* Replaced command Ina219Mode with command Sensor13
* Add
command Sensor15 2 to start MHZ19(B) Zero Point Calibration
* Add
chunked webserver pages for large pages saving memory
* Fix Non-English
JSON temperature unit attachement
* Fix Sonoff Pow Energy Today and
Energy Total reading after restart (#1648)
* Rewrite function pointers
to save code space and memory (#1683)
* Add option define
HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_ENABLE in user_config.h (#1685)
* Fix SOnoff
Pow Energy Period roll-over (#1688)
* Add device function pointers
* Moved Command and JSON
English language defines to one file (i18n.h)
* Update it-IT.h language
file (#1449)
* Fix Wemo and Hue emulation by adding M-Search response
delay (#1486)