mirror of https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota.git
decode-config.py: fix --restore-file, replace pycurl by requests
- fix error during --restore-file function - replace lib pycurl by requests
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
VER = '2.4.0037'
from past.builtins import long
VER = '2.4.0039'
decode-config.py - Backup/Restore Tasmota configuration data
@ -23,8 +24,8 @@ VER = '2.4.0037'
- Python
- pip install json pycurl urllib2 configargparse
- Python 2.x:
pip install json requests urllib2 configargparse
@ -198,7 +199,7 @@ try:
import inspect
import json
import configargparse
import pycurl
import requests
if sys.version_info.major==2:
import urllib2
@ -1246,6 +1247,38 @@ def exit(status=0, msg="end", type_=LogType.ERROR, src=None, doexit=True, line=N
def debug(args):
Get debug level
@param args:
configargparse.parse_args() result
debug level
return 0 if args.debug is None else args.debug
def instance(type_):
Creates Python2/3 compatible isinstance test type(s)
@param args:
Python3 instance type
Python2/3 compatible isinstance type(s)
newtype = type_
if sys.version_info.major==2:
if type_==str:
newtype = (str,unicode)
elif isinstance(type_, tuple) and str in type_:
newtype = newtype + (unicode,)
return newtype
def ShortHelp(doexit=True):
Show short help (usage) only - ued by own -h handling
@ -1262,36 +1295,6 @@ def ShortHelp(doexit=True):
class HTTPHeader:
pycurl helper class retrieving the request header
def __init__(self):
self.contents = ''
def clear(self):
self.contents = ''
def store(self, _buffer):
self.contents = "{}{}".format(self.contents, _buffer)
def response(self):
header = str(self.contents).split('\n')
if len(header) > 0:
return header[0].rstrip()
return ''
def contenttype(self):
for item in str(self.contents).split('\n'):
ditem = item.split(":")
if ditem[0].strip().lower() == 'content-type' and len(ditem) > 1:
return ditem[1].strip()
return ''
def __str__(self):
return self.contents
class CustomHelpFormatter(configargparse.HelpFormatter):
Class for customizing the help output
@ -1337,9 +1340,6 @@ def GetTemplateSizes():
Get all possible template sizes as list
@param version:
<int> version number from read binary data to search for
template sizes as list []
@ -1472,7 +1472,7 @@ def GetVersionStr(version):
version string
if isinstance(version, (unicode,str)):
if isinstance(version, instance(str)):
version = int(version, 0)
major = ((version>>24) & 0xff)
minor = ((version>>16) & 0xff)
@ -1629,43 +1629,21 @@ def TasmotaGet(cmnd, host, port, username=DEFAULTS['source']['username'], passwo
binary config data (encrypted) or None on error
body = None
# read config direct from device via http
c = pycurl.Curl()
buffer = io.BytesIO()
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)
header = HTTPHeader()
c.setopt(c.HEADERFUNCTION, header.store)
c.setopt(c.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
c.setopt(c.URL, MakeUrl(host, port, cmnd))
url = MakeUrl(host, port, cmnd)
auth = None
if username is not None and password is not None:
c.setopt(c.USERPWD, username + ':' + password)
c.setopt(c.HTTPGET, True)
c.setopt(c.VERBOSE, False)
auth = (username, password)
res = requests.get(url, auth=auth)
responsecode = 200
responsecode = c.getinfo(c.RESPONSE_CODE)
response = header.response()
except Exception as e:
exit(e.args[0], e.args[1], line=inspect.getlineno(inspect.currentframe()))
if not res.ok:
exit(res.status_code, "Error on http GET request for {} - {}".format(url,res.reason), line=inspect.getlineno(inspect.currentframe()))
if responsecode >= 400:
exit(responsecode, 'HTTP result: {}'.format(header.response()),line=inspect.getlineno(inspect.currentframe()))
elif contenttype is not None and header.contenttype()!=contenttype:
if contenttype is not None and res.headers['Content-Type']!=contenttype:
exit(ExitCode.DOWNLOAD_CONFIG_ERROR, "Device did not response properly, may be Tasmota webserver admin mode is disabled (WebServer 2)",line=inspect.getlineno(inspect.currentframe()))
body = buffer.getvalue()
return responsecode, body
return res.status_code, res.content
def GetTasmotaHostname(host, port, username=DEFAULTS['source']['username'], password=None):
@ -1741,7 +1719,7 @@ def PushTasmotaConfig(encode_cfg, host, port, username=DEFAULTS['source']['usern
errorcode, errorstring
errorcode=0 if success, otherwise http response or exception code
if isinstance(encode_cfg, bytearray):
if isinstance(encode_cfg, (bytes,bytearray)):
encode_cfg = str(encode_cfg)
# get restore config page first to set internal Tasmota vars
@ -1749,48 +1727,21 @@ def PushTasmotaConfig(encode_cfg, host, port, username=DEFAULTS['source']['usern
if body is None:
return responsecode, "ERROR"
# post data
c = pycurl.Curl()
header = HTTPHeader()
buffer_ = io.BytesIO()
c.setopt(c.HEADERFUNCTION, header.store)
c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, lambda x: None)
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer_)
c.setopt(c.POST, 1)
c.setopt(c.URL, MakeUrl(host, port, 'u2'))
# ~ # post data
url = MakeUrl(host, port, "u2")
auth = None
if username is not None and password is not None:
c.setopt(c.USERPWD, username + ':' + password)
isfile = os.path.isfile(encode_cfg)
isfile = False
if isfile:
c.setopt(c.HTTPPOST, [("file", (c.FORM_FILE, encode_cfg))])
# use as binary data
c.setopt(c.HTTPPOST, [
('fileupload', (
c.FORM_BUFFER, '{sprog}_v{sver}.dmp'.format(sprog=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), sver=VER),
c.FORM_BUFFERPTR, encode_cfg
auth = (username, password)
files = {'u2':('{sprog}_v{sver}.dmp'.format(sprog=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), sver=VER), encode_cfg)}
res = requests.post(url, auth=auth, files=files)
responsecode = 200
responsecode = c.getinfo(c.RESPONSE_CODE)
except Exception as e:
return e.args[0], e.args[1]
if not res.ok:
exit(res.status_code, "Error on http POST request for {} - {}".format(url,res.reason), line=inspect.getlineno(inspect.currentframe()))
if res.headers['Content-Type']!='text/html':
exit(ExitCode.DOWNLOAD_CONFIG_ERROR, "Device did not response properly, may be Tasmota webserver admin mode is disabled (WebServer 2)",line=inspect.getlineno(inspect.currentframe()))
if responsecode >= 400:
return responsecode, header.response()
elif header.contenttype() != 'text/html':
return ExitCode.UPLOAD_CONFIG_ERROR, "Device did not response properly, may be Tasmota webserver admin mode is disabled (WebServer 2)"
body = buffer_.getvalue()
body = res.content
findUpload = body.find("Upload")
if findUpload < 0:
@ -1818,7 +1769,7 @@ def DecryptEncrypt(obj):
decrypted configuration (if obj contains encrypted data)
if isinstance(obj, bytearray):
if isinstance(obj, (bytes,bytearray)):
obj = str(obj)
dobj = obj[0:2]
for i in range(2, len(obj)):
@ -1837,7 +1788,7 @@ def GetSettingsCrc(dobj):
2 byte unsigned integer crc value
if isinstance(dobj, bytearray):
if isinstance(dobj, (bytes,bytearray)):
dobj = str(dobj)
version, size, setting = GetTemplateSetting(dobj)
if version < 0x06060007 or version > 0x0606000A:
@ -1862,7 +1813,7 @@ def GetSettingsCrc32(dobj):
4 byte unsigned integer crc value
if isinstance(dobj, bytearray):
if isinstance(dobj, (bytes,bytearray)):
dobj = str(dobj)
crc = 0
for i in range(0, len(dobj)-4):
@ -1907,35 +1858,35 @@ def GetFieldDef(fielddef, fields="format_, addrdef, baseaddr, bits, bitshift, da
raise SyntaxError('<fielddef> error')
# ignore calls with 'root' setting
if isinstance(format_, dict) and baseaddr is None and datadef is None:
if isinstance(format_, instance(dict)) and baseaddr is None and datadef is None:
return eval(fields)
if not isinstance(format_, (unicode,str,dict)):
if not isinstance(format_, instance((str,dict))):
print('wrong <format> {} type {} in <fielddef> {}'.format(format_, type(format_), fielddef), file=sys.stderr)
raise SyntaxError('<fielddef> error')
# extract addrdef items
baseaddr = addrdef
if isinstance(baseaddr, (list,tuple)):
if isinstance(baseaddr, instance((list,tuple))):
if len(baseaddr) == 3:
# baseaddr bit definition
baseaddr, bits, bitshift = baseaddr
if not isinstance(bits, int):
if not isinstance(bits, instance(int)):
print('<bits> must be defined as integer in <fielddef> {}'.format(bits, fielddef), file=sys.stderr)
raise SyntaxError('<fielddef> error')
if not isinstance(bitshift, int):
if not isinstance(bitshift, instance(int)):
print('<bitshift> must be defined as integer in <fielddef> {}'.format(bitshift, fielddef), file=sys.stderr)
raise SyntaxError('<fielddef> error')
print('wrong <addrdef> {} length ({}) in <fielddef> {}'.format(addrdef, len(addrdef), fielddef), file=sys.stderr)
raise SyntaxError('<fielddef> error')
if not isinstance(baseaddr, int):
if not isinstance(baseaddr, instance(int)):
print('<baseaddr> must be defined as integer in <fielddef> {}'.format(baseaddr, fielddef), file=sys.stderr)
raise SyntaxError('<fielddef> error')
# extract datadef items
arraydef = datadef
if isinstance(datadef, (tuple)):
if isinstance(datadef, instance((tuple))):
if len(datadef) == 2:
# datadef has a validator
arraydef, validate = datadef
@ -1943,19 +1894,19 @@ def GetFieldDef(fielddef, fields="format_, addrdef, baseaddr, bits, bitshift, da
# datadef has a validator and cmd set
arraydef, validate, cmd = datadef
# cmd must be a tuple with 2 objects
if isinstance(cmd, (tuple)) and len(cmd) == 2:
if isinstance(cmd, instance((tuple))) and len(cmd) == 2:
group, tasmotacmnd = cmd
if group is not None and not isinstance(group, (str, unicode)):
if group is not None and not isinstance(group, instance(str)):
print('wrong <group> {} in <fielddef> {}'.format(group, fielddef), file=sys.stderr)
raise SyntaxError('<fielddef> error')
if tasmotacmnd is isinstance(tasmotacmnd, tuple):
if tasmotacmnd is isinstance(tasmotacmnd, instance(tuple)):
tasmotacmnds = tasmotacmnd
for tasmotacmnd in tasmotacmnds:
if tasmotacmnd is not None and not callable(tasmotacmnd) and not isinstance(tasmotacmnd, (str, unicode)):
if tasmotacmnd is not None and not callable(tasmotacmnd) and not isinstance(tasmotacmnd, instance(str)):
print('wrong <tasmotacmnd> {} in <fielddef> {}'.format(tasmotacmnd, fielddef), file=sys.stderr)
raise SyntaxError('<fielddef> error')
if tasmotacmnd is not None and not callable(tasmotacmnd) and not isinstance(tasmotacmnd, (str, unicode)):
if tasmotacmnd is not None and not callable(tasmotacmnd) and not isinstance(tasmotacmnd, instance(str)):
print('wrong <tasmotacmnd> {} in <fielddef> {}'.format(tasmotacmnd, fielddef), file=sys.stderr)
raise SyntaxError('<fielddef> error')
@ -1965,28 +1916,28 @@ def GetFieldDef(fielddef, fields="format_, addrdef, baseaddr, bits, bitshift, da
print('wrong <datadef> {} length ({}) in <fielddef> {}'.format(datadef, len(datadef), fielddef), file=sys.stderr)
raise SyntaxError('<fielddef> error')
if validate is not None and (not isinstance(validate, (unicode,str)) and not callable(validate)):
if validate is not None and (not isinstance(validate, instance(str)) and not callable(validate)):
print('wrong <validate> {} type {} in <fielddef> {}'.format(validate, type(validate), fielddef), file=sys.stderr)
raise SyntaxError('<fielddef> error')
# convert single int into one-dimensional list
if isinstance(arraydef, int):
if isinstance(arraydef, instance(int)):
arraydef = [arraydef]
if arraydef is not None and not isinstance(arraydef, (list)):
if arraydef is not None and not isinstance(arraydef, instance((list))):
print('wrong <arraydef> {} type {} in <fielddef> {}'.format(arraydef, type(arraydef), fielddef), file=sys.stderr)
raise SyntaxError('<fielddef> error')
# get read/write converter items
readconverter = converter
if isinstance(converter, (tuple)):
if isinstance(converter, instance((tuple))):
if len(converter) == 2:
# converter has read/write converter
readconverter, writeconverter = converter
if readconverter is not None and not isinstance(readconverter, (str,unicode)) and not callable(readconverter):
if readconverter is not None and not isinstance(readconverter, instance(str)) and not callable(readconverter):
print('wrong <readconverter> {} type {} in <fielddef> {}'.format(readconverter, type(readconverter), fielddef), file=sys.stderr)
raise SyntaxError('<fielddef> error')
if writeconverter is not None and (not isinstance(writeconverter, (bool,str,unicode)) and not callable(writeconverter)):
if writeconverter is not None and (not isinstance(writeconverter, instance((bool,str))) and not callable(writeconverter)):
print('wrong <writeconverter> {} type {} in <fielddef> {}'.format(writeconverter, type(writeconverter), fielddef), file=sys.stderr)
raise SyntaxError('<fielddef> error')
@ -2024,7 +1975,7 @@ def ReadWriteConverter(value, fielddef, read=True, raw=False):
if not raw and converter is not None:
conv = readconverter if read else writeconverter
if isinstance(conv, str): # evaluate strings
if isinstance(conv, instance(str)): # evaluate strings
return eval(conv.replace('$','value'))
elif callable(conv): # use as format function
return conv(value)
@ -2061,7 +2012,7 @@ def CmndConverter(valuemapping, value, idx, fielddef):
if tasmotacmnd is not None and (callable(tasmotacmnd) or len(tasmotacmnd) > 0):
if idx is not None:
idx += 1
if isinstance(tasmotacmnd, str): # evaluate strings
if isinstance(tasmotacmnd, instance(str)): # evaluate strings
if idx is not None:
evalstr = tasmotacmnd.replace('$','value').replace('#','idx').replace('@','valuemapping')
@ -2100,7 +2051,7 @@ def ValidateValue(value, fielddef):
valid = True
if isinstance(validate, str): # evaluate strings
if isinstance(validate, instance(str)): # evaluate strings
valid = eval(validate.replace('$','value'))
elif callable(validate): # use as format function
valid = validate(value)
@ -2121,7 +2072,7 @@ def GetFormatCount(format_):
prefix count or 1 if not specified
if isinstance(format_, str):
if isinstance(format_, instance(str)):
match = re.search("\s*(\d+)", format_)
if match:
return int(match.group(0))
@ -2142,7 +2093,7 @@ def GetFormatType(format_):
formattype = format_
bitsize = 0
if isinstance(format_, str):
if isinstance(format_, instance(str)):
match = re.search("\s*(\D+)", format_)
if match:
formattype = match.group(0)
@ -2204,7 +2155,7 @@ def GetFieldLength(fielddef):
format_, addrdef, arraydef = GetFieldDef(fielddef, fields='format_, addrdef, arraydef')
# <arraydef> contains a integer list
if isinstance(arraydef, list) and len(arraydef) > 0:
if isinstance(arraydef, instance(list)) and len(arraydef) > 0:
# arraydef contains a list
# calc size recursive by sum of all elements
for i in range(0, arraydef[0]):
@ -2215,7 +2166,7 @@ def GetFieldLength(fielddef):
length += GetFieldLength( (format_, addrdef, None) )
elif isinstance(format_, dict):
elif isinstance(format_, instance(dict)):
# -> iterate through format
addr = None
setting = format_
@ -2227,7 +2178,7 @@ def GetFieldLength(fielddef):
length += _len
# a simple value
elif isinstance(format_, str):
elif isinstance(format_, instance(str)):
length = struct.calcsize(format_)
return length
@ -2253,7 +2204,7 @@ def GetSubfieldDef(fielddef):
arraydef = None
# create new datadef
if isinstance(datadef, tuple):
if isinstance(datadef, instance(tuple)):
if cmd is not None:
datadef = (arraydef, validate, cmd)
@ -2346,7 +2297,7 @@ def SetFieldValue(fielddef, dobj, addr, value):
format_, bits, bitshift = GetFieldDef(fielddef, fields='format_, bits, bitshift')
formatcnt = GetFormatCount(format_)
singletype, bitsize = GetFormatType(format_)
if args.debug >= 2:
if debug(args) >= 2:
print("SetFieldValue(): fielddef {}, addr 0x{:04x} value {} formatcnt {} singletype {} bitsize {} ".format(fielddef,addr,value,formatcnt,singletype,bitsize), file=sys.stderr)
if not format_[-1:].lower() in ['s','p']:
addr += (bitsize / 8) * formatcnt
@ -2355,9 +2306,9 @@ def SetFieldValue(fielddef, dobj, addr, value):
maxunsigned = ((2**bitsize) - 1)
maxsigned = ((2**bitsize)>>1)-1
val = value & maxunsigned
if isinstance(value,int) and value < 0 and val > maxsigned:
if isinstance(value,instance(int)) and value < 0 and val > maxsigned:
val = ((maxunsigned+1)-val) * (-1)
if args.debug >= 3:
if debug(args) >= 3:
print("SetFieldValue(): Single type - fielddef {}, addr 0x{:04x} value {} singletype {} bitsize {}".format(fielddef,addr,val,singletype,bitsize), file=sys.stderr)
struct.pack_into(singletype, dobj, addr, val)
@ -2369,7 +2320,7 @@ def SetFieldValue(fielddef, dobj, addr, value):
value >>= bitsize
if args.debug >= 3:
if debug(args) >= 3:
print("SetFieldValue(): String type - fielddef {}, addr 0x{:04x} value {} format_ {}".format(fielddef,addr,value,format_), file=sys.stderr)
struct.pack_into(format_, dobj, addr, value)
@ -2402,7 +2353,7 @@ def GetField(dobj, fieldname, fielddef, raw=False, addroffset=0):
field mapping
if isinstance(dobj, bytearray):
if isinstance(dobj, instance((bytes,bytearray))):
dobj = str(dobj)
valuemapping = None
@ -2415,7 +2366,7 @@ def GetField(dobj, fieldname, fielddef, raw=False, addroffset=0):
return valuemapping
# <arraydef> contains a integer list
if isinstance(arraydef, list) and len(arraydef) > 0:
if isinstance(arraydef, instance(list)) and len(arraydef) > 0:
valuemapping = []
offset = 0
for i in range(0, arraydef[0]):
@ -2427,7 +2378,7 @@ def GetField(dobj, fieldname, fielddef, raw=False, addroffset=0):
offset += length
# <format> contains a dict
elif isinstance(format_, dict):
elif isinstance(format_, instance(dict)):
mapping_value = {}
# -> iterate through format
for name in format_:
@ -2439,7 +2390,7 @@ def GetField(dobj, fieldname, fielddef, raw=False, addroffset=0):
valuemapping = copy.deepcopy(mapping_value)
# a simple value
elif isinstance(format_, (str, bool, int, float, long)):
elif isinstance(format_, instance((str, bool, int, float, long))):
if GetFieldLength(fielddef) != 0:
valuemapping = ReadWriteConverter(GetFieldValue(fielddef, dobj, baseaddr+addroffset), fielddef, read=True, raw=raw)
@ -2479,12 +2430,12 @@ def SetField(dobj, fieldname, fielddef, restore, addroffset=0, filename=""):
# do not write readonly values
if writeconverter is False:
if args.debug >= 2:
if debug(args) >= 2:
print("SetField(): Readonly '{}' using '{}'/{}{} @{} skipped".format(fieldname, format_, arraydef, bits, hex(baseaddr+addroffset)), file=sys.stderr)
return dobj
# <arraydef> contains a list
if isinstance(arraydef, list) and len(arraydef) > 0:
if isinstance(arraydef, instance(list)) and len(arraydef) > 0:
offset = 0
if len(restore) > arraydef[0]:
exit(ExitCode.RESTORE_DATA_ERROR, "file '{sfile}', array '{sname}[{selem}]' exceeds max number of elements [{smax}]".format(sfile=filename, sname=fieldname, selem=len(restore), smax=arraydef[0]), type_=LogType.WARNING, doexit=not args.ignorewarning, line=inspect.getlineno(inspect.currentframe()))
@ -2499,13 +2450,13 @@ def SetField(dobj, fieldname, fielddef, restore, addroffset=0, filename=""):
offset += length
# <format> contains a dict
elif isinstance(format_, dict):
elif isinstance(format_, instance(dict)):
for name in format_: # -> iterate through format
if name in restore:
dobj = SetField(dobj, name, format_[name], restore[name], addroffset=addroffset, filename=filename)
# a simple value
elif isinstance(format_, (str, bool, int, float, long)):
elif isinstance(format_, instance((str, bool, int, float, long))):
valid = True
err = ""
errformat = ""
@ -2533,7 +2484,7 @@ def SetField(dobj, fieldname, fielddef, restore, addroffset=0, filename=""):
# integer
elif format_[-1:] in ['b','B','h','H','i','I','l','L','q','Q','P']:
value = ReadWriteConverter(restore, fielddef, read=False)
if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
if isinstance(value, instance(str)):
value = int(value, 0)
value = int(value)
@ -2605,14 +2556,14 @@ def SetField(dobj, fieldname, fielddef, restore, addroffset=0, filename=""):
# copy value before possible change below
_value = value
if isinstance(_value, (str, unicode)):
if isinstance(_value, instance(str)):
_value = "'{}'".format(_value)
if valid:
if not skip:
if args.debug >= 2:
if debug(args) >= 2:
sbits = " {} bits shift {}".format(bits, bitshift) if bits else ""
strvalue = "{} [{}]".format(_value, hex(value)) if isinstance(_value, int) else _value
strvalue = "{} [{}]".format(_value, hex(value)) if isinstance(_value, instance(int)) else _value
print("SetField(): Set '{}' using '{}'/{}{} @{} to {}".format(fieldname, format_, arraydef, sbits, hex(baseaddr+addroffset), strvalue), file=sys.stderr)
if fieldname != 'cfg_crc' and fieldname != '_':
prevvalue = GetFieldValue(fielddef, dobj, baseaddr+addroffset)
@ -2621,7 +2572,7 @@ def SetField(dobj, fieldname, fielddef, restore, addroffset=0, filename=""):
if prevvalue != curvalue and args.verbose:
message("Value for '{}' changed from {} to {}".format(fieldname, prevvalue, curvalue), type_=LogType.INFO)
if args.debug >= 2:
if debug(args) >= 2:
print("SetField(): Special field '{}' using '{}'/{}{} @{} skipped".format(fieldname, format_, arraydef, bits, hex(baseaddr+addroffset)), file=sys.stderr)
sformat = "file '{sfile}' - {{'{sname}': {svalue}}} ({serror})"+errformat
@ -2662,7 +2613,7 @@ def SetCmnd(cmnds, fieldname, fielddef, valuemapping, mappedvalue, addroffset=0,
return cmnds
# <arraydef> contains a list
if isinstance(arraydef, list) and len(arraydef) > 0:
if isinstance(arraydef, instance(list)) and len(arraydef) > 0:
offset = 0
if len(mappedvalue) > arraydef[0]:
exit(ExitCode.RESTORE_DATA_ERROR, "array '{sname}[{selem}]' exceeds max number of elements [{smax}]".format(sname=fieldname, selem=len(mappedvalue), smax=arraydef[0]), type_=LogType.WARNING, doexit=not args.ignorewarning, line=inspect.getlineno(inspect.currentframe()))
@ -2677,23 +2628,23 @@ def SetCmnd(cmnds, fieldname, fielddef, valuemapping, mappedvalue, addroffset=0,
offset += length
# <format> contains a dict
elif isinstance(format_, dict):
elif isinstance(format_, instance(dict)):
for name in format_: # -> iterate through format
if name in mappedvalue:
cmnds = SetCmnd(cmnds, name, format_[name], valuemapping, mappedvalue[name], addroffset=addroffset, idx=idx)
# a simple value
elif isinstance(format_, (str, bool, int, float, long)):
elif isinstance(format_, instance((str, bool, int, float, long))):
if group is not None:
group = group.title();
if isinstance(tasmotacmnd, tuple):
if isinstance(tasmotacmnd, instance(tuple)):
tasmotacmnds = tasmotacmnd
for tasmotacmnd in tasmotacmnds:
cmnd = CmndConverter(valuemapping, mappedvalue, idx, fielddef)
if group is not None and cmnd is not None:
if group not in cmnds:
cmnds[group] = []
if isinstance(cmnd, list):
if isinstance(cmnd, instance(list)):
for c in cmnd:
@ -2703,7 +2654,7 @@ def SetCmnd(cmnds, fieldname, fielddef, valuemapping, mappedvalue, addroffset=0,
if group is not None and cmnd is not None:
if group not in cmnds:
cmnds[group] = []
if isinstance(cmnd, list):
if isinstance(cmnd, instance(list)):
for c in cmnd:
@ -2722,7 +2673,7 @@ def Bin2Mapping(decode_cfg):
valuemapping data as mapping dictionary
if isinstance(decode_cfg, bytearray):
if isinstance(decode_cfg, instance((bytes,bytearray))):
decode_cfg = str(decode_cfg)
# get binary header and template to use
@ -2814,7 +2765,7 @@ def Mapping2Bin(decode_cfg, jsonconfig, filename=""):
changed binary config data (decrypted) or None on error
if isinstance(decode_cfg, str):
if isinstance(decode_cfg, instance(str)):
decode_cfg = bytearray(decode_cfg)
@ -2864,7 +2815,7 @@ def Mapping2Cmnd(decode_cfg, valuemapping, filename=""):
Tasmota command mapping {group: [cmnd <,cmnd <,...>>]}
if isinstance(decode_cfg, str):
if isinstance(decode_cfg, instance(str)):
decode_cfg = bytearray(decode_cfg)
# get binary header data to use the correct version template from device
@ -3297,7 +3248,7 @@ def ParseArgs():
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.debug >= 1:
if debug(args) >= 1:
print(parser.format_values(), file=sys.stderr)
print("Settings:", file=sys.stderr)
for k in args.__dict__:
Reference in New Issue