
754 lines
26 KiB

xdrv_52_3_tf_lite_micro.ino - Berry scripting language, High-Level Tensor Flow Lite for Microprocessors model deployer
Copyright (C) 2022 Christian Baars & Stephan Hadinger, Berry language by Guan Wenliang https://github.com/Skiars/berry
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifdef USE_BERRY
#include <berry.h>
#include <TensorFlowLite.h>
#include "tensorflow/lite/micro/all_ops_resolver.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/core/api/error_reporter.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/micro/micro_interpreter.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/c/c_api_types.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/micro/system_setup.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/schema/schema_generated.h"
#include "freertos/ringbuf.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/c/common.h"
#ifdef USE_I2S
#include "mfcc.h"
#endif //USE_I2S
* Internal helper classes and constants
#ifdef USE_I2S
#define kObservationWindow 1000 //milliseconds
#define kAudioSampleFrequency 16000
#define kAudioSampleBits 16
struct TFL_mic_descriptor_t{
uint8_t channel_fmt; // UNUSED NOW !!!
uint8_t preamp; // UNUSED NOW !!!
uint8_t slice_dur; // milliseconds
uint8_t slice_stride; // milliseconds
uint8_t num_filter; // mfe bins
uint8_t num_coeff; // mfcc coefficients, if 0 -> compute MFE only
uint8_t fft_bins; // 2^fft_bins
uint8_t max_invocations; // max. invocations per second
uint8_t db_floor; // filter out noise below decibel threshold, treated as negative value
uint8_t preemphasis; // as <float>preemphasis/100.0f , 0 - no preemphasis
struct TFL_mic_ctx_t{
TaskHandle_t audio_capture_task = nullptr;
SemaphoreHandle_t feature_buffer_mutex = nullptr;
MFCC * mfcc = nullptr;
int8_t* model_input_buffer = nullptr;
struct {
uint32_t is_audio_initialized:1;
uint32_t is_first_time:1;
uint32_t new_feature_data:1;
uint32_t continue_audio_capture:1;
uint32_t stop_audio_capture:1;
uint32_t audio_capture_ended:1;
uint32_t use_mfcc:1;
uint32_t use_gain_filter:1;
} flag;
uint32_t flags;
int feature_buffer_idx = 0;
int8_t *feature_buffer;
// user input
// int32_t channel_fmt; // UNUSED
int32_t preamp; // setup by I2S driver
int32_t slice_dur; // milliseconds
int32_t slice_stride; // milliseconds
uint8_t num_filter; // mfe filter bins
uint8_t num_coeff; // mfcc coefficients, if 0 -> compute MFE only
int32_t fft_bins; // 2^fft_bins
// calculated
int32_t slice_size; // bytes
int32_t slice_count;
uint16_t i2s_samples_to_get;
int16_t db_floor; // filter out noise below decibel threshold, this is now a negative value
float preemphasis;
#endif //USE_I2S
struct TFL_stats_t{
uint32_t model_size = 0;
uint32_t used_arena_bytes = 0;
uint32_t invokations = 0;
uint32_t loop_task_free_stack_bytes = 0;
uint32_t mic_task_free_stack_bytes = 0;
struct TFL_ctx_t{
const tflite::Model* model = nullptr;
TfLiteTensor* input = nullptr;
TfLiteTensor* output = nullptr;
int8_t *berry_output_buf = nullptr;
size_t berry_output_bufsize;
int TensorArenaSize = 2000;
uint8_t max_invocations; // max. invocations per second
TaskHandle_t loop_task = nullptr;
// QueueHandle_t loop_queue = nullptr;
struct {
uint32_t init_done:1;
uint32_t delay_next_invocation:1;
uint32_t running_invocation:1;
uint32_t running_loop:1;
// uint32_t stop_loop:1;
uint32_t loop_ended:1;
uint32_t unread_output:1;
uint32_t use_cam:1;
uint32_t use_mic:1;
uint32_t mode_inference:1;
} option;
uint32_t options;
#ifdef USE_I2S
TFL_mic_ctx_t *mic = nullptr;
#endif // USE_I2S
TFL_stats_t *stats = nullptr;
TFL_ctx_t *TFL = nullptr;
RingbufHandle_t TFL_log_buffer = nullptr;
* Internal driver functions
* @brief This function is called from Microprint() from the Tensorflow framework
* Used to log from Tensorflow and from this (Tasmota) driver
* @param s - message as c-string
void TFL_Log(char *s){
size_t len = strlen(s);
if(len<5) return; // we assume this is for the trash
xRingbufferSend(TFL_log_buffer, s, len+1 , pdMS_TO_TICKS(3));
bool TFL_create_task(){
if (TFL->option.running_loop) return bfalse;
if(TFL->loop_task!=nullptr) vTaskDelete(TFL->loop_task);
TFL_task_loop, /* Function to implement the task */
"tfl_loop", /* Name of the task */
8000 + (TFL->TensorArenaSize),/* Stack size in words */
NULL, /* Task input parameter */
1, /* Priority of the task */
&TFL->loop_task, /* Task handle. */
1); /* Core where the task should run */
return btrue;
bool TFL_init_CAM(){
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TFL: mode webcam not implemented yet"));
delete TFL;
TFL = nullptr;
return bfalse;
#ifdef USE_I2S
* @brief Set up some buffers and tables for feature extraction of audio samples. Must run once before starting audio capturing.
* @return int - not used ATM
int TFL_InitializeFeatures() {
uint32_t samples_to_process = (TFL->mic->i2s_samples_to_get * TFL->mic->slice_dur)/TFL->mic->slice_stride;
TFL->mic->mfcc = new MFCC(TFL->mic->num_coeff, samples_to_process, TFL->mic->num_filter, kAudioSampleFrequency, 300, 8000);
MicroPrintf( PSTR( "MFCC %u initialized for %u samples, preamp: %u, preemphasis: %f"),TFL->mic->num_coeff,samples_to_process, TFL->mic->preamp, TFL->mic->preemphasis);
return kTfLiteOk;
* @brief Computes features from every audio slice immediately after capturing it.
* @param input - audio buffer
* @param input_size - length auf audio input in samples (16-bit)
* @param output_size - length of feature buffer in bytes (we use int8_t quantization)
* @param output - feature buffer for one slice of audio
* @param num_samples_read - not used anymore, to be removed
* @return int
int TFL_GenerateFeatures(const int16_t* input, int input_size,
int output_size, int8_t* output,
size_t* num_samples_read) {
float out_buf[output_size];
TFL->mic->mfcc->mfcc_compute(input, out_buf);
if(TFL->mic->num_coeff == 0){ // mfe only
TFL->mic->mfcc->log10_normalize(out_buf, output_size, TFL->mic->db_floor);
float scale = TFL->input->params.scale;
int32_t zero_point = TFL->input->params.zero_point;
float min_f = 1;
float max_f = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < output_size; ++i) {
int32_t value = ((out_buf[i]/ scale) + zero_point);
if(value < -128){
value = -128;
else if(value > 127){
value = 127;
output[i] = value;
// if(min_f>out_buf[i]) min_f = out_buf[i];
// if(max_f<out_buf[i]) max_f = out_buf[i];
// MicroPrintf("%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f",out_buf[0],out_buf[1] ,out_buf[2] ,out_buf[3] ,out_buf[4] ,out_buf[5] ,out_buf[6] ,out_buf[7] ,out_buf[8] ,out_buf[9] ,out_buf[10] ,out_buf[11] ,out_buf[12]);
// MicroPrintf("min: %f max: %f",min_f,max_f);
return kTfLiteOk;
* @brief Init I2S microphone. Pins must be configured in the "usual" Tasmota way. Some properties are variables stored in the descriptor.
* @param descriptor - byte array passed from Berry. Arbitrary format - might change in the future!!
* @return true - success
* @return false - failure
bool TFL_init_MIC(const uint8_t* descriptor){
if (audio_i2s.in) {
if(audio_i2s.in->getRxRate() != kAudioSampleFrequency || audio_i2s.in->getRxBitsPerSample() != kAudioSampleBits){
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("TFL: please configure microphone to 16 bits per sample at 16000 Hz"));
return bfalse;
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TFL: init mic"));
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("TFL: could not connect to I2S driver"));
return bfalse;
TFL->mic = new TFL_mic_ctx_t;
TFL->mic->flags = 0;
TFL->mic->feature_buffer_mutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TFL: MIC ctx created"));
return btrue;
* @brief Function spawned as a task for capturing audio. Used for recording or inference.
* @param arg - not used
void TFL_capture_samples(void* arg) {
MicroPrintf( PSTR( "Capture task started"));
const int i2s_bytes_to_read = TFL->mic->i2s_samples_to_get * 2; // according to slice duration
const int buffer_size = (i2s_bytes_to_read * TFL->mic->slice_dur)/TFL->mic->slice_stride; // in bytes, current slice duration plus (potential) history data
size_t samples_to_read;
size_t bytes_read;
int tf_status = 0;
int16_t i2s_sample_buffer[buffer_size/2] = {0}; // in shorts, add the size to hold history data
uint8_t *i2s_byte_buffer = (uint8_t*)i2s_sample_buffer;
uint32_t *i2s_long_buffer = (uint32_t*)i2s_sample_buffer;
uint8_t *i2s_read_buffer = i2s_byte_buffer + (buffer_size - i2s_bytes_to_read); // behind the history data, if slice duration != slice stride
TFL_InitializeFeatures(); // TODO: check or not for success
TFL->mic->flag.continue_audio_capture = 1;
MicroPrintf( PSTR( "Enter capture samples loop"));
while (TFL->mic->flag.continue_audio_capture == 1) {
TFL->stats->mic_task_free_stack_bytes = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL);
TickType_t xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
/* read slice data at once from i2s */
// i2s_read(I2S_NUM, i2s_read_buffer, i2s_bytes_to_read, &bytes_read, pdMS_TO_TICKS(TFL->mic->slice_stride));
i2s_channel_read(audio_i2s.in->getRxHandle(), (void*)i2s_read_buffer, i2s_bytes_to_read, &bytes_read, pdMS_TO_TICKS(TFL->mic->slice_stride));
if (bytes_read <= 0) {
MicroPrintf( PSTR( "Error in I2S read : %d"), bytes_read);
else {
if (bytes_read < i2s_bytes_to_read) {
MicroPrintf(PSTR("Partial I2S read: %d"), bytes_read);
xSemaphoreTake(TFL->mic->feature_buffer_mutex, pdMS_TO_TICKS(TFL->mic->slice_stride) );
tf_status = TFL_GenerateFeatures((const int16_t*)i2s_sample_buffer, buffer_size/2 , TFL->mic->slice_size,
TFL->mic->feature_buffer + (TFL->mic->feature_buffer_idx * TFL->mic->slice_size),
for(int i=0;i<(buffer_size - i2s_bytes_to_read)/4;i++){
i2s_long_buffer[i] = i2s_long_buffer[i + ((buffer_size - i2s_bytes_to_read)/4)]; //move history to the front
TFL->mic->feature_buffer_idx += 1;
if(TFL->mic->feature_buffer_idx == TFL->mic->slice_count){
TFL->mic->feature_buffer_idx = 0;
TFL->mic->flag.new_feature_data = 1;
// MicroPrintf( PSTR("t: %u"),xTaskGetTickCount()-xLastWakeTime);
if(TFL->mic->flag.continue_audio_capture == 1) vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastWakeTime, pdMS_TO_TICKS(TFL->mic->slice_stride) );
if(TFL->mic->mfcc != nullptr){
delete TFL->mic->mfcc;
TFL->mic->mfcc = nullptr;
MicroPrintf( PSTR("end capture task"));
TFL->mic->flag.audio_capture_ended = 1;
* @brief Pass descriptor variables from Berry to the MIC context. Will also calculate some vars.
* @param descriptor_buffer - byte array from Berry
void TFL_set_mic_config(const uint8_t *descriptor_buffer){
TFL_mic_descriptor_t *mic_descriptor = (TFL_mic_descriptor_t*)descriptor_buffer;
// TFL->mic->channel_fmt = mic_descriptor->channel_fmt; // UNUSED!! - setup by I2S driver
// TFL->mic->preamp = mic_descriptor->preamp; // UNUSED !!
TFL->mic->preamp = audio_i2s.Settings->rx.gain / 16; // setup by I2S driver
TFL->mic->slice_dur = mic_descriptor->slice_dur;
TFL->mic->slice_stride = mic_descriptor->slice_stride;
TFL->mic->num_filter = mic_descriptor->num_filter;
TFL->mic->num_coeff = mic_descriptor->num_coeff;
TFL->mic->fft_bins = mic_descriptor->fft_bins;
TFL->max_invocations = mic_descriptor->max_invocations;
// now calculate the other settings
TFL->mic->slice_size = mic_descriptor->num_coeff == 0 ? mic_descriptor->num_filter : mic_descriptor->num_coeff;
TFL->mic->slice_count = (int32_t)((kObservationWindow/(float)TFL->mic->slice_stride) - 0.01); // floor(x) to int
TFL->mic->preemphasis = (float)(mic_descriptor-> preemphasis)/100.0f;
TFL->mic->i2s_samples_to_get = (TFL->mic->slice_stride * (kAudioSampleFrequency / 1000));
TFL->mic->db_floor = mic_descriptor->db_floor * -1;
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TFL: filter: %u, coefficients: %u"), TFL->mic->num_filter, TFL->mic->num_coeff);
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TFL: slice stride: %u ms -> slice count: %u, samples to read: %u"), TFL->mic->slice_stride, TFL->mic->slice_count, TFL->mic->i2s_samples_to_get);
* @brief Updates the input tensor with the data from the featuree buffer, which works as a ring buffer and is a shared resorce.
void TFL_mic_feature_buf_to_input(){
xSemaphoreTake(TFL->mic->feature_buffer_mutex, pdMS_TO_TICKS(TFL->mic->slice_stride) );
// Copy feature buffer to input tensor
int idx = TFL->mic->feature_buffer_idx + 1; //oldest slice right after the newest slice
if(idx == TFL->mic->slice_count) idx = 0;
int slices_upperstack = TFL->mic->slice_count - idx;
int slices_lowerstack = TFL->mic->slice_count - slices_upperstack;
memcpy(TFL->mic->model_input_buffer,TFL->mic->feature_buffer + (idx * TFL->mic->slice_size), TFL->mic->slice_size * slices_upperstack);
memcpy(TFL->mic->model_input_buffer + (TFL->mic->slice_size * slices_upperstack),TFL->mic->feature_buffer, TFL->mic->slice_size * slices_lowerstack);
* @brief Helper function to stop audio capture task
void TFL_stop_audio_capture(){
MicroPrintf( PSTR("shall stop_capture_task"));
if(TFL->mic->flag.continue_audio_capture == 0) return;
TFL->mic->flag.continue_audio_capture = 0;
uint32_t timeout = 0;
while(TFL->mic->flag.audio_capture_ended == 0){
if(timeout>3) break;
vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(TFL->mic->slice_stride) );
delete[] TFL->mic->feature_buffer;
#endif //USE_I2S
* @brief Helper function to stop all runnning tasks
void TFL_delete_tasks(){
if(TFL == nullptr) return;
TFL->option.running_loop = 0;
while(TFL->option.loop_ended == 0){
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TFL: task loop did stop"));
#ifdef USE_I2S
if(TFL->mic != nullptr) {delete TFL->mic;}
#endif //USE_I2S
delete TFL;
TFL = nullptr;
* @brief Starts inference task and the run loop. Should be terminated by signal from helper function.
* @param pvParameters - not used
void TFL_task_loop(void *pvParameters){
uint8_t tensor_arena[TFL->TensorArenaSize];
TFL->stats = new TFL_stats_t;
tflite::AllOpsResolver resolver; //TODO: infer needed Ops from model??
tflite::MicroInterpreter interpreter(
TFL->model, resolver, tensor_arena, TFL->TensorArenaSize);
int allocate_status = interpreter.AllocateTensors();
if (allocate_status != kTfLiteOk) {
MicroPrintf( PSTR("AllocateTensors() failed"));
goto loop_task_exit;
TFL->stats->used_arena_bytes = interpreter.arena_used_bytes();
// Obtain pointers to the model's input/output, we can use it externally
TFL->input = interpreter.input(0);
TFL->output = interpreter.output(0);
#ifdef USE_I2S
if(TFL->option.use_mic == 1){
TFL->mic->feature_buffer = new int8_t[TFL->mic->slice_size * TFL->mic->slice_count]();
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(TFL_capture_samples, "tfl_mic", 1024 * 5, NULL, 15, &TFL->mic->audio_capture_task, 0);
if(TFL->mic->audio_capture_task == nullptr){
MicroPrintf( PSTR("Creating capture task failed"));
goto loop_task_exit;
MicroPrintf( PSTR("Created capture task"));
TFL->mic->model_input_buffer = TFL->input->data.int8;
vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(2000)); // wait for at least the time of the the microphone warm up
TFL->option.running_loop = 1;
// loop section
MicroPrintf(PSTR("Enter task loop"));
while (TFL->option.running_loop == 1)
TickType_t xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();
TFL->stats->loop_task_free_stack_bytes = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL);
bool do_invokation = true;
while(TFL->option.delay_next_invocation == 1 && TFL->option.running_loop == 1){
vTaskDelay(10/ portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
TFL->option.delay_next_invocation = 1;
#ifdef USE_I2S
if(TFL->option.use_mic == 1){
TFL->option.delay_next_invocation = 0; // Clean up later
if (TFL->mic->flag.new_feature_data == 0){
do_invokation = false;
if(TFL->mic->flag.continue_audio_capture == 1){
// MicroPrintf(PSTR("Invokation requested"));
TFL->option.running_invocation = 1;
int invoke_status = interpreter.Invoke();
if (invoke_status != kTfLiteOk) {
MicroPrintf(PSTR("Invoke failed"));
TFL->option.running_loop = 0;
if(TFL->berry_output_buf != nullptr){
TFL->option.unread_output = 1;
#ifdef USE_I2S
if(TFL->option.use_mic == 1) {
TFL->mic->flag.new_feature_data = 0;
TFL->option.running_invocation = 0;
#endif //USE_I2S
if(TFL->option.running_loop == 1) vTaskDelayUntil(&xLastWakeTime, pdMS_TO_TICKS(1000 / TFL->max_invocations)); //maybe we already want to exit
// end of loop section
delete TFL->stats;
#ifdef USE_I2S
if(TFL->option.use_mic == 1) {TFL_stop_audio_capture();}
#endif //USE_I2S
MicroPrintf(PSTR("end loop task"));
TFL->option.loop_ended = 1;
vTaskDelete( NULL );
* Native functions mapped to Berry functions
extern "C" {
* @brief Create a context for a tensor flow session, that will later run in a task
* @param vm
* @param type BUF - generic byte buffer, CAM - webcam input, MIC - microphone input
* @return btrue
* @return bfalse
bbool be_TFL_begin(struct bvm *vm, const char* type, const uint8_t *descriptor, size_t len) {
if (TFL_log_buffer == nullptr){
TFL_log_buffer = xRingbufferCreate(1028, RINGBUF_TYPE_NOSPLIT);
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TFL: init log buffer"));
if(strlen(type) == 0){
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TFL: context deleted"));
return btrue;
TFL = new TFL_ctx_t;
TFL->options = 0;
if(*(uint32_t*)type == 0x00465542){ //BUF
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TFL: mode generic buffer"));
else if(*(uint32_t*)type == 0x004D4143){ //CAM - not yet implemented
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TFL: mode webcam"));
TFL->option.use_cam = 1;
return bfalse;
else if(*(uint32_t*)type == 0x0043494D){ //MIC
#ifdef USE_I2S
if(descriptor && len==sizeof(TFL_mic_descriptor_t)){
TFL->option.use_mic = 1;
return bfalse;
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TFL: expected descriptor of size: %u"), sizeof(TFL_mic_descriptor_t));
return bfalse;
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, PSTR("TFL: firmware with I2S audio required !!"));
#endif //USE_I2S
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TFL: unknown mode"));
return bfalse;
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("TFL: start TFL context with type: %s"), type);
TFL->option.init_done = 1;
return btrue;
return bfalse;
* @brief Load tensor flow lite model and then start the tensor flow session in a task
* @param vm
* @param buf Model in a byte buffer
* @param size Size of buffer, must be 8-byte-aligned (auto-calculated by Berry)
* @param arena Size of the Tensor Arena in the stack of the TFL task
* @return btrue
* @return bfalse
bbool be_TFL_load(struct bvm *vm, const uint8_t *model_buf, size_t model_size, const uint8_t *output_buf, size_t output_size,int arena) {
TFL->model = tflite::GetModel(model_buf);
if ( TFL->model->version() != TFLITE_SCHEMA_VERSION) {
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("TFL: Model schema version %d not supported "
"version %d."), TFL->model->version(), TFLITE_SCHEMA_VERSION);
return bfalse;
if(model_size%8 != 0){
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR("TFL: model not 8-byte aligned"));
return bfalse;
TFL->TensorArenaSize = arena;
TFL->option.mode_inference = 1;
TFL->berry_output_buf = (int8_t*)output_buf;
TFL->berry_output_bufsize = output_size;
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TFL: starting TFL task, model sz: %u, allocated arena sz: %u"),model_size,TFL->TensorArenaSize);
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TFL: Berry output buffer of size: %u"),output_size);
return btrue;
return bfalse;
* @brief Send new input data to the tensor flow session
* @param vm
* @param buf Arbitrary data in a byte buffer, must fit to the TF model
* @param size Size of buffer (auto-calculated by Berry)
* @return btrue
* @return bfalse
bbool be_TFL_input(struct bvm *vm, const uint8_t *buf, size_t size){
if(!TFL) return bfalse;
if(TFL->option.running_loop == 1){
uint32_t timeout = 0;
while(!TFL->option.delay_next_invocation == 1) {
if(timeout>10) break;
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TFL: imput new data and invoke"));
TFL->option.delay_next_invocation = 0;
return btrue;
return bfalse;
* @brief Get copy of the output sensor of the tensor flow session
* @param vm
* @param buf Arbitrary data in a byte buffer, must fit in size to the TF model
* @param size Size of buffer (auto-calculated by Berry)
* @return btrue - new data
* @return bfalse - old data
bbool be_TFL_output(struct bvm *vm, const uint8_t *buf, size_t size){
if(!TFL) return bfalse;
if(TFL->option.running_loop == 0) return bfalse;
if(TFL->option.unread_output == 1){
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR("TFL: read output data"));
if(TFL->output != nullptr){
TFL->option.unread_output = 0;
return btrue; //new data
return bfalse; // old data
* @brief Read from the logging buffer from the TFL tasks
* @param vm
* @return const char*
const char * be_TFL_log(struct bvm *vm){
size_t size;
char * item = (char *)xRingbufferReceive(TFL_log_buffer, &size, pdMS_TO_TICKS(5));
if(item != NULL){
// item[size] = 0; // 0-terminate string
vRingbufferReturnItem(TFL_log_buffer, (void *)item);
return (const char *)item;
* @brief Shows statistics about the model and the running TFL session
* @param vm
* @return json string
const char * be_TFL_stats(struct bvm *vm){
const size_t size = 512;
char * s = (char*)calloc(size,1);
uint32_t pos = 0;
uint32_t inc = 0;
inc = snprintf_P(s + pos, size, PSTR("{\"model\":{\"input_shape\":["));
pos += inc;
uint32_t dims = TFL->input->dims->size;
for(int i=0;i<dims;i++){
inc = snprintf_P(s + pos, size-pos, PSTR("%u"),TFL->input->dims->data[i]);
pos += inc;
if (i != dims-1){
inc = snprintf_P(s + pos, size-pos,",");
pos += inc;
inc = snprintf_P(s + pos, size-pos, PSTR("],\"input_type\":%u,\"output_shape\":["),TFL->input->type);
pos += inc;
dims = TFL->output->dims->size;
for(int i=0;i<dims;i++){
inc = snprintf_P(s + pos, size-pos, PSTR("%u"),TFL->output->dims->data[i]);
pos += inc;
if (i != dims-1){
inc = snprintf_P(s + pos, size-pos,",");
pos += inc;
inc = snprintf_P(s + pos, size-pos, PSTR("],\"output_type\":%u}"),TFL->output->type);
pos += inc;
inc = snprintf_P(s + pos, size-pos, PSTR(",\"sessiom\":{\"used_arena\":%u"),TFL->stats->used_arena_bytes);
pos += inc;
inc = snprintf_P(s + pos, size-pos, PSTR(",\"loop_stack\":%u"),TFL->stats->loop_task_free_stack_bytes);
pos += inc;
if(TFL->option.use_mic == 1){
inc = snprintf_P(s + pos, size-pos, PSTR(",\"audio_stack\":%u"),TFL->stats->mic_task_free_stack_bytes);
pos += inc;
inc = snprintf_P(s + pos, size-pos, PSTR(",\"invokations\":%u}}"),TFL->stats->invokations);
be_pushstring(vm, s);
return s;
} //extern "C"
#endif // USE_BERRY