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tasmota/Arduino.h Normal file
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Arduino.h - Main include file for the Arduino SDK
Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Arduino Team. All right reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef Arduino_h
#define Arduino_h
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "stdlib_noniso.h"
#include "binary.h"
#include "esp8266_peri.h"
#include "twi.h"
#include "core_esp8266_features.h"
#include "core_esp8266_version.h"
#define HIGH 0x1
#define LOW 0x0
#define PWMRANGE 1023
#define INPUT 0x00
#define INPUT_PULLUP 0x02
#define INPUT_PULLDOWN_16 0x04 // PULLDOWN only possible for pin16
#define OUTPUT 0x01
#define OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN 0x03
#define WAKEUP_PULLUP 0x05
#define WAKEUP_PULLDOWN 0x07
#define SPECIAL 0xF8 //defaults to the usable BUSes uart0rx/tx uart1tx and hspi
#define FUNCTION_0 0x08
#define FUNCTION_1 0x18
#define FUNCTION_2 0x28
#define FUNCTION_3 0x38
#define FUNCTION_4 0x48
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
#define HALF_PI 1.5707963267948966192313216916398
#define TWO_PI 6.283185307179586476925286766559
#define DEG_TO_RAD 0.017453292519943295769236907684886
#define RAD_TO_DEG 57.295779513082320876798154814105
#define EULER 2.718281828459045235360287471352
#define SERIAL 0x0
#define DISPLAY 0x1
#define LSBFIRST 0
#define MSBFIRST 1
//Interrupt Modes
#define RISING 0x01
#define FALLING 0x02
#define CHANGE 0x03
#define ONLOW 0x04
#define ONHIGH 0x05
#define ONLOW_WE 0x0C
#define ONHIGH_WE 0x0D
#define DEFAULT 1
#define EXTERNAL 0
//timer dividers
TIM_DIV1 = 0, //80MHz (80 ticks/us - 104857.588 us max)
TIM_DIV16 = 1, //5MHz (5 ticks/us - 1677721.4 us max)
TIM_DIV256 = 3 //312.5Khz (1 tick = 3.2us - 26843542.4 us max)
//timer int_types
#define TIM_EDGE 0
#define TIM_LEVEL 1
//timer reload values
#define TIM_SINGLE 0 //on interrupt routine you need to write a new value to start the timer again
#define TIM_LOOP 1 //on interrupt the counter will start with the same value again
#define timer1_read() (T1V)
#define timer1_enabled() ((T1C & (1 << TCTE)) != 0)
#define timer1_interrupted() ((T1C & (1 << TCIS)) != 0)
typedef void(*timercallback)(void);
void timer1_isr_init(void);
void timer1_enable(uint8_t divider, uint8_t int_type, uint8_t reload);
void timer1_disable(void);
void timer1_attachInterrupt(timercallback userFunc);
void timer1_detachInterrupt(void);
void timer1_write(uint32_t ticks); //maximum ticks 8388607
// timer0 is a special CPU timer that has very high resolution but with
// limited control.
// it uses CCOUNT (ESP.GetCycleCount()) as the non-resetable timer counter
// it does not support divide, type, or reload flags
// it is auto-disabled when the compare value matches CCOUNT
// it is auto-enabled when the compare value changes
#define timer0_interrupted() (ETS_INTR_PENDING() & (_BV(ETS_COMPARE0_INUM)))
#define timer0_read() ((__extension__({uint32_t count;__asm__ __volatile__("esync; rsr %0,ccompare0":"=a" (count));count;})))
#define timer0_write(count) __asm__ __volatile__("wsr %0,ccompare0; esync"::"a" (count) : "memory")
void timer0_isr_init(void);
void timer0_attachInterrupt(timercallback userFunc);
void timer0_detachInterrupt(void);
// Use stdlib abs() and round() to avoid issues with the C++ libraries
#define constrain(amt,low,high) ((amt)<(low)?(low):((amt)>(high)?(high):(amt)))
#define radians(deg) ((deg)*DEG_TO_RAD)
#define degrees(rad) ((rad)*RAD_TO_DEG)
#define sq(x) ((x)*(x))
void ets_intr_lock();
void ets_intr_unlock();
#define interrupts() xt_rsil(0)
#define noInterrupts() xt_rsil(15)
#define clockCyclesPerMicrosecond() ( F_CPU / 1000000L )
#define clockCyclesToMicroseconds(a) ( (a) / clockCyclesPerMicrosecond() )
#define microsecondsToClockCycles(a) ( (a) * clockCyclesPerMicrosecond() )
#define lowByte(w) ((uint8_t) ((w) & 0xff))
#define highByte(w) ((uint8_t) ((w) >> 8))
#define bitRead(value, bit) (((value) >> (bit)) & 0x01)
#define bitSet(value, bit) ((value) |= (1UL << (bit)))
#define bitClear(value, bit) ((value) &= ~(1UL << (bit)))
#define bitWrite(value, bit, bitvalue) (bitvalue ? bitSet(value, bit) : bitClear(value, bit))
// avr-libc defines _NOP() since 1.6.2
#ifndef _NOP
#define _NOP() do { __asm__ volatile ("nop"); } while (0)
typedef uint16_t word;
#define bit(b) (1UL << (b))
#define _BV(b) (1UL << (b))
typedef bool boolean;
typedef uint8_t byte;
void init(void);
void initVariant(void);
int atexit(void (*func)()) __attribute__((weak));
void pinMode(uint8_t pin, uint8_t mode);
void digitalWrite(uint8_t pin, uint8_t val);
int digitalRead(uint8_t pin);
int analogRead(uint8_t pin);
void analogReference(uint8_t mode);
void analogWrite(uint8_t pin, int val);
void analogWriteCCyPeriod(uint8_t pin, int val, uint32_t period);
void analogWriteFreq(uint32_t freq);
void analogWriteRange(uint32_t range);
unsigned long millis(void);
unsigned long micros(void);
uint64_t micros64(void);
void delay(unsigned long);
void delayMicroseconds(unsigned int us);
unsigned long pulseIn(uint8_t pin, uint8_t state, unsigned long timeout);
unsigned long pulseInLong(uint8_t pin, uint8_t state, unsigned long timeout);
void shiftOut(uint8_t dataPin, uint8_t clockPin, uint8_t bitOrder, uint8_t val);
uint8_t shiftIn(uint8_t dataPin, uint8_t clockPin, uint8_t bitOrder);
void attachInterrupt(uint8_t pin, void (*)(void), int mode);
void detachInterrupt(uint8_t pin);
void attachInterruptArg(uint8_t pin, void (*)(void*), void* arg, int mode);
void preinit(void);
void setup(void);
void loop(void);
void yield(void);
void optimistic_yield(uint32_t interval_us);
#define _PORT_GPIO16 1
#define digitalPinToPort(pin) (((pin)==16)?(_PORT_GPIO16):(0))
#define digitalPinToBitMask(pin) (((pin)==16)?(1):(1UL << (pin)))
#define digitalPinToTimer(pin) (0)
#define portOutputRegister(port) (((port)==_PORT_GPIO16)?((volatile uint32_t*) &GP16O):((volatile uint32_t*) &GPO))
#define portInputRegister(port) (((port)==_PORT_GPIO16)?((volatile uint32_t*) &GP16I):((volatile uint32_t*) &GPI))
#define portModeRegister(port) (((port)==_PORT_GPIO16)?((volatile uint32_t*) &GP16E):((volatile uint32_t*) &GPE))
#define NOT_A_PIN -1
#define NOT_A_PORT -1
#define NOT_ON_TIMER 0
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
//for compatibility, below 4 lines to be removed in release 3.0.0
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
const int TIM_DIV265 __attribute__((deprecated, weak)) = TIM_DIV256;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <pgmspace.h>
#include "WCharacter.h"
#include "WString.h"
#include "HardwareSerial.h"
#include "Esp.h"
#include "Updater.h"
#include "debug.h"
using std::min;
using std::max;
using std::round;
using std::isinf;
using std::isnan;
#define _min(a,b) ({ decltype(a) _a = (a); decltype(b) _b = (b); _a < _b? _a : _b; })
#define _max(a,b) ({ decltype(a) _a = (a); decltype(b) _b = (b); _a > _b? _a : _b; })
uint16_t makeWord(uint16_t w);
uint16_t makeWord(byte h, byte l);
#define word(...) makeWord(__VA_ARGS__)
unsigned long pulseIn(uint8_t pin, uint8_t state, unsigned long timeout = 1000000L);
unsigned long pulseInLong(uint8_t pin, uint8_t state, unsigned long timeout = 1000000L);
void tone(uint8_t _pin, unsigned int frequency, unsigned long duration = 0);
void tone(uint8_t _pin, int frequency, unsigned long duration = 0);
void tone(uint8_t _pin, double frequency, unsigned long duration = 0);
void noTone(uint8_t _pin);
// WMath prototypes
long random(long);
long random(long, long);
void randomSeed(unsigned long);
long secureRandom(long);
long secureRandom(long, long);
long map(long, long, long, long, long);
void setTZ(const char* tz);
void configTime(int timezone, int daylightOffset_sec, const char* server1,
const char* server2 = nullptr, const char* server3 = nullptr);
void configTime(const char* tz, const char* server1,
const char* server2 = nullptr, const char* server3 = nullptr);
// esp32 api compatibility
inline void configTzTime(const char* tz, const char* server1,
const char* server2 = nullptr, const char* server3 = nullptr)
configTime(tz, server1, server2, server3);
#endif // __cplusplus
#include "pins_arduino.h"
// reinclude *alloc redefinition because of <cstdlib> undefining them
// this is mandatory for allowing OOM *alloc definitions in .ino files
#include "umm_malloc/umm_malloc_cfg.h"