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IRsend Class Reference

Class for sending all basic IR protocols. More...

#include <IRsend.h>

Public Member Functions

 IRsend (uint16_t IRsendPin, bool inverted=false, bool use_modulation=true)
 Constructor for an IRsend object. More...
void begin ()
 Enable the pin for output. More...
void enableIROut (uint32_t freq, uint8_t duty=kDutyDefault)
 Set the output frequency modulation and duty cycle. More...
VIRTUAL void _delayMicroseconds (uint32_t usec)
 An ESP8266 RTOS watch-dog timer friendly version of delayMicroseconds(). More...
VIRTUAL uint16_t mark (uint16_t usec)
 Modulate the IR LED for the given period (usec) and at the duty cycle set. More...
VIRTUAL void space (uint32_t usec)
 Turn the pin (LED) off for a given time. Sends an IR space for the specified number of microseconds. A space is no output, so the PWM output is disabled. More...
int8_t calibrate (uint16_t hz=38000U)
 Calculate & set any offsets to account for execution times during sending. More...
void sendRaw (const uint16_t buf[], const uint16_t len, const uint16_t hz)
 Send a raw IRremote message. More...
void sendData (uint16_t onemark, uint32_t onespace, uint16_t zeromark, uint32_t zerospace, uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits, bool MSBfirst=true)
 Generic method for sending data that is common to most protocols. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number of bits in data. More...
void sendManchesterData (const uint16_t half_period, const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits, const bool MSBfirst=true, const bool GEThomas=true)
 Generic method for sending Manchester code data. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number of bits in data. More...
void sendManchester (const uint16_t headermark, const uint32_t headerspace, const uint16_t half_period, const uint16_t footermark, const uint32_t gap, const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits, const uint16_t frequency=38, const bool MSBfirst=true, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat, const uint8_t dutycycle=kDutyDefault, const bool GEThomas=true)
 Generic method for sending Manchester code messages. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number. More...
void sendGeneric (const uint16_t headermark, const uint32_t headerspace, const uint16_t onemark, const uint32_t onespace, const uint16_t zeromark, const uint32_t zerospace, const uint16_t footermark, const uint32_t gap, const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits, const uint16_t frequency, const bool MSBfirst, const uint16_t repeat, const uint8_t dutycycle)
 Generic method for sending simple protocol messages. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number of bits in data. More...
void sendGeneric (const uint16_t headermark, const uint32_t headerspace, const uint16_t onemark, const uint32_t onespace, const uint16_t zeromark, const uint32_t zerospace, const uint16_t footermark, const uint32_t gap, const uint32_t mesgtime, const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits, const uint16_t frequency, const bool MSBfirst, const uint16_t repeat, const uint8_t dutycycle)
 Generic method for sending simple protocol messages. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number of bits in data. More...
void sendGeneric (const uint16_t headermark, const uint32_t headerspace, const uint16_t onemark, const uint32_t onespace, const uint16_t zeromark, const uint32_t zerospace, const uint16_t footermark, const uint32_t gap, const uint8_t *dataptr, const uint16_t nbytes, const uint16_t frequency, const bool MSBfirst, const uint16_t repeat, const uint8_t dutycycle)
 Generic method for sending simple protocol messages. More...
bool send (const decode_type_t type, const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a simple (up to 64 bits) IR message of a given type. An unknown/unsupported type will send nothing. More...
bool send (const decode_type_t type, const uint8_t *state, const uint16_t nbytes)
 Send a complex (>= 64 bits) IR message of a given type. An unknown/unsupported type will send nothing. More...
void sendNEC (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kNECBits, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a raw NEC(Renesas) formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known working. More...
uint32_t encodeNEC (uint16_t address, uint16_t command)
 Calculate the raw NEC data based on address and command. Status: STABLE / Expected to work. More...
void sendSony (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kSony20Bits, const uint16_t repeat=kSonyMinRepeat)
 Send a standard Sony/SIRC(Serial Infra-Red Control) message. (40kHz) Status: STABLE / Known working. More...
void sendSony38 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kSony20Bits, const uint16_t repeat=kSonyMinRepeat+1)
 Send an alternative 38kHz Sony/SIRC(Serial Infra-Red Control) message. Status: STABLE / Known working. More...
uint32_t encodeSony (const uint16_t nbits, const uint16_t command, const uint16_t address, const uint16_t extended=0)
 Convert Sony/SIRC command, address, & extended bits into sendSony format. Status: STABLE / Should be working. More...
void sendSherwood (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kSherwoodBits, uint16_t repeat=kSherwoodMinRepeat)
 Send an IR command to a Sherwood device. Status: STABLE / Known working. More...
void sendSAMSUNG (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kSamsungBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a 32-bit Samsung formatted message. Status: STABLE / Should be working. More...
uint32_t encodeSAMSUNG (const uint8_t customer, const uint8_t command)
 Construct a raw Samsung message from the supplied customer(address) & command. Status: STABLE / Should be working. More...
void sendSamsung36 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kSamsung36Bits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Samsung 36-bit formatted message. Status: STABLE / Works on real devices. More...
void sendSamsungAC (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kSamsungAcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kSamsungAcDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Samsung A/C message. Status: Stable / Known working. More...
void sendLG (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kLgBits, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send an LG formatted message. (LG) Status: Beta / Should be working. More...
void sendLG2 (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kLgBits, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send an LG Variant-2 formatted message. (LG2) Status: Beta / Should be working. More...
uint32_t encodeLG (uint16_t address, uint16_t command)
 Construct a raw 28-bit LG message code from the supplied address & command. Status: STABLE / Works. More...
uint32_t encodeSharp (const uint16_t address, const uint16_t command, const uint16_t expansion=1, const uint16_t check=0, const bool MSBfirst=false)
 Encode a (raw) Sharp message from it's components. Status: STABLE / Works okay. More...
void sendSharp (const uint16_t address, const uint16_t command, const uint16_t nbits=kSharpBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Sharp message Status: DEPRECATED / Previously working fine. More...
void sendSharpRaw (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kSharpBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a (raw) Sharp message. More...
void sendSharpAc (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kSharpAcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kSharpAcDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Sharp A/C message. Status: Alpha / Untested. More...
void sendJVC (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kJvcBits, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a JVC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working. More...
uint16_t encodeJVC (uint8_t address, uint8_t command)
 Calculate the raw JVC data based on address and command. Status: STABLE / Works fine. More...
void sendDenon (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kDenonBits, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Denon formatted message. Status: STABLE / Should be working. More...
uint64_t encodeSanyoLC7461 (uint16_t address, uint8_t command)
 Construct a Sanyo LC7461 message. More...
void sendSanyoLC7461 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kSanyoLC7461Bits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Sanyo LC7461 message. Status: BETA / Probably works. More...
void sendSanyoAc (const uint8_t *data, const uint16_t nbytes=kSanyoAcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a SanyoAc formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working. More...
void sendDISH (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kDishBits, uint16_t repeat=kDishMinRepeat)
 Send a DISH NETWORK formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working. More...
void sendPanasonic64 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kPanasonicBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Panasonic formatted message. Status: STABLE / Should be working. More...
void sendPanasonic (const uint16_t address, const uint32_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kPanasonicBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Panasonic formatted message. Status: STABLE, but DEPRECATED. More...
uint64_t encodePanasonic (const uint16_t manufacturer, const uint8_t device, const uint8_t subdevice, const uint8_t function)
 Calculate the raw Panasonic data based on device, subdevice, & function. Status: STABLE / Should be working. More...
void sendRC5 (const uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kRC5XBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Philips RC-5/RC-5X packet. Status: RC-5 (stable), RC-5X (alpha) More...
uint16_t encodeRC5 (const uint8_t address, const uint8_t command, const bool key_released=false)
 Encode a Philips RC-5 data message. Status: Beta / Should be working. More...
uint16_t encodeRC5X (const uint8_t address, const uint8_t command, const bool key_released=false)
 Encode a Philips RC-5X data message. Status: Beta / Should be working. More...
uint64_t toggleRC5 (const uint64_t data)
 Flip the toggle bit of a Philips RC-5/RC-5X data message. Used to indicate a change of remote button's state. Status: STABLE. More...
void sendRC6 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kRC6Mode0Bits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Philips RC-6 packet. Status: Stable. More...
uint64_t encodeRC6 (const uint32_t address, const uint8_t command, const uint16_t mode=kRC6Mode0Bits)
 Encode a Philips RC-6 data message. Status: Beta / Should be working. More...
uint64_t toggleRC6 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kRC6Mode0Bits)
 Flip the toggle bit of a Philips RC-6 data message. Used to indicate a change of remote button's state. Status: STABLE / Should work fine. More...
void sendRCMM (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kRCMMBits, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Philips RC-MM packet. Status: STABLE / Should be working. More...
void sendCOOLIX (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kCoolixBits, uint16_t repeat=kCoolixDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Coolix message Status: STABLE / Confirmed Working. More...
void sendWhynter (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kWhynterBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Whynter message. Status: STABLE. More...
void sendMirage (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kMirageStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kMirageMinRepeat)
 Send a Mirage formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working. More...
void sendMitsubishi (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kMitsubishiBits, uint16_t repeat=kMitsubishiMinRepeat)
 Send the supplied Mitsubishi 16-bit message. Status: STABLE / Working. More...
void sendMitsubishi136 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kMitsubishi136StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kMitsubishi136MinRepeat)
 Send a Mitsubishi 136-bit A/C message. (MITSUBISHI136) Status: BETA / Probably working. Needs to be tested against a real device. More...
void sendMitsubishi112 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kMitsubishi112StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kMitsubishi112MinRepeat)
 Send a Mitsubishi 112-bit A/C formatted message. (MITSUBISHI112) Status: Stable / Reported as working. More...
void sendMitsubishi2 (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kMitsubishiBits, uint16_t repeat=kMitsubishiMinRepeat)
 Send a supplied second variant Mitsubishi 16-bit message. Status: BETA / Probably works. More...
void sendMitsubishiAC (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kMitsubishiACStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kMitsubishiACMinRepeat)
 Send a Mitsubishi 144-bit A/C formatted message. (MITSUBISHI_AC) Status: STABLE / Working. More...
void sendMitsubishiHeavy88 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kMitsubishiHeavy88StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kMitsubishiHeavy88MinRepeat)
 Send a MitsubishiHeavy 88-bit A/C message. Status: BETA / Appears to be working. Needs testing against a real device. More...
void sendMitsubishiHeavy152 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kMitsubishiHeavy152StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kMitsubishiHeavy152MinRepeat)
 Send a MitsubishiHeavy 152-bit A/C message. Status: BETA / Appears to be working. Needs testing against a real device. More...
void sendFujitsuAC (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes, const uint16_t repeat=kFujitsuAcMinRepeat)
 Send a Fujitsu A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known Good. More...
void sendInax (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kInaxBits, const uint16_t repeat=kInaxMinRepeat)
 Send a Inax Toilet formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working. More...
void sendGC (uint16_t buf[], uint16_t len)
 Send a shortened GlobalCache (GC) IRdb/control tower formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known working. More...
void sendKelvinator (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kKelvinatorStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kKelvinatorDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Kelvinator A/C message. Status: STABLE / Known working. More...
void sendDaikin (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kDaikinStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kDaikinDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Daikin 280-bit A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE. More...
void sendDaikin64 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kDaikin64Bits, const uint16_t repeat=kDaikin64DefaultRepeat)
 Send a Daikin64 (64-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: Beta / Probably Working. More...
void sendDaikin128 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kDaikin128StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kDaikin128DefaultRepeat)
 Send a Daikin128 (128-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known Working. More...
void sendDaikin152 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kDaikin152StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kDaikin152DefaultRepeat)
 Send a Daikin152 (152-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known Working. More...
void sendDaikin160 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kDaikin160StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kDaikin160DefaultRepeat)
 Send a Daikin160 (160-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Confirmed working. More...
void sendDaikin176 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kDaikin176StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kDaikin176DefaultRepeat)
 Send a Daikin176 (176-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working on a real device. More...
void sendDaikin2 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kDaikin2StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kDaikin2DefaultRepeat)
 Send a Daikin2 (312-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Expected to work. More...
void sendDaikin216 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kDaikin216StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kDaikin216DefaultRepeat)
 Send a Daikin216 (216-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: Alpha / Untested on a real device. More...
void sendAiwaRCT501 (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kAiwaRcT501Bits, uint16_t repeat=kAiwaRcT501MinRepeats)
 Send an Aiwa RC T501 formatted message. Status: BETA / Should work. More...
void sendGree (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kGreeBits, const uint16_t repeat=kGreeDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Gree Heat Pump formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working. More...
void sendGree (const uint8_t data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kGreeStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kGreeDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Gree Heat Pump formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working. More...
void sendGoodweather (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kGoodweatherBits, const uint16_t repeat=kGoodweatherMinRepeat)
 Send a Goodweather HVAC formatted message. Status: BETA / Needs testing on real device. More...
void sendPronto (uint16_t data[], uint16_t len, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Pronto Code formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known working. More...
void sendArgo (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kArgoStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kArgoDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Argo A/C formatted message. Status: BETA / Probably works. More...
void sendTrotec (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kTrotecStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kTrotecDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Trotec message. Status: Beta / Probably Working. More...
void sendNikai (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kNikaiBits, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Nikai formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working. More...
void sendToshibaAC (const uint8_t data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kToshibaACStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kToshibaACMinRepeat)
 Send a Toshiba A/C message. Status: STABLE / Working. More...
void sendMidea (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kMideaBits, uint16_t repeat=kMideaMinRepeat)
 Send a Midea message Status: Alpha / Needs testing against a real device. More...
void sendMidea24 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kMidea24Bits, const uint16_t repeat=kMidea24MinRepeat)
 Send a Midea24 formatted message. Status: STABLE / Confirmed working on a real device. More...
void sendMagiQuest (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kMagiquestBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a MagiQuest formatted message. Status: Beta / Should be working. More...
uint64_t encodeMagiQuest (const uint32_t wand_id, const uint16_t magnitude)
 Encode a MagiQuest wand_id, and a magnitude into a single 64bit value. (Only 48 bits of real data + 8 leading zero bits) This is suitable for calling sendMagiQuest() with. e.g. sendMagiQuest(encodeMagiQuest(wand_id, magnitude)) More...
void sendLasertag (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kLasertagBits, uint16_t repeat=kLasertagMinRepeat)
 Send a Lasertag packet/message. Status: STABLE / Working. More...
void sendCarrierAC (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kCarrierAcBits, uint16_t repeat=kCarrierAcMinRepeat)
 Send a Carrier HVAC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Works on real devices. More...
void sendCarrierAC40 (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kCarrierAc40Bits, uint16_t repeat=kCarrierAc40MinRepeat)
 Send a Carrier 40bit HVAC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Tested against a real device. More...
void sendCarrierAC64 (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kCarrierAc64Bits, uint16_t repeat=kCarrierAc64MinRepeat)
 Send a Carrier 64bit HVAC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known to be working. More...
void sendHaierAC (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kHaierACStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kHaierAcDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Haier A/C formatted message. (HSU07-HEA03 remote) Status: STABLE / Known to be working. More...
void sendHaierACYRW02 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kHaierACYRW02StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kHaierAcYrw02DefaultRepeat)
 Send a Haier YR-W02 remote A/C formatted message. Status: Alpha / Untested on a real device. More...
void sendHitachiAC (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kHitachiAcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Hitachi 28-byte/224-bit A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC) Status: STABLE / Working. More...
void sendHitachiAC1 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kHitachiAc1StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Hitachi 13 byte/224-bit A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC1) Status: STABLE / Confirmed Working. More...
void sendHitachiAC2 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kHitachiAc2StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Hitachi 53 byte/424-bit A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC2) Basically the same as sendHitatchiAC() except different size. Status: STABLE / Expected to work. More...
void sendHitachiAc3 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes, const uint16_t repeat=kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Hitachi(3) A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC3) Status: STABLE / Working fine. More...
void sendHitachiAc344 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kHitachiAc344StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Hitachi A/C 43-byte/344-bit message. (HITACHI_AC344) Basically the same as sendHitatchiAC() except different size. Status: Beta / Probably works. More...
void sendHitachiAc424 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kHitachiAc424StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Hitachi 53-byte/424-bit A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC424) Status: STABLE / Reported as working. More...
void sendGICable (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kGicableBits, uint16_t repeat=kGicableMinRepeat)
 Send a raw G.I. Cable formatted message. Status: Alpha / Untested. More...
void sendWhirlpoolAC (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kWhirlpoolAcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kWhirlpoolAcDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Whirlpool A/C message. Status: BETA / Probably works. More...
void sendLutron (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kLutronBits, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Lutron formatted message. Status: Stable / Appears to be working for real devices. More...
void sendElectraAC (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kElectraAcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Electra A/C formatted message. Status: Alpha / Needs testing against a real device. More...
void sendPanasonicAC (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kPanasonicAcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kPanasonicAcDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Panasonic A/C message. Status: STABLE / Work with real device(s). More...
void sendPanasonicAC32 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kPanasonicAc32Bits, const uint16_t repeat=kPanasonicAcDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Panasonic AC 32/16bit formatted message. Status: STABLE / Confirmed working. More...
void sendPioneer (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kPioneerBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a raw Pioneer formatted message. Status: STABLE / Expected to be working. More...
uint64_t encodePioneer (uint16_t address, uint16_t command)
 Calculate the raw Pioneer data code based on two NEC sub-codes Status: STABLE / Expected to work. More...
void sendMWM (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a MWM packet/message. Status: Implemented. More...
void sendVestelAc (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kVestelAcBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Vestel message Status: STABLE / Working. More...
void sendTcl112Ac (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kTcl112AcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kTcl112AcDefaultRepeat)
 Send a TCL 112-bit A/C message. Status: Beta / Probably working. More...
void sendTeco (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kTecoBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Teco A/C message. Status: Beta / Probably working. More...
void sendLegoPf (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kLegoPfBits, const uint16_t repeat=kLegoPfMinRepeat)
 Send a LEGO Power Functions message. Status: Beta / Should work. More...
void sendNeoclima (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kNeoclimaStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kNeoclimaMinRepeat)
 Send a Neoclima message. Status: STABLE / Known to be working. More...
void sendAmcor (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kAmcorStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kAmcorDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Amcor HVAC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working. More...
void sendEpson (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kEpsonBits, uint16_t repeat=kEpsonMinRepeat)
 Send an Epson formatted message. Status: Beta / Probably works. More...
void sendSymphony (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kSymphonyBits, uint16_t repeat=kSymphonyDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Symphony packet. Status: STABLE / Should be working. More...
void sendAirwell (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kAirwellBits, uint16_t repeat=kAirwellMinRepeats)
 Send an Airwell Manchester Code formatted message. Status: BETA / Appears to be working. More...
void sendDelonghiAc (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kDelonghiAcBits, uint16_t repeat=kDelonghiAcDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Delonghi A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working on a real device. More...
void sendDoshisha (const uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kDoshishaBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Doshisha formatted message. Status: STABLE / Works on real device. More...
uint64_t encodeDoshisha (const uint8_t command, const uint8_t channel=0)
 Encode Doshisha combining constant values with command and channel. Status: STABLE / Working. More...
void sendMultibrackets (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kMultibracketsBits, const uint16_t repeat=kMultibracketsDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Multibrackets formatted message. Status: BETA / Appears to be working. More...
void sendTechnibelAc (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kTechnibelAcBits, uint16_t repeat=kTechnibelAcDefaultRepeat)
 Send an Technibel AC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working on a real device. More...
void sendCoronaAc (const uint8_t data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kCoronaAcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a CoronaAc formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working on real device. More...
void sendZepeal (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kZepealBits, const uint16_t repeat=kZepealMinRepeat)
 Send a Zepeal formatted message. Status: STABLE / Works on real device. More...
void sendVoltas (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kVoltasStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a Voltas formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working on real device. More...
void sendMetz (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kMetzBits, const uint16_t repeat=kMetzMinRepeat)
 Send a Metz formatted message. Status: Beta / Needs testing against a real device. More...
void sendTranscold (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kTranscoldBits, const uint16_t repeat=kTranscoldDefaultRepeat)
 Send a Transcold message Status: STABLE / Confirmed Working. More...
void sendElitescreens (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kEliteScreensBits, const uint16_t repeat=kEliteScreensDefaultRepeat)
 Send an Elite Screens formatted message. Status: BETA / Probably Working. More...
void sendMilestag2 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kMilesTag2ShotBits, const uint16_t repeat=kMilesMinRepeat)
 Percentage. More...
void sendEcoclim (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kEcoclimBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a EcoClim A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Confirmed working on real device. More...
void sendXmp (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kXmpBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
 Send a XMP packet. Status: Beta / Untested against a real device. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static uint16_t minRepeats (const decode_type_t protocol)
 Get the minimum number of repeats for a given protocol. More...
static uint16_t defaultBits (const decode_type_t protocol)
 Get the default number of bits for a given protocol. More...
static uint32_t encodeMetz (const uint8_t address, const uint8_t command, const bool toggle=false)
 Encode a Metz address, command, and toggle bits into a code suitable for use with sendMetz(). More...

Protected Member Functions

VIRTUAL void ledOff ()
 Turn off the IR LED. More...
VIRTUAL void ledOn ()
 Turn on the IR LED. More...

Protected Attributes

uint8_t outputOn
uint8_t outputOff

Private Member Functions

uint32_t calcUSecPeriod (uint32_t hz, bool use_offset=true)
 Calculate the period for a given frequency. More...
void _sendSony (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits, const uint16_t repeat, const uint16_t freq)
 Internal procedure to generate a Sony/SIRC(Serial Infra-Red Control) message Status: STABLE / Known working. More...

Private Attributes

uint32_t _freq_unittest
uint16_t onTimePeriod
uint16_t offTimePeriod
uint16_t IRpin
int8_t periodOffset
uint8_t _dutycycle
bool modulation

Detailed Description

Class for sending all basic IR protocols.

Originally from Updated by markszabo ( for sending IR code on ESP8266

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IRsend()

IRsend::IRsend ( uint16_t  IRsendPin,
bool  inverted = false,
bool  use_modulation = true 

Constructor for an IRsend object.

[in]IRsendPinWhich GPIO pin to use when sending an IR command.
[in]invertedOptional flag to invert the output. (default = false) e.g. LED is illuminated when GPIO is LOW rather than HIGH.
Setting inverted to something other than the default could easily destroy your IR LED if you are overdriving it. Unless you REALLY know what you are doing, don't change this.
[in]use_modulationDo we do frequency modulation during transmission? i.e. If not, assume a 100% duty cycle. Ignore attempts to change the duty cycle etc.

Member Function Documentation

◆ _delayMicroseconds()

void IRsend::_delayMicroseconds ( uint32_t  usec)

An ESP8266 RTOS watch-dog timer friendly version of delayMicroseconds().

A version of delayMicroseconds() that handles large values and does NOT use the watch-dog friendly delay() calls where appropriate.

[in]usecNr. of uSeconds to delay for.
Use this only if you know what you are doing as it may cause the WDT to reset the ESP8266.

◆ _sendSony()

void IRsend::_sendSony ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits,
const uint16_t  repeat,
const uint16_t  freq 

Internal procedure to generate a Sony/SIRC(Serial Infra-Red Control) message Status: STABLE / Known working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
[in]freqFrequency of the modulation to transmit at. (Hz or kHz)

◆ begin()

void IRsend::begin ( )

Enable the pin for output.

◆ calcUSecPeriod()

uint32_t IRsend::calcUSecPeriod ( uint32_t  hz,
bool  use_offset = true 

Calculate the period for a given frequency.

[in]hzFrequency in Hz.
[in]use_offsetShould we use the calculated offset or not?
nr. of uSeconds.
(T = 1/f)

◆ calibrate()

int8_t IRsend::calibrate ( uint16_t  hz = 38000U)

Calculate & set any offsets to account for execution times during sending.

[in]hzThe frequency to calibrate at >= 1000Hz. Default is 38000Hz.
The calculated period offset (in uSeconds) which is now in use. e.g. -5.
This will generate an 65535us mark() IR LED signal. This only needs to be called once, if at all.

◆ defaultBits()

uint16_t IRsend::defaultBits ( const decode_type_t  protocol)

Get the default number of bits for a given protocol.

[in]protocolProtocol number/type you want the default bit size for.
The number of bits.

◆ enableIROut()

void IRsend::enableIROut ( uint32_t  freq,
uint8_t  duty = kDutyDefault 

Set the output frequency modulation and duty cycle.

[in]freqThe freq we want to modulate at. Assumes < 1000 means kHz else Hz.
[in]dutyPercentage duty cycle of the LED. e.g. 25 = 25% = 1/4 on, 3/4 off. If you are not sure, try 50 percent. This is ignored if modulation is disabled at object instantiation.
Integer timing functions & math mean we can't do fractions of microseconds timing. Thus minor changes to the freq & duty values may have limited effect. You've been warned.

◆ encodeDoshisha()

uint64_t IRsend::encodeDoshisha ( const uint8_t  command,
const uint8_t  channel = 0 

Encode Doshisha combining constant values with command and channel. Status: STABLE / Working.

[in]commandThe command code to be sent.
[in]channelThe one bit channel 0 for CH1 and 1 for CH2
The corresponding Doshisha code.

◆ encodeJVC()

uint16_t IRsend::encodeJVC ( uint8_t  address,
uint8_t  command 

Calculate the raw JVC data based on address and command. Status: STABLE / Works fine.

[in]addressAn 8-bit address value.
[in]commandAn 8-bit command value.
A raw JVC message code, suitable for sendJVC()..
See also

◆ encodeLG()

uint32_t IRsend::encodeLG ( uint16_t  address,
uint16_t  command 

Construct a raw 28-bit LG message code from the supplied address & command. Status: STABLE / Works.

[in]addressThe address code.
[in]commandThe command code.
A raw 28-bit LG message code suitable for sendLG() etc.
Sequence of bits = address + command + checksum.

◆ encodeMagiQuest()

uint64_t IRsend::encodeMagiQuest ( const uint32_t  wand_id,
const uint16_t  magnitude 

Encode a MagiQuest wand_id, and a magnitude into a single 64bit value. (Only 48 bits of real data + 8 leading zero bits) This is suitable for calling sendMagiQuest() with. e.g. sendMagiQuest(encodeMagiQuest(wand_id, magnitude))

[in]wand_idThe value for the wand ID.
[in]magnitudeThe value for the magnitude
A code suitable for calling sendMagiQuest() with.

◆ encodeMetz()

uint32_t IRsend::encodeMetz ( const uint8_t  address,
const uint8_t  command,
const bool  toggle = false 

Encode a Metz address, command, and toggle bits into a code suitable for use with sendMetz().

[in]addressA 3-bit address value.
[in]commandA 6-bit command value.
[in]toggleShould the toggle bit be set in the result?
A 19-bit value suitable for use with sendMetz().

◆ encodeNEC()

uint32_t IRsend::encodeNEC ( uint16_t  address,
uint16_t  command 

Calculate the raw NEC data based on address and command. Status: STABLE / Expected to work.

[in]addressAn address value.
[in]commandAn 8-bit command value.
A raw 32-bit NEC message suitable for use with sendNEC().
See also

◆ encodePanasonic()

uint64_t IRsend::encodePanasonic ( const uint16_t  manufacturer,
const uint8_t  device,
const uint8_t  subdevice,
const uint8_t  function 

Calculate the raw Panasonic data based on device, subdevice, & function. Status: STABLE / Should be working.

[in]manufacturerA 16-bit manufacturer code. e.g. 0x4004 is Panasonic
[in]deviceAn 8-bit code.
[in]subdeviceAn 8-bit code.
[in]functionAn 8-bit code.
A value suitable for use with sendPanasonic64().
Panasonic 48-bit protocol is a modified version of Kaseikyo.
See also

◆ encodePioneer()

uint64_t IRsend::encodePioneer ( uint16_t  address,
uint16_t  command 

Calculate the raw Pioneer data code based on two NEC sub-codes Status: STABLE / Expected to work.

[in]addressA 16-bit "published" NEC value.
[in]commandA 16-bit "published" NEC value.
A raw 64-bit Pioneer message code for use with sendPioneer()`
Address & Command can be take from a decode result OR from the spreadsheets located at: where the first part is considered the address, and the second the command. e.g. "A556+AF20" is an Address of 0xA556 & a Command of 0xAF20.

◆ encodeRC5()

uint16_t IRsend::encodeRC5 ( const uint8_t  address,
const uint8_t  command,
const bool  key_released = false 

Encode a Philips RC-5 data message. Status: Beta / Should be working.

[in]addressThe 5-bit address value for the message.
[in]commandThe 6-bit command value for the message.
[in]key_releasedIndicate if the remote key has been released.
A message suitable for use in sendRC5().

◆ encodeRC5X()

uint16_t IRsend::encodeRC5X ( const uint8_t  address,
const uint8_t  command,
const bool  key_released = false 

Encode a Philips RC-5X data message. Status: Beta / Should be working.

[in]addressThe 5-bit address value for the message.
[in]commandThe 7-bit command value for the message.
[in]key_releasedIndicate if the remote key has been released.
A message suitable for use in sendRC5().

◆ encodeRC6()

uint64_t IRsend::encodeRC6 ( const uint32_t  address,
const uint8_t  command,
const uint16_t  mode = kRC6Mode0Bits 

Encode a Philips RC-6 data message. Status: Beta / Should be working.

[in]addressThe address (aka. control) value for the message. Includes the field/mode/toggle bits.
[in]commandThe 8-bit command value for the message. (aka. information)
[in]modeWhich protocol to use. Defined by nr. of bits in the protocol.
A data message suitable for use in sendRC6().

◆ encodeSAMSUNG()

uint32_t IRsend::encodeSAMSUNG ( const uint8_t  customer,
const uint8_t  command 

Construct a raw Samsung message from the supplied customer(address) & command. Status: STABLE / Should be working.

[in]customerThe customer code. (aka. Address)
[in]commandThe command code.
A raw 32-bit Samsung message suitable for sendSAMSUNG().

◆ encodeSanyoLC7461()

uint64_t IRsend::encodeSanyoLC7461 ( uint16_t  address,
uint8_t  command 

Construct a Sanyo LC7461 message.

[in]addressThe 13 bit value of the address(Custom) portion of the protocol.
[in]commandThe 8 bit value of the command(Key) portion of the protocol.
An uint64_t with the encoded raw 42 bit Sanyo LC7461 data value.
This protocol uses the NEC protocol timings. However, data is formatted as : address(13 bits), !address, command(8 bits), !command. According with LIRC, this protocol is used on Sanyo, Aiwa and Chinon

◆ encodeSharp()

uint32_t IRsend::encodeSharp ( const uint16_t  address,
const uint16_t  command,
const uint16_t  expansion = 1,
const uint16_t  check = 0,
const bool  MSBfirst = false 

Encode a (raw) Sharp message from it's components. Status: STABLE / Works okay.

[in]addressThe value of the address to be sent.
[in]commandThe value of the address to be sent. (8 bits)
[in]expansionThe value of the expansion bit to use. (0 or 1, typically 1)
[in]checkThe value of the check bit to use. (0 or 1, typically 0)
[in]MSBfirstFlag indicating MSB first or LSB first order.
A uint32_t containing the raw Sharp message for sendSharpRaw().
Assumes the standard Sharp bit sizes. Historically sendSharp() sends address & command in MSB first order. This is actually incorrect. It should be sent in LSB order. The behaviour of sendSharp() hasn't been changed to maintain backward compatibility.

◆ encodeSony()

uint32_t IRsend::encodeSony ( const uint16_t  nbits,
const uint16_t  command,
const uint16_t  address,
const uint16_t  extended = 0 

Convert Sony/SIRC command, address, & extended bits into sendSony format. Status: STABLE / Should be working.

[in]nbitsSony protocol bit size.
[in]commandSony command bits.
[in]addressSony address bits.
[in]extendedSony extended bits.
A sendSony() etc compatible data message.

◆ ledOff()

void IRsend::ledOff ( )

Turn off the IR LED.

◆ ledOn()

void IRsend::ledOn ( )

Turn on the IR LED.

◆ mark()

uint16_t IRsend::mark ( uint16_t  usec)

Modulate the IR LED for the given period (usec) and at the duty cycle set.

[in]usecThe period of time to modulate the IR LED for, in microseconds.
Nr. of pulses actually sent.
The ESP8266 has no good way to do hardware PWM, so we have to do it all in software. There is a horrible kludge/brilliant hack to use the second serial TX line to do fairly accurate hardware PWM, but it is only available on a single specific GPIO and only available on some modules. e.g. It's not available on the ESP-01 module. Hence, for greater compatibility & choice, we don't use that method. Ref:

◆ minRepeats()

uint16_t IRsend::minRepeats ( const decode_type_t  protocol)

Get the minimum number of repeats for a given protocol.

[in]protocolProtocol number/type of the message you want to send.
The number of repeats required.

◆ send() [1/2]

bool IRsend::send ( const decode_type_t  type,
const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a simple (up to 64 bits) IR message of a given type. An unknown/unsupported type will send nothing.

[in]typeProtocol number/type of the message you want to send.
[in]dataThe data you want to send (up to 64 bits).
[in]nbitsHow many bits long the message is to be.
[in]repeatHow many repeats to do?
True if it is a type we can attempt to send, false if not.

◆ send() [2/2]

bool IRsend::send ( const decode_type_t  type,
const uint8_t *  state,
const uint16_t  nbytes 

Send a complex (>= 64 bits) IR message of a given type. An unknown/unsupported type will send nothing.

[in]typeProtocol number/type of the message you want to send.
[in]stateA pointer to the array of bytes that make up the state[].
[in]nbytesHow many bytes are in the state.
True if it is a type we can attempt to send, false if not.

◆ sendAirwell()

void IRsend::sendAirwell ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kAirwellBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kAirwellMinRepeats 

Send an Airwell Manchester Code formatted message. Status: BETA / Appears to be working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of the message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendAiwaRCT501()

void IRsend::sendAiwaRCT501 ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kAiwaRcT501Bits,
uint16_t  repeat = kAiwaRcT501MinRepeats 

Send an Aiwa RC T501 formatted message. Status: BETA / Should work.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of the message to be sent. Typically kAiwaRcT501Bits. Max is 37 = (64 - 27)
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendAmcor()

void IRsend::sendAmcor ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kAmcorStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kAmcorDefaultRepeat 

Send a Amcor HVAC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendArgo()

void IRsend::sendArgo ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kArgoStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kArgoDefaultRepeat 

Send a Argo A/C formatted message. Status: BETA / Probably works.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendCarrierAC()

void IRsend::sendCarrierAC ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kCarrierAcBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kCarrierAcMinRepeat 

Send a Carrier HVAC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Works on real devices.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendCarrierAC40()

void IRsend::sendCarrierAC40 ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kCarrierAc40Bits,
uint16_t  repeat = kCarrierAc40MinRepeat 

Send a Carrier 40bit HVAC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Tested against a real device.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe bit size of the message being sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the message is to be repeated.

◆ sendCarrierAC64()

void IRsend::sendCarrierAC64 ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kCarrierAc64Bits,
uint16_t  repeat = kCarrierAc64MinRepeat 

Send a Carrier 64bit HVAC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known to be working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe bit size of the message being sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the message is to be repeated.

◆ sendCOOLIX()

void IRsend::sendCOOLIX ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kCoolixBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kCoolixDefaultRepeat 

Send a Coolix message Status: STABLE / Confirmed Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendCoronaAc()

void IRsend::sendCoronaAc ( const uint8_t  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kCoronaAcStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a CoronaAc formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working on real device.

[in]dataAn array of bytes containing the IR command.
[in]nbytesNr. of bytes of data in the array. e.g.
uint8_t data[kCoronaAcStateLength] = {
0x28, 0x61, 0x3D, 0x19, 0xE6, 0x37, 0xC8,
0x28, 0x61, 0x6D, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00,
0x28, 0x61, 0xCD, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00};
[in]repeatNr. of times the message is to be repeated.

◆ sendDaikin()

void IRsend::sendDaikin ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kDaikinStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kDaikinDefaultRepeat 

Send a Daikin 280-bit A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendDaikin128()

void IRsend::sendDaikin128 ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kDaikin128StateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kDaikin128DefaultRepeat 

Send a Daikin128 (128-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendDaikin152()

void IRsend::sendDaikin152 ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kDaikin152StateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kDaikin152DefaultRepeat 

Send a Daikin152 (152-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendDaikin160()

void IRsend::sendDaikin160 ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kDaikin160StateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kDaikin160DefaultRepeat 

Send a Daikin160 (160-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Confirmed working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendDaikin176()

void IRsend::sendDaikin176 ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kDaikin176StateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kDaikin176DefaultRepeat 

Send a Daikin176 (176-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working on a real device.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendDaikin2()

void IRsend::sendDaikin2 ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kDaikin2StateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kDaikin2DefaultRepeat 

Send a Daikin2 (312-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Expected to work.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendDaikin216()

void IRsend::sendDaikin216 ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kDaikin216StateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kDaikin216DefaultRepeat 

Send a Daikin216 (216-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: Alpha / Untested on a real device.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendDaikin64()

void IRsend::sendDaikin64 ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kDaikin64Bits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kDaikin64DefaultRepeat 

Send a Daikin64 (64-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: Beta / Probably Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendData()

void IRsend::sendData ( uint16_t  onemark,
uint32_t  onespace,
uint16_t  zeromark,
uint32_t  zerospace,
uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits,
bool  MSBfirst = true 

Generic method for sending data that is common to most protocols. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number of bits in data.

[in]onemarkNr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for a '1' bit.
[in]onespaceNr. of usecs for the led to be fully off for a '1' bit.
[in]zeromarkNr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for a '0' bit.
[in]zerospaceNr. of usecs for the led to be fully off for a '0' bit.
[in]dataThe data to be transmitted.
[in]nbitsNr. of bits of data to be sent.
[in]MSBfirstFlag for bit transmission order. Defaults to MSB->LSB order.

◆ sendDelonghiAc()

void IRsend::sendDelonghiAc ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kDelonghiAcBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kDelonghiAcDefaultRepeat 

Send a Delonghi A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working on a real device.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendDenon()

void IRsend::sendDenon ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kDenonBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Denon formatted message. Status: STABLE / Should be working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
Some Denon devices use a Kaseikyo/Panasonic 48-bit format Others use the Sharp protocol.

◆ sendDISH()

void IRsend::sendDISH ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kDishBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kDishMinRepeat 

Send a DISH NETWORK formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
Dishplayer is a different protocol. Typically a DISH device needs to get a command a total of at least 4 times to accept it. e.g. repeat=3

Here is the LIRC file I found that seems to match the remote codes from the oscilloscope: DISH NETWORK (echostar 301):

See also

◆ sendDoshisha()

void IRsend::sendDoshisha ( const uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kDoshishaBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Doshisha formatted message. Status: STABLE / Works on real device.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendEcoclim()

void IRsend::sendEcoclim ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kEcoclimBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a EcoClim A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Confirmed working on real device.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendElectraAC()

void IRsend::sendElectraAC ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kElectraAcStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Electra A/C formatted message. Status: Alpha / Needs testing against a real device.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
Guessing MSBF order.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendElitescreens()

void IRsend::sendElitescreens ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kEliteScreensBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kEliteScreensDefaultRepeat 

Send an Elite Screens formatted message. Status: BETA / Probably Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendEpson()

void IRsend::sendEpson ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kEpsonBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kEpsonMinRepeat 

Send an Epson formatted message. Status: Beta / Probably works.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of nbits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendFujitsuAC()

void IRsend::sendFujitsuAC ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes,
const uint16_t  repeat = kFujitsuAcMinRepeat 

Send a Fujitsu A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known Good.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent. Typically one of: kFujitsuAcStateLength, kFujitsuAcStateLength - 1, kFujitsuAcStateLengthShort, kFujitsuAcStateLengthShort - 1
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendGC()

void IRsend::sendGC ( uint16_t  buf[],
uint16_t  len 

Send a shortened GlobalCache (GC) IRdb/control tower formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known working.

[in]bufArray of uint16_t containing the shortened GlobalCache data.
[in]lenNr. of entries in the buf[] array.
Global Cache format without the emitter ID or request ID. Starts at the frequency (Hertz), followed by nr. of times to emit (count), then the offset for repeats (where a repeat will start from), then the rest of entries are the actual IR message as units of periodic time. e.g. sendir,1:1,1,38000,1,1,9,70,9,30,9,... -> 38000,1,1,9,70,9,30,9,...
See also

◆ sendGeneric() [1/3]

void IRsend::sendGeneric ( const uint16_t  headermark,
const uint32_t  headerspace,
const uint16_t  onemark,
const uint32_t  onespace,
const uint16_t  zeromark,
const uint32_t  zerospace,
const uint16_t  footermark,
const uint32_t  gap,
const uint32_t  mesgtime,
const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits,
const uint16_t  frequency,
const bool  MSBfirst,
const uint16_t  repeat,
const uint8_t  dutycycle 

Generic method for sending simple protocol messages. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number of bits in data.

[in]headermarkNr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for the header mark. A value of 0 means no header mark.
[in]headerspaceNr. of usecs for the led to be off after the header mark. A value of 0 means no header space.
[in]onemarkNr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for a '1' bit.
[in]onespaceNr. of usecs for the led to be fully off for a '1' bit.
[in]zeromarkNr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for a '0' bit.
[in]zerospaceNr. of usecs for the led to be fully off for a '0' bit.
[in]footermarkNr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for the footer mark. A value of 0 means no footer mark.
[in]gapNr. of usecs for the led to be off after the footer mark. This is effectively the gap between messages. A value of 0 means no gap space.
[in]mesgtimeMin. nr. of usecs a single message needs to be. This is effectively the min. total length of a single message.
[in]dataThe data to be transmitted.
[in]nbitsNr. of bits of data to be sent.
[in]frequencyThe frequency we want to modulate at. (Hz/kHz)
[in]MSBfirstFlag for bit transmission order. Defaults to MSB->LSB order.
[in]repeatNr. of extra times the message will be sent. e.g. 0 = 1 message sent, 1 = 1 initial + 1 repeat = 2 messages
[in]dutycyclePercentage duty cycle of the LED. e.g. 25 = 25% = 1/4 on, 3/4 off. If you are not sure, try 50 percent.
Assumes a frequency < 1000 means kHz otherwise it is in Hz. Most common value is 38000 or 38, for 38kHz.

◆ sendGeneric() [2/3]

void IRsend::sendGeneric ( const uint16_t  headermark,
const uint32_t  headerspace,
const uint16_t  onemark,
const uint32_t  onespace,
const uint16_t  zeromark,
const uint32_t  zerospace,
const uint16_t  footermark,
const uint32_t  gap,
const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits,
const uint16_t  frequency,
const bool  MSBfirst,
const uint16_t  repeat,
const uint8_t  dutycycle 

Generic method for sending simple protocol messages. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number of bits in data.

[in]headermarkNr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for the header mark. A value of 0 means no header mark.
[in]headerspaceNr. of usecs for the led to be off after the header mark. A value of 0 means no header space.
[in]onemarkNr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for a '1' bit.
[in]onespaceNr. of usecs for the led to be fully off for a '1' bit.
[in]zeromarkNr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for a '0' bit.
[in]zerospaceNr. of usecs for the led to be fully off for a '0' bit.
[in]footermarkNr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for the footer mark. A value of 0 means no footer mark.
[in]gapNr. of usecs for the led to be off after the footer mark. This is effectively the gap between messages. A value of 0 means no gap space.
[in]dataThe data to be transmitted.
[in]nbitsNr. of bits of data to be sent.
[in]frequencyThe frequency we want to modulate at. (Hz/kHz)
[in]MSBfirstFlag for bit transmission order. Defaults to MSB->LSB order.
[in]repeatNr. of extra times the message will be sent. e.g. 0 = 1 message sent, 1 = 1 initial + 1 repeat = 2 messages
[in]dutycyclePercentage duty cycle of the LED. e.g. 25 = 25% = 1/4 on, 3/4 off. If you are not sure, try 50 percent.
Assumes a frequency < 1000 means kHz otherwise it is in Hz. Most common value is 38000 or 38, for 38kHz.

◆ sendGeneric() [3/3]

void IRsend::sendGeneric ( const uint16_t  headermark,
const uint32_t  headerspace,
const uint16_t  onemark,
const uint32_t  onespace,
const uint16_t  zeromark,
const uint32_t  zerospace,
const uint16_t  footermark,
const uint32_t  gap,
const uint8_t *  dataptr,
const uint16_t  nbytes,
const uint16_t  frequency,
const bool  MSBfirst,
const uint16_t  repeat,
const uint8_t  dutycycle 

Generic method for sending simple protocol messages.

[in]headermarkNr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for the header mark. A value of 0 means no header mark.
[in]headerspaceNr. of usecs for the led to be off after the header mark. A value of 0 means no header space.
[in]onemarkNr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for a '1' bit.
[in]onespaceNr. of usecs for the led to be fully off for a '1' bit.
[in]zeromarkNr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for a '0' bit.
[in]zerospaceNr. of usecs for the led to be fully off for a '0' bit.
[in]footermarkNr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for the footer mark. A value of 0 means no footer mark.
[in]gapNr. of usecs for the led to be off after the footer mark. This is effectively the gap between messages. A value of 0 means no gap space.
[in]dataptrPointer to the data to be transmitted.
[in]nbytesNr. of bytes of data to be sent.
[in]frequencyThe frequency we want to modulate at. (Hz/kHz)
[in]MSBfirstFlag for bit transmission order. Defaults to MSB->LSB order.
[in]repeatNr. of extra times the message will be sent. e.g. 0 = 1 message sent, 1 = 1 initial + 1 repeat = 2 messages
[in]dutycyclePercentage duty cycle of the LED. e.g. 25 = 25% = 1/4 on, 3/4 off. If you are not sure, try 50 percent.
Assumes a frequency < 1000 means kHz otherwise it is in Hz. Most common value is 38000 or 38, for 38kHz.

◆ sendGICable()

void IRsend::sendGICable ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kGicableBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kGicableMinRepeat 

Send a raw G.I. Cable formatted message. Status: Alpha / Untested.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendGoodweather()

void IRsend::sendGoodweather ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kGoodweatherBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kGoodweatherMinRepeat 

Send a Goodweather HVAC formatted message. Status: BETA / Needs testing on real device.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendGree() [1/2]

void IRsend::sendGree ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kGreeBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kGreeDefaultRepeat 

Send a Gree Heat Pump formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendGree() [2/2]

void IRsend::sendGree ( const uint8_t  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kGreeStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kGreeDefaultRepeat 

Send a Gree Heat Pump formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendHaierAC()

void IRsend::sendHaierAC ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kHaierACStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kHaierAcDefaultRepeat 

Send a Haier A/C formatted message. (HSU07-HEA03 remote) Status: STABLE / Known to be working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendHaierACYRW02()

void IRsend::sendHaierACYRW02 ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kHaierACYRW02StateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kHaierAcYrw02DefaultRepeat 

Send a Haier YR-W02 remote A/C formatted message. Status: Alpha / Untested on a real device.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendHitachiAC()

void IRsend::sendHitachiAC ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kHitachiAcStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat 

Send a Hitachi 28-byte/224-bit A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC) Status: STABLE / Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendHitachiAC1()

void IRsend::sendHitachiAC1 ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kHitachiAc1StateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat 

Send a Hitachi 13 byte/224-bit A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC1) Status: STABLE / Confirmed Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
Basically the same as sendHitatchiAC() except different size & header.
See also

◆ sendHitachiAC2()

void IRsend::sendHitachiAC2 ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kHitachiAc2StateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat 

Send a Hitachi 53 byte/424-bit A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC2) Basically the same as sendHitatchiAC() except different size. Status: STABLE / Expected to work.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendHitachiAc3()

void IRsend::sendHitachiAc3 ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes,
const uint16_t  repeat = kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat 

Send a Hitachi(3) A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC3) Status: STABLE / Working fine.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
This protocol is almost exactly the same as HitachiAC424 except this variant has subtle timing differences. There are five(5) typical sizes: kHitachiAc3MinStateLength (Cancel Timer), kHitachiAc3MinStateLength + 2 (Change Temp), kHitachiAc3StateLength - 6 (Change Mode), kHitachiAc3StateLength - 4 (Normal), & kHitachiAc3StateLength (Set Timer)

◆ sendHitachiAc344()

void IRsend::sendHitachiAc344 ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kHitachiAc344StateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat 

Send a Hitachi A/C 43-byte/344-bit message. (HITACHI_AC344) Basically the same as sendHitatchiAC() except different size. Status: Beta / Probably works.

[in]dataAn array of bytes containing the IR command.
[in]nbytesNr. of bytes of data in the array.
[in]repeatNr. of times the message is to be repeated. (Default = 0).
See also

◆ sendHitachiAc424()

void IRsend::sendHitachiAc424 ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kHitachiAc424StateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat 

Send a Hitachi 53-byte/424-bit A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC424) Status: STABLE / Reported as working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
This protocol is almost exactly the same as HitachiAC2 except this variant has a leader section as well, and subtle timing differences. It is also in LSBF order (per byte), rather than MSBF order.

◆ sendInax()

void IRsend::sendInax ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kInaxBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kInaxMinRepeat 

Send a Inax Toilet formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendJVC()

void IRsend::sendJVC ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kJvcBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a JVC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendKelvinator()

void IRsend::sendKelvinator ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kKelvinatorStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kKelvinatorDefaultRepeat 

Send a Kelvinator A/C message. Status: STABLE / Known working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendLasertag()

void IRsend::sendLasertag ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kLasertagBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kLasertagMinRepeat 

Send a Lasertag packet/message. Status: STABLE / Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
This protocol is pretty much just raw Manchester encoding.
Convert this to use sendManchester() if we can.`

◆ sendLegoPf()

void IRsend::sendLegoPf ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kLegoPfBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kLegoPfMinRepeat 

Send a LEGO Power Functions message. Status: Beta / Should work.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
Non-zero repeats results in at least 5 messages per spec.

◆ sendLG()

void IRsend::sendLG ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kLgBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send an LG formatted message. (LG) Status: Beta / Should be working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent. Typically kLgBits or kLg32Bits.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
LG has a separate message to indicate a repeat, like NEC does.

◆ sendLG2()

void IRsend::sendLG2 ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kLgBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send an LG Variant-2 formatted message. (LG2) Status: Beta / Should be working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent. Typically kLgBits or kLg32Bits.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
LG has a separate message to indicate a repeat, like NEC does.

◆ sendLutron()

void IRsend::sendLutron ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kLutronBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Lutron formatted message. Status: Stable / Appears to be working for real devices.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
The protocol is really 36 bits long, but the first bit is always a 1. So, assume the 1 and only have a normal payload of 35 bits.
See also

◆ sendMagiQuest()

void IRsend::sendMagiQuest ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kMagiquestBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a MagiQuest formatted message. Status: Beta / Should be working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendManchester()

void IRsend::sendManchester ( const uint16_t  headermark,
const uint32_t  headerspace,
const uint16_t  half_period,
const uint16_t  footermark,
const uint32_t  gap,
const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits,
const uint16_t  frequency = 38,
const bool  MSBfirst = true,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat,
const uint8_t  dutycycle = kDutyDefault,
const bool  GEThomas = true 

Generic method for sending Manchester code messages. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number.

[in]headermarkNr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for the header mark. A value of 0 means no header mark.
[in]headerspaceNr. of usecs for the led to be off after the header mark. A value of 0 means no header space.
[in]half_periodNr. of uSeconds for half the clock's period. (1/2 wavelength)
[in]footermarkNr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for the footer mark. A value of 0 means no footer mark.
[in]gapMin. nr. of usecs for the led to be off after the footer mark. This is effectively the absolute minimum gap between messages.
[in]dataThe data to be transmitted.
[in]nbitsNr. of bits of data to be sent.
[in]frequencyThe frequency we want to modulate at. (Hz/kHz)
[in]MSBfirstFlag for bit transmission order. Defaults to MSB->LSB order.
[in]repeatNr. of extra times the message will be sent. e.g. 0 = 1 message sent, 1 = 1 initial + 1 repeat = 2 messages
[in]dutycyclePercentage duty cycle of the LED. e.g. 25 = 25% = 1/4 on, 3/4 off. If you are not sure, try 50 percent.
[in]GEThomasUse G.E. Thomas (true/default) or IEEE 802.3 (false).
Assumes a frequency < 1000 means kHz otherwise it is in Hz. Most common value is 38000 or 38, for 38kHz.

◆ sendManchesterData()

void IRsend::sendManchesterData ( const uint16_t  half_period,
const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits,
const bool  MSBfirst = true,
const bool  GEThomas = true 

Generic method for sending Manchester code data. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number of bits in data.

[in]half_periodNr. of uSeconds for half the clock's period. (1/2 wavelength)
[in]dataThe data to be transmitted.
[in]nbitsNr. of bits of data to be sent.
[in]MSBfirstFlag for bit transmission order. Defaults to MSB->LSB order.
[in]GEThomasUse G.E. Thomas (true/default) or IEEE 802.3 (false).

◆ sendMetz()

void IRsend::sendMetz ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kMetzBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kMetzMinRepeat 

Send a Metz formatted message. Status: Beta / Needs testing against a real device.

[in]datacontaining the IR command.
[in]nbitsNr. of bits to send. usually kMetzBits
[in]repeatNr. of times the message is to be repeated.

◆ sendMidea()

void IRsend::sendMidea ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kMideaBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kMideaMinRepeat 

Send a Midea message Status: Alpha / Needs testing against a real device.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendMidea24()

void IRsend::sendMidea24 ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kMidea24Bits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kMidea24MinRepeat 

Send a Midea24 formatted message. Status: STABLE / Confirmed working on a real device.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also
This protocol is basically a 48-bit version of the NEC protocol with alternate bytes inverted, thus only 24 bits of real data, and with at least a single repeat.
Can't be used beyond 32 bits.

◆ sendMilestag2()

void IRsend::sendMilestag2 ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kMilesTag2ShotBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kMilesMinRepeat 


Send a MilesTag2 formatted Shot/Msg packet. Status: ALPHA / Probably works but needs testing with a real device.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendMirage()

void IRsend::sendMirage ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kMirageStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kMirageMinRepeat 

Send a Mirage formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working.

[in]dataAn array of bytes containing the IR command.
[in]nbytesNr. of bytes of data in the array. (>=kMirageStateLength)
[in]repeatNr. of times the message is to be repeated.

◆ sendMitsubishi()

void IRsend::sendMitsubishi ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kMitsubishiBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kMitsubishiMinRepeat 

Send the supplied Mitsubishi 16-bit message. Status: STABLE / Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
This protocol appears to have no header.
See also
GlobalCache's Control Tower's Mitsubishi TV data.

◆ sendMitsubishi112()

void IRsend::sendMitsubishi112 ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kMitsubishi112StateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kMitsubishi112MinRepeat 

Send a Mitsubishi 112-bit A/C formatted message. (MITSUBISHI112) Status: Stable / Reported as working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendMitsubishi136()

void IRsend::sendMitsubishi136 ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kMitsubishi136StateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kMitsubishi136MinRepeat 

Send a Mitsubishi 136-bit A/C message. (MITSUBISHI136) Status: BETA / Probably working. Needs to be tested against a real device.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendMitsubishi2()

void IRsend::sendMitsubishi2 ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kMitsubishiBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kMitsubishiMinRepeat 

Send a supplied second variant Mitsubishi 16-bit message. Status: BETA / Probably works.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
Based on a Mitsubishi HC3000 projector's remote. This protocol appears to have a mandatory in-protocol repeat. That is in addition to the entire message needing to be sent twice for the device to accept the command. That is separate from the repeat. i.e. Allegedly, the real remote requires the "Off" button pressed twice. You will need to add a suitable gap yourself.
See also

◆ sendMitsubishiAC()

void IRsend::sendMitsubishiAC ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kMitsubishiACStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kMitsubishiACMinRepeat 

Send a Mitsubishi 144-bit A/C formatted message. (MITSUBISHI_AC) Status: STABLE / Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendMitsubishiHeavy152()

void IRsend::sendMitsubishiHeavy152 ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kMitsubishiHeavy152StateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kMitsubishiHeavy152MinRepeat 

Send a MitsubishiHeavy 152-bit A/C message. Status: BETA / Appears to be working. Needs testing against a real device.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendMitsubishiHeavy88()

void IRsend::sendMitsubishiHeavy88 ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kMitsubishiHeavy88StateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kMitsubishiHeavy88MinRepeat 

Send a MitsubishiHeavy 88-bit A/C message. Status: BETA / Appears to be working. Needs testing against a real device.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendMultibrackets()

void IRsend::sendMultibrackets ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kMultibracketsBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kMultibracketsDefaultRepeat 

Send a Multibrackets formatted message. Status: BETA / Appears to be working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendMWM()

void IRsend::sendMWM ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a MWM packet/message. Status: Implemented.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
This protocol is 2400 bps serial, 1 start bit (mark), 1 stop bit (space), no parity

◆ sendNEC()

void IRsend::sendNEC ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kNECBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a raw NEC(Renesas) formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
This protocol appears to have no header.
See also

◆ sendNeoclima()

void IRsend::sendNeoclima ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kNeoclimaStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNeoclimaMinRepeat 

Send a Neoclima message. Status: STABLE / Known to be working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendNikai()

void IRsend::sendNikai ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kNikaiBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Nikai formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendPanasonic()

void IRsend::sendPanasonic ( const uint16_t  address,
const uint32_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kPanasonicBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Panasonic formatted message. Status: STABLE, but DEPRECATED.

This is only for legacy use only, please use sendPanasonic64() instead.
[in]addressThe 16-bit manufacturer code.
[in]dataThe 32-bit data portion of the message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
This protocol is a modified version of Kaseikyo.

◆ sendPanasonic64()

void IRsend::sendPanasonic64 ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kPanasonicBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Panasonic formatted message. Status: STABLE / Should be working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
This protocol is a modified version of Kaseikyo.
Use this method if you want to send the results of decodePanasonic.

◆ sendPanasonicAC()

void IRsend::sendPanasonicAC ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kPanasonicAcStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kPanasonicAcDefaultRepeat 

Send a Panasonic A/C message. Status: STABLE / Work with real device(s).

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendPanasonicAC32()

void IRsend::sendPanasonicAC32 ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kPanasonicAc32Bits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kPanasonicAcDefaultRepeat 

Send a Panasonic AC 32/16bit formatted message. Status: STABLE / Confirmed working.

[in]datacontaining the IR command.
[in]nbitsNr. of bits to send. Usually kPanasonicAc32Bits
[in]repeatNr. of times the message is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendPioneer()

void IRsend::sendPioneer ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kPioneerBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a raw Pioneer formatted message. Status: STABLE / Expected to be working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendPronto()

void IRsend::sendPronto ( uint16_t  data[],
uint16_t  len,
uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Pronto Code formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known working.

[in]dataAn array of uint16_t containing the pronto codes.
[in]lenNr. of entries in the data[] array.
[in]repeatNr. of times to repeat the message.
Pronto codes are typically represented in hexadecimal. You will need to convert the code to an array of integers, and calculate it's length. e.g.
A Sony 20 bit DVD remote command.
"0000 0067 0000 0015 0060 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018 0030 0018
0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018
0030 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018
0030 0018 0018 03f6"
converts to:
uint16_t prontoCode[46] = {
0x0000, 0x0067, 0x0000, 0x0015,
0x0060, 0x0018, 0x0018, 0x0018, 0x0030, 0x0018, 0x0030, 0x0018,
0x0030, 0x0018, 0x0018, 0x0018, 0x0030, 0x0018, 0x0018, 0x0018,
0x0018, 0x0018, 0x0030, 0x0018, 0x0018, 0x0018, 0x0030, 0x0018,
0x0030, 0x0018, 0x0030, 0x0018, 0x0018, 0x0018, 0x0018, 0x0018,
0x0030, 0x0018, 0x0018, 0x0018, 0x0018, 0x0018, 0x0030, 0x0018,
0x0018, 0x03f6};
// Send the Pronto(Sony) code. Repeat twice as Sony's require that.
sendPronto(prontoCode, 46, kSonyMinRepeat);
See also

◆ sendRaw()

void IRsend::sendRaw ( const uint16_t  buf[],
const uint16_t  len,
const uint16_t  hz 

Send a raw IRremote message.

[in]bufAn array of uint16_t's that has microseconds elements.
[in]lenNr. of elements in the buf[] array.
[in]hzFrequency to send the message at. (kHz < 1000; Hz >= 1000)
Even elements are Mark times (On), Odd elements are Space times (Off). Ref: examples/IRrecvDumpV2/IRrecvDumpV2.ino (or later)

◆ sendRC5()

void IRsend::sendRC5 ( const uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kRC5XBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Philips RC-5/RC-5X packet. Status: RC-5 (stable), RC-5X (alpha)

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
Caller needs to take care of flipping the toggle bit. That bit differentiates between key press & key release. For RC-5 it is the MSB of the data. For RC-5X it is the 2nd MSB of the data.
Testing of the RC-5X components.

◆ sendRC6()

void IRsend::sendRC6 ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kRC6Mode0Bits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Philips RC-6 packet. Status: Stable.

Caller needs to take care of flipping the toggle bit (The 4th Most Significant Bit). That bit differentiates between key press & key release.
[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendRCMM()

void IRsend::sendRCMM ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kRCMMBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Philips RC-MM packet. Status: STABLE / Should be working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendSAMSUNG()

void IRsend::sendSAMSUNG ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kSamsungBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a 32-bit Samsung formatted message. Status: STABLE / Should be working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also
Samsung has a separate message to indicate a repeat, like NEC does.
Confirm that is actually how Samsung sends a repeat. The refdoc doesn't indicate it is true.

◆ sendSamsung36()

void IRsend::sendSamsung36 ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kSamsung36Bits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Samsung 36-bit formatted message. Status: STABLE / Works on real devices.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendSamsungAC()

void IRsend::sendSamsungAC ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kSamsungAcStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kSamsungAcDefaultRepeat 

Send a Samsung A/C message. Status: Stable / Known working.

See also
[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendSanyoAc()

void IRsend::sendSanyoAc ( const uint8_t *  data,
const uint16_t  nbytes = kSanyoAcStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a SanyoAc formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working.

[in]dataAn array of bytes containing the IR command.
[in]nbytesNr. of bytes of data in the array.
[in]repeatNr. of times the message is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendSanyoLC7461()

void IRsend::sendSanyoLC7461 ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kSanyoLC7461Bits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Sanyo LC7461 message. Status: BETA / Probably works.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
Based on @marcosamarinho's work. This protocol uses the NEC protocol timings. However, data is formatted as : address(13 bits), !address, command (8 bits), !command. According with LIRC, this protocol is used on Sanyo, Aiwa and Chinon Information for this protocol is available at the Sanyo LC7461 datasheet. Repeats are performed similar to the NEC method of sending a special repeat message, rather than duplicating the entire message.
See also

◆ sendSharp()

void IRsend::sendSharp ( const uint16_t  address,
const uint16_t  command,
const uint16_t  nbits = kSharpBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Sharp message Status: DEPRECATED / Previously working fine.

Only use this if you are using legacy from the original Arduino-IRremote library. 99% of the time, you will want to use sendSharpRaw() instead
[in]addressAddress value to be sent.
[in]commandCommand value to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
This procedure has a non-standard invocation style compared to similar sendProtocol() routines. This is due to legacy, compatibility, & historic reasons. Normally the calling syntax version is like sendSharpRaw(). This procedure transmits the address & command in MSB first order, which is incorrect. This behaviour is left as-is to maintain backward compatibility with legacy code. In short, you should use sendSharpRaw(), encodeSharp(), and the correct values of address & command instead of using this, & the wrong values.

◆ sendSharpAc()

void IRsend::sendSharpAc ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kSharpAcStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kSharpAcDefaultRepeat 

Send a Sharp A/C message. Status: Alpha / Untested.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendSharpRaw()

void IRsend::sendSharpRaw ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kSharpBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a (raw) Sharp message.

Status: STABLE / Working fine.
[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
his procedure handles the inversion of bits required per protocol. The protocol spec says to send the LSB first, but legacy code & usage has us sending the MSB first. Grrrr. Normal invocation of encodeSharp() handles this for you, assuming you are using the correct/standard values. e.g. sendSharpRaw(encodeSharp(address, command));

◆ sendSherwood()

void IRsend::sendSherwood ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kSherwoodBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kSherwoodMinRepeat 

Send an IR command to a Sherwood device. Status: STABLE / Known working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
Sherwood remote codes appear to be NEC codes with a mandatory repeat code. i.e. repeat should be >= kSherwoodMinRepeat (1).

◆ sendSony()

void IRsend::sendSony ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kSony20Bits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kSonyMinRepeat 

Send a standard Sony/SIRC(Serial Infra-Red Control) message. (40kHz) Status: STABLE / Known working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
sendSony() should typically be called with repeat=2 as Sony devices expect the message to be sent at least 3 times.

◆ sendSony38()

void IRsend::sendSony38 ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kSony20Bits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kSonyMinRepeat + 1 

Send an alternative 38kHz Sony/SIRC(Serial Infra-Red Control) message. Status: STABLE / Known working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
sendSony38() should typically be called with repeat=3 as these Sony devices expect the message to be sent at least 4 times.
Messages send via this method will be detected by this library as just SONY, not SONY_38K as the library has no way to determine the modulation frequency used. Hence, there is no decodeSony38().
See also

◆ sendSymphony()

void IRsend::sendSymphony ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kSymphonyBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kSymphonyDefaultRepeat 

Send a Symphony packet. Status: STABLE / Should be working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendTcl112Ac()

void IRsend::sendTcl112Ac ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kTcl112AcStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kTcl112AcDefaultRepeat 

Send a TCL 112-bit A/C message. Status: Beta / Probably working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendTechnibelAc()

void IRsend::sendTechnibelAc ( uint64_t  data,
uint16_t  nbits = kTechnibelAcBits,
uint16_t  repeat = kTechnibelAcDefaultRepeat 

Send an Technibel AC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working on a real device.

[in]datacontaining the IR command.
[in]nbitsNr. of bits to send. usually kTechnibelAcBits
[in]repeatNr. of times the message is to be repeated.

◆ sendTeco()

void IRsend::sendTeco ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kTecoBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Teco A/C message. Status: Beta / Probably working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendToshibaAC()

void IRsend::sendToshibaAC ( const uint8_t  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kToshibaACStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kToshibaACMinRepeat 

Send a Toshiba A/C message. Status: STABLE / Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendTranscold()

void IRsend::sendTranscold ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kTranscoldBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kTranscoldDefaultRepeat 

Send a Transcold message Status: STABLE / Confirmed Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendTrotec()

void IRsend::sendTrotec ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kTrotecStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kTrotecDefaultRepeat 

Send a Trotec message. Status: Beta / Probably Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendVestelAc()

void IRsend::sendVestelAc ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kVestelAcBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Vestel message Status: STABLE / Working.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendVoltas()

void IRsend::sendVoltas ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kVoltasStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Voltas formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working on real device.

[in]dataAn array of bytes containing the IR command. It is assumed to be in MSB order for this code. e.g.
uint8_t data[kVoltasStateLength] = {0x33, 0x28, 0x88, 0x1A, 0x3B, 0x3B,
0x3B, 0x11, 0x00, 0x40};
[in]nbytesNr. of bytes of data in the array. (>=kVoltasStateLength)
[in]repeatNr. of times the message is to be repeated.

◆ sendWhirlpoolAC()

void IRsend::sendWhirlpoolAC ( const unsigned char  data[],
const uint16_t  nbytes = kWhirlpoolAcStateLength,
const uint16_t  repeat = kWhirlpoolAcDefaultRepeat 

Send a Whirlpool A/C message. Status: BETA / Probably works.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbytesThe number of bytes of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendWhynter()

void IRsend::sendWhynter ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kWhynterBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a Whynter message. Status: STABLE.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.
See also

◆ sendXmp()

void IRsend::sendXmp ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kXmpBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kNoRepeat 

Send a XMP packet. Status: Beta / Untested against a real device.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe number of bits of message to be sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the command is to be repeated.

◆ sendZepeal()

void IRsend::sendZepeal ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kZepealBits,
const uint16_t  repeat = kZepealMinRepeat 

Send a Zepeal formatted message. Status: STABLE / Works on real device.

[in]dataThe message to be sent.
[in]nbitsThe bit size of the message being sent.
[in]repeatThe number of times the message is to be repeated.

◆ space()

void IRsend::space ( uint32_t  time)

Turn the pin (LED) off for a given time. Sends an IR space for the specified number of microseconds. A space is no output, so the PWM output is disabled.

[in]timeTime in microseconds (us).

◆ toggleRC5()

uint64_t IRsend::toggleRC5 ( const uint64_t  data)

Flip the toggle bit of a Philips RC-5/RC-5X data message. Used to indicate a change of remote button's state. Status: STABLE.

[in]dataThe existing RC-5/RC-5X message.
A data message suitable for use in sendRC5() with the toggle bit flipped.

◆ toggleRC6()

uint64_t IRsend::toggleRC6 ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits = kRC6Mode0Bits 

Flip the toggle bit of a Philips RC-6 data message. Used to indicate a change of remote button's state. Status: STABLE / Should work fine.

[in]dataThe existing RC-6 message.
[in]nbitsNr. of bits in the RC-6 protocol.
A data message suitable for use in sendRC6() with the toggle bit flipped.
For RC-6 (20-bits), it is the 17th least significant bit.
For RC-6 (36-bits/Xbox-360), it is the 16th least significant bit.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _dutycycle

uint8_t IRsend::_dutycycle

◆ _freq_unittest

uint32_t IRsend::_freq_unittest

◆ IRpin

uint16_t IRsend::IRpin

◆ modulation

bool IRsend::modulation

◆ offTimePeriod

uint16_t IRsend::offTimePeriod

◆ onTimePeriod

uint16_t IRsend::onTimePeriod

◆ outputOff

uint8_t IRsend::outputOff

◆ outputOn

uint8_t IRsend::outputOn

◆ periodOffset

int8_t IRsend::periodOffset

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
void sendPronto(uint16_t data[], uint16_t len, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat)
Send a Pronto Code formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known working.
Definition: ir_Pronto.cpp:56
const uint16_t kVoltasStateLength
Definition: IRremoteESP8266.h:1123
const uint16_t kCoronaAcStateLength
Definition: IRremoteESP8266.h:922
const uint16_t kSonyMinRepeat
Definition: IRremoteESP8266.h:1094