
1839 lines
71 KiB

xdrv_23_zigbee_converters.ino - zigbee support for Tasmota
Copyright (C) 2021 Theo Arends and Stephan Hadinger
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
typedef union ZCLHeaderFrameControl_t {
struct {
uint8_t frame_type : 2; // 00 = across entire profile, 01 = cluster specific
uint8_t manuf_specific : 1; // Manufacturer Specific Sub-field
uint8_t direction : 1; // 0 = tasmota to zigbee, 1 = zigbee to tasmota
uint8_t disable_def_resp : 1; // don't send back default response
uint8_t reserved : 3;
} b;
uint32_t d8; // raw 8 bits field
} ZCLHeaderFrameControl_t;
// Find attribute matcher by name
class Z_attribute_match Z_findAttributeMatcherByName(uint16_t shortaddr, const char *name) {
const Z_Device & device = zigbee_devices.findShortAddr(shortaddr);
// works even if the device is unknown
Z_attribute_match matched_attr = Z_plugin_matchAttributeByName(device.modelId, device.manufacturerId, name);
if (!matched_attr.found()) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nitems(Z_PostProcess); i++) {
const Z_AttributeConverter *converter = &Z_PostProcess[i];
if (0 == pgm_read_word(&converter->name_offset)) { continue; } // avoid strcasecmp_P() from crashing
if (0 == strcasecmp_P(name, Z_strings + pgm_read_word(&converter->name_offset))) {
matched_attr.cluster = CxToCluster(pgm_read_byte(&converter->cluster_short));
matched_attr.attribute = pgm_read_word(&converter->attribute);
matched_attr.name = (Z_strings + pgm_read_word(&converter->name_offset));
int8_t multiplier8 = CmToMultiplier(pgm_read_byte(&converter->multiplier_idx));
if (multiplier8 > 1) { matched_attr.multiplier = multiplier8; }
if (multiplier8 < 0) { matched_attr.divider = -multiplier8; }
matched_attr.zigbee_type = pgm_read_byte(&converter->type);
uint8_t conv_mapping = pgm_read_byte(&converter->mapping);
matched_attr.map_type = (Z_Data_Type) ((conv_mapping & 0xF0)>>4);
matched_attr.map_offset = (conv_mapping & 0x0F);
return matched_attr;
// Find attribute matcher by name
// attr_glob: do Attr marked as 0xFFFF match any attribute
class Z_attribute_match Z_findAttributeMatcherById(uint16_t shortaddr, uint16_t cluster, uint16_t attr_id, bool attr_glob) {
const Z_Device & device = zigbee_devices.findShortAddr(shortaddr);
// works even if the device is unknown
Z_attribute_match matched_attr = Z_plugin_matchAttributeById(device.modelId, device.manufacturerId, cluster, attr_id);
if (!matched_attr.found()) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nitems(Z_PostProcess); i++) {
const Z_AttributeConverter *converter = &Z_PostProcess[i];
uint16_t conv_cluster = CxToCluster(pgm_read_byte(&converter->cluster_short));
uint16_t conv_attr_id = pgm_read_word(&converter->attribute);
if ((conv_cluster == cluster) && (conv_attr_id == attr_id || (attr_glob && conv_attr_id == 0xFFFF))) {
matched_attr.cluster = cluster;
matched_attr.attribute = attr_id;
matched_attr.name = (Z_strings + pgm_read_word(&converter->name_offset));
int8_t multiplier8 = CmToMultiplier(pgm_read_byte(&converter->multiplier_idx));
if (multiplier8 > 1) { matched_attr.multiplier = multiplier8; }
if (multiplier8 < 0) { matched_attr.divider = -multiplier8; }
matched_attr.zigbee_type = pgm_read_byte(&converter->type);
uint8_t conv_mapping = pgm_read_byte(&converter->mapping);
matched_attr.map_type = (Z_Data_Type) ((conv_mapping & 0xF0)>>4);
matched_attr.map_offset = (conv_mapping & 0x0F);
return matched_attr;
class ZCLFrame {
// constructor used when creating a message from scratch to send it later
ZCLFrame(void); // allocate 16 bytes by default
ZCLFrame(size_t size);
// constructore used when receiving a Zigbee frame and populating the class
ZCLFrame(uint8_t frame_control, uint16_t manuf_code, uint8_t transact_seq, uint8_t cmd_id,
const char *buf, size_t buf_len, uint16_t clusterid, uint16_t groupaddr,
uint16_t srcaddr, uint8_t srcendpoint, uint8_t dstendpoint, uint8_t wasbroadcast,
uint8_t linkquality, uint8_t securityuse, uint8_t seqnumber):
manuf(manuf_code), transactseq(transact_seq), cmd(cmd_id),
payload(buf_len ? buf_len : 250), // allocate the data frame from source or preallocate big enough
cluster(clusterid), groupaddr(groupaddr),
shortaddr(srcaddr), srcendpoint(srcendpoint), dstendpoint(dstendpoint), _wasbroadcast(wasbroadcast),
_linkquality(linkquality), _securityuse(securityuse), _seqnumber(seqnumber)
_frame_control.d8 = frame_control;
direction = _frame_control.b.direction;
clusterSpecific = (_frame_control.b.frame_type != 0);
needResponse = !_frame_control.b.disable_def_resp;
payload.addBuffer(buf, buf_len);
void log(void) {
"\"groupid\":%d," "\"clusterid\":\"0x%04X\"," "\"srcaddr\":\"0x%04X\","
"\"srcendpoint\":%d," "\"dstendpoint\":%d," "\"wasbroadcast\":%d,"
"\"" D_CMND_ZIGBEE_LINKQUALITY "\":%d," "\"securityuse\":%d," "\"seqnumber\":%d,"
groupaddr, cluster, shortaddr,
srcendpoint, dstendpoint, _wasbroadcast,
_linkquality, _securityuse, _seqnumber,
_frame_control.b.frame_type, direction, _frame_control.b.disable_def_resp,
manuf, transactseq, cmd,
if (Settings->flag3.tuya_serial_mqtt_publish) {
MqttPublishPrefixTopicRulesProcess_P(TELE, PSTR(D_RSLT_SENSOR));
} else {
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "%s"), ResponseData());
static ZCLFrame parseRawFrame(const SBuffer &buf, uint8_t offset, uint8_t len, uint16_t clusterid, uint16_t groupid,
uint16_t srcaddr, uint8_t srcendpoint, uint8_t dstendpoint, uint8_t wasbroadcast,
uint8_t linkquality, uint8_t securityuse, uint8_t seqnumber) { // parse a raw frame and build the ZCL frame object
uint32_t i = offset;
ZCLHeaderFrameControl_t frame_control;
uint16_t manuf_code = 0;
uint8_t transact_seq;
uint8_t cmd_id;
frame_control.d8 = buf.get8(i++);
if (frame_control.b.manuf_specific) {
manuf_code = buf.get16(i);
i += 2;
transact_seq = buf.get8(i++);
cmd_id = buf.get8(i++);
ZCLFrame zcl_frame(frame_control.d8, manuf_code, transact_seq, cmd_id,
(const char *)(buf.buf() + i), len + offset - i,
clusterid, groupid,
srcaddr, srcendpoint, dstendpoint, wasbroadcast,
linkquality, securityuse, seqnumber);
return zcl_frame;
bool isClusterSpecificCommand(void) const { return _frame_control.b.frame_type & 1; }
uint8_t getDirection(void) const { return direction; }
// parsers for received messages
void parseReportAttributes(Z_attribute_list& attr_list);
void generateSyntheticAttributes(Z_attribute_list& attr_list);
void removeInvalidAttributes(Z_attribute_list& attr_list);
void applySynonymAttributes(Z_attribute_list& attr_list);
void computeSyntheticAttributes(Z_attribute_list& attr_list);
void generateCallBacks(Z_attribute_list& attr_list);
void parseReadAttributes(uint16_t shortaddr, Z_attribute_list& attr_list);
void parseReadAttributesResponse(Z_attribute_list& attr_list);
void parseReadConfigAttributes(uint16_t shortaddr, Z_attribute_list& attr_list);
void parseConfigAttributes(uint16_t shortaddr, Z_attribute_list& attr_list);
void parseWriteAttributesResponse(Z_attribute_list& attr_list);
void parseResponse(void);
void parseResponse_inner(uint8_t cmd, bool cluster_specific, uint8_t status);
void parseClusterSpecificCommand(Z_attribute_list& attr_list);
// synthetic attributes converters
void syntheticAqaraSensor(Z_attribute_list &attr_list, class Z_attribute &attr);
void syntheticAqaraSensor2(Z_attribute_list &attr_list, class Z_attribute &attr);
void syntheticAqaraCubeOrButton(Z_attribute_list &attr_list, class Z_attribute &attr);
void syntheticAqaraVibration(Z_attribute_list &attr_list, class Z_attribute &attr);
void syntheticAnalogValue(Z_attribute_list &attr_list, class Z_attribute &attr);
// handle read attributes auto-responder
void autoResponder(const uint16_t *attr_list_ids, size_t attr_len);
inline void setGroupId(uint16_t groupid) {
groupaddr = groupid;
inline void setClusterId(uint16_t clusterid) {
cluster = clusterid;
inline uint16_t getSrcAddr(void) const { return shortaddr; }
inline uint16_t getGroupAddr(void) const { return groupaddr; }
inline uint16_t getClusterId(void) const { return cluster; }
inline uint8_t getLinkQuality(void) const { return _linkquality; }
inline uint8_t getCmdId(void) const { return cmd; }
inline uint16_t getSrcEndpoint(void) const { return srcendpoint; }
const SBuffer &getPayload(void) const { return payload; }
uint16_t getManufCode(void) const { return manuf; }
inline void setTransac(uint8_t _transac) { transactseq = _transac; transacSet = true; }
inline bool validShortaddr(void) const { return BAD_SHORTADDR != shortaddr; }
inline bool validCluster(void) const { return 0xFFFF != cluster; }
inline bool validEndpoint(void) const { return 0x00 != dstendpoint; }
inline bool validCmd(void) const { return 0xFF != cmd; }
uint16_t manuf = 0; // optional
uint8_t transactseq = 0; // transaction sequence number
uint8_t cmd = 0;
SBuffer payload;
uint16_t cluster = 0xFFFF; // invalid cluster by default
uint16_t groupaddr = 0;
// information from decoded ZCL frame
uint16_t shortaddr = BAD_SHORTADDR; // BAD_SHORTADDR is broadcast, so considered invalid
uint8_t dstendpoint = 0x00; // 0x00 is invalid for the dst endpoint
// attributes used in send-only mode
bool clusterSpecific = false;
bool needResponse = true;
bool direct = false; // true if direct, false if discover router
bool transacSet = false; // is transac already set
uint8_t srcendpoint = 0x00; // 0x00 is invalid for the src endpoint
bool direction = false; // false = client to server (default), true = server to client (rare)
// below private attributes are not used when sending a message
ZCLHeaderFrameControl_t _frame_control = { .d8 = 0 };
bool _wasbroadcast = false;
uint8_t _linkquality = 0x00;
uint8_t _securityuse = 0; // not used by Z2T, logging only
uint8_t _seqnumber = 0; // not used by Z2T, logging only
// define constructor seperately to avoid inlining and reduce Flash size
ZCLFrame::ZCLFrame(void) : payload(12) {};
ZCLFrame::ZCLFrame(size_t size) : payload(size) {};
// Zigbee ZCL converters
// from https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-shepherd-converters/blob/638d29f0cace6343052b9a4e7fd60980fa785479/converters/fromZigbee.js#L55
// Input voltage in mV, i.e. 3000 = 3.000V
// Output percentage from 0 to 100 as int
uint8_t toPercentageCR2032(uint32_t voltage) {
uint32_t percentage;
if (voltage < 2100) {
percentage = 0;
} else if (voltage < 2440) {
percentage = 6 - ((2440 - voltage) * 6) / 340;
} else if (voltage < 2740) {
percentage = 18 - ((2740 - voltage) * 12) / 300;
} else if (voltage < 2900) {
percentage = 42 - ((2900 - voltage) * 24) / 160;
} else if (voltage < 3000) {
percentage = 100 - ((3000 - voltage) * 58) / 100;
} else if (voltage >= 3000) {
percentage = 100;
return percentage;
// Appends the attribute value to Write or to Report
// Adds to buf:
// - n bytes: value (typically between 1 and 4 bytes, or bigger for strings)
// returns number of bytes of attribute, or <0 if error
// If the value is `NAN`, the value encoded is the "zigbee invalid value"
int32_t encodeSingleAttribute(SBuffer &buf, double val_d, const char *val_str, uint8_t attrtype) {
uint32_t len = Z_getDatatypeLen(attrtype); // pre-compute length, overloaded for variable length attributes
bool nan = isnan(val_d);
uint32_t u32 = nan ? 0xFFFFFFFF : roundf(val_d);
int32_t i32 = roundf(val_d);
float f32 = val_d;
switch (attrtype) {
// unsigned 8
case Zbool: // bool
case Zuint8: // uint8
case Zenum8: // enum8
case Zdata8: // data8
case Zmap8: // map8
// unsigned 16
case Zuint16: // uint16
case Zenum16: // enum16
case Zdata16: // data16
case Zmap16: // map16
// unisgned 32
case Zuint24:
buf.add8(u32 >> 16);
// unisgned 24
case Zuint32: // uint32
case Zdata32: // data32
case Zmap32: // map32
case ZUTC: // UTC - epoch 32 bits, seconds since 1-Jan-2000
// signed 8
case Zint8: // int8
buf.add8(nan ? 0x80 : i32);
case Zint16: // int16
buf.add16(nan ? 0x8000 : i32);
case Zint32: // int32
buf.add32(nan ? 0x80000000 : i32);
case Zsingle: // float
buf.add32( *((uint32_t*)&f32) ); // cast float as uint32_t
case Zuint48: // added for energy value
uint64_t u64 = val_d;
buf.add8(u64 >> 32);
case Zstring:
case Zstring16:
if (nullptr == val_str) { return -2; }
size_t val_len = strlen(val_str);
if (val_len > 32) { val_len = 32; }
len = val_len + 1;
if (Zstring16 == attrtype) {
buf.add8(0); // len is on 2 bytes
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < val_len; i++) {
return -1;
return len;
// parse a single attribute
// Input:
// attr: attribute object to store to
// buf: the buffer to read from
// offset: location in the buffer to read from
// attrtype: type of attribute (byte) or -1 to read from the stream as first byte
// Output:
// return: the length in bytes of the attribute
uint32_t parseSingleAttribute(Z_attribute & attr, const SBuffer &buf,
uint32_t offset, int32_t attrtype = -1) {
uint32_t i = offset;
if (attrtype < 0) {
attrtype = buf.get8(i++);
// fallback - enter a null value
attr.setNone(); // set to null by default
uint32_t len = Z_getDatatypeLen(attrtype); // pre-compute lenght, overloaded for variable length attributes
// now parse accordingly to attr type
switch (attrtype) {
// case Znodata: // nodata
// case Zunk: // unk
// break;
case Zbool: // bool
case Zuint8: // uint8
case Zenum8: // enum8
uint8_t uint8_val = buf.get8(i);
// i += 1;
if (0xFF != uint8_val) {
case Zuint16: // uint16
case Zenum16: // enum16
uint16_t uint16_val = buf.get16(i);
// i += 2;
if (0xFFFF != uint16_val) {
case Zuint24:
uint32_t uint24_val = buf.get16(i) + (buf.get8(i+2) >> 16);
// i += 3;
if (0xFFFFFF != uint24_val) {
case Zuint32: // uint32
case ZUTC: // UTC
uint32_t uint32_val = buf.get32(i);
// i += 4;
if (0xFFFFFFFF != uint32_val) {
// Note: uint40, uint48, uint56, uint64 are displayed as Hex
// Note: int40, int48, int56, int64 are displayed as Hex
case Zuint40: // uint40
case Zuint48: // uint48
case Zuint56: // uint56
case Zuint64: // uint64
case Zint40: // int40
case Zint48: // int48
case Zint56: // int56
case Zint64: // int64
// uint8_t len = attrtype - 0x27; // 5 - 8
// print as HEX "0x...."
char hex[2*len+3];
snprintf_P(hex, sizeof(hex), PSTR("0x"));
for (uint32_t j=0; j<len; j++) {
snprintf_P(hex, sizeof(hex), PSTR("%s%02X"), hex, buf.get8(i+len-j-1));
// i += len;
case Zint8: // int8
int8_t int8_val = buf.get8(i);
// i += 1;
if (0x80 != int8_val) {
case Zint16: // int16
int16_t int16_val = buf.get16(i);
// i += 2;
if (0x8000 != int16_val) {
case Zint32: // int32
int32_t int32_val = buf.get32(i);
// i += 4;
if (-0x80000000 != int32_val) {
case Zoctstr: // octet string, 1 byte len
case Zstring: // char string, 1 byte len
case Zoctstr16: // octet string, 2 bytes len
case Zstring16: // char string, 2 bytes len
// For strings, default is to try to do a real string, but reverts to octet stream if null char is present or on some exceptions
bool parse_as_string = true;
len = (attrtype <= Zstring) ? buf.get8(i) : buf.get16(i); // len is 8 or 16 bits
i += (attrtype <= Zstring) ? 1 : 2; // increment pointer
if (i + len > buf.len()) { // make sure we don't get past the buffer
len = buf.len() - i;
// check if we can safely use a string
if ((Zoctstr == attrtype) || (Zoctstr16 == attrtype)) { parse_as_string = false; }
if (parse_as_string) {
char str[len+1];
strncpy(str, buf.charptr(i), len);
str[len] = 0x00;
} else {
attr.setBuf(buf, i, len);
// i += len;
// break;
// i += buf.get8(i) + 1;
case Zstruct:
uint16_t struct_size = buf.get16(i);
len = 2;
if (0xFFFF != struct_size) {
if (struct_size > 16) { struct_size = 16; }
// parse inner attributes - supports only fixed length for now
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < struct_size; j++) {
uint8_t attr_type = buf.get8(i+len);
len += Z_getDatatypeLen(attr_type) + 1;
attr.setBuf(buf, i, len);
case Zdata8: // data8
case Zmap8: // map8
uint8_t uint8_val = buf.get8(i);
// i += 1;
case Zdata16: // data16
case Zmap16: // map16
uint16_t uint16_val = buf.get16(i);
// i += 2;
case Zdata24: // data16
case Zmap24: // map16
uint32_t uint32_val = buf.get16(i);
uint8_t high = buf.get8(i+2);
uint32_val = uint32_val | (high << 16);
// i += 3;
case Zdata32: // data32
case Zmap32: // map32
uint32_t uint32_val = buf.get32(i);
// i += 4;
case Zsingle: // float
uint32_t uint32_val = buf.get32(i);
float * float_val = (float*) &uint32_val;
// i += 4;
// All other fixed size, convert to a HEX dump
case ZToD: // ToD
case Zdate: // date
case ZclusterId: // clusterId
case ZattribId: // attribId
case ZbacOID: // bacOID
case ZEUI64: // EUI64
case Zkey128: // key128
case Zsemi: // semi (float on 2 bytes)
attr.setBuf(buf, i, len);
// i += 16;
// Other un-implemented data types
case Zdata40: // data40
case Zdata48: // data48
case Zdata56: // data56
case Zdata64: // data64
// map<x>
case Zmap40: // map40
case Zmap48: // map48
case Zmap56: // map56
case Zmap64: // map64
case Zdouble: // double precision
uint64_t uint64_val = buf.get64(i);
double * double_val = (double*) &uint64_val;
// i += 8;
attr.setFloat((float) *double_val);
i += len;
return i - offset; // how much have we increased the index
// First pass, parse all attributes in their native format
void ZCLFrame::parseReportAttributes(Z_attribute_list& attr_list) {
uint32_t i = 0;
uint32_t len = payload.len();
if (ZCL_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES == getCmdId()) {
attr_list.addAttribute(PSTR("Command"), true).setStr(PSTR("Write"));
while (len >= i + 3) {
uint16_t attrid = payload.get16(i);
i += 2;
// exception for Xiaomi lumi.weather - specific field to be treated as octet and not char
if ((0x0000 == cluster) && (0xFF01 == attrid)) {
if (0x42 == payload.get8(i)) {
payload.set8(i, 0x41); // change type from 0x42 to 0x41
// TODO look for suffix
Z_attribute & attr = attr_list.addAttribute(cluster, attrid);
i += parseSingleAttribute(attr, payload, i);
// Issue Philips outdoor motion sensor SML002, see https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/897
// The sensor expects the coordinator to send a Default Response to acknowledge the attribute reporting
if (0 == _frame_control.b.disable_def_resp) {
// the device expects a default response
ZCLFrame zcl(2); // message is 2 bytes
zcl.shortaddr = shortaddr;
zcl.cluster = cluster;
zcl.dstendpoint = srcendpoint;
zcl.manuf = manuf;
zcl.clusterSpecific = false; /* not cluster specific */
zcl.needResponse = false; /* noresponse */
zcl.direct = true; /* direct no retry */
zcl.payload.add8(0); // Status = OK
// Extract attributes hidden in other compound attributes
void ZCLFrame::generateSyntheticAttributes(Z_attribute_list& attr_list) {
// scan through attributes and apply specific converters
for (auto &attr : attr_list) {
if (attr.key_is_str && attr.key_is_cmd) { continue; } // pass if key is a name
uint32_t ccccaaaa = (attr.cluster << 16) | attr.attr_id;
switch (ccccaaaa) { // 0xccccaaaa . c=cluster, a=attribute
case 0x0000FF01:
syntheticAqaraSensor(attr_list, attr);
case 0x0000FF02:
syntheticAqaraSensor2(attr_list, attr);
case 0x00120055:
syntheticAqaraCubeOrButton(attr_list, attr);
case 0x01010055:
case 0x01010508:
syntheticAqaraVibration(attr_list, attr);
case 0x000C0055: // Analog Value
syntheticAnalogValue(attr_list, attr);
// Remove invalid values
void ZCLFrame::removeInvalidAttributes(Z_attribute_list& attr_list) {
// scan through attributes and apply specific converters
for (auto &attr : attr_list) {
if (attr.key_is_str && attr.key_is_cmd) { continue; } // pass if key is a name
uint32_t ccccaaaa = (attr.cluster << 16) | attr.attr_id;
switch (ccccaaaa) { // 0xccccaaaa . c=cluster, a=attribute
case 0x04020000: // Temperature
if (attr.getInt() <= -10000) {
// #9978, remove temperature of -100.00°C sent by lumi.weather
// Apply synonyms from the plug-in synonym definitions
void ZCLFrame::applySynonymAttributes(Z_attribute_list& attr_list) {
Z_Device & device = zigbee_devices.findShortAddr(shortaddr);
String modelId((char*) device.modelId);
// scan through attributes and apply specific converters
for (auto &attr : attr_list) {
if (attr.key_is_str) { continue; } // pass if key is a name
// first apply synonyms from plugins
Z_attribute_synonym syn = Z_plugin_matchAttributeSynonym(device.modelId, device.manufacturerId,
attr.cluster, attr.attr_id);
if (syn.found()) {
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("ZIG: apply synonym %04X/%04X with %04X/%04X (mul:%i div:%i)"), attr.cluster, attr.attr_id, syn.new_cluster, syn.new_attribute, syn.multiplier, syn.divider);
if (syn.new_attribute == 0xFFFF) { // if attr is 0xFFFF, remove attribute
} else {
attr.setKeyId(syn.new_cluster, syn.new_attribute);
if ((syn.multiplier != 1 && syn.multiplier != 0) || (syn.divider != 1 && syn.divider != 0) || (syn.base != 0)) {
// we need to change the value
float fval = attr.getFloat();
if (syn.multiplier != 1 && syn.multiplier != 0) {
fval = fval * syn.multiplier;
if (syn.divider != 1 && syn.divider != 0) {
fval = fval / syn.divider;
if (syn.base != 0) {
fval = fval + syn.base;
// Compute new attributes based on the standard set
// Note: both function are now split to compute on extracted attributes
void ZCLFrame::computeSyntheticAttributes(Z_attribute_list& attr_list) {
Z_Device & device = zigbee_devices.findShortAddr(shortaddr);
String modelId((char*) device.modelId);
// scan through attributes and apply specific converters
for (auto &attr : attr_list) {
if (attr.key_is_str) { continue; } // pass if key is a name
uint32_t ccccaaaa = (attr.cluster << 16) | attr.attr_id;
switch (ccccaaaa) { // 0xccccaaaa . c=cluster, a=attribute
case 0x00010020: // BatteryVoltage
if (attr_list.countAttribute(0x0001,0x0021) == 0) { // if it does not already contain BatteryPercentage
uint32_t mv = attr.getUInt()*100;
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0001, 0x0021).setUInt(toPercentageCR2032(mv) * 2);
case 0x02010008: // Pi Heating Demand - solve Eutotronic bug
case 0x02014008: // Eurotronic Host Flags decoding
const char * manufacturer_c = zigbee_devices.getManufacturerId(shortaddr); // null if unknown
String manufacturerId((char*) manufacturer_c);
if (manufacturerId.equals(F("Eurotronic"))) {
if (ccccaaaa == 0x02010008) {
// Eurotronic does not report 0..100 but 0..255, including 255 which is normally an ivalid value
uint8_t valve = attr.getUInt();
if (attr.isNone()) { valve = 255; }
uint8_t valve_100 = changeUIntScale(valve, 0, 255, 0, 100);
} else if (ccccaaaa == 0x02014008) {
uint32_t mode = attr.getUInt();
if (mode & 0x02) { attr_list.addAttribute(0x0201, 0xF002).setUInt(1); }
if (mode & 0x04) { attr_list.addAttribute(0x0201, 0xF004).setUInt(1); }
if (mode & 0x10) { attr_list.addAttribute(0x0201, 0xF010).setUInt(1); }
if (mode & 0x80) { attr_list.addAttribute(0x0201, 0xF080).setUInt(1); }
case 0x03000000: // Hue
case 0x03000001: // Sat
case 0x03000003: // X
case 0x03000004: // Y
{ // generate synthetic RGB
const Z_attribute * attr_rgb = attr_list.findAttribute(PSTR("RGB"));
if (attr_rgb == nullptr) { // make sure we didn't already computed it
uint8_t brightness = 255;
if (device.valid()) {
const Z_Data_Light & light = device.data.find<Z_Data_Light>(srcendpoint);
if ((&light != &z_data_unk) && (light.validDimmer())) {
// Dimmer has a valid value
brightness = changeUIntScale(light.getDimmer(), 0, 254, 0, 255); // range is 0..255
const Z_attribute * attr_hue = attr_list.findAttribute(0x0300, 0x0000);
const Z_attribute * attr_sat = attr_list.findAttribute(0x0300, 0x0001);
const Z_attribute * attr_x = attr_list.findAttribute(0x0300, 0x0003);
const Z_attribute * attr_y = attr_list.findAttribute(0x0300, 0x0004);
if (attr_hue && attr_sat) {
uint8_t sat = changeUIntScale(attr_sat->getUInt(), 0, 254, 0, 255);
uint16_t hue = changeUIntScale(attr_hue->getUInt(), 0, 254, 0, 360);
Z_Data_Light::toRGBAttributesHSB(attr_list, hue, sat, brightness);
} else if (attr_x && attr_y) {
Z_Data_Light::toRGBAttributesXYB(attr_list, attr_x->getUInt(), attr_y->getUInt(), brightness);
case 0x04030000: // SeaPressure
int16_t pressure = attr.getInt();
int16_t pressure_sealevel = (pressure / FastPrecisePow(1.0 - ((float)Settings->altitude / 44330.0f), 5.255f)) - 21.6f;
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0403, 0xFFF0).setInt(pressure_sealevel);
// We create a synthetic attribute 0403/FFF0 to indicate sea level
case 0x05000002: // ZoneStatus
const Z_Data_Alarm & alarm = (const Z_Data_Alarm&) zigbee_devices.getShortAddr(shortaddr).data.find(Z_Data_Type::Z_Alarm, srcendpoint);
if (&alarm != nullptr) {
alarm.convertZoneStatus(attr_list, attr.getUInt());
// convert AC multipliers/dividers
case 0x0B040600 ... 0x0B040605: // cluser 0x0B04 - attr 0x0600..0x0605
uint16_t val = attr.getUInt();
Z_Data_Plug & plug = device.data.get<Z_Data_Plug>();
if (&plug != &z_data_unk) {
switch (ccccaaaa) {
case 0x0B040600: plug.setACVoltageMul(val); break;
case 0x0B040601: plug.setACVoltageDiv(val); break;
case 0x0B040602: plug.setACCurrentMul(val); break;
case 0x0B040603: plug.setACCurrentDiv(val); break;
case 0x0B040604: plug.setACPowerMul(val); break;
case 0x0B040605: plug.setACPowerDiv(val); break;
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, ">>>: cluster=0x%04X attr=0x%04X v=%i", attr.cluster, attr.attr_id, attr.getUInt());
// Set deferred callbacks for Occupancy
// TODO make delay a parameter
void ZCLFrame::generateCallBacks(Z_attribute_list& attr_list) {
static const uint32_t OCCUPANCY_TIMEOUT = 90 * 1000; // 90 s
// scan through attributes and apply specific converters
for (auto &attr : attr_list) {
if (attr.key_is_str && attr.key_is_cmd) { continue; } // pass if key is a name
uint32_t ccccaaaa = (attr.cluster << 16) | attr.attr_id;
switch (ccccaaaa) { // 0xccccaaaa . c=cluster, a=attribute
case 0x04060000: // Occupancy
uint32_t occupancy = attr.getUInt();
if (occupancy) {
uint32_t pir_timer = OCCUPANCY_TIMEOUT;
const Z_Data_PIR & pir_found = (const Z_Data_PIR&) zigbee_devices.getShortAddr(shortaddr).data.find(Z_Data_Type::Z_PIR, srcendpoint);
if (&pir_found != nullptr) {
pir_timer = pir_found.getTimeoutSeconds() * 1000;
if (pir_timer > 0) {
zigbee_devices.setTimer(shortaddr, 0 /* groupaddr */, pir_timer, cluster, srcendpoint, Z_CAT_VIRTUAL_OCCUPANCY, 0, &Z_OccupancyCallback);
} else {
zigbee_devices.resetTimersForDevice(shortaddr, 0 /* groupaddr */, Z_CAT_VIRTUAL_OCCUPANCY);
// A command has been sent to a device this device, or to a group
// Set timers to read back values.
// If it's a device address, also set a timer for reachability test
void sendHueUpdate(uint16_t shortaddr, uint16_t groupaddr, uint16_t cluster, uint8_t endpoint = 0) {
uint32_t wait_ms = 0xFFFF;
switch (cluster) {
case 0x0006:
wait_ms = 200; // wait 0.2 s
case 0x0008:
wait_ms = 1050; // wait 1.0 s
case 0x0102:
wait_ms = 10000; // wait 10.0 s
case 0x0300:
wait_ms = 1050; // wait 1.0 s
if (0xFFFF != wait_ms) {
if ((BAD_SHORTADDR != shortaddr) && (0 == endpoint)) {
endpoint = zigbee_devices.findFirstEndpoint(shortaddr);
if ((BAD_SHORTADDR == shortaddr) || (endpoint)) { // send if group address or endpoint is known
zigbee_devices.queueTimer(shortaddr, groupaddr, wait_ms, cluster, endpoint, Z_CAT_READ_CLUSTER, 0 /* value */, &Z_ReadAttrCallback);
if (BAD_SHORTADDR != shortaddr) { // reachability test is not possible for group addresses, since we don't know the list of devices in the group
zigbee_devices.setTimer(shortaddr, groupaddr, wait_ms + Z_CAT_REACHABILITY_TIMEOUT, cluster, endpoint, Z_CAT_REACHABILITY, 0 /* value */, &Z_Unreachable);
void ZCLFrame::parseReadAttributes(uint16_t shortaddr, Z_attribute_list& attr_list) {
uint32_t i = 0;
uint32_t len = payload.len();
uint16_t read_attr_ids[len/2];
JsonGeneratorArray attr_numbers;
Z_attribute_list attr_names;
while (len >= 2 + i) {
uint16_t attrid = payload.get16(i);
read_attr_ids[i/2] = attrid;
// find the attribute name
Z_attribute_match matched_attr = Z_findAttributeMatcherById(shortaddr, cluster, attrid, false);
if (matched_attr.found()) {
attr_names.addAttribute(matched_attr.name, true).setBool(true);
i += 2;
// call auto-responder only if src address if different from ourselves and it was a broadcast
if (shortaddr != localShortAddr || !_wasbroadcast) {
autoResponder(read_attr_ids, len/2);
void ZCLFrame::parseConfigAttributes(uint16_t shortaddr, Z_attribute_list& attr_list) {
uint32_t len = payload.len();
Z_attribute_list attr_config_list;
for (uint32_t i=0; len >= i+4; i+=4) {
uint8_t status = payload.get8(i);
uint16_t attr_id = payload.get8(i+2);
Z_attribute_list attr_config_response;
Z_attribute_match attr_matched = Z_findAttributeMatcherById(shortaddr, cluster, attr_id, false);
if (attr_matched.found()) {
const __FlashStringHelper* attr_name = (const __FlashStringHelper*) attr_matched.name;
} else {
attr_config_list.addAttribute(cluster, attr_id).setStrRaw(attr_config_response.toString(true).c_str());
Z_attribute &attr_1 = attr_list.addAttributePMEM(PSTR("ConfigResponse"));
void ZCLFrame::parseWriteAttributesResponse(Z_attribute_list& attr_list) {
parseResponse_inner(ZCL_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES_RESPONSE, false, payload.get8(0));
void ZCLFrame::parseReadConfigAttributes(uint16_t shortaddr, Z_attribute_list& attr_list) {
uint32_t i = 0;
uint32_t len = payload.len();
Z_attribute &attr_root = attr_list.addAttributePMEM(PSTR("ReadConfig"));
Z_attribute_list attr_1;
while (len >= i + 4) {
uint8_t status = payload.get8(i);
uint8_t direction = payload.get8(i+1);
uint16_t attrid = payload.get16(i+2);
Z_attribute_list attr_2;
if (direction) {
// find the multiplier
uint32_t multiplier = 1;
uint32_t divider = 1;
int32_t base = 0;
Z_attribute_match matched_attr = Z_findAttributeMatcherById(shortaddr, cluster, attrid, false);
if (matched_attr.found()) {
attr_2.addAttribute(matched_attr.name, true).setBool(true);
multiplier = matched_attr.multiplier;
divider = matched_attr.divider;
base = matched_attr.base;
i += 4;
if (0 != status) {
} else {
// no error, decode data
if (direction) {
// only Timeout period is present
uint16_t attr_timeout = payload.get16(i);
i += 2;
attr_2.addAttributePMEM(PSTR("TimeoutPeriod")).setUInt((0xFFFF == attr_timeout) ? -1 : attr_timeout);
} else {
// direction == 0, we have a data type
uint8_t attr_type = payload.get8(i);
bool attr_discrete = Z_isDiscreteDataType(attr_type);
uint16_t attr_min_interval = payload.get16(i+1);
uint16_t attr_max_interval = payload.get16(i+3);
i += 5;
attr_2.addAttributePMEM(PSTR("MinInterval")).setUInt((0xFFFF == attr_min_interval) ? -1 : attr_min_interval);
attr_2.addAttributePMEM(PSTR("MaxInterval")).setUInt((0xFFFF == attr_max_interval) ? -1 : attr_max_interval);
if (!attr_discrete) {
// decode Reportable Change
Z_attribute &attr_change = attr_2.addAttributePMEM(PSTR("ReportableChange"));
i += parseSingleAttribute(attr_change, payload, i, attr_type);
if ((multiplier != 1 && multiplier != 0) || (divider != 1 && divider != 0) || (base != 0)) {
float fval = attr_change.getFloat();
if (multiplier != 1 && multiplier != 0) {
fval = fval * multiplier;
if (divider != 1 && divider != 0) {
fval = fval / divider;
if (base != 0) {
fval = fval + base;
attr_1.addAttribute(cluster, attrid).setStrRaw(attr_2.toString(true).c_str());
void ZCLFrame::parseReadAttributesResponse(Z_attribute_list& attr_list) {
uint32_t i = 0;
uint32_t len = payload.len();
while (len >= i + 4) {
uint16_t attrid = payload.get16(i);
i += 2;
uint8_t status = payload.get8(i++);
if (0 == status) {
Z_attribute & attr = attr_list.addAttribute(cluster, attrid);
i += parseSingleAttribute(attr, payload, i);
void ZCLFrame::parseResponse_inner(uint8_t cmd, bool cluster_specific, uint8_t status) {
Z_attribute_list attr_list;
// "Device"
char s[12];
snprintf_P(s, sizeof(s), PSTR("0x%04X"), shortaddr);
// "Name"
const char * friendlyName = zigbee_devices.getFriendlyName(shortaddr);
if (friendlyName) {
// "Command"
snprintf_P(s, sizeof(s), PSTR("%04X%c%02X"), cluster, cluster_specific ? '!' : '_', cmd);
// "Status"
// "StatusMessage"
// Add Endpoint
// Add Group if non-zero
if (groupaddr) { // TODO what about group zero
attr_list.group_id = groupaddr;
// Add linkquality
attr_list.lqi = _linkquality;
Response_P(PSTR("{\"" D_JSON_ZIGBEE_RESPONSE "\":%s}"), attr_list.toString(true).c_str());
void ZCLFrame::parseResponse(void) {
if (payload.len() < 2) { return; } // wrong format
uint8_t cmd = payload.get8(0);
uint8_t status = payload.get8(1);
parseResponse_inner(cmd, true, status);
* Callbacks
// Reset the debounce marker
void Z_ResetDebounce(uint16_t shortaddr, uint16_t groupaddr, uint16_t cluster, uint8_t endpoint, uint32_t value) {
zigbee_devices.getShortAddr(shortaddr).debounce_endpoint = 0;
// Parse non-normalized attributes
void ZCLFrame::parseClusterSpecificCommand(Z_attribute_list& attr_list) {
// Check if debounce is active and if the packet is a duplicate
Z_Device & device = zigbee_devices.getShortAddr(shortaddr);
if ((device.debounce_endpoint != 0) && (device.debounce_endpoint == srcendpoint) && (device.debounce_transact == transactseq)) {
// this is a duplicate, drop the packet
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "Discarding duplicate command from 0x%04X, endpoint %d"), shortaddr, srcendpoint);
} else {
// reset the duplicate marker, parse the packet normally, and set a timer to reset the marker later (which will discard any existing timer for the same device/endpoint)
device.debounce_endpoint = srcendpoint;
device.debounce_transact = transactseq;
zigbee_devices.setTimer(shortaddr, 0 /* groupaddr */, USE_ZIGBEE_DEBOUNCE_COMMANDS, 0 /*clusterid*/, srcendpoint, Z_CAT_DEBOUNCE_CMD, 0, &Z_ResetDebounce);
bool cmd_parsed = false;
if (srcendpoint == 0xF2 && dstendpoint == 0xF2 && cluster == 0x0021) {
// handle Green Power commands
cmd_parsed = convertGPSpecific(attr_list, cmd, direction, shortaddr, _wasbroadcast, payload);
// was it successfully parsed already?
if (!cmd_parsed) {
// handle normal commands
convertClusterSpecific(attr_list, cluster, cmd, direction, shortaddr, srcendpoint, payload);
if (!Settings->flag5.zb_disable_autoquery) {
// read attributes unless disabled
if (!direction) { // only handle server->client (i.e. device->coordinator)
if (_wasbroadcast) { // only update for broadcast messages since we don't see unicast from device to device and we wouldn't know the target
sendHueUpdate(BAD_SHORTADDR, groupaddr, cluster);
// Send Default Response to acknowledge the command
if (0 == _frame_control.b.disable_def_resp) {
// the device expects a default response
ZCLFrame zcl(2); // message is 4 bytes
zcl.shortaddr = shortaddr;
zcl.cluster = cluster;
zcl.dstendpoint = srcendpoint;
zcl.manuf = manuf;
zcl.clusterSpecific = false; /* not cluster specific */
zcl.needResponse = false; /* noresponse */
zcl.direct = true; /* direct no retry */
zcl.payload.add8(0x00); // Status = OK
// ======================================================================
// Convert AnalogValue according to the device type
void ZCLFrame::syntheticAnalogValue(Z_attribute_list &attr_list, class Z_attribute &attr) {
const char * modelId_c = zigbee_devices.getModelId(shortaddr); // null if unknown
String modelId((char*) modelId_c);
if (modelId.startsWith(F("lumi.sensor_cube"))) {
attr.setKeyId(0x000C, 0xFF55); // change to AqaraRotate
if (modelId.startsWith(F("lumi.ctrl"))) {
attr.setKeyId(0x0B04, 0x050B); // change to ActivePower
// ======================================================================
// New version of synthetic attribute generation
void ZCLFrame::syntheticAqaraSensor(Z_attribute_list &attr_list, class Z_attribute &attr) {
const SBuffer * buf = attr.getRaw();
if (buf) {
const SBuffer & buf2 = *buf;
uint32_t i = 0;
uint32_t len = buf2.len();
const char * modelId_c = zigbee_devices.getModelId(shortaddr); // null if unknown
String modelId((char*) modelId_c);
while (len >= 2 + i) {
uint8_t attrid = buf2.get8(i++);
Z_attribute attr; // temporary attribute
i += parseSingleAttribute(attr, buf2, i);
int32_t ival32 = attr.getInt();
uint32_t uval32 = attr.getUInt();
bool translated = false; // were we able to translate to a known format?
if (0x01 == attrid) {
float batteryvoltage = attr.getFloat() / 100;
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0001, 0x0020).setFloat(batteryvoltage);
uint8_t batterypercentage = toPercentageCR2032(uval32);
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0001, 0x0021).setUInt(batterypercentage * 2);
} else if (0x03 == attrid) {
attr_list.addAttributePMEM("AqaraTemperature").copyVal(attr); // Temperature
} else if ((nullptr != modelId) && ((0 == getManufCode()) || (0x115F == getManufCode()))) {
translated = true;
if (modelId.startsWith(F("lumi.sensor_magnet"))) { // door / window sensor
if (0x64 == attrid) {
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0500, 0xFFF0 + ZA_Contact).copyVal(attr); // Contact
} else if (modelId.startsWith(F("lumi.sensor_smoke"))) { // gas leak
if (0x64 == attrid) {
} else if (modelId.startsWith(F("lumi.sensor_wleak"))) { // gas leak
if (0x64 == attrid) {
} else if (modelId.startsWith(F("lumi.sensor_natgas"))) { // gas leak
if (0x64 == attrid) {
} else if (modelId.startsWith(F("lumi.sensor_ht")) ||
modelId.equals(F("lumi.sens")) ||
modelId.startsWith(F("lumi.weather"))) { // Temp sensor
// Filter according to prefix of model name
// onla Aqara Temp/Humidity has manuf_code of zero. If non-zero we skip the parameters
if (0x64 == attrid) {
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0402, 0x0000).setInt(ival32); // Temperature
} else if (0x65 == attrid) {
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0405, 0x0000).setUInt(uval32); // Humidity * 100
} else if (0x66 == attrid) {
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0403, 0x0000).setUInt((ival32 + 50) / 100); // Pressure
} else if (modelId.startsWith(F("lumi.plug")) || modelId.startsWith(F("lumi.ctrl"))) {
if (0x64 == attrid) {
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0006, 0x0000).setInt(uval32); // Power (on/off)
} else if (0x98 == attrid) {
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0B04, 0x050B).setInt(ival32); // Active Power
} else if (0x95 == attrid) {
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0702, 0x0000).setUInt(uval32); // EnergyDelivered
} else {
translated = false; // we didn't find a match
if (!translated) {
if (attrid >= 100) { // payload is always above 0x64 or 100
char attr_name[12];
snprintf_P(attr_name, sizeof(attr_name), PSTR("Xiaomi_%02X"), attrid);
void ZCLFrame::syntheticAqaraSensor2(class Z_attribute_list &attr_list, class Z_attribute &attr) {
const SBuffer * buf = attr.getRaw();
if (buf) {
const SBuffer & buf2 = *buf;
uint32_t len = buf2.len();
// Look for battery value which is the first attribute of type 0x21
uint16_t struct_size = buf2.get16(0);
size_t struct_len = 2;
if (0xFFFF != struct_size) {
if (struct_size > 16) { struct_size = 16; }
for (uint32_t j = 0; (j < struct_size) && (struct_len < len); j++) {
uint8_t attr_type = buf2.get8(struct_len);
if (0x21 == attr_type) {
uint16_t val = buf2.get16(struct_len+1);
float batteryvoltage = (float)val / 100;
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0001, 0x0020).setFloat(batteryvoltage);
uint8_t batterypercentage = toPercentageCR2032(val);
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0001, 0x0021).setUInt(batterypercentage * 2);
struct_len += Z_getDatatypeLen(attr_type) + 1;
// Aqara Cube and Button
void ZCLFrame::syntheticAqaraCubeOrButton(class Z_attribute_list &attr_list, class Z_attribute &attr) {
const char * modelId_c = zigbee_devices.findShortAddr(shortaddr).modelId; // null if unknown
String modelId((char*) modelId_c);
if (modelId.startsWith(F("lumi.sensor_cube"))) { // only for Aqara cube
int32_t val = attr.getInt();
static const char *aqara_cube = PSTR("AqaraCube");
static const char *aqara_cube_side = PSTR("AqaraCubeSide");
static const char *aqara_cube_from_side = PSTR("AqaraCubeFromSide");
switch (val) {
case 0:
case 2:
case 3:
case 64 ... 127:
attr_list.addAttributePMEM(aqara_cube_side).setInt(val % 8);
attr_list.addAttributePMEM(aqara_cube_from_side).setInt((val - 64) / 8);
case 128 ... 132:
attr_list.addAttributePMEM(aqara_cube_side).setInt(val - 128);
case 256 ... 261:
attr_list.addAttributePMEM(aqara_cube_side).setInt(val - 256);
case 512 ... 517:
attr_list.addAttributePMEM(aqara_cube_side).setInt(val - 512);
// Source: https://github.com/kirovilya/ioBroker.zigbee
// +---+
// | 2 |
// +---+---+---+
// | 4 | 0 | 1 |
// +---+---+---+
// |M5I|
// +---+
// | 3 |
// +---+
// Side 5 is with the MI logo, side 3 contains the battery door.
// presentValue = 0 = shake
// presentValue = 2 = wakeup
// presentValue = 3 = fly/fall
// presentValue = y + x * 8 + 64 = 90º Flip from side x on top to side y on top
// presentValue = x + 128 = 180º flip to side x on top
// presentValue = x + 256 = push/slide cube while side x is on top
// presentValue = x + 512 = double tap while side x is on top
} else if (modelId.startsWith(F("lumi.remote")) || modelId.startsWith(F("lumi.sensor_swit"))) { // only for Aqara buttons WXKG11LM & WXKG12LM, 'swit' because of #9923
int32_t val = attr.getInt();
static const char *aqara_click = PSTR("click"); // deprecated
static const char *aqara_action = PSTR("action"); // deprecated
Z_attribute & attr_click = attr_list.addAttribute(PSTR("Click"), true);
switch (val) {
case 0:
attr_list.addAttributePMEM(aqara_action).setStr(PSTR("hold")); // deprecated
case 1:
attr_list.addAttributePMEM(aqara_click).setStr(PSTR("single")); // deprecated
case 2:
attr_list.addAttributePMEM(aqara_click).setStr(PSTR("double")); // deprecated
case 3:
case 4:
case 16:
attr_list.addAttributePMEM(aqara_action).setStr(PSTR("hold")); // deprecated
case 17:
attr_list.addAttributePMEM(aqara_action).setStr(PSTR("release")); // deprecated
case 18:
attr_list.addAttributePMEM(aqara_action).setStr(PSTR("shake")); // deprecated
case 255:
attr_list.addAttributePMEM(aqara_action).setStr(PSTR("release")); // deprecated
// Aqara vibration device
void ZCLFrame::syntheticAqaraVibration(class Z_attribute_list &attr_list, class Z_attribute &attr) {
switch (attr.attr_id) {
case 0x0055:
int32_t ivalue = attr.getInt();
const char * svalue;
switch (ivalue) {
case 1: svalue = PSTR("vibrate"); break;
case 2: svalue = PSTR("tilt"); break;
case 3: svalue = PSTR("drop"); break;
default: svalue = PSTR("unknown"); break;
case 0x0503:
case 0x0505:
case 0x0508:
// see https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/295 and http://faire-ca-soi-meme.fr/domotique/2018/09/03/test-xiaomi-aqara-vibration-sensor/
// report accelerometer measures
const SBuffer * buf = attr.getRaw();
if (buf) {
const SBuffer & buf2 = *buf;
int16_t x, y, z;
z = buf2.get16(0);
y = buf2.get16(2);
x = buf2.get16(4);
char temp[32];
snprintf_P(temp, sizeof(temp), PSTR("[%i,%i,%i]"), x, y, z);
// calculate angles
float X = x;
float Y = y;
float Z = z;
int32_t Angle_X = 0.5f + atanf(X/sqrtf(z*z+y*y)) * f_180pi;
int32_t Angle_Y = 0.5f + atanf(Y/sqrtf(x*x+z*z)) * f_180pi;
int32_t Angle_Z = 0.5f + atanf(Z/sqrtf(x*x+y*y)) * f_180pi;
snprintf_P(temp, sizeof(temp), PSTR("[%i,%i,%i]"), Angle_X, Angle_Y, Angle_Z);
/// Publish a message for `"Occupancy":0` when the timer expired
void Z_OccupancyCallback(uint16_t shortaddr, uint16_t groupaddr, uint16_t cluster, uint8_t endpoint, uint32_t value) {
Z_attribute_list attr_list;
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0406, 0x0000).setUInt(0); // Occupancy
Z_postProcessAttributes(shortaddr, endpoint, attr_list); // make sure all is updated accordingly
zigbee_devices.jsonPublishNow(shortaddr, attr_list);
// ======================================================================
void Z_postProcessAttributes(uint16_t shortaddr, uint16_t src_ep, class Z_attribute_list& attr_list) {
Z_Device & device = zigbee_devices.getShortAddr(shortaddr);
uint8_t count_ep = device.countEndpoints();
for (auto &attr : attr_list) {
// add endpoint suffix if needed
if ((Settings->flag4.zb_index_ep) && (src_ep != 1) && (count_ep > 1)) {
// we need to add suffix if the suffix is not already different from 1
if (attr.key_suffix == 1) {
attr.key_suffix = src_ep;
// attr is Z_attribute&
if (!attr.key_is_str && !attr.key_is_cmd) {
uint16_t cluster = attr.cluster;
uint16_t attribute = attr.attr_id;
uint32_t ccccaaaa = (attr.cluster << 16) | attr.attr_id;
// Look for an entry in the converter table
bool found = false;
// first search in device plug-ins
Z_attribute_match matched_attr = Z_findAttributeMatcherById(shortaddr, cluster, attribute, true);
found = matched_attr.found();
// special case for Tuya attributes, also search for type `FF` if not found
if (!found && cluster == 0xEF00) {
// search for attribute `FFxx` for wildcard types
matched_attr = Z_findAttributeMatcherById(shortaddr, cluster, 0xFF00 | (attribute & 0x00FF), true);
found = matched_attr.found();
float fval = attr.getFloat();
if (found && (matched_attr.map_type != Z_Data_Type::Z_Unknown)) {
// We apply an automatic mapping to Z_Data_XXX object
// First we find or instantiate the correct Z_Data_XXX according to the endpoint
// Then store the attribute at the attribute addres (via offset) and according to size 8/16/32 bits
// add the endpoint if it was not already known
// we don't apply the multiplier, but instead store in Z_Data_XXX object
Z_Data & data = device.data.getByType(matched_attr.map_type, src_ep);
uint8_t * attr_address = ((uint8_t*)&data) + sizeof(Z_Data) + matched_attr.map_offset;
uint32_t uval32 = attr.getUInt(); // call converter to uint only once
int32_t ival32 = attr.getInt(); // call converter to int only once
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "Mapping type=%d offset=%d zigbee_type=%02X value=%d\n"), (uint8_t) matched_attr.matched_attr, matched_attr.map_offset, matched_attr.zigbee_type, ival32);
switch (ccccaaaa) {
case 0xEF000202:
case 0xEF000203: // need to convert Tuya temperatures from 1/10 to 1/00 °C
ival32 = ival32 * 10;
switch (matched_attr.zigbee_type) {
case Zenum8:
case Zmap8:
case Zbool:
case Zuint8: *(uint8_t*)attr_address = uval32; break;
case Zenum16:
case Zmap16:
case Zuint16: *(uint16_t*)attr_address = uval32; break;
case Zuint32: *(uint32_t*)attr_address = uval32; break;
case Zint8: *(int8_t*)attr_address = ival32; break;
case Zint16: *(int16_t*)attr_address = ival32; break;
case Zint32: *(int32_t*)attr_address = ival32; break;
if (Z_Data_Set::updateData(data)) {
uint16_t uval16 = attr.getUInt(); // call converter to uint only once
int16_t ival16 = attr.getInt(); // call converter to int only once
// update any internal structure
switch (ccccaaaa) {
case 0x00000004: device.setManufId(attr.getStr()); break;
case 0x00000005: device.setModelId(attr.getStr()); break;
case 0x00010021:
// if both BatteryVoltage and BatteryPercentage are zero, ignore
// Behavior seen on Aqara device when requesting cluster 0x0001
bool valid_batt_voltage = true;
const Z_attribute * battVoltage_attr = attr_list.findAttribute(0x0001, 0x0020);
if (battVoltage_attr != nullptr) {
if (battVoltage_attr->getUInt() == 0) {
valid_batt_voltage = false;
if (valid_batt_voltage || uval16 > 0) {
device.setBatteryPercent(uval16 / 2); // set value only if both are not zero
case 0x00060000:
case 0x00068000: device.setPower(attr.getBool(), src_ep); break;
// apply multiplier/divisor to AC values
case 0x0B040505: // RMSVoltage
case 0x0B040508: // RMSCurrent
case 0x0B04050B: // ActivePower
const Z_Data_Plug & plug = device.data.find<Z_Data_Plug>();
if (&plug != &z_data_unk) {
switch (ccccaaaa) {
case 0x0B040505: fval = fval * plug.getACVoltageMul() / plug.getACVoltageDiv(); break;
case 0x0B040508: fval = fval * plug.getACCurrentMul() / plug.getACCurrentDiv(); break;
case 0x0B04050B: fval = fval * plug.getACPowerMul() / plug.getACPowerDiv(); break;
// now apply the multiplier to make it human readable
if (found) {
if (0 == matched_attr.multiplier) { attr_list.removeAttribute(&attr); continue; } // remove attribute if multiplier is zero
if ((matched_attr.multiplier != 1 && matched_attr.multiplier != 0) || (matched_attr.divider != 1 && matched_attr.divider != 0) || (matched_attr.base != 0)) {
if (matched_attr.multiplier != 1 && matched_attr.multiplier != 0) {
fval = fval * matched_attr.multiplier;
if (matched_attr.divider != 1 && matched_attr.divider != 0) {
fval = fval / matched_attr.divider;
if (matched_attr.base != 0) {
fval = fval + matched_attr.base;
// Replace cluster/attribute with name
if (found) {
if (0x00 != pgm_read_byte(matched_attr.name)) {// if name is not null, replace it
attr.setKeyName(matched_attr.name, true); // PMEM string so no need to copy
// Internal search function
void Z_parseAttributeKey_inner(uint16_t shortaddr, class Z_attribute & attr, uint16_t preferred_cluster) {
if (attr.key_is_str) {
// find the attribute name
Z_attribute_match matched_attr = Z_findAttributeMatcherByName(shortaddr, attr.key);
if (matched_attr.found()) {
if ((preferred_cluster == 0xFFFF) || // any cluster
(matched_attr.cluster == preferred_cluster)) {
// match
attr.setKeyId(matched_attr.cluster, matched_attr.attribute);
attr.attr_type = matched_attr.zigbee_type;
attr.attr_multiplier = matched_attr.multiplier;
attr.attr_divider = matched_attr.divider;
attr.attr_base = matched_attr.base;
attr.manuf = matched_attr.manuf;
} else {
// find by cluster/attribute
Z_attribute_match matched_attr = Z_findAttributeMatcherById(shortaddr, attr.cluster, attr.attr_id, false);
if (matched_attr.found()) {
attr.attr_type = matched_attr.zigbee_type;
attr.manuf = matched_attr.manuf;
// Given an attribute string, retrieve all attribute details.
// Input: the attribute has a key name, either: <cluster>/<attr> or <cluster>/<attr>%<type> or "<attribute_name>"
// Ex: "0008/0000", "0008/0000%20", "Dimmer"
// Use:
// Z_attribute attr;
// attr.setKeyName("0008/0000%20")
// if (Z_parseAttributeKey(attr)) {
// // ok
// }
// Output:
// The `attr` attribute has the correct cluster, attr_id, attr_type, attr_multiplier
// Note: the attribute value is unchanged and unparsed
// Note: if the type is specified in the key, the multiplier is not applied, no conversion happens
bool Z_parseAttributeKey(uint16_t shortaddr, class Z_attribute & attr, uint16_t preferred_cluster) {
// check if the name has the format "XXXX/YYYY" where XXXX is the cluster, YYYY the attribute id
// alternative "XXXX/YYYY%ZZ" where ZZ is the type (for unregistered attributes)
if (attr.key_is_str) {
const char * key = attr.key;
char * delimiter = strchr(key, '/');
char * delimiter2 = strchr(key, '%');
if (delimiter) {
uint16_t attr_id = 0xFFFF;
uint16_t cluster_id = 0xFFFF;
uint8_t type_id = Zunk;
cluster_id = strtoul(key, &delimiter, 16);
if (!delimiter2) {
attr_id = strtoul(delimiter+1, nullptr, 16);
} else {
attr_id = strtoul(delimiter+1, &delimiter2, 16);
type_id = Z_getTypeByName(delimiter2+1);
attr.setKeyId(cluster_id, attr_id);
attr.attr_type = type_id;
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("cluster_id = 0x%04X, attr_id = 0x%04X"), cluster_id, attr_id);
// do we already know the type, i.e. attribute and cluster are also known
if ((Zunk == attr.attr_type) && (preferred_cluster != 0xFFFF)) {
Z_parseAttributeKey_inner(shortaddr, attr, preferred_cluster); // try to find with the selected cluster
if (Zunk == attr.attr_type) {
Z_parseAttributeKey_inner(shortaddr, attr, 0xFFFF); // try again with any cluster
// special case for Tuya attributes, where Zunk is allowed
if (Zunk == attr.attr_type) {
if (!attr.key_is_str && attr.cluster == 0xEF00) {
return true;
return false; // couldn't find any match
return true;
// generic toAttributes() based on declaration in the attribute array
// can be overloaded for specific objects
// Input:
// the Json object to add attributes to
// the type of object (necessary since the type system is unaware of the actual sub-type)
void Z_Data::toAttributes(Z_attribute_list & attr_list) const {
Z_Data_Type type = getType();
// iterate through attributes to see which ones need to be exported
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nitems(Z_PostProcess); i++) {
const Z_AttributeConverter *converter = &Z_PostProcess[i];
uint8_t conv_export = pgm_read_byte(&converter->multiplier_idx) & Z_EXPORT_DATA;
uint8_t conv_mapping = pgm_read_byte(&converter->mapping);
uint16_t multiplier = 1;
uint16_t divider = 1;
int8_t multiplier8 = CmToMultiplier(pgm_read_byte(&converter->multiplier_idx));
if (multiplier8 > 1) { multiplier = multiplier8; }
if (multiplier8 < 0) { divider = -multiplier8; }
Z_Data_Type map_type = (Z_Data_Type) ((conv_mapping & 0xF0)>>4);
uint8_t map_offset = (conv_mapping & 0x0F);
if ((conv_export != 0) && (map_type == type)) {
// we need to export this attribute
const char * conv_name = Z_strings + pgm_read_word(&converter->name_offset);
uint8_t zigbee_type = pgm_read_byte(&converter->type); // zigbee type to select right size 8/16/32 bits
uint8_t * attr_address = ((uint8_t*)this) + sizeof(Z_Data) + map_offset; // address of attribute in memory
int32_t data_size = 0;
int32_t ival32;
uint32_t uval32;
switch (zigbee_type) {
case Zenum8:
case Zmap8:
case Zbool:
case Zuint8: uval32 = *(uint8_t*)attr_address; if (uval32 != 0x000000FF) data_size = 8; break;
case Zmap16:
case Zenum16:
case Zuint16: uval32 = *(uint16_t*)attr_address; if (uval32 != 0x0000FFFF) data_size = 16; break;
case Zuint32: uval32 = *(uint32_t*)attr_address; if (uval32 != 0xFFFFFFFF) data_size = 32; break;
case Zint8: ival32 = *(int8_t*)attr_address; if (ival32 != -0x80) data_size = -8; break;
case Zint16: ival32 = *(int16_t*)attr_address; if (ival32 != -0x8000) data_size = -16; break;
case Zint32: ival32 = *(int32_t*)attr_address; if (ival32 != -0x80000000) data_size = -32; break;
if (data_size != 0) {
Z_attribute & attr = attr_list.addAttribute(conv_name);
float fval;
if (data_size > 0) { fval = uval32; }
else { fval = ival32; }
if ((multiplier != 1 && multiplier != 0) || (divider != 1 && divider != 0)) {
if (multiplier != 1 && multiplier != 0) {
fval = fval * multiplier;
if (divider != 1 && divider != 0) {
fval = fval / divider;
// special case for plugs, with parametric multiplier/divisor
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Winvalid-offsetof" // avoid warnings since we're using offsetof() in a risky way
const Z_Data_Plug * plug = (Z_Data_Plug*) this;
if (map_type == Z_Data_Type::Z_Plug) {
if (map_offset == Z_OFFSET(Z_Data_Plug, mains_voltage)) {
fval = fval * plug->getACVoltageMul() / plug->getACVoltageDiv();
} else if (map_offset == Z_OFFSET(Z_Data_Plug, mains_power)) {
fval = fval * plug->getACPowerMul() / plug->getACPowerDiv();
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// Add both attributes RGB and RGBb based on the inputs
// r,g,b are expected to be 100% brightness
// brightness is expected 0..255
void Z_Data_Light::toRGBAttributesRGBb(Z_attribute_list & attr_list, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t brightness) {
SBuffer rgb(3);
attr_list.addAttribute(PSTR("RGB"), true).setBuf(rgb, 0, 3);
// now blend with brightness
r = changeUIntScale(r, 0, 255, 0, brightness);
g = changeUIntScale(g, 0, 255, 0, brightness);
b = changeUIntScale(b, 0, 255, 0, brightness);
rgb.set8(0, r);
rgb.set8(1, g);
rgb.set8(2, b);
attr_list.addAttribute(PSTR("RGBb"), true).setBuf(rgb, 0, 3);
// Convert from Hue/Sat + Brightness to RGB+RGBb
// sat: 0..255
// hue: 0..359
// brightness: 0..255
void Z_Data_Light::toRGBAttributesHSB(Z_attribute_list & attr_list, uint16_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t brightness) {
uint8_t r,g,b;
HsToRgb(hue, sat, &r, &g, &b);
Z_Data_Light::toRGBAttributesRGBb(attr_list, r, g, b, brightness);
// Convert X/Y to RGB and RGBb
// X: 0..65535
// Y: 0..65535
// brightness: 0..255
void Z_Data_Light::toRGBAttributesXYB(Z_attribute_list & attr_list, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t brightness) {
uint8_t r,g,b;
XyToRgb(x / 65535.0f, y / 65535.0f, &r, &g, &b);
Z_Data_Light::toRGBAttributesRGBb(attr_list, r, g, b, brightness);
void Z_Data_Light::toRGBAttributes(Z_attribute_list & attr_list) const {
uint8_t brightness = 255;
if (validDimmer()) {
brightness = changeUIntScale(getDimmer(), 0, 254, 0, 255); // range is 0..255
if (validHue() && validSat()) {
uint8_t sat = changeUIntScale(getSat(), 0, 254, 0, 255);
Z_Data_Light::toRGBAttributesHSB(attr_list, getHue(), sat, brightness);
} else if (validX() && validY()) {
Z_Data_Light::toRGBAttributesXYB(attr_list, getX(), getY(), brightness);
// Check if this device needs Battery reporting
// This is useful for IKEA or Philips devices that tend to drain battery quickly when Battery reporting is set
bool Z_BatteryReportingDeviceSpecific(uint16_t shortaddr) {
const Z_Device & device = zigbee_devices.findShortAddr(shortaddr);
if (device.manufacturerId) {
String manuf_c(device.manufacturerId);
if ((manuf_c.startsWith(F("IKEA"))) || (manuf_c.startsWith(F("Philips")))) {
return false;
return true;
#endif // USE_ZIGBEE