Remove the assumption of 100% loop duty cycle as we want an accurate loop load average and not a percentage as such - so if it overshoots the value stored for setoption36 this should be known by looking at the load average and not be distorted by reducing it to 100 basis points on the assumption that my_acitivity took as long as setoption36.
The current 5-second delay before refreshing web ui after settings were changed is not always sufficient as wifi can take up to 10 seconds to re-connect and be available on some wireless networks, depending on the device's RSSI.
This change increases the delay from 5 seconds to 10 seconds which have been tested down to RSSI levels of 25 to be sufficient.
This change also increases the refresh delay when a local OTA is uploaded to 20 seconds which allows enough time for the cp: process to complete and the device to reconnected to wifi under >= 25 RSSI conditions. 20181122
* Remove delays introduced in (#4233)
* Add additional start-up delay during initial wifi connection
* Add support for I2C MGC3130 Electric Field Effect sensor by Christian Baars (#3774, #4404)
* Add initial support for Hass sensor discovery (#4380)
This fixes the linter warning for Platformio due to module is defined in platformio.ini and also my_user_config.h
If module is not defined in my_user_config.h nor in platformio.ini, sonoff_post.h will make SONOFF_BASIC as the default.
This works for both Arduino and Platformio
This will work as the same as #define MY_LANGUAGE works. If you define it in my_user_config.h, the compiler will use that language, if not defined, the compiler will use en-GB as the default language.