Classes | Variables
ir_Toshiba.h File Reference

Support for Toshiba protocols. More...

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class  IRToshibaAC
 Class for handling detailed Toshiba A/C messages. More...


const uint8_t kToshibaAcLengthByte = 2
 Byte pos of the "length" attribute. More...
const uint8_t kToshibaAcMinLength = 6
 Min Nr. of bytes in a message. Known lengths are: 1 (56 bit message) 3 (72 bit message) 4 (80 bit message) More...
const uint16_t kToshibaAcInvertedLength = 4
 Nr. of leading bytes in inverted pairs. More...
const uint8_t kToshibaAcShortMsgBit = 5
 Mask 0b00x00000. More...
const uint8_t kToshibaAcLongMsgBit = 3
 Mask 0b00001000. More...
const uint8_t kToshibaAcSwingOffset = 0
 Bit offset. More...
const uint8_t kToshibaAcSwingSize = 2
 Mask 0b000000xx. More...
const uint8_t kToshibaAcSwingStep = 0
 0b00 More...
const uint8_t kToshibaAcSwingOn = 1
 0b01 More...
const uint8_t kToshibaAcSwingOff = 2
 0b10 More...
const uint8_t kToshibaAcTempOffset = 4
 Bit offset. More...
const uint8_t kToshibaAcTempSize = 4
 Mask 0bxxxx0000. More...
const uint8_t kToshibaAcMinTemp = 17
 17C More...
const uint8_t kToshibaAcMaxTemp = 30
 30C More...
const uint8_t kToshibaAcModeOffset = 0
const uint8_t kToshibaAcModeSize = 3
const uint8_t kToshibaAcAuto = 0
const uint8_t kToshibaAcCool = 1
const uint8_t kToshibaAcDry = 2
const uint8_t kToshibaAcHeat = 3
const uint8_t kToshibaAcFan = 4
const uint8_t kToshibaAcOff = 7
const uint8_t kToshibaAcFanOffset = 5
const uint8_t kToshibaAcFanSize = 3
const uint8_t kToshibaAcFanAuto = 0
const uint8_t kToshibaAcFanMin = 1
const uint8_t kToshibaAcFanMed = 3
const uint8_t kToshibaAcFanMax = 5
const uint8_t kToshibaAcEcoTurboOffset = 0
const uint8_t kToshibaAcEcoTurboSize = 2
const uint8_t kToshibaAcTurboOn = 1
const uint8_t kToshibaAcEconoOn = 3

Detailed Description

Support for Toshiba protocols.

See also

Variable Documentation

◆ kToshibaAcAuto

const uint8_t kToshibaAcAuto = 0

◆ kToshibaAcCool

const uint8_t kToshibaAcCool = 1

◆ kToshibaAcDry

const uint8_t kToshibaAcDry = 2

◆ kToshibaAcEconoOn

const uint8_t kToshibaAcEconoOn = 3

◆ kToshibaAcEcoTurboOffset

const uint8_t kToshibaAcEcoTurboOffset = 0

◆ kToshibaAcEcoTurboSize

const uint8_t kToshibaAcEcoTurboSize = 2

◆ kToshibaAcFan

const uint8_t kToshibaAcFan = 4

◆ kToshibaAcFanAuto

const uint8_t kToshibaAcFanAuto = 0

◆ kToshibaAcFanMax

const uint8_t kToshibaAcFanMax = 5

◆ kToshibaAcFanMed

const uint8_t kToshibaAcFanMed = 3

◆ kToshibaAcFanMin

const uint8_t kToshibaAcFanMin = 1

◆ kToshibaAcFanOffset

const uint8_t kToshibaAcFanOffset = 5

◆ kToshibaAcFanSize

const uint8_t kToshibaAcFanSize = 3

◆ kToshibaAcHeat

const uint8_t kToshibaAcHeat = 3

◆ kToshibaAcInvertedLength

const uint16_t kToshibaAcInvertedLength = 4

Nr. of leading bytes in inverted pairs.

◆ kToshibaAcLengthByte

const uint8_t kToshibaAcLengthByte = 2

Byte pos of the "length" attribute.

◆ kToshibaAcLongMsgBit

const uint8_t kToshibaAcLongMsgBit = 3

Mask 0b00001000.

◆ kToshibaAcMaxTemp

const uint8_t kToshibaAcMaxTemp = 30


◆ kToshibaAcMinLength

const uint8_t kToshibaAcMinLength = 6

Min Nr. of bytes in a message. Known lengths are: 1 (56 bit message) 3 (72 bit message) 4 (80 bit message)

◆ kToshibaAcMinTemp

const uint8_t kToshibaAcMinTemp = 17


◆ kToshibaAcModeOffset

const uint8_t kToshibaAcModeOffset = 0

◆ kToshibaAcModeSize

const uint8_t kToshibaAcModeSize = 3

◆ kToshibaAcOff

const uint8_t kToshibaAcOff = 7

◆ kToshibaAcShortMsgBit

const uint8_t kToshibaAcShortMsgBit = 5

Mask 0b00x00000.

◆ kToshibaAcSwingOff

const uint8_t kToshibaAcSwingOff = 2


◆ kToshibaAcSwingOffset

const uint8_t kToshibaAcSwingOffset = 0

Bit offset.

◆ kToshibaAcSwingOn

const uint8_t kToshibaAcSwingOn = 1


◆ kToshibaAcSwingSize

const uint8_t kToshibaAcSwingSize = 2

Mask 0b000000xx.

◆ kToshibaAcSwingStep

const uint8_t kToshibaAcSwingStep = 0


◆ kToshibaAcTempOffset

const uint8_t kToshibaAcTempOffset = 4

Bit offset.

◆ kToshibaAcTempSize

const uint8_t kToshibaAcTempSize = 4

Mask 0bxxxx0000.

◆ kToshibaAcTurboOn

const uint8_t kToshibaAcTurboOn = 1