- changed <br/> to <br>
- "name" attributes of input, select, textarea, button items are removed and set by their id (only if ID is set and no name tag given) 20190521
* Add AriLux RF control GPIO option "ALux IrSel" (159) replacing "Led4i" (59) for full LED control (#5709)
* Add LED GPIO option "LedLink" (157) and "LedLinki" (158) to select dedicated link status LED (#5709)
* Add support for up to four LEDs related to four power outputs. Enabled when "LedLink(i)" is configured too (#5709)
* Add extended LED power control using command LedPowerX where X is 1 to 4. Enabled when "LedLink(i)" is configured too (#5709) 20190513
* Enable ADC0 by default in my_user_config.h (#5671)
* Add user configurable ADC0 to Module and Template configuration compatible with current FLAG options (#5671)