Add Zigbee web ui widget for Lights

This commit is contained in:
Stephan Hadinger 2020-08-26 08:56:13 +02:00
parent e101d08fc0
commit d8f726a0c9
4 changed files with 55 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
### 20200823
- Add command ``PowerDelta1`` to ``PowerDelta3`` to trigger on up to three phases (#9134)
- Add Zigbee web ui widget for Lights
### 20200813

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@ -146,6 +146,14 @@ public:
inline bool getReachable(void) const { return bitRead(power, 7); }
inline void setPower(bool power_on) { bitWrite(power, 0, power_on); bitWrite(power, 1, false); }
inline bool getPower(void) const { return bitRead(power, 0); }
// If light, returns the number of channels, or 0xFF if unknown
uint8_t getLightChannels(void) const {
if ((zb_profile & 0xF0) == 0x00) {
return zb_profile & 0x07;
return 0xFF;
@ -682,21 +690,21 @@ void Z_Devices::updateZbProfile(uint16_t shortaddr) {
uint32_t channels = zb_profile & 0x07;
// depending on the bulb type, the default parameters from unknown to credible defaults
if (!device.validPower()) { device.setPower(false); }
if (1 <= channels) {
if (0xFF == device.dimmer) { device.dimmer = 0; }
if (3 <= channels) {
if (0xFF == device.sat) { device.sat = 0; }
if (0xFFFF == device.hue) { device.hue = 0; }
if (0xFFFF == device.x) { device.x = 0; }
if (0xFFFF == device.y) { device.y = 0; }
if (0xFF == device.colormode) { device.colormode = 0; } // HueSat mode
if ((2 == channels) || (5 == channels)) {
if (0xFFFF == device.ct) { device.ct = 200; }
if (0xFF == device.colormode) { device.colormode = 2; } // CT mode
// if (!device.validPower()) { device.setPower(false); }
// if (1 <= channels) {
// if (0xFF == device.dimmer) { device.dimmer = 0; }
// }
// if (3 <= channels) {
// if (0xFF == device.sat) { device.sat = 0; }
// if (0xFFFF == device.hue) { device.hue = 0; }
// if (0xFFFF == device.x) { device.x = 0; }
// if (0xFFFF == device.y) { device.y = 0; }
// if (0xFF == device.colormode) { device.colormode = 0; } // HueSat mode
// }
// if ((2 == channels) || (5 == channels)) {
// if (0xFFFF == device.ct) { device.ct = 200; }
// if (0xFF == device.colormode) { device.colormode = 2; } // CT mode
// }

View File

@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ ZBM(ZBS_SET_CONCENTRATOR, EZSP_setConcentrator, 0x00 /*high*/, 0x00 /*false*/, 0
ZBM(ZBR_SET_CONCENTRATOR, EZSP_setConcentrator, 0x00 /*high*/, 0x00 /*ok*/) // 100000
// setInitialSecurityState
ZBR(ZBS_SET_SECURITY, EZSP_setInitialSecurityState, 0x00 /*high*/,
// preConfiguredKey

View File

@ -1348,6 +1348,7 @@ void ZigbeeShow(bool json)
const uint8_t px_lqi = (strlen(D_LQI) + 4) * 10; // LQI 254 = 70px
WSContentSend_P(PSTR("</table>{t}")); // Terminate current two column table and open new table
WSContentSend_P(PSTR("<style>.bx{height:14px;width:14px;display:inline-block;border:1px solid currentColor;background-color:var(--cl,#fff)}</style>"));
// sort elements by name, then by id
uint8_t sorted_idx[zigbee_num];
@ -1393,20 +1394,45 @@ void ZigbeeShow(bool json)
bool pressure_ok = device.validPressure();
if (temperature_ok || humidity_ok || pressure_ok) {
WSContentSend_P(PSTR("<tr><td colspan=\"3\">| "));
WSContentSend_P(PSTR("<tr><td colspan=\"3\">&#9478;"));
if (temperature_ok) {
char buf[12];
dtostrf(device.temperature / 10.0f, 3, 1, buf);
WSContentSend_PD(PSTR(" &nbsp;&#x2600;&#xFE0F;%s°C"), buf);
WSContentSend_PD(PSTR(" &#x2600;&#xFE0F;%s°C"), buf);
if (humidity_ok) {
WSContentSend_P(PSTR(" &nbsp;&#x1F4A7;%d%%"), device.humidity);
WSContentSend_P(PSTR(" &#x1F4A7;%d%%"), device.humidity);
if (pressure_ok) {
WSContentSend_P(PSTR(" &nbsp;&#x26C5; %d hPa"), device.pressure);
WSContentSend_P(PSTR(" &#x26C5; %d hPa"), device.pressure);
// Light and switches
bool power_ok = device.validPower();
if (power_ok) {
uint8_t channels = device.getLightChannels();
if (0xFF == channels) { channels = 5; } // if number of channel is unknown, display all known attributes
WSContentSend_P(PSTR("<tr><td colspan=\"3\">&#9478; %s"), device.getPower() ? PSTR(D_ON) : PSTR(D_OFF));
if (device.validDimmer() && (channels >= 1)) {
WSContentSend_P(PSTR(" &#128261;%d%%"), changeUIntScale(device.dimmer,0,254,0,100));
if (device.validCT() && ((channels == 2) || (channels == 5))) {
uint32_t ct_k = (((1000000 / device.ct) + 25) / 50) * 50;
WSContentSend_P(PSTR(" <span title=\"CT %d\"><small>&#9898; </small>%dK</span>"), device.ct, ct_k);
if (device.validHue() && device.validSat() && (channels >= 3)) {
uint8_t r,g,b;
uint8_t sat = changeUIntScale(device.sat, 0, 254, 0, 255); // scale to 0..255
LightStateClass::HsToRgb(device.hue, sat, &r, &g, &b);
WSContentSend_P(PSTR(" <i class=\"bx\" style=\"--cl:#%02X%02X%02X\"></i>#%02X%02X%02X"), r,g,b,r,g,b);
} else if (device.validX() && device.validY() && (channels >= 3)) {
uint8_t r,g,b;
LightStateClass::XyToRgb(device.x / 65535.0f, device.y / 65535.0f, &r, &g, &b);
WSContentSend_P(PSTR(" <i class=\"bx\" style=\"--cl:#%02X%02X%02X\"></i> #%02X%02X%02X"), r,g,b,r,g,b);
WSContentSend_P(PSTR("</table>{t}")); // Terminate current multi column table and open new table