">"ws_width"</span>: [
<span class="hljs-number">1</span>,
<span class="hljs-number">3</span>,
<span class="hljs-number">5</span>
</code></pre><h3 id="save-backup-file">Save backup file</h3>
<p>To save the output as backup file <code>--backup-file <filename></code>, you can use placeholder for Version, Friendlyname and Hostname: </p>
<pre><code><span class="hljs-selector-tag">decode-config</span><span class="hljs-selector-class">.py</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">-d</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">sonoff-4281</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">--backup-file</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">Config_</span>@<span class="hljs-keyword">f_</span>@<span class="hljs-keyword">v</span>
</code></pre><p>If you have setup a WebPassword within Tasmota, use</p>
<pre><code>decode-config<span class="hljs-selector-class">.py</span> -d sonoff-<span class="hljs-number">4281</span> -<span class="hljs-selector-tag">p</span> <yourpassword> --backup-file Config_@f_@v
</code></pre><p>will create a file like <code>Config_Sonoff_x.x.x.json</code>. Because it is in JSON format, you can read and edit the file with any raw text editor.</p>
<h3 id="restore-backup-file">Restore backup file</h3>
<p>Reading back a saved (and possible changed) backup file use the <code>--restore-file <filename></code> arg. This will read the (changed) configuration data from this file and send it back to the source device or filename.</p>
<p>To restore the previously save backup file <code>Config_Sonoff_6.2.1.json</code> to device <code>sonoff-4281</code> use: </p>
<pre><code><span class="hljs-selector-tag">decode-config</span><span class="hljs-selector-class">.py</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">-d</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">sonoff-4281</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">--restore-file</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">Config_Sonoff_6</span><span class="hljs-selector-class">.2</span><span class="hljs-selector-class">.1</span><span class="hljs-selector-class">.json</span>
</code></pre><p>with password set by WebPassword:</p>
<pre><code><span class="hljs-selector-tag">decode-config</span><span class="hljs-selector-class">.py</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">-d</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">sonoff-4281</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">-p</span> <<span class="hljs-selector-tag">yourpassword</span>> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">--restore-file</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">Config_Sonoff_6</span><span class="hljs-selector-class">.2</span><span class="hljs-selector-class">.1</span><span class="hljs-selector-class">.json</span>
</code></pre><h3 id="configuration-file">Configuration file</h3>
<p>Each argument that start with <code>--</code> (eg. <code>--file</code>) can also be set in a config file (specified via -c). Config file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see syntax at <a href="https://pypi.org/project/ConfigArgParse/">https://pypi.org/project/ConfigArgParse</a>).</p>
<p>If an argument is specified in more than one place, then commandline values override config file values which override defaults. This is usefull if you always use the same argument or a basic set of arguments.</p>
<p>The http authentication credentials <code>--username</code> and <code>--password</code> is predestinated to store it in a file instead using it on your command line as argument:</p>
<p>e.g. my.conf:</p>
<pre><code><span class="hljs-section">[source]</span>
<span class="hljs-attr">username</span> = admin
<span class="hljs-attr">password</span> = myPaszxwo!z
</code></pre><p>To make a backup file from example above you can now pass the config file instead using the password on command line:</p>
<pre><code><span class="hljs-selector-tag">decode-config</span><span class="hljs-selector-class">.py</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">-d</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">sonoff-4281</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">-c</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">my</span><span class="hljs-selector-class">.conf</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">--backup-file</span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag">Config_</span>@<span class="hljs-keyword">f_</span>@<span class="hljs-keyword">v</span>
</code></pre><h3 id="more-program-arguments">More program arguments</h3>
<p>For better reading your porgram arguments each short written arg (minus sign <code>-</code>) has a corresponding readable long version (two minus signs <code>--</code>), eg. <code>--device</code> for <code>-d</code> or <code>--file</code> for <code>-f</code> (note: not even all <code>--</code> arg has a corresponding <code>-</code> one).</p>
<p>A short list of possible program args is displayed using <code>-h</code> or <code>--help</code>.</p>
<p>For advanced help use <code>-H</code> or <code>--full-help</code>:</p>
<pre><code>usage: decode-config.py [-f <filename>] [-d <host>] [-P <<span class="hljs-keyword">port</span>>]
[-u <username>] [-p <password>] [-i <filename>]
[-o <filename>] [-F json|bin|dmp] [-E] [-e]
[<span class="hljs-comment">--json-indent <indent>] [--json-compact]</span>
[<span class="hljs-comment">--json-hide-pw] [--json-unhide-pw] [-h] [-H] [-v]</span>
[-V] [-c <filename>] [<span class="hljs-comment">--ignore-warnings]</span>
Backup/Restore Sonoff-Tasmota <span class="hljs-keyword">configuration</span> data. Args that start <span class="hljs-keyword">with</span> '<span class="hljs-comment">--'</span>
(eg. -f) can also be set <span class="hljs-keyword">in</span> a config <span class="hljs-keyword">file</span> (specified via -c). Config <span class="hljs-keyword">file</span>
syntax allows: key=value, flag=<span class="hljs-literal">true</span>, stuff=[a,b,c] (<span class="hljs-keyword">for</span> details, see syntax at
https://goo.gl/R74nmi). <span class="hljs-keyword">If</span> an arg <span class="hljs-keyword">is</span> specified <span class="hljs-keyword">in</span> more than one place, <span class="hljs-keyword">then</span>
commandline values override config <span class="hljs-keyword">file</span> values which override defaults.
optional arguments:
-c, <span class="hljs-comment">--config <filename></span>
program config <span class="hljs-keyword">file</span> - can be used <span class="hljs-keyword">to</span> set <span class="hljs-keyword">default</span>
command args (<span class="hljs-keyword">default</span>: None)
<span class="hljs-comment">--ignore-warnings do not exit on warnings. Not recommended, used by your</span>
own responsibility!
Read/Write Tasmota <span class="hljs-keyword">configuration</span> from/<span class="hljs-keyword">to</span>
-f, <span class="hljs-comment">--file, --tasmota-file <filename></span>
<span class="hljs-keyword">file</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">to</span> retrieve/write Tasmota <span class="hljs-keyword">configuration</span> from/<span class="hljs-keyword">to</span>
(<span class="hljs-keyword">default</span>: None)'
-d, <span class="hljs-comment">--device, --host <host></span>
hostname <span class="hljs-keyword">or</span> IP address <span class="hljs-keyword">to</span> retrieve/send Tasmota
<span class="hljs-keyword">configuration</span> from/<span class="hljs-keyword">to</span> (<span class="hljs-keyword">default</span>: None)
-P, <span class="hljs-comment">--port <port> TCP/IP port number to use for the host connection</span>
(<span class="hljs-keyword">default</span>: <span class="hljs-number">80</span>)
-u, <span class="hljs-comment">--username <username></span>
host HTTP <span class="hljs-keyword">access</span> username (<span class="hljs-keyword">default</span>: admin)
-p, <span class="hljs-comment">--password <password></span>
host HTTP <span class="hljs-keyword">access</span> password (<span class="hljs-keyword">default</span>: None)
Backup/Restore <span class="hljs-keyword">configuration</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">file</span> specification
-i, <span class="hljs-comment">--restore-file <filename></span>
<span class="hljs-keyword">file</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">to</span> restore <span class="hljs-keyword">configuration</span> from (<span class="hljs-keyword">default</span>: None).
Replacements: @v=firmware version, @f=device friendly
name, @h=device hostname
-o, <span class="hljs-comment">--backup-file <filename></span>
<span class="hljs-keyword">file</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">to</span> backup <span class="hljs-keyword">configuration</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">to</span> (<span class="hljs-keyword">default</span>: None).
Replacements: @v=firmware version, @f=device friendly
name, @h=device hostname
-F, <span class="hljs-comment">--backup-type json|bin|dmp</span>
backup filetype (<span class="hljs-keyword">default</span>: <span class="hljs-symbol">'json</span>')
-E, <span class="hljs-comment">--extension append filetype extension for -i and -o filename</span>
(<span class="hljs-keyword">default</span>)
-e, <span class="hljs-comment">--no-extension do not append filetype extension, use -i and -o</span>
filename as passed
JSON backup format specification
<span class="hljs-comment">--json-indent <indent></span>
pretty-printed JSON output using indent level
(<span class="hljs-keyword">default</span>: <span class="hljs-symbol">'None</span>'). -<span class="hljs-number">1</span> disables indent.
<span class="hljs-comment">--json-compact compact JSON output by eliminate whitespace</span>
<span class="hljs-comment">--json-hide-pw hide passwords (default)</span>
<span class="hljs-comment">--json-unhide-pw unhide passwords</span>
additional information
-h, <span class="hljs-comment">--help show usage help message and exit</span>
-H, <span class="hljs-comment">--full-help show full help message and exit</span>
-v, <span class="hljs-comment">--verbose produce more output about what the program does</span>
-V, <span class="hljs-comment">--version show program's version number and exit</span>
Either argument -d <host> <span class="hljs-keyword">or</span> -f <filename> must be given.
</code></pre><h3 id="examples">Examples</h3>
<p>The most of the examples are for linux command line. Under Windows call the program using <code>python decode-config.py ...</code>.</p>
<h4 id="config-file">Config file</h4>
<p>Note: The example contains .ini style sections <code>[...]</code>. Sections are always treated as comment and serves as clarity only.
For further details of config file syntax see <a href="https://pypi.org/project/ConfigArgParse/">https://pypi.org/project/ConfigArgParse</a>.</p>
<pre><code><span class="hljs-string">[Source]</span>
username = admin
password = myPaszxwo!z
<span class="hljs-string">[JSON]</span>
json-indent <span class="hljs-number">2</span>
</code></pre><h4 id="using-tasmota-binary-configuration-files">Using Tasmota binary configuration files</h4>
<li><p>Restore a Tasmota configuration file</p>
<p> <code>decode-config.py -c my.conf -d sonoff --restore-file Config_Sonoff_6.2.1.dmp</code></p>
<li><p>Backup device using Tasmota configuration compatible format</p>
<p>a) use file extension to choice the file format</p>
<p> <code>decode-config.py -c my.conf -d sonoff --backup-file Config_@f_@v.dmp</code></p>
<p>b) use args to choice the file format</p>
<p> <code>decode-config.py -c my.conf -d sonoff --backup-type dmp --backup-file Config_@f_@v</code></p>
<h4 id="use-batch-processing">Use batch processing</h4>
<pre><code><span class="hljs-keyword">for</span> device <span class="hljs-keyword">in</span> sonoff1 sonoff2 sonoff3; <span class="hljs-keyword">do</span> ./decode-config.py -c my.conf -d <span class="hljs-variable">$device</span> -o Config<span class="hljs-number">_</span><span class="hljs-variable">@f_</span><span class="hljs-variable">@v</span>
</code></pre><p>or under windows</p>
<pre><code><span class="hljs-keyword">for</span> device <span class="hljs-keyword">in</span> (sonoff1 sonoff2 sonoff3) <span class="hljs-keyword">do</span> <span class="hljs-keyword">python</span> decode-config.py -c my.conf -d %device -o Config_@f_@v
</code></pre><p>will produce JSON configuration files for host sonoff1, sonoff2 and sonoff3 using friendly name and Tasmota firmware version for backup filenames.</p>
@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
# decode-config.py
_decode-config.py_ backup and restore Sonoff-Tasmota configuration.
Comparing backup files created by *decode-config.py* and *.dmp files created by Tasmota "Backup/Restore Configuration":
| | decode-config.py<br />*.json file | Sonoff-Tasmota<br />*.dmp file |
| Encrypted | No | Yes |
| Readable | Yes | No |
| Simply editable | Yes | No |
| Simply batch processing | Yes | No |
_decode-config.py_ handles Tasmota configurations for release version since 5.10.0 up to now.
# Content
* [Prerequisite](decode-config.md#prerequisite)
* [File Types](decode-config.md#file-types)
* [.dmp File Format](decode-config.md#-dmp-file-format)
* [.json File Format](decode-config.md#-json-file-format)
* [.bin File Format](decode-config.md#-bin-file-format)
* [File extensions](decode-config.md#file-extensions)
* [Usage](decode-config.md#usage)
* [Basics](decode-config.md#basics)
* [Save backup file](decode-config.md#save-backup-file)
* [Restore backup file](decode-config.md#restore-backup-file)
* [Configuration file](decode-config.md#configuration-file)
* [More program arguments](decode-config.md#more-program-arguments)
* [Examples](decode-config.md#examples)
* [Config file](decode-config.md#config-file)
* [Using Tasmota binary configuration files](decode-config.md#using-tasmota-binary-configuration-files)
* [Use batch processing](decode-config.md#use-batch-processing)
## Prerequisite
* [Python](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_(programming_language))
This program is written in [Python](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_(programming_language)) so you need to install a python environment (for details see [Python Setup and Usage](https://docs.python.org/2.7/using/index.html))
* [Sonoff-Tasmota](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota) [Firmware](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/releases) with enabled Web-Server
To backup or restore configurations from/to a Sonoff-Tasmota device you need a firmare with enabled web-server in admin mode (command [WebServer 2](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/Commands#wifi)).
<br />Only self compiled firmware may do not have a web-server sod if you use your own compiled firmware be aware to enable the web-server, otherwise you can only use the `--file` parameter as source.
## File Types
_decode-config.py_ can handle the following backup file types:
### .dmp Format
Configuration data as used by Tasmota "Backup/Restore Configuration" web interface.
This format is binary and encrypted.
### .json Format
Configuration data in [JSON](http://www.json.org/)-format.
This format is decrypted, human readable and editable and can also be used for the `--restore-file` command.
This file will becreated by _decode-config.py_ using `--backup-file` with `--backup-type json` parameter (default).
### .bin Format
Configuration data in binary format.
This format is binary decryptet, editable (e.g. using a hex editor) and can also be used for `--restore-file` command.
It will be created by _decode-config.py_ using `--backup-file` with `--backup-type bin`.
This file is 4 byte longer than an original .dmp file due to an prefix header at the beginning. The file data starting at address position 4 are containing the same as the **struct SYSCFG** from Tasmota [settings.h](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/blob/master/sonoff/settings.h) in decrypted format.
#### File extensions
_decode-config.py_ uses auto extension as default for backup filenames; you don't need to append extensions to your backup file, it will be selected based on `--backup-type` argument.
If you want using your own extension use the `--no-extension` argument.
## Usage
After download don't forget to set exec flag under linux with `chmod +x decode-config.py` or call the program using `python decode-config.py...`.
### Basics
At least pass a source where you want to read the configuration data from using `-f <filename>` or `-d <host>`:
The source can be either
* a Tasmota device hostname or IP by passing it using the `-d <host>` arg
* or a previously stored Tasmota *.dmp` configuration file by passing the filename using `-f <filename>` arg
decode-config.py -d sonoff-4281
will output a human readable configuration in [JSON](http://www.json.org/)-format:
"altitude": 112,
"baudrate": 115200,
"blinkcount": 10,
"blinktime": 10,
"ws_width": [
### Save backup file
To save the output as backup file `--backup-file <filename>`, you can use placeholder for Version, Friendlyname and Hostname:
decode-config.py -d sonoff-4281 --backup-file Config_@f_@v
If you have setup a WebPassword within Tasmota, use
decode-config.py -d sonoff-4281 -p <yourpassword> --backup-file Config_@f_@v
will create a file like `Config_Sonoff_x.x.x.json`. Because it is in JSON format, you can read and edit the file with any raw text editor.
### Restore backup file
Reading back a saved (and possible changed) backup file use the `--restore-file <filename>` arg. This will read the (changed) configuration data from this file and send it back to the source device or filename.
To restore the previously save backup file `Config_Sonoff_6.2.1.json` to device `sonoff-4281` use:
decode-config.py -d sonoff-4281 --restore-file Config_Sonoff_6.2.1.json
with password set by WebPassword:
decode-config.py -d sonoff-4281 -p <yourpassword> --restore-file Config_Sonoff_6.2.1.json
### Configuration file
Each argument that start with `--` (eg. `--file`) can also be set in a config file (specified via -c). Config file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see syntax at [https://pypi.org/project/ConfigArgParse](https://pypi.org/project/ConfigArgParse/)).
If an argument is specified in more than one place, then commandline values override config file values which override defaults. This is usefull if you always use the same argument or a basic set of arguments.
The http authentication credentials `--username` and `--password` is predestinated to store it in a file instead using it on your command line as argument:
e.g. my.conf:
username = admin
password = myPaszxwo!z
To make a backup file from example above you can now pass the config file instead using the password on command line:
decode-config.py -d sonoff-4281 -c my.conf --backup-file Config_@f_@v
### More program arguments
For better reading your porgram arguments each short written arg (minus sign `-`) has a corresponding readable long version (two minus signs `--`), eg. `--device` for `-d` or `--file` for `-f` (note: not even all `--` arg has a corresponding `-` one).
A short list of possible program args is displayed using `-h` or `--help`.
For advanced help use `-H` or `--full-help`:
usage: decode-config.py [-f <filename>] [-d <host>] [-P <port>]
[-u <username>] [-p <password>] [-i <filename>]
[-o <filename>] [-F json|bin|dmp] [-E] [-e]
[--json-indent <indent>] [--json-compact]
[--json-hide-pw] [--json-unhide-pw] [-h] [-H] [-v]
[-V] [-c <filename>] [--ignore-warnings]
Backup/Restore Sonoff-Tasmota configuration data. Args that start with '--'
(eg. -f) can also be set in a config file (specified via -c). Config file
syntax allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see syntax at
https://goo.gl/R74nmi). If an arg is specified in more than one place, then
commandline values override config file values which override defaults.
optional arguments:
-c, --config <filename>
program config file - can be used to set default
command args (default: None)
--ignore-warnings do not exit on warnings. Not recommended, used by your
own responsibility!
Read/Write Tasmota configuration from/to
-f, --file, --tasmota-file <filename>
file to retrieve/write Tasmota configuration from/to
(default: None)'
-d, --device, --host <host>
hostname or IP address to retrieve/send Tasmota
configuration from/to (default: None)
-P, --port <port> TCP/IP port number to use for the host connection
(default: 80)
-u, --username <username>
host HTTP access username (default: admin)
-p, --password <password>
host HTTP access password (default: None)
Backup/Restore configuration file specification
-i, --restore-file <filename>
file to restore configuration from (default: None).
Replacements: @v=firmware version, @f=device friendly
name, @h=device hostname
-o, --backup-file <filename>
file to backup configuration to (default: None).
Replacements: @v=firmware version, @f=device friendly
name, @h=device hostname
-F, --backup-type json|bin|dmp
backup filetype (default: 'json')
-E, --extension append filetype extension for -i and -o filename
-e, --no-extension do not append filetype extension, use -i and -o
filename as passed
JSON backup format specification
--json-indent <indent>
pretty-printed JSON output using indent level
(default: 'None'). -1 disables indent.
--json-compact compact JSON output by eliminate whitespace
--json-hide-pw hide passwords (default)
--json-unhide-pw unhide passwords
additional information
-h, --help show usage help message and exit
-H, --full-help show full help message and exit
-v, --verbose produce more output about what the program does
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
Either argument -d <host> or -f <filename> must be given.
### Examples
The most of the examples are for linux command line. Under Windows call the program using `python decode-config.py ...`.
#### Config file
Note: The example contains .ini style sections `[...]`. Sections are always treated as comment and serves as clarity only.
For further details of config file syntax see [https://pypi.org/project/ConfigArgParse](https://pypi.org/project/ConfigArgParse/).
username = admin
password = myPaszxwo!z
json-indent 2
#### Using Tasmota binary configuration files
1. Restore a Tasmota configuration file
`decode-config.py -c my.conf -d sonoff --restore-file Config_Sonoff_6.2.1.dmp`
2. Backup device using Tasmota configuration compatible format
a) use file extension to choice the file format
`decode-config.py -c my.conf -d sonoff --backup-file Config_@f_@v.dmp`
b) use args to choice the file format
`decode-config.py -c my.conf -d sonoff --backup-type dmp --backup-file Config_@f_@v`
#### Use batch processing
for device in sonoff1 sonoff2 sonoff3; do ./decode-config.py -c my.conf -d $device -o Config_@f_@v
or under windows
for device in (sonoff1 sonoff2 sonoff3) do python decode-config.py -c my.conf -d %device -o Config_@f_@v
will produce JSON configuration files for host sonoff1, sonoff2 and sonoff3 using friendly name and Tasmota firmware version for backup filenames.
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Load Diff
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Reference in New Issue