mirror of https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota.git
Berry support for AES GCM and raw MQTT send/receive
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
* Berry module `webserver`
* To use: `import webserver`
* Allows to respond to HTTP request
#include "be_constobj.h"
extern int m_aes_gcm_init(bvm *vm);
extern int m_aes_gcm_encryt(bvm *vm);
extern int m_aes_gcm_decryt(bvm *vm);
extern int m_aes_gcm_tag(bvm *vm);
#include "../generate/be_fixed_be_class_aes_gcm.h"
void be_load_aes_gcm_lib(bvm *vm) {
// insert the class GCM in module AES
be_setname(vm, -1, "AES");
be_setglobal(vm, "AES");
be_pushntvclass(vm, &be_class_aes_gcm);
be_setmember(vm, -2, "GCM");
be_pop(vm, 2);
/* @const_object_info_begin
class be_class_aes_gcm (scope: global, name: GCM) {
.p1, var
.p2, var
init, func(m_aes_gcm_init)
encrypt, func(m_aes_gcm_encryt)
decrypt, func(m_aes_gcm_decryt)
tag, func(m_aes_gcm_tag)
@const_object_info_end */
#endif // USE_ALEXA_AVS
@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ extern void be_load_wirelib(bvm *vm);
extern void be_load_Driver_class(bvm *vm);
extern void be_load_driver_i2c_lib(bvm *vm);
extern void be_load_md5_lib(bvm *vm);
extern void be_load_aes_gcm_lib(bvm *vm);
extern void be_load_driver_audio_lib(bvm *vm);
@ -133,6 +134,9 @@ BERRY_API void be_load_custom_libs(bvm *vm)
#ifdef USE_I2C
@ -1364,8 +1364,8 @@ be_local_closure(gc, /* name */
be_local_closure(event, /* name */
18, /* nstack */
5, /* argc */
19, /* nstack */
6, /* argc */
0, /* has upvals */
NULL, /* no upvals */
0, /* has sup protos */
@ -1390,85 +1390,86 @@ be_local_closure(event, /* name */
(be_nested_const_str("event", -30355297, 5)),
(be_nested_const_str("input", -103256197, 5)),
( &(const binstruction[78]) { /* code */
0xA4160000, // 0000 IMPORT R5 R256
0x1C180301, // 0001 EQ R6 R1 R257
0x781A0001, // 0002 JMPF R6 #0005
0x8C180102, // 0003 GETMET R6 R0 R258
0x7C180200, // 0004 CALL R6 1
0x1C180303, // 0005 EQ R6 R1 R259
0x781A0006, // 0006 JMPF R6 #000E
0x8C180104, // 0007 GETMET R6 R0 R260
0x5C200400, // 0008 MOVE R8 R2
0x5C240600, // 0009 MOVE R9 R3
0x5C280800, // 000A MOVE R10 R4
0x7C180800, // 000B CALL R6 4
0x80040C00, // 000C RET 1 R6
0x7002003E, // 000D JMP #004D
0x1C180305, // 000E EQ R6 R1 R261
0x781A0004, // 000F JMPF R6 #0015
0x8C180106, // 0010 GETMET R6 R0 R262
0x5C200800, // 0011 MOVE R8 R4
0x7C180400, // 0012 CALL R6 2
0x80040C00, // 0013 RET 1 R6
0x70020037, // 0014 JMP #004D
0x1C180307, // 0015 EQ R6 R1 R263
0x781A0003, // 0016 JMPF R6 #001B
0x8C180107, // 0017 GETMET R6 R0 R263
0x7C180200, // 0018 CALL R6 1
0x80040C00, // 0019 RET 1 R6
0x70020031, // 001A JMP #004D
0x88180108, // 001B GETMBR R6 R0 R264
0x781A002F, // 001C JMPF R6 #004D
0x60180000, // 001D GETGBL R6 G0
0x881C0108, // 001E GETMBR R7 R0 R264
0x7C180200, // 001F CALL R6 1
0xA8020026, // 0020 EXBLK 0 #0048
0x5C1C0C00, // 0021 MOVE R7 R6
0x7C1C0000, // 0022 CALL R7 0
0x8C200B09, // 0023 GETMET R8 R5 R265
0x5C280E00, // 0024 MOVE R10 R7
0x5C2C0200, // 0025 MOVE R11 R1
0x7C200600, // 0026 CALL R8 3
0x60240015, // 0027 GETGBL R9 G21
0x5C281000, // 0028 MOVE R10 R8
0x7C240200, // 0029 CALL R9 1
0x1C24130A, // 002A EQ R9 R9 R266
0x7826001A, // 002B JMPF R9 #0047
0xA802000D, // 002C EXBLK 0 #003B
0x5C241000, // 002D MOVE R9 R8
0x5C280E00, // 002E MOVE R10 R7
0x5C2C0400, // 002F MOVE R11 R2
0x5C300600, // 0030 MOVE R12 R3
0x5C340800, // 0031 MOVE R13 R4
0x7C240800, // 0032 CALL R9 4
0x50280200, // 0033 LDBOOL R10 1 0
0x1C28120A, // 0034 EQ R10 R9 R10
0x782A0002, // 0035 JMPF R10 #0039
0x50280200, // 0036 LDBOOL R10 1 0
0xA8040002, // 0037 EXBLK 1 2
0x80041400, // 0038 RET 1 R10
0xA8040001, // 0039 EXBLK 1 1
0x7002000B, // 003A JMP #0047
0xAC240002, // 003B CATCH R9 0 2
0x70020008, // 003C JMP #0046
0xA42E1600, // 003D IMPORT R11 R267
0x6030000F, // 003E GETGBL R12 G15
0x8C34170C, // 003F GETMET R13 R11 R268
0x583C000D, // 0040 LDCONST R15 K13
0x5C401200, // 0041 MOVE R16 R9
( &(const binstruction[79]) { /* code */
0xA41A0000, // 0000 IMPORT R6 R256
0x1C1C0301, // 0001 EQ R7 R1 R257
0x781E0001, // 0002 JMPF R7 #0005
0x8C1C0102, // 0003 GETMET R7 R0 R258
0x7C1C0200, // 0004 CALL R7 1
0x1C1C0303, // 0005 EQ R7 R1 R259
0x781E0006, // 0006 JMPF R7 #000E
0x8C1C0104, // 0007 GETMET R7 R0 R260
0x5C240400, // 0008 MOVE R9 R2
0x5C280600, // 0009 MOVE R10 R3
0x5C2C0800, // 000A MOVE R11 R4
0x7C1C0800, // 000B CALL R7 4
0x80040E00, // 000C RET 1 R7
0x7002003F, // 000D JMP #004E
0x1C1C0305, // 000E EQ R7 R1 R261
0x781E0004, // 000F JMPF R7 #0015
0x8C1C0106, // 0010 GETMET R7 R0 R262
0x5C240800, // 0011 MOVE R9 R4
0x7C1C0400, // 0012 CALL R7 2
0x80040E00, // 0013 RET 1 R7
0x70020038, // 0014 JMP #004E
0x1C1C0307, // 0015 EQ R7 R1 R263
0x781E0003, // 0016 JMPF R7 #001B
0x8C1C0107, // 0017 GETMET R7 R0 R263
0x7C1C0200, // 0018 CALL R7 1
0x80040E00, // 0019 RET 1 R7
0x70020032, // 001A JMP #004E
0x881C0108, // 001B GETMBR R7 R0 R264
0x781E0030, // 001C JMPF R7 #004E
0x601C0000, // 001D GETGBL R7 G0
0x88200108, // 001E GETMBR R8 R0 R264
0x7C1C0200, // 001F CALL R7 1
0xA8020027, // 0020 EXBLK 0 #0049
0x5C200E00, // 0021 MOVE R8 R7
0x7C200000, // 0022 CALL R8 0
0x8C240D09, // 0023 GETMET R9 R6 R265
0x5C2C1000, // 0024 MOVE R11 R8
0x5C300200, // 0025 MOVE R12 R1
0x7C240600, // 0026 CALL R9 3
0x60280015, // 0027 GETGBL R10 G21
0x5C2C1200, // 0028 MOVE R11 R9
0x7C280200, // 0029 CALL R10 1
0x1C28150A, // 002A EQ R10 R10 R266
0x782A001B, // 002B JMPF R10 #0048
0xA802000E, // 002C EXBLK 0 #003C
0x5C281200, // 002D MOVE R10 R9
0x5C2C1000, // 002E MOVE R11 R8
0x5C300400, // 002F MOVE R12 R2
0x5C340600, // 0030 MOVE R13 R3
0x5C380800, // 0031 MOVE R14 R4
0x5C3C0A00, // 0032 MOVE R15 R5
0x7C280A00, // 0033 CALL R10 5
0x502C0200, // 0034 LDBOOL R11 1 0
0x1C2C140B, // 0035 EQ R11 R10 R11
0x782E0002, // 0036 JMPF R11 #003A
0x502C0200, // 0037 LDBOOL R11 1 0
0xA8040002, // 0038 EXBLK 1 2
0x80041600, // 0039 RET 1 R11
0xA8040001, // 003A EXBLK 1 1
0x7002000B, // 003B JMP #0048
0xAC280002, // 003C CATCH R10 0 2
0x70020008, // 003D JMP #0047
0xA4321600, // 003E IMPORT R12 R267
0x6034000F, // 003F GETGBL R13 G15
0x8C38190C, // 0040 GETMET R14 R12 R268
0x5840000D, // 0041 LDCONST R16 K13
0x5C441400, // 0042 MOVE R17 R10
0x7C340800, // 0043 CALL R13 4
0x7C300200, // 0044 CALL R12 1
0x70020000, // 0045 JMP #0047
0xB0080000, // 0046 RAISE 2 R0 R0
0x7001FFD8, // 0047 JMP #0021
0x5818000E, // 0048 LDCONST R6 K14
0xAC180200, // 0049 CATCH R6 1 0
0xB0080000, // 004A RAISE 2 R0 R0
0x50180000, // 004B LDBOOL R6 0 0
0x80040C00, // 004C RET 1 R6
0x80000000, // 004D RET 0 R0
0x5C481600, // 0043 MOVE R18 R11
0x7C380800, // 0044 CALL R14 4
0x7C340200, // 0045 CALL R13 1
0x70020000, // 0046 JMP #0048
0xB0080000, // 0047 RAISE 2 R0 R0
0x7001FFD7, // 0048 JMP #0021
0x581C000E, // 0049 LDCONST R7 K14
0xAC1C0200, // 004A CATCH R7 1 0
0xB0080000, // 004B RAISE 2 R0 R0
0x501C0000, // 004C LDBOOL R7 0 0
0x80040E00, // 004D RET 1 R7
0x80000000, // 004E RET 0 R0
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ class Tasmota
def event(event_type, cmd, idx, payload)
def event(event_type, cmd, idx, payload, raw)
import introspect
if event_type=='every_50ms' self.run_deferred() end #- first run deferred events -#
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ class Tasmota
var f = introspect.get(d, event_type) # try to match a function or method with the same name
if type(f) == 'function'
var done = f(d, cmd, idx, payload)
var done = f(d, cmd, idx, payload, raw)
if done == true return true end
except .. as e,m
import string
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#include "be_constobj.h"
static be_define_const_map_slots(be_class_aes_gcm_map) {
{ be_const_key(encrypt, 4), be_const_func(m_aes_gcm_encryt) },
{ be_const_key(dot_p2, -1), be_const_index(0) },
{ be_const_key(decrypt, -1), be_const_func(m_aes_gcm_decryt) },
{ be_const_key(init, -1), be_const_func(m_aes_gcm_init) },
{ be_const_key(dot_p1, -1), be_const_index(1) },
{ be_const_key(tag, -1), be_const_func(m_aes_gcm_tag) },
static be_define_const_map(
BE_EXPORT_VARIABLE be_define_const_class(
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
xdrv_52_3_berry_md5.ino - Berry scripting language, Md5 class
Copyright (C) 2021 Stephan Hadinger, Berry language by Guan Wenliang https://github.com/Skiars/berry
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifdef USE_BERRY
#include <berry.h>
#include "be_mem.h"
* AES class
extern "C" {
int free_br_obj(bvm* vm) {
int argc = be_top(vm);
if (argc > 0) {
void * obj = be_tocomptr(vm, 1);
if (obj != NULL) { be_os_free(obj); }
// `AES_GCM.init(secret_key:bytes(32), iv:bytes(12)) -> instance`
int32_t m_aes_gcm_init(struct bvm *vm);
int32_t m_aes_gcm_init(struct bvm *vm) {
int32_t argc = be_top(vm); // Get the number of arguments
if (argc >= 3 && be_isinstance(vm, 2) && be_isinstance(vm, 3)) {
do {
be_getglobal(vm, "bytes"); /* get the bytes class */ /* TODO eventually replace with be_getbuiltin */
if (!be_isderived(vm, 2)) break;
size_t length = 0;
const void * bytes = be_tobytes(vm, 2, &length);
if (!bytes) break;
if (length != 32) {
be_raise(vm, "value_error", "Key size must be 32 bytes");
be_getglobal(vm, "bytes"); /* get the bytes class */ /* TODO eventually replace with be_getbuiltin */
if (!be_isderived(vm, 3)) break;
size_t iv_length = 0;
const void * iv_bytes = be_tobytes(vm, 3, &iv_length);
if (!iv_bytes) break;
// Initialize an AES CTR structure with the secret key
br_aes_small_ctr_keys * ctr_ctx = (br_aes_small_ctr_keys *) be_os_malloc(sizeof(br_aes_small_ctr_keys));
if (!ctr_ctx) { be_throw(vm, BE_MALLOC_FAIL); }
br_aes_small_ctr_init(ctr_ctx, bytes, length);
be_newcomobj(vm, ctr_ctx, &free_br_obj);
be_setmember(vm, 1, ".p1");
// Initialize an AES GCM structure based on this CTR engine
br_gcm_context * gcm_ctx = (br_gcm_context *) be_os_malloc(sizeof(br_gcm_context));
if (!gcm_ctx) { be_throw(vm, BE_MALLOC_FAIL); }
br_gcm_init(gcm_ctx, &ctr_ctx->vtable, &br_ghash_ctmul32);
be_newcomobj(vm, gcm_ctx, &free_br_obj);
be_setmember(vm, 1, ".p2");
// Reset GCM context with provided IV
br_gcm_reset(gcm_ctx, iv_bytes, iv_length);
// We don't have any additional authenticated data so we flip instantly
// success
} while (0);
be_raise(vm, kTypeError, nullptr);
int32_t m_aes_gcm_encryt(bvm *vm);
int32_t m_aes_gcm_decryt(bvm *vm);
int32_t m_aes_gcm_encrypt_or_decryt(bvm *vm, int encrypt) {
int32_t argc = be_top(vm); // Get the number of arguments
if (argc >= 2 && be_isinstance(vm, 2)) {
do {
be_getglobal(vm, "bytes"); /* get the bytes class */ /* TODO eventually replace with be_getbuiltin */
if (!be_isderived(vm, 2)) break;
// get GCM context
be_getmember(vm, 1, ".p2");
br_gcm_context * gcm_ctx = (br_gcm_context *) be_tocomptr(vm, -1);
be_pop(vm, 1);
// copy the input buffer
be_getmember(vm, 2, "copy"); // stack: bytes.copy()
be_pushvalue(vm, 2); // stack: bytes.copy(), bytes instance
be_call(vm, 1); // call copy with self parameter
be_pop(vm, 1); // stack: clone of input bytes
size_t length = 0;
// we are changing bytes in place
void * bytes = (void*) be_tobytes(vm, -1, &length);
if (!bytes) break;
br_gcm_run(gcm_ctx, encrypt, bytes, length);
// success
} while (0);
be_raise(vm, kTypeError, nullptr);
int32_t m_aes_gcm_encryt(bvm *vm) {
return m_aes_gcm_encrypt_or_decryt(vm, 1);
int32_t m_aes_gcm_decryt(bvm *vm) {
return m_aes_gcm_encrypt_or_decryt(vm, 0);
int32_t m_aes_gcm_tag(bvm *vm) {
do {
be_getglobal(vm, "bytes"); /* get the bytes class */ /* TODO eventually replace with be_getbuiltin */
// get GCM context
be_getmember(vm, 1, ".p2");
br_gcm_context * gcm_ctx = (br_gcm_context *) be_tocomptr(vm, -1);
be_pop(vm, 1);
// create a bytes buffer of 16 bytes
uint8_t tag[16] = {0};
br_gcm_get_tag(gcm_ctx, tag);
be_pushbytes(vm, tag, sizeof(tag));
// success
} while (0);
be_raise(vm, kTypeError, nullptr);
// // `Md5.update(content:bytes()) -> nil`
// //
// // Add raw bytes to the MD5 calculation
// int32_t m_md5_update(struct bvm *vm);
// int32_t m_md5_update(struct bvm *vm) {
// int32_t argc = be_top(vm); // Get the number of arguments
// if (argc >= 2 && be_isinstance(vm, 2)) {
// do {
// be_getglobal(vm, "bytes"); /* get the bytes class */ /* TODO eventually replace with be_getbuiltin */
// if (!be_isderived(vm, 2)) break;
// size_t length = 0;
// const void * bytes = be_tobytes(vm, 2, &length);
// if (!bytes) break;
// be_getmember(vm, 1, ".p");
// struct MD5Context * ctx;
// ctx = (struct MD5Context *) be_tocomptr(vm, -1);
// if (!ctx) break;
// if (length > 0) {
// MD5Update(ctx, (const uint8_t*) bytes, length);
// }
// be_return_nil(vm);
// // success
// } while (0);
// }
// be_raise(vm, kTypeError, nullptr);
// }
// // `Md5.update(content:bytes()) -> nil`
// //
// // Add raw bytes to the MD5 calculation
// int32_t m_md5_finish(struct bvm *vm);
// int32_t m_md5_finish(struct bvm *vm) {
// be_getmember(vm, 1, ".p");
// struct MD5Context * ctx;
// ctx = (struct MD5Context *) be_tocomptr(vm, -1);
// uint8_t output[16];
// MD5Final(output, ctx);
// be_pushbytes(vm, output, sizeof(output));
// be_return(vm);
// }
#endif // USE_ALEXA_AVS
#endif // USE_BERRY
@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ extern "C" {
int free_ctx(bvm* vm) {
int argc = be_top(vm);
if (argc > 0) {
struct MD5Context * ctx = (struct MD5Context *) be_tocomptr(vm, 1);
be_getmember(vm, 1, ".p");
struct MD5Context * ctx = (struct MD5Context *) be_tocomptr(vm, -1);
if (ctx != NULL) {
@ -72,17 +72,27 @@ extern "C" {
int32_t l_publish(struct bvm *vm);
int32_t l_publish(struct bvm *vm) {
int32_t top = be_top(vm); // Get the number of arguments
if (top >= 3 && be_isstring(vm, 2) && be_isstring(vm, 3)) { // 2 mandatory string arguments
if (top >= 3 && be_isstring(vm, 2) && (be_isstring(vm, 3) || be_isinstance(vm, 3))) { // 2 mandatory string arguments
if (top == 3 || (top == 4 && be_isbool(vm, 4))) { // 3rd optional argument must be bool
const char * topic = be_tostring(vm, 2);
const char * payload = be_tostring(vm, 3);
const char * payload = nullptr;
size_t payload_len = 0;
if (be_isstring(vm, 3)) {
payload = be_tostring(vm, 3);
payload_len = strlen(payload);
} else {
be_getglobal(vm, "bytes"); /* get the bytes class */ /* TODO eventually replace with be_getbuiltin */
if (be_isderived(vm, 3)) {
payload = (const char *) be_tobytes(vm, 3, &payload_len);
bool retain = false;
if (top == 4) {
retain = be_tobool(vm, 4);
MqttPublish(topic, retain);
be_return(vm); // Return
if (!payload) { be_raise(vm, "value_error", "Empty payload"); }
MqttPublishPayload(topic, payload, payload_len, retain);
be_return_nil(vm); // Return
be_raise(vm, kTypeError, nullptr);
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ void (* const BerryCommand[])(void) PROGMEM = {
int32_t callBerryEventDispatcher(const char *type, const char *cmd, int32_t idx, const char *payload, uint32_t data_len = 0);
// Sanity Check for be_top()
@ -191,7 +193,8 @@ bool callMethodObjectWithArgs(const char * objname, const char * method, size_t
// call the event dispatcher from Tasmota object
int32_t callBerryEventDispatcher(const char *type, const char *cmd, int32_t idx, const char *payload) {
// if data_len is non-zero, the event is also sent as raw `bytes()` object because the string may lose data
int32_t callBerryEventDispatcher(const char *type, const char *cmd, int32_t idx, const char *payload, uint32_t data_len) {
int32_t ret = 0;
bvm *vm = berry.vm;
@ -206,7 +209,13 @@ int32_t callBerryEventDispatcher(const char *type, const char *cmd, int32_t idx,
be_pushstring(vm, cmd != nullptr ? cmd : "");
be_pushint(vm, idx);
be_pushstring(vm, payload != nullptr ? payload : "{}"); // empty json
if (data_len > 0) {
be_pushbytes(vm, payload, data_len); // if data_len is set, we also push raw bytes
ret = be_pcall(vm, 6); // 6 arguments
be_pop(vm, 1);
} else {
ret = be_pcall(vm, 5); // 5 arguments
if (ret != 0) {
BerryDumpErrorAndClear(vm, false); // log in Tasmota console only
return ret;
@ -725,7 +734,7 @@ bool Xdrv52(uint8_t function)
result = callBerryRule();
result = callBerryEventDispatcher(PSTR("mqtt_data"), XdrvMailbox.topic, 0, XdrvMailbox.data);
result = callBerryEventDispatcher(PSTR("mqtt_data"), XdrvMailbox.topic, 0, XdrvMailbox.data, XdrvMailbox.data_len);
callBerryEventDispatcher(PSTR("every_50ms"), nullptr, 0, nullptr);
Reference in New Issue