* Add support for TheoV2 sensors as documented on https://sidweb.nl
* Add support for SDM220 (#3610)
* Enhance support for MPU6050 using DMP (#4581)
* Add command SetOption58 0/1 to enable IR raw data info in JSON message (#2116)
* Add command IRSend <frequency>|0,<rawdata1>,<rawdata2>,.. to allow raw data transmission (#2116)
- add full backup/restore capability
- add Tasmota .dmp format to be able to upload previously save Tasmota files
- add help files decode-config.md
- add Tasmota *.dmp format for backup
- new args:
--restore-file, --extension, --no-extension,
--full-help, --verbose
- changed args:
--exit-on-error-only to --ignore-warnings
--output-file to --backup-file
--output-file-format to --backup-type
--hide-pw to --json-hide-pw
--unhide-pw to --json-unhide-pw
- removed (hidden) args:
--sort, --unsort, --raw-values, --no-raw-values
-raw-keys, -no-raw-keys
defaults are no raw keys/values and sort 20181017
* Enable updated non-blocking PubSubClient as default MQTT client
* Update TasmotaModbus and TasmotaSerial libraries for support of serial 8N2 communication
* Add support for Pzem-003/017 DC Energy monitoring module (#3694)
* Change support for Pzem-014/016 AC Energy monitoring module (#3694) 20191002
* Remove support for MQTT Client based on esp-mqtt-arduino by #define MQTT_LIBRARY_TYPE MQTT_ESPMQTTARDUINO
* Add support for MQTT Client based on lwmqtt to be selected by #define MQTT_LIBRARY_TYPE MQTT_ARDUINOMQTT
- add configuration data header to json and binary outputs
--add template @v and @f for output filename
- add output of crc values on crc error
- add '--exit-on-error-only' arg make it possible to process partly valid data
- replaced '--sort <word>' by '--unsort'
- changed data size and data crc error into warnings
- changed output always in json format
- removed arg '--format' (obsolete)
- removed collections module (obsolete)
v1.5.0010: 'decode-config.py' add more detailed outputs
- add bit structure for struct TimeRule, Timer, Mcp230xxCfg
- add program return code desc
- add error handling for additonal python modules
- changed 'Settings' definition to handle array of struct
- changed field conversion string to formular evaluation for values
- fix and enhance output values
- add new arguments '--json-indent' and '--json-compact'
- fix poblem with invalid string chars when having garbadge in flash
- fix errors using configs for Tasmota < v6.2.1
- fix setting definition for v5.13.1/v5.14.0