
367 lines
13 KiB

xdrv_52_3_berry_mdns.ino - Berry scripting language, mDNS
Copyright (C) 2021 Stephan Hadinger, Berry language by Guan Wenliang https://github.com/Skiars/berry
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// also includes tcp_client
#ifdef USE_BERRY
#include "mdns.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "IPAddress.h"
extern "C" {
// `mdsn.start([hostname:string]) -> nil`
// start or restart mdns, specify hostname or use tasmota.hostname() if none provided (default)
void m_mdns_start(struct bvm *vm, const char* hostname) {
esp_err_t err = mdns_init();
if (err != ESP_OK) {
be_raisef(vm, "internal_error", "could not initialize mdns err=%i", err);
if (hostname == NULL) {
hostname = NetworkHostname(); // revert to default hostname if none is specified
err = mdns_hostname_set(hostname);
if (err != ESP_OK) {
be_raisef(vm, "internal_error", "could not set hostname err=%i", err);
BE_FUNC_CTYPE_DECLARE(m_mdns_start, "", "@[s]")
// `msdn.stop() -> nil`
// free all mdns resources
void m_mdns_stop(void) {
BE_FUNC_CTYPE_DECLARE(m_mdns_stop, "", "")
// `mdns.set_hostname(hostname:string) -> nil`
// change the hostname
void m_mdns_set_hostname(struct bvm *vm, const char * hostname) {
esp_err_t err = mdns_hostname_set(hostname);
if (err != ESP_OK) {
be_raisef(vm, "internal_error", "mdns set_hostname err=%i", err);
BE_FUNC_CTYPE_DECLARE(m_mdns_set_hostname, "", "@s")
// `mdns.add_service(service:string, proto:string, port:int, txt:map [, instance:string, hostname:string]) -> nil`
// add a service declaration using the current hostname as instance name, and specify TXT fields as a `map`
// Test:
// import mdns mdns.add_service("_arduino","_tcp",1111, {"board":"tasmota", "tcp_check":"no", "ssh_upload":"no", "auth_upload":"no"})
// import mdns mdns.add_service("_matterc","_udp", 5540, {"VP":"65521+32768", "SII":5000, "SAI":300, "T":1, "D":3840, "CM":1, "PH":33, "PI":""})
int32_t m_mdns_add_service(struct bvm *vm) {
int32_t top = be_top(vm);
if (top >= 3 && be_isstring(vm, 1) && be_isstring(vm, 2) && be_isint(vm, 3)) {
const char* service_type = be_tostring(vm, 1);
const char* proto = be_tostring(vm, 2);
uint16_t port = be_toint(vm, 3);
const char * instance = nullptr;
const char * hostname = nullptr;
if (top >= 5 && be_isstring(vm, 5)) {
instance = be_tostring(vm, 5);
if (top >= 6 && be_isstring(vm, 6)) {
hostname = be_tostring(vm, 6);
mdns_txt_item_t * txt_items = NULL;
int32_t txt_num = 0;
if (top >= 4 && be_ismapinstance(vm, 4)) {
// parse txt map
be_getmember(vm, 4, ".p");
int32_t map_len = be_data_size(vm, -1);
if (map_len > 0) {
uint32_t i= 0;
txt_items = (mdns_txt_item_t*) be_os_malloc(sizeof(mdns_txt_item_t) * map_len);
if (txt_items != NULL) {
be_pushiter(vm, -1); /* map iterator use 1 register */
while (be_iter_hasnext(vm, -2) && i < map_len) {
be_iter_next(vm, -2);
const char* key = be_tostring(vm, -2);
const char* val = be_tostring(vm, -1);
size_t key_len = strlen(key)+1;
txt_items[i].key = (const char*)be_os_malloc(key_len);
if (txt_items[i].key) { strcpy((char*)txt_items[i].key, key); }
size_t val_len = strlen(val)+1;
txt_items[i].value = (const char*)be_os_malloc(val_len);
if (txt_items[i].value) { strcpy((char*)txt_items[i].value, val); }
be_pop(vm, 2);
txt_num = i;
} else {
txt_num = 0; // failed to allocate, pretend it's empty
be_pop(vm, 1); /* pop iterator */
esp_err_t err;
if (hostname == nullptr) {
err = mdns_service_add(instance, service_type, proto, port, txt_items, txt_num);
} else {
err = mdns_service_add_for_host(instance, service_type, proto, hostname, port, txt_items, txt_num);
// free all allocated memory
if (txt_items != NULL) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < txt_num; i++) {
if (txt_items[i].key != NULL) { be_os_free((void*)txt_items[i].key); }
if (txt_items[i].value != NULL) { be_os_free((void*)txt_items[i].value); }
if (err != ESP_OK) {
be_raisef(vm, "internal_error", "mdns service_add err=%i", err);
be_raise(vm, "value_error", "wrong or missing arguments");
// `mdns.remove_service(service:string, proto:string [, instance:string, hostname:string]) -> nil`
// remove service from mDNS server with hostname.
// Test:
// import mdns mdns.remove_service("_arduino","_tcp")
// import mdns mdns.remove_service("_matterc","_udp")
int32_t m_mdns_remove_service(struct bvm *vm) {
int32_t top = be_top(vm);
if (top >= 2 && be_isstring(vm, 1) && be_isstring(vm, 2)) {
const char* service_type = be_tostring(vm, 1);
const char* proto = be_tostring(vm, 2);
const char * instance = nullptr;
const char * hostname = nullptr;
if (top >= 3 && be_isstring(vm, 3)) {
instance = be_tostring(vm, 3);
if (top >= 4 && be_isstring(vm, 4)) {
hostname = be_tostring(vm, 4);
esp_err_t err;
if (hostname == nullptr) {
err = mdns_service_remove(service_type, proto);
} else {
err = mdns_service_remove_for_host(instance, service_type, proto, hostname);
if (err != ESP_OK) {
be_raisef(vm, "internal_error", "mdns service_remove err=%i", err);
be_raise(vm, "value_error", "wrong or missing arguments");
// `mdns_service_subtype_add_for_host()` is only available in most recent esp-protocols version
// This alias makes sure that the compilation succeeds even if the function is not available
extern "C" esp_err_t __tasmota_mdns_service_subtype_add_for_host (const char *instance_name, const char *service_type, const char *proto, const char *hostname, const char *subtype)
{ return ESP_OK; }
extern "C" esp_err_t mdns_service_subtype_add_for_host(const char *instance_name, const char *service_type, const char *proto, const char *hostname, const char *subtype) __attribute__ ((weak, alias ("__tasmota_mdns_service_subtype_add_for_host")));
// `mdns.add_subtype(service:string, proto:string, instance:string, hostname:string, subtype:string) -> nil`
// add a subtype
int32_t m_dns_add_subtype(struct bvm *vm) {
int32_t top = be_top(vm);
if (top >= 5 && be_isstring(vm, 1) && be_isstring(vm, 2) && be_isstring(vm, 3) && be_isstring(vm, 4) && be_isstring(vm, 5)) {
const char* service_type = be_tostring(vm, 1);
const char* proto = be_tostring(vm, 2);
const char* instance = be_tostring(vm, 3);
const char* hostname = be_tostring(vm, 4);
const char* subtype = be_tostring(vm, 5);
esp_err_t err;
// Waiting for support of `mdns_service_subtype_add_for_host()`
err = mdns_service_subtype_add_for_host(instance, service_type, proto, hostname, subtype);
if (err != ESP_OK) {
be_raisef(vm, "internal_error", "mdns add_subtype err=%i", err);
be_raise(vm, "value_error", "wrong or missing arguments");
// `mdns.add_hostname(hostname:string, ip:string [, ip:string]*) -> nil`
// add a delegate hostname
int32_t m_dns_add_hostname(struct bvm *vm) {
int32_t top = be_top(vm);
if (top >= 2 && be_isstring(vm, 1) && be_isstring(vm, 2)) {
mdns_ip_addr_t * head = nullptr; // head of the linked list of addresses
esp_err_t err = ESP_OK; // return status
const char* hostname = be_tostring(vm, 1);
const char* ip_text = nullptr;
for (uint16_t i = 2; i <= top; i++) {
const char* ip_text = be_tostring(vm, i);
if (ip_text == nullptr || ip_text[0] == 0) { continue; } // ignore empty string
IPAddress ip;
if (!ip.fromString(ip_text)) { err = -1; break; }
// allocate new slot
mdns_ip_addr_t *new_head = (mdns_ip_addr_t*) be_os_malloc(sizeof(mdns_ip_addr_t));
if (new_head == nullptr) { err = -2; break; }
new_head->next = head;
head = new_head;
#ifdef USE_IPV6
// ip_addr_t *ip_addr = (ip_addr_t*) ip;
ip_addr_t ip_addr;
head->addr.type = ip_addr.type;
if (ip_addr.type == ESP_IPADDR_TYPE_V6) {
memcpy(head->addr.u_addr.ip6.addr, ip_addr.u_addr.ip6.addr, 16);
} else {
head->addr.u_addr.ip4.addr = ip_addr.u_addr.ip4.addr;
head->addr.u_addr.ip4.addr = (uint32_t) ip;
} while (0);
if (err == ESP_OK && head != nullptr) {
err = mdns_delegate_hostname_add(hostname, head);
// deallocate all memory
while (head != nullptr) {
mdns_ip_addr_t * next = head->next;
head = next;
if (err == -1) {
be_raisef(vm, "value_error", "Invalid IP Address '%s'", ip_text);
} else if (err == -2) {
be_raise(vm, "memory_error", nullptr);
} else if (err != ESP_OK) {
be_raisef(vm, "value_error", "mdns_delegate_hostname_add err=%i", err);
be_raise(vm, "value_error", "wrong or missing arguments");
// `mdns.find_service(service:string, proto:string [timeout_ms:int(3000), max_responses:int(20)]) -> map`
int32_t m_dns_find_service(struct bvm *vm) {
static const char * ip_protocol_str[] = {"v4", "v6", "max"};
int32_t top = be_top(vm);
if (top >= 2 && be_isstring(vm, 1) && be_isstring(vm, 2)) {
const char* service_name = be_tostring(vm, 1);
const char* proto = be_tostring(vm, 2);
int32_t timeout_ms = 3000;
if (top >= 3 && be_isint(vm, 3)) {
timeout_ms = be_toint(vm, 3);
int32_t max_responses = 20;
if (top >= 4 && be_isint(vm, 4)) {
max_responses = be_toint(vm, 4);
mdns_result_t * results = NULL;
esp_err_t err = mdns_query_ptr(service_name, proto, timeout_ms, max_responses, &results);
if (err != ESP_OK) { be_raisef(vm, "value_error", "mdns_query_ptr err=%i", err); }
if (results == NULL) { be_return_nil(vm); }
mdns_result_t * r = results;
mdns_ip_addr_t * a = NULL;
be_newobject(vm, "list");
while (r) {
be_newobject(vm, "map");
be_map_insert_str(vm, "type", ip_protocol_str[r->ip_protocol]);
if (r->instance_name) { be_map_insert_str(vm, "instance", r->instance_name); }
if (r->hostname) { be_map_insert_str(vm, "hostname", r->hostname); }
// TXT
be_pushstring(vm, "txt");
be_newobject(vm, "map");
for (int32_t t=0; t < r->txt_count; t++){
be_map_insert_str(vm, r->txt[t].key, r->txt[t].value);
be_pop(vm, 1);
be_data_insert(vm, -3);
be_pop(vm, 2);
// IP addresses
be_pushstring(vm, "ip");
be_newobject(vm, "list");
for (a = r->addr; a != NULL; a = a->next) {
#ifdef USE_IPV6
ip_addr_t ip_addr;
if (a->addr.type == IPADDR_TYPE_V6) {
ip_addr_copy_from_ip6(ip_addr, a->addr.u_addr.ip6);
} else if (a->addr.type == IPADDR_TYPE_V4) {
ip_addr_copy_from_ip4(ip_addr, a->addr.u_addr.ip4);
} else {
be_pushstring(vm, IPAddress(&ip_addr).toString(true).c_str());
uint32_t ip_addr = a->addr.u_addr.ip4.addr;
be_pushstring(vm, IPAddress(ip_addr).toString().c_str());
be_data_push(vm, -2);
be_pop(vm, 1);
be_pop(vm, 1);
be_data_insert(vm, -3);
be_pop(vm, 2);
be_pop(vm, 1);
be_data_push(vm, -2);
be_pop(vm, 1);
r = r->next;
be_pop(vm, 1); // now list is on top
be_raise(vm, "value_error", "wrong or missing arguments");
#endif // USE_BERRY