Classes | Variables
ir_Goodweather.h File Reference

Support for Goodweather compatible HVAC protocols. More...

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class  IRGoodweatherAc
 Class for handling detailed Goodweather A/C messages. More...


const uint16_t kGoodweatherBitMark = 580
const uint16_t kGoodweatherOneSpace = 580
const uint16_t kGoodweatherZeroSpace = 1860
const uint16_t kGoodweatherHdrMark = 6820
const uint16_t kGoodweatherHdrSpace = 6820
const uint8_t kGoodweatherExtraTolerance = 12
const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitLight = 8
const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitTurbo = kGoodweatherBitLight + 3
const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitCommand = kGoodweatherBitTurbo + 5
const uint8_t kGoodweatherCommandSize = 4
const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitSleep = kGoodweatherBitCommand + 8
const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitPower = kGoodweatherBitSleep + 1
const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitSwing = kGoodweatherBitPower + 1
const uint8_t kGoodweatherSwingSize = 2
const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitAirFlow = kGoodweatherBitSwing + 2
const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitFan = kGoodweatherBitAirFlow + 1
const uint8_t kGoodweatherFanSize = 2
const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitTemp = kGoodweatherBitFan + 3
const uint8_t kGoodweatherTempSize = 4
const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitMode = kGoodweatherBitTemp + 5
const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitEOF = kGoodweatherBitMode + 3
const uint64_t kGoodweatherEOFMask = 0xFFULL << kGoodweatherBitEOF
const uint8_t kGoodweatherAuto = 0b000
const uint8_t kGoodweatherCool = 0b001
const uint8_t kGoodweatherDry = 0b010
const uint8_t kGoodweatherFan = 0b011
const uint8_t kGoodweatherHeat = 0b100
const uint8_t kGoodweatherSwingFast = 0b00
const uint8_t kGoodweatherSwingSlow = 0b01
const uint8_t kGoodweatherSwingOff = 0b10
const uint8_t kGoodweatherFanAuto = 0b00
const uint8_t kGoodweatherFanHigh = 0b01
const uint8_t kGoodweatherFanMed = 0b10
const uint8_t kGoodweatherFanLow = 0b11
const uint8_t kGoodweatherTempMin = 16
const uint8_t kGoodweatherTempMax = 31
const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdPower = 0x00
const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdMode = 0x01
const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdUpTemp = 0x02
const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdDownTemp = 0x03
const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdSwing = 0x04
const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdFan = 0x05
const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdTimer = 0x06
const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdAirFlow = 0x07
const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdHold = 0x08
const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdSleep = 0x09
const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdTurbo = 0x0A
const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdLight = 0x0B
const uint64_t kGoodweatherStateInit = 0xD50000000000

Detailed Description

Support for Goodweather compatible HVAC protocols.

See also

Variable Documentation

◆ kGoodweatherAuto

const uint8_t kGoodweatherAuto = 0b000

◆ kGoodweatherBitAirFlow

const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitAirFlow = kGoodweatherBitSwing + 2

◆ kGoodweatherBitCommand

const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitCommand = kGoodweatherBitTurbo + 5

◆ kGoodweatherBitEOF

const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitEOF = kGoodweatherBitMode + 3

◆ kGoodweatherBitFan

const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitFan = kGoodweatherBitAirFlow + 1

◆ kGoodweatherBitLight

const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitLight = 8

◆ kGoodweatherBitMark

const uint16_t kGoodweatherBitMark = 580

◆ kGoodweatherBitMode

const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitMode = kGoodweatherBitTemp + 5

◆ kGoodweatherBitPower

const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitPower = kGoodweatherBitSleep + 1

◆ kGoodweatherBitSleep

const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitSleep = kGoodweatherBitCommand + 8

◆ kGoodweatherBitSwing

const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitSwing = kGoodweatherBitPower + 1

◆ kGoodweatherBitTemp

const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitTemp = kGoodweatherBitFan + 3

◆ kGoodweatherBitTurbo

const uint8_t kGoodweatherBitTurbo = kGoodweatherBitLight + 3

◆ kGoodweatherCmdAirFlow

const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdAirFlow = 0x07

◆ kGoodweatherCmdDownTemp

const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdDownTemp = 0x03

◆ kGoodweatherCmdFan

const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdFan = 0x05

◆ kGoodweatherCmdHold

const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdHold = 0x08

◆ kGoodweatherCmdLight

const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdLight = 0x0B

◆ kGoodweatherCmdMode

const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdMode = 0x01

◆ kGoodweatherCmdPower

const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdPower = 0x00

◆ kGoodweatherCmdSleep

const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdSleep = 0x09

◆ kGoodweatherCmdSwing

const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdSwing = 0x04

◆ kGoodweatherCmdTimer

const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdTimer = 0x06

◆ kGoodweatherCmdTurbo

const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdTurbo = 0x0A

◆ kGoodweatherCmdUpTemp

const uint8_t kGoodweatherCmdUpTemp = 0x02

◆ kGoodweatherCommandSize

const uint8_t kGoodweatherCommandSize = 4

◆ kGoodweatherCool

const uint8_t kGoodweatherCool = 0b001

◆ kGoodweatherDry

const uint8_t kGoodweatherDry = 0b010

◆ kGoodweatherEOFMask

const uint64_t kGoodweatherEOFMask = 0xFFULL << kGoodweatherBitEOF

◆ kGoodweatherExtraTolerance

const uint8_t kGoodweatherExtraTolerance = 12

◆ kGoodweatherFan

const uint8_t kGoodweatherFan = 0b011

◆ kGoodweatherFanAuto

const uint8_t kGoodweatherFanAuto = 0b00

◆ kGoodweatherFanHigh

const uint8_t kGoodweatherFanHigh = 0b01

◆ kGoodweatherFanLow

const uint8_t kGoodweatherFanLow = 0b11

◆ kGoodweatherFanMed

const uint8_t kGoodweatherFanMed = 0b10

◆ kGoodweatherFanSize

const uint8_t kGoodweatherFanSize = 2

◆ kGoodweatherHdrMark

const uint16_t kGoodweatherHdrMark = 6820

◆ kGoodweatherHdrSpace

const uint16_t kGoodweatherHdrSpace = 6820

◆ kGoodweatherHeat

const uint8_t kGoodweatherHeat = 0b100

◆ kGoodweatherOneSpace

const uint16_t kGoodweatherOneSpace = 580

◆ kGoodweatherStateInit

const uint64_t kGoodweatherStateInit = 0xD50000000000

◆ kGoodweatherSwingFast

const uint8_t kGoodweatherSwingFast = 0b00

◆ kGoodweatherSwingOff

const uint8_t kGoodweatherSwingOff = 0b10

◆ kGoodweatherSwingSize

const uint8_t kGoodweatherSwingSize = 2

◆ kGoodweatherSwingSlow

const uint8_t kGoodweatherSwingSlow = 0b01

◆ kGoodweatherTempMax

const uint8_t kGoodweatherTempMax = 31

◆ kGoodweatherTempMin

const uint8_t kGoodweatherTempMin = 16

◆ kGoodweatherTempSize

const uint8_t kGoodweatherTempSize = 4

◆ kGoodweatherZeroSpace

const uint16_t kGoodweatherZeroSpace = 1860