mirror of https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota.git
add codec wm8960
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"name": "WM8960",
"description": "Audio codec",
"keywords": "ESP8266, ESP32, MP3, AAC, WAV, MOD, FLAC, RTTTL, MIDI, I2S, DAC, Delta-Sigma, TTS",
"version": "1.0.0",
"frameworks": "Arduino"
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
sentence=Audio codec for ESP32
category=Signal Output
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
#ifdef ESP32
#include <Wire.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "wm8960.h"
static TwoWire *ws8960wire;
void W8960_Write(uint8_t reg_addr, uint16_t data) {
reg_addr <<= 1;
reg_addr |= ((data >> 8) & 1);
data &= 0xff;
void W8960_Init(TwoWire *tw) {
ws8960wire = tw;
// reset
W8960_Write(0x0f, 0x0000);
// enable dac and adc
W8960_Write(0x19, (1<<8)|(1<<7)|(1<<6)|(1<<5)|(1<<4)|(1<<3)|(1<<2)|(1<<1));
// left speaker not used
W8960_Write(0x1A, (1<<8)|(1<<7)|(1<<6)|(1<<5)|(1<<4)|(1<<3));
W8960_Write(0x2F, (1<<5)|(1<<4)|(1<<3)|(1<<2));
// Configure clock
W8960_Write(0x04, 0x0000);
// Configure ADC/DAC
W8960_Write(0x05, 0x0000);
// Configure audio interface
// I2S format 16 bits word length
//W8960_Write(0x07 0x0002)
W8960_Write(0x07, 0x0022);
// Configure HP_L and HP_R OUTPUTS
W8960_Write(0x02, 0x017f);
W8960_Write(0x03, 0x017f);
// Configure SPK_RP and SPK_RN
W8960_Write(0x28, 0x0177);
W8960_Write(0x29, 0x0177);
// Enable the OUTPUTS, only right speaker is wired
W8960_Write(0x31, 0x0080);
// Configure DAC volume
W8960_Write(0x0a, 0x01FF);
W8960_Write(0x0b, 0x01FF);
// Configure MIXER
W8960_Write(0x22, (1<<8)|(1<<7));
W8960_Write(0x25, (1<<8)|(1<<7));
// Jack Detect
//W8960_Write(0x18, (1<<6)|(0<<5));
//W8960_Write(0x17, 0x01C3);
//W8960_Write(0x30, 0x0009);
// input volume
W8960_Write(0x00, 0x0127);
W8960_Write(0x01, 0x0127);
// set ADC Volume
W8960_Write(0x15, 0x01c3);
W8960_Write(0x16, 0x01c3);
// disable bypass switch
W8960_Write(0x2d, 0x0000);
W8960_Write(0x2e, 0x0000);
// connect LINPUT1 to PGA and set PGA Boost Gain.
W8960_Write(0x20, 0x0020|(1<<8)|(1<<3));
W8960_Write(0x21, 0x0020|(1<<8)|(1<<3));
void W8960_SetGain(uint8_t sel, uint16_t value) {
switch (sel) {
case 0:
// output dac in 0.5 db steps
value &= 0x00ff;
value |= 0x0100;
W8960_Write(0x0a, value);
W8960_Write(0x0b, value);
case 1:
// input pga in 0.75 db steps
value &= 0x001f;
value |= 0x0120;
W8960_Write(0x00, value);
W8960_Write(0x01, value);
case 2:
// adc in 0.5 db steps
value &= 0x00ff;
value |= 0x0100;
W8960_Write(0x15, value);
W8960_Write(0x16, value);
#endif // ESP32
@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
#ifndef _WM8960_H_
#define _WM8960_H_
#define W8960_ADDR 0x1a
//static const char *TAG = "WM8960";
#define SDA_PIN 21
#define SCL_PIN 22
#define I2C_BUS_NO 0
#define ACK_CHECK_EN 0
#define ACK_CHECK_DIS 0
#define ACK_VAL 0
#define NACK_VAL 1
#define R2_LOUT1_VOLUME_ADR 0x02
#define R3_ROUT1_VOLUME_ADR 0x03
#define R4_CLOCKING_1_ADR 0x04
#define R5_ADC_DAC_CONTROL_CTR1_ADR 0x05
#define R6_ADC_DAC_CONTROL_CTR2_ADR 0x06
#define R7_AUDIO_INTERFACE_1_ADR 0x07
#define R8_CLOCKING_2_ADR 0x08
#define R10_LEFT_DAC_VOLUME_ADR 0x09
#define R15_RESET_ADR 0x0F
#define R16_3D_CONTROL_ADR 0x10
#define R17_ALC1_ADR 0x11
#define R18_ALC2_ADR 0x12
#define R19_ALC3_ADR 0x13
#define R20_NOISE_GATE_ADR 0x14
#define R21_LEFT_ADC_VOLUME_ADR 0x15
#define R22_RIGHT_ADC_VOLUME_ADR 0x16
#define R25_PWR_MGMT_1_ADR 0x19
#define R26_PWR_MGMT_2_ADR 0x1A
#define R28_ANTI_POP_1_ADR 0x1C
#define R29_ANTI_POP_2_ADR 0x1D
#define R32_ADCL_SIGNAL_PATH 0x20
#define R33_ADCR_SIGNAL_PATH 0x21
#define R34_LEFT_OUT_MIX_2 0x22
#define R37_RIGHT_OUT_MIX_2 0x23
#define R38_MONO_OUT_MIX_1 0x26
#define R39_MONO_OUT_MIX_2 0x27
#define R40_LOUT2_VOLUME 0x28
#define R41_ROUT2_VOLUME 0x29
#define R42_MONOOUT_VOLUME 0x2A
#define R43_INPUT_BOOST_MIXER_1 0x2B
#define R44_INPUT_BOOST_MIXER_2 0x2C
#define R45_BYPASS_1 0x2D
#define R46_BYPASS_2 0x2E
#define R47_PWR_MGMT_3 0x2F
#define R48_ADDITONAL_CTRL_4 0x30
#define R49_CLASS_D_CTRL_1 0x31
#define R51_CLASS_D_CTRL_3 0x33
typedef struct R0_LEFT_INPUT_VOLUME_t
uint16_t LINVOL :6; //Bits 5:0
uint16_t LIZC :1; //Bits 6
uint16_t LINMUTE :1; //Bits 7
uint16_t IPUV :1; //Bits 8
} __attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R0_LEFT_INPUT_VOLUME_t;
typedef struct R1_RIGHT_INPUT_VOLUME_t
uint16_t RINVOL :6; //Bits 5:0
uint16_t RIZC :1; //Bits 6
uint16_t RINMUTE :1; //Bits 7
uint16_t IPUV :1; //Bits 8
} __attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R1_RIGHT_INPUT_VOLUME_t;
typedef struct R2_LOUT1_VOLUME_t
uint16_t LOUT1VOL :7; //Bits 6:0
uint16_t LO1ZC :1; //Bits 7
uint16_t OUT1VU :1; //Bits 8
} __attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R2_LOUT1_VOLUME_t;
typedef struct R3_ROUT1_VOLUME_t
uint16_t ROUT1VOL :7; //Bits 6:0
uint16_t RO1ZC :1; //Bits 7
uint16_t OUT1VU :1; //Bits 8
} __attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R3_ROUT1_VOLUME_t;
typedef struct R4_CLOCKING_1_t{
uint16_t ADCDIV :3; //Bits 8:6
uint16_t DACDIV :3; //Bits 5:3
uint16_t SYSCLKDIV :2; //Bits 2:1
uint16_t CLKSEL :1; //Bits 0
} __attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R4_CLOCKING_1_t;
typedef struct R5_ADC_DAC_CONTROL_CTR1_t{
uint16_t ADCHPD :1; //Bits 0
uint16_t DEEMPH :2; //Bits 2:1
uint16_t DACMU :1; //Bits 3
uint16_t R5RES_4 :1;
uint16_t ADCPOL :2; //Bits 6:5
uint16_t DACDIV2 :1; //Bits 7
uint16_t R5RES_8 :1;
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R5_ADC_DAC_CONTROL_CTR1_t ;
typedef struct R6_ADC_DAC_CONTROL_CTR2_t{
uint16_t DACSLOPE :1; //Bits 1
uint16_t DACMR :1; //Bits 2
uint16_t DACSMM :1; //Bits 3
uint16_t DACPOL :2; //Bits 6:5
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R6_ADC_DAC_CONTROL_CTR2_t;
typedef struct R7_AUDIO_INTERFACE_t{
uint16_t FORMAT :2; // bit 1:0
uint16_t WL :2; // bit 1:0
uint16_t LRP :1; // bit 4
uint16_t DLRSWAP :1; // bit 5
uint16_t MS :1; // bit 6
uint16_t BCLKINV :1; // bit 7
uint16_t ALRSWAP :1; // bit 8
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R7_AUDIO_INTERFACE_t;
typedef struct R8_CLOCKING_2_t{
uint16_t BCLKDIV :4; // bit 3:0
uint16_t DCLKDIV :3; // bit 2:0
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R8_CLOCKING_2_t;
typedef struct R9_AUDIO_INTERFACE_t{
uint16_t LOOPBACK :1; // bit 0
uint16_t ADCCOMP :2; // bits 1:0
uint16_t DACCOMP :2; // bits 1:0
uint16_t WL8 :1; // bit 5
uint16_t ALRCGPIO :1; // bit 6
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R9_AUDIO_INTERFACE_t;
typedef struct R10_LEFT_DAC_VOLUME_t{
uint16_t LDACVOL :8; // bit 7:0
uint16_t DACVU :1; // bit 8
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R10_LEFT_DAC_VOLUME_t;
typedef struct R11_RIGHT_DAC_VOLUME_t{
uint16_t RDACVOL :8; // bit 7:0
uint16_t DACVU :1; // bit 8
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R11_RIGHT_DAC_VOLUME_t;
// typedef struct R15_RESET_t{};
typedef struct R16_3D_CONTROL_t{
uint16_t D3EN :1; // bit 0
uint16_t D3DEPTH :4; // bits 3:0
uint16_t D3LC :1; // bit 5
uint16_t D3UC :1; // bit 6
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R16_3D_CONTROL_t;
typedef struct R17_ALC1_t{
uint16_t ALCL :4; // bits 3:0
uint16_t MAXGAIN :3; // bits 2:0
uint16_t ALCSEL :2; // bits 1:0
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R17_ALC1_t;
typedef struct R18_ALC2_t{
uint16_t HLD :4; // bits 3:0
uint16_t MINGAIN :3; // bits 2:0
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R18_ALC2_t;
typedef struct R19_ALC3_t{
uint16_t ATK :4; // bits 3:0
uint16_t DCY :4; // bits 3:0
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R19_ALC3_t;
typedef struct R20_NOISE_GATE_t{
uint16_t NGAT :1; // bit 0
uint16_t NGTH :5; // bit 4:0
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R20_NOISE_GATE_t;
typedef struct R21_LEFT_ADC_VOLUME_t{
uint16_t LADCVOL :8; // bits 7:0
uint16_t ADCVU :1; // bit 8
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R21_LEFT_ADC_VOLUME_t;
typedef struct R22_RIGHT_ADC_VOLUME_t{
uint16_t RADCVOL :8; // bits 7:0
uint16_t ADCVU :1; // bit 8
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R22_RIGHT_ADC_VOLUME_t;
typedef struct R23_ADDITIONAL_CONTROL_1_t{
uint16_t TOEN :1; // bit 1
uint16_t TOCLKSEL :1; // bit 2
uint16_t DATSEL :2; // bits 1:0
uint16_t DMONOMIX :1; // bit 4
uint16_t VSEL :2; // bits 1:0
uint16_t TSDEN :1; // bit 8
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R23_ADDITIONAL_CONTROL_1_t;
typedef struct R24_ADDITIONAL_CONTROL_2_t{
uint16_t LRCM :1; // bit 2
uint16_t TRIS :1; // bit 3
uint16_t HPSWPOL :1; // bit 5
uint16_t HPSWEN :1; // bit 6
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R24_ADDITIONAL_CONTROL_2_t;
typedef struct R25_PWR_MGMT_1_t{
uint16_t DIGENB :1; // bit 0
uint16_t MICB :1; // bit 1
uint16_t ADCR :1; // bit 2
uint16_t ADCL :1; // bit 3
uint16_t AINR :1; // bit 4
uint16_t AINL :1; // bit 5
uint16_t VREF :1; // bit 6
uint16_t VMIDSEL :2; // bit 1:0
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R25_PWR_MGMT_1_t;
typedef struct R26_PWR_MGMT_2_t{
uint16_t PLL_EN :1; // bit 0
uint16_t OUT3 :1; // bit 1
uint16_t SPKR :1; // bit 3
uint16_t SPKL :1; // bit 4
uint16_t ROUT1 :1; // bit 5
uint16_t LOUT1 :1; // bit 6
uint16_t DACR :1; // bit 7
uint16_t DACL :1; // bit 8
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R26_PWR_MGMT_2_t;
typedef struct R27_ADDITIONAL_CONTROL_3_t{
uint16_t ADC_ALC_SR :3; // bits 2:0
uint16_t OUT3CAP :1; // bit 3
uint16_t VROI :1; // bit 6
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R27_ADDITIONAL_CONTROL_3_t;
typedef struct R28_ANTI_POP_1_t{
uint16_t HPSTBY :1; // bit 0
uint16_t SOFT_ST :1; // bit 2
uint16_t BUFIOEN :1; // bit 3
uint16_t BUFDCOPEN :1; // bit 4
uint16_t POBCTRL :1; // bit 7
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R28_ANTI_POP_1_t;
typedef struct R29_ANTI_POP_2_t{
uint16_t DRES :2; // bits 1:0
uint16_t DISOP :1; // bit 5
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R29_ANTI_POP_2_t;
typedef struct R32_ADCL_SIGNAL_PATH_t{
uint16_t LMIC2B :1; // bit 3
uint16_t LMICBOOST :2; // bits 1:0
uint16_t LMP2 :1; // bit 6
uint16_t LMP3 :1; // bit 7
uint16_t LMN1 :1; // bit 8
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R32_ADCL_SIGNAL_PATH_t;
typedef struct R33_ADCR_SIGNAL_PATH_t{
uint16_t RMIC2B :1; // bit 3
uint16_t RMICBOOST :2; // bits 1:0
uint16_t RMP2 :1; // bit 6
uint16_t RMP3 :1; // bit 7
uint16_t RMN1 :1; // bit 8
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R33_ADCR_SIGNAL_PATH_t;
typedef struct R34_LEFT_OUT_MIX_1_t{
uint16_t LI2LOVOL :3; // bits 2:0
uint16_t LI2LO :1; // bit 7
uint16_t LD2LO :1; // bit 8
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R34_LEFT_OUT_MIX_1_t;
typedef struct R37_RIGHT_OUT_MIX_2_t{
uint16_t RI2ROVOL :3; // bits 2:0
uint16_t RI2RO :1; // bit 7
uint16_t RD2RO :1; // bit 8
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R37_RIGHT_OUT_MIX_2_t;
typedef struct R38_MONO_OUT_MIX_1_t{
uint16_t L2MO :1; // bit 7
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R38_MONO_OUT_MIX_1_t;
typedef struct R39_MONO_OUT_MIX_2_t{
uint16_t R2MO :1; // bit 7
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R39_MONO_OUT_MIX_2_t;
typedef struct R40_LOUT2_VOLUME_t{
uint16_t SPKLVOL :7; // bits 6:0
uint16_t SPKLZC :1; // bit 7
uint16_t SPKVU :1; // bit 8
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R40_LOUT2_VOLUME_t;
typedef struct R41_ROUT2_VOLUME_t{
uint16_t SPKRVOL :7; // bits 6:0
uint16_t SPKLZC :1; // bit 7
uint16_t SPKVU :1; // bit 8
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R41_ROUT2_VOLUME_t;
typedef struct R42_MONOOUT_VOLUME_t{
uint16_t MOUTVOL :1; //bit 6
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R42_MONOOUT_VOLUME_t;
typedef struct R43_INPUT_BOOST_MIXER_1_t{
uint16_t LIN2BOOST :3; // bits 2:0
uint16_t LIN3BOOST :3; // bits 2:0
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R43_INPUT_BOOST_MIXER_1_t;
typedef struct R44_INPUT_BOOST_MIXER_2_t{
uint16_t RIN2BOOST :3; // bits 2:0
uint16_t RIN3BOOST :3; // bits 2:0
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R44_INPUT_BOOST_MIXER_2_t;
typedef struct R45_BYPASS_1_t{
uint16_t LB2LOVOL :3; // bits 2:0
uint16_t LB2LO :1; // bit 5
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R45_BYPASS_1_t;
typedef struct R46_BYPASS_2_t{
uint16_t RB2ROVOL :3; // bits 2:0
uint16_t RB2RO :1; // bit 5
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R46_BYPASS_2_t;
typedef struct R47_PWR_MGMT_3_t{
uint16_t ROMIX :1; // bit 2
uint16_t LOMIX :1; // bit 3
uint16_t RMIC :1; // bit 4
uint16_t LMIC :1; // bit 5
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R47_PWR_MGMT_3_t;
typedef struct R48_ADDITIONAL_CONTROL_4_t{
uint16_t MBSEL :1; // bit 0
uint16_t TSENSEN :1; // bit 1
uint16_t HPSEL :2; // bits 1:0
uint16_t GPIOSEL :3; // bits 2:0
uint16_t GPIOPOL :1; // bit 7
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R48_ADDITIONAL_CONTROL_4_t;
typedef struct R49_CLASS_D_CONTROL_1_t{
uint16_t SPK_OP_EN :2; // bits 1:0
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R49_CLASS_D_CONTROL_1_t;
typedef struct R51_CLASS_D_CONTROL_3_t{
uint16_t ACGAIN :3; // bits 2:0
uint16_t DCGAIN :3; // bits 2:0
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R51_CLASS_D_CONTROL_3_t;
typedef struct R52_PLL_N_t{
uint16_t PLLN :4; // bits 3:0
uint16_t PLLRESCALE :1; // bit 4
uint16_t SDM :1; // bit 5
uint16_t OPCLKDIV :3; // bits 2:0
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R52_PLL_N_t;
typedef struct R53_PLL_K_1_t{
uint16_t PLLK :8; // bits 23:16
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R53_PLL_K_1_t;
typedef struct R54_PLL_K_2_t{
uint16_t PLLK :8; // bits 15:8
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R54_PLL_K_2_t;
typedef struct R55_PLL_K_3_t{
uint16_t PLLK :8; // bits 7:0
}__attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) R55_PLL_K_3_t;
void W8960_Init(TwoWire *tw);
void W8960_SetGain(uint8_t sel, uint16_t value);
Reference in New Issue