Class for sending all basic IR protocols. More...
#include <IRsend.h>
Public Member Functions | |
IRsend (uint16_t IRsendPin, bool inverted=false, bool use_modulation=true) | |
Constructor for an IRsend object. More... | |
void | begin () |
Enable the pin for output. More... | |
void | enableIROut (uint32_t freq, uint8_t duty=kDutyDefault) |
Set the output frequency modulation and duty cycle. More... | |
VIRTUAL void | _delayMicroseconds (uint32_t usec) |
An ESP8266 RTOS watch-dog timer friendly version of delayMicroseconds(). More... | |
VIRTUAL uint16_t | mark (uint16_t usec) |
Modulate the IR LED for the given period (usec) and at the duty cycle set. More... | |
VIRTUAL void | space (uint32_t usec) |
Turn the pin (LED) off for a given time. Sends an IR space for the specified number of microseconds. A space is no output, so the PWM output is disabled. More... | |
int8_t | calibrate (uint16_t hz=38000U) |
Calculate & set any offsets to account for execution times during sending. More... | |
void | sendRaw (const uint16_t buf[], const uint16_t len, const uint16_t hz) |
Send a raw IRremote message. More... | |
void | sendData (uint16_t onemark, uint32_t onespace, uint16_t zeromark, uint32_t zerospace, uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits, bool MSBfirst=true) |
Generic method for sending data that is common to most protocols. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number of bits in data. More... | |
void | sendManchesterData (const uint16_t half_period, const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits, const bool MSBfirst=true, const bool GEThomas=true) |
Generic method for sending Manchester code data. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number of bits in data. More... | |
void | sendManchester (const uint16_t headermark, const uint32_t headerspace, const uint16_t half_period, const uint16_t footermark, const uint32_t gap, const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits, const uint16_t frequency=38, const bool MSBfirst=true, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat, const uint8_t dutycycle=kDutyDefault, const bool GEThomas=true) |
Generic method for sending Manchester code messages. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number. More... | |
void | sendGeneric (const uint16_t headermark, const uint32_t headerspace, const uint16_t onemark, const uint32_t onespace, const uint16_t zeromark, const uint32_t zerospace, const uint16_t footermark, const uint32_t gap, const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits, const uint16_t frequency, const bool MSBfirst, const uint16_t repeat, const uint8_t dutycycle) |
Generic method for sending simple protocol messages. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number of bits in data. More... | |
void | sendGeneric (const uint16_t headermark, const uint32_t headerspace, const uint16_t onemark, const uint32_t onespace, const uint16_t zeromark, const uint32_t zerospace, const uint16_t footermark, const uint32_t gap, const uint32_t mesgtime, const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits, const uint16_t frequency, const bool MSBfirst, const uint16_t repeat, const uint8_t dutycycle) |
Generic method for sending simple protocol messages. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number of bits in data. More... | |
void | sendGeneric (const uint16_t headermark, const uint32_t headerspace, const uint16_t onemark, const uint32_t onespace, const uint16_t zeromark, const uint32_t zerospace, const uint16_t footermark, const uint32_t gap, const uint8_t *dataptr, const uint16_t nbytes, const uint16_t frequency, const bool MSBfirst, const uint16_t repeat, const uint8_t dutycycle) |
Generic method for sending simple protocol messages. More... | |
bool | send (const decode_type_t type, const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a simple (up to 64 bits) IR message of a given type. An unknown/unsupported type will send nothing. More... | |
bool | send (const decode_type_t type, const uint8_t *state, const uint16_t nbytes) |
Send a complex (>= 64 bits) IR message of a given type. An unknown/unsupported type will send nothing. More... | |
void | sendNEC (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kNECBits, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a raw NEC(Renesas) formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known working. More... | |
uint32_t | encodeNEC (uint16_t address, uint16_t command) |
Calculate the raw NEC data based on address and command. Status: STABLE / Expected to work. More... | |
void | sendSony (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kSony20Bits, const uint16_t repeat=kSonyMinRepeat) |
Send a standard Sony/SIRC(Serial Infra-Red Control) message. (40kHz) Status: STABLE / Known working. More... | |
void | sendSony38 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kSony20Bits, const uint16_t repeat=kSonyMinRepeat+1) |
Send an alternative 38kHz Sony/SIRC(Serial Infra-Red Control) message. Status: STABLE / Known working. More... | |
uint32_t | encodeSony (const uint16_t nbits, const uint16_t command, const uint16_t address, const uint16_t extended=0) |
Convert Sony/SIRC command, address, & extended bits into sendSony format. Status: STABLE / Should be working. More... | |
void | sendSherwood (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kSherwoodBits, uint16_t repeat=kSherwoodMinRepeat) |
Send an IR command to a Sherwood device. Status: STABLE / Known working. More... | |
void | sendSAMSUNG (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kSamsungBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a 32-bit Samsung formatted message. Status: STABLE / Should be working. More... | |
uint32_t | encodeSAMSUNG (const uint8_t customer, const uint8_t command) |
Construct a raw Samsung message from the supplied customer(address) & command. Status: STABLE / Should be working. More... | |
void | sendSamsung36 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kSamsung36Bits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Samsung 36-bit formatted message. Status: STABLE / Works on real devices. More... | |
void | sendSamsungAC (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kSamsungAcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kSamsungAcDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Samsung A/C message. Status: Stable / Known working. More... | |
void | sendLG (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kLgBits, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send an LG formatted message. (LG) Status: Beta / Should be working. More... | |
void | sendLG2 (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kLgBits, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send an LG Variant-2 formatted message. (LG2) Status: Beta / Should be working. More... | |
uint32_t | encodeLG (uint16_t address, uint16_t command) |
Construct a raw 28-bit LG message code from the supplied address & command. Status: STABLE / Works. More... | |
uint32_t | encodeSharp (const uint16_t address, const uint16_t command, const uint16_t expansion=1, const uint16_t check=0, const bool MSBfirst=false) |
Encode a (raw) Sharp message from it's components. Status: STABLE / Works okay. More... | |
void | sendSharp (const uint16_t address, const uint16_t command, const uint16_t nbits=kSharpBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Sharp message Status: DEPRECATED / Previously working fine. More... | |
void | sendSharpRaw (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kSharpBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a (raw) Sharp message. More... | |
void | sendSharpAc (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kSharpAcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kSharpAcDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Sharp A/C message. Status: Alpha / Untested. More... | |
void | sendJVC (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kJvcBits, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a JVC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working. More... | |
uint16_t | encodeJVC (uint8_t address, uint8_t command) |
Calculate the raw JVC data based on address and command. Status: STABLE / Works fine. More... | |
void | sendDenon (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kDenonBits, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Denon formatted message. Status: STABLE / Should be working. More... | |
uint64_t | encodeSanyoLC7461 (uint16_t address, uint8_t command) |
Construct a Sanyo LC7461 message. More... | |
void | sendSanyoLC7461 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kSanyoLC7461Bits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Sanyo LC7461 message. Status: BETA / Probably works. More... | |
void | sendSanyoAc (const uint8_t *data, const uint16_t nbytes=kSanyoAcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a SanyoAc formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working. More... | |
void | sendDISH (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kDishBits, uint16_t repeat=kDishMinRepeat) |
Send a DISH NETWORK formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working. More... | |
void | sendPanasonic64 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kPanasonicBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Panasonic formatted message. Status: STABLE / Should be working. More... | |
void | sendPanasonic (const uint16_t address, const uint32_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kPanasonicBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Panasonic formatted message. Status: STABLE, but DEPRECATED. More... | |
uint64_t | encodePanasonic (const uint16_t manufacturer, const uint8_t device, const uint8_t subdevice, const uint8_t function) |
Calculate the raw Panasonic data based on device, subdevice, & function. Status: STABLE / Should be working. More... | |
void | sendRC5 (const uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kRC5XBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Philips RC-5/RC-5X packet. Status: RC-5 (stable), RC-5X (alpha) More... | |
uint16_t | encodeRC5 (const uint8_t address, const uint8_t command, const bool key_released=false) |
Encode a Philips RC-5 data message. Status: Beta / Should be working. More... | |
uint16_t | encodeRC5X (const uint8_t address, const uint8_t command, const bool key_released=false) |
Encode a Philips RC-5X data message. Status: Beta / Should be working. More... | |
uint64_t | toggleRC5 (const uint64_t data) |
Flip the toggle bit of a Philips RC-5/RC-5X data message. Used to indicate a change of remote button's state. Status: STABLE. More... | |
void | sendRC6 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kRC6Mode0Bits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Philips RC-6 packet. Status: Stable. More... | |
uint64_t | encodeRC6 (const uint32_t address, const uint8_t command, const uint16_t mode=kRC6Mode0Bits) |
Encode a Philips RC-6 data message. Status: Beta / Should be working. More... | |
uint64_t | toggleRC6 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kRC6Mode0Bits) |
Flip the toggle bit of a Philips RC-6 data message. Used to indicate a change of remote button's state. Status: STABLE / Should work fine. More... | |
void | sendRCMM (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kRCMMBits, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Philips RC-MM packet. Status: STABLE / Should be working. More... | |
void | sendCOOLIX (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kCoolixBits, uint16_t repeat=kCoolixDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Coolix message Status: STABLE / Confirmed Working. More... | |
void | sendWhynter (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kWhynterBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Whynter message. Status: STABLE. More... | |
void | sendMirage (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kMirageStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kMirageMinRepeat) |
Send a Mirage formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working. More... | |
void | sendMitsubishi (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kMitsubishiBits, uint16_t repeat=kMitsubishiMinRepeat) |
Send the supplied Mitsubishi 16-bit message. Status: STABLE / Working. More... | |
void | sendMitsubishi136 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kMitsubishi136StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kMitsubishi136MinRepeat) |
Send a Mitsubishi 136-bit A/C message. (MITSUBISHI136) Status: BETA / Probably working. Needs to be tested against a real device. More... | |
void | sendMitsubishi112 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kMitsubishi112StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kMitsubishi112MinRepeat) |
Send a Mitsubishi 112-bit A/C formatted message. (MITSUBISHI112) Status: Stable / Reported as working. More... | |
void | sendMitsubishi2 (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kMitsubishiBits, uint16_t repeat=kMitsubishiMinRepeat) |
Send a supplied second variant Mitsubishi 16-bit message. Status: BETA / Probably works. More... | |
void | sendMitsubishiAC (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kMitsubishiACStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kMitsubishiACMinRepeat) |
Send a Mitsubishi 144-bit A/C formatted message. (MITSUBISHI_AC) Status: STABLE / Working. More... | |
void | sendMitsubishiHeavy88 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kMitsubishiHeavy88StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kMitsubishiHeavy88MinRepeat) |
Send a MitsubishiHeavy 88-bit A/C message. Status: BETA / Appears to be working. Needs testing against a real device. More... | |
void | sendMitsubishiHeavy152 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kMitsubishiHeavy152StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kMitsubishiHeavy152MinRepeat) |
Send a MitsubishiHeavy 152-bit A/C message. Status: BETA / Appears to be working. Needs testing against a real device. More... | |
void | sendFujitsuAC (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes, const uint16_t repeat=kFujitsuAcMinRepeat) |
Send a Fujitsu A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known Good. More... | |
void | sendInax (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kInaxBits, const uint16_t repeat=kInaxMinRepeat) |
Send a Inax Toilet formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working. More... | |
void | sendGC (uint16_t buf[], uint16_t len) |
Send a shortened GlobalCache (GC) IRdb/control tower formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known working. More... | |
void | sendKelvinator (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kKelvinatorStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kKelvinatorDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Kelvinator A/C message. Status: STABLE / Known working. More... | |
void | sendDaikin (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kDaikinStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kDaikinDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Daikin 280-bit A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE. More... | |
void | sendDaikin64 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kDaikin64Bits, const uint16_t repeat=kDaikin64DefaultRepeat) |
Send a Daikin64 (64-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: Beta / Probably Working. More... | |
void | sendDaikin128 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kDaikin128StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kDaikin128DefaultRepeat) |
Send a Daikin128 (128-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known Working. More... | |
void | sendDaikin152 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kDaikin152StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kDaikin152DefaultRepeat) |
Send a Daikin152 (152-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known Working. More... | |
void | sendDaikin160 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kDaikin160StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kDaikin160DefaultRepeat) |
Send a Daikin160 (160-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Confirmed working. More... | |
void | sendDaikin176 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kDaikin176StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kDaikin176DefaultRepeat) |
Send a Daikin176 (176-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working on a real device. More... | |
void | sendDaikin2 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kDaikin2StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kDaikin2DefaultRepeat) |
Send a Daikin2 (312-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Expected to work. More... | |
void | sendDaikin216 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kDaikin216StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kDaikin216DefaultRepeat) |
Send a Daikin216 (216-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: Alpha / Untested on a real device. More... | |
void | sendAiwaRCT501 (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kAiwaRcT501Bits, uint16_t repeat=kAiwaRcT501MinRepeats) |
Send an Aiwa RC T501 formatted message. Status: BETA / Should work. More... | |
void | sendGree (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kGreeBits, const uint16_t repeat=kGreeDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Gree Heat Pump formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working. More... | |
void | sendGree (const uint8_t data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kGreeStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kGreeDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Gree Heat Pump formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working. More... | |
void | sendGoodweather (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kGoodweatherBits, const uint16_t repeat=kGoodweatherMinRepeat) |
Send a Goodweather HVAC formatted message. Status: BETA / Needs testing on real device. More... | |
void | sendPronto (uint16_t data[], uint16_t len, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Pronto Code formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known working. More... | |
void | sendArgo (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kArgoStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kArgoDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Argo A/C formatted message. Status: BETA / Probably works. More... | |
void | sendTrotec (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kTrotecStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kTrotecDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Trotec message. Status: Beta / Probably Working. More... | |
void | sendNikai (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kNikaiBits, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Nikai formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working. More... | |
void | sendToshibaAC (const uint8_t data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kToshibaACStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kToshibaACMinRepeat) |
Send a Toshiba A/C message. Status: STABLE / Working. More... | |
void | sendMidea (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kMideaBits, uint16_t repeat=kMideaMinRepeat) |
Send a Midea message Status: Alpha / Needs testing against a real device. More... | |
void | sendMidea24 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kMidea24Bits, const uint16_t repeat=kMidea24MinRepeat) |
Send a Midea24 formatted message. Status: STABLE / Confirmed working on a real device. More... | |
void | sendMagiQuest (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kMagiquestBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a MagiQuest formatted message. Status: Beta / Should be working. More... | |
uint64_t | encodeMagiQuest (const uint32_t wand_id, const uint16_t magnitude) |
Encode a MagiQuest wand_id, and a magnitude into a single 64bit value. (Only 48 bits of real data + 8 leading zero bits) This is suitable for calling sendMagiQuest() with. e.g. sendMagiQuest(encodeMagiQuest(wand_id, magnitude)) More... | |
void | sendLasertag (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kLasertagBits, uint16_t repeat=kLasertagMinRepeat) |
Send a Lasertag packet/message. Status: STABLE / Working. More... | |
void | sendCarrierAC (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kCarrierAcBits, uint16_t repeat=kCarrierAcMinRepeat) |
Send a Carrier HVAC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Works on real devices. More... | |
void | sendCarrierAC40 (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kCarrierAc40Bits, uint16_t repeat=kCarrierAc40MinRepeat) |
Send a Carrier 40bit HVAC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Tested against a real device. More... | |
void | sendCarrierAC64 (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kCarrierAc64Bits, uint16_t repeat=kCarrierAc64MinRepeat) |
Send a Carrier 64bit HVAC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known to be working. More... | |
void | sendHaierAC (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kHaierACStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kHaierAcDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Haier A/C formatted message. (HSU07-HEA03 remote) Status: STABLE / Known to be working. More... | |
void | sendHaierACYRW02 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kHaierACYRW02StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kHaierAcYrw02DefaultRepeat) |
Send a Haier YR-W02 remote A/C formatted message. Status: Alpha / Untested on a real device. More... | |
void | sendHitachiAC (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kHitachiAcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Hitachi 28-byte/224-bit A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC) Status: STABLE / Working. More... | |
void | sendHitachiAC1 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kHitachiAc1StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Hitachi 13 byte/224-bit A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC1) Status: STABLE / Confirmed Working. More... | |
void | sendHitachiAC2 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kHitachiAc2StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Hitachi 53 byte/424-bit A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC2) Basically the same as sendHitatchiAC() except different size. Status: STABLE / Expected to work. More... | |
void | sendHitachiAc3 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes, const uint16_t repeat=kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Hitachi(3) A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC3) Status: STABLE / Working fine. More... | |
void | sendHitachiAc344 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kHitachiAc344StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Hitachi A/C 43-byte/344-bit message. (HITACHI_AC344) Basically the same as sendHitatchiAC() except different size. Status: Beta / Probably works. More... | |
void | sendHitachiAc424 (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kHitachiAc424StateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Hitachi 53-byte/424-bit A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC424) Status: STABLE / Reported as working. More... | |
void | sendGICable (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kGicableBits, uint16_t repeat=kGicableMinRepeat) |
Send a raw G.I. Cable formatted message. Status: Alpha / Untested. More... | |
void | sendWhirlpoolAC (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kWhirlpoolAcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kWhirlpoolAcDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Whirlpool A/C message. Status: BETA / Probably works. More... | |
void | sendLutron (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kLutronBits, uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Lutron formatted message. Status: Stable / Appears to be working for real devices. More... | |
void | sendElectraAC (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kElectraAcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Electra A/C formatted message. Status: Alpha / Needs testing against a real device. More... | |
void | sendPanasonicAC (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kPanasonicAcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kPanasonicAcDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Panasonic A/C message. Status: STABLE / Work with real device(s). More... | |
void | sendPanasonicAC32 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kPanasonicAc32Bits, const uint16_t repeat=kPanasonicAcDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Panasonic AC 32/16bit formatted message. Status: STABLE / Confirmed working. More... | |
void | sendPioneer (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kPioneerBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a raw Pioneer formatted message. Status: STABLE / Expected to be working. More... | |
uint64_t | encodePioneer (uint16_t address, uint16_t command) |
Calculate the raw Pioneer data code based on two NEC sub-codes Status: STABLE / Expected to work. More... | |
void | sendMWM (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a MWM packet/message. Status: Implemented. More... | |
void | sendVestelAc (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kVestelAcBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Vestel message Status: STABLE / Working. More... | |
void | sendTcl112Ac (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kTcl112AcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kTcl112AcDefaultRepeat) |
Send a TCL 112-bit A/C message. Status: Beta / Probably working. More... | |
void | sendTeco (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kTecoBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Teco A/C message. Status: Beta / Probably working. More... | |
void | sendLegoPf (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kLegoPfBits, const uint16_t repeat=kLegoPfMinRepeat) |
Send a LEGO Power Functions message. Status: Beta / Should work. More... | |
void | sendNeoclima (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kNeoclimaStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kNeoclimaMinRepeat) |
Send a Neoclima message. Status: STABLE / Known to be working. More... | |
void | sendAmcor (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kAmcorStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kAmcorDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Amcor HVAC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working. More... | |
void | sendEpson (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kEpsonBits, uint16_t repeat=kEpsonMinRepeat) |
Send an Epson formatted message. Status: Beta / Probably works. More... | |
void | sendSymphony (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kSymphonyBits, uint16_t repeat=kSymphonyDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Symphony packet. Status: STABLE / Should be working. More... | |
void | sendAirwell (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kAirwellBits, uint16_t repeat=kAirwellMinRepeats) |
Send an Airwell Manchester Code formatted message. Status: BETA / Appears to be working. More... | |
void | sendDelonghiAc (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kDelonghiAcBits, uint16_t repeat=kDelonghiAcDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Delonghi A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working on a real device. More... | |
void | sendDoshisha (const uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kDoshishaBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Doshisha formatted message. Status: STABLE / Works on real device. More... | |
uint64_t | encodeDoshisha (const uint8_t command, const uint8_t channel=0) |
Encode Doshisha combining constant values with command and channel. Status: STABLE / Working. More... | |
void | sendMultibrackets (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kMultibracketsBits, const uint16_t repeat=kMultibracketsDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Multibrackets formatted message. Status: BETA / Appears to be working. More... | |
void | sendTechnibelAc (uint64_t data, uint16_t nbits=kTechnibelAcBits, uint16_t repeat=kTechnibelAcDefaultRepeat) |
Send an Technibel AC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working on a real device. More... | |
void | sendCoronaAc (const uint8_t data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kCoronaAcStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a CoronaAc formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working on real device. More... | |
void | sendZepeal (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kZepealBits, const uint16_t repeat=kZepealMinRepeat) |
Send a Zepeal formatted message. Status: STABLE / Works on real device. More... | |
void | sendVoltas (const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes=kVoltasStateLength, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a Voltas formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working on real device. More... | |
void | sendMetz (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kMetzBits, const uint16_t repeat=kMetzMinRepeat) |
Send a Metz formatted message. Status: Beta / Needs testing against a real device. More... | |
void | sendTranscold (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kTranscoldBits, const uint16_t repeat=kTranscoldDefaultRepeat) |
Send a Transcold message Status: STABLE / Confirmed Working. More... | |
void | sendElitescreens (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kEliteScreensBits, const uint16_t repeat=kEliteScreensDefaultRepeat) |
Send an Elite Screens formatted message. Status: BETA / Probably Working. More... | |
void | sendMilestag2 (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kMilesTag2ShotBits, const uint16_t repeat=kMilesMinRepeat) |
Percentage. More... | |
void | sendEcoclim (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kEcoclimBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a EcoClim A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Confirmed working on real device. More... | |
void | sendXmp (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits=kXmpBits, const uint16_t repeat=kNoRepeat) |
Send a XMP packet. Status: Beta / Untested against a real device. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static uint16_t | minRepeats (const decode_type_t protocol) |
Get the minimum number of repeats for a given protocol. More... | |
static uint16_t | defaultBits (const decode_type_t protocol) |
Get the default number of bits for a given protocol. More... | |
static uint32_t | encodeMetz (const uint8_t address, const uint8_t command, const bool toggle=false) |
Encode a Metz address, command, and toggle bits into a code suitable for use with sendMetz(). More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
VIRTUAL void | ledOff () |
Turn off the IR LED. More... | |
VIRTUAL void | ledOn () |
Turn on the IR LED. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
uint8_t | outputOn |
uint8_t | outputOff |
Private Member Functions | |
uint32_t | calcUSecPeriod (uint32_t hz, bool use_offset=true) |
Calculate the period for a given frequency. More... | |
void | _sendSony (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits, const uint16_t repeat, const uint16_t freq) |
Internal procedure to generate a Sony/SIRC(Serial Infra-Red Control) message Status: STABLE / Known working. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
uint32_t | _freq_unittest |
uint16_t | onTimePeriod |
uint16_t | offTimePeriod |
uint16_t | IRpin |
int8_t | periodOffset |
uint8_t | _dutycycle |
bool | modulation |
Class for sending all basic IR protocols.
explicit |
Constructor for an IRsend object.
[in] | IRsendPin | Which GPIO pin to use when sending an IR command. |
[in] | inverted | Optional flag to invert the output. (default = false) e.g. LED is illuminated when GPIO is LOW rather than HIGH. |
to something other than the default could easily destroy your IR LED if you are overdriving it. Unless you REALLY know what you are doing, don't change this. [in] | use_modulation | Do we do frequency modulation during transmission? i.e. If not, assume a 100% duty cycle. Ignore attempts to change the duty cycle etc. |
void IRsend::_delayMicroseconds | ( | uint32_t | usec | ) |
An ESP8266 RTOS watch-dog timer friendly version of delayMicroseconds().
A version of delayMicroseconds() that handles large values and does NOT use the watch-dog friendly delay() calls where appropriate.
[in] | usec | Nr. of uSeconds to delay for. |
private |
Internal procedure to generate a Sony/SIRC(Serial Infra-Red Control) message Status: STABLE / Known working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
[in] | freq | Frequency of the modulation to transmit at. (Hz or kHz) |
void IRsend::begin | ( | ) |
Enable the pin for output.
private |
Calculate the period for a given frequency.
[in] | hz | Frequency in Hz. |
[in] | use_offset | Should we use the calculated offset or not? |
int8_t IRsend::calibrate | ( | uint16_t | hz = 38000U | ) |
Calculate & set any offsets to account for execution times during sending.
[in] | hz | The frequency to calibrate at >= 1000Hz. Default is 38000Hz. |
static |
Get the default number of bits for a given protocol.
[in] | protocol | Protocol number/type you want the default bit size for. |
void IRsend::enableIROut | ( | uint32_t | freq, |
uint8_t | duty = kDutyDefault |
) |
Set the output frequency modulation and duty cycle.
[in] | freq | The freq we want to modulate at. Assumes < 1000 means kHz else Hz. |
[in] | duty | Percentage duty cycle of the LED. e.g. 25 = 25% = 1/4 on, 3/4 off. If you are not sure, try 50 percent. This is ignored if modulation is disabled at object instantiation. |
uint64_t IRsend::encodeDoshisha | ( | const uint8_t | command, |
const uint8_t | channel = 0 |
) |
Encode Doshisha combining constant values with command and channel. Status: STABLE / Working.
[in] | command | The command code to be sent. |
[in] | channel | The one bit channel 0 for CH1 and 1 for CH2 |
uint16_t IRsend::encodeJVC | ( | uint8_t | address, |
uint8_t | command | ||
) |
Calculate the raw JVC data based on address and command. Status: STABLE / Works fine.
[in] | address | An 8-bit address value. |
[in] | command | An 8-bit command value. |
uint32_t IRsend::encodeLG | ( | uint16_t | address, |
uint16_t | command | ||
) |
Construct a raw 28-bit LG message code from the supplied address & command. Status: STABLE / Works.
[in] | address | The address code. |
[in] | command | The command code. |
uint64_t IRsend::encodeMagiQuest | ( | const uint32_t | wand_id, |
const uint16_t | magnitude | ||
) |
Encode a MagiQuest wand_id, and a magnitude into a single 64bit value. (Only 48 bits of real data + 8 leading zero bits) This is suitable for calling sendMagiQuest() with. e.g. sendMagiQuest(encodeMagiQuest(wand_id, magnitude))
[in] | wand_id | The value for the wand ID. |
[in] | magnitude | The value for the magnitude |
static |
Encode a Metz address, command, and toggle bits into a code suitable for use with sendMetz().
[in] | address | A 3-bit address value. |
[in] | command | A 6-bit command value. |
[in] | toggle | Should the toggle bit be set in the result? |
. uint32_t IRsend::encodeNEC | ( | uint16_t | address, |
uint16_t | command | ||
) |
Calculate the raw NEC data based on address and command. Status: STABLE / Expected to work.
[in] | address | An address value. |
[in] | command | An 8-bit command value. |
. uint64_t IRsend::encodePanasonic | ( | const uint16_t | manufacturer, |
const uint8_t | device, | ||
const uint8_t | subdevice, | ||
const uint8_t | function | ||
) |
Calculate the raw Panasonic data based on device, subdevice, & function. Status: STABLE / Should be working.
[in] | manufacturer | A 16-bit manufacturer code. e.g. 0x4004 is Panasonic |
[in] | device | An 8-bit code. |
[in] | subdevice | An 8-bit code. |
[in] | function | An 8-bit code. |
. uint64_t IRsend::encodePioneer | ( | uint16_t | address, |
uint16_t | command | ||
) |
Calculate the raw Pioneer data code based on two NEC sub-codes Status: STABLE / Expected to work.
[in] | address | A 16-bit "published" NEC value. |
[in] | command | A 16-bit "published" NEC value. |
` uint16_t IRsend::encodeRC5 | ( | const uint8_t | address, |
const uint8_t | command, | ||
const bool | key_released = false |
) |
Encode a Philips RC-5 data message. Status: Beta / Should be working.
[in] | address | The 5-bit address value for the message. |
[in] | command | The 6-bit command value for the message. |
[in] | key_released | Indicate if the remote key has been released. |
uint16_t IRsend::encodeRC5X | ( | const uint8_t | address, |
const uint8_t | command, | ||
const bool | key_released = false |
) |
Encode a Philips RC-5X data message. Status: Beta / Should be working.
[in] | address | The 5-bit address value for the message. |
[in] | command | The 7-bit command value for the message. |
[in] | key_released | Indicate if the remote key has been released. |
uint64_t IRsend::encodeRC6 | ( | const uint32_t | address, |
const uint8_t | command, | ||
const uint16_t | mode = kRC6Mode0Bits |
) |
Encode a Philips RC-6 data message. Status: Beta / Should be working.
[in] | address | The address (aka. control) value for the message. Includes the field/mode/toggle bits. |
[in] | command | The 8-bit command value for the message. (aka. information) |
[in] | mode | Which protocol to use. Defined by nr. of bits in the protocol. |
. uint32_t IRsend::encodeSAMSUNG | ( | const uint8_t | customer, |
const uint8_t | command | ||
) |
Construct a raw Samsung message from the supplied customer(address) & command. Status: STABLE / Should be working.
[in] | customer | The customer code. (aka. Address) |
[in] | command | The command code. |
. uint64_t IRsend::encodeSanyoLC7461 | ( | uint16_t | address, |
uint8_t | command | ||
) |
Construct a Sanyo LC7461 message.
[in] | address | The 13 bit value of the address(Custom) portion of the protocol. |
[in] | command | The 8 bit value of the command(Key) portion of the protocol. |
uint32_t IRsend::encodeSharp | ( | const uint16_t | address, |
const uint16_t | command, | ||
const uint16_t | expansion = 1 , |
const uint16_t | check = 0 , |
const bool | MSBfirst = false |
) |
Encode a (raw) Sharp message from it's components. Status: STABLE / Works okay.
[in] | address | The value of the address to be sent. |
[in] | command | The value of the address to be sent. (8 bits) |
[in] | expansion | The value of the expansion bit to use. (0 or 1, typically 1) |
[in] | check | The value of the check bit to use. (0 or 1, typically 0) |
[in] | MSBfirst | Flag indicating MSB first or LSB first order. |
. uint32_t IRsend::encodeSony | ( | const uint16_t | nbits, |
const uint16_t | command, | ||
const uint16_t | address, | ||
const uint16_t | extended = 0 |
) |
Convert Sony/SIRC command, address, & extended bits into sendSony format. Status: STABLE / Should be working.
[in] | nbits | Sony protocol bit size. |
[in] | command | Sony command bits. |
[in] | address | Sony address bits. |
[in] | extended | Sony extended bits. |
etc compatible data message.
protected |
Turn off the IR LED.
protected |
Turn on the IR LED.
uint16_t IRsend::mark | ( | uint16_t | usec | ) |
Modulate the IR LED for the given period (usec) and at the duty cycle set.
[in] | usec | The period of time to modulate the IR LED for, in microseconds. |
static |
Get the minimum number of repeats for a given protocol.
[in] | protocol | Protocol number/type of the message you want to send. |
bool IRsend::send | ( | const decode_type_t | type, |
const uint64_t | data, | ||
const uint16_t | nbits, | ||
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a simple (up to 64 bits) IR message of a given type. An unknown/unsupported type will send nothing.
[in] | type | Protocol number/type of the message you want to send. |
[in] | data | The data you want to send (up to 64 bits). |
[in] | nbits | How many bits long the message is to be. |
[in] | repeat | How many repeats to do? |
bool IRsend::send | ( | const decode_type_t | type, |
const uint8_t * | state, | ||
const uint16_t | nbytes | ||
) |
Send a complex (>= 64 bits) IR message of a given type. An unknown/unsupported type will send nothing.
[in] | type | Protocol number/type of the message you want to send. |
[in] | state | A pointer to the array of bytes that make up the state[]. |
[in] | nbytes | How many bytes are in the state. |
void IRsend::sendAirwell | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kAirwellBits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kAirwellMinRepeats |
) |
Send an Airwell Manchester Code formatted message. Status: BETA / Appears to be working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of the message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendAiwaRCT501 | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kAiwaRcT501Bits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kAiwaRcT501MinRepeats |
) |
Send an Aiwa RC T501 formatted message. Status: BETA / Should work.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of the message to be sent. Typically kAiwaRcT501Bits. Max is 37 = (64 - 27) |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendAmcor | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kAmcorStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kAmcorDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Amcor HVAC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendArgo | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kArgoStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kArgoDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Argo A/C formatted message. Status: BETA / Probably works.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendCarrierAC | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kCarrierAcBits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kCarrierAcMinRepeat |
) |
Send a Carrier HVAC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Works on real devices.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendCarrierAC40 | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kCarrierAc40Bits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kCarrierAc40MinRepeat |
) |
Send a Carrier 40bit HVAC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Tested against a real device.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The bit size of the message being sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the message is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendCarrierAC64 | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kCarrierAc64Bits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kCarrierAc64MinRepeat |
) |
Send a Carrier 64bit HVAC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known to be working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The bit size of the message being sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the message is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendCOOLIX | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kCoolixBits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kCoolixDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Coolix message Status: STABLE / Confirmed Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendCoronaAc | ( | const uint8_t | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kCoronaAcStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a CoronaAc formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working on real device.
[in] | data | An array of bytes containing the IR command. |
[in] | nbytes | Nr. of bytes of data in the array. e.g. uint8_t data[kCoronaAcStateLength] = {
0x28, 0x61, 0x3D, 0x19, 0xE6, 0x37, 0xC8,
0x28, 0x61, 0x6D, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00,
0x28, 0x61, 0xCD, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00};
[in] | repeat | Nr. of times the message is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendDaikin | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kDaikinStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kDaikinDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Daikin 280-bit A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendDaikin128 | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kDaikin128StateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kDaikin128DefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Daikin128 (128-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendDaikin152 | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kDaikin152StateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kDaikin152DefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Daikin152 (152-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendDaikin160 | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kDaikin160StateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kDaikin160DefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Daikin160 (160-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Confirmed working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendDaikin176 | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kDaikin176StateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kDaikin176DefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Daikin176 (176-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working on a real device.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendDaikin2 | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kDaikin2StateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kDaikin2DefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Daikin2 (312-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Expected to work.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendDaikin216 | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kDaikin216StateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kDaikin216DefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Daikin216 (216-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: Alpha / Untested on a real device.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendDaikin64 | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kDaikin64Bits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kDaikin64DefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Daikin64 (64-bit) A/C formatted message. Status: Beta / Probably Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendData | ( | uint16_t | onemark, |
uint32_t | onespace, | ||
uint16_t | zeromark, | ||
uint32_t | zerospace, | ||
uint64_t | data, | ||
uint16_t | nbits, | ||
bool | MSBfirst = true |
) |
Generic method for sending data that is common to most protocols. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number of bits in data.
[in] | onemark | Nr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for a '1' bit. |
[in] | onespace | Nr. of usecs for the led to be fully off for a '1' bit. |
[in] | zeromark | Nr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for a '0' bit. |
[in] | zerospace | Nr. of usecs for the led to be fully off for a '0' bit. |
[in] | data | The data to be transmitted. |
[in] | nbits | Nr. of bits of data to be sent. |
[in] | MSBfirst | Flag for bit transmission order. Defaults to MSB->LSB order. |
void IRsend::sendDelonghiAc | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kDelonghiAcBits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kDelonghiAcDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Delonghi A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working on a real device.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendDenon | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kDenonBits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a Denon formatted message. Status: STABLE / Should be working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendDISH | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kDishBits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kDishMinRepeat |
) |
Send a DISH NETWORK formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
Here is the LIRC file I found that seems to match the remote codes from the oscilloscope: DISH NETWORK (echostar 301):
void IRsend::sendDoshisha | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kDoshishaBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a Doshisha formatted message. Status: STABLE / Works on real device.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendEcoclim | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kEcoclimBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a EcoClim A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Confirmed working on real device.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendElectraAC | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kElectraAcStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a Electra A/C formatted message. Status: Alpha / Needs testing against a real device.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendElitescreens | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kEliteScreensBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kEliteScreensDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send an Elite Screens formatted message. Status: BETA / Probably Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendEpson | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kEpsonBits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kEpsonMinRepeat |
) |
Send an Epson formatted message. Status: Beta / Probably works.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of nbits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendFujitsuAC | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes, | ||
const uint16_t | repeat = kFujitsuAcMinRepeat |
) |
Send a Fujitsu A/C formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known Good.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. Typically one of: kFujitsuAcStateLength, kFujitsuAcStateLength - 1, kFujitsuAcStateLengthShort, kFujitsuAcStateLengthShort - 1 |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendGC | ( | uint16_t | buf[], |
uint16_t | len | ||
) |
Send a shortened GlobalCache (GC) IRdb/control tower formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known working.
[in] | buf | Array of uint16_t containing the shortened GlobalCache data. |
[in] | len | Nr. of entries in the buf[] array. |
void IRsend::sendGeneric | ( | const uint16_t | headermark, |
const uint32_t | headerspace, | ||
const uint16_t | onemark, | ||
const uint32_t | onespace, | ||
const uint16_t | zeromark, | ||
const uint32_t | zerospace, | ||
const uint16_t | footermark, | ||
const uint32_t | gap, | ||
const uint32_t | mesgtime, | ||
const uint64_t | data, | ||
const uint16_t | nbits, | ||
const uint16_t | frequency, | ||
const bool | MSBfirst, | ||
const uint16_t | repeat, | ||
const uint8_t | dutycycle | ||
) |
Generic method for sending simple protocol messages. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number of bits in data.
[in] | headermark | Nr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for the header mark. A value of 0 means no header mark. |
[in] | headerspace | Nr. of usecs for the led to be off after the header mark. A value of 0 means no header space. |
[in] | onemark | Nr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for a '1' bit. |
[in] | onespace | Nr. of usecs for the led to be fully off for a '1' bit. |
[in] | zeromark | Nr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for a '0' bit. |
[in] | zerospace | Nr. of usecs for the led to be fully off for a '0' bit. |
[in] | footermark | Nr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for the footer mark. A value of 0 means no footer mark. |
[in] | gap | Nr. of usecs for the led to be off after the footer mark. This is effectively the gap between messages. A value of 0 means no gap space. |
[in] | mesgtime | Min. nr. of usecs a single message needs to be. This is effectively the min. total length of a single message. |
[in] | data | The data to be transmitted. |
[in] | nbits | Nr. of bits of data to be sent. |
[in] | frequency | The frequency we want to modulate at. (Hz/kHz) |
[in] | MSBfirst | Flag for bit transmission order. Defaults to MSB->LSB order. |
[in] | repeat | Nr. of extra times the message will be sent. e.g. 0 = 1 message sent, 1 = 1 initial + 1 repeat = 2 messages |
[in] | dutycycle | Percentage duty cycle of the LED. e.g. 25 = 25% = 1/4 on, 3/4 off. If you are not sure, try 50 percent. |
void IRsend::sendGeneric | ( | const uint16_t | headermark, |
const uint32_t | headerspace, | ||
const uint16_t | onemark, | ||
const uint32_t | onespace, | ||
const uint16_t | zeromark, | ||
const uint32_t | zerospace, | ||
const uint16_t | footermark, | ||
const uint32_t | gap, | ||
const uint64_t | data, | ||
const uint16_t | nbits, | ||
const uint16_t | frequency, | ||
const bool | MSBfirst, | ||
const uint16_t | repeat, | ||
const uint8_t | dutycycle | ||
) |
Generic method for sending simple protocol messages. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number of bits in data.
[in] | headermark | Nr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for the header mark. A value of 0 means no header mark. |
[in] | headerspace | Nr. of usecs for the led to be off after the header mark. A value of 0 means no header space. |
[in] | onemark | Nr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for a '1' bit. |
[in] | onespace | Nr. of usecs for the led to be fully off for a '1' bit. |
[in] | zeromark | Nr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for a '0' bit. |
[in] | zerospace | Nr. of usecs for the led to be fully off for a '0' bit. |
[in] | footermark | Nr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for the footer mark. A value of 0 means no footer mark. |
[in] | gap | Nr. of usecs for the led to be off after the footer mark. This is effectively the gap between messages. A value of 0 means no gap space. |
[in] | data | The data to be transmitted. |
[in] | nbits | Nr. of bits of data to be sent. |
[in] | frequency | The frequency we want to modulate at. (Hz/kHz) |
[in] | MSBfirst | Flag for bit transmission order. Defaults to MSB->LSB order. |
[in] | repeat | Nr. of extra times the message will be sent. e.g. 0 = 1 message sent, 1 = 1 initial + 1 repeat = 2 messages |
[in] | dutycycle | Percentage duty cycle of the LED. e.g. 25 = 25% = 1/4 on, 3/4 off. If you are not sure, try 50 percent. |
void IRsend::sendGeneric | ( | const uint16_t | headermark, |
const uint32_t | headerspace, | ||
const uint16_t | onemark, | ||
const uint32_t | onespace, | ||
const uint16_t | zeromark, | ||
const uint32_t | zerospace, | ||
const uint16_t | footermark, | ||
const uint32_t | gap, | ||
const uint8_t * | dataptr, | ||
const uint16_t | nbytes, | ||
const uint16_t | frequency, | ||
const bool | MSBfirst, | ||
const uint16_t | repeat, | ||
const uint8_t | dutycycle | ||
) |
Generic method for sending simple protocol messages.
[in] | headermark | Nr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for the header mark. A value of 0 means no header mark. |
[in] | headerspace | Nr. of usecs for the led to be off after the header mark. A value of 0 means no header space. |
[in] | onemark | Nr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for a '1' bit. |
[in] | onespace | Nr. of usecs for the led to be fully off for a '1' bit. |
[in] | zeromark | Nr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for a '0' bit. |
[in] | zerospace | Nr. of usecs for the led to be fully off for a '0' bit. |
[in] | footermark | Nr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for the footer mark. A value of 0 means no footer mark. |
[in] | gap | Nr. of usecs for the led to be off after the footer mark. This is effectively the gap between messages. A value of 0 means no gap space. |
[in] | dataptr | Pointer to the data to be transmitted. |
[in] | nbytes | Nr. of bytes of data to be sent. |
[in] | frequency | The frequency we want to modulate at. (Hz/kHz) |
[in] | MSBfirst | Flag for bit transmission order. Defaults to MSB->LSB order. |
[in] | repeat | Nr. of extra times the message will be sent. e.g. 0 = 1 message sent, 1 = 1 initial + 1 repeat = 2 messages |
[in] | dutycycle | Percentage duty cycle of the LED. e.g. 25 = 25% = 1/4 on, 3/4 off. If you are not sure, try 50 percent. |
void IRsend::sendGICable | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kGicableBits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kGicableMinRepeat |
) |
Send a raw G.I. Cable formatted message. Status: Alpha / Untested.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendGoodweather | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kGoodweatherBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kGoodweatherMinRepeat |
) |
Send a Goodweather HVAC formatted message. Status: BETA / Needs testing on real device.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendGree | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kGreeBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kGreeDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Gree Heat Pump formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendGree | ( | const uint8_t | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kGreeStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kGreeDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Gree Heat Pump formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendHaierAC | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kHaierACStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kHaierAcDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Haier A/C formatted message. (HSU07-HEA03 remote) Status: STABLE / Known to be working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendHaierACYRW02 | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kHaierACYRW02StateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kHaierAcYrw02DefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Haier YR-W02 remote A/C formatted message. Status: Alpha / Untested on a real device.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendHitachiAC | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kHitachiAcStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Hitachi 28-byte/224-bit A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC) Status: STABLE / Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendHitachiAC1 | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kHitachiAc1StateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Hitachi 13 byte/224-bit A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC1) Status: STABLE / Confirmed Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendHitachiAC2 | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kHitachiAc2StateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Hitachi 53 byte/424-bit A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC2) Basically the same as sendHitatchiAC() except different size. Status: STABLE / Expected to work.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendHitachiAc3 | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes, | ||
const uint16_t | repeat = kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Hitachi(3) A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC3) Status: STABLE / Working fine.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendHitachiAc344 | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kHitachiAc344StateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Hitachi A/C 43-byte/344-bit message. (HITACHI_AC344) Basically the same as sendHitatchiAC() except different size. Status: Beta / Probably works.
[in] | data | An array of bytes containing the IR command. |
[in] | nbytes | Nr. of bytes of data in the array. |
[in] | repeat | Nr. of times the message is to be repeated. (Default = 0). |
void IRsend::sendHitachiAc424 | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kHitachiAc424StateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kHitachiAcDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Hitachi 53-byte/424-bit A/C formatted message. (HITACHI_AC424) Status: STABLE / Reported as working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendInax | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kInaxBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kInaxMinRepeat |
) |
Send a Inax Toilet formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
Send a JVC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendKelvinator | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kKelvinatorStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kKelvinatorDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Kelvinator A/C message. Status: STABLE / Known working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendLasertag | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kLasertagBits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kLasertagMinRepeat |
) |
Send a Lasertag packet/message. Status: STABLE / Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
if we can.` void IRsend::sendLegoPf | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kLegoPfBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kLegoPfMinRepeat |
) |
Send a LEGO Power Functions message. Status: Beta / Should work.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
Send an LG formatted message. (LG) Status: Beta / Should be working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. Typically kLgBits or kLg32Bits. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
Send an LG Variant-2 formatted message. (LG2) Status: Beta / Should be working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. Typically kLgBits or kLg32Bits. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendLutron | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kLutronBits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a Lutron formatted message. Status: Stable / Appears to be working for real devices.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendMagiQuest | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kMagiquestBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a MagiQuest formatted message. Status: Beta / Should be working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendManchester | ( | const uint16_t | headermark, |
const uint32_t | headerspace, | ||
const uint16_t | half_period, | ||
const uint16_t | footermark, | ||
const uint32_t | gap, | ||
const uint64_t | data, | ||
const uint16_t | nbits, | ||
const uint16_t | frequency = 38 , |
const bool | MSBfirst = true , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat , |
const uint8_t | dutycycle = kDutyDefault , |
const bool | GEThomas = true |
) |
Generic method for sending Manchester code messages. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number.
[in] | headermark | Nr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for the header mark. A value of 0 means no header mark. |
[in] | headerspace | Nr. of usecs for the led to be off after the header mark. A value of 0 means no header space. |
[in] | half_period | Nr. of uSeconds for half the clock's period. (1/2 wavelength) |
[in] | footermark | Nr. of usecs for the led to be pulsed for the footer mark. A value of 0 means no footer mark. |
[in] | gap | Min. nr. of usecs for the led to be off after the footer mark. This is effectively the absolute minimum gap between messages. |
[in] | data | The data to be transmitted. |
[in] | nbits | Nr. of bits of data to be sent. |
[in] | frequency | The frequency we want to modulate at. (Hz/kHz) |
[in] | MSBfirst | Flag for bit transmission order. Defaults to MSB->LSB order. |
[in] | repeat | Nr. of extra times the message will be sent. e.g. 0 = 1 message sent, 1 = 1 initial + 1 repeat = 2 messages |
[in] | dutycycle | Percentage duty cycle of the LED. e.g. 25 = 25% = 1/4 on, 3/4 off. If you are not sure, try 50 percent. |
[in] | GEThomas | Use G.E. Thomas (true/default) or IEEE 802.3 (false). |
void IRsend::sendManchesterData | ( | const uint16_t | half_period, |
const uint64_t | data, | ||
const uint16_t | nbits, | ||
const bool | MSBfirst = true , |
const bool | GEThomas = true |
) |
Generic method for sending Manchester code data. Will send leading or trailing 0's if the nbits is larger than the number of bits in data.
[in] | half_period | Nr. of uSeconds for half the clock's period. (1/2 wavelength) |
[in] | data | The data to be transmitted. |
[in] | nbits | Nr. of bits of data to be sent. |
[in] | MSBfirst | Flag for bit transmission order. Defaults to MSB->LSB order. |
[in] | GEThomas | Use G.E. Thomas (true/default) or IEEE 802.3 (false). |
void IRsend::sendMetz | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kMetzBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kMetzMinRepeat |
) |
Send a Metz formatted message. Status: Beta / Needs testing against a real device.
[in] | data | containing the IR command. |
[in] | nbits | Nr. of bits to send. usually kMetzBits |
[in] | repeat | Nr. of times the message is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendMidea | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kMideaBits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kMideaMinRepeat |
) |
Send a Midea message Status: Alpha / Needs testing against a real device.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendMidea24 | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kMidea24Bits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kMidea24MinRepeat |
) |
Send a Midea24 formatted message. Status: STABLE / Confirmed working on a real device.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendMilestag2 | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kMilesTag2ShotBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kMilesMinRepeat |
) |
Send a MilesTag2 formatted Shot/Msg packet. Status: ALPHA / Probably works but needs testing with a real device.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendMirage | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kMirageStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kMirageMinRepeat |
) |
Send a Mirage formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working.
[in] | data | An array of bytes containing the IR command. |
[in] | nbytes | Nr. of bytes of data in the array. (>=kMirageStateLength) |
[in] | repeat | Nr. of times the message is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendMitsubishi | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kMitsubishiBits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kMitsubishiMinRepeat |
) |
Send the supplied Mitsubishi 16-bit message. Status: STABLE / Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendMitsubishi112 | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kMitsubishi112StateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kMitsubishi112MinRepeat |
) |
Send a Mitsubishi 112-bit A/C formatted message. (MITSUBISHI112) Status: Stable / Reported as working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendMitsubishi136 | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kMitsubishi136StateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kMitsubishi136MinRepeat |
) |
Send a Mitsubishi 136-bit A/C message. (MITSUBISHI136) Status: BETA / Probably working. Needs to be tested against a real device.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendMitsubishi2 | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kMitsubishiBits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kMitsubishiMinRepeat |
) |
Send a supplied second variant Mitsubishi 16-bit message. Status: BETA / Probably works.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendMitsubishiAC | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kMitsubishiACStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kMitsubishiACMinRepeat |
) |
Send a Mitsubishi 144-bit A/C formatted message. (MITSUBISHI_AC) Status: STABLE / Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendMitsubishiHeavy152 | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kMitsubishiHeavy152StateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kMitsubishiHeavy152MinRepeat |
) |
Send a MitsubishiHeavy 152-bit A/C message. Status: BETA / Appears to be working. Needs testing against a real device.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendMitsubishiHeavy88 | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kMitsubishiHeavy88StateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kMitsubishiHeavy88MinRepeat |
) |
Send a MitsubishiHeavy 88-bit A/C message. Status: BETA / Appears to be working. Needs testing against a real device.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendMultibrackets | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kMultibracketsBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kMultibracketsDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Multibrackets formatted message. Status: BETA / Appears to be working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendMWM | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes, | ||
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a MWM packet/message. Status: Implemented.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
Send a raw NEC(Renesas) formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendNeoclima | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kNeoclimaStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNeoclimaMinRepeat |
) |
Send a Neoclima message. Status: STABLE / Known to be working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendNikai | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kNikaiBits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a Nikai formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendPanasonic | ( | const uint16_t | address, |
const uint32_t | data, | ||
const uint16_t | nbits = kPanasonicBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a Panasonic formatted message. Status: STABLE, but DEPRECATED.
instead. [in] | address | The 16-bit manufacturer code. |
[in] | data | The 32-bit data portion of the message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendPanasonic64 | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kPanasonicBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a Panasonic formatted message. Status: STABLE / Should be working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
. void IRsend::sendPanasonicAC | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kPanasonicAcStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kPanasonicAcDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Panasonic A/C message. Status: STABLE / Work with real device(s).
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendPanasonicAC32 | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kPanasonicAc32Bits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kPanasonicAcDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Panasonic AC 32/16bit formatted message. Status: STABLE / Confirmed working.
[in] | data | containing the IR command. |
[in] | nbits | Nr. of bits to send. Usually kPanasonicAc32Bits |
[in] | repeat | Nr. of times the message is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendPioneer | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kPioneerBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a raw Pioneer formatted message. Status: STABLE / Expected to be working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendPronto | ( | uint16_t | data[], |
uint16_t | len, | ||
uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a Pronto Code formatted message. Status: STABLE / Known working.
[in] | data | An array of uint16_t containing the pronto codes. |
[in] | len | Nr. of entries in the data[] array. |
[in] | repeat | Nr. of times to repeat the message. |
void IRsend::sendRaw | ( | const uint16_t | buf[], |
const uint16_t | len, | ||
const uint16_t | hz | ||
) |
Send a raw IRremote message.
[in] | buf | An array of uint16_t's that has microseconds elements. |
[in] | len | Nr. of elements in the buf[] array. |
[in] | hz | Frequency to send the message at. (kHz < 1000; Hz >= 1000) |
void IRsend::sendRC5 | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kRC5XBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a Philips RC-5/RC-5X packet. Status: RC-5 (stable), RC-5X (alpha)
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendRC6 | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kRC6Mode0Bits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a Philips RC-6 packet. Status: Stable.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
Send a Philips RC-MM packet. Status: STABLE / Should be working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendSAMSUNG | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kSamsungBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a 32-bit Samsung formatted message. Status: STABLE / Should be working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendSamsung36 | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kSamsung36Bits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a Samsung 36-bit formatted message. Status: STABLE / Works on real devices.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendSamsungAC | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kSamsungAcStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kSamsungAcDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Samsung A/C message. Status: Stable / Known working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendSanyoAc | ( | const uint8_t * | data, |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kSanyoAcStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a SanyoAc formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working.
[in] | data | An array of bytes containing the IR command. |
[in] | nbytes | Nr. of bytes of data in the array. |
[in] | repeat | Nr. of times the message is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendSanyoLC7461 | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kSanyoLC7461Bits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a Sanyo LC7461 message. Status: BETA / Probably works.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendSharp | ( | const uint16_t | address, |
const uint16_t | command, | ||
const uint16_t | nbits = kSharpBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a Sharp message Status: DEPRECATED / Previously working fine.
instead [in] | address | Address value to be sent. |
[in] | command | Command value to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendSharpAc | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kSharpAcStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kSharpAcDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Sharp A/C message. Status: Alpha / Untested.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendSharpRaw | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kSharpBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a (raw) Sharp message.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendSherwood | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kSherwoodBits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kSherwoodMinRepeat |
) |
Send an IR command to a Sherwood device. Status: STABLE / Known working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendSony | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kSony20Bits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kSonyMinRepeat |
) |
Send a standard Sony/SIRC(Serial Infra-Red Control) message. (40kHz) Status: STABLE / Known working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendSony38 | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kSony20Bits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kSonyMinRepeat + 1 |
) |
Send an alternative 38kHz Sony/SIRC(Serial Infra-Red Control) message. Status: STABLE / Known working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
should typically be called with repeat=3 as these Sony devices expect the message to be sent at least 4 times. SONY
, not SONY_38K
as the library has no way to determine the modulation frequency used. Hence, there is no decodeSony38()
. void IRsend::sendSymphony | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kSymphonyBits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kSymphonyDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Symphony packet. Status: STABLE / Should be working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendTcl112Ac | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kTcl112AcStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kTcl112AcDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a TCL 112-bit A/C message. Status: Beta / Probably working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendTechnibelAc | ( | uint64_t | data, |
uint16_t | nbits = kTechnibelAcBits , |
uint16_t | repeat = kTechnibelAcDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send an Technibel AC formatted message. Status: STABLE / Reported as working on a real device.
[in] | data | containing the IR command. |
[in] | nbits | Nr. of bits to send. usually kTechnibelAcBits |
[in] | repeat | Nr. of times the message is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendTeco | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kTecoBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a Teco A/C message. Status: Beta / Probably working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendToshibaAC | ( | const uint8_t | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kToshibaACStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kToshibaACMinRepeat |
) |
Send a Toshiba A/C message. Status: STABLE / Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendTranscold | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kTranscoldBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kTranscoldDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Transcold message Status: STABLE / Confirmed Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendTrotec | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kTrotecStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kTrotecDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Trotec message. Status: Beta / Probably Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendVestelAc | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kVestelAcBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a Vestel message Status: STABLE / Working.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendVoltas | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kVoltasStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a Voltas formatted message. Status: STABLE / Working on real device.
[in] | data | An array of bytes containing the IR command. It is assumed to be in MSB order for this code. e.g. uint8_t data[kVoltasStateLength] = {0x33, 0x28, 0x88, 0x1A, 0x3B, 0x3B,
0x3B, 0x11, 0x00, 0x40};
[in] | nbytes | Nr. of bytes of data in the array. (>=kVoltasStateLength) |
[in] | repeat | Nr. of times the message is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendWhirlpoolAC | ( | const unsigned char | data[], |
const uint16_t | nbytes = kWhirlpoolAcStateLength , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kWhirlpoolAcDefaultRepeat |
) |
Send a Whirlpool A/C message. Status: BETA / Probably works.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbytes | The number of bytes of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendWhynter | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kWhynterBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a Whynter message. Status: STABLE.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendXmp | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kXmpBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kNoRepeat |
) |
Send a XMP packet. Status: Beta / Untested against a real device.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The number of bits of message to be sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the command is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::sendZepeal | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kZepealBits , |
const uint16_t | repeat = kZepealMinRepeat |
) |
Send a Zepeal formatted message. Status: STABLE / Works on real device.
[in] | data | The message to be sent. |
[in] | nbits | The bit size of the message being sent. |
[in] | repeat | The number of times the message is to be repeated. |
void IRsend::space | ( | uint32_t | time | ) |
Turn the pin (LED) off for a given time. Sends an IR space for the specified number of microseconds. A space is no output, so the PWM output is disabled.
[in] | time | Time in microseconds (us). |
uint64_t IRsend::toggleRC5 | ( | const uint64_t | data | ) |
Flip the toggle bit of a Philips RC-5/RC-5X data message. Used to indicate a change of remote button's state. Status: STABLE.
[in] | data | The existing RC-5/RC-5X message. |
uint64_t IRsend::toggleRC6 | ( | const uint64_t | data, |
const uint16_t | nbits = kRC6Mode0Bits |
) |
Flip the toggle bit of a Philips RC-6 data message. Used to indicate a change of remote button's state. Status: STABLE / Should work fine.
[in] | data | The existing RC-6 message. |
[in] | nbits | Nr. of bits in the RC-6 protocol. |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
protected |
protected |
private |