* Differentiate between JSON text defines and other text
defines to allow for English JSON while using different locale (#1449)
* Fix display of build date and time in non-english locale (#1465)
* Add support for SenseAir S8 CO2 sensor to be enabled with define
USE_SENSEAIR in user_config.h
* Add support for Domoticz Air Quality
sensor to be used by MH-Z19(B) and SenseAir sensors
* Upgrade library ArduinoJson to 5.11.2
* Upgrade library
IRRemoteEsp8266 to 2.2.1 + 2 commits but tweaked some protocols to keep
code usage small
* Upgrade library NeoPixelBus to 2.2.9
* Upgrade
library OneWire to 2.3.3 + 6 commits
* Formalize library PubSubClient
to 2.6 + 9 commits and additional delay
* Add optional ADS1115 driver
as alternative for unsupported I2Cdevlib in esp8266-core 2.4.0-rc2
Fix wrong response name for command HlwISet (#1214)
* Add support for Arilux LC11 (CLearing RF home code when
selecting no Arilux module)
* Add fixed color options 1..12 to command
* Add + (plus) and - (minus) to commands Dimmer (+10/-10), Speed
and Scheme