5.5.1 20170805
* Fix Sonoff Rf Bridge issues
* Add Sonoff RF Bridge MQTT messages on received and learned RF signal
* Add command VoltRes 0|1 to select voltage resolution to 0.1 V (#654)
* Add averaging to Analog input (#686)
* Add Energy tele data on Sonoff Pow Threshold change (#688)
* Fix inconsistent property names in Messages (#690)
5.5.0 20170730
* Reduce code space by removing the following commands as they are
replaced by SetOption alternatives:
* SaveState = SetOption0
* ButtonRestrict = SetOption1
* Units = SetOption2
* MQTT = SetOption3
* MQTTResponse = SetOption4
* TempUnit = SetOption8
* Smoothing WS2812 animation poll, invert fade speed and max allowed
wakeup time down to 3000 seconds
* Fix initial button press detection
* Add support for Sonoff RF Bridge 433 using command RfKey
* Fix regression from 5.0.7 by increasing message buffer size from 360
to 368 to accomodate 4 x DS18x20 sensors (#637)
* Add GroupTopic to Topic test when using ButtonTopic/SwitchTopic to
send either ON/OFF or TOGGLE (#642)
* Adjust HLW calibration limits to accomodate HuaFan device and add
commands HlwPSet, HlwUSet and HlwISet (#654)