mirror of https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota.git
Berry add `yield` and `delay` commands
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ extern int l_cmd(bvm *vm);
extern int l_getoption(bvm *vm);
extern int l_millis(bvm *vm);
extern int l_timereached(bvm *vm);
extern int l_yield(bvm *vm);
#if 1 // TODO we will do pre-compiled later
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ be_native_module_attr_table(tasmota) {
be_native_module_function("getoption", l_getoption),
be_native_module_function("millis", l_millis),
be_native_module_function("timereached", l_timereached),
be_native_module_function("yield", l_yield),
be_define_native_module(tasmota, NULL);
@ -100,6 +100,13 @@ tasmota.exec_rules = def (ev_json)
return ret
tasmota.delay = def(ms)
tend = tasmota.millis(ms)
while !tasmota.timereached(tend)
#- Test
@ -155,3 +162,10 @@ br def backlog(cmd_list) delay_backlog = tasmota.getoption(34) delay = 0 for cmd
br backlog( [ "Power 0", "Status 4", "Power 1" ] )
tasmota.delay = def(ms) tend = tasmota.millis(ms) log(str(tasmota.millis())) while !tasmota.timereached(tend) end log(str(tasmota.millis())) end
tasmota.delay = def(ms) a=0 tend = tasmota.millis(ms) log(str(tasmota.millis())) while !tasmota.timereached(tend) a=a+1 end log(str(tasmota.millis())) log(str(a)) end
@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
#include <berry.h>
#include <csetjmp>
const size_t BERRY_STACK = 4096; // size for the alternate stack for continuation
const char kBrCommands[] PROGMEM = D_PRFX_BR "|" // prefix
@ -35,49 +33,10 @@ void (* const BerryCommand[])(void) PROGMEM = {
CmndBrRun, CmndBrReset,
* Async mode for Berry VM
* We enhance the berry language with `yield()` and `wait(ms)` functions.
* When called, the VM is frozen and control is given back to Tasmota. Then Tasmota
* at next tick or when the time is reached, resumes the VM.
* This is based on coroutines scheme, similar to the contiuation stack of ESP8266.
* The basic concept is that Tasmota records a longjump target including current stack position
* and return address.
* The Berry VM is then called with an alternate stack so that we can switch from both stacks
* and keep the callchain intact.
* High level view:
* - Tasmota records a return vector with `setjmp`
* - Tasmota changes replaces the native stack with an alternate stack pre-allocated on the heap
* - Tasmota calls the Berry VM with `be_pcall`
* - During the flow of Berry VM, the user code calls `yield()` or `wait(ms)`
* - Corresponding native function is called (still on alternate stack)
* - Native function records VM resume target with `setjmp`
* - and gives back function to Tasmota via `longjmp`.
* Note: `longjmp` restores at the same time the native stack.
* Note: trampoline functions relies on global variables, since stack variable don't work anymore
* when replacing stack.
class BerrySupport {
bvm *vm = nullptr; // berry vm
bool rules_busy = false; // are we already processing rules, avoid infinite loop
// Alternate stack for the Berry VM
uint8_t *stack_alloc = nullptr; // stack malloc address
uint8_t *stack = nullptr; // alternate stack for continuation (top of stack)
// longjmp vectors to yield from Tasmota to VM and reverse
bool ta_cont_ok = false; // is the Tasmota continuation address valid?
bool vm_cont_ok = false; // is the VM continuation address valid?
jmp_buf ta_cont; // continuation structure for the longjump back to Tasmota
jmp_buf vm_cont;
// used by trampoline to call be_pcall()
const char *fname = nullptr; // name of berry function to call
int32_t fret = 0;
@ -109,6 +68,7 @@ void checkBeTop(void) {
* tasmota.getoption(index:int) -> int
* tasmota.millis([delay:int]) -> int
* tasmota.timereached(timer:int) -> bool
* tasmota.yield() -> nil
extern "C" {
@ -216,36 +176,15 @@ extern "C" {
be_return_nil(vm); // Return nil when something goes wrong
// Berry: `printStack() -> nul`
// print stack pointer
// int32_t l_printStack(bvm *vm) {
// int r = 0;
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Trampo: stack = 0x%08X"), &r);
// be_return(vm);
// }
// Yield
int32_t l_yield(struct bvm *vm) {
if (berry.ta_cont_ok) { // if no ta_cont address, then ignore
if (setjmp(berry.vm_cont) == 0) { // record the current state
berry.vm_cont_ok = true;
longjmp(berry.ta_cont, -1); // give back control to Tasmota
berry.vm_cont_ok = false; // from now, berry.vm_cont is no more valid
// Berry: `yield() -> nil`
// ESP object
int32_t l_yield(bvm *vm);
int32_t l_yield(bvm *vm) {
// be_native_module_attr_table(esp) {
// be_native_module_function("getFreeHeap", l_getFreeHeap),
// };
// be_define_native_module(math, nullptr);
@ -329,82 +268,6 @@ void callBerryFunctionVoid(const char * fname) {
void test_input(void) {
int i = 0;
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("test_input stack = 0x%08X"), &i);
int be_pcall_with_alt_stack() {
berry.fret = be_pcall(berry.vm, 0);
return berry.fret;
void printStack(void) {
int r = 0;
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Trampo: stack = 0x%08X"), &r);
int32_t callTrampoline(void *func) {
// Tasmota stack active
// ----------------------------------
static int r;
berry.vm_cont_ok = false;
if ((r = setjmp(berry.ta_cont)) == 0) { // capture registers
// Tasmota stack active
// ----------------------------------
// on the first run, we call back ourselves with the alternate stack
// we clone the return vector and change the stack pointer
static jmp_buf trampo;
memmove(trampo, berry.ta_cont, sizeof(berry.ta_cont));
#if defined(ESP8266) || defined(ESP32)
trampo[1] = (int32_t) berry.stack; // change stack
#error "Need CPU specific code for setting alternate stack"
longjmp(trampo, (int)func);
// this part is unreachable (longjmp does not return)
} else if (r == -1) {
// Tasmota stack active
// ----------------------------------
// the call has completed normally, and `yield` was not called
berry.ta_cont_ok = false;
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Trampo: old stack restored"));
// printStack();
} else {
// ALTERNATE stack active
// -----------------------------------
// r contains the address of the function to call
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Trampo: new stack reg");
// printStack();
berry.ta_cont_ok = true; // Berry can call back Tasmota thread
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Trampo: after callBerryFunctionVoid"));
// printStack();
longjmp(berry.ta_cont, -1);
// this part is unreachable (longjmp does not return)
// which protects us from accidentally using the alternate stack
// in regular code
// Tasmota stack active
// ----------------------------------
// void fake_callBerryFunctionVoid(const char * fname, jmp_buf * env) {
// (void) setjmp(env);
// }
// void call_callBerryFunctionVoid(const char * fname, jmp_buf * ret_env, ) {
// callBerryFunctionVoid(fname);
// longjump(env, 1);
// }
* Handlers for Berry calls and async
@ -553,10 +416,16 @@ const char berry_prog[] PROGMEM =
"end "
"end "
// Delay function, internally calls yield() every 10ms to avoid WDT
"tasmota.delay = def(ms) "
"tend = tasmota.millis(ms) "
"while !tasmota.timereached(tend) "
"tasmota.yield() "
"end "
"end "
// trigger Garbage Collector
"gc.collect() "
// "n = 1;"
// "def every_second() n = n + 1; if (n % 100 == 10) log('foobar '+str(n)+' free_heap = '+str(tasmota.getfreeheap())) end end; "
@ -567,28 +436,17 @@ void BrReset(void) {
if (berry.vm != nullptr) {
berry.vm = nullptr;
berry.ta_cont_ok = false; // is the Tasmota continuation address valid?
berry.vm_cont_ok = false; // is the VM continuation address valid?
int32_t ret_code1, ret_code2;
bool berry_init_ok = false;
do {
berry.stack_alloc = (uint8_t*) malloc(BERRY_STACK); // alternate stack
berry.stack = berry.stack_alloc + BERRY_STACK; // top of stack
uint32_t heap_before = ESP.getFreeHeap();
berry.vm = be_vm_new(); /* create a virtual machine instance */
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_BERRY "Berry VM created, RAM consumed=%u (Heap=%u)"), heap_before - ESP.getFreeHeap(), ESP.getFreeHeap());
// Register functions
be_regfunc(berry.vm, PSTR("log"), l_logInfo);
// be_regfunc(berry.vm, "printStack", l_printStack);
be_regfunc(berry.vm, PSTR("yield"), l_yield);
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_BERRY "Berry function registered, RAM consumed=%u (Heap=%u)"), heap_before - ESP.getFreeHeap(), ESP.getFreeHeap());
@ -608,83 +466,6 @@ void BrReset(void) {
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_BERRY "Berry code ran, RAM consumed=%u (Heap=%u)"), heap_before - ESP.getFreeHeap(), ESP.getFreeHeap());
be_pop(berry.vm, 1);
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Get function"));
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("BE_TOP = %d"), be_top(berry.vm));
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Get function"));
// be_getglobal(vm, PSTR("func"));
// be_pushint(vm, 3);
// be_pcall(vm, 1);
// be_pop(vm, 2);
// // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("BE_TOP = %d"), be_top(vm));
// be_getglobal(vm, "testreal");
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("is_nil -1 = %d"), be_isnil(vm, -1));
// be_pcall(vm, 0);
// // AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("is_nil -1 = %d"), be_isnil(vm, -1));
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("to_string -1 = %s"), be_tostring(vm, -1));
// be_pop(vm, 1);
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("BE_TOP = %d"), be_top(vm));
// try a non-existant function
// be_getglobal(vm, "doesnotexist");
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("is_nil -1 = %d"), be_isnil(vm, -1));
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("BE_TOP = %d"), be_top(vm));
// be_pop(vm, 1);
// Try
// callBerryFunctionVoid("noop");
// callBerryFunctionVoid("noop2");
// test_input();
// callTrampoline(nullptr);
// // Try coroutines
// int jmp_val;
// if ((jmp_val=setjmp(berry.ta_cont)) == 0) {
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "vm return address = 0x%08X", berry.ta_cont[0]);
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "vm stack address = 0x%08X", berry.ta_cont[1]);
// callTrampoline(nullptr);
// // // call routine
// // jmp_buf trampoline_env;
// // fake_callBerryFunctionVoid("noop", &tasmota_env);
// // trampoline_env[0] = call_callBerryFunctionVoid
// } else {
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "vm return address = 0x%08X", berry.ta_cont[0]);
// // we get back control
// }
if (berry.vm_cont_ok) {
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Trampo: we need to complete vm exec 1"));
if (setjmp(berry.ta_cont) == 0) {
berry.ta_cont_ok = true;
berry.vm_cont_ok = false;
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Trampo: call exec 1"));
longjmp(berry.vm_cont, 1);
berry.ta_cont_ok = false;
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Trampo: returned from exec 1"));
if (berry.vm_cont_ok) {
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Trampo: we need to complete vm exec 2"));
if (setjmp(berry.ta_cont) == 0) {
berry.ta_cont_ok = true;
berry.vm_cont_ok = false;
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Trampo: call exec 2"));
longjmp(berry.vm_cont, 1);
berry.ta_cont_ok = false;
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Trampo: returned from exec 2"));
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_BERRY "Berry initialized, RAM consumed=%u (Heap=%u)"), heap_before - ESP.getFreeHeap(), ESP.getFreeHeap());
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("Delete Berry VM"));
// be_vm_delete(vm);
@ -699,12 +480,6 @@ void BrReset(void) {
berry.vm = nullptr;
if (berry.stack_alloc != nullptr) {
berry.stack_alloc = nullptr;
Reference in New Issue