Refactor web command history

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Theo Arends 2020-03-31 13:01:50 +02:00
parent b982ea8d08
commit eccd5cdd19
1 changed files with 12 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -211,18 +211,21 @@ const char HTTP_SCRIPT_CONSOL[] PROGMEM =
"return false;"
"wl(l);" // Load initial console text
// Console command history - part 2
// Console command history
"var hc=[],cn=0;" // hc = History commands, cn = Number of history being shown
"function cH(a){"
"var b=qs('#c1'),c=a.keyCode;" // c1 = Console command id
"if(38==c||40==c){b.autocomplete='off';}" // Arrow up or down must be a keyboard so stop browser autocomplete
"38==c?(++cn>hc.length&&(cn=hc.length),b.value=hc[cn-1]||''):" // Arrow Up
"40==c?(0>--cn&&(cn=0),b.value=hc[cn-1]||''):" // Arrow Down
"13==c&&(hc.length>19&&hc.pop(),hc.unshift(b.value),cn=0)" // Enter, 19 = Max number -1 of commands in history
"function h(){"
// "if(!(navigator.maxTouchPoints||'ontouchstart'in document.documentElement)){eb('c1').autocomplete='off';}" // No touch so stop browser autocomplete
"var b=eb('c1'),c=e.keyCode;" // c1 = Console command id
"if(38==c||40==c){b.autocomplete='off';}" // ArrowUp or ArrowDown must be a keyboard so stop browser autocomplete
"38==c?(++cn>hc.length&&(cn=hc.length),b.value=hc[cn-1]||''):" // ArrowUp
"40==c?(0>--cn&&(cn=0),b.value=hc[cn-1]||''):" // ArrowDown
"13==c&&(hc.length>19&&hc.pop(),hc.unshift(b.value),cn=0)" // Enter, 19 = Max number -1 of commands in history
"wl(h);"; // Add console command key eventlistener after name has been synced with id (= wl(jd))
"}2%d'>%s (%d}3"; // }2 and }3 are used in below os.replace
@ -340,12 +343,6 @@ const char HTTP_HEAD_LAST_SCRIPT[] PROGMEM =
// Console command history - part 1
"if(qs('#c1')){" // c1 = Console command id
"wl(jd);" // Add name='' to any id='' in input,button,textarea,select