5.7.0 20170907
* Shrink module configuration webpage
* Fix settings order during startup to allow for displaying debug
* Fix some string length issues
* Add more string length tests by using strncpy
* Add Ai-Thinker RGBW led (AiLight)
* Add Power check and add PulseTime to power check at startup (#526)
* Add Supla Espablo support (#755)
* Add more precision to Sonoff Pow period and power results using
command WattRes 0|1 (#759)
* Add basic internationalization and localization (#763)
* Add more Sonoff Pow range checking (#772)
* Fix invalid JSON (#786, #822)
* Add duplicate check to received RF signal within 2 seconds for Sonoff
Bridge (#810)
5.6.1 20170818
* Change module list order in webpage
* Fix Sonoff T1 1CH and 2CH configuration (#751)
* 5.6.0 20170818
* Fix Sonoff Pow intermittent exception 0
* Change Sonoff Pow sending Domoticz telemetry data only
* Add Ai-Thinker RGBW led (AiLight) (experimental)
* Add NeoPixelBus library to Sonoff Led for Hue support
* Add user configurable GPIO4 and GPIO5 to module Sonoff Bridge
* Add Sonoff B1 RGBCW led support with command Color RRGGBBCCWW (#676)
* Add command CT 152..500 to Sonoff Led and Sonoff B1 to control Color
* Add Cold-Warm slider to web page for Sonoff Led and Sonoff B1
* Add CT parameter to Hue
* Add Sonoff T1 support (#582)
* Add AnalogInput0 if configured as Analog Input to webpage (#697, #746)
* Add command SetOption14 0|1 to enable interlock mode (#719, #721)
* Fix Mitsubishi HVAC IR power controll (#740)
5.6.0 20170818
* Fix Sonoff Pow intermittent exception 0
* Change Sonoff Pow sending Domoticz telemetry data only
* Add Ai-Thinker RGBW led (AiLight) (experimental)
* Add NeoPixelBus library to Sonoff Led for Hue support
* Add user configurable GPIO4 and GPIO5 to module Sonoff Bridge
* Add Sonoff B1 RGBCW led support with command Color RRGGBBCCWW (#676)
* Add command CT 152..500 to Sonoff Led and Sonoff B1 to control Color
* Add Cold-Warm slider to web page for Sonoff Led and Sonoff B1
* Add CT parameter to Hue
* Add Sonoff T1 support (#582)
* Add AnalogInput0 if configured as Analog Input to webpage (#697, #746)
* Add command SetOption14 0|1 to enable interlock mode (#719, #721)
* Fix Mitsubishi HVAC IR power controll (#740)
* Fix Sonoff Pow intermittent exception 0
* Change Sonoff Pow sending Domoticz telemetry data only
* Add Sonoff B1 RGBCW led support with command Color RRGGBBCCWW (#676)
* Add command CT 152..500 to Sonoff Led and Sonoff B1 to control Color
* Add Cold-Warm slider to web page for Sonoff Led and Sonoff B1
* Add CT parameter to Hue
* Add Ai-Thinker RGBW led (AiLight) (experimental)
* Add NeoPixelBus library to Sonoff Led for Hue support (saves 1k code
* Add user configurable GPIO4 and GPIO5 to module Sonoff Bridge
* Fix Mitsubishi HVAC IR power controll (#740)
* Add Sonoff T1 support (#582)
* Fix Sonoff Pow intermittent exception 0
* Change Sonoff Pow sending Domoticz telemetry data only
* Add Sonoff B1 RGBCW led support with command Color RRGGBBCCWW (#676)
* Add command CT 152..500 to Sonoff Led and Sonoff B1 to control Color
* Add Cold-Warm slider to web page for Sonoff Led and Sonoff B1
* Add CT parameter to Hue
* Add Ai-Thinker RGBW led (AiLight) (experimental)
* Add NeoPixelBus library to Sonoff Led for Hue support (saves 1k code
* Add user configurable GPIO4 and GPIO5 to module Sonoff Bridge
* Fix Mitsubishi HVAC IR power controll (#740)
5.5.2 20170808
* Extent max number of WS2812 pixels from 256 to 512 (#667)
* Add OTA handling if server responds with no update available (#695)
* Removed undocumented command FlashMode (#696)
* Fix compile time error message due to increased message buffer size
* Extent max number of WS2812 pixels from 256 to 512 (#667)
* Add OTA handling if server responds with no update available (#695)
* Removed undocumented command FlashMode (#696)
* Fix compile time error message due to increased message buffer size (#703)
* Extent max number of WS2812 pixels from 256 to 512 (#667)
* Add OTA handling if server responds with no update available (#695)
* Removed undocumented command FlashMode (#696)
* Fix compile time error message due to increased message buffer size (#703)
5.5.1 20170805
* Fix Sonoff Rf Bridge issues
* Add Sonoff RF Bridge MQTT messages on received and learned RF signal
* Add command VoltRes 0|1 to select voltage resolution to 0.1 V (#654)
* Add averaging to Analog input (#686)
* Add Energy tele data on Sonoff Pow Threshold change (#688)
* Fix inconsistent property names in Messages (#690)
5.5.0 20170730
* Reduce code space by removing the following commands as they are
replaced by SetOption alternatives:
* SaveState = SetOption0
* ButtonRestrict = SetOption1
* Units = SetOption2
* MQTT = SetOption3
* MQTTResponse = SetOption4
* TempUnit = SetOption8
* Smoothing WS2812 animation poll, invert fade speed and max allowed
wakeup time down to 3000 seconds
* Fix initial button press detection
* Add support for Sonoff RF Bridge 433 using command RfKey
* Fix regression from 5.0.7 by increasing message buffer size from 360
to 368 to accomodate 4 x DS18x20 sensors (#637)
* Add GroupTopic to Topic test when using ButtonTopic/SwitchTopic to
send either ON/OFF or TOGGLE (#642)
* Adjust HLW calibration limits to accomodate HuaFan device and add
commands HlwPSet, HlwUSet and HlwISet (#654)
5.4.0 20170725
* Fix command reset regression introduced in 5.2.0
* Increase polling from 0.1 second to 0.05 second
* Add multipress to all buttons
* Fix button 1 double press behaviour on multi relay devices
* Add support for Hua Fan Smart Socket (#479)
* Add support for Sonoff 4ch Pro (#565)
* Add command SetOption13 1 to allow immediate action on single button
* (disables multipress, hold and unrestricted commands) (#587)