Namespaces | Functions
IRutils.cpp File Reference


 Namespace for covering common functions & procedures for advancd protocol handlers.


uint64_t reverseBits (uint64_t input, uint16_t nbits)
 Reverse the order of the requested least significant nr. of bits. More...
String uint64ToString (uint64_t input, uint8_t base)
 Convert a uint64_t (unsigned long long) to a string. Arduino String/toInt/Serial.print() can't handle printing 64 bit values. More...
void serialPrintUint64 (uint64_t input, uint8_t base)
 Print a uint64_t/unsigned long long to the Serial port Serial.print() can't handle printing long longs. (uint64_t) More...
decode_type_t strToDecodeType (const char *const str)
 Convert a C-style string to a decode_type_t. More...
String typeToString (const decode_type_t protocol, const bool isRepeat)
 Convert a protocol type (enum etc) to a human readable string. More...
bool hasACState (const decode_type_t protocol)
 Does the given protocol use a complex state as part of the decode? More...
uint16_t getCorrectedRawLength (const decode_results *const results)
 Return the corrected length of a 'raw' format array structure after over-large values are converted into multiple entries. More...
String resultToSourceCode (const decode_results *const results)
 Return a String containing the key values of a decode_results structure in a C/C++ code style format. More...
String resultToTimingInfo (const decode_results *const results)
 Dump out the decode_results structure. More...
String resultToHexidecimal (const decode_results *const result)
 Convert the decode_results structure's value/state to simple hexadecimal. More...
String resultToHumanReadableBasic (const decode_results *const results)
 Dump out the decode_results structure into a human readable format. More...
uint16_t * resultToRawArray (const decode_results *const decode)
 Convert a decode_results into an array suitable for sendRaw(). More...
uint8_t sumBytes (const uint8_t *const start, const uint16_t length, const uint8_t init)
 Sum all the bytes of an array and return the least significant 8-bits of the result. More...
uint8_t xorBytes (const uint8_t *const start, const uint16_t length, const uint8_t init)
 Calculate a rolling XOR of all the bytes of an array. More...
uint16_t countBits (const uint8_t *const start, const uint16_t length, const bool ones, const uint16_t init)
 Count the number of bits of a certain type in an array. More...
uint16_t countBits (const uint64_t data, const uint8_t length, const bool ones, const uint16_t init)
 Count the number of bits of a certain type in an Integer. More...
uint64_t invertBits (const uint64_t data, const uint16_t nbits)
 Invert/Flip the bits in an Integer. More...
float celsiusToFahrenheit (const float deg)
 Convert degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. More...
float fahrenheitToCelsius (const float deg)
 Convert degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. More...
String irutils::addLabeledString (const String value, const String label, const bool precomma)
 Create a String with a colon separated "label: value" pair suitable for Humans. More...
String irutils::addBoolToString (const bool value, const String label, const bool precomma)
 Create a String with a colon separated flag suitable for Humans. e.g. "Power: On". More...
String irutils::addIntToString (const uint16_t value, const String label, const bool precomma)
 Create a String with a colon separated labeled Integer suitable for Humans. e.g. "Foo: 23". More...
String irutils::modelToStr (const decode_type_t protocol, const int16_t model)
 Generate the model string for a given Protocol/Model pair. More...
String irutils::addModelToString (const decode_type_t protocol, const int16_t model, const bool precomma)
 Create a String of human output for a given protocol model number. e.g. "Model: JKE". More...
String irutils::addTempToString (const uint16_t degrees, const bool celsius, const bool precomma)
 Create a String of human output for a given temperature. e.g. "Temp: 25C". More...
String irutils::addModeToString (const uint8_t mode, const uint8_t automatic, const uint8_t cool, const uint8_t heat, const uint8_t dry, const uint8_t fan)
 Create a String of human output for the given operating mode. e.g. "Mode: 1 (Cool)". More...
String irutils::addDayToString (const uint8_t day_of_week, const int8_t offset, const bool precomma)
 Create a String of the 3-letter day of the week from a numerical day of the week. e.g. "Day: 1 (Mon)". More...
String irutils::addFanToString (const uint8_t speed, const uint8_t high, const uint8_t low, const uint8_t automatic, const uint8_t quiet, const uint8_t medium)
 Create a String of human output for the given fan speed. e.g. "Fan: 0 (Auto)". More...
String irutils::htmlEscape (const String unescaped)
 Escape any special HTML (unsafe) characters in a string. e.g. anti-XSS. More...
String irutils::msToString (uint32_t const msecs)
 Convert a nr. of milliSeconds into a Human-readable string. e.g. "1 Day 6 Hours 34 Minutes 17 Seconds". More...
String irutils::minsToString (const uint16_t mins)
 Convert a nr. of minutes into a 24h clock format Human-readable string. e.g. "23:59". More...
uint8_t irutils::sumNibbles (const uint8_t *const start, const uint16_t length, const uint8_t init)
 Sum all the nibbles together in a series of bytes. More...
uint8_t irutils::sumNibbles (const uint64_t data, const uint8_t count, const uint8_t init, const bool nibbleonly)
 Sum all the nibbles together in an integer. More...
uint8_t irutils::bcdToUint8 (const uint8_t bcd)
 Convert a byte of Binary Coded Decimal(BCD) into an Integer. More...
uint8_t irutils::uint8ToBcd (const uint8_t integer)
 Convert an Integer into a byte of Binary Coded Decimal(BCD). More...
bool irutils::getBit (const uint64_t data, const uint8_t position, const uint8_t size)
 Return the value of positionth bit of an Integer. More...
bool irutils::getBit (const uint8_t data, const uint8_t position)
 Return the value of positionth bit of an Integer. More...
uint64_t irutils::setBit (const uint64_t data, const uint8_t position, const bool on, const uint8_t size)
 Return the value of an Integer with the positionth bit changed. More...
uint8_t irutils::setBit (const uint8_t data, const uint8_t position, const bool on)
 Return the value of an Integer with the positionth bit changed. More...
void irutils::setBit (uint8_t *const data, const uint8_t position, const bool on)
 Alter the value of an Integer with the positionth bit changed. More...
void irutils::setBit (uint32_t *const data, const uint8_t position, const bool on)
 Alter the value of an Integer with the positionth bit changed. More...
void irutils::setBit (uint64_t *const data, const uint8_t position, const bool on)
 Alter the value of an Integer with the positionth bit changed. More...
void irutils::setBits (uint8_t *const dst, const uint8_t offset, const uint8_t nbits, const uint8_t data)
 Alter an uint8_t value by overwriting an arbitary given number of bits. More...
void irutils::setBits (uint32_t *const dst, const uint8_t offset, const uint8_t nbits, const uint32_t data)
 Alter an uint32_t value by overwriting an arbitary given number of bits. More...
void irutils::setBits (uint64_t *const dst, const uint8_t offset, const uint8_t nbits, const uint64_t data)
 Alter an uint64_t value by overwriting an arbitary given number of bits. More...
uint8_t * irutils::invertBytePairs (uint8_t *ptr, const uint16_t length)
 Create byte pairs where the second byte of the pair is a bit inverted/flipped copy of the first/previous byte of the pair. More...
bool irutils::checkInvertedBytePairs (const uint8_t *const ptr, const uint16_t length)
 Check an array to see if every second byte of a pair is a bit inverted/flipped copy of the first/previous byte of the pair. More...
uint8_t irutils::lowLevelSanityCheck (void)
 Perform a low lovel bit manipulation sanity check for the given cpu architecture and the compiler operation. Calls to this should return 0 if everything is as expected, anything else means the library won't work as expected. More...

Function Documentation

◆ celsiusToFahrenheit()

float celsiusToFahrenheit ( const float  deg)

Convert degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit.

◆ countBits() [1/2]

uint16_t countBits ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint8_t  length,
const bool  ones,
const uint16_t  init 

Count the number of bits of a certain type in an Integer.

[in]dataThe value you want bits counted for. Starting from the LSB.
[in]lengthHow many bits to use in the calculation? Starts at the LSB
[in]onesCount the binary nr of 1 bits. False is count the 0s.
[in]initStarting value of the calculation to use. (Default is 0)
The nr. of bits found of the given type found in the Integer.

◆ countBits() [2/2]

uint16_t countBits ( const uint8_t *const  start,
const uint16_t  length,
const bool  ones,
const uint16_t  init 

Count the number of bits of a certain type in an array.

[in]startA ptr to the start of the byte array to calculate over.
[in]lengthHow many bytes to use in the calculation.
[in]onesCount the binary nr of 1 bits. False is count the 0s.
[in]initStarting value of the calculation to use. (Default is 0)
The nr. of bits found of the given type found in the array.

◆ fahrenheitToCelsius()

float fahrenheitToCelsius ( const float  deg)

Convert degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius.

◆ getCorrectedRawLength()

uint16_t getCorrectedRawLength ( const decode_results *const  results)

Return the corrected length of a 'raw' format array structure after over-large values are converted into multiple entries.

[in]resultsA ptr to a decode_results structure.
The corrected length.

◆ hasACState()

bool hasACState ( const decode_type_t  protocol)

Does the given protocol use a complex state as part of the decode?

[in]protocolThe decode_type_t protocol we are enquiring about.
True if the protocol uses a state array. False if just an integer.

◆ invertBits()

uint64_t invertBits ( const uint64_t  data,
const uint16_t  nbits 

Invert/Flip the bits in an Integer.

[in]dataThe Integer that will be inverted.
[in]nbitsHow many bits are to be inverted. Starting from the LSB.
An Integer with the appropriate bits inverted/flipped.

◆ resultToHexidecimal()

String resultToHexidecimal ( const decode_results *const  result)

Convert the decode_results structure's value/state to simple hexadecimal.

[in]resultA ptr to a decode_results structure.
A String containing the output.

◆ resultToHumanReadableBasic()

String resultToHumanReadableBasic ( const decode_results *const  results)

Dump out the decode_results structure into a human readable format.

[in]resultsA ptr to a decode_results structure.
A String containing the output.

◆ resultToRawArray()

uint16_t* resultToRawArray ( const decode_results *const  decode)

Convert a decode_results into an array suitable for sendRaw().

[in]decodeA ptr to a decode_results structure that contains a mesg.
A PTR to a dynamically allocated uint16_t sendRaw compatible array.
The returned array needs to be delete[]'ed/free()'ed (deallocated) after use by caller.

◆ resultToSourceCode()

String resultToSourceCode ( const decode_results *const  results)

Return a String containing the key values of a decode_results structure in a C/C++ code style format.

[in]resultsA ptr to a decode_results structure.
A String containing the code-ified result.

◆ resultToTimingInfo()

String resultToTimingInfo ( const decode_results *const  results)

Dump out the decode_results structure.

[in]resultsA ptr to a decode_results structure.
A String containing the legacy information format.
This is only for those that want this legacy format.

◆ reverseBits()

uint64_t reverseBits ( uint64_t  input,
uint16_t  nbits 

Reverse the order of the requested least significant nr. of bits.

[in]inputBit pattern/integer to reverse.
[in]nbitsNr. of bits to reverse. (LSB -> MSB)
The reversed bit pattern.

◆ serialPrintUint64()

void serialPrintUint64 ( uint64_t  input,
uint8_t  base 

Print a uint64_t/unsigned long long to the Serial port Serial.print() can't handle printing long longs. (uint64_t)

[in]inputThe value to print
[in]baseThe output base.

◆ strToDecodeType()

decode_type_t strToDecodeType ( const char *const  str)

Convert a C-style string to a decode_type_t.

[in]strA C-style string containing a protocol name or number.
A decode_type_t enum. (decode_type_t::UNKNOWN if no match.)

◆ sumBytes()

uint8_t sumBytes ( const uint8_t *const  start,
const uint16_t  length,
const uint8_t  init 

Sum all the bytes of an array and return the least significant 8-bits of the result.

[in]startA ptr to the start of the byte array to calculate over.
[in]lengthHow many bytes to use in the calculation.
[in]initStarting value of the calculation to use. (Default is 0)
The 8-bit calculated result of all the bytes and init value.

◆ typeToString()

String typeToString ( const decode_type_t  protocol,
const bool  isRepeat 

Convert a protocol type (enum etc) to a human readable string.

[in]protocolNr. (enum) of the protocol.
[in]isRepeatA flag indicating if it is a repeat message.
A String containing the protocol name. kUnknownStr if no match.

◆ uint64ToString()

String uint64ToString ( uint64_t  input,
uint8_t  base 

Convert a uint64_t (unsigned long long) to a string. Arduino String/toInt/Serial.print() can't handle printing 64 bit values.

[in]inputThe value to print
[in]baseThe output base.
A String representation of the integer.
Based on Arduino's Print::printNumber()

◆ xorBytes()

uint8_t xorBytes ( const uint8_t *const  start,
const uint16_t  length,
const uint8_t  init 

Calculate a rolling XOR of all the bytes of an array.

[in]startA ptr to the start of the byte array to calculate over.
[in]lengthHow many bytes to use in the calculation.
[in]initStarting value of the calculation to use. (Default is 0)
The 8-bit calculated result of all the bytes and init value.