* Remove max string length of 14 for Domoticz sensor
* Add light scheme options (Color cycle Up, Down, Random)
and moving WS2812 schemes up by 3
* Add support for VEML6070 I2C Ultra
Violet level sensor (#1053)
* Fix minimum TelePeriod of 10 seconds set by web page
* Shrink
information web page by 1k code space
* Removed Arduino IDE version too
low warning as it interferes with platformio.ini platform =
* Add commands Color2, Color3, Color4, Width2,
Width3, Width4 and SetOption16 to set Ws2812 Clock parameters (#1019)
Add Polish language file (#1044, #1047)
* Add support for KMC 70011
Power Monitoring Smart Plug (#1045)
* Corrected German language file
* Rewrite code (partly) using Google C++ Style Guide
* Allow empty
MqttHost name by using option 0
* Allow Mqtt server mDNS lookup only
when MqttHost name is empty (#1026)
* Change Ws2812 clock with more
flexible version (#1019)
* Add German language file (#1022)
* Support
connecting to MQTT brokers without userid and/or password (#1023)
* Add
commands PwmRange 1,255..1023 and PwmFrequency 1,100..4000 (#1025)