

ScioSense ENS16x

Arduino library for the ENS160 and ENS161 digital four channel MOX gas sensor with I2C interface from ScioSense


This project is an Arduino library. It implements a driver with examples for the ENS160 and ENS161. The ENS16x chip is a digital gas sensor for TVOC and eCO2 with an I2C interface. The driver in this Arduino library is based on the code supplied by Sciosense, the manufacturer of the chip.

Note that the ENS16x requires a supply voltage of 1.71V .. 1.98V. The ENS16x also requires a IO voltage of 1.71V .. 3.6V.

The ENS16x is made by Sciosense.

  • The datasheet of the ENS160 is available through the website. The datasheet of ENS161 is not yet released but can be provided on request


It is assumed that

  • The Arduino IDE has been installed. If not, refer to "Install the Arduino Desktop IDE" on the Arduino site.
  • The library directory is at its default location. For me, that is C:\Users\sciosense\Documents\Arduino\libraries.


  • Visit the project page for the Arduino ENS16x library.
  • Click the green button Clone or download on the right side.
  • From the pop-up choose Download ZIP.
  • In Arduino IDE, select Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries ... and browse to the just downloaded ZIP file.
  • When the IDE is ready this README.md should be located at e.g. C:\Users\sciosense\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ScioSense_ENS16x\README.md.

Build an example

To build an example sketch

  • (Re)start Arduino.
  • Open File > Example > Examples from Custom Libraries > ENS16x > ENS16xbasic_normal
  • Make sure Tools > Board lists the correct board.
  • Select Sketch > Verify/Compile.

ScioSense is a Joint Venture of ams AG