This commit is contained in:
Charles 2020-06-11 14:52:31 +02:00
parent 127254b283
commit e05e9ea713
5 changed files with 1073 additions and 0 deletions

lib/LibTeleinfo/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
Teleinfo (Aka TIC) Universal Library
This is a generic Teleinfo French Meter Measure Library, it can be used on Arduino like device and also such as Spark Core, Particle, ESP8266, Raspberry PI or anywhere you can do Cpp code ...
You can see Teleinformation official french datasheet [there][1]
Since this is really dedicated to French energy measuring system, I will continue in French
Copier le contenu de ce dossier (download zip) dans le dossier libraries de votre environnement Arduino Vous devriez avoir maintenant quelque chose comme `your_sketchbook_folder/libraries/LibTeleinfo` et ce dossier doit contentir les fichiers .cpp et .h ainsi que le sous dossier `examples`.
Pour trouver votre dossier de sketchbook, dans l'environnement IDE, allez dans File>Preferences.
allez voir ce [tutorial][2] sur les librairies Arduino si beoin.
J'ai écrit un article [dédié][10] sur cette librairie, vous pouvez aussi voir les [catégories][6] associées à la téléinfo sur mon [blog][7].
Pour les commentaires et le support vous pouvez allez sur le [forum][8] dédié ou dans la [communauté][9]
Sketch d'exemples
- [Arduino_Softserial_Etiquette][3] Affiche des informations de téléinformation reçue étiquette par étiquette
- [Arduino_Softserial_Blink][11] Affiche des informations de téléinformation reçue trame par trame avec clignotement LED court/long si les données ont été modifiés
- [Arduino_Softserial_JSON][4] Retourne les informations de téléinformation au format JSON sur la liaison série.
- [Raspberry_JSON][12] Retourne les informations de téléinformation au format JSON sur stdout.
- [Wifinfo][5] ESP8266, ESP32 Wifi Teleinformation, Web + Rest + bonus, version en cours de développement, à venir mais un article [dédié][13] est déjà présent sur mon blog
- [ESP32][14] ESP32 Basic test pour WifInfo32 nouveau nom Denky :-)
- J'utilise la téléinfo dans plusieurs de mes programmes et j'en avais marre de devoir faire des copier/coller de code constament, j'ai donc décidé de faire une librairie commune que j'utilise sans me poser de question
Cette oeuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas dUtilisation Commerciale - Partage dans les Mêmes Conditions 4.0 International.
Si vous êtes une entreprise et que vous souhaitez participer car vous utilisez cette librairie dans du hardware (box, automate, ...), vous pouvez toujours m'envoyer un exemplaire de votre fabrication, c'est toujours sympa de voir ce qui est fait avec ce code ;-)
Vous pouvez aller voir les nouveautés et autres projets sur [blog][7]

lib/LibTeleinfo/library.json Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"name": "LibTeleinfo",
"version": "1.1.0",
"keywords": "teleinfo, french, meter, power, erdf, linky, tic",
"description": "Decoder for Teleinfo (aka TIC) from French smart power meters",
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"name": "Charles-Henri Hallard",
"url": ""
"frameworks": "arduino",
"platforms": "*"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
author=Charles-Henri Hallard <>
maintainer=Charles-Henri Hallard <>
sentence=Decoder for Teleinfo (aka TIC) from French smart power meters
paragraph=This is a generic Teleinfo (aka TIC) French Meter Measure Library, it can be used on Arduino, Particle, ESP8266, Raspberry PI or anywhere you can do Cpp coding.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,842 @@
// **********************************************************************************
// Driver definition for French Teleinfo
// **********************************************************************************
// Creative Commons Attrib Share-Alike License
// You are free to use/extend this library but please abide with the CC-BY-SA license:
// For any explanation about teleinfo ou use , see my blog
// Code based on following datasheet
// Written by Charles-Henri Hallard (
// History : V1.00 2015-06-14 - First release
// V2.00 2020-06-11 - Integration into Tasmota
// All text above must be included in any redistribution.
// Edit : Tab size set to 2 but I converted tab to sapces
// **********************************************************************************
#include "LibTeleinfo.h"
/* ======================================================================
Class : TInfo
Purpose : Constructor
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
// Init of our linked list = NULL;
_valueslist.value = NULL;
_valueslist.checksum = '\0';
_valueslist.flags = TINFO_FLAGS_NONE;
// callback
_fn_ADPS = NULL;
_fn_data = NULL;
_fn_new_frame = NULL;
_fn_updated_frame = NULL;
/* ======================================================================
Function: init
Purpose : try to guess
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void TInfo::init()
// free up linked list (in case on recall init())
// clear our receive buffer
// We're in INIT in term of receive data
_state = TINFO_INIT;
/* ======================================================================
Function: attachADPS
Purpose : attach a callback when we detected a ADPS on any phase
Input : callback function
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void TInfo::attachADPS(void (*fn_ADPS)(uint8_t phase))
// indicate the user callback
_fn_ADPS = fn_ADPS;
/* ======================================================================
Function: attachNewData
Purpose : attach a callback when we detected a new/changed value
Input : callback function
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void TInfo::attachData(void (*fn_data)(ValueList * valueslist, uint8_t state))
// indicate the user callback
_fn_data = fn_data;
/* ======================================================================
Function: attachNewFrame
Purpose : attach a callback when we received a full frame
Input : callback function
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void TInfo::attachNewFrame(void (*fn_new_frame)(ValueList * valueslist))
// indicate the user callback
_fn_new_frame = fn_new_frame;
/* ======================================================================
Function: attachChangedFrame
Purpose : attach a callback when we received a full frame where data
has changed since the last frame (cool to update data)
Input : callback function
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void TInfo::attachUpdatedFrame(void (*fn_updated_frame)(ValueList * valueslist))
// indicate the user callback
_fn_updated_frame = fn_updated_frame;
/* ======================================================================
Function: clearBuffer
Purpose : clear and init the buffer
Input : -
Output : -
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void TInfo::clearBuffer()
// Clear our buffer, set index to 0
memset(_recv_buff, 0, TINFO_BUFSIZE);
_recv_idx = 0;
/* ======================================================================
Function: addCustomValue
Purpose : let user add custom values (mainly for testing)
Input : Pointer to the label name
pointer to the value
pointer on flag state of the label
Output : pointer to the new node (or founded one)
Comments: checksum is calculated before adding, no need to bother with
====================================================================== */
ValueList * TInfo::addCustomValue(char * name, char * value, uint8_t * flags)
// Little check
if (name && *name && value && *value) {
ValueList * me;
// Same as if we really received this line
customLabel(name, value, flags);
me = valueAdd(name, value, calcChecksum(name,value), flags);
if ( me ) {
// something to do with new datas
// this frame will for sure be updated
_frame_updated = true;
return (me);
// Error or Already Exists
return ( (ValueList *) NULL);
/* ======================================================================
Function: valueAdd
Purpose : Add element to the Linked List of values
Input : Pointer to the label name
pointer to the value
checksum value
flag state of the label (modified by function)
Output : pointer to the new node (or founded one)
Comments: - state of the label changed by the function
====================================================================== */
ValueList * TInfo::valueAdd(char * name, char * value, uint8_t checksum, uint8_t * flags)
// Get our linked list
ValueList * me = &_valueslist;
uint8_t lgname = strlen(name);
uint8_t lgvalue = strlen(value);
uint8_t thischeck = calcChecksum(name,value);
// just some paranoia
if (thischeck != checksum ) {
TI_Debug(F(" '"));
TI_Debug((char) checksum);
TI_Debug(F("' Not added bad checksum calculated '"));
TI_Debug((char) thischeck);
} else {
// Got one and all seems good ?
if (me && lgname && lgvalue && checksum) {
// Create pointer on the new node
ValueList *newNode = NULL;
ValueList *parNode = NULL ;
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
// save parent node
parNode = me ;
// go to next node
me = me->next;
// Check if we already have this LABEL (same name AND same size)
if (lgname==strlen(me->name) && strncmp(me->name, name, lgname)==0) {
// Already got also this value return US
if (lgvalue==strlen(me->value) && strncmp(me->value, value, lgvalue) == 0) {
me->flags = *flags;
return ( me );
} else {
// We changed the value
me->flags = *flags ;
// Do we have enought space to hold new value ?
if (strlen(me->value) >= lgvalue ) {
// Copy it
strlcpy(me->value, value , lgvalue );
me->checksum = checksum ;
// That's all
return (me);
} else {
// indicate our parent node that the next node
// is not us anymore but the next we have
parNode->next = me->next;
// free up this node
free (me);
// Return to parent (that will now point on next node and not us)
// and continue loop just in case we have sevral with same name
me = parNode;
// Our linked list structure sizeof(ValueList)
// + Name + '\0'
// + Value + '\0'
size_t size ;
#if defined (ESP8266) || defined (ESP32)
lgname = ESP_allocAlign(lgname+1); // Align name buffer
lgvalue = ESP_allocAlign(lgvalue+1); // Align value buffer
// Align the whole structure
size = ESP_allocAlign( sizeof(ValueList) + lgname + lgvalue ) ;
size = sizeof(ValueList) + lgname + 1 + lgvalue + 1 ;
// Create new node with size to store strings
if ((newNode = (ValueList *) malloc(size) ) == NULL)
return ( (ValueList *) NULL );
// get our buffer Safe
memset(newNode, 0, size);
// Put the new node on the list
me->next = newNode;
// First String located after last struct element
// Second String located after the First + \0
newNode->checksum = checksum;
newNode->name = (char *) newNode + sizeof(ValueList);
newNode->value = (char *) newNode->name + lgname + 1;
// Copy the string data
memcpy(newNode->name , name , lgname );
memcpy(newNode->value, value , lgvalue );
// So we just created this node but was it new
// or was matter of text size ?
if ( (*flags & TINFO_FLAGS_UPDATED) == 0) {
// so we added this node !
newNode->flags = *flags;
TI_Debug(F("Added '"));
TI_Debug(F("' '"));
TI_Debug((char) checksum);
// return pointer on the new node
return (newNode);
} // Checksum OK
// Error or Already Exists
return ( (ValueList *) NULL);
/* ======================================================================
Function: valueRemoveFlagged
Purpose : remove element to the Linked List of values where
Input : paramter flags
Output : true if found and removed
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
boolean TInfo::valueRemoveFlagged(uint8_t flags)
boolean deleted = false;
// Get our linked list
ValueList * me = &_valueslist;
ValueList *parNode = NULL ;
// Got one and all seems good ?
if (me) {
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
// save parent node
parNode = me ;
// go to next node
me = me->next;
// found the flags?
if (me->flags & flags ) {
// indicate our parent node that the next node
// is not us anymore but the next we have
parNode->next = me->next;
// free up this node
free (me);
// Return to parent (that will now point on next node and not us)
// and continue loop just in case we have sevral with same name
me = parNode;
deleted = true;
return (deleted);
/* ======================================================================
Function: valueRemove
Purpose : remove element to the Linked List of values
Input : Pointer to the label name
Output : true if found and removed
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
boolean TInfo::valueRemove(char * name)
boolean deleted = false;
// Get our linked list
ValueList * me = &_valueslist;
ValueList *parNode = NULL ;
uint8_t lgname = strlen(name);
// Got one and all seems good ?
if (me && lgname) {
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
// save parent node
parNode = me ;
// go to next node
me = me->next;
// found ?
if (strncmp(me->name, name, lgname) == 0) {
// indicate our parent node that the next node
// is not us anymore but the next we have
parNode->next = me->next;
// free up this node
free (me);
// Return to parent (that will now point on next node and not us)
// and continue loop just in case we have sevral with same name
me = parNode;
deleted = true;
return (deleted);
/* ======================================================================
Function: valueGet
Purpose : get value of one element
Input : Pointer to the label name
pointer to the value where we fill data
Output : pointer to the value where we filled data NULL is not found
====================================================================== */
char * TInfo::valueGet(char * name, char * value)
// Get our linked list
ValueList * me = &_valueslist;
uint8_t lgname = strlen(name);
// Got one and all seems good ?
if (me && lgname) {
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
// go to next node
me = me->next;
// Check if we match this LABEL
if (lgname==strlen(me->name) && strncmp(me->name, name, lgname)==0) {
// this one has a value ?
if (me->value) {
// copy to dest buffer
uint8_t lgvalue = strlen(me->value);
strlcpy(value, me->value , lgvalue );
return ( value );
// not found
return ( NULL);
/* ======================================================================
Function: getTopList
Purpose : return a pointer on the top of the linked list
Input : -
Output : Pointer
====================================================================== */
ValueList * TInfo::getList(void)
// Get our linked list
return &_valueslist;
/* ======================================================================
Function: valuesDump
Purpose : dump linked list content
Input : -
Output : total number of values
====================================================================== */
uint8_t TInfo::valuesDump(void)
// Get our linked list
ValueList * me = &_valueslist;
uint8_t index = 0;
// Got one ?
if (me) {
// Loop thru the node
while (me->next) {
// go to next node
me = me->next;
TI_Debug(index) ;
TI_Debug(F(") ")) ;
if (me->name) {
TI_Debug(me->name) ;
} else {
TI_Debug(F("NULL")) ;
TI_Debug(F("=")) ;
if (me->value) {
TI_Debug(me->value) ;
} else {
TI_Debug(F("NULL")) ;
TI_Debug(F(" '")) ;
TI_Debug(me->checksum) ;
TI_Debug(F("' "));
// Flags management
if ( me->flags) {
TI_Debugf("%02X =>", me->flags);
if ( me->flags & TINFO_FLAGS_EXIST) {
TI_Debug(F("Exist ")) ;
if ( me->flags & TINFO_FLAGS_UPDATED) {
TI_Debug(F("Updated ")) ;
if ( me->flags & TINFO_FLAGS_ADDED) {
TI_Debug(F("New ")) ;
TI_Debugln() ;
return index;
/* ======================================================================
Function: labelCount
Purpose : Count the number of label in the list
Input : -
Output : element numbers
====================================================================== */
int TInfo::labelCount()
int count = 0;
// Get our linked list
ValueList * me = &_valueslist;
if (me)
while ((me = me->next))
return (count);
/* ======================================================================
Function: listDelete
Purpose : Delete the ENTIRE Linked List, not a value
Input : -
Output : True if Ok False Otherwise
====================================================================== */
boolean TInfo::listDelete()
// Get our linked list
ValueList * me = &_valueslist;
// Got a pointer
if (me) {
ValueList *current;
// For each linked list
while ((current = me->next)) {
// Get the next
me->next = current->next;
// Free the current
// Free the top element
me->next = NULL ;
// Ok
return (true);
return (false);
/* ======================================================================
Function: checksum
Purpose : calculate the checksum based on data/value fields
Input : label name
label value
Output : checksum
Comments: return '\0' in case of error
====================================================================== */
unsigned char TInfo::calcChecksum(char *etiquette, char *valeur)
uint8_t sum = ' '; // Somme des codes ASCII du message + un espace
// avoid dead loop, always check all is fine
if (etiquette && valeur) {
// this will not hurt and may save our life ;-)
if (strlen(etiquette) && strlen(valeur)) {
while (*etiquette)
sum += *etiquette++ ;
sum += *valeur++ ;
return ( (sum & 63) + ' ' ) ;
return 0;
/* ======================================================================
Function: customLabel
Purpose : do action when received a correct label / value + checksum line
Input : plabel : pointer to string containing the label
pvalue : pointer to string containing the associated value
pflags pointer in flags value if we need to cchange it
Output :
====================================================================== */
void TInfo::customLabel( char * plabel, char * pvalue, uint8_t * pflags)
int8_t phase = -1;
// Monophasé
if (strcmp(plabel, "ADPS")==0 )
// For testing
//if (strcmp(plabel, "IINST")==0 ) {
// *pflags |= TINFO_FLAGS_ALERT;
// triphasé c'est ADIR + Num Phase
if (plabel[0]=='A' && plabel[1]=='D' && plabel[2]=='I' && plabel[3]=='R' && plabel[4]>='1' && plabel[4]<='3') {
phase = plabel[4]-'0';
// Nous avons un ADPS ?
if (phase>=0 && phase <=3) {
// ne doit pas être sauvé définitivement
// Traitement de l'ADPS demandé par le sketch
if (_fn_ADPS)
/* ======================================================================
Function: checkLine
Purpose : check one line of teleinfo received
Input : -
Output : pointer to the data object in the linked list if OK else NULL
====================================================================== */
ValueList * TInfo::checkLine(char * pline)
char * p;
char * ptok;
char * pend;
char * pvalue;
char checksum;
char buff[TINFO_BUFSIZE];
uint8_t flags = TINFO_FLAGS_NONE;
//boolean err = true ; // Assume error
int len ; // Group len
if (pline==NULL)
return NULL;
len = strlen(pline);
// a line should be at least 7 Char
// 2 Label + Space + 1 etiquette + space + checksum + \r
if ( len < 7 )
return NULL;
// Get our own working copy
strlcpy( buff, _recv_buff, len+1);
p = &buff[0];
ptok = p; // for sure we start with token name
pend = p + len; // max size
// Init values
pvalue = NULL;
checksum = 0;
//TI_Debug("Got [");
//TI_Debug("] ");
// Loop in buffer
while ( p < pend ) {
// start of token value
if ( *p==' ' && ptok) {
// Isolate token name
*p++ = '\0';
// 1st space, it's the label value
if (!pvalue)
pvalue = p;
// 2nd space, so it's the checksum
checksum = *p;
// new line ? ok we got all we need ?
if ( *p=='\r' ) {
// Good format ?
if ( ptok && pvalue && checksum ) {
// Always check to avoid bad behavior
if(strlen(ptok) && strlen(pvalue)) {
// Is checksum is OK
if ( calcChecksum(ptok,pvalue) == checksum) {
// In case we need to do things on specific labels
customLabel(ptok, pvalue, &flags);
// Add value to linked lists of values
ValueList * me = valueAdd(ptok, pvalue, checksum, &flags);
// value correctly added/changed
if ( me ) {
// something to do with new datas
// this frame will for sure be updated
_frame_updated = true;
// Do we need to advertise user callback
if (_fn_data)
_fn_data(me, flags);
// Next char
} // While
return NULL;
/* ======================================================================
Function: process
Purpose : teleinfo serial char received processing, should be called
my main loop, this will take care of managing all the other
Input : pointer to the serial used
Output : teleinfo global state
====================================================================== */
_State_e TInfo::process(char c)
// be sure 7 bits only
c &= 0x7F;
// What we received ?
switch (c) {
// start of transmission ???
// Clear buffer, begin to store in it
// by default frame is not "updated"
// if data change we'll set this flag
_frame_updated = false;
// We were waiting fo this one ?
if (_state == TINFO_INIT || _state == TINFO_WAIT_STX ) {
_state = TINFO_WAIT_ETX;
// End of transmission ?
// Normal working mode ?
if (_state == TINFO_READY) {
// Get on top of our linked list
ValueList * me = &_valueslist;
// Call user callback if any
if (_frame_updated && _fn_updated_frame)
else if (_fn_new_frame)
#ifdef TI_Debug
// It's important there since all user job is done
// to remove the alert flags from table (ADPS for example)
// it will be put back again next time if any
// We were waiting fo this one ?
if (_state == TINFO_WAIT_ETX) {
_state = TINFO_READY;
else if ( _state == TINFO_INIT) {
_state = TINFO_WAIT_STX ;
// Start of group \n ?
// Do nothing we'll work at end of group
// we can safely ignore this char
// End of group \r ?
// Are we ready to process ?
if (_state == TINFO_READY) {
// Store data recceived (we'll need it)
if ( _recv_idx < TINFO_BUFSIZE)
// clear the end of buffer (paranoia inside)
memset(&_recv_buff[_recv_idx], 0, TINFO_BUFSIZE-_recv_idx);
// check the group we've just received
checkLine(_recv_buff) ;
// Whatever error or not, we done
// other char ?
// Only in a ready state of course
if (_state == TINFO_READY) {
// If buffer is not full, Store data
if ( _recv_idx < TINFO_BUFSIZE)
return _state;

lib/LibTeleinfo/src/LibTeleinfo.h Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
// **********************************************************************************
// Driver definition for French Teleinfo
// **********************************************************************************
// Creative Commons Attrib Share-Alike License
// You are free to use/extend this library but please abide with the CC-BY-SA license:
// For any explanation about teleinfo ou use , see my blog
// Code based on following datasheet
// Written by Charles-Henri Hallard (
// History : V1.00 2015-06-14 - First release
// V2.00 2020-06-11 - Integration into Tasmota
// All text above must be included in any redistribution.
// Edit : Tab size set to 2 but I converted tab to sapces
// **********************************************************************************
#ifndef LibTeleinfo_h
#define LibTeleinfo_h
// Define this if you want library to be verbose
//#define TI_DEBUG
// I prefix debug macro to be sure to use specific for THIS library
// debugging, this should not interfere with main sketch or other
// libraries
#ifdef TI_DEBUG
#ifdef ESP8266
#define TI_Debug(x) Serial1.print(x)
#define TI_Debugln(x) Serial1.println(x)
#define TI_Debugf(...) Serial1.printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define TI_Debugflush Serial1.flush
#define TI_Debug(x) Serial.print(x)
#define TI_Debugln(x) Serial.println(x)
#define TI_Debugf(...) Serial.printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define TI_Debugflush Serial.flush
#define TI_Debug(x)
#define TI_Debugln(x)
#define TI_Debugf(...)
#define TI_Debugflush
// For 4 bytes Aligment boundaries
#define ESP_allocAlign(size) ((size + 3) & ~((size_t) 3))
#pragma pack(push) // push current alignment to stack
#pragma pack(1) // set alignment to 1 byte boundary
// Linked list structure containing all values received
typedef struct _ValueList ValueList;
struct _ValueList
ValueList *next; // next element
char * name; // LABEL of value name
char * value; // value
uint8_t checksum;// checksum
uint8_t flags; // specific flags
#pragma pack(pop)
// Library state machine
enum _State_e {
TINFO_INIT, // We're in init
TINFO_WAIT_STX, // We're waiting for STX
TINFO_WAIT_ETX, // We had STX, We're waiting for ETX
TINFO_READY // We had STX AND ETX, So we're OK
// what we done with received value (also for callback flags)
#define TINFO_FLAGS_NONE 0x00
#define TINFO_FLAGS_ADDED 0x02
#define TINFO_FLAGS_EXIST 0x04
#define TINFO_FLAGS_ALERT 0x80 /* This will generate an alert */
// Local buffer for one line of teleinfo
// maximum size, I think it should be enought
#define TINFO_BUFSIZE 64
// Teleinfo start and end of frame characters
#define TINFO_STX 0x02
#define TINFO_ETX 0x03
#define TINFO_SGR '\n' // start of group
#define TINFO_EGR '\r' // End of group
class TInfo
void init();
_State_e process (char c);
void attachADPS(void (*_fn_ADPS)(uint8_t phase));
void attachData(void (*_fn_data)(ValueList * valueslist, uint8_t state));
void attachNewFrame(void (*_fn_new_frame)(ValueList * valueslist));
void attachUpdatedFrame(void (*_fn_updated_frame)(ValueList * valueslist));
ValueList * addCustomValue(char * name, char * value, uint8_t * flags);
ValueList * getList(void);
uint8_t valuesDump(void);
char * valueGet(char * name, char * value);
boolean listDelete();
unsigned char calcChecksum(char *etiquette, char *valeur) ;
void clearBuffer();
ValueList * valueAdd (char * name, char * value, uint8_t checksum, uint8_t * flags);
boolean valueRemove (char * name);
boolean valueRemoveFlagged(uint8_t flags);
int labelCount();
void customLabel( char * plabel, char * pvalue, uint8_t * pflags) ;
ValueList * checkLine(char * pline) ;
_State_e _state; // Teleinfo machine state
ValueList _valueslist; // Linked list of teleinfo values
char _recv_buff[TINFO_BUFSIZE]; // line receive buffer
uint8_t _recv_idx; // index in receive buffer
boolean _frame_updated; // Data on the frame has been updated
void (*_fn_ADPS)(uint8_t phase);
void (*_fn_data)(ValueList * valueslist, uint8_t state);
void (*_fn_new_frame)(ValueList * valueslist);
void (*_fn_updated_frame)(ValueList * valueslist);
//volatile uint8_t *dcport;
//uint8_t dcpinmask;