4.0.7 20170319
* Increased Sonoff Led PWM frequency from 432 to 1000
* Fix possible watch dog reboot after changing module type on web page
* Fix reporting of GPIO usage from web page
* Fix Sonoff Led blank during firmware upgrade
* Fix Sonoff Led flicker and possible flash corruption by using latest
Arduino-esp8266 versions
* of pwm core files included in sonoff library (#211)
* Add PWM output control with commands PWM1 to PWM5 using user
selectable GPIOs (#211)
* Fix exceptions due to low values of commands HlwPCal (10000), HlwUCal
(1000) and HlwICal (2500) (#223)
* Add Switch state to sensor status (#227, #233)
* Add user configuarble GPIO to module Sonoff Touch (#228)
* Add define WEB_PORT to user_config.h to change default web server port
from 80 (#232)
* Fix failed Ota Firmware upgrade started from Web page (#235)
4.0.6 20170316
* Fix to better find device by Wifi hostname
* Fix compile error when some I2C devices are disabled
* Add (experimental) support for SHT1X emulating I2C (#97)
* Add ADC to ElectroDragon (#203)
* Add support for Sonoff Dev (#206)
4.0.5 20170314
* Add command Status 11 to show power status with Vcc if define
USE_ADC_VCC is enabled (default)
* Add ADC input to Sonoff SV and Wemos D1 mini - Needs recompile with
define USE_ADC_VCC disabled (#137)
* Add MQTT host:port to timeout message (#199)
4.0.5 20170314
* Add command Status 11 to show power status with Vcc if define
USE_ADC_VCC is enabled (default)
* Add ADC input to Sonoff SV and Wemos D1 mini - Needs recompile with
define USE_ADC_VCC disabled (#137)
* Add MQTT host:port to timeout message (#199)
4.0.4 20170312
* Add pulse timers for up to 4 relays (#106)
* Fix Sonoff Led power state when dimmer or color is 0 (#176)
* Add command NtpServer<x> to configure up to three NTP servers (#177)
* Delete module User Test as module Wemos D1 mini has same/more user
configurable GPIO (#178)
* Add more user configurable GPIO to module ElectroDragon (#183)
4.0.3 20170309
* Renamed Module NodeMCU to WeMos D1 mini
* Add GPIO1 as user option to some modules
* Add Buttons, Relays and Leds to user configurable options (#159)
* Add description on Module parameters web page to some well known GPIOs
(#107, #171)
3.9.22 20170228
* Update web console
* Fix Status 4 JSON message
* Add Exception info during restart if available
* Add osWatch service to detect loop hangs that might happen during
(OTA) upgrades
* Add WiOn support for relay and switch only (#82, #102)
* Allow for user specified relay count up to four in sonoff_template.h
* Add support for HTU21 compatible I2C sensors SI7013, SI7020 and SI7021
* Add NodeMCU or Wemos configuration option (#119)
3.9.21 20170224
* Add ajax to web root page and web console (#79)
* Add commands SwitchMode1..4 and enable user switches 2, 3 and 4 (#84,
* Fix MQTT upgrade when webserver is active
3.9.17 20170217
* Fix possible ArduinoJSON related memory fragmentation
* Changed console logging using less memory
* Add GPIO04 as user selectable for Sonoff Dual (#75)
3.9.16 20170214
* Update latching relay handler
* Add support for IR led using IRremoteESP8266 library (#59)
* Add Hue argument passing using ArduinoJSON library (#59)
3.9.15 20170213
* Change JSON float values from string to number according to
http://json.org (#56)
* Add support for exs latched relay module
https://ex-store.de/ESP8266-WiFi-Relay-V31 (#58)
* Add support for inverted relays
* Changed MAX_LOG_LINES from 70 to 60 to preserve memory
3.9.14 20170211
* Add False and True as alternatives for 0/Off and 1/On (#49)
* Fix Status10 JSON format (#52)
* Fix DS18x20 using OneWire library (#53)
3.9.13 20170210
* Add FlashChipSize to Status 4
* Removed redundant DHT2 option and code
* Add Sonoff SV GPIO pin 05 configuration (#40)
* Add configuration file backup and restore via web page
* Fix latency due to light_sleep mode even if sleep was set to zero
3.9.13 20170210
* Add FlashChipSize to Status 4
* Removed redundant DHT2 option and code
* Add Sonoff SV GPIO pin 05 configuration (#40)
* Add configuration file backup and restore via web page
* Fix latency due to light_sleep mode even if sleep was set to zero
3.9.11 20170204
* Fix command I2Cscan
* Fix not allowed spaces in Topic, ButtonTopic and SwitchTopic
* Make all TELEMETRY, STATUS and COMMAND message topics unique (#4)
* Advertise command topic to be used by iobroker (#299)
* Fix butten (non)detection if no GPIO_KEY1 is defined (#13)
* Change WeMo serialnumber from 7 decimal chars to 8 hexadecimal chars
* Update web page with Build Date/Time, Emulation and mDNS Discovery and
Advertise information (#21)