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This commit is contained in:
@ -1,436 +1,526 @@
## Unreleased (development)
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
### 20201002
## [Unreleased] - Development
- Remove support for direct upgrade from Tasmota versions before 7.0
- Remove auto config update for all Friendlynames and Switchtopic from Tasmota versions before 8.0
- Change redesigning ESP8266 GPIO internal representation in line with ESP32
- Change new IR Raw compact format (#9444)
- Change MAX31865 driver to support up to 6 thermocouples selected by ``MX31865 CS`` instead of ``SSPI CS`` (#9103)
- Change A4988 optional microstep pin selection
- Change pulsetime to allow use for all relays with 8 interleaved so ``Pulsetime1`` is valid for Relay1, Relay9, Relay17 etc. (#9279)
- Change ``Status`` command output for disabled status types
- Change IRremoteESP8266 library from v2.7.10 to v2.7.11
- Change NeoPixelBus library from v2.5.0.09 to v2.6.0
- Fix template conversion when GPIO17 is 0
- Fix ledlink blink when no network connected regression from (#9292)
- Fix exception 28 due to device group buffer overflow (#9459)
- Fix shutter timing problem due to buffer overflow in calibration matrix (#9458)
- Fix light wakeup exception 0 (divide by zero) when ``WakeupDuration`` is not initialised (#9466)
- Fix ADC initalization sequence (#9473)
- Add optional support for Mitsubishi Electric HVAC by David Gwynne (#9237)
- Add optional support for Orno WE517-Modbus energy meter by Maxime Vincent (#9353)
- Add SDM630 three phase ImportActive Energy display when ``#define SDM630_IMPORT`` is enabled by Janusz Kostorz (#9124)
- Add support for inverted NeoPixelBus data line by enabling ``#define USE_WS2812_INVERTED`` (#8988)
- Add PWM dimmer color/trigger on tap, SO88 led, DGR WITH_LOCAL flag by Paul Diem (#9474)
- Add support for stateful ACs using ``StateMode`` in tasmota-ir.bin by Arik Yavilevich (#9472)
- Add Zigbee ``ZbData`` command for better support of device specific data
- Add support for analog buttons indexed within standard button range
## []
### Added
- Optional support for Mitsubishi Electric HVAC by David Gwynne (#9237)
- Optional support for Orno WE517-Modbus energy meter by Maxime Vincent (#9353)
- SDM630 three phase ImportActive Energy display when ``#define SDM630_IMPORT`` is enabled by Janusz Kostorz (#9124)
- Optional support for inverted NeoPixelBus data line by enabling ``#define USE_WS2812_INVERTED`` (#8988)
- PWM dimmer color/trigger on tap, SO88 led, DGR WITH_LOCAL flag by Paul Diem (#9474)
- Support for stateful ACs using ``StateMode`` in tasmota-ir.bin by Arik Yavilevich (#9472)
- Zigbee ``ZbData`` command for better support of device specific data
- Support for analog buttons indexed within standard button range
## Released
### Changed
- Redesigning ESP8266 GPIO internal representation in line with ESP32
- New IR Raw compact format (#9444)
- MAX31865 driver to support up to 6 thermocouples selected by ``MX31865 CS`` instead of ``SSPI CS`` (#9103)
- A4988 optional microstep pin selection
- Pulsetime to allow use for all relays with 8 interleaved so ``Pulsetime1`` is valid for Relay1, Relay9, Relay17 etc. (#9279)
- ``Status`` command output for disabled status types
- IRremoteESP8266 library from v2.7.10 to v2.7.11
- NeoPixelBus library from v2.5.0.09 to v2.6.0
### 8.5.1 20201002
### Fixed
- Template conversion when GPIO17 is 0
- Ledlink blink when no network connected regression from (#9292)
- Exception 28 due to device group buffer overflow (#9459)
- Shutter timing problem due to buffer overflow in calibration matrix (#9458)
- Light wakeup exception 0 (divide by zero) when ``WakeupDuration`` is not initialised (#9466)
- ADC initalization sequence (#9473)
### Removed
- Support for direct upgrade from Tasmota versions before 7.0
- Auto config update for all Friendlynames and Switchtopic from Tasmota versions before 8.0
## [Released]
## [8.5.1] - 20201002
- Release Hannah
### 20200907
## [] - 20200907
### Added
- Command ``SetOption110 1`` to disable Zigbee auto-config when pairing new devices
- Command ``SetOption111 1`` to enable frequency output for buzzer GPIO (#8994)
- Command ``SetOption112 1`` to enable friendly name in zigbee topic (use with SetOption89)
- ``#define USE_MQTT_AWS_IOT_LIGHT`` for password based AWS IoT authentication
- ``#define MQTT_LWT_OFFLINE`` and ``#define MQTT_LWT_ONLINE`` to user_config.h (#9395)
- New shutter modes (#9244)
- Zigbee auto-config when pairing
- Support for MLX90640 IR array temperature sensor by Christian Baars
- Support for VL53L1X time of flight sensor by Johann Obermeier
- Fix energy total counters (#9263, #9266)
- Fix crash in ``ZbRestore``
- Fix reset BMP sensors when executing command ``SaveData`` and define USE_DEEPSLEEP enabled (#9300)
- Fix ``status 0`` message when using define USE_MQTT_TLS due to small log buffer (#9305)
- Fix ``status 13`` exception 9 when more than one shutter is configured
- Fix ``status 13`` json message
- Fix Shelly 2.5 higher temperature regression from (#7991)
- Change replace ArduinoJson with JSMN for JSON parsing
- Change ``WakeUp`` uses 256 steps instead of 100 (#9241)
- Add command ``SetOption110 1`` to disable Zigbee auto-config when pairing new devices
- Add command ``SetOption111 1`` to enable frequency output for buzzer GPIO (#8994)
- Add command ``SetOption112 1`` to enable friendly name in zigbee topic (use with SetOption89)
- Add ``#define USE_MQTT_AWS_IOT_LIGHT`` for password based AWS IoT authentication
- Add ``#define MQTT_LWT_OFFLINE`` and ``#define MQTT_LWT_ONLINE`` to user_config.h (#9395)
- Add new shutter modes (#9244)
- Add Zigbee auto-config when pairing
- Add support for MLX90640 IR array temperature sensor by Christian Baars
- Add support for VL53L1X time of flight sensor by Johann Obermeier
### Changed
- Replace ArduinoJson with JSMN for JSON parsing
- ``WakeUp`` uses 256 steps instead of 100 (#9241)
### 8.5.0 20200907
### Fixed
- Energy total counters (#9263, #9266)
- Crash in ``ZbRestore``
- Reset BMP sensors when executing command ``SaveData`` and define USE_DEEPSLEEP enabled (#9300)
- ``status 0`` message when using define USE_MQTT_TLS due to small log buffer (#9305)
- ``status 13`` exception 9 when more than one shutter is configured
- ``status 13`` json message
- Shelly 2.5 higher temperature regression from (#7991)
## [8.5.0] - 20200907
- Release Hannah
### 20200823
## [] - 20200823
### Added
- Command ``PowerDelta1`` to ``PowerDelta3`` to trigger on up to three phases (#9134)
- Zigbee web ui widget for Lights
- ``SetOption109 1`` to force gen1 Alexa mode, for Echo Dot 2nd gen devices only
- Zigbee web ui for power metering plugs
- Experimental support for ESP32 TTGO Watch and I2S Audio by Gerhard Mutz
- Change references from http://thehackbox.org/tasmota/ to http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/
- Add command ``PowerDelta1`` to ``PowerDelta3`` to trigger on up to three phases (#9134)
- Add Zigbee web ui widget for Lights
- Add ``SetOption109 1`` to force gen1 Alexa mode, for Echo Dot 2nd gen devices only
- Add Zigbee web ui for power metering plugs
- Add experimental support for ESP32 TTGO Watch and I2S Audio by Gerhard Mutz
### Changed
- References from http://thehackbox.org/tasmota/ to http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota/
### 20200813
## [] - 20200813
### Added
- Command ``SetOption103 0/1`` to set TLS mode when TLS is selected
- Command ``SetOption104 1`` to disable all MQTT retained messages
- Command ``SetOption106 1`` to create a virtual White ColorTemp for RGBW lights
- Command ``SetOption107 0/1`` to select virtual White as (0) Warm or (1) Cold
- Command ``SetOption108 0/1`` to enable Teleinfo telemetry into Tasmota Energy MQTT (0) or Teleinfo only (1) - Add better config corruption recovery (#9046)
- Virtual CT for 4 channels lights, emulating a 5th channel
- Support for DYP ME007 ultrasonic distance sensor by Janusz Kostorz (#9113)
- Zigbee web gui widget for Temp/Humidity/Pressure sensors
- Zigbee battery icon
- Remove support for direct upgrade from versions before to versions after
- Change White blend mode moved to using ``SetOption 105`` instead of ``RGBWWTable``
- Fix display power control (#9114)
- Add command ``SetOption103 0/1`` to set TLS mode when TLS is selected
- Add command ``SetOption104 1`` to disable all MQTT retained messages
- Add command ``SetOption106 1`` to create a virtual White ColorTemp for RGBW lights
- Add command ``SetOption107 0/1`` to select virtual White as (0) Warm or (1) Cold
- Add command ``SetOption108 0/1`` to enable Teleinfo telemetry into Tasmota Energy MQTT (0) or Teleinfo only (1) - Add better config corruption recovery (#9046)
- Add virtual CT for 4 channels lights, emulating a 5th channel
- Add support for DYP ME007 ultrasonic distance sensor by Janusz Kostorz (#9113)
- Add Zigbee web gui widget for Temp/Humidity/Pressure sensors
- Add Zigbee battery icon
### Changed
- White blend mode moved to using ``SetOption 105`` instead of ``RGBWWTable``
### 20200730
### Fixed
- Display power control (#9114)
- Fix ESP32 PWM range
- Add Zigbee better support for IKEA Motion Sensor
- Add ESP32 Analog input support for GPIO32 to GPIO39
- Add Zigbee options to ``ZbSend`` ``Config`` and ``ReadCondig``
- Add command ``Restart 2`` to halt system. Needs hardware reset or power cycle to restart (#9046)
- Add command ``SetOption102 0/1`` to switch between Teleinfo French Metering mode, legacy 1200 bps (0) or Linky standard 9600 bps (1)
- Change triple-mode TLS via configuration in a single firmware (TLS AWS IoT, Letsencrypt and No-TLS)
### Removed
- Support for direct upgrade from versions before to versions after
### 8.4.0 20200730
## [] - 20200730
### Added
- Zigbee better support for IKEA Motion Sensor
- ESP32 Analog input support for GPIO32 to GPIO39
- Zigbee options to ``ZbSend`` ``Config`` and ``ReadCondig``
- Command ``Restart 2`` to halt system. Needs hardware reset or power cycle to restart (#9046)
- Command ``SetOption102 0/1`` to switch between Teleinfo French Metering mode, legacy 1200 bps (0) or Linky standard 9600 bps (1)
### Changed
- Triple-mode TLS via configuration in a single firmware (TLS AWS IoT, Letsencrypt and No-TLS)
### Fixed
- ESP32 PWM range
## [8.4.0] - 20200730
- Release George
### 20200716
## [] - 20200716
### Added
- Command ``DzSend<type> <index>,<value1(;value2)|state>`` to send values or state to Domoticz
- Command ``SetOption100 0/1`` to remove Zigbee ``ZbReceived`` value from ``{"ZbReceived":{xxx:yyy}}`` JSON message
- Command ``SetOption101 0/1`` to add the Zigbee source endpoint as suffix to attributes, ex `Power3` instead of `Power` if sent from endpoint 3
- Command (``S``)``SerialSend6`` \<comma seperated values\> (#8937)
- Support for Sonoff Zigbee Bridge as module 75 (#8583)
### Changed
- Limited support of Arduino IDE as an increasing amount of features cannot be compiled with Arduino IDE
- All timer references from ``Arm`` to ``Enable`` in GUI, ``Timer`` command and JSON message
- Domoticz commands prefix from ``Domoticz`` to ``Dz``
- ``Ping`` now reports the hostname instead of IP address (#8948)
- Zigbee randomizing of parameters at first run or after Reset
### Removed
- Remove Arduino ESP8266 Core support for versions before 2.7.1
- Change to limited support of Arduino IDE as an increasing amount of features cannot be compiled with Arduino IDE
- Change all timer references from ``Arm`` to ``Enable`` in GUI, ``Timer`` command and JSON message
- Change Domoticz commands prefix from ``Domoticz`` to ``Dz``
- Change ``Ping`` now reports the hostname instead of IP address (#8948)
- Change Zigbee randomizing of parameters at first run or after Reset
- Add command ``DzSend<type> <index>,<value1(;value2)|state>`` to send values or state to Domoticz
- Add command ``SetOption100 0/1`` to remove Zigbee ``ZbReceived`` value from ``{"ZbReceived":{xxx:yyy}}`` JSON message
- Add command ``SetOption101 0/1`` to add the Zigbee source endpoint as suffix to attributes, ex `Power3` instead of `Power` if sent from endpoint 3
- Add command (``S``)``SerialSend6`` \<comma seperated values\> (#8937)
- Add support for Sonoff Zigbee Bridge as module 75 (#8583)
### 20200617
## [] - 20200617
### Added
- Command ``Module2`` to configure fallback module on fast reboot (#8464)
- Command ``SetOption97 0/1`` to switch between Tuya serial speeds 9600 bps (0) or 115200 bps (1)
- Command ``SetOption98 0/1`` to provide rotary rule triggers (1) instead of controlling light (0)
- Command ``SetOption99 0/1`` to enable zero cross detection on PWM dimmer
- Support for Energy sensor (Denky) for French Smart Metering meter provided by global Energy Providers, need a adaptater. See dedicated full [blog](http://hallard.me/category/tinfo/) about French teleinformation stuff
- Library to be used for decoding Teleinfo (French Metering Smart Meter)
- Support for single wire LMT01 temperature Sensor by justifiably (#8713)
- Compile time interlock parameters (#8759)
- Compile time user template (#8766)
- Rotary encoder support for light dimmer and optional color temperature if button1 still pressed (#8670)
- Support for switches/relays using an AC detection circuitry e.g. MOES MS-104B or BlitzWolf SS5 (#8606)
- Support for Schneider Electric iEM3000 series Modbus energy meter by Marius Bezuidenhout
- Add command ``Module2`` to configure fallback module on fast reboot (#8464)
- Add command ``SetOption97 0/1`` to switch between Tuya serial speeds 9600 bps (0) or 115200 bps (1)
- Add command ``SetOption98 0/1`` to provide rotary rule triggers (1) instead of controlling light (0)
- Add command ``SetOption99 0/1`` to enable zero cross detection on PWM dimmer
- Add support for Energy sensor (Denky) for French Smart Metering meter provided by global Energy Providers, need a adaptater. See dedicated full [blog](http://hallard.me/category/tinfo/) about French teleinformation stuff
- Add library to be used for decoding Teleinfo (French Metering Smart Meter)
- Add support for single wire LMT01 temperature Sensor by justifiably (#8713)
- Add compile time interlock parameters (#8759)
- Add compile time user template (#8766)
- Add rotary encoder support for light dimmer and optional color temperature if button1 still pressed (#8670)
- Add support for switches/relays using an AC detection circuitry e.g. MOES MS-104B or BlitzWolf SS5 (#8606)
- Add support for Schneider Electric iEM3000 series Modbus energy meter by Marius Bezuidenhout
- Fix exception or watchdog on rule re-entry (#8757)
- Change ESP32 USER GPIO template representation decreasing template message size
- Change commands ``SlaveSend`` and ``SlaveReset`` into ``ClientSend`` and ``ClientReset``
- Change IRremoteESP8266 library updated to v2.7.8
### Changed
- ESP32 USER GPIO template representation decreasing template message size
- Commands ``SlaveSend`` and ``SlaveReset`` into ``ClientSend`` and ``ClientReset``
- IRremoteESP8266 library updated to v2.7.8
### 20200616
### Fixed
- Exception or watchdog on rule re-entry (#8757)
- Add ESP32 ethernet commands ``EthType 0/1``, ``EthAddress 0..31`` and ``EthClockMode 0..3``
- Add Zigbee initial support for EmberZNet protocol (raw send/receive only)
## [] - 20200616
### Added
- ESP32 ethernet commands ``EthType 0/1``, ``EthAddress 0..31`` and ``EthClockMode 0..3``
- Zigbee initial support for EmberZNet protocol (raw send/receive only)
### 20200615
## [] - 20200615
### Added
- Basic support for ESP32 ethernet adding commands ``Wifi 0/1`` and ``Ethernet 0/1`` both default ON
- Add basic support for ESP32 ethernet adding commands ``Wifi 0/1`` and ``Ethernet 0/1`` both default ON
## [] - 20200611
### Added
- Initial support for Telegram bot (#8619)
- Support for HP303B Temperature and Pressure sensor by Robert Jaakke (#8638)
- Rule trigger ``System#Init`` to allow early rule execution without wifi and mqtt initialized yet
- Serial to TCP bridge, ``TCPStart`` and ``TCPBaudRate`` (needs #define USE_TCP_BRIDGE)
### 20200611
## [] - 20200522
### Added
- Command ``Time 4`` to display timestamp using milliseconds (#8537)
- Command ``SetOption94 0/1`` to select MAX31855 or MAX6675 thermocouple support (#8616)
- Commands ``LedPwmOn 0..255``, ``LedPwmOff 0..255`` and ``LedPwmMode1 0/1`` to control led brightness by George (#8491)
- Three Phase Export Active Energy to SDM630 driver
- Wildcard pattern ``?`` for JSON matching in rules
- Support for unique MQTTClient (and inherited fallback topic) by full Mac address using ``mqttclient DVES_%12X`` (#8300)
- Zigbee options to ``ZbSend`` to write and report attributes
- ``CpuFrequency`` to ``status 2``
- ``FlashFrequency`` to ``status 4``
- Support for up to two BH1750 sensors controlled by commands ``BH1750Resolution`` and ``BH1750MTime`` (#8139)
- Zigbee auto-responder for common attributes
- Support for BL0940 energy monitor as used in Blitzwolf BW-SHP10 (#8175)
- Add initial support for Telegram bot (#8619)
- Add support for HP303B Temperature and Pressure sensor by Robert Jaakke (#8638)
- Add rule trigger ``System#Init`` to allow early rule execution without wifi and mqtt initialized yet
- Add serial to TCP bridge, ``TCPStart`` and ``TCPBaudRate`` (needs #define USE_TCP_BRIDGE)
### Changed
- Energy JSON Total field from ``"Total":[33.736,11.717,16.978]`` to ``"Total":33.736,"TotalTariff":[11.717,16.978]``
- Energy JSON ExportActive field from ``"ExportActive":[33.736,11.717,16.978]`` to ``"ExportActive":33.736,"ExportTariff":[11.717,16.978]``
- Adafruit_SGP30 library from v1.0.3 to v1.2.0 (#8519)
### 20200522
### Fixed
- Escape of non-JSON received serial data (#8329)
- Change Energy JSON Total field from ``"Total":[33.736,11.717,16.978]`` to ``"Total":33.736,"TotalTariff":[11.717,16.978]``
- Change Energy JSON ExportActive field from ``"ExportActive":[33.736,11.717,16.978]`` to ``"ExportActive":33.736,"ExportTariff":[11.717,16.978]``
- Change Adafruit_SGP30 library from v1.0.3 to v1.2.0 (#8519)
- Fix escape of non-JSON received serial data (#8329)
- Add command ``Time 4`` to display timestamp using milliseconds (#8537)
- Add command ``SetOption94 0/1`` to select MAX31855 or MAX6675 thermocouple support (#8616)
- Add commands ``LedPwmOn 0..255``, ``LedPwmOff 0..255`` and ``LedPwmMode1 0/1`` to control led brightness by George (#8491)
- Add Three Phase Export Active Energy to SDM630 driver
- Add wildcard pattern ``?`` for JSON matching in rules
- Add support for unique MQTTClient (and inherited fallback topic) by full Mac address using ``mqttclient DVES_%12X`` (#8300)
- Add Zigbee options to ``ZbSend`` to write and report attributes
- Add ``CpuFrequency`` to ``status 2``
- Add ``FlashFrequency`` to ``status 4``
- Add support for up to two BH1750 sensors controlled by commands ``BH1750Resolution`` and ``BH1750MTime`` (#8139)
- Add Zigbee auto-responder for common attributes
- Add support for BL0940 energy monitor as used in Blitzwolf BW-SHP10 (#8175)
## [] - 20200518
### Added
- Command ``Rule0`` to change global rule parameters
- More functionality to ``Switchmode`` 11 and 12 (#8450)
- Dump of compressed rules over 512 chars and unishox decompress fix
- Support for VEML6075 UVA/UVB/UVINDEX Sensor by device111 (#8432)
- Support for VEML7700 Ambient light intensity Sensor by device111 (#8432)
### 20200518
- Change IRremoteESP8266 library updated to v2.7.7
- Add command ``Rule0`` to change global rule parameters
- Add more functionality to ``Switchmode`` 11 and 12 (#8450)
- Add dump of compressed rules over 512 chars and unishox decompress fix
- Add support for VEML6075 UVA/UVB/UVINDEX Sensor by device111 (#8432)
- Add support for VEML7700 Ambient light intensity Sensor by device111 (#8432)
### 8.3.1 20200518
### Changed
- IRremoteESP8266 library updated to v2.7.7
## [8.3.1] - 20200518
- Release Fred
### 20200517
## [] - 20200517
### Added
- Command ``DeviceName`` defaults to FriendlyName1 and replaces FriendlyName1 in GUI
- Change Hass discovery from using template name to new Device name (#8462)
- Add command ``DeviceName`` defaults to FriendlyName1 and replaces FriendlyName1 in GUI
### Changed
- Hass discovery from using template name to new Device name (#8462)
### 20200514
## [] - 20200514
### Changed
- KNX pow function to approximative pow saving 5k of code space
- Mutichannel Gas sensor pow function to approximative pow saving 5k of code space
- Quick Power Cycle detection from 4 to 7 power interrupts (#4066)
- Change KNX pow function to approximative pow saving 5k of code space
- Change Mutichannel Gas sensor pow function to approximative pow saving 5k of code space
- Change Quick Power Cycle detection from 4 to 7 power interrupts (#4066)
### Fixed
- Fix default state of ``SetOption73 0`` for button decoupling and send multi-press and hold MQTT messages
### 8.3.0 20200514
## [8.3.0] - 20200514
- Release Fred
### 20200501
## [] - 20200501
### Added
- Experimental basic support for Tasmota on ESP32 based on work by Jörg Schüler-Maroldt
- Support for analog anemometer by Matteo Albinola (#8283)
- Support for OpenTherm by Yuriy Sannikov (#8373)
- Support for Thermostat control by arijav (#8212)
- Automatic compression of Rules to achieve ~60% compression by Stefan Hadinger
- Command ``SetOption93 1`` to control caching of compressed rules
- Rule trigger at root level like ``on loadavg<50 do power 2 endon`` after ``state`` command
- Zigbee support for router and end-device mode
- Add experimental basic support for Tasmota on ESP32 based on work by Jörg Schüler-Maroldt
- Add support for analog anemometer by Matteo Albinola (#8283)
- Add support for OpenTherm by Yuriy Sannikov (#8373)
- Add support for Thermostat control by arijav (#8212)
- Add automatic compression of Rules to achieve ~60% compression by Stefan Hadinger
- Add command ``SetOption93 1`` to control caching of compressed rules
- Add rule trigger at root level like ``on loadavg<50 do power 2 endon`` after ``state`` command
- Change flash access removing support for any Core before 2.6.3
- Change HAss discovery by Federico Leoni (#8370)
- Change default PWM Frequency to 977 Hz from 223 Hz
- Change minimum PWM Frequency from 100 Hz to 40 Hz
- Change PWM updated to the latest version of Arduino PR #7231
- Change Philips Hue emulation now exposes modelId and manufacturerId
- Add Zigbee support for router and end-device mode
### 20200425
### Changed
- Flash access removing support for any Core before 2.6.3
- HAss discovery by Federico Leoni (#8370)
- Default PWM Frequency to 977 Hz from 223 Hz
- Minimum PWM Frequency from 100 Hz to 40 Hz
- PWM updated to the latest version of Arduino PR #7231
- Philips Hue emulation now exposes modelId and manufacturerId
## [] - 20200425
### Changed
- Breaking Change Device Groups multicast address and port (#8270)
- Change IRremoteESP8266 library updated to v2.7.6
- IRremoteESP8266 library updated to v2.7.6
### 20200417
## [] - 20200417
### Added
- Config version tag
- Command ``SetOption73 1`` for button decoupling and send multi-press and hold MQTT messages by Federico Leoni (#8235)
- Command ``SetOption92 1`` to set PWM Mode from regular PWM to ColorTemp control (Xiaomi Philips ...)
- Command ``SO`` as shortcut for command ``SetOption``
- Change PWM implementation to Arduino #7231 removing support for Core versions before 2.6.3
- Change default PWM Frequency to 223 Hz instead of 880 Hz for less interrupt pressure
### Changed
- PWM implementation to Arduino #7231 removing support for Core versions before 2.6.3
- Default PWM Frequency to 223 Hz instead of 880 Hz for less interrupt pressure
### Fixed
- Fix Zigbee DimmerUp/DimmerDown malformed
- Add config version tag
- Add command ``SetOption73 1`` for button decoupling and send multi-press and hold MQTT messages by Federico Leoni (#8235)
- Add command ``SetOption92 1`` to set PWM Mode from regular PWM to ColorTemp control (Xiaomi Philips ...)
- Add command ``SO`` as shortcut for command ``SetOption``
### 20200329
## [] - 20200329
### Added
- Support for longer template names
- Zigbee command ``ZbBindState`` and ``manuf``attribute
- Zigbee command ``ZbConfig`` and configuration in Settings
- Commands ``CounterDebounceLow`` and ``CounterDebounceHigh`` to control debouncing (#8021)
- Commands ``NrfPage``, ``NrfIgnore``, ``NrfScan`` and ``NrfBeacon`` to NRF24 Bluetooth driver (#8075)
- Command ``SetOption90 1`` to disable non-json MQTT messages (#8044)
- Command ``Sensor10 0/1/2`` to control BH1750 resolution - 0 = High (default), 1 = High2, 2 = Low (#8016)
- Command ``Sensor10 31..254`` to control BH1750 measurement time which defaults to 69 (#8016)
- Command ``Sensor18 0..32000`` to control PMS5003 sensor interval to extend lifetime by Gene Ruebsamen (#8128)
- Command ``SetOption91 1`` to enable fading at startup / power on
- Command ``SetOption41 <x>`` to force sending gratuitous ARP every <x> seconds
- Command ``DevGroupName`` to specify up to four Device Group Names (#8087)
- Command ``DevGroupSend`` to send an update to a Device Group (#8093)
- Command ``Ping`` (#7176)
- Command ``Palette`` to add the ability to specify a palette of colors (#8150)
- Commands ``GlobalTemp`` and ``GlobalHum`` to init sensor data (#8152)
- Quick wifi reconnect using saved AP parameters when ``SetOption56 0`` (#3189)
- More accuracy to GPS NTP server (#8088)
- Support for an iAQ sensor (#8107)
- Support for Seven Segment display using HT16K33 (#8116)
- Support for AS3935 Lightning Sensor by device111 (#8130)
- ``DimmerRange`` for PWM lights (#8120)
- Change light scheme 2,3,4 cycle time speed from 24,48,72,... seconds to 4,6,12,24,36,48,... seconds (#8034)
- Change remove floating point libs from IRAM
- Change remove MQTT Info messages on restart for DeepSleep Wake (#8044)
- Change IRremoteESP8266 library updated to v2.7.5
- Fix PWM flickering during wifi connection (#8046)
- Fix Zigbee crash with Occupancy sensor (#8089)
- Add support for longer template names
- Add Zigbee command ``ZbBindState`` and ``manuf``attribute
- Add Zigbee command ``ZbConfig`` and configuration in Settings
- Add commands ``CounterDebounceLow`` and ``CounterDebounceHigh`` to control debouncing (#8021)
- Add commands ``NrfPage``, ``NrfIgnore``, ``NrfScan`` and ``NrfBeacon`` to NRF24 Bluetooth driver (#8075)
- Add command ``SetOption90 1`` to disable non-json MQTT messages (#8044)
- Add command ``Sensor10 0/1/2`` to control BH1750 resolution - 0 = High (default), 1 = High2, 2 = Low (#8016)
- Add command ``Sensor10 31..254`` to control BH1750 measurement time which defaults to 69 (#8016)
- Add command ``Sensor18 0..32000`` to control PMS5003 sensor interval to extend lifetime by Gene Ruebsamen (#8128)
- Add command ``SetOption91 1`` to enable fading at startup / power on
- Add command ``SetOption41 <x>`` to force sending gratuitous ARP every <x> seconds
- Add command ``DevGroupName`` to specify up to four Device Group Names (#8087)
- Add command ``DevGroupSend`` to send an update to a Device Group (#8093)
- Add command ``Ping`` (#7176)
- Add command ``Palette`` to add the ability to specify a palette of colors (#8150)
- Add commands ``GlobalTemp`` and ``GlobalHum`` to init sensor data (#8152)
- Add quick wifi reconnect using saved AP parameters when ``SetOption56 0`` (#3189)
- Add more accuracy to GPS NTP server (#8088)
- Add support for an iAQ sensor (#8107)
- Add support for Seven Segment display using HT16K33 (#8116)
- Add support for AS3935 Lightning Sensor by device111 (#8130)
- Fix prevent multiple pings to run concurrently
- Fix Scheme 2-4 brightness when SetOption68 1 (#8058)
- Add ``DimmerRange`` for PWM lights (#8120)
### Changed
- Light scheme 2,3,4 cycle time speed from 24,48,72,... seconds to 4,6,12,24,36,48,... seconds (#8034)
- Remove floating point libs from IRAM
- Remove MQTT Info messages on restart for DeepSleep Wake (#8044)
- IRremoteESP8266 library updated to v2.7.5
### 20200328
### Fixed
- PWM flickering during wifi connection (#8046)
- Zigbee crash with Occupancy sensor (#8089)
- Prevent multiple pings to run concurrently
- Scheme 2-4 brightness when SetOption68 1 (#8058)
- Add support for up to four MQTT GroupTopics using the same optional Device Group names (#8014)
- Add console command history (#7483, #8015)
## [] - 20200328
### Added
- Support for up to four MQTT GroupTopics using the same optional Device Group names (#8014)
- Console command history (#7483, #8015)
### 20200321
## [] - 20200321
### Added
- Zigbee command ``ZbRestore`` to restore device configuration dumped with ``ZbStatus 2``
- Zigbee command ``ZbUnbind``
- Support for unreachable (unplugged) Zigbee devices in Philips Hue emulation and Alexa
- Support for 64x48 SSD1306 OLED (#6740)
- Change HM-10 sensor type detection and add features (#7962)
- Fix possible Relay toggle on (OTA) restart
- Fix Zigbee sending wrong Sat value with Hue emulation
- Add Zigbee command ``ZbRestore`` to restore device configuration dumped with ``ZbStatus 2``
- Add Zigbee command ``ZbUnbind``
- Add support for unreachable (unplugged) Zigbee devices in Philips Hue emulation and Alexa
- Add support for 64x48 SSD1306 OLED (#6740)
### Changed
- HM-10 sensor type detection and add features (#7962)
### 8.2.0 20200321
### Fixed
- Possible Relay toggle on (OTA) restart
- Zigbee sending wrong Sat value with Hue emulation
## [8.2.0] - 20200321
- Release Elliot
### 20200313
## [] - 20200313
### Added
- HAss Discovery support for Button and Switch triggers by Federico Leoni (#7901)
- Support for HDC1080 Temperature and Humidity sensor by Luis Teixeira (#7888)
- Commands ``SwitchMode 13`` PushOn and ``SwitchMode 14`` PushOnInverted (#7912)
- Command ``HumOffset -10.0 .. 10.0`` to set global humidity sensor offset (#7934)
- Zigbee support for Hue emulation by Stefan Hadinger
- Dew Point to Temperature and Humidity sensors
- Support for ElectriQ iQ-wifiMOODL RGBW light by Ian King (#7947)
- Change Zigbee simplification of devices probing, saving Flash and memory
- Add HAss Discovery support for Button and Switch triggers by Federico Leoni (#7901)
- Add support for HDC1080 Temperature and Humidity sensor by Luis Teixeira (#7888)
- Add commands ``SwitchMode 13`` PushOn and ``SwitchMode 14`` PushOnInverted (#7912)
- Add command ``HumOffset -10.0 .. 10.0`` to set global humidity sensor offset (#7934)
- Add Zigbee support for Hue emulation by Stefan Hadinger
- Add Dew Point to Temperature and Humidity sensors
- Add support for ElectriQ iQ-wifiMOODL RGBW light by Ian King (#7947)
### Changed
- Zigbee simplification of devices probing, saving Flash and memory
### 20200227
## [] - 20200227
### Added
- Support for Jarolift rollers by Keeloq algorithm
- Zigbee features and improvements and remove support for Zigbee commands starting with ``Zigbee...``
- Support for MaxBotix HRXL-MaxSonar ultrasonic range finders by Jon Little (#7814)
- Support for Romanian language translations by Augustin Marti
- Support for La Crosse TX23 Anemometer by Norbert Richter (#3146, #7765)
- Command ``SetOption89 0/1`` for Zigbee distinct MQTT topics per device for SENSOR, allowing retained messages (#7835)
- Change default my_user_config.h driver and sensor support removing most sensors and adding most drivers
- Change IRremoteESP8266 library updated to v2.7.4
### Changed
- Default my_user_config.h driver and sensor support removing most sensors and adding most drivers
- IRremoteESP8266 library updated to v2.7.4
- Revert switchmode 6 according to issue 7778 (#7831)
- Add support for Jarolift rollers by Keeloq algorithm
- Add Zigbee features and improvements and remove support for Zigbee commands starting with ``Zigbee...``
- Add support for MaxBotix HRXL-MaxSonar ultrasonic range finders by Jon Little (#7814)
- Add support for Romanian language translations by Augustin Marti
- Add support for La Crosse TX23 Anemometer by Norbert Richter (#3146, #7765)
- Add command ``SetOption89 0/1`` for Zigbee distinct MQTT topics per device for SENSOR, allowing retained messages (#7835)
- Change Hue emulation code optimization
- Hue emulation code optimization
### 20200220
## [] - 20200220
### Added
- Initial support for Sensors AHT10 and AHT15 by Martin Wagner (#7596)
- Support for Wemos Motor Shield V1 by Denis Sborets (#7764)
- Zigbee enhanced commands decoding, added ``ZbPing``
- Commands ``SetOption85 0/1`` and ``DevGroupShare`` supporting UDP Group command using ``GroupTopic`` without MQTT by Paul Diem (#7790)
- Support for Martin Jerry/acenx/Tessan/NTONPOWER SD0x PWM dimmer switches by Paul Diem (#7791)
- Command ``SetOption86 0/1`` for PWM dimmer to turn brightness LED's off 5 seconds after last change
- Command ``SetOption87 0/1`` for PWM dimmer to turn red LED on when powered off
- Command ``SetOption88 0/1`` for PWM dimmer to let buttons control remote devices
### Changed
- Revert most wifi connectivity changes introduced in (#7746, #7602, #7621)
- Fix Zigbee auto-increment transaction number (#7757)
- Add initial support for Sensors AHT10 and AHT15 by Martin Wagner (#7596)
- Add support for Wemos Motor Shield V1 by Denis Sborets (#7764)
- Add Zigbee enhanced commands decoding, added ``ZbPing``
- Add commands ``SetOption85 0/1`` and ``DevGroupShare`` supporting UDP Group command using ``GroupTopic`` without MQTT by Paul Diem (#7790)
- Add support for Martin Jerry/acenx/Tessan/NTONPOWER SD0x PWM dimmer switches by Paul Diem (#7791)
- Add command ``SetOption86 0/1`` for PWM dimmer to turn brightness LED's off 5 seconds after last change
- Add command ``SetOption87 0/1`` for PWM dimmer to turn red LED on when powered off
- Add command ``SetOption88 0/1`` for PWM dimmer to let buttons control remote devices
### 20200212
### Fixed
- Zigbee auto-increment transaction number (#7757)
- Change MQTT message size with additional 200 characters
- Change some wifi code to attempt faster connection (#7621)
- Change display of some date and time messages from "Wed Feb 19 10:45:12 2020" to "2020-02-19T10:45:12"
- Fix relation between RSSI and signal strength
- Add another new DHT driver based on ESPEasy. The old driver can still be used using define USE_DHT_OLD. The previous new driver can be used with define USE_DHT_V2 (#7717)
## [] - 20200212
### Added
- Another new DHT driver based on ESPEasy. The old driver can still be used using define USE_DHT_OLD. The previous new driver can be used with define USE_DHT_V2 (#7717)
### 20200210
### Changed
- MQTT message size with additional 200 characters
- Some wifi code to attempt faster connection (#7621)
- Display of some date and time messages from "Wed Feb 19 10:45:12 2020" to "2020-02-19T10:45:12"
- Add new DHT driver. The old driver can still be used using define USE_DHT_OLD (#7468)
- Fix wrong encoding of Zigbee persistent data
### Fixed
- Relation between RSSI and signal strength
### 20200205
## [] - 20200210
### Added
- New DHT driver. The old driver can still be used using define USE_DHT_OLD (#7468)
- Fix Hass sensor discovery part 1/4 by Federico Leoni (#7582, #7548)
- Fix MaxPower functionality (#7647)
- Add support for sensors DS18x20 and DHT family on Shelly 1 and Shelly 1PM using Shelly Add-On adapter (#7469)
- Add commands ``SwitchMode 11`` PushHoldMulti and ``SwitchMode 12`` PushHoldInverted (#7603)
- Add command ``Buzzer -1`` for infinite mode and command ``Buzzer -2`` for following led mode (#7623)
- Add support for MI-BLE sensors using HM-10 Bluetooth 4.0 module by Christian Staars (#7683)
- Add BootCount Reset Time as BCResetTime to ``Status 1``
- Add ``ZbZNPReceived``and ``ZbZCLReceived`` being published to MQTT when ``SetOption66 1``
- Add optional Wifi AccessPoint passphrase define WIFI_AP_PASSPHRASE in my_user_config.h (#7690)
- Add support for FiF LE-01MR energy meter by saper-2 (#7584)
### Fixed
- wrong encoding of Zigbee persistent data
### 20200126
## [] - 20200205
### Added
- Support for sensors DS18x20 and DHT family on Shelly 1 and Shelly 1PM using Shelly Add-On adapter (#7469)
- Commands ``SwitchMode 11`` PushHoldMulti and ``SwitchMode 12`` PushHoldInverted (#7603)
- Command ``Buzzer -1`` for infinite mode and command ``Buzzer -2`` for following led mode (#7623)
- Support for MI-BLE sensors using HM-10 Bluetooth 4.0 module by Christian Staars (#7683)
- BootCount Reset Time as BCResetTime to ``Status 1``
- ``ZbZNPReceived``and ``ZbZCLReceived`` being published to MQTT when ``SetOption66 1``
- Optional Wifi AccessPoint passphrase define WIFI_AP_PASSPHRASE in my_user_config.h (#7690)
- Support for FiF LE-01MR energy meter by saper-2 (#7584)
- Change wifi connectivity stability (#7602)
- Change IRremoteESP8266 library updated to v2.7.3
- Fix PWM flickering at low levels (#7415)
- Add ``SetOption84 0/1`` sends AWS IoT device shadow updates (alternative to retained)
- Add ``ZbBind`` (experimental) and bug fixes
### Fixed
- HAss sensor discovery part 1/4 by Federico Leoni (#7582, #7548)
- MaxPower functionality (#7647)
### 20200116
## [] - 20200126
### Added
- ``SetOption84 0/1`` sends AWS IoT device shadow updates (alternative to retained)
- ``ZbBind`` (experimental) and bug fixes
- Change Zigbee command prefix from ``Zigbee*`` to ``Zb*``
- Fix ``PowerDelta`` zero power detection (#7515)
- Fix OTA minimal gzipped detection regression from
- Fix ``RGBWWTable`` ignored (#7572)
- Add web page sliders when ``SetOption37 128`` is active allowing control of white(s)
- Add Zigbee persistence and friendly names
- Add most SetOptions as defines to my_user_config.h
- Add SoftwareSerial to CSE7766 driver allowing different GPIOs (#7563)
- Add optional parameter ``<startcolor>`` to command ``Scheme <scheme>, <startcolor>`` to control initial start color
- Add rule trigger on one level deeper using syntax with two ``#`` like ``on zigbeereceived#vibration_sensor#aqaracubeside=0 do ...``
### Changed
- Wifi connectivity stability (#7602)
- IRremoteESP8266 library updated to v2.7.3
### 20200106
### Fixed
- PWM flickering at low levels (#7415)
- Change commands ``Prefix``, ``Ssid``, ``StateText``, ``NTPServer``, and ``FriendlyName`` displaying all items
- Change IRremoteESP8266 library updated to v2.7.2
- Fix ``WakeUp <x>`` ignores provided value (#7473)
- Fix exception 9 restart on log message in Ticker interrupt service routines NTP, Wemos and Hue emulation (#7496)
- Add support for gzipped binaries
- Add ``SwitchMode 8`` ToggleMulti, ``SwitchMode 9`` FollowMulti and ``SwitchMode 10`` FollowMultiInverted (#7522)
## [] - 20200116
### Added
- Web page sliders when ``SetOption37 128`` is active allowing control of white(s)
- Zigbee persistence and friendly names
- Most SetOptions as defines to my_user_config.h
- SoftwareSerial to CSE7766 driver allowing different GPIOs (#7563)
- Optional parameter ``<startcolor>`` to command ``Scheme <scheme>, <startcolor>`` to control initial start color
- Rule trigger on one level deeper using syntax with two ``#`` like ``on zigbeereceived#vibration_sensor#aqaracubeside=0 do ...``
### 20191230
### Changed
- Zigbee command prefix from ``Zigbee*`` to ``Zb*``
- Fix LCD line and column positioning (#7387)
- Fix Display handling of hexadecimal escape characters (#7387)
- Fix Improved fade linearity with gamma correction
- Fix wrong gamma correction for Module 48 lights (PWM5 for CT)
- Add support for ``AdcParam`` parameters to control ADC0 Current Transformer Apparent Power formula by Jodi Dillon (#7100)
- Add optional support for Prometheus using file xsns_91_prometheus.ino (#7216)
- Add command ``ShutterButton <parameters>`` to control shutter(s) by to-scho (#7403)
- Add command ``SetOption82 0/1`` to limit the CT range for Alexa to 200..380
- Add experimental support for NRF24L01 as BLE-bridge for Mijia Bluetooth sensors by Christian Baars (#7394)
- Add support to BMP driver to enter reset state (sleep enable) when deep sleep is used in Tasmota
### Fixed
- ``PowerDelta`` zero power detection (#7515)
- OTA minimal gzipped detection regression from
- ``RGBWWTable`` ignored (#7572)
### 20191225
## [] - 20200106
### Added
- Support for gzipped binaries
- ``SwitchMode 8`` ToggleMulti, ``SwitchMode 9`` FollowMulti and ``SwitchMode 10`` FollowMultiInverted (#7522)
- Change Lights: simplified gamma correction and 10 bits internal computation
- Fix Sonoff Bridge, Sc, L1, iFan03 and CSE7766 serial interface to forced speed, config and disable logging
- Fix Serial initialization regression from previous fix
- Fix commands ``Display`` and ``Counter`` from overruling command processing (#7322)
- Fix ``White`` added to light status (#7142)
- Add command ``SetOption79 0/1`` to enable reset of counters at teleperiod time by Andre Thomas (#7355)
- Add SerialConfig to ``Status 1``
- Add WifiPower to ``Status 5``
- Add support for DS1624, DS1621 Temperature sensor by Leonid Myravjev
- Add Zigbee attribute decoder for Xiaomi Aqara Cube
### Changed
- Commands ``Prefix``, ``Ssid``, ``StateText``, ``NTPServer``, and ``FriendlyName`` displaying all items
- IRremoteESP8266 library updated to v2.7.2
### 8.1.0 20191225
### Fixed
- ``WakeUp <x>`` ignores provided value (#7473)
- Exception 9 restart on log message in Ticker interrupt service routines NTP, Wemos and Hue emulation (#7496)
## [] - 20191230
### Added
- Support for ``AdcParam`` parameters to control ADC0 Current Transformer Apparent Power formula by Jodi Dillon (#7100)
- Optional support for Prometheus using file xsns_91_prometheus.ino (#7216)
- Command ``ShutterButton <parameters>`` to control shutter(s) by to-scho (#7403)
- Command ``SetOption82 0/1`` to limit the CT range for Alexa to 200..380
- Experimental support for NRF24L01 as BLE-bridge for Mijia Bluetooth sensors by Christian Baars (#7394)
- Support to BMP driver to enter reset state (sleep enable) when deep sleep is used in Tasmota
### Fixed
- LCD line and column positioning (#7387)
- Display handling of hexadecimal escape characters (#7387)
- Improved fade linearity with gamma correction
- Wrong gamma correction for Module 48 lights (PWM5 for CT)
## [] - 20191225
### Added
- Command ``SetOption79 0/1`` to enable reset of counters at teleperiod time by Andre Thomas (#7355)
- SerialConfig to ``Status 1``
- WifiPower to ``Status 5``
- Support for DS1624, DS1621 Temperature sensor by Leonid Myravjev
- Zigbee attribute decoder for Xiaomi Aqara Cube
### Changed
- Lights: simplified gamma correction and 10 bits internal computation
### Fixed
- Sonoff Bridge, Sc, L1, iFan03 and CSE7766 serial interface to forced speed, config and disable logging
- Serial initialization regression from previous fix
- Commands ``Display`` and ``Counter`` from overruling command processing (#7322)
- ``White`` added to light status (#7142)
## [8.1.0] - 20191225
- Release Doris
### 20191224
## [] - 20191224
### Changed
- Version bump due to internal Settings change
### 20191223
## [] - 20191223
### Added
- Zigbee better support for Xiaomi Double Switch and Xiaomi Vibration sensor
- Support for ``AdcParam`` parameters to control ADC0 Moisture formula by Federico Leoni (#7309)
- Commands ``WebButton1`` until ``WebButton16`` to support user defined GUI button text (#7166)
- Changed Settings variable namings
- Change number of ``FriendlyName``s from 4 to 8
- Add Zigbee better support for Xiaomi Double Switch and Xiaomi Vibration sensor
- Add support for ``AdcParam`` parameters to control ADC0 Moisture formula by Federico Leoni (#7309)
- Add commands ``WebButton1`` until ``WebButton16`` to support user defined GUI button text (#7166)
### Changed
- Settings variable namings
- Number of ``FriendlyName``s from 4 to 8
### 20191221
## [] - 20191221
### Added
- Support for max 150 characters in most command parameter strings (#3686, #4754)
- Support for GPS as NTP server by Christian Baars and Adrian Scillato
- Zigbee coalesce sensor attributes into a single message
- Deepsleep start delay based on Teleperiod if ``Teleperiod`` differs from 10 or 300
- Change Settings text handling allowing variable length text within a total text pool of 699 characters
- Change Smoother ``Fade`` using 100Hz instead of 20Hz animation (#7179)
- Change number of rule ``Var``s and ``Mem``s from 5 to 16 (#4933)
- Add support for max 150 characters in most command parameter strings (#3686, #4754)
- Add support for GPS as NTP server by Christian Baars and Adrian Scillato
- Add Zigbee coalesce sensor attributes into a single message
- Add Deepsleep start delay based on Teleperiod if ``Teleperiod`` differs from 10 or 300
### 7.2.0 20191221
### Changed
- Settings text handling allowing variable length text within a total text pool of 699 characters
- Smoother ``Fade`` using 100Hz instead of 20Hz animation (#7179)
- Number of rule ``Var``s and ``Mem``s from 5 to 16 (#4933)
## [7.2.0] - 20191221
- Release Constance
- Change basic version string to lite (#7291)
- Fix Arduino IDE compile error (#7277)
- Fix restore ShutterAccuracy, MqttLog, WifiConfig, WifiPower and SerialConfig (#7281)
- Fix no AP on initial install (#7282)
- Fix failing downgrade (#7285)
### Changed
- Basic version string to lite (#7291)
### Fixed
- Arduino IDE compile error (#7277)
- Restore ShutterAccuracy, MqttLog, WifiConfig, WifiPower and SerialConfig (#7281)
- No AP on initial install (#7282)
- Failing downgrade (#7285)
### 20191214
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ In addition to the [release webpage](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/releases
[![Tasmota ESP32 CI](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/workflows/Tasmota%20ESP32%20CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Tasmota+ESP32+CI%22)
See [tasmota/CHANGELOG.md](tasmota/CHANGELOG.md) for detailed change information.
See [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) for detailed change information.
Unless your Tasmota powered device exhibits a problem or you need to make use of a feature that is not available in the Tasmota version currently installed on your device, leave your device alone - it works so don't make unnecessary changes! If the release version (i.e., the master branch) exhibits unexpected behaviour for your device and configuration, you should upgrade to the latest development version instead to see if your problem is resolved as some bugs in previous releases or development builds may already have been resolved.
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ While fallback or downgrading is common practice it was never supported due to S
## Supported Core versions
This release will be supported from ESP8266/Arduino library Core version **** due to reported security and stability issues on previous Core version. This will also support gzipped binaries.
This release will be supported from ESP8266/Arduino library Core version **** due to reported security and stability issues on previous Core version. This will also support gzipped binaries.
Support of Core versions before 2.7.1 has been removed.
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ For initial configuration this release supports Webserver based **WifiManager**
## Provided Binary Downloads
The following binary downloads have been compiled with ESP8266/Arduino library core version ****.
The following binary downloads have been compiled with ESP8266/Arduino library core version ****.
- **tasmota.bin** = The Tasmota version with most drivers. **RECOMMENDED RELEASE BINARY**
- **tasmota-BG.bin** to **tasmota-TW.bin** = The Tasmota version in different languages.
@ -57,30 +57,35 @@ The attached binaries can also be downloaded from http://ota.tasmota.com/tasmota
[Complete list](BUILDS.md) of available feature and sensors.
## Changelog
## Changelog v9.0.0.1
### Added
- Optional support for Mitsubishi Electric HVAC by David Gwynne (#9237)
- Optional support for Orno WE517-Modbus energy meter by Maxime Vincent (#9353)
- SDM630 three phase ImportActive Energy display when ``#define SDM630_IMPORT`` is enabled by Janusz Kostorz (#9124)
- Optional support for inverted NeoPixelBus data line by enabling ``#define USE_WS2812_INVERTED`` (#8988)
- PWM dimmer color/trigger on tap, SO88 led, DGR WITH_LOCAL flag by Paul Diem (#9474)
- Support for stateful ACs using ``StateMode`` in tasmota-ir.bin by Arik Yavilevich (#9472)
- Zigbee ``ZbData`` command for better support of device specific data
- Support for analog buttons indexed within standard button range
### Version
### Changed
- Redesigning ESP8266 GPIO internal representation in line with ESP32
- New IR Raw compact format (#9444)
- MAX31865 driver to support up to 6 thermocouples selected by ``MX31865 CS`` instead of ``SSPI CS`` (#9103)
- A4988 optional microstep pin selection
- Pulsetime to allow use for all relays with 8 interleaved so ``Pulsetime1`` is valid for Relay1, Relay9, Relay17 etc. (#9279)
- ``Status`` command output for disabled status types
- IRremoteESP8266 library from v2.7.10 to v2.7.11
- NeoPixelBus library from v2.5.0.09 to v2.6.0
- Remove support for direct upgrade from Tasmota versions before 7.0
- Remove auto config update for all Friendlynames and Switchtopic from Tasmota versions before 8.0
- Change redesigning ESP8266 GPIO internal representation in line with ESP32
- Change new IR Raw compact format (#9444)
- Change MAX31865 driver to support up to 6 thermocouples selected by ``MX31865 CS`` instead of ``SSPI CS`` (#9103)
- Change A4988 optional microstep pin selection
- Change pulsetime to allow use for all relays with 8 interleaved so ``Pulsetime1`` is valid for Relay1, Relay9, Relay17 etc. (#9279)
- Change ``Status`` command output for disabled status types
- Change IRremoteESP8266 library from v2.7.10 to v2.7.11
- Change NeoPixelBus library from v2.5.0.09 to v2.6.0
- Fix template conversion when GPIO17 is 0
- Fix ledlink blink when no network connected regression from (#9292)
- Fix exception 28 due to device group buffer overflow (#9459)
- Fix shutter timing problem due to buffer overflow in calibration matrix (#9458)
- Fix light wakeup exception 0 (divide by zero) when ``WakeupDuration`` is not initialised (#9466)
- Fix ADC initalization sequence (#9473)
- Add optional support for Mitsubishi Electric HVAC by David Gwynne (#9237)
- Add optional support for Orno WE517-Modbus energy meter by Maxime Vincent (#9353)
- Add SDM630 three phase ImportActive Energy display when ``#define SDM630_IMPORT`` is enabled by Janusz Kostorz (#9124)
- Add support for inverted NeoPixelBus data line by enabling ``#define USE_WS2812_INVERTED`` (#8988)
- Add PWM dimmer color/trigger on tap, SO88 led, DGR WITH_LOCAL flag by Paul Diem (#9474)
- Add support for stateful ACs using ``StateMode`` in tasmota-ir.bin by Arik Yavilevich (#9472)
- Add support for analog buttons indexed within standard button range
### Fixed
- Template conversion when GPIO17 is 0
- Ledlink blink when no network connected regression from (#9292)
- Exception 28 due to device group buffer overflow (#9459)
- Shutter timing problem due to buffer overflow in calibration matrix (#9458)
- Light wakeup exception 0 (divide by zero) when ``WakeupDuration`` is not initialised (#9466)
- ADC initalization sequence (#9473)
### Removed
- Support for direct upgrade from Tasmota versions before 7.0
- Auto config update for all Friendlynames and Switchtopic from Tasmota versions before 8.0
Reference in New Issue