
1658 lines
47 KiB

xdrv_23_zigbee_5__constants.ino - zigbee support for Tasmota
Copyright (C) 2021 Theo Arends and Stephan Hadinger
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Below is a compilation of Strings used in Zigbee commands and converters.
// Instead of using pointer to strings (4 bytes), we are using an offset (16 bits)
// into an array of strings - which leads to a 1/3 more compact structure.
// To generate the code below use https://tasmota.hadinger.fr/util
// and copy/paste the entire arrays `Z_PostProcess` and `Z_Commands` concatenated
// Note: the 'C' syntax is irrelevant, the parser only looks for `Z_(<string>)`
// In addition the Python3 code used is below:
/*Python code to generate code below
import re
pat = r"Z\(([^\)]+)\)" # extract text in Z() macro
def clean(s):
return s.strip(" \t\n\r")
def strings_to_pmem(arg):
#strings = arg.split("\n")
strings = re.findall(pat, arg)
# do some basic cleaning
strings_cleaned = [ clean(x) for x in strings if clean(x) != ""]
# remove duplicates
strings_cleaned = list(dict.fromkeys(strings_cleaned))
out_s = "const char Z_strings[] PROGMEM = \n"
out_i = "enum Z_offsets {\n"
index = 0;
# add a first empty string
out_s += " \"\\x00\"\n"
out_i += " Zo_ = " + str(index) + ",\n"
index += 1
for s in strings_cleaned:
out_s += " \"" + s + "\" \"\\x00\"\n"
out_i += " Zo_" + s + " = " + str(index) + ",\n"
index += len(s) + 1 # add one for null char
out_s += " \"\\x00\";"
out_i += "};"
return ("", out_s, out_i)
const char Z_strings[] PROGMEM =
"00" "\x00"
"00190200" "\x00"
"00xx0A00" "\x00"
"00xxxx000000000000" "\x00"
"01" "\x00"
"0101" "\x00"
"01190200" "\x00"
"01xx0A00" "\x00"
"01xxxx" "\x00"
"01xxxx000000000000" "\x00"
"01xxxx0A0000000000" "\x00"
"03xx0A00" "\x00"
"03xxxx000000000000" "\x00"
"03xxxx0A0000000000" "\x00"
"ACActivePowerOverload" "\x00"
"ACAlarmsMask" "\x00"
"ACCurrentDivisor" "\x00"
"ACCurrentMultiplier" "\x00"
"ACCurrentOverload" "\x00"
"ACFrequency" "\x00"
"ACFrequencyDivisor" "\x00"
"ACFrequencyMax" "\x00"
"ACFrequencyMin" "\x00"
"ACFrequencyMultiplier" "\x00"
"ACPowerDivisor" "\x00"
"ACPowerMultiplier" "\x00"
"ACReactivePowerOverload" "\x00"
"ACVoltageDivisor" "\x00"
"ACVoltageMultiplier" "\x00"
"ACVoltageOverload" "\x00"
"AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit" "\x00"
"AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit" "\x00"
"AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit" "\x00"
"AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit" "\x00"
"AccelerationTimeLift" "\x00"
"ActiveCurrent" "\x00"
"ActiveCurrentPhB" "\x00"
"ActiveCurrentPhC" "\x00"
"ActivePower" "\x00"
"ActivePowerMax" "\x00"
"ActivePowerMaxPhB" "\x00"
"ActivePowerMaxPhC" "\x00"
"ActivePowerMin" "\x00"
"ActivePowerMinPhB" "\x00"
"ActivePowerMinPhC" "\x00"
"ActivePowerPhB" "\x00"
"ActivePowerPhC" "\x00"
"ActuatorEnabled" "\x00"
"AddGroup" "\x00"
"AddScene" "\x00"
"AlarmCount" "\x00"
"AlarmMask" "\x00"
"AnalogApplicationType" "\x00"
"AnalogDescription" "\x00"
"AnalogEngineeringUnits" "\x00"
"AnalogInApplicationType" "\x00"
"AnalogInDescription" "\x00"
"AnalogInEngineeringUnits" "\x00"
"AnalogInMaxValue" "\x00"
"AnalogInMinValue" "\x00"
"AnalogInOutOfService" "\x00"
"AnalogInReliability" "\x00"
"AnalogInResolution" "\x00"
"AnalogInStatusFlags" "\x00"
"AnalogOutApplicationType" "\x00"
"AnalogOutDescription" "\x00"
"AnalogOutEngineeringUnits" "\x00"
"AnalogOutMaxValue" "\x00"
"AnalogOutMinValue" "\x00"
"AnalogOutOfService" "\x00"
"AnalogOutOutOfService" "\x00"
"AnalogOutReliability" "\x00"
"AnalogOutRelinquishDefault" "\x00"
"AnalogOutResolution" "\x00"
"AnalogOutStatusFlags" "\x00"
"AnalogOutValue" "\x00"
"AnalogPriorityArray" "\x00"
"AnalogReliability" "\x00"
"AnalogRelinquishDefault" "\x00"
"AnalogStatusFlags" "\x00"
"AnalogValue" "\x00"
"AppVersion" "\x00"
"ApparentPower" "\x00"
"ApparentPowerPhB" "\x00"
"ApparentPowerPhC" "\x00"
"AqaraAccelerometer" "\x00"
"AqaraRotate" "\x00"
"AqaraVibration505" "\x00"
"AqaraVibrationMode" "\x00"
"AqaraVibrationsOrAngle" "\x00"
"Aqara_FF05" "\x00"
"ArrowClick" "\x00"
"ArrowHold" "\x00"
"ArrowRelease" "\x00"
"AutoRelockTime" "\x00"
"AvailablePower" "\x00"
"AverageRMSOverVoltage" "\x00"
"AverageRMSOverVoltageCounter" "\x00"
"AverageRMSOverVoltageCounterPhB" "\x00"
"AverageRMSOverVoltageCounterPhC" "\x00"
"AverageRMSUnderVoltage" "\x00"
"AverageRMSUnderVoltageCounter" "\x00"
"AverageRMSUnderVoltageCounterPhB" "\x00"
"AverageRMSUnderVoltageCounterPhC" "\x00"
"AverageRMSVoltageMeasurementPeriod" "\x00"
"AverageRMSVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhB" "\x00"
"AverageRMSVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhC" "\x00"
"BallastFactorAdjustment" "\x00"
"BallastLampQuantity" "\x00"
"BallastMaxLevel" "\x00"
"BallastMinLevel" "\x00"
"BallastPhysicalMaxLevel" "\x00"
"BallastPhysicalMinLevel" "\x00"
"BallastPowerOnFadeTime" "\x00"
"BallastPowerOnLevel" "\x00"
"BallastStatus" "\x00"
"BatteryAHrRating" "\x00"
"BatteryAlarmMask" "\x00"
"BatteryAlarmState" "\x00"
"BatteryManufacturer" "\x00"
"BatteryPercentage" "\x00"
"BatteryPercentageMinThreshold" "\x00"
"BatteryPercentageThreshold1" "\x00"
"BatteryPercentageThreshold2" "\x00"
"BatteryPercentageThreshold3" "\x00"
"BatteryQuantity" "\x00"
"BatteryRatedVoltage" "\x00"
"BatterySize" "\x00"
"BatteryVoltage" "\x00"
"BatteryVoltageMinThreshold" "\x00"
"BatteryVoltageThreshold1" "\x00"
"BatteryVoltageThreshold2" "\x00"
"BatteryVoltageThreshold3" "\x00"
"BinaryActiveText" "\x00"
"BinaryApplicationType" "\x00"
"BinaryDescription" "\x00"
"BinaryInActiveText" "\x00"
"BinaryInApplicationType" "\x00"
"BinaryInDescription" "\x00"
"BinaryInInactiveText" "\x00"
"BinaryInOutOfService" "\x00"
"BinaryInPolarity" "\x00"
"BinaryInReliability" "\x00"
"BinaryInStatusFlags" "\x00"
"BinaryInValue" "\x00"
"BinaryInactiveText" "\x00"
"BinaryMinimumOffTime" "\x00"
"BinaryMinimumOnTime" "\x00"
"BinaryOutActiveText" "\x00"
"BinaryOutApplicationType" "\x00"
"BinaryOutDescription" "\x00"
"BinaryOutInactiveText" "\x00"
"BinaryOutMinimumOffTime" "\x00"
"BinaryOutMinimumOnTime" "\x00"
"BinaryOutOfService" "\x00"
"BinaryOutOutOfService" "\x00"
"BinaryOutPolarity" "\x00"
"BinaryOutReliability" "\x00"
"BinaryOutRelinquishDefault" "\x00"
"BinaryOutStatusFlags" "\x00"
"BinaryOutValue" "\x00"
"BinaryReliability" "\x00"
"BinaryRelinquishDefault" "\x00"
"BinaryStatusFlags" "\x00"
"BinaryValue" "\x00"
"BlockedGPDID" "\x00"
"CIE" "\x00"
"CO" "\x00"
"CT" "\x00"
"CalculationPeriod" "\x00"
"CcommissioningExitMode" "\x00"
"CheckinInterval" "\x00"
"CheckinIntervalMin" "\x00"
"ClientActiveFunctionality" "\x00"
"ClientFunctionality" "\x00"
"ClosedLimit" "\x00"
"Color" "\x00"
"ColorCapabilities" "\x00"
"ColorLoopActive" "\x00"
"ColorLoopDirection" "\x00"
"ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue" "\x00"
"ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue" "\x00"
"ColorLoopTime" "\x00"
"ColorMode" "\x00"
"ColorMove" "\x00"
"ColorPointBIntensity" "\x00"
"ColorPointBX" "\x00"
"ColorPointBY" "\x00"
"ColorPointGIntensity" "\x00"
"ColorPointGX" "\x00"
"ColorPointGY" "\x00"
"ColorPointRIntensity" "\x00"
"ColorPointRX" "\x00"
"ColorPointRY" "\x00"
"ColorStartUpColorTempireds" "\x00"
"ColorStep" "\x00"
"ColorTempMove" "\x00"
"ColorTempMoveDown" "\x00"
"ColorTempMoveStop" "\x00"
"ColorTempMoveUp" "\x00"
"ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds" "\x00"
"ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds" "\x00"
"ColorTempStep" "\x00"
"ColorTempStepDown" "\x00"
"ColorTempStepUp" "\x00"
"CommissioningWindow" "\x00"
"CommunicationMode" "\x00"
"CompanyName" "\x00"
"CompensationText" "\x00"
"ConfigStatus" "\x00"
"Contact" "\x00"
"ControlSequenceOfOperation" "\x00"
"ControlTemperature" "\x00"
"Coordinate1" "\x00"
"Coordinate2" "\x00"
"Coordinate3" "\x00"
"CurrentBlock" "\x00"
"CurrentBlockPeriodConsumptionDelivered" "\x00"
"CurrentGroup" "\x00"
"CurrentInletEnergyCarrierDemand" "\x00"
"CurrentInletEnergyCarrierSummation" "\x00"
"CurrentMaxDemandDelivered" "\x00"
"CurrentMaxDemandDeliveredTime" "\x00"
"CurrentMaxDemandReceived" "\x00"
"CurrentMaxDemandReceivedTime" "\x00"
"CurrentOutletEnergyCarrierDemand" "\x00"
"CurrentOutletEnergyCarrierSummation" "\x00"
"CurrentPositionLift" "\x00"
"CurrentPositionLiftPercentage" "\x00"
"CurrentPositionTilt" "\x00"
"CurrentPositionTiltPercentage" "\x00"
"CurrentScene" "\x00"
"CurrentSummationDelivered" "\x00"
"CurrentSummationReceived" "\x00"
"CurrentTemperature" "\x00"
"CurrentTemperatureSetPoint" "\x00"
"CurrentZoneSensitivityLevel" "\x00"
"CustomerName" "\x00"
"DCCurrent" "\x00"
"DCCurrentDivisor" "\x00"
"DCCurrentMax" "\x00"
"DCCurrentMin" "\x00"
"DCCurrentMultiplier" "\x00"
"DCCurrentOverload" "\x00"
"DCOverloadAlarmsMask" "\x00"
"DCPower" "\x00"
"DCPowerDivisor" "\x00"
"DCPowerMax" "\x00"
"DCPowerMin" "\x00"
"DCPowerMultiplier" "\x00"
"DCVoltage" "\x00"
"DCVoltageDivisor" "\x00"
"DCVoltageMax" "\x00"
"DCVoltageMin" "\x00"
"DCVoltageMultiplier" "\x00"
"DCVoltageOverload" "\x00"
"DFTSummation" "\x00"
"DailyConsumptionTarget" "\x00"
"DailyFreezeTime" "\x00"
"DataQualityID" "\x00"
"DateCode" "\x00"
"DecelerationTimeLift" "\x00"
"DefaultMoveRate" "\x00"
"DefaultUpdatePeriod" "\x00"
"DehumidificationCooling" "\x00"
"DehumidificationHysteresis" "\x00"
"DehumidificationLockout" "\x00"
"DehumidificationMaxCool" "\x00"
"DeviceEnabled" "\x00"
"DeviceTempAlarmMask" "\x00"
"Dimmer" "\x00"
"DimmerCurrentFrequency" "\x00"
"DimmerDown" "\x00"
"DimmerMaxFrequency" "\x00"
"DimmerMaxLevel" "\x00"
"DimmerMinFrequency" "\x00"
"DimmerMinLevel" "\x00"
"DimmerMove" "\x00"
"DimmerOptions" "\x00"
"DimmerRemainingTime" "\x00"
"DimmerStartUpLevel" "\x00"
"DimmerStep" "\x00"
"DimmerStepDown" "\x00"
"DimmerStepUp" "\x00"
"DimmerStop" "\x00"
"DimmerUp" "\x00"
"DisableLocalConfig" "\x00"
"DoorClosedEvents" "\x00"
"DoorOpenEvents" "\x00"
"DoorState" "\x00"
"DriftCompensation" "\x00"
"DstEnd" "\x00"
"DstShift" "\x00"
"DstStart" "\x00"
"ElectricalMeasurementType" "\x00"
"EnergyFormatting" "\x00"
"EnergyRemote" "\x00"
"EnhancedColorMode" "\x00"
"EnhancedCurrentHue" "\x00"
"EurotronicErrors" "\x00"
"EurotronicHostFlags" "\x00"
"FanMode" "\x00"
"FanModeSequence" "\x00"
"FastPollTimeout" "\x00"
"FastPollTimeoutMax" "\x00"
"FastPollUpdatePeriod" "\x00"
"Fire" "\x00"
"FlowMaxMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"FlowMinMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"FlowRate" "\x00"
"FlowRestriction" "\x00"
"FlowTolerance" "\x00"
"GPHueStop" "\x00"
"GPIdentify" "\x00"
"GPLevelStop" "\x00"
"GPLockDoor" "\x00"
"GPMoveColor" "\x00"
"GPMoveDown" "\x00"
"GPMoveDownOnOff" "\x00"
"GPMoveHueDown" "\x00"
"GPMoveHueUp" "\x00"
"GPMoveSatDown" "\x00"
"GPMoveSatUp" "\x00"
"GPMoveUp" "\x00"
"GPMoveUpOnOff" "\x00"
"GPOff" "\x00"
"GPOn" "\x00"
"GPPress1of1" "\x00"
"GPPress1of2" "\x00"
"GPPress2of2" "\x00"
"GPRelease" "\x00"
"GPRelease1of1" "\x00"
"GPRelease1of2" "\x00"
"GPRelease2of2" "\x00"
"GPSatStop" "\x00"
"GPScene0" "\x00"
"GPScene1" "\x00"
"GPScene10" "\x00"
"GPScene11" "\x00"
"GPScene12" "\x00"
"GPScene13" "\x00"
"GPScene14" "\x00"
"GPScene15" "\x00"
"GPScene2" "\x00"
"GPScene3" "\x00"
"GPScene4" "\x00"
"GPScene5" "\x00"
"GPScene6" "\x00"
"GPScene7" "\x00"
"GPScene8" "\x00"
"GPScene9" "\x00"
"GPShortPress1of1" "\x00"
"GPShortPress1of2" "\x00"
"GPShortPress2of2" "\x00"
"GPStepColor" "\x00"
"GPStepDown" "\x00"
"GPStepDownOnOff" "\x00"
"GPStepHueDown" "\x00"
"GPStepHueUp" "\x00"
"GPStepSatDown" "\x00"
"GPStepSatUp" "\x00"
"GPStepUp" "\x00"
"GPStepUpOnOff" "\x00"
"GPToggle" "\x00"
"GPUnlockDoor" "\x00"
"GenericDeviceClass" "\x00"
"GenericDeviceType" "\x00"
"GetAllGroups" "\x00"
"GetGroup" "\x00"
"GetSceneMembership" "\x00"
"GlassBreak" "\x00"
"GroupNameSupport" "\x00"
"HVACSystemTypeConfiguration" "\x00"
"HWVersion" "\x00"
"HarmonicCurrentMultiplier" "\x00"
"HighTempDwellTripPoint" "\x00"
"HighTempThreshold" "\x00"
"Hue" "\x00"
"HueMove" "\x00"
"HueSat" "\x00"
"HueStep" "\x00"
"HueStepDown" "\x00"
"HueStepUp" "\x00"
"Humidity" "\x00"
"HumidityMaxMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"HumidityMinMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"HumidityTolerance" "\x00"
"IASCIEAddress" "\x00"
"Identify" "\x00"
"IdentifyQuery" "\x00"
"IdentifyTime" "\x00"
"Illuminance" "\x00"
"IlluminanceLevelStatus" "\x00"
"IlluminanceLightSensorType" "\x00"
"IlluminanceMaxMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"IlluminanceMinMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"IlluminanceTargetLevel" "\x00"
"IlluminanceTolerance" "\x00"
"InletTemperature" "\x00"
"InstalledClosedLimitLift" "\x00"
"InstalledClosedLimitTilt" "\x00"
"InstalledOpenLimitLift" "\x00"
"InstalledOpenLimitTilt" "\x00"
"IntermediateSetpointsLift" "\x00"
"IntermediateSetpointsTilt" "\x00"
"IntervalReadReportingPeriod" "\x00"
"IntrinsicBallastFactor" "\x00"
"LampAlarmMode" "\x00"
"LampBurnHours" "\x00"
"LampBurnHoursTripPoint" "\x00"
"LampManufacturer" "\x00"
"LampRatedHours" "\x00"
"LampType" "\x00"
"LastConfiguredBy" "\x00"
"LastMessageLQI" "\x00"
"LastMessageRSSI" "\x00"
"LastSetTime" "\x00"
"LegrandHeatingMode" "\x00"
"LegrandMode" "\x00"
"LegrandOpt1" "\x00"
"LegrandOpt2" "\x00"
"LegrandOpt3" "\x00"
"LidlPower" "\x00"
"LineCurrent" "\x00"
"LineCurrentPhB" "\x00"
"LineCurrentPhC" "\x00"
"LinkKey" "\x00"
"LocalTemperature" "\x00"
"LocalTemperatureCalibration" "\x00"
"LocalTime" "\x00"
"LocationAge" "\x00"
"LocationDescription" "\x00"
"LocationMethod" "\x00"
"LocationPower" "\x00"
"LocationType" "\x00"
"LockAlarmMask" "\x00"
"LockDefaultConfigurationRegister" "\x00"
"LockEnableInsideStatusLED" "\x00"
"LockEnableLocalProgramming" "\x00"
"LockEnableLogging" "\x00"
"LockEnableOneTouchLocking" "\x00"
"LockEnablePrivacyModeButton" "\x00"
"LockKeypadOperationEventMask" "\x00"
"LockKeypadProgrammingEventMask" "\x00"
"LockLEDSettings" "\x00"
"LockLanguage" "\x00"
"LockManualOperationEventMask" "\x00"
"LockOperatingMode" "\x00"
"LockRFIDOperationEventMask" "\x00"
"LockRFIDProgrammingEventMask" "\x00"
"LockRFOperationEventMask" "\x00"
"LockRFProgrammingEventMask" "\x00"
"LockSoundVolume" "\x00"
"LockState" "\x00"
"LockSupportedOperatingModes" "\x00"
"LockType" "\x00"
"LongPollInterval" "\x00"
"LongPollIntervalMin" "\x00"
"LowTempDwellTripPoint" "\x00"
"LowTempThreshold" "\x00"
"MainsAlarmMask" "\x00"
"MainsFrequency" "\x00"
"MainsVoltage" "\x00"
"MainsVoltageDwellTripPoint" "\x00"
"MainsVoltageMaxThreshold" "\x00"
"MainsVoltageMinThreshold" "\x00"
"Manufacturer" "\x00"
"MaxCoolSetpointLimit" "\x00"
"MaxHeatSetpointLimit" "\x00"
"MaxPINCodeLength" "\x00"
"MaxProxyTableEntries" "\x00"
"MaxRFIDCodeLength" "\x00"
"MaxSearchCounter" "\x00"
"MaxSinkTableEntries" "\x00"
"MaxTempExperienced" "\x00"
"Measured11thHarmonicCurrent" "\x00"
"Measured1stHarmonicCurrent" "\x00"
"Measured3rdHarmonicCurrent" "\x00"
"Measured5thHarmonicCurrent" "\x00"
"Measured7thHarmonicCurrent" "\x00"
"Measured9thHarmonicCurrent" "\x00"
"MeasuredPhase11thHarmonicCurrent" "\x00"
"MeasuredPhase1stHarmonicCurrent" "\x00"
"MeasuredPhase3rdHarmonicCurrent" "\x00"
"MeasuredPhase5thHarmonicCurrent" "\x00"
"MeasuredPhase7thHarmonicCurrent" "\x00"
"MeasuredPhase9thHarmonicCurrent" "\x00"
"MeterTypeID" "\x00"
"MinCoolSetpointLimit" "\x00"
"MinHeatSetpointLimit" "\x00"
"MinPINCodeLength" "\x00"
"MinRFIDCodeLength" "\x00"
"MinSetpointDeadBand" "\x00"
"MinTempExperienced" "\x00"
"Mode" "\x00"
"Model" "\x00"
"ModelId" "\x00"
"MotorStepSize" "\x00"
"Movement" "\x00"
"MullerLightMode" "\x00"
"MultiApplicationType" "\x00"
"MultiDescription" "\x00"
"MultiInApplicationType" "\x00"
"MultiInDescription" "\x00"
"MultiInNumberOfStates" "\x00"
"MultiInOutOfService" "\x00"
"MultiInReliability" "\x00"
"MultiInStatusFlags" "\x00"
"MultiInValue" "\x00"
"MultiNumberOfStates" "\x00"
"MultiOutApplicationType" "\x00"
"MultiOutDescription" "\x00"
"MultiOutNumberOfStates" "\x00"
"MultiOutOfService" "\x00"
"MultiOutOutOfService" "\x00"
"MultiOutReliability" "\x00"
"MultiOutRelinquishDefault" "\x00"
"MultiOutStatusFlags" "\x00"
"MultiOutValue" "\x00"
"MultiReliability" "\x00"
"MultiRelinquishDefault" "\x00"
"MultiStatusFlags" "\x00"
"MultiValue" "\x00"
"MultipleScheduling" "\x00"
"NeutralCurrent" "\x00"
"NotificationRetryNumber" "\x00"
"NotificationRetryTimer" "\x00"
"NumberOfDevices" "\x00"
"NumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported" "\x00"
"NumberOfLogRecordsSupported" "\x00"
"NumberOfPINUsersSupported" "\x00"
"NumberOfPrimaries" "\x00"
"NumberOfRFIDUsersSupported" "\x00"
"NumberOfResets" "\x00"
"NumberOfTotalUsersSupported" "\x00"
"NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser" "\x00"
"NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser" "\x00"
"NumberOfZoneSensitivityLevelsSupported" "\x00"
"NumberRSSIMeasurements" "\x00"
"NumberofActuationsLift" "\x00"
"NumberofActuationsTilt" "\x00"
"Occupancy" "\x00"
"OccupancySensorType" "\x00"
"OccupiedCoolingSetpoint" "\x00"
"OccupiedHeatingSetpoint" "\x00"
"OffTransitionTime" "\x00"
"OffWaitTime" "\x00"
"OnLevel" "\x00"
"OnOff" "\x00"
"OnOffTransitionTime" "\x00"
"OnTime" "\x00"
"OnTransitionTime" "\x00"
"OpenPeriod" "\x00"
"OppleMode" "\x00"
"OutdoorTemperature" "\x00"
"OutletTemperature" "\x00"
"OverTempTotalDwell" "\x00"
"PICoolingDemand" "\x00"
"PIHeatingDemand" "\x00"
"PIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay" "\x00"
"PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay" "\x00"
"PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold" "\x00"
"POD" "\x00"
"Panic" "\x00"
"PartNumber" "\x00"
"PathLossExponent" "\x00"
"PersistentMemoryWrites" "\x00"
"PersonalAlarm" "\x00"
"PhaseHarmonicCurrentMultiplier" "\x00"
"PhysicalClosedLimit" "\x00"
"PhysicalClosedLimitLift" "\x00"
"PhysicalClosedLimitTilt" "\x00"
"PhysicalEnvironment" "\x00"
"Power" "\x00"
"PowerDivisor" "\x00"
"PowerFactor" "\x00"
"PowerFactorPhB" "\x00"
"PowerFactorPhC" "\x00"
"PowerMultiplier" "\x00"
"PowerOffEffect" "\x00"
"PowerOnRecall" "\x00"
"PowerOnTimer" "\x00"
"PowerSource" "\x00"
"PowerThreshold" "\x00"
"PresetReadingTime" "\x00"
"Pressure" "\x00"
"PressureMaxMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"PressureMaxScaledValue" "\x00"
"PressureMinMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"PressureMinScaledValue" "\x00"
"PressureScale" "\x00"
"PressureScaledTolerance" "\x00"
"PressureScaledValue" "\x00"
"PressureTolerance" "\x00"
"PreviousBlockPeriodConsumptionDelivered" "\x00"
"Primary1Intensity" "\x00"
"Primary1X" "\x00"
"Primary1Y" "\x00"
"Primary2Intensity" "\x00"
"Primary2X" "\x00"
"Primary2Y" "\x00"
"Primary3Intensity" "\x00"
"Primary3X" "\x00"
"Primary3Y" "\x00"
"Primary4Intensity" "\x00"
"Primary4X" "\x00"
"Primary4Y" "\x00"
"Primary5Intensity" "\x00"
"Primary5X" "\x00"
"Primary5Y" "\x00"
"Primary6Intensity" "\x00"
"Primary6X" "\x00"
"Primary6Y" "\x00"
"ProductCode" "\x00"
"ProductRevision" "\x00"
"ProductURL" "\x00"
"ProfileIntervalPeriod" "\x00"
"ProxyTable" "\x00"
"QualityMeasure" "\x00"
"RGB" "\x00"
"RHDehumidificationSetpoint" "\x00"
"RMSCurrent" "\x00"
"RMSCurrentMax" "\x00"
"RMSCurrentMaxPhB" "\x00"
"RMSCurrentMaxPhC" "\x00"
"RMSCurrentMin" "\x00"
"RMSCurrentMinPhB" "\x00"
"RMSCurrentMinPhC" "\x00"
"RMSCurrentPhB" "\x00"
"RMSCurrentPhC" "\x00"
"RMSExtremeOverVoltage" "\x00"
"RMSExtremeOverVoltagePeriod" "\x00"
"RMSExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhB" "\x00"
"RMSExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhC" "\x00"
"RMSExtremeUnderVoltage" "\x00"
"RMSExtremeUnderVoltagePeriod" "\x00"
"RMSExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhB" "\x00"
"RMSExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhC" "\x00"
"RMSVoltage" "\x00"
"RMSVoltageMax" "\x00"
"RMSVoltageMaxPhB" "\x00"
"RMSVoltageMaxPhC" "\x00"
"RMSVoltageMin" "\x00"
"RMSVoltageMinPhB" "\x00"
"RMSVoltageMinPhC" "\x00"
"RMSVoltagePhB" "\x00"
"RMSVoltagePhC" "\x00"
"RMSVoltageSag" "\x00"
"RMSVoltageSagPeriod" "\x00"
"RMSVoltageSagPeriodPhB" "\x00"
"RMSVoltageSagPeriodPhC" "\x00"
"RMSVoltageSwell" "\x00"
"RMSVoltageSwellPeriod" "\x00"
"RMSVoltageSwellPeriodPhB" "\x00"
"RMSVoltageSwellPeriodPhC" "\x00"
"ReactiveCurrent" "\x00"
"ReactiveCurrentPhB" "\x00"
"ReactiveCurrentPhC" "\x00"
"ReactivePower" "\x00"
"ReactivePowerPhB" "\x00"
"ReactivePowerPhC" "\x00"
"ReadingSnapShotTime" "\x00"
"RecallScene" "\x00"
"RelativeHumidity" "\x00"
"RelativeHumidityDisplay" "\x00"
"RelativeHumidityMode" "\x00"
"RemainingTime" "\x00"
"RemoteSensing" "\x00"
"RemoveAllGroups" "\x00"
"RemoveAllScenes" "\x00"
"RemoveGroup" "\x00"
"RemoveScene" "\x00"
"ReportingPeriod" "\x00"
"ResetAlarm" "\x00"
"ResetAllAlarms" "\x00"
"SWBuildID" "\x00"
"Sat" "\x00"
"SatMove" "\x00"
"SatStep" "\x00"
"SceneCount" "\x00"
"SceneNameSupport" "\x00"
"SceneValid" "\x00"
"ScheduleMode" "\x00"
"SeaPressure" "\x00"
"SecurityLevel" "\x00"
"ServerActiveFunctionality" "\x00"
"ServerFunctionality" "\x00"
"SharedSecurityKey" "\x00"
"SharedSecurityKeyType" "\x00"
"ShortPollInterval" "\x00"
"Shutter" "\x00"
"ShutterClose" "\x00"
"ShutterLift" "\x00"
"ShutterOpen" "\x00"
"ShutterStop" "\x00"
"ShutterTilt" "\x00"
"SinkTable" "\x00"
"SoftwareRevision" "\x00"
"StackVersion" "\x00"
"StandardTime" "\x00"
"StartUpOnOff" "\x00"
"Status" "\x00"
"StoreScene" "\x00"
"SupplyStatus" "\x00"
"SwitchActions" "\x00"
"SwitchType" "\x00"
"SystemMode" "\x00"
"TRVBoost" "\x00"
"TRVChildProtection" "\x00"
"TRVMirrorDisplay" "\x00"
"TRVMode" "\x00"
"TRVWindowOpen" "\x00"
"TempTarget" "\x00"
"Temperature" "\x00"
"TemperatureDisplayMode" "\x00"
"TemperatureMaxMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"TemperatureMinMeasuredValue" "\x00"
"TemperatureTolerance" "\x00"
"TerncyDuration" "\x00"
"TerncyRotate" "\x00"
"ThSetpoint" "\x00"
"ThermostatAlarmMask" "\x00"
"ThermostatKeypadLockout" "\x00"
"ThermostatOccupancy" "\x00"
"ThermostatRunningMode" "\x00"
"ThermostatScheduleProgrammingVisibility" "\x00"
"Time" "\x00"
"TimeEpoch" "\x00"
"TimeStatus" "\x00"
"TimeZone" "\x00"
"TotalActivePower" "\x00"
"TotalApparentPower" "\x00"
"TotalProfileNum" "\x00"
"TotalReactivePower" "\x00"
"TuyaCalibration" "\x00"
"TuyaCalibrationTime" "\x00"
"TuyaMCUVersion" "\x00"
"TuyaMotorReversal" "\x00"
"TuyaMovingState" "\x00"
"TuyaQuery" "\x00"
"UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint" "\x00"
"UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint" "\x00"
"UtilityName" "\x00"
"ValidUntilTime" "\x00"
"ValvePosition" "\x00"
"VelocityLift" "\x00"
"ViewGroup" "\x00"
"ViewScene" "\x00"
"VolumePerReport" "\x00"
"Water" "\x00"
"WhitePointX" "\x00"
"WhitePointY" "\x00"
"WindowCoveringType" "\x00"
"X" "\x00"
"Y" "\x00"
"ZCLVersion" "\x00"
"ZoneID" "\x00"
"ZoneState" "\x00"
"ZoneStatus" "\x00"
"ZoneStatusChange" "\x00"
"ZoneType" "\x00"
"_" "\x00"
"xx" "\x00"
"xx000A00" "\x00"
"xx0A" "\x00"
"xx0A00" "\x00"
"xx19" "\x00"
"xx190A" "\x00"
"xx190A00" "\x00"
"xxxx" "\x00"
"xxxx00" "\x00"
"xxxx0A00" "\x00"
"xxxxyy" "\x00"
"xxxxyyyy" "\x00"
"xxxxyyyy0A00" "\x00"
"xxxxyyzz" "\x00"
"xxyy" "\x00"
"xxyy0A00" "\x00"
"xxyyyy" "\x00"
"xxyyyy000000000000" "\x00"
"xxyyyy0A0000000000" "\x00"
"xxyyyyzz" "\x00"
"xxyyyyzzzz" "\x00"
"xxyyzzzz" "\x00"
enum Z_offsets {
Zo_ = 0,
Zo_00 = 1,
Zo_00190200 = 4,
Zo_00xx0A00 = 13,
Zo_00xxxx000000000000 = 22,
Zo_01 = 41,
Zo_0101 = 44,
Zo_01190200 = 49,
Zo_01xx0A00 = 58,
Zo_01xxxx = 67,
Zo_01xxxx000000000000 = 74,
Zo_01xxxx0A0000000000 = 93,
Zo_03xx0A00 = 112,
Zo_03xxxx000000000000 = 121,
Zo_03xxxx0A0000000000 = 140,
Zo_ACActivePowerOverload = 159,
Zo_ACAlarmsMask = 181,
Zo_ACCurrentDivisor = 194,
Zo_ACCurrentMultiplier = 211,
Zo_ACCurrentOverload = 231,
Zo_ACFrequency = 249,
Zo_ACFrequencyDivisor = 261,
Zo_ACFrequencyMax = 280,
Zo_ACFrequencyMin = 295,
Zo_ACFrequencyMultiplier = 310,
Zo_ACPowerDivisor = 332,
Zo_ACPowerMultiplier = 347,
Zo_ACReactivePowerOverload = 365,
Zo_ACVoltageDivisor = 389,
Zo_ACVoltageMultiplier = 406,
Zo_ACVoltageOverload = 426,
Zo_AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit = 444,
Zo_AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit = 468,
Zo_AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit = 492,
Zo_AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit = 516,
Zo_AccelerationTimeLift = 540,
Zo_ActiveCurrent = 561,
Zo_ActiveCurrentPhB = 575,
Zo_ActiveCurrentPhC = 592,
Zo_ActivePower = 609,
Zo_ActivePowerMax = 621,
Zo_ActivePowerMaxPhB = 636,
Zo_ActivePowerMaxPhC = 654,
Zo_ActivePowerMin = 672,
Zo_ActivePowerMinPhB = 687,
Zo_ActivePowerMinPhC = 705,
Zo_ActivePowerPhB = 723,
Zo_ActivePowerPhC = 738,
Zo_ActuatorEnabled = 753,
Zo_AddGroup = 769,
Zo_AddScene = 778,
Zo_AlarmCount = 787,
Zo_AlarmMask = 798,
Zo_AnalogApplicationType = 808,
Zo_AnalogDescription = 830,
Zo_AnalogEngineeringUnits = 848,
Zo_AnalogInApplicationType = 871,
Zo_AnalogInDescription = 895,
Zo_AnalogInEngineeringUnits = 915,
Zo_AnalogInMaxValue = 940,
Zo_AnalogInMinValue = 957,
Zo_AnalogInOutOfService = 974,
Zo_AnalogInReliability = 995,
Zo_AnalogInResolution = 1015,
Zo_AnalogInStatusFlags = 1034,
Zo_AnalogOutApplicationType = 1054,
Zo_AnalogOutDescription = 1079,
Zo_AnalogOutEngineeringUnits = 1100,
Zo_AnalogOutMaxValue = 1126,
Zo_AnalogOutMinValue = 1144,
Zo_AnalogOutOfService = 1162,
Zo_AnalogOutOutOfService = 1181,
Zo_AnalogOutReliability = 1203,
Zo_AnalogOutRelinquishDefault = 1224,
Zo_AnalogOutResolution = 1251,
Zo_AnalogOutStatusFlags = 1271,
Zo_AnalogOutValue = 1292,
Zo_AnalogPriorityArray = 1307,
Zo_AnalogReliability = 1327,
Zo_AnalogRelinquishDefault = 1345,
Zo_AnalogStatusFlags = 1369,
Zo_AnalogValue = 1387,
Zo_AppVersion = 1399,
Zo_ApparentPower = 1410,
Zo_ApparentPowerPhB = 1424,
Zo_ApparentPowerPhC = 1441,
Zo_AqaraAccelerometer = 1458,
Zo_AqaraRotate = 1477,
Zo_AqaraVibration505 = 1489,
Zo_AqaraVibrationMode = 1507,
Zo_AqaraVibrationsOrAngle = 1526,
Zo_Aqara_FF05 = 1549,
Zo_ArrowClick = 1560,
Zo_ArrowHold = 1571,
Zo_ArrowRelease = 1581,
Zo_AutoRelockTime = 1594,
Zo_AvailablePower = 1609,
Zo_AverageRMSOverVoltage = 1624,
Zo_AverageRMSOverVoltageCounter = 1646,
Zo_AverageRMSOverVoltageCounterPhB = 1675,
Zo_AverageRMSOverVoltageCounterPhC = 1707,
Zo_AverageRMSUnderVoltage = 1739,
Zo_AverageRMSUnderVoltageCounter = 1762,
Zo_AverageRMSUnderVoltageCounterPhB = 1792,
Zo_AverageRMSUnderVoltageCounterPhC = 1825,
Zo_AverageRMSVoltageMeasurementPeriod = 1858,
Zo_AverageRMSVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhB = 1893,
Zo_AverageRMSVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhC = 1931,
Zo_BallastFactorAdjustment = 1969,
Zo_BallastLampQuantity = 1993,
Zo_BallastMaxLevel = 2013,
Zo_BallastMinLevel = 2029,
Zo_BallastPhysicalMaxLevel = 2045,
Zo_BallastPhysicalMinLevel = 2069,
Zo_BallastPowerOnFadeTime = 2093,
Zo_BallastPowerOnLevel = 2116,
Zo_BallastStatus = 2136,
Zo_BatteryAHrRating = 2150,
Zo_BatteryAlarmMask = 2167,
Zo_BatteryAlarmState = 2184,
Zo_BatteryManufacturer = 2202,
Zo_BatteryPercentage = 2222,
Zo_BatteryPercentageMinThreshold = 2240,
Zo_BatteryPercentageThreshold1 = 2270,
Zo_BatteryPercentageThreshold2 = 2298,
Zo_BatteryPercentageThreshold3 = 2326,
Zo_BatteryQuantity = 2354,
Zo_BatteryRatedVoltage = 2370,
Zo_BatterySize = 2390,
Zo_BatteryVoltage = 2402,
Zo_BatteryVoltageMinThreshold = 2417,
Zo_BatteryVoltageThreshold1 = 2444,
Zo_BatteryVoltageThreshold2 = 2469,
Zo_BatteryVoltageThreshold3 = 2494,
Zo_BinaryActiveText = 2519,
Zo_BinaryApplicationType = 2536,
Zo_BinaryDescription = 2558,
Zo_BinaryInActiveText = 2576,
Zo_BinaryInApplicationType = 2595,
Zo_BinaryInDescription = 2619,
Zo_BinaryInInactiveText = 2639,
Zo_BinaryInOutOfService = 2660,
Zo_BinaryInPolarity = 2681,
Zo_BinaryInReliability = 2698,
Zo_BinaryInStatusFlags = 2718,
Zo_BinaryInValue = 2738,
Zo_BinaryInactiveText = 2752,
Zo_BinaryMinimumOffTime = 2771,
Zo_BinaryMinimumOnTime = 2792,
Zo_BinaryOutActiveText = 2812,
Zo_BinaryOutApplicationType = 2832,
Zo_BinaryOutDescription = 2857,
Zo_BinaryOutInactiveText = 2878,
Zo_BinaryOutMinimumOffTime = 2900,
Zo_BinaryOutMinimumOnTime = 2924,
Zo_BinaryOutOfService = 2947,
Zo_BinaryOutOutOfService = 2966,
Zo_BinaryOutPolarity = 2988,
Zo_BinaryOutReliability = 3006,
Zo_BinaryOutRelinquishDefault = 3027,
Zo_BinaryOutStatusFlags = 3054,
Zo_BinaryOutValue = 3075,
Zo_BinaryReliability = 3090,
Zo_BinaryRelinquishDefault = 3108,
Zo_BinaryStatusFlags = 3132,
Zo_BinaryValue = 3150,
Zo_BlockedGPDID = 3162,
Zo_CIE = 3175,
Zo_CO = 3179,
Zo_CT = 3182,
Zo_CalculationPeriod = 3185,
Zo_CcommissioningExitMode = 3203,
Zo_CheckinInterval = 3226,
Zo_CheckinIntervalMin = 3242,
Zo_ClientActiveFunctionality = 3261,
Zo_ClientFunctionality = 3287,
Zo_ClosedLimit = 3307,
Zo_Color = 3319,
Zo_ColorCapabilities = 3325,
Zo_ColorLoopActive = 3343,
Zo_ColorLoopDirection = 3359,
Zo_ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue = 3378,
Zo_ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue = 3404,
Zo_ColorLoopTime = 3431,
Zo_ColorMode = 3445,
Zo_ColorMove = 3455,
Zo_ColorPointBIntensity = 3465,
Zo_ColorPointBX = 3486,
Zo_ColorPointBY = 3499,
Zo_ColorPointGIntensity = 3512,
Zo_ColorPointGX = 3533,
Zo_ColorPointGY = 3546,
Zo_ColorPointRIntensity = 3559,
Zo_ColorPointRX = 3580,
Zo_ColorPointRY = 3593,
Zo_ColorStartUpColorTempireds = 3606,
Zo_ColorStep = 3633,
Zo_ColorTempMove = 3643,
Zo_ColorTempMoveDown = 3657,
Zo_ColorTempMoveStop = 3675,
Zo_ColorTempMoveUp = 3693,
Zo_ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds = 3709,
Zo_ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds = 3736,
Zo_ColorTempStep = 3763,
Zo_ColorTempStepDown = 3777,
Zo_ColorTempStepUp = 3795,
Zo_CommissioningWindow = 3811,
Zo_CommunicationMode = 3831,
Zo_CompanyName = 3849,
Zo_CompensationText = 3861,
Zo_ConfigStatus = 3878,
Zo_Contact = 3891,
Zo_ControlSequenceOfOperation = 3899,
Zo_ControlTemperature = 3926,
Zo_Coordinate1 = 3945,
Zo_Coordinate2 = 3957,
Zo_Coordinate3 = 3969,
Zo_CurrentBlock = 3981,
Zo_CurrentBlockPeriodConsumptionDelivered = 3994,
Zo_CurrentGroup = 4033,
Zo_CurrentInletEnergyCarrierDemand = 4046,
Zo_CurrentInletEnergyCarrierSummation = 4078,
Zo_CurrentMaxDemandDelivered = 4113,
Zo_CurrentMaxDemandDeliveredTime = 4139,
Zo_CurrentMaxDemandReceived = 4169,
Zo_CurrentMaxDemandReceivedTime = 4194,
Zo_CurrentOutletEnergyCarrierDemand = 4223,
Zo_CurrentOutletEnergyCarrierSummation = 4256,
Zo_CurrentPositionLift = 4292,
Zo_CurrentPositionLiftPercentage = 4312,
Zo_CurrentPositionTilt = 4342,
Zo_CurrentPositionTiltPercentage = 4362,
Zo_CurrentScene = 4392,
Zo_CurrentSummationDelivered = 4405,
Zo_CurrentSummationReceived = 4431,
Zo_CurrentTemperature = 4456,
Zo_CurrentTemperatureSetPoint = 4475,
Zo_CurrentZoneSensitivityLevel = 4502,
Zo_CustomerName = 4530,
Zo_DCCurrent = 4543,
Zo_DCCurrentDivisor = 4553,
Zo_DCCurrentMax = 4570,
Zo_DCCurrentMin = 4583,
Zo_DCCurrentMultiplier = 4596,
Zo_DCCurrentOverload = 4616,
Zo_DCOverloadAlarmsMask = 4634,
Zo_DCPower = 4655,
Zo_DCPowerDivisor = 4663,
Zo_DCPowerMax = 4678,
Zo_DCPowerMin = 4689,
Zo_DCPowerMultiplier = 4700,
Zo_DCVoltage = 4718,
Zo_DCVoltageDivisor = 4728,
Zo_DCVoltageMax = 4745,
Zo_DCVoltageMin = 4758,
Zo_DCVoltageMultiplier = 4771,
Zo_DCVoltageOverload = 4791,
Zo_DFTSummation = 4809,
Zo_DailyConsumptionTarget = 4822,
Zo_DailyFreezeTime = 4845,
Zo_DataQualityID = 4861,
Zo_DateCode = 4875,
Zo_DecelerationTimeLift = 4884,
Zo_DefaultMoveRate = 4905,
Zo_DefaultUpdatePeriod = 4921,
Zo_DehumidificationCooling = 4941,
Zo_DehumidificationHysteresis = 4965,
Zo_DehumidificationLockout = 4992,
Zo_DehumidificationMaxCool = 5016,
Zo_DeviceEnabled = 5040,
Zo_DeviceTempAlarmMask = 5054,
Zo_Dimmer = 5074,
Zo_DimmerCurrentFrequency = 5081,
Zo_DimmerDown = 5104,
Zo_DimmerMaxFrequency = 5115,
Zo_DimmerMaxLevel = 5134,
Zo_DimmerMinFrequency = 5149,
Zo_DimmerMinLevel = 5168,
Zo_DimmerMove = 5183,
Zo_DimmerOptions = 5194,
Zo_DimmerRemainingTime = 5208,
Zo_DimmerStartUpLevel = 5228,
Zo_DimmerStep = 5247,
Zo_DimmerStepDown = 5258,
Zo_DimmerStepUp = 5273,
Zo_DimmerStop = 5286,
Zo_DimmerUp = 5297,
Zo_DisableLocalConfig = 5306,
Zo_DoorClosedEvents = 5325,
Zo_DoorOpenEvents = 5342,
Zo_DoorState = 5357,
Zo_DriftCompensation = 5367,
Zo_DstEnd = 5385,
Zo_DstShift = 5392,
Zo_DstStart = 5401,
Zo_ElectricalMeasurementType = 5410,
Zo_EnergyFormatting = 5436,
Zo_EnergyRemote = 5453,
Zo_EnhancedColorMode = 5466,
Zo_EnhancedCurrentHue = 5484,
Zo_EurotronicErrors = 5503,
Zo_EurotronicHostFlags = 5520,
Zo_FanMode = 5540,
Zo_FanModeSequence = 5548,
Zo_FastPollTimeout = 5564,
Zo_FastPollTimeoutMax = 5580,
Zo_FastPollUpdatePeriod = 5599,
Zo_Fire = 5620,
Zo_FlowMaxMeasuredValue = 5625,
Zo_FlowMinMeasuredValue = 5646,
Zo_FlowRate = 5667,
Zo_FlowRestriction = 5676,
Zo_FlowTolerance = 5692,
Zo_GPHueStop = 5706,
Zo_GPIdentify = 5716,
Zo_GPLevelStop = 5727,
Zo_GPLockDoor = 5739,
Zo_GPMoveColor = 5750,
Zo_GPMoveDown = 5762,
Zo_GPMoveDownOnOff = 5773,
Zo_GPMoveHueDown = 5789,
Zo_GPMoveHueUp = 5803,
Zo_GPMoveSatDown = 5815,
Zo_GPMoveSatUp = 5829,
Zo_GPMoveUp = 5841,
Zo_GPMoveUpOnOff = 5850,
Zo_GPOff = 5864,
Zo_GPOn = 5870,
Zo_GPPress1of1 = 5875,
Zo_GPPress1of2 = 5887,
Zo_GPPress2of2 = 5899,
Zo_GPRelease = 5911,
Zo_GPRelease1of1 = 5921,
Zo_GPRelease1of2 = 5935,
Zo_GPRelease2of2 = 5949,
Zo_GPSatStop = 5963,
Zo_GPScene0 = 5973,
Zo_GPScene1 = 5982,
Zo_GPScene10 = 5991,
Zo_GPScene11 = 6001,
Zo_GPScene12 = 6011,
Zo_GPScene13 = 6021,
Zo_GPScene14 = 6031,
Zo_GPScene15 = 6041,
Zo_GPScene2 = 6051,
Zo_GPScene3 = 6060,
Zo_GPScene4 = 6069,
Zo_GPScene5 = 6078,
Zo_GPScene6 = 6087,
Zo_GPScene7 = 6096,
Zo_GPScene8 = 6105,
Zo_GPScene9 = 6114,
Zo_GPShortPress1of1 = 6123,
Zo_GPShortPress1of2 = 6140,
Zo_GPShortPress2of2 = 6157,
Zo_GPStepColor = 6174,
Zo_GPStepDown = 6186,
Zo_GPStepDownOnOff = 6197,
Zo_GPStepHueDown = 6213,
Zo_GPStepHueUp = 6227,
Zo_GPStepSatDown = 6239,
Zo_GPStepSatUp = 6253,
Zo_GPStepUp = 6265,
Zo_GPStepUpOnOff = 6274,
Zo_GPToggle = 6288,
Zo_GPUnlockDoor = 6297,
Zo_GenericDeviceClass = 6310,
Zo_GenericDeviceType = 6329,
Zo_GetAllGroups = 6347,
Zo_GetGroup = 6360,
Zo_GetSceneMembership = 6369,
Zo_GlassBreak = 6388,
Zo_GroupNameSupport = 6399,
Zo_HVACSystemTypeConfiguration = 6416,
Zo_HWVersion = 6444,
Zo_HarmonicCurrentMultiplier = 6454,
Zo_HighTempDwellTripPoint = 6480,
Zo_HighTempThreshold = 6503,
Zo_Hue = 6521,
Zo_HueMove = 6525,
Zo_HueSat = 6533,
Zo_HueStep = 6540,
Zo_HueStepDown = 6548,
Zo_HueStepUp = 6560,
Zo_Humidity = 6570,
Zo_HumidityMaxMeasuredValue = 6579,
Zo_HumidityMinMeasuredValue = 6604,
Zo_HumidityTolerance = 6629,
Zo_IASCIEAddress = 6647,
Zo_Identify = 6661,
Zo_IdentifyQuery = 6670,
Zo_IdentifyTime = 6684,
Zo_Illuminance = 6697,
Zo_IlluminanceLevelStatus = 6709,
Zo_IlluminanceLightSensorType = 6732,
Zo_IlluminanceMaxMeasuredValue = 6759,
Zo_IlluminanceMinMeasuredValue = 6787,
Zo_IlluminanceTargetLevel = 6815,
Zo_IlluminanceTolerance = 6838,
Zo_InletTemperature = 6859,
Zo_InstalledClosedLimitLift = 6876,
Zo_InstalledClosedLimitTilt = 6901,
Zo_InstalledOpenLimitLift = 6926,
Zo_InstalledOpenLimitTilt = 6949,
Zo_IntermediateSetpointsLift = 6972,
Zo_IntermediateSetpointsTilt = 6998,
Zo_IntervalReadReportingPeriod = 7024,
Zo_IntrinsicBallastFactor = 7052,
Zo_LampAlarmMode = 7075,
Zo_LampBurnHours = 7089,
Zo_LampBurnHoursTripPoint = 7103,
Zo_LampManufacturer = 7126,
Zo_LampRatedHours = 7143,
Zo_LampType = 7158,
Zo_LastConfiguredBy = 7167,
Zo_LastMessageLQI = 7184,
Zo_LastMessageRSSI = 7199,
Zo_LastSetTime = 7215,
Zo_LegrandHeatingMode = 7227,
Zo_LegrandMode = 7246,
Zo_LegrandOpt1 = 7258,
Zo_LegrandOpt2 = 7270,
Zo_LegrandOpt3 = 7282,
Zo_LidlPower = 7294,
Zo_LineCurrent = 7304,
Zo_LineCurrentPhB = 7316,
Zo_LineCurrentPhC = 7331,
Zo_LinkKey = 7346,
Zo_LocalTemperature = 7354,
Zo_LocalTemperatureCalibration = 7371,
Zo_LocalTime = 7399,
Zo_LocationAge = 7409,
Zo_LocationDescription = 7421,
Zo_LocationMethod = 7441,
Zo_LocationPower = 7456,
Zo_LocationType = 7470,
Zo_LockAlarmMask = 7483,
Zo_LockDefaultConfigurationRegister = 7497,
Zo_LockEnableInsideStatusLED = 7530,
Zo_LockEnableLocalProgramming = 7556,
Zo_LockEnableLogging = 7583,
Zo_LockEnableOneTouchLocking = 7601,
Zo_LockEnablePrivacyModeButton = 7627,
Zo_LockKeypadOperationEventMask = 7655,
Zo_LockKeypadProgrammingEventMask = 7684,
Zo_LockLEDSettings = 7715,
Zo_LockLanguage = 7731,
Zo_LockManualOperationEventMask = 7744,
Zo_LockOperatingMode = 7773,
Zo_LockRFIDOperationEventMask = 7791,
Zo_LockRFIDProgrammingEventMask = 7818,
Zo_LockRFOperationEventMask = 7847,
Zo_LockRFProgrammingEventMask = 7872,
Zo_LockSoundVolume = 7899,
Zo_LockState = 7915,
Zo_LockSupportedOperatingModes = 7925,
Zo_LockType = 7953,
Zo_LongPollInterval = 7962,
Zo_LongPollIntervalMin = 7979,
Zo_LowTempDwellTripPoint = 7999,
Zo_LowTempThreshold = 8021,
Zo_MainsAlarmMask = 8038,
Zo_MainsFrequency = 8053,
Zo_MainsVoltage = 8068,
Zo_MainsVoltageDwellTripPoint = 8081,
Zo_MainsVoltageMaxThreshold = 8108,
Zo_MainsVoltageMinThreshold = 8133,
Zo_Manufacturer = 8158,
Zo_MaxCoolSetpointLimit = 8171,
Zo_MaxHeatSetpointLimit = 8192,
Zo_MaxPINCodeLength = 8213,
Zo_MaxProxyTableEntries = 8230,
Zo_MaxRFIDCodeLength = 8251,
Zo_MaxSearchCounter = 8269,
Zo_MaxSinkTableEntries = 8286,
Zo_MaxTempExperienced = 8306,
Zo_Measured11thHarmonicCurrent = 8325,
Zo_Measured1stHarmonicCurrent = 8353,
Zo_Measured3rdHarmonicCurrent = 8380,
Zo_Measured5thHarmonicCurrent = 8407,
Zo_Measured7thHarmonicCurrent = 8434,
Zo_Measured9thHarmonicCurrent = 8461,
Zo_MeasuredPhase11thHarmonicCurrent = 8488,
Zo_MeasuredPhase1stHarmonicCurrent = 8521,
Zo_MeasuredPhase3rdHarmonicCurrent = 8553,
Zo_MeasuredPhase5thHarmonicCurrent = 8585,
Zo_MeasuredPhase7thHarmonicCurrent = 8617,
Zo_MeasuredPhase9thHarmonicCurrent = 8649,
Zo_MeterTypeID = 8681,
Zo_MinCoolSetpointLimit = 8693,
Zo_MinHeatSetpointLimit = 8714,
Zo_MinPINCodeLength = 8735,
Zo_MinRFIDCodeLength = 8752,
Zo_MinSetpointDeadBand = 8770,
Zo_MinTempExperienced = 8790,
Zo_Mode = 8809,
Zo_Model = 8814,
Zo_ModelId = 8820,
Zo_MotorStepSize = 8828,
Zo_Movement = 8842,
Zo_MullerLightMode = 8851,
Zo_MultiApplicationType = 8867,
Zo_MultiDescription = 8888,
Zo_MultiInApplicationType = 8905,
Zo_MultiInDescription = 8928,
Zo_MultiInNumberOfStates = 8947,
Zo_MultiInOutOfService = 8969,
Zo_MultiInReliability = 8989,
Zo_MultiInStatusFlags = 9008,
Zo_MultiInValue = 9027,
Zo_MultiNumberOfStates = 9040,
Zo_MultiOutApplicationType = 9060,
Zo_MultiOutDescription = 9084,
Zo_MultiOutNumberOfStates = 9104,
Zo_MultiOutOfService = 9127,
Zo_MultiOutOutOfService = 9145,
Zo_MultiOutReliability = 9166,
Zo_MultiOutRelinquishDefault = 9186,
Zo_MultiOutStatusFlags = 9212,
Zo_MultiOutValue = 9232,
Zo_MultiReliability = 9246,
Zo_MultiRelinquishDefault = 9263,
Zo_MultiStatusFlags = 9286,
Zo_MultiValue = 9303,
Zo_MultipleScheduling = 9314,
Zo_NeutralCurrent = 9333,
Zo_NotificationRetryNumber = 9348,
Zo_NotificationRetryTimer = 9372,
Zo_NumberOfDevices = 9395,
Zo_NumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported = 9411,
Zo_NumberOfLogRecordsSupported = 9445,
Zo_NumberOfPINUsersSupported = 9473,
Zo_NumberOfPrimaries = 9499,
Zo_NumberOfRFIDUsersSupported = 9517,
Zo_NumberOfResets = 9544,
Zo_NumberOfTotalUsersSupported = 9559,
Zo_NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser = 9587,
Zo_NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser = 9628,
Zo_NumberOfZoneSensitivityLevelsSupported = 9669,
Zo_NumberRSSIMeasurements = 9708,
Zo_NumberofActuationsLift = 9731,
Zo_NumberofActuationsTilt = 9754,
Zo_Occupancy = 9777,
Zo_OccupancySensorType = 9787,
Zo_OccupiedCoolingSetpoint = 9807,
Zo_OccupiedHeatingSetpoint = 9831,
Zo_OffTransitionTime = 9855,
Zo_OffWaitTime = 9873,
Zo_OnLevel = 9885,
Zo_OnOff = 9893,
Zo_OnOffTransitionTime = 9899,
Zo_OnTime = 9919,
Zo_OnTransitionTime = 9926,
Zo_OpenPeriod = 9943,
Zo_OppleMode = 9954,
Zo_OutdoorTemperature = 9964,
Zo_OutletTemperature = 9983,
Zo_OverTempTotalDwell = 10001,
Zo_PICoolingDemand = 10020,
Zo_PIHeatingDemand = 10036,
Zo_PIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay = 10052,
Zo_PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay = 10081,
Zo_PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold = 10110,
Zo_POD = 10143,
Zo_Panic = 10147,
Zo_PartNumber = 10153,
Zo_PathLossExponent = 10164,
Zo_PersistentMemoryWrites = 10181,
Zo_PersonalAlarm = 10204,
Zo_PhaseHarmonicCurrentMultiplier = 10218,
Zo_PhysicalClosedLimit = 10249,
Zo_PhysicalClosedLimitLift = 10269,
Zo_PhysicalClosedLimitTilt = 10293,
Zo_PhysicalEnvironment = 10317,
Zo_Power = 10337,
Zo_PowerDivisor = 10343,
Zo_PowerFactor = 10356,
Zo_PowerFactorPhB = 10368,
Zo_PowerFactorPhC = 10383,
Zo_PowerMultiplier = 10398,
Zo_PowerOffEffect = 10414,
Zo_PowerOnRecall = 10429,
Zo_PowerOnTimer = 10443,
Zo_PowerSource = 10456,
Zo_PowerThreshold = 10468,
Zo_PresetReadingTime = 10483,
Zo_Pressure = 10501,
Zo_PressureMaxMeasuredValue = 10510,
Zo_PressureMaxScaledValue = 10535,
Zo_PressureMinMeasuredValue = 10558,
Zo_PressureMinScaledValue = 10583,
Zo_PressureScale = 10606,
Zo_PressureScaledTolerance = 10620,
Zo_PressureScaledValue = 10644,
Zo_PressureTolerance = 10664,
Zo_PreviousBlockPeriodConsumptionDelivered = 10682,
Zo_Primary1Intensity = 10722,
Zo_Primary1X = 10740,
Zo_Primary1Y = 10750,
Zo_Primary2Intensity = 10760,
Zo_Primary2X = 10778,
Zo_Primary2Y = 10788,
Zo_Primary3Intensity = 10798,
Zo_Primary3X = 10816,
Zo_Primary3Y = 10826,
Zo_Primary4Intensity = 10836,
Zo_Primary4X = 10854,
Zo_Primary4Y = 10864,
Zo_Primary5Intensity = 10874,
Zo_Primary5X = 10892,
Zo_Primary5Y = 10902,
Zo_Primary6Intensity = 10912,
Zo_Primary6X = 10930,
Zo_Primary6Y = 10940,
Zo_ProductCode = 10950,
Zo_ProductRevision = 10962,
Zo_ProductURL = 10978,
Zo_ProfileIntervalPeriod = 10989,
Zo_ProxyTable = 11011,
Zo_QualityMeasure = 11022,
Zo_RGB = 11037,
Zo_RHDehumidificationSetpoint = 11041,
Zo_RMSCurrent = 11068,
Zo_RMSCurrentMax = 11079,
Zo_RMSCurrentMaxPhB = 11093,
Zo_RMSCurrentMaxPhC = 11110,
Zo_RMSCurrentMin = 11127,
Zo_RMSCurrentMinPhB = 11141,
Zo_RMSCurrentMinPhC = 11158,
Zo_RMSCurrentPhB = 11175,
Zo_RMSCurrentPhC = 11189,
Zo_RMSExtremeOverVoltage = 11203,
Zo_RMSExtremeOverVoltagePeriod = 11225,
Zo_RMSExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhB = 11253,
Zo_RMSExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhC = 11284,
Zo_RMSExtremeUnderVoltage = 11315,
Zo_RMSExtremeUnderVoltagePeriod = 11338,
Zo_RMSExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhB = 11367,
Zo_RMSExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhC = 11399,
Zo_RMSVoltage = 11431,
Zo_RMSVoltageMax = 11442,
Zo_RMSVoltageMaxPhB = 11456,
Zo_RMSVoltageMaxPhC = 11473,
Zo_RMSVoltageMin = 11490,
Zo_RMSVoltageMinPhB = 11504,
Zo_RMSVoltageMinPhC = 11521,
Zo_RMSVoltagePhB = 11538,
Zo_RMSVoltagePhC = 11552,
Zo_RMSVoltageSag = 11566,
Zo_RMSVoltageSagPeriod = 11580,
Zo_RMSVoltageSagPeriodPhB = 11600,
Zo_RMSVoltageSagPeriodPhC = 11623,
Zo_RMSVoltageSwell = 11646,
Zo_RMSVoltageSwellPeriod = 11662,
Zo_RMSVoltageSwellPeriodPhB = 11684,
Zo_RMSVoltageSwellPeriodPhC = 11709,
Zo_ReactiveCurrent = 11734,
Zo_ReactiveCurrentPhB = 11750,
Zo_ReactiveCurrentPhC = 11769,
Zo_ReactivePower = 11788,
Zo_ReactivePowerPhB = 11802,
Zo_ReactivePowerPhC = 11819,
Zo_ReadingSnapShotTime = 11836,
Zo_RecallScene = 11856,
Zo_RelativeHumidity = 11868,
Zo_RelativeHumidityDisplay = 11885,
Zo_RelativeHumidityMode = 11909,
Zo_RemainingTime = 11930,
Zo_RemoteSensing = 11944,
Zo_RemoveAllGroups = 11958,
Zo_RemoveAllScenes = 11974,
Zo_RemoveGroup = 11990,
Zo_RemoveScene = 12002,
Zo_ReportingPeriod = 12014,
Zo_ResetAlarm = 12030,
Zo_ResetAllAlarms = 12041,
Zo_SWBuildID = 12056,
Zo_Sat = 12066,
Zo_SatMove = 12070,
Zo_SatStep = 12078,
Zo_SceneCount = 12086,
Zo_SceneNameSupport = 12097,
Zo_SceneValid = 12114,
Zo_ScheduleMode = 12125,
Zo_SeaPressure = 12138,
Zo_SecurityLevel = 12150,
Zo_ServerActiveFunctionality = 12164,
Zo_ServerFunctionality = 12190,
Zo_SharedSecurityKey = 12210,
Zo_SharedSecurityKeyType = 12228,
Zo_ShortPollInterval = 12250,
Zo_Shutter = 12268,
Zo_ShutterClose = 12276,
Zo_ShutterLift = 12289,
Zo_ShutterOpen = 12301,
Zo_ShutterStop = 12313,
Zo_ShutterTilt = 12325,
Zo_SinkTable = 12337,
Zo_SoftwareRevision = 12347,
Zo_StackVersion = 12364,
Zo_StandardTime = 12377,
Zo_StartUpOnOff = 12390,
Zo_Status = 12403,
Zo_StoreScene = 12410,
Zo_SupplyStatus = 12421,
Zo_SwitchActions = 12434,
Zo_SwitchType = 12448,
Zo_SystemMode = 12459,
Zo_TRVBoost = 12470,
Zo_TRVChildProtection = 12479,
Zo_TRVMirrorDisplay = 12498,
Zo_TRVMode = 12515,
Zo_TRVWindowOpen = 12523,
Zo_TempTarget = 12537,
Zo_Temperature = 12548,
Zo_TemperatureDisplayMode = 12560,
Zo_TemperatureMaxMeasuredValue = 12583,
Zo_TemperatureMinMeasuredValue = 12611,
Zo_TemperatureTolerance = 12639,
Zo_TerncyDuration = 12660,
Zo_TerncyRotate = 12675,
Zo_ThSetpoint = 12688,
Zo_ThermostatAlarmMask = 12699,
Zo_ThermostatKeypadLockout = 12719,
Zo_ThermostatOccupancy = 12743,
Zo_ThermostatRunningMode = 12763,
Zo_ThermostatScheduleProgrammingVisibility = 12785,
Zo_Time = 12825,
Zo_TimeEpoch = 12830,
Zo_TimeStatus = 12840,
Zo_TimeZone = 12851,
Zo_TotalActivePower = 12860,
Zo_TotalApparentPower = 12877,
Zo_TotalProfileNum = 12896,
Zo_TotalReactivePower = 12912,
Zo_TuyaCalibration = 12931,
Zo_TuyaCalibrationTime = 12947,
Zo_TuyaMCUVersion = 12967,
Zo_TuyaMotorReversal = 12982,
Zo_TuyaMovingState = 13000,
Zo_TuyaQuery = 13016,
Zo_UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint = 13026,
Zo_UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint = 13052,
Zo_UtilityName = 13078,
Zo_ValidUntilTime = 13090,
Zo_ValvePosition = 13105,
Zo_VelocityLift = 13119,
Zo_ViewGroup = 13132,
Zo_ViewScene = 13142,
Zo_VolumePerReport = 13152,
Zo_Water = 13168,
Zo_WhitePointX = 13174,
Zo_WhitePointY = 13186,
Zo_WindowCoveringType = 13198,
Zo_X = 13217,
Zo_Y = 13219,
Zo_ZCLVersion = 13221,
Zo_ZoneID = 13232,
Zo_ZoneState = 13239,
Zo_ZoneStatus = 13249,
Zo_ZoneStatusChange = 13260,
Zo_ZoneType = 13277,
Zo__ = 13286,
Zo_xx = 13288,
Zo_xx000A00 = 13291,
Zo_xx0A = 13300,
Zo_xx0A00 = 13305,
Zo_xx19 = 13312,
Zo_xx190A = 13317,
Zo_xx190A00 = 13324,
Zo_xxxx = 13333,
Zo_xxxx00 = 13338,
Zo_xxxx0A00 = 13345,
Zo_xxxxyy = 13354,
Zo_xxxxyyyy = 13361,
Zo_xxxxyyyy0A00 = 13370,
Zo_xxxxyyzz = 13383,
Zo_xxyy = 13392,
Zo_xxyy0A00 = 13397,
Zo_xxyyyy = 13406,
Zo_xxyyyy000000000000 = 13413,
Zo_xxyyyy0A0000000000 = 13432,
Zo_xxyyyyzz = 13451,
Zo_xxyyyyzzzz = 13460,
Zo_xxyyzzzz = 13471,
#endif // USE_ZIGBEE