uint64_t | reverseBits (uint64_t input, uint16_t nbits) |
| Reverse the order of the requested least significant nr. of bits. More...
String | uint64ToString (uint64_t input, uint8_t base) |
| Convert a uint64_t (unsigned long long) to a string. Arduino String/toInt/Serial.print() can't handle printing 64 bit values. More...
void | serialPrintUint64 (uint64_t input, uint8_t base) |
| Print a uint64_t/unsigned long long to the Serial port Serial.print() can't handle printing long longs. (uint64_t) More...
decode_type_t | strToDecodeType (const char *const str) |
| Convert a C-style string to a decode_type_t. More...
String | typeToString (const decode_type_t protocol, const bool isRepeat) |
| Convert a protocol type (enum etc) to a human readable string. More...
bool | hasACState (const decode_type_t protocol) |
| Does the given protocol use a complex state as part of the decode? More...
uint16_t | getCorrectedRawLength (const decode_results *const results) |
| Return the corrected length of a 'raw' format array structure after over-large values are converted into multiple entries. More...
String | resultToSourceCode (const decode_results *const results) |
| Return a String containing the key values of a decode_results structure in a C/C++ code style format. More...
String | resultToTimingInfo (const decode_results *const results) |
| Dump out the decode_results structure. More...
String | resultToHexidecimal (const decode_results *const result) |
| Convert the decode_results structure's value/state to simple hexadecimal. More...
String | resultToHumanReadableBasic (const decode_results *const results) |
| Dump out the decode_results structure into a human readable format. More...
uint16_t * | resultToRawArray (const decode_results *const decode) |
| Convert a decode_results into an array suitable for sendRaw() . More...
uint8_t | sumBytes (const uint8_t *const start, const uint16_t length, const uint8_t init) |
| Sum all the bytes of an array and return the least significant 8-bits of the result. More...
uint8_t | xorBytes (const uint8_t *const start, const uint16_t length, const uint8_t init) |
| Calculate a rolling XOR of all the bytes of an array. More...
uint16_t | countBits (const uint8_t *const start, const uint16_t length, const bool ones, const uint16_t init) |
| Count the number of bits of a certain type in an array. More...
uint16_t | countBits (const uint64_t data, const uint8_t length, const bool ones, const uint16_t init) |
| Count the number of bits of a certain type in an Integer. More...
uint64_t | invertBits (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits) |
| Invert/Flip the bits in an Integer. More...
float | celsiusToFahrenheit (const float deg) |
| Convert degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. More...
float | fahrenheitToCelsius (const float deg) |
| Convert degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. More...
String | irutils::addLabeledString (const String value, const String label, const bool precomma) |
| Create a String with a colon separated "label: value" pair suitable for Humans. More...
String | irutils::addBoolToString (const bool value, const String label, const bool precomma) |
| Create a String with a colon separated flag suitable for Humans. e.g. "Power: On". More...
String | irutils::addIntToString (const uint16_t value, const String label, const bool precomma) |
| Create a String with a colon separated labeled Integer suitable for Humans. e.g. "Foo: 23". More...
String | irutils::modelToStr (const decode_type_t protocol, const int16_t model) |
| Generate the model string for a given Protocol/Model pair. More...
String | irutils::addModelToString (const decode_type_t protocol, const int16_t model, const bool precomma) |
| Create a String of human output for a given protocol model number. e.g. "Model: JKE". More...
String | irutils::addTempToString (const uint16_t degrees, const bool celsius, const bool precomma) |
| Create a String of human output for a given temperature. e.g. "Temp: 25C". More...
String | irutils::addModeToString (const uint8_t mode, const uint8_t automatic, const uint8_t cool, const uint8_t heat, const uint8_t dry, const uint8_t fan) |
| Create a String of human output for the given operating mode. e.g. "Mode: 1 (Cool)". More...
String | irutils::addDayToString (const uint8_t day_of_week, const int8_t offset, const bool precomma) |
| Create a String of the 3-letter day of the week from a numerical day of the week. e.g. "Day: 1 (Mon)". More...
String | irutils::addFanToString (const uint8_t speed, const uint8_t high, const uint8_t low, const uint8_t automatic, const uint8_t quiet, const uint8_t medium) |
| Create a String of human output for the given fan speed. e.g. "Fan: 0 (Auto)". More...
String | irutils::htmlEscape (const String unescaped) |
| Escape any special HTML (unsafe) characters in a string. e.g. anti-XSS. More...
String | irutils::msToString (uint32_t const msecs) |
| Convert a nr. of milliSeconds into a Human-readable string. e.g. "1 Day 6 Hours 34 Minutes 17 Seconds". More...
String | irutils::minsToString (const uint16_t mins) |
| Convert a nr. of minutes into a 24h clock format Human-readable string. e.g. "23:59". More...
uint8_t | irutils::sumNibbles (const uint8_t *const start, const uint16_t length, const uint8_t init) |
| Sum all the nibbles together in a series of bytes. More...
uint8_t | irutils::sumNibbles (const uint64_t data, const uint8_t count, const uint8_t init, const bool nibbleonly) |
| Sum all the nibbles together in an integer. More...
uint8_t | irutils::bcdToUint8 (const uint8_t bcd) |
| Convert a byte of Binary Coded Decimal(BCD) into an Integer. More...
uint8_t | irutils::uint8ToBcd (const uint8_t integer) |
| Convert an Integer into a byte of Binary Coded Decimal(BCD). More...
bool | irutils::getBit (const uint64_t data, const uint8_t position, const uint8_t size) |
| Return the value of position th bit of an Integer. More...
bool | irutils::getBit (const uint8_t data, const uint8_t position) |
| Return the value of position th bit of an Integer. More...
uint64_t | irutils::setBit (const uint64_t data, const uint8_t position, const bool on, const uint8_t size) |
| Return the value of an Integer with the position th bit changed. More...
uint8_t | irutils::setBit (const uint8_t data, const uint8_t position, const bool on) |
| Return the value of an Integer with the position th bit changed. More...
void | irutils::setBit (uint8_t *const data, const uint8_t position, const bool on) |
| Alter the value of an Integer with the position th bit changed. More...
void | irutils::setBit (uint32_t *const data, const uint8_t position, const bool on) |
| Alter the value of an Integer with the position th bit changed. More...
void | irutils::setBit (uint64_t *const data, const uint8_t position, const bool on) |
| Alter the value of an Integer with the position th bit changed. More...
void | irutils::setBits (uint8_t *const dst, const uint8_t offset, const uint8_t nbits, const uint8_t data) |
| Alter an uint8_t value by overwriting an arbitary given number of bits. More...
void | irutils::setBits (uint32_t *const dst, const uint8_t offset, const uint8_t nbits, const uint32_t data) |
| Alter an uint32_t value by overwriting an arbitary given number of bits. More...
void | irutils::setBits (uint64_t *const dst, const uint8_t offset, const uint8_t nbits, const uint64_t data) |
| Alter an uint64_t value by overwriting an arbitary given number of bits. More...
uint8_t * | irutils::invertBytePairs (uint8_t *ptr, const uint16_t length) |
| Create byte pairs where the second byte of the pair is a bit inverted/flipped copy of the first/previous byte of the pair. More...
bool | irutils::checkInvertedBytePairs (const uint8_t *const ptr, const uint16_t length) |
| Check an array to see if every second byte of a pair is a bit inverted/flipped copy of the first/previous byte of the pair. More...
uint8_t | irutils::lowLevelSanityCheck (void) |
| Perform a low lovel bit manipulation sanity check for the given cpu architecture and the compiler operation. Calls to this should return 0 if everything is as expected, anything else means the library won't work as expected. More...