
3180 lines
119 KiB

* Send & receive arbitrary IR codes via a web server or MQTT.
* Copyright David Conran 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
* Copyright:
* Code for this has been borrowed from lots of other OpenSource projects &
* resources. I'm *NOT* claiming complete Copyright ownership of all the code.
* Likewise, feel free to borrow from this as much as you want.
* NOTE: An IR LED circuit SHOULD be connected to the ESP if
* you want to send IR messages. e.g. GPIO4 (D2)
* A compatible IR RX modules SHOULD be connected to ESP
* if you want to capture & decode IR nessages. e.g. GPIO14 (D5)
* See 'IR_RX' in IRMQTTServer.h.
* GPIOs are configurable from the http://<your_esp's_ip_address>/gpio
* page.
* WARN: This is *very* advanced & complicated example code. Not for beginners.
* You are strongly suggested to try & look at other example code first
* to understand how this library works.
* # Instructions
* ## Before First Boot (i.e. Compile time)
* - Disable MQTT if desired. (see '#define MQTT_ENABLE' in IRMQTTServer.h).
* - Site specific settings:
* o Search for 'CHANGE_ME' in IRMQTTServer.h for the things you probably
* need to change for your particular situation.
* o All user changable settings are in the file IRMQTTServer.h.
* - Arduino IDE:
* o Install the following libraries via Library Manager
* - ArduinoJson (https://arduinojson.org/) (Version >= 6.0)
* - PubSubClient (https://pubsubclient.knolleary.net/) (Version >= 2.8.0)
* - WiFiManager (https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager)
* (ESP8266: Version >= 0.14, ESP32: 'development' branch.)
* o Use the smallest non-zero FILESYSTEM size you can for your board.
* (See the Tools -> Flash Size menu)
* - PlatformIO IDE:
* If you are using PlatformIO, this should already been done for you in
* the accompanying platformio.ini file.
* ## First Boot (Initial setup)
* The ESP board will boot into the WiFiManager's AP mode.
* i.e. It will create a WiFi Access Point with a SSID like: "ESP123456" etc.
* Connect to that SSID. Then point your browser to and
* configure the ESP to connect to your desired WiFi network and associated
* required settings. It will remember these details on next boot if the device
* connects successfully.
* More information can be found here:
* https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager#how-it-works
* If you need to reset the WiFi and saved settings to go back to "First Boot",
* visit: http://<your_esp's_ip_address>/reset
* ## Normal Use (After initial setup)
* Enter 'http://<your_esp's_ip_address/' in your browser & follow the
* instructions there to send IR codes via HTTP/HTML.
* Visit the http://<your_esp's_ip_address>/gpio page to configure the GPIOs
* for the IR LED(s) and/or IR RX demodulator.
* You can send URLs like the following, with similar data type limitations as
* the MQTT formating in the next section. e.g:
* http://<your_esp's_ip_address>/ir?type=7&code=E0E09966
* http://<your_esp's_ip_address>/ir?type=4&code=0xf50&bits=12
* http://<your_esp's_ip_address>/ir?code=C1A2E21D&repeats=8&type=19
* http://<your_esp's_ip_address>/ir?type=31&code=40000,1,1,96,24,24,24,48,24,24,24,24,24,48,24,24,24,24,24,48,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,1058
* http://<your_esp's_ip_address>/ir?type=18&code=190B8050000000E0190B8070000010f0
* http://<your_esp's_ip_address>/ir?repeats=1&type=25&code=0000,006E,0022,0002,0155,00AA,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0640,0155,0055,0015,0E40
* If you have enabled more than 1 TX GPIO, you can use the "channel" argument:
* http://<your_esp's_ip_address>/ir?channel=0&type=7&code=E0E09966
* http://<your_esp's_ip_address>/ir?channel=1&type=7&code=E0E09966
* or
* Send a MQTT message to the topic 'ir_server/send'
* (or 'ir_server/send_1' etc if you have enabled more than 1 TX GPIO)
* using the following format (Order is important):
* protocol_num,hexcode
* e.g. 7,E0E09966
* which is: Samsung(7), Power On code, default bit size,
* default nr. of repeats.
* protocol_num,hexcode,bits
* e.g. 4,f50,12
* which is: Sony(4), Power Off code, 12 bits & default nr. of repeats.
* protocol_num,hexcode,bits,repeats
* e.g. 19,C1A2E21D,0,8
* which is: Sherwood(19), Vol Up, default bit size & repeated 8 times.
* 30,frequency,raw_string
* e.g. 30,38000,9000,4500,500,1500,500,750,500,750
* which is: Raw (30) @ 38kHz with a raw code of
* "9000,4500,500,1500,500,750,500,750"
* 31,code_string
* e.g. 31,40000,1,1,96,24,24,24,48,24,24,24,24,24,48,24,24,24,24,24,48,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,1058
* which is: GlobalCache (31) & "40000,1,1,96,..." (Sony Vol Up)
* 25,Rrepeats,hex_code_string
* e.g. 25,R1,0000,006E,0022,0002,0155,00AA,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0015,0015,0015,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0040,0015,0640,0155,0055,0015,0E40
* which is: Pronto (25), 1 repeat, & "0000 006E 0022 0002 ..."
* aka a "Sherwood Amp Tape Input" message.
* ac_protocol_num,really_long_hexcode
* e.g. 18,190B8050000000E0190B8070000010F0
* which is: Kelvinator (18) Air Con on, Low Fan, 25 deg etc.
* NOTE: Ensure you zero-pad to the correct number of digits for the
* bit/byte size you want to send as some A/C units have units
* have different sized messages. e.g. Fujitsu A/C units.
* Sequences.
* You can send a sequence of IR messages via MQTT using the above methods
* if you separate them with a ';' character. In addition you can add a
* pause/gap between sequenced messages by using 'P' followed immediately by
* the number of milliseconds you wish to wait (up to a max of kMaxPauseMs).
* e.g. 7,E0E09966;4,f50,12
* Send a Samsung(7) TV Power on code, followed immediately by a Sony(4)
* TV power off message.
* or: 19,C1A28877;P500;19,C1A25AA5;P500;19,C1A2E21D,0,30
* Turn on a Sherwood(19) Amplifier, Wait 1/2 a second, Switch the
* Amplifier to Video input 2, wait 1/2 a second, then send the Sherwood
* Amp the "Volume Up" message 30 times.
* In short:
* No spaces after/before commas.
* Values are comma separated.
* The first value is always in Decimal.
* For simple protocols, the next value (hexcode) is always hexadecimal.
* The optional bit size is in decimal.
* CAUTION: Some AC protocols DO NOT use the really_long_hexcode method.
* e.g. < 64bit AC protocols.
* Unix command line usage example:
* # Install a MQTT client
* $ sudo apt install mosquitto-clients
* # Send a 32-bit NEC code of 0x1234abcd via MQTT.
* $ mosquitto_pub -h -t ir_server/send -m '3,1234abcd,32'
* This server will send (back) what ever IR message it just transmitted to
* the MQTT topic 'ir_server/sent' to confirm it has been performed. This works
* for messages requested via MQTT or via HTTP.
* Unix command line usage example:
* # Listen to MQTT acknowledgements.
* $ mosquitto_sub -h -t ir_server/sent
* Incoming IR messages (from an IR remote control) will be transmitted to
* the MQTT topic 'ir_server/received'. The MQTT message will be formatted
* similar to what is required to for the 'sent' topic.
* e.g. "3,C1A2F00F,32" (Protocol,Value,Bits) for simple codes
* or "18,110B805000000060110B807000001070" (Protocol,Value) for complex codes
* Note: If the protocol is listed as -1, then that is an UNKNOWN IR protocol.
* You can't use that to recreate/resend an IR message. It's only for
* matching purposes and shouldn't be trusted.
* Unix command line usage example:
* # Listen via MQTT for IR messages captured by this server.
* $ mosquitto_sub -h -t ir_server/received
* Note: General logging messages are also sent to 'ir_server/log' from
* time to time.
* ## Climate (AirCon) interface. (Advanced use)
* You can now control Air Conditioner devices that have full/detailed support
* from the IRremoteESP8266 library. See the "Aircon" page for list of supported
* devices. You can do this via HTTP/HTML or via MQTT.
* NOTE: It will only change the attributes you change/set. It's up to you to
* maintain a consistent set of attributes for your particular aircon.
* TIP: Use "-1" for 'model' if your A/C doesn't have a specific `setModel()`
* or IR class attribute. Most don't. Some do.
* ### via MQTT:
* The code listen for commands (via wildcard) on the MQTT topics at the
* `ir_server/ac/cmnd/+` level (or ir_server/ac_1/cmnd/+` if multiple TX GPIOs)
* such as:
* i.e. protocol, model, power, mode, temp, fanspeed, swingv, swingh, quiet,
* turbo, light, beep, econo, sleep, filter, clean, use_celsius
* e.g. ir_server/ac/cmnd/power, ir_server/ac/cmnd/temp,
* ir_server/ac_0/cmnd/mode, ir_server/ac_2/cmnd/fanspeed, etc.
* It will process them, and if successful and it caused a change, it will
* acknowledge this via the relevant state topic for that command.
* e.g. If the aircon/climate changes from power off to power on, it will
* send an "on" payload to "ir_server/ac/stat/power"
* There is a special command available to force the ESP to resend the current
* A/C state in an IR message. To do so use the `resend` command MQTT topic,
* e.g. `ir_server/ac/cmnd/resend` with a payload message of `resend`.
* There is no corresponding "stat" message update for this particular topic,
* but a log message is produced indicating it was received.
* NOTE: These "stat" messages have the MQTT retain flag set to on. Thus the
* MQTT broker will remember them until reset/restarted etc.
* The code will also periodically broadcast all possible aircon/climate state
* attributes to their corresponding "ir_server/ac/stat" topics. This ensures
* any updates to the ESP's knowledge that may have been lost in transmission
* are re-communicated. e.g. The MQTT broker being offline.
* This also helps with Home Assistant MQTT discovery.
* The program on boot & first successful connection to the MQTT broker, will
* try to re-acquire any previous aircon/climate state information and act
* accordingly. This will typically result in A/C IR message being sent as and
* saved state will probably be different from the defaults.
* NOTE: Command attributes are processed sequentially.
* e.g. Going from "25C, cool, fan low" to "27C, heat, fan high" may go
* via "27C, cool, fan low" & "27C, heat, fan low" depending on the order
* of arrival & processing of the MQTT commands.
* ### Home Assistant (HA) MQTT climate integration
* After you have set the Protocol (required) & Model (if needed) and any of
* the other misc aircon settings you desire, you can then add the following to
* your Home Assistant configuration, and it should allow you to
* control most of the important settings. Google Home/Assistant (via HA)
* can also control the device, but you will need to configure Home Assistant
* via it's documentation for that. It has even more limited control.
* It's far beyond the scope of these instructions to guide you through setting
* up HA and Google Home integration. See https://www.home-assistant.io/
* In HA's configuration.yaml, add:
* climate:
* - platform: mqtt
* name: Living Room Aircon
* modes:
* - "off"
* - "auto"
* - "cool"
* - "heat"
* - "dry"
* - "fan_only"
* fan_modes:
* - "Auto"
* - "Min"
* - "Low"
* - "Medium"
* - "High"
* - "Max"
* swing_modes:
* - "Off"
* - "Auto"
* - "Highest"
* - "High"
* - "Middle"
* - "Low"
* - "Lowest"
* power_command_topic: "ir_server/ac/cmnd/power"
* mode_command_topic: "ir_server/ac/cmnd/mode"
* mode_state_topic: "ir_server/ac/stat/mode"
* temperature_command_topic: "ir_server/ac/cmnd/temp"
* temperature_state_topic: "ir_server/ac/stat/temp"
* fan_mode_command_topic: "ir_server/ac/cmnd/fanspeed"
* fan_mode_state_topic: "ir_server/ac/stat/fanspeed"
* swing_mode_command_topic: "ir_server/ac/cmnd/swingv"
* swing_mode_state_topic: "ir_server/ac/stat/swingv"
* min_temp: 16
* max_temp: 32
* temp_step: 1
* retain: false
* #### Home Assistant MQTT Discovery
* There is an option for this: 'Send MQTT Discovery' under the 'Admin' menu.
* It will produce a single MQTT Climate Discovery message for Home Assistant
* provided you have everything configured correctly here and in HA.
* This message has MQTT RETAIN set on it, so it only ever needs to be sent
* once or if the config details change etc.
* If you no longer want it, manually remove it from your MQTT broker.
* e.g.
* `mosquitto_pub -t homeassistant/climate/ir_server/config -n -r -d`
* NOTE: If you have multiple TX GPIOs configured, it *ONLY* works for the
* first TX GPIO climate. You will need to manually configure the others.
* ### via HTTP:
* Use the "http://<your_esp's_ip_address>/aircon/set" URL and pass on
* the arguments as needed to control your device. See the `KEY_*` #defines
* in the code for all the parameters.
* i.e. protocol, model, power, mode, temp, fanspeed, swingv, swingh, quiet,
* turbo, light, beep, econo, sleep, filter, clean, use_celsius, channel
* Example:
* http://<your_esp's_ip_address>/aircon/set?channel=0&protocol=PANASONIC_AC&model=LKE&power=on&mode=auto&fanspeed=min&temp=23
* NOTE: If you don't set the channel, the first GPIO (Channel 0) is used.
* ## Debugging & Logging
* If DEBUG is turned on, there is additional information printed on the Serial
* Port. Serial Port output may be disabled if the GPIO is used for IR.
* If MQTT is enabled, some information/logging is sent to the MQTT topic:
* `ir_server/log`
* ## Updates
* You can upload new firmware Over The Air (OTA) via the form on the device's
* "Admin" page. No need to connect to the device again via USB. \o/
* Your settings should be remembered between updates. \o/ \o/
* On boards with 1 Meg of flash should use an SPIFFS size of 64k if you want a
* hope of being able to load a firmware via OTA.
* Boards with only 512k flash have no chance of OTA with this firmware.
* ## Security
* <security-hat="on">
* There is NO authentication set on the HTTP/HTML interface by default (see
* `HTML_PASSWORD_ENABLE` to change that), and there is NO SSL/TLS (encryption)
* used by this example code.
* i.e. All usernames & passwords are sent in clear text.
* All communication to the MQTT server is in clear text.
* e.g. This on/using the public Internet is a 'Really Bad Idea<tm>'!
* You should NOT have or use this code or device exposed on an untrusted and/or
* unprotected network.
* If you allow access to OTA firmware updates, then a 'Bad Guy<tm>' could
* potentially compromise your network. OTA updates are password protected by
* default. If you are sufficiently paranoid, you SHOULD disable uploading
* firmware via OTA. (see 'FIRMWARE_OTA')
* You SHOULD also set/change all usernames & passwords.
* For extra bonus points: Use a separate untrusted SSID/vlan/network/ segment
* for your IoT stuff, including this device.
* Caveat Emptor. You have now been suitably warned.
* </security-hat>
#include "IRMQTTServer.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#if defined(ESP8266)
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#endif // ESP8266
#if defined(ESP32)
#include <ESPmDNS.h>
#include <WebServer.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <Update.h>
#endif // ESP32
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <DNSServer.h>
#include <WiFiManager.h>
#include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
#include <IRrecv.h>
#include <IRsend.h>
#include <IRtext.h>
#include <IRtimer.h>
#include <IRutils.h>
#include <IRac.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
#include <algorithm> // NOLINT(build/include)
#include <memory>
#include <string>
using irutils::msToString;
#endif // REPORT_VCC
// Globals
uint8_t _sanity = 0;
#if defined(ESP8266)
ESP8266WebServer server(kHttpPort);
#endif // ESP8266
#if defined(ESP32)
WebServer server(kHttpPort);
#endif // ESP32
MDNSResponder mdns;
#endif // MDNS_ENABLE
WiFiClient espClient;
WiFiManager wifiManager;
bool flagSaveWifiConfig = false;
char HttpUsername[kUsernameLength + 1] = "admin"; // Default HTT username.
char HttpPassword[kPasswordLength + 1] = ""; // No HTTP password by default.
char Hostname[kHostnameLength + 1] = "ir_server"; // Default hostname.
uint16_t *codeArray;
uint32_t lastReconnectAttempt = 0; // MQTT last attempt reconnection number
bool boot = true;
volatile bool lockIr = false; // Primitive locking for gating the IR LED.
uint32_t sendReqCounter = 0;
bool lastSendSucceeded = false; // Store the success status of the last send.
uint32_t lastSendTime = 0;
int8_t offset; // The calculated period offset for this chip and library.
IRsend *IrSendTable[kNrOfIrTxGpios];
int8_t txGpioTable[kNrOfIrTxGpios] = {kDefaultIrLed};
String lastClimateSource;
#if IR_RX
IRrecv *irrecv = NULL;
decode_results capture; // Somewhere to store inbound IR messages.
int8_t rx_gpio = kDefaultIrRx;
String lastIrReceived = "None";
uint32_t lastIrReceivedTime = 0;
uint32_t irRecvCounter = 0;
#endif // IR_RX
// Climate stuff
IRac *climate[kNrOfIrTxGpios];
String channel_re = "("; // Will be built later.
uint16_t chan = 0; // The channel to use for the aircon HTML page.
TimerMs lastClimateIr = TimerMs(); // When we last sent the IR Climate mesg.
uint32_t irClimateCounter = 0; // How many have we sent?
// Store the success status of the last climate send.
bool lastClimateSucceeded = false;
bool hasClimateBeenSent = false; // Has the Climate ever been sent?
PubSubClient mqtt_client(espClient);
String lastMqttCmd = "None";
String lastMqttCmdTopic = "None";
uint32_t lastMqttCmdTime = 0;
uint32_t lastConnectedTime = 0;
uint32_t lastDisconnectedTime = 0;
uint32_t mqttDisconnectCounter = 0;
uint32_t mqttSentCounter = 0;
uint32_t mqttRecvCounter = 0;
bool wasConnected = true;
char MqttServer[kHostnameLength + 1] = "";
char MqttPort[kPortLength + 1] = "1883";
char MqttUsername[kUsernameLength + 1] = "";
char MqttPassword[kPasswordLength + 1] = "";
char MqttPrefix[kHostnameLength + 1] = "";
String MqttAck; // Sub-topic we send back acknowledgements on.
String MqttSend; // Sub-topic we get new commands from.
String MqttRecv; // Topic we send received IRs to.
String MqttLog; // Topic we send log messages to.
String MqttLwt; // Topic for the Last Will & Testament.
String MqttClimate; // Sub-topic for the climate topics.
String MqttClimateCmnd; // Sub-topic for the climate command topics.
String MqttDiscovery;
String MqttUniqueId;
String MqttHAName;
String MqttClientId;
// Primative lock file for gating MQTT state broadcasts.
bool lockMqttBroadcast = true;
TimerMs lastBroadcast = TimerMs(); // When we last sent a broadcast.
bool hasBroadcastBeenSent = false;
TimerMs lastDiscovery = TimerMs(); // When we last sent a Discovery.
bool hasDiscoveryBeenSent = false;
TimerMs statListenTime = TimerMs(); // How long we've been listening for.
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
bool isSerialGpioUsedByIr(void) {
const int8_t kSerialTxGpio = 1; // The GPIO serial output is sent to.
// Note: *DOES NOT* control Serial output.
#if defined(ESP32)
const int8_t kSerialRxGpio = 3; // The GPIO serial input is received on.
#endif // ESP32
// Ensure we are not trodding on anything IR related.
#if IR_RX
switch (rx_gpio) {
#if defined(ESP32)
case kSerialRxGpio:
#endif // ESP32
case kSerialTxGpio:
return true; // Serial port is in use by IR capture. Abort.
#endif // IR_RX
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < kNrOfIrTxGpios; i++)
switch (txGpioTable[i]) {
#if defined(ESP32)
case kSerialRxGpio:
#endif // ESP32
case kSerialTxGpio:
return true; // Serial port is in use for IR sending. Abort.
return false; // Not in use as far as we can tell.
// Debug messages get sent to the serial port.
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
void debug(const char *str) {
if (isSerialGpioUsedByIr()) return; // Abort.
uint32_t now = millis();
Serial.printf("%07u.%03u: %s\n", now / 1000, now % 1000, str);
#endif // DEBUG
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
// callback notifying us of the need to save the wifi config
void saveWifiConfigCallback(void) {
debug("saveWifiConfigCallback called.");
flagSaveWifiConfig = true;
// Forcibly mount the FILESYSTEM. Formatting the FILESYSTEM if needed.
// Returns:
// A boolean indicating success or failure.
bool mountSpiffs(void) {
debug("Mounting " FILESYSTEMSTR " ...");
if (FILESYSTEM.begin()) return true; // We mounted it okay.
// We failed the first time.
debug("Failed to mount " FILESYSTEMSTR "!\n"
"Formatting SPIFFS and trying again...");
if (!FILESYSTEM.begin()) { // Did we fail?
debug("DANGER: Failed to mount " FILESYSTEMSTR " even after formatting!");
delay(10000); // Make sure the debug message doesn't just float by.
return false;
return true; // Success!
bool saveConfig(void) {
debug("Saving the config.");
bool success = false;
DynamicJsonDocument json(kJsonConfigMaxSize);
json[kMqttServerKey] = MqttServer;
json[kMqttPortKey] = MqttPort;
json[kMqttUserKey] = MqttUsername;
json[kMqttPassKey] = MqttPassword;
json[kMqttPrefixKey] = MqttPrefix;
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
json[kHostnameKey] = Hostname;
json[kHttpUserKey] = HttpUsername;
json[kHttpPassKey] = HttpPassword;
#if IR_RX
json[KEY_RX_GPIO] = static_cast<int>(rx_gpio);
#endif // IR_RX
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < kNrOfIrTxGpios; i++) {
const String key = KEY_TX_GPIO + String(i);
json[key] = static_cast<int>(txGpioTable[i]);
if (mountSpiffs()) {
File configFile = FILESYSTEM.open(kConfigFile, "w");
if (!configFile) {
debug("Failed to open config file for writing.");
} else {
debug("Writing out the config file.");
serializeJson(json, configFile);
debug("Finished writing config file.");
success = true;
return success;
bool loadConfigFile(void) {
bool success = false;
if (mountSpiffs()) {
debug("mounted the file system");
if (FILESYSTEM.exists(kConfigFile)) {
debug("config file exists");
File configFile = FILESYSTEM.open(kConfigFile, "r");
if (configFile) {
debug("Opened config file");
size_t size = configFile.size();
// Allocate a buffer to store contents of the file.
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[size]);
configFile.readBytes(buf.get(), size);
DynamicJsonDocument json(kJsonConfigMaxSize);
if (!deserializeJson(json, buf.get(), kJsonConfigMaxSize)) {
debug("Json config file parsed ok.");
strncpy(MqttServer, json[kMqttServerKey] | "", kHostnameLength);
strncpy(MqttPort, json[kMqttPortKey] | "1883", kPortLength);
strncpy(MqttUsername, json[kMqttUserKey] | "", kUsernameLength);
strncpy(MqttPassword, json[kMqttPassKey] | "", kPasswordLength);
strncpy(MqttPrefix, json[kMqttPrefixKey] | "", kHostnameLength);
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
strncpy(Hostname, json[kHostnameKey] | "", kHostnameLength);
strncpy(HttpUsername, json[kHttpUserKey] | "", kUsernameLength);
strncpy(HttpPassword, json[kHttpPassKey] | "", kPasswordLength);
// Read in the GPIO settings.
#if IR_RX
// Single RX gpio
rx_gpio = json[KEY_RX_GPIO] | kDefaultIrRx;
#endif // IR_RX
// Potentially multiple TX gpios
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < kNrOfIrTxGpios; i++)
txGpioTable[i] = json[String(KEY_TX_GPIO + String(i)).c_str()] |
debug("Recovered Json fields.");
success = true;
} else {
debug("Failed to load json config");
debug("Closing the config file.");
} else {
debug("Config file doesn't exist!");
debug("Unmounting " FILESYSTEMSTR);
return success;
String timeElapsed(uint32_t const msec) {
String result = msToString(msec);
if (result.equalsIgnoreCase(D_STR_NOW))
return result;
return result + F(" ago");
String timeSince(uint32_t const start) {
if (start == 0)
return F("Never");
uint32_t diff = 0;
uint32_t now = millis();
if (start < now)
diff = now - start;
diff = UINT32_MAX - start + now;
return msToString(diff) + F(" ago");
String gpioToString(const int16_t gpio) {
if (gpio == kGpioUnused)
return F(D_STR_UNUSED);
return String(gpio);
int8_t getDefaultTxGpio(void) {
for (int16_t i = 0; i < kNrOfIrTxGpios; i++)
if (txGpioTable[i] != kGpioUnused) return txGpioTable[i];
return kGpioUnused;
// Return a string containing the comma separated list of sending gpios.
String listOfTxGpios(void) {
bool found = false;
String result = "";
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < kNrOfIrTxGpios; i++) {
if (i) result += ", ";
result += gpioToString(txGpioTable[i]);
if (!found && txGpioTable[i] == getDefaultTxGpio()) {
result += " (default)";
found = true;
return result;
String htmlMenu(void) {
String html = F("<center>");
html += htmlButton(kUrlRoot, F("Home"));
html += htmlButton(kUrlAircon, F("Aircon"));
html += htmlButton(kUrlExamples, F("Examples"));
html += htmlButton(kUrlInfo, F("System Info"));
html += htmlButton(kUrlAdmin, F("Admin"));
html += F("</center><hr>");
return html;
String htmlOptionItem(const String value, const String text, bool selected) {
String html = F("<option value='");
html += value + '\'';
if (selected) html += F(" selected='selected'");
html += '>' + text + F("</option>");
return html;
String htmlSelectAcStateProtocol(const String name, const decode_type_t def,
const bool simple) {
String html = "<select name='" + name + "'>";
for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= decode_type_t::kLastDecodeType; i++) {
if (simple ^ hasACState((decode_type_t)i)) {
switch (i) {
case decode_type_t::RAW:
case decode_type_t::PRONTO:
case decode_type_t::GLOBALCACHE:
html += htmlOptionItem(String(i), typeToString((decode_type_t)i),
i == def);
html += F("</select>");
return html;
// Root web page with example usage etc.
void handleRoot(void) {
if (!server.authenticate(HttpUsername, HttpPassword)) {
debug("Basic HTTP authentication failure for /.");
return server.requestAuthentication();
String html = htmlHeader(F("ESP IR MQTT Server"));
html += F("<center><small><i>" _MY_VERSION_ "</i></small></center>");
html += htmlMenu();
html += F(
"<h3>Send a simple IR message</h3><p>"
"<form method='POST' action='/ir' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"
html += htmlSelectAcStateProtocol(KEY_TYPE, decode_type_t::NEC, true);
html += F(
" " D_STR_CODE ": 0x<input type='text' name='" KEY_CODE "' min='0' "
"value='0' size='16' maxlength='16'> "
"<select name='" KEY_BITS "'>"
"<option selected='selected' value='0'>Default</option>"); // Default
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(kCommonBitSizes); i++) {
String num = String(kCommonBitSizes[i]);
html += F("<option value='");
html += num;
html += F("'>");
html += num;
html += F("</option>");
html += F(
" " D_STR_REPEAT ": <input type='number' name='" KEY_REPEAT "' min='0' "
"max='99' value='0' size='2' maxlength='2'>"
" <input type='submit' value='Send " D_STR_CODE "'>"
"<h3>Send a complex (Air Conditioner) IR message</h3><p>"
"<form method='POST' action='/ir' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"
html += htmlSelectAcStateProtocol(KEY_TYPE, decode_type_t::KELVINATOR, false);
html += F(
" State " D_STR_CODE ": 0x"
"<input type='text' name='" KEY_CODE "' size='");
html += String(kStateSizeMax * 2);
html += F("' maxlength='");
html += String(kStateSizeMax * 2);
html += F("'"
" value='"
" <input type='submit' value='Send A/C " D_STR_CODE "'>"
"<h3>Send an IRremote Raw IR message</h3><p>"
"<form method='POST' action='/ir' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"
"<input type='hidden' name='" KEY_TYPE "' value='30'>"
"String: (freq,array data) <input type='text' name='" KEY_CODE "'"
" size='132' value='"
" <input type='submit' value='Send Raw'>"
"<h3>Send a <a href='https://irdb.globalcache.com/'>GlobalCache</a>"
" IR message</h3><p>"
"<form method='POST' action='/ir' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"
"<input type='hidden' name='" KEY_TYPE "' value='31'>"
"String: 1:1,1,<input type='text' name='" KEY_CODE "' size='132'"
" value='"
" <input type='submit' value='Send GlobalCache'>"
"<h3>Send a <a href='http://www.remotecentral.com/cgi-bin/files/rcfiles.cgi"
"?area=pronto&db=discrete'>Pronto code</a> IR message</h3><p>"
"<form method='POST' action='/ir' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"
"<input type='hidden' name='" KEY_TYPE "' value='25'>"
"String (comma separated): <input type='text' name='" KEY_CODE "'"
" size='132' value='"
" " D_STR_REPEAT ": <input type='number' name='" KEY_REPEAT "' min='0' "
"max='99' value='0' size='2' maxlength='2'>"
" <input type='submit' value='Send Pronto'>"
html += htmlEnd();
server.send(200, "text/html", html);
String addJsReloadUrl(const String url, const uint16_t timeout_s,
const bool notify) {
String html = F(
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
" function Redirect() {\n"
" window.location=\"");
html += url;
html += F("\";\n"
" }\n"
if (notify && timeout_s) {
html += F(" document.write(\"You will be redirected to the main page in ");
html += String(timeout_s);
html += F(" " D_STR_SECONDS ".\");\n");
html += F(" setTimeout('Redirect()', ");
html += String(timeout_s * 1000); // Convert to mSecs
html += F(");\n"
return html;
// Web page with hardcoded example usage etc.
void handleExamples(void) {
if (!server.authenticate(HttpUsername, HttpPassword)) {
debug("Basic HTTP authentication failure for /examples.");
return server.requestAuthentication();
String html = htmlHeader(F("IR MQTT examples"));
html += htmlMenu();
html += F(
"<h3>Hardcoded examples</h3>"
"<p><a href=\"ir?" KEY_CODE "=38000,1,69,341,171,21,64,21,64,21,21,21,21,"
"&" KEY_TYPE "=31\">Sherwood Amp " D_STR_ON " (GlobalCache)</a></p>"
"<p><a href=\"ir?" KEY_CODE "=38000,8840,4446,546,1664,546,1664,546,546,"
"&" KEY_TYPE "=30\">Sherwood Amp " D_STR_OFF " (Raw)</a></p>"
"<p><a href=\"ir?" KEY_CODE "=0000,006E,0022,0002,0155,00AA,0015,0040,0015,"
"&" KEY_TYPE "=25&" KEY_REPEAT "=1\">"
"Sherwood Amp Input TAPE (Pronto)</a></p>"
"<p><a href=\"ir?" KEY_TYPE "=7&" KEY_CODE "=E0E09966\">TV " D_STR_ON
" (Samsung)</a></p>"
"<p><a href=\"ir?" KEY_TYPE "=4&" KEY_CODE "=0xf50&bits=12\">" D_STR_POWER
" " D_STR_OFF " (Sony 12 " D_STR_BITS ")</a></p>"
"<p><a href=\"aircon/set?protocol=PANASONIC_AC&"
KEY_POWER "=on&"
KEY_MODE "=auto&"
KEY_TEMP "=23\">"
"Panasonic A/C " D_STR_MODEL " LKE, " D_STR_ON ", " D_STR_AUTO " "
D_STR_MODE ", " D_STR_MIN " " D_STR_FAN ", 23C"
" <i>(via HTTP aircon interface)</i></a></p>"
"<p><a href=\"aircon/set?" KEY_TEMP "=27\">"
"Change just the " D_STR_TEMP " to 27C <i>"
"(via HTTP aircon interface)</i></a></p>"
"<p><a href=\"aircon/set?" KEY_POWER "=off&" KEY_MODE "=off\">"
"Turn " D_STR_OFF " the current A/C <i>("
"via HTTP aircon interface)</i></a></p>"
html += htmlEnd();
server.send(200, "text/html", html);
String htmlSelectBool(const String name, const bool def) {
String html = "<select name='" + name + "'>";
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
html += htmlOptionItem(IRac::boolToString(i), IRac::boolToString(i),
i == def);
html += F("</select>");
return html;
String htmlSelectClimateProtocol(const String name, const decode_type_t def) {
String html = "<select name='" + name + "'>";
for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= decode_type_t::kLastDecodeType; i++) {
if (IRac::isProtocolSupported((decode_type_t)i)) {
html += htmlOptionItem(String(i), typeToString((decode_type_t)i),
i == def);
html += F("</select>");
return html;
String htmlSelectModel(const String name, const int16_t def) {
String html = "<select name='" + name + "'>";
for (int16_t i = -1; i <= 6; i++) {
String num = String(i);
String text;
if (i == -1)
text = F("Default");
else if (i == 0)
text = F("Unknown");
text = num;
html += htmlOptionItem(num, text, i == def);
html += F("</select>");
return html;
String htmlSelectUint(const String name, const uint16_t max,
const uint16_t def) {
String html = "<select name='" + name + "'>";
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < max; i++) {
String num = String(i);
html += htmlOptionItem(num, num, i == def);
html += F("</select>");
return html;
String htmlSelectGpio(const String name, const int16_t def,
const int8_t list[], const int16_t length) {
String html = ": <select name='" + name + "'>";
for (int16_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
String num = String(list[i]);
html += htmlOptionItem(num, list[i] == kGpioUnused ? F("Unused") : num,
list[i] == def);
html += F("</option>");
html += F("</select>");
return html;
String htmlSelectMode(const String name, const stdAc::opmode_t def) {
String html = "<select name='" + name + "'>";
for (int8_t i = -1; i <= (int8_t)stdAc::opmode_t::kLastOpmodeEnum; i++) {
String mode = IRac::opmodeToString((stdAc::opmode_t)i);
html += htmlOptionItem(mode, mode, (stdAc::opmode_t)i == def);
html += F("</select>");
return html;
String htmlSelectFanspeed(const String name, const stdAc::fanspeed_t def) {
String html = "<select name='" + name + "'>";
for (int8_t i = 0; i <= (int8_t)stdAc::fanspeed_t::kLastFanspeedEnum; i++) {
String speed = IRac::fanspeedToString((stdAc::fanspeed_t)i);
html += htmlOptionItem(speed, speed, (stdAc::fanspeed_t)i == def);
html += F("</select>");
return html;
String htmlSelectSwingv(const String name, const stdAc::swingv_t def) {
String html = "<select name='" + name + "'>";
for (int8_t i = -1; i <= (int8_t)stdAc::swingv_t::kLastSwingvEnum; i++) {
String swing = IRac::swingvToString((stdAc::swingv_t)i);
html += htmlOptionItem(swing, swing, (stdAc::swingv_t)i == def);
html += F("</select>");
return html;
String htmlSelectSwingh(const String name, const stdAc::swingh_t def) {
String html = "<select name='" + name + "'>";
for (int8_t i = -1; i <= (int8_t)stdAc::swingh_t::kLastSwinghEnum; i++) {
String swing = IRac::swinghToString((stdAc::swingh_t)i);
html += htmlOptionItem(swing, swing, (stdAc::swingh_t)i == def);
html += F("</select>");
return html;
String htmlHeader(const String title, const String h1_text) {
String html = F("<html><head><title>");
html += title;
html += F("</title><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" "
if (h1_text.length())
html += h1_text;
html += title;
html += F("</h1></center>");
return html;
String htmlEnd(void) {
return F("</body></html>");
String htmlButton(const String url, const String button, const String text) {
String html = F("<button type='button' onclick='window.location=\"");
html += url;
html += F("\"'>");
html += button;
html += F("</button> ");
html += text;
return html;
// Admin web page
void handleAirCon(void) {
String html = htmlHeader(F("Air Conditioner Control"));
html += htmlMenu();
if (kNrOfIrTxGpios > 1) {
html += "<form method='POST' action='/aircon/set'"
" enctype='multipart/form-data'>"
"<tr><td><b>Climate #</b></td><td>" +
htmlSelectUint(KEY_CHANNEL, kNrOfIrTxGpios, chan) +
"<input type='submit' value='Change'>"
if (climate[chan] != NULL) {
html += "<h3>Current Settings</h3>"
"<form method='POST' action='/aircon/set'"
" enctype='multipart/form-data'>"
"<input type='hidden' name='" KEY_CHANNEL "' value='" + String(chan) +
"'>" +
"<table style='width:33%'>"
"<tr><td>" D_STR_PROTOCOL "</td><td>" +
climate[chan]->next.protocol) +
"<tr><td>" D_STR_MODEL "</td><td>" +
htmlSelectModel(KEY_MODEL, climate[chan]->next.model) +
"<tr><td>" D_STR_POWER "</td><td>" +
htmlSelectBool(KEY_POWER, climate[chan]->next.power) +
"<tr><td>" D_STR_MODE "</td><td>" +
htmlSelectMode(KEY_MODE, climate[chan]->next.mode) +
"<tr><td>" D_STR_TEMP "</td><td>"
"<input type='number' name='" KEY_TEMP "' min='16' max='90' "
"step='0.5' value='" + String(climate[chan]->next.degrees, 1) + "'>"
"<select name='" KEY_CELSIUS "'>"
"<option value='on'" +
(climate[chan]->next.celsius ? " selected='selected'" : "") +
"<option value='off'" +
(!climate[chan]->next.celsius ? " selected='selected'" : "") +
"<tr><td>" D_STR_FAN "</td><td>" +
htmlSelectFanspeed(KEY_FANSPEED, climate[chan]->next.fanspeed) +
"<tr><td>" D_STR_SWINGV "</td><td>" +
htmlSelectSwingv(KEY_SWINGV, climate[chan]->next.swingv) +
"<tr><td>" D_STR_SWINGH "</td><td>" +
htmlSelectSwingh(KEY_SWINGH, climate[chan]->next.swingh) +
"<tr><td>" D_STR_QUIET "</td><td>" +
htmlSelectBool(KEY_QUIET, climate[chan]->next.quiet) +
"<tr><td>" D_STR_TURBO "</td><td>" +
htmlSelectBool(KEY_TURBO, climate[chan]->next.turbo) +
"<tr><td>" D_STR_ECONO "</td><td>" +
htmlSelectBool(KEY_ECONO, climate[chan]->next.econo) +
"<tr><td>" D_STR_LIGHT "</td><td>" +
htmlSelectBool(KEY_LIGHT, climate[chan]->next.light) +
"<tr><td>" D_STR_FILTER "</td><td>" +
htmlSelectBool(KEY_FILTER, climate[chan]->next.filter) +
"<tr><td>" D_STR_CLEAN "</td><td>" +
htmlSelectBool(KEY_CLEAN, climate[chan]->next.clean) +
"<tr><td>" D_STR_BEEP "</td><td>" +
htmlSelectBool(KEY_BEEP, climate[chan]->next.beep) +
"<tr><td>Force resend</td><td>" +
htmlSelectBool(KEY_RESEND, false) +
"<input type='submit' value='Update & Send'>"
html += htmlEnd();
server.send(200, "text/html", html);
// Parse the URL args to find the Common A/C arguments.
void handleAirConSet(void) {
if (!server.authenticate(HttpUsername, HttpPassword)) {
debug("Basic HTTP authentication failure for /aircon/set.");
return server.requestAuthentication();
debug("New common a/c received via HTTP");
uint16_t channel = chan;
if (kNrOfIrTxGpios > 1) {
// Scan for the channel number if needed.
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) {
if (server.argName(i).equals(KEY_CHANNEL)) {
channel = server.arg(i).toInt();
// Change the HTML channel for the climate if it is within the correct range.
if (channel < kNrOfIrTxGpios) chan = channel;
IRac *ac_ptr = climate[chan];
String html = htmlHeader(F("Aircon updated!"));
if (ac_ptr != NULL) {
bool force_resend = false;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) {
if (server.argName(i).equals(KEY_RESEND))
force_resend = IRac::strToBool(server.arg(i).c_str());
updateClimate(&(ac_ptr->next), server.argName(i), "", server.arg(i));
sendClimate(genStatTopic(chan), true, false, force_resend, true, ac_ptr);
#else // MQTT_ENABLE
sendClimate("", false, false, force_resend, true, ac_ptr);
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
lastClimateSource = F("HTTP");
} else { // ac_ptr == NULL
debug("No climate setup for the given channel. Aborting!");
html = htmlHeader(F("Aircon update FAILED!"));
// Redirect back to the aircon page.
html += addJsReloadUrl(kUrlAircon, kQuickDisplayTime, false);
html += htmlEnd();
server.send(200, "text/html", html);
String htmlDisabled(void) {
String html = F(
"<i>Updates disabled until you set a password. "
"You will need to <a href='");
html += kUrlWipe;
html += F("'>wipe & reset</a> to set one.</i><br><br>");
return html;
// Admin web page
void handleAdmin(void) {
String html = htmlHeader(F("Administration"));
html += htmlMenu();
html += F("<h3>Special commands</h3>");
html += htmlButton(
kUrlSendDiscovery, F("Send MQTT Discovery"),
F("Send a Climate MQTT discovery message to Home Assistant.<br><br>"));
html += htmlButton(
kUrlClearMqtt, F("Clear data saved to MQTT"),
F("Clear all saved climate & discovery messages for this device & "
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
html += htmlButton(
kUrlReboot, F("Reboot"),
F("A simple reboot of the ESP. <small>ie. No changes</small><br>"
html += htmlButton(
kUrlWipe, F("Wipe Settings"),
F("<mark>Warning:</mark> Resets the device back to original settings. "
"<small>ie. Goes back to AP/Setup mode.</small><br><br>"));
html += htmlButton(kUrlGpio, F("GPIOs"), F("Change the IR GPIOs.<br>"));
html += F("<hr><h3>Update firmware</h3><p>"
"<b><mark>Warning:</mark></b><br> ");
if (!strlen(HttpPassword)) // Deny if password not set
html += htmlDisabled();
else // default password has been changed, so allow it.
html += F(
"<i>Updating your firmware may screw up your access to the device. "
"If you are going to use this, know what you are doing first "
"(and you probably do).</i><br>"
"<form method='POST' action='/update' enctype='multipart/form-data'>"
"Firmware to upload: <input type='file' name='update'>"
"<input type='submit' value='Update'>"
#endif // FIRMWARE_OTA
html += htmlEnd();
server.send(200, "text/html", html);
uint32_t maxSketchSpace(void) {
#if defined(ESP8266)
return (ESP.getFreeSketchSpace() - 0x1000) & 0xFFFFF000;
#else // defined(ESP8266)
#endif // defined(ESP8266)
String vccToString(void) { return String(ESP.getVcc() / 1000.0); }
#endif // REPORT_VCC
// Info web page
void handleInfo(void) {
String html = htmlHeader(F("IR MQTT server info"));
html += htmlMenu();
html +=
"<p>Hostname: " + String(Hostname) + "<br>"
"IP address: " + WiFi.localIP().toString() + "<br>"
"MAC address: " + WiFi.macAddress() + "<br>"
"Booted: " + timeSince(1) + "<br>" +
"Version: " _MY_VERSION_ "<br>"
"Built: " __DATE__
" " __TIME__ "<br>"
"Period Offset: " + String(offset) + "us<br>"
"IR Lib Version: " _IRREMOTEESP8266_VERSION_ "<br>"
#if defined(ESP8266)
"ESP8266 Core Version: " + ESP.getCoreVersion() + "<br>"
"Free Sketch Space: " + String(maxSketchSpace() >> 10) + "k<br>"
#endif // ESP8266
#if defined(ESP32)
"ESP32 SDK Version: " + ESP.getSdkVersion() + "<br>"
#endif // ESP32
"Cpu Freq: " + String(ESP.getCpuFreqMHz()) + "MHz<br>"
"Sanity Check: " + String((_sanity == 0) ? "Ok" : "FAILED") + "<br>"
"IR Send GPIO(s): " + listOfTxGpios() + "<br>"
+ irutils::addBoolToString(kInvertTxOutput,
"Inverting GPIO output", false) + "<br>"
"Total send requests: " + String(sendReqCounter) + "<br>"
"Last message sent: " + String(lastSendSucceeded ? "Ok" : "FAILED") +
" <i>(" + timeSince(lastSendTime) + ")</i><br>"
#if IR_RX
"IR Recv GPIO: " + gpioToString(rx_gpio) +
" (pullup)"
#endif // IR_RX_PULLUP
"Total IR Received: " + String(irRecvCounter) + "<br>"
"Last IR Received: " + lastIrReceived +
" <i>(" + timeSince(lastIrReceivedTime) + ")</i><br>"
#endif // IR_RX
"Duplicate " D_STR_WIFI " networks: " +
String(HIDE_DUPLICATE_NETWORKS ? "Hide" : "Show") + "<br>"
"Min " D_STR_WIFI " signal required: "
+ String(static_cast<int>(MIN_SIGNAL_STRENGTH)) +
"Serial debugging: "
+ String(isSerialGpioUsedByIr() ? D_STR_OFF : D_STR_ON) +
#else // DEBUG
#endif // DEBUG
"Vcc: ";
html += vccToString();
html += "V<br>"
#endif // REPORT_VCC
"<h4>MQTT Information</h4>"
"<p>Server: " + String(MqttServer) + ":" + String(MqttPort) + " <i>(" +
(mqtt_client.connected() ? "Connected " + timeSince(lastDisconnectedTime)
: "Disconnected " + timeSince(lastConnectedTime)) +
"Disconnections: " + String(mqttDisconnectCounter - 1) + "<br>"
"Buffer Size: " + String(mqtt_client.getBufferSize()) + " bytes<br>"
"Client id: " + MqttClientId + "<br>"
"Command topic(s): " + listOfCommandTopics() + "<br>"
"Acknowledgements topic: " + MqttAck + "<br>"
#if IR_RX
"IR Received topic: " + MqttRecv + "<br>"
#endif // IR_RX
"Log topic: " + MqttLog + "<br>"
"LWT topic: " + MqttLwt + "<br>"
"QoS: " + String(QOS) + "<br>"
// lastMqttCmd* is unescaped untrusted input.
// Avoid any possible HTML/XSS when displaying it.
"Last MQTT command seen: (topic) '" +
irutils::htmlEscape(lastMqttCmdTopic) +
"' (payload) '" + irutils::htmlEscape(lastMqttCmd) + "' <i>(" +
timeSince(lastMqttCmdTime) + ")</i><br>"
"Total published: " + String(mqttSentCounter) + "<br>"
"Total received: " + String(mqttRecvCounter) + "<br>"
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
"<h4>Climate Information</h4>"
"IR Send GPIO: " + String(txGpioTable[0]) + "<br>"
"Last update source: " + lastClimateSource + "<br>"
"Total sent: " + String(irClimateCounter) + "<br>"
"Last send: " + String(hasClimateBeenSent ?
(String(lastClimateSucceeded ? "Ok" : "FAILED") +
" <i>(" + timeElapsed(lastClimateIr.elapsed()) + ")</i>") :
"<i>Never</i>") + "<br>"
"State listen period: " + msToString(kStatListenPeriodMs) + "<br>"
"State broadcast period: " + msToString(kBroadcastPeriodMs) + "<br>"
"Last state broadcast: " + (hasBroadcastBeenSent ?
timeElapsed(lastBroadcast.elapsed()) :
String("<i>Never</i>")) + "<br>"
"Last discovery sent: " + (lockMqttBroadcast ?
String("<b>Locked</b>") :
(hasDiscoveryBeenSent ?
timeElapsed(lastDiscovery.elapsed()) :
String("<i>Never</i>"))) +
"Discovery topic: " + MqttDiscovery + "<br>" +
"Command topics: " + MqttClimate + channel_re + '/' + MQTT_CLIMATE_CMND +
'/' + kClimateTopics +
"State topics: " + MqttClimate + channel_re + '/' + MQTT_CLIMATE_STAT +
'/' + kClimateTopics +
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
// Page footer
"<i>(Note: Page will refresh every 60 " D_STR_SECONDS ".)</i>"
html += addJsReloadUrl(kUrlInfo, 60, false);
html += htmlEnd();
server.send(200, "text/html", html);
void doRestart(const char* str, const bool serial_only) {
if (!serial_only)
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
delay(2000); // Enough time for messages to be sent.
delay(5000); // Enough time to ensure we don't return.
// Clear any MQTT message that we might have set retain on.
bool clearMqttSavedStates(const String topic_base) {
String channelStr = "";
bool success = true;
// Clear the Last Will & Testament.
success &= mqtt_client.publish(MqttLwt.c_str(), "", true);
// Clear the HA climate discovery message.
success &= mqtt_client.publish(MqttDiscovery.c_str(), "", true);
for (size_t channel = 0;
channel <= kNrOfIrTxGpios;
channelStr = '_' + String(channel++)) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(kMqttTopics) / sizeof(char*); i++) {
// Sending a retained "" message to the topic should clear previous values
// in theory.
String topic = topic_base + channelStr + '/' + F(MQTT_CLIMATE_STAT) +
'/' + String(kMqttTopics[i]);
success &= mqtt_client.publish(topic.c_str(), "", true);
channelStr = '_' + String(channel);
String logmesg = "Removing all possible settings saved in MQTT for '" +
topic_base + "' ";
logmesg += success ? F("succeeded") : F("failed");
return success;
// Clear settings from MQTT web page
void handleClearMqtt(void) {
if (!server.authenticate(HttpUsername, HttpPassword)) {
debug(("Basic HTTP authentication failure for " +
return server.requestAuthentication();
server.send(200, "text/html",
htmlHeader(F("Clearing saved info from MQTT"),
F("Removing all saved settings for this device from "
"MQTT.")) +
"<p>Device restarting. Try connecting in a few " D_STR_SECONDS ".</p>" +
addJsReloadUrl(kUrlRoot, 10, true) +
// Do the clearing.
mqttLog("Clearing all saved settings from MQTT.");
// Reset web page
void handleReset(void) {
if (!server.authenticate(HttpUsername, HttpPassword)) {
debug(("Basic HTTP authentication failure for " +
return server.requestAuthentication();
server.send(200, "text/html",
htmlHeader(F("Reset WiFi Config"),
F("Resetting the WiFiManager config back to defaults.")) +
"<p>Device restarting. Try connecting in a few " D_STR_SECONDS ".</p>" +
addJsReloadUrl(kUrlRoot, 10, true) +
// Do the reset.
mqttLog("Clearing all saved climate settings from MQTT.");
mqttLog("Wiping all saved config settings.");
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
if (mountSpiffs()) {
debug("Removing JSON config file");
debug("Reseting wifiManager's settings.");
// Reboot web page
void handleReboot() {
if (!server.authenticate(HttpUsername, HttpPassword)) {
debug(("Basic HTTP authentication failure for " +
return server.requestAuthentication();
server.send(200, "text/html",
htmlHeader(F("Device restarting.")) +
"<p>Try connecting in a few " D_STR_SECONDS ".</p>" +
addJsReloadUrl(kUrlRoot, kRebootTime, true) +
doRestart("Reboot requested");
// Parse an Air Conditioner A/C Hex String/code and send it.
// Args:
// irsend: A Ptr to the IRsend object to transmit via.
// irType: Nr. of the protocol we need to send.
// str: A hexadecimal string containing the state to be sent.
// Returns:
// bool: Successfully sent or not.
bool parseStringAndSendAirCon(IRsend *irsend, const decode_type_t irType,
const String str) {
uint8_t strOffset = 0;
uint8_t state[kStateSizeMax] = {0}; // All array elements are set to 0.
uint16_t stateSize = 0;
if (str.startsWith("0x") || str.startsWith("0X"))
strOffset = 2;
// Calculate how many hexadecimal characters there are.
uint16_t inputLength = str.length() - strOffset;
if (inputLength == 0) {
debug("Zero length AirCon code encountered. Ignored.");
return false; // No input. Abort.
switch (irType) { // Get the correct state size for the protocol.
case DAIKIN:
// Daikin has 2 different possible size states.
// (The correct size, and a legacy shorter size.)
// Guess which one we are being presented with based on the number of
// hexadecimal digits provided. i.e. Zero-pad if you need to to get
// the correct length/byte size.
// This should provide backward compatiblity with legacy messages.
stateSize = inputLength / 2; // Every two hex chars is a byte.
// Use at least the minimum size.
stateSize = std::max(stateSize, kDaikinStateLengthShort);
// If we think it isn't a "short" message.
if (stateSize > kDaikinStateLengthShort)
// Then it has to be at least the version of the "normal" size.
stateSize = std::max(stateSize, kDaikinStateLength);
// Lastly, it should never exceed the "normal" size.
stateSize = std::min(stateSize, kDaikinStateLength);
// Fujitsu has four distinct & different size states, so make a best guess
// which one we are being presented with based on the number of
// hexadecimal digits provided. i.e. Zero-pad if you need to to get
// the correct length/byte size.
stateSize = inputLength / 2; // Every two hex chars is a byte.
// Use at least the minimum size.
stateSize = std::max(stateSize,
(uint16_t) (kFujitsuAcStateLengthShort - 1));
// If we think it isn't a "short" message.
if (stateSize > kFujitsuAcStateLengthShort)
// Then it has to be at least the smaller version of the "normal" size.
stateSize = std::max(stateSize, (uint16_t) (kFujitsuAcStateLength - 1));
// Lastly, it should never exceed the maximum "normal" size.
stateSize = std::min(stateSize, kFujitsuAcStateLength);
// HitachiAc3 has two distinct & different size states, so make a best
// guess which one we are being presented with based on the number of
// hexadecimal digits provided. i.e. Zero-pad if you need to to get
// the correct length/byte size.
stateSize = inputLength / 2; // Every two hex chars is a byte.
// Use at least the minimum size.
stateSize = std::max(stateSize,
(uint16_t) (kHitachiAc3MinStateLength));
// If we think it isn't a "short" message.
if (stateSize > kHitachiAc3MinStateLength)
// Then it probably the "normal" size.
stateSize = std::max(stateSize,
(uint16_t) (kHitachiAc3StateLength));
// Lastly, it should never exceed the maximum "normal" size.
stateSize = std::min(stateSize, kHitachiAc3StateLength);
case MWM:
// MWM has variable size states, so make a best guess
// which one we are being presented with based on the number of
// hexadecimal digits provided. i.e. Zero-pad if you need to to get
// the correct length/byte size.
stateSize = inputLength / 2; // Every two hex chars is a byte.
// Use at least the minimum size.
stateSize = std::max(stateSize, (uint16_t) 3);
// Cap the maximum size.
stateSize = std::min(stateSize, kStateSizeMax);
// Samsung has two distinct & different size states, so make a best guess
// which one we are being presented with based on the number of
// hexadecimal digits provided. i.e. Zero-pad if you need to to get
// the correct length/byte size.
stateSize = inputLength / 2; // Every two hex chars is a byte.
// Use at least the minimum size.
stateSize = std::max(stateSize, (uint16_t) (kSamsungAcStateLength));
// If we think it isn't a "normal" message.
if (stateSize > kSamsungAcStateLength)
// Then it probably the extended size.
stateSize = std::max(stateSize,
(uint16_t) (kSamsungAcExtendedStateLength));
// Lastly, it should never exceed the maximum "extended" size.
stateSize = std::min(stateSize, kSamsungAcExtendedStateLength);
default: // Everything else.
stateSize = IRsend::defaultBits(irType) / 8;
if (!stateSize || !hasACState(irType)) {
// Not a protocol we expected. Abort.
debug("Unexpected AirCon protocol detected. Ignoring.");
return false;
if (inputLength > stateSize * 2) {
debug("AirCon code to large for the given protocol.");
return false;
// Ptr to the least significant byte of the resulting state for this protocol.
uint8_t *statePtr = &state[stateSize - 1];
// Convert the string into a state array of the correct length.
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < inputLength; i++) {
// Grab the next least sigificant hexadecimal digit from the string.
uint8_t c = tolower(str[inputLength + strOffset - i - 1]);
if (isxdigit(c)) {
if (isdigit(c))
c -= '0';
c = c - 'a' + 10;
} else {
debug("Aborting! Non-hexadecimal char found in AirCon state:");
return false;
if (i % 2 == 1) { // Odd: Upper half of the byte.
*statePtr += (c << 4);
statePtr--; // Advance up to the next least significant byte of state.
} else { // Even: Lower half of the byte.
*statePtr = c;
if (!irsend->send(irType, state, stateSize)) {
debug("Unexpected AirCon type in send request. Not sent.");
return false;
return true; // We were successful as far as we can tell.
// Count how many values are in the String.
// Args:
// str: String containing the values.
// sep: Character that separates the values.
// Returns:
// The number of values found in the String.
uint16_t countValuesInStr(const String str, char sep) {
int16_t index = -1;
uint16_t count = 1;
do {
index = str.indexOf(sep, index + 1);
} while (index != -1);
return count;
// Dynamically allocate an array of uint16_t's.
// Args:
// size: Nr. of uint16_t's need to be in the new array.
// Returns:
// A Ptr to the new array. Restarts the ESP if it fails.
uint16_t * newCodeArray(const uint16_t size) {
uint16_t *result;
result = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(malloc(size * sizeof(uint16_t)));
// Check we malloc'ed successfully.
if (result == NULL) // malloc failed, so give up.
"FATAL: Can't allocate memory for an array for a new message! "
"Forcing a reboot!", true); // Send to serial only as we are in low mem
return result;
// Parse a GlobalCache String/code and send it.
// Args:
// irsend: A ptr to the IRsend object to transmit via.
// str: A GlobalCache formatted String of comma separated numbers.
// e.g. "38000,1,1,170,170,20,63,20,63,20,63,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,
// 20,20,63,20,63,20,63,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,63,
// 20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,63,20,20,20,63,20,63,20,
// 63,20,63,20,63,20,63,20,1798"
// Note: The leading "1:1,1," of normal GC codes should be removed.
// Returns:
// bool: Successfully sent or not.
bool parseStringAndSendGC(IRsend *irsend, const String str) {
uint16_t count;
uint16_t *code_array;
String tmp_str;
// Remove the leading "1:1,1," if present.
if (str.startsWith("1:1,1,"))
tmp_str = str.substring(6);
tmp_str = str;
// Find out how many items there are in the string.
count = countValuesInStr(tmp_str, ',');
// Now we know how many there are, allocate the memory to store them all.
code_array = newCodeArray(count);
// Now convert the strings to integers and place them in code_array.
count = 0;
uint16_t start_from = 0;
int16_t index = -1;
do {
index = tmp_str.indexOf(',', start_from);
code_array[count] = tmp_str.substring(start_from, index).toInt();
start_from = index + 1;
} while (index != -1);
irsend->sendGC(code_array, count); // All done. Send it.
free(code_array); // Free up the memory allocated.
if (count > 0)
return true; // We sent something.
return false; // We probably didn't.
// Parse a Pronto Hex String/code and send it.
// Args:
// irsend: A ptr to the IRsend object to transmit via.
// str: A comma-separated String of nr. of repeats, then hexadecimal numbers.
// e.g. "R1,0000,0067,0000,0015,0060,0018,0018,0018,0030,0018,0030,0018,
// 0030,0018,0018,0018,0030,0018,0018,0018,0018,0018,0030,0018,
// 0018,0018,0030,0018,0030,0018,0030,0018,0018,0018,0018,0018,
// 0030,0018,0018,0018,0018,0018,0030,0018,0018,03f6"
// or
// "0000,0067,0000,0015,0060,0018". i.e. without the Repeat value
// Requires at least kProntoMinLength comma-separated values.
// sendPronto() only supports raw pronto code types, thus so does this.
// repeats: Nr. of times the message is to be repeated.
// This value is ignored if an embeddd repeat is found in str.
// Returns:
// bool: Successfully sent or not.
bool parseStringAndSendPronto(IRsend *irsend, const String str,
uint16_t repeats) {
uint16_t count;
uint16_t *code_array;
int16_t index = -1;
uint16_t start_from = 0;
// Find out how many items there are in the string.
count = countValuesInStr(str, ',');
// Check if we have the optional embedded repeats value in the code string.
if (str.startsWith("R") || str.startsWith("r")) {
// Grab the first value from the string, as it is the nr. of repeats.
index = str.indexOf(',', start_from);
repeats = str.substring(start_from + 1, index).toInt(); // Skip the 'R'.
start_from = index + 1;
count--; // We don't count the repeats value as part of the code array.
// We need at least kProntoMinLength values for the code part.
if (count < kProntoMinLength) return false;
// Now we know how many there are, allocate the memory to store them all.
code_array = newCodeArray(count);
// Rest of the string are values for the code array.
// Now convert the hex strings to integers and place them in code_array.
count = 0;
do {
index = str.indexOf(',', start_from);
// Convert the hexadecimal value string to an unsigned integer.
code_array[count] = strtoul(str.substring(start_from, index).c_str(),
NULL, 16);
start_from = index + 1;
} while (index != -1);
irsend->sendPronto(code_array, count, repeats); // All done. Send it.
free(code_array); // Free up the memory allocated.
if (count > 0)
return true; // We sent something.
return false; // We probably didn't.
#endif // SEND_PRONTO
// Parse an IRremote Raw String/code and send it.
// Args:
// irsend: A ptr to the IRsend object to transmit via.
// str: A comma-separated String containing the freq and raw IR data.
// e.g. "38000,9000,4500,600,1450,600,900,650,1500,..."
// Requires at least two comma-separated values.
// First value is the transmission frequency in Hz or kHz.
// Returns:
// bool: Successfully sent or not.
bool parseStringAndSendRaw(IRsend *irsend, const String str) {
uint16_t count;
uint16_t freq = 38000; // Default to 38kHz.
uint16_t *raw_array;
// Find out how many items there are in the string.
count = countValuesInStr(str, ',');
// We expect the frequency as the first comma separated value, so we need at
// least two values. If not, bail out.
if (count < 2) return false;
count--; // We don't count the frequency value as part of the raw array.
// Now we know how many there are, allocate the memory to store them all.
raw_array = newCodeArray(count);
// Grab the first value from the string, as it is the frequency.
int16_t index = str.indexOf(',', 0);
freq = str.substring(0, index).toInt();
uint16_t start_from = index + 1;
// Rest of the string are values for the raw array.
// Now convert the strings to integers and place them in raw_array.
count = 0;
do {
index = str.indexOf(',', start_from);
raw_array[count] = str.substring(start_from, index).toInt();
start_from = index + 1;
} while (index != -1);
irsend->sendRaw(raw_array, count, freq); // All done. Send it.
free(raw_array); // Free up the memory allocated.
if (count > 0)
return true; // We sent something.
return false; // We probably didn't.
#endif // SEND_RAW
uint8_t getDefaultIrSendIdx(void) {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < kNrOfIrTxGpios; i++)
if (IrSendTable[i] != NULL) return i;
return 0;
IRsend* getDefaultIrSendPtr(void) {
return IrSendTable[getDefaultIrSendIdx()];
// Parse the URL args to find the IR code.
void handleIr(void) {
if (!server.authenticate(HttpUsername, HttpPassword)) {
debug("Basic HTTP authentication failure for /ir.");
return server.requestAuthentication();
uint64_t data = 0;
String data_str = "";
decode_type_t ir_type = decode_type_t::NEC; // Default to NEC codes.
uint16_t nbits = 0;
uint16_t repeat = 0;
int16_t channel = -1;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < server.args(); i++) {
if (server.argName(i).equals(KEY_TYPE) ||
server.argName(i).equals(KEY_PROTOCOL)) {
ir_type = strToDecodeType(server.arg(i).c_str());
} else if (server.argName(i).equals(KEY_CODE)) {
data = getUInt64fromHex(server.arg(i).c_str());
data_str = server.arg(i);
} else if (server.argName(i).equals(KEY_BITS)) {
nbits = server.arg(i).toInt();
} else if (server.argName(i).equals(KEY_REPEAT)) {
repeat = server.arg(i).toInt();
} else if (server.argName(i).equals(KEY_CHANNEL)) {
channel = server.arg(i).toInt();
debug("New code received via HTTP");
IRsend *tx_ptr = getDefaultIrSendPtr();
if (channel >= 0 && channel < kNrOfIrTxGpios && IrSendTable[channel] != NULL)
tx_ptr = IrSendTable[channel];
lastSendSucceeded = sendIRCode(tx_ptr, ir_type, data, data_str.c_str(), nbits,
String html = htmlHeader(F("IR command sent!"));
html += addJsReloadUrl(kUrlRoot, kQuickDisplayTime, true);
html += htmlEnd();
server.send(200, "text/html", html);
// GPIO menu page
void handleGpio(void) {
if (!server.authenticate(HttpUsername, HttpPassword)) {
debug("Basic HTTP authentication failure for /gpios.");
return server.requestAuthentication();
String html = htmlHeader(F("GPIO config"));
html += F(
"<form method='POST' action='/gpio/set' enctype='multipart/form-data'>");
html += htmlMenu();
html += F("<h2><mark>WARNING: Choose carefully! You can cause damage to your "
"hardware or make the device unresponsive.</mark></h2>");
html += F("<h3>Send</h3>IR LED");
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < kNrOfIrTxGpios; i++) {
if (kNrOfIrTxGpios > 1) {
html += F(" #");
html += String(i);
html += htmlSelectGpio(KEY_TX_GPIO + String(i), txGpioTable[i], kTxGpios,
#if IR_RX
html += F("<h3>Receive</h3>IR RX Module");
html += htmlSelectGpio(KEY_RX_GPIO, rx_gpio, kRxGpios,
#endif // IR_RX
html += F("<br><br><hr>");
if (strlen(HttpPassword)) // Allow if password set
html += F("<input type='submit' value='Save & Reboot'>");
html += htmlDisabled();
html += F("</form>");
html += htmlEnd();
server.send(200, "text/html", html);
// GPIO setting page
void handleGpioSetting(void) {
bool changed = false;
if (!server.authenticate(HttpUsername, HttpPassword)) {
debug("Basic HTTP authentication failure for /gpios.");
return server.requestAuthentication();
String html = htmlHeader(F("Update GPIOs"));
if (!strlen(HttpPassword)) { // Don't allow if password not set
html += htmlDisabled();
} else {
debug("Attempt to change GPIOs");
for (uint16_t arg = 0; arg < server.args(); arg++) {
int8_t num = std::max(static_cast<int8_t>(server.arg(arg).toInt()),
#if IR_RX
if (server.argName(arg).equals(KEY_RX_GPIO)) {
if (rx_gpio != num) {
rx_gpio = num;
changed = true;
} else {
#endif // IR_RX
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < kNrOfIrTxGpios; i++) {
if (server.argName(arg).equals(KEY_TX_GPIO + String(i))) {
if (txGpioTable[i] != num) {
txGpioTable[i] = num;
changed = true;
#if IR_RX
#endif // IR_RX
if (!changed) {
html += F("<h2>No changes detected!</h2>");
} else if (saveConfig()) {
html += F("<h2>Saved changes & rebooting.</h2>");
} else {
html += F("<h2><mark>ERROR: Changes didn't save correctly! "
html += addJsReloadUrl(changed ? kUrlRoot : kUrlGpio,
changed ? kRebootTime : kQuickDisplayTime,
html += htmlEnd();
server.send(200, "text/html", html);
if (changed) doRestart("GPIOs were changed. Rebooting!");
void handleNotFound(void) {
String message = "File Not Found\n\n";
message += "URI: ";
message += server.uri();
message += "\nMethod: ";
message += (server.method() == HTTP_GET)?"GET":"POST";
message += "\nArguments: ";
message += server.args();
message += "\n";
for (uint8_t i=0; i < server.args(); i++)
message += " " + server.argName(i) + ": " + server.arg(i) + "\n";
server.send(404, "text/plain", message);
void setup_wifi(void) {
// We start by connecting to a WiFi network
wifiManager.setTimeout(300); // Time out after 5 mins.
// Set up additional parameters for WiFiManager config menu page.
WiFiManagerParameter custom_hostname_text(
WiFiManagerParameter custom_hostname(
kHostnameKey, kHostnameKey, Hostname, kHostnameLength);
WiFiManagerParameter custom_authentication_text(
"<br><br><center>Web/OTA authentication</center>");
WiFiManagerParameter custom_http_username(
kHttpUserKey, "username", HttpUsername, kUsernameLength);
WiFiManagerParameter custom_http_password(
kHttpPassKey, "password (No OTA if blank)", HttpPassword, kPasswordLength,
" type='password'");
WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_text(
"<br><br><center>MQTT Broker details</center>");
WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_server(
kMqttServerKey, "mqtt server", MqttServer, kHostnameLength);
WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_port(
kMqttPortKey, "mqtt port", MqttPort, kPortLength,
" input type='number' min='1' max='65535'");
WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_user(
kMqttUserKey, "mqtt username", MqttUsername, kUsernameLength);
WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_pass(
kMqttPassKey, "mqtt password", MqttPassword, kPasswordLength,
" type='password'");
WiFiManagerParameter custom_prefix_text(
"<br><br><center>MQTT Prefix</center>");
WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_prefix(
kMqttPrefixKey, "Leave empty to use Hostname", MqttPrefix,
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
// Use a static IP config rather than the one supplied via DHCP.
wifiManager.setSTAStaticIPConfig(kIPAddress, kGateway, kSubnetMask);
#endif // USE_STATIC_IP
if (!wifiManager.autoConnect())
// Reboot. A.k.a. "Have you tried turning it Off and On again?"
doRestart(D_STR_WIFI " failed to connect and hit timeout. Rebooting...",
strncpy(MqttServer, custom_mqtt_server.getValue(), kHostnameLength);
strncpy(MqttPort, custom_mqtt_port.getValue(), kPortLength);
strncpy(MqttUsername, custom_mqtt_user.getValue(), kUsernameLength);
strncpy(MqttPassword, custom_mqtt_pass.getValue(), kPasswordLength);
strncpy(MqttPrefix, custom_mqtt_prefix.getValue(), kHostnameLength);
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
strncpy(Hostname, custom_hostname.getValue(), kHostnameLength);
strncpy(HttpUsername, custom_http_username.getValue(), kUsernameLength);
strncpy(HttpPassword, custom_http_password.getValue(), kPasswordLength);
if (flagSaveWifiConfig) {
debug("WiFi connected. IP address:");
void init_vars(void) {
// If we have a prefix already, use it. Otherwise use the hostname.
if (!strlen(MqttPrefix)) strncpy(MqttPrefix, Hostname, kHostnameLength);
// Topic we send back acknowledgements on.
MqttAck = String(MqttPrefix) + '/' + MQTT_ACK;
// Sub-topic we get new commands from.
MqttSend = String(MqttPrefix) + '/' + MQTT_SEND;
// Topic we send received IRs to.
MqttRecv = String(MqttPrefix) + '/' + MQTT_RECV;
// Topic we send log messages to.
MqttLog = String(MqttPrefix) + '/' + MQTT_LOG;
// Topic for the Last Will & Testament.
MqttLwt = String(MqttPrefix) + '/' + MQTT_LWT;
// Sub-topic for the climate topics.
MqttClimate = String(MqttPrefix) + '/' + MQTT_CLIMATE;
// Sub-topic for the climate command topics.
MqttClimateCmnd = MqttClimate + '/' + MQTT_CLIMATE_CMND + '/';
// Sub-topic for the climate stat topics.
MqttDiscovery = "homeassistant/climate/" + String(Hostname) + "/config";
MqttUniqueId = WiFi.macAddress();
MqttUniqueId.replace(":", "");
MqttHAName = String(Hostname) + "_aircon";
// Create a unique MQTT client id.
MqttClientId = String(Hostname) + String(kChipId, HEX);
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
void setup(void) {
// Perform a low level sanity checks that the compiler performs bit field
// packing as we expect and Endianness is as we expect.
_sanity = irutils::lowLevelSanityCheck();
if (!isSerialGpioUsedByIr()) {
#if defined(ESP8266)
// Use SERIAL_TX_ONLY so that the RX pin can be freed up for GPIO/IR use.
#else // ESP8266
Serial.begin(BAUD_RATE, SERIAL_8N1);
#endif // ESP8266
while (!Serial) // Wait for the serial connection to be establised.
debug("IRMQTTServer " _MY_VERSION_ " has booted.");
#endif // DEBUG
// After the config has been loaded, check again if we are using a Serial GPIO
if (isSerialGpioUsedByIr()) Serial.end();
#endif // DEBUG
channel_re.reserve(kNrOfIrTxGpios * 3);
// Initialise all the IR transmitters.
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < kNrOfIrTxGpios; i++) {
if (txGpioTable[i] == kGpioUnused) {
IrSendTable[i] = NULL;
climate[i] = NULL;
} else {
IrSendTable[i] = new IRsend(txGpioTable[i], kInvertTxOutput);
if (IrSendTable[i] != NULL) {
offset = IrSendTable[i]->calibrate();
climate[i] = new IRac(txGpioTable[i], kInvertTxOutput);
if (climate[i] != NULL && i > 0) channel_re += '_' + String(i) + '|';
lastClimateSource = F("None");
if (channel_re.length() == 1) {
channel_re = "";
} else {
channel_re.remove(channel_re.length() - 1, 1); // Remove the last char.
channel_re += F(")?");
#if IR_RX
if (rx_gpio != kGpioUnused)
irrecv = new IRrecv(rx_gpio, kCaptureBufferSize, kCaptureTimeout, true);
if (irrecv != NULL) {
// Ignore messages with less than minimum on or off pulses.
#endif // DECODE_HASH
irrecv->enableIRIn(IR_RX_PULLUP); // Start the receiver
#endif // IR_RX
// Wait a bit for things to settle.
lastReconnectAttempt = 0;
#if defined(ESP8266)
if (mdns.begin(Hostname, WiFi.localIP())) {
#else // ESP8266
if (mdns.begin(Hostname)) {
#endif // ESP8266
debug("MDNS responder started");
#endif // MDNS_ENABLE
// Setup the root web page.
server.on(kUrlRoot, handleRoot);
// Setup the examples web page.
server.on(kUrlExamples, handleExamples);
// Setup the page to handle web-based IR codes.
server.on("/ir", handleIr);
// Setup the aircon page.
server.on(kUrlAircon, handleAirCon);
// Setup the aircon update page.
server.on("/aircon/set", handleAirConSet);
// Setup the info page.
server.on(kUrlInfo, handleInfo);
// Setup the admin page.
server.on(kUrlAdmin, handleAdmin);
// Setup a reset page to cause WiFiManager information to be reset.
server.on(kUrlWipe, handleReset);
// Reboot url
server.on(kUrlReboot, handleReboot);
// Show & pick which gpios are used for what etc.
server.on(kUrlGpio, handleGpio);
// Parse and update the new gpios.
server.on(kUrlGpioSet, handleGpioSetting);
// Clear settings saved to MQTT as retained messages.
server.on(kUrlClearMqtt, handleClearMqtt);
// MQTT Discovery url
server.on(kUrlSendDiscovery, handleSendMqttDiscovery);
// Finish setup of the mqtt clent object.
if (!mqtt_client.setBufferSize(kMqttBufferSize))
debug("Can't fully allocate MQTT buffer! Try a smaller value.");
mqtt_client.setServer(MqttServer, atoi(MqttPort));
// Set various variables
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
// Setup the URL to allow Over-The-Air (OTA) firmware updates.
if (strlen(HttpPassword)) { // Allow if password is set.
server.on("/update", HTTP_POST, [](){
mqttLog("Attempting firmware update & reboot");
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
server.send(200, "text/html",
htmlHeader(F("Updating firmware")) +
"<h3>Warning! Don't " D_STR_POWER " " D_STR_OFF " the device for "
"60 " D_STR_SECONDS "!</h3>"
"<p>The firmware is uploading and will try to flash itself. "
"It is important to not interrupt the process.</p>"
"<p>The firmware upload seems to have " +
String(Update.hasError() ? "FAILED!" : "SUCCEEDED!") +
" Rebooting! </p>" +
addJsReloadUrl(kUrlRoot, 20, true) +
doRestart("Post firmware reboot.");
}, [](){
if (!server.authenticate(HttpUsername, HttpPassword)) {
debug("Basic HTTP authentication failure for /update.");
return server.requestAuthentication();
HTTPUpload& upload = server.upload();
if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START) {
#if defined(ESP8266)
#endif // defined(ESP8266)
if (!Update.begin(maxSketchSpace())) { // start with max available
if (!isSerialGpioUsedByIr())
#endif // DEBUG
} else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE) {
if (Update.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize) !=
upload.currentSize) {
if (!isSerialGpioUsedByIr())
#endif // DEBUG
} else if (upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END) {
// true to set the size to the current progress
if (Update.end(true)) {
debug("Update Success:");
#endif // FIRMWARE_OTA
// Set up an error page.
debug("HTTP server started");
String genStatTopic(const uint16_t channel) {
if (channel) // Never use the '*_0' state channel.
return MqttClimate + "_" + String(channel) + '/' + MQTT_CLIMATE_STAT + '/';
return MqttClimate + '/' + MQTT_CLIMATE_STAT + '/';
// MQTT subscribing to topic
void subscribing(const String topic_name) {
// subscription to topic for receiving data with QoS.
if (mqtt_client.subscribe(topic_name.c_str(), QOS))
debug("Subscription OK to:");
debug("Subscription FAILED to:");
// Un-subscribe from a MQTT topic
void unsubscribing(const String topic_name) {
// subscription to topic for receiving data with QoS.
if (mqtt_client.unsubscribe(topic_name.c_str()))
debug("Unsubscribed OK from:");
debug("FAILED to unsubscribe from:");
void mqttLog(const char* str) {
mqtt_client.publish(MqttLog.c_str(), str);
bool reconnect(void) {
// Loop a few times or until we're reconnected
uint16_t tries = 1;
while (!mqtt_client.connected() && tries <= 3) {
int connected = false;
// Attempt to connect
debug(("Attempting MQTT connection to " + String(MqttServer) + ":" +
String(MqttPort) + "... ").c_str());
if (strcmp(MqttUsername, "") && strcmp(MqttPassword, "")) {
debug("Using mqtt username/password to connect.");
connected = mqtt_client.connect(MqttClientId.c_str(),
MqttUsername, MqttPassword,
QOS, true, kLwtOffline);
} else {
debug("Using password-less mqtt connection.");
connected = mqtt_client.connect(MqttClientId.c_str(), MqttLwt.c_str(),
QOS, true, kLwtOffline);
if (connected) {
// Once connected, publish an announcement...
// Update Last Will & Testament to say we are back online.
mqtt_client.publish(MqttLwt.c_str(), kLwtOnline, true);
// Subscribing to topic(s)
subscribing(MqttSend); // General base topic.
subscribing(MqttClimateCmnd + '+'); // Base climate command topics
// Per channel topics
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < kNrOfIrTxGpios; i++) {
// General
if (IrSendTable[i] != NULL)
subscribing(MqttSend + '_' + String(i));
// Climate
if (climate[i] != NULL)
subscribing(MqttClimate + '_' + String(i) + '/' + MQTT_CLIMATE_CMND +
'/' + '+');
} else {
debug(("failed, rc=" + String(mqtt_client.state()) +
" Try again in a bit.").c_str());
// Wait for a bit before retrying
delay(tries << 7); // Linear increasing back-off (x128)
return mqtt_client.connected();
// Return a string containing the comma separated list of MQTT command topics.
String listOfCommandTopics(void) {
String result = MqttSend;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < kNrOfIrTxGpios; i++) {
result += ", " + MqttSend + '_' + String(i);
return result;
// MQTT Discovery web page
void handleSendMqttDiscovery(void) {
if (!server.authenticate(HttpUsername, HttpPassword)) {
debug("Basic HTTP authentication failure for /send_discovery.");
return server.requestAuthentication();
server.send(200, "text/html",
htmlHeader(F("Sending MQTT Discovery message")) +
htmlMenu() +
"<p>The Home Assistant MQTT Discovery message is being sent to topic: " +
MqttDiscovery + ". It will show up in Home Assistant in a few seconds."
"<p>Home Assistant's config for this device is reset each time this is "
" is sent.</p>" +
addJsReloadUrl(kUrlRoot, kRebootTime, true) +
void doBroadcast(TimerMs *timer, const uint32_t interval,
IRac *climate[], const bool retain,
const bool force) {
if (force || (!lockMqttBroadcast && timer->elapsed() > interval)) {
debug("Sending MQTT stat update broadcast.");
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < kNrOfIrTxGpios; i++) {
String stat_topic = genStatTopic(i);
sendClimate(stat_topic, retain, true, false, true, climate[i]);
sendString(stat_topic + KEY_VCC, vccToString(), false);
#endif // REPORT_VCC
sendJsonState(climate[i]->next, stat_topic + KEY_JSON);
timer->reset(); // It's been sent, so reset the timer.
hasBroadcastBeenSent = true;
void receivingMQTT(String const topic_name, String const callback_str) {
uint64_t code = 0;
uint16_t nbits = 0;
uint16_t repeat = 0;
uint8_t channel = getDefaultIrSendIdx(); // Default to first usable channel.
debug("Receiving data by MQTT topic:");
debug("with payload:");
// Save the message as the last command seen (global).
lastMqttCmdTopic = topic_name;
lastMqttCmd = callback_str;
lastMqttCmdTime = millis();
// Check if a specific channel was requested by looking for a "*_[0-9]" suffix
// Or is for a specific ac/climate channel. e.g. "*/ac_[1-9]"
debug(("Checking for channel number in " + topic_name).c_str());
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < kNrOfIrTxGpios; i++) {
if (topic_name.endsWith("_" + String(i)) ||
(i > 0 && topic_name.startsWith(MqttClimate + "_" + String(i)))) {
channel = i;
debug(("Channel = " + String(channel)).c_str());
// Is it a climate topic?
if (topic_name.startsWith(MqttClimate)) {
String alt_cmnd_topic = MqttClimate + "_" + String(channel) + '/' +
// Also accept climate commands on the '*_0' channel.
String cmnd_topic = topic_name.startsWith(alt_cmnd_topic) ? alt_cmnd_topic
: MqttClimateCmnd;
String stat_topic = genStatTopic(channel);
if (topic_name.startsWith(cmnd_topic)) {
debug("It's a climate command topic");
updateClimate(&(climate[channel]->next), topic_name, cmnd_topic,
// Handle the special command for forcing a resend of the state via IR.
bool force_resend = false;
if (topic_name.equals(cmnd_topic + KEY_RESEND) &&
callback_str.equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_RESEND)) {
force_resend = true;
mqttLog("Climate resend requested.");
if (sendClimate(stat_topic, true, false, force_resend, true,
climate[channel]) && !force_resend)
lastClimateSource = F("MQTT");
} else if (topic_name.startsWith(stat_topic)) {
debug("It's a climate state topic. Update internal state and DON'T send");
updateClimate(&(climate[channel]->next), topic_name, stat_topic,
return; // We are done for now.
debug(("Using transmit channel " + String(static_cast<int>(channel)) +
" / GPIO " + String(static_cast<int>(txGpioTable[channel]))).c_str());
// Make a copy of the callback string as strtok destroys it.
char* callback_c_str = strdup(callback_str.c_str());
debug("MQTT Payload (raw):");
// Chop up the str into command chunks.
// i.e. commands in a sequence are delimitered by ';'.
char* sequence_tok_ptr;
for (char* sequence_item = strtok_r(callback_c_str, kSequenceDelimiter,
sequence_item != NULL;
sequence_item = strtok_r(NULL, kSequenceDelimiter, &sequence_tok_ptr)) {
// Now, process each command individually.
char* tok_ptr;
// Make a copy of the sequence_item str as strtok_r stomps on it.
char* ircommand = strdup(sequence_item);
// Check if it is a pause command.
switch (ircommand[0]) {
case kPauseChar:
{ // It's a pause. Everything after the 'P' should be a number.
int32_t msecs = std::min((int32_t) strtoul(ircommand + 1, NULL, 10),
String(kPauseChar + String(msecs)).c_str());
default: // It's an IR command.
// Get the numeric protocol type.
decode_type_t ir_type = (decode_type_t)atoi(strtok_r(
ircommand, kCommandDelimiter, &tok_ptr));
char* next = strtok_r(NULL, kCommandDelimiter, &tok_ptr);
// If there is unparsed string left, try to convert it assuming it's
// hex.
if (next != NULL) {
code = getUInt64fromHex(next);
next = strtok_r(NULL, kCommandDelimiter, &tok_ptr);
} else {
// We require at least two value in the string. Give up.
// If there is still string left, assume it is the bit size.
if (next != NULL) {
nbits = atoi(next);
next = strtok_r(NULL, kCommandDelimiter, &tok_ptr);
// If there is still string left, assume it is the repeat count.
if (next != NULL)
repeat = atoi(next);
// send received MQTT value by IR signal
lastSendSucceeded = sendIRCode(
IrSendTable[channel], ir_type, code,
strchr(sequence_item, kCommandDelimiter[0]) + 1, nbits, repeat);
// Callback function, when we receive an MQTT value on the topics
// subscribed this function is called
void mqttCallback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {
// In order to republish this payload, a copy must be made
// as the orignal payload buffer will be overwritten whilst
// constructing the PUBLISH packet.
// Allocate the correct amount of memory for the payload copy
byte* payload_copy = reinterpret_cast<byte*>(malloc(length + 1));
if (payload_copy == NULL) {
debug("Can't allocate memory for `payload_copy`. Skipping callback!");
// Copy the payload to the new buffer
memcpy(payload_copy, payload, length);
// Conversion to a printable string
payload_copy[length] = '\0';
String callback_string = String(reinterpret_cast<char*>(payload_copy));
String topic_name = String(reinterpret_cast<char*>(topic));
// launch the function to treat received data
receivingMQTT(topic_name, callback_string);
// Free the memory
void sendMQTTDiscovery(const char *topic) {
if (mqtt_client.publish(
topic, String(
"\"~\":\"" + MqttClimate + "\","
"\"name\":\"" + MqttHAName + "\","
"\"pow_cmd_t\":\"~/" MQTT_CLIMATE_CMND "/" KEY_POWER "\","
"\"mode_cmd_t\":\"~/" MQTT_CLIMATE_CMND "/" KEY_MODE "\","
"\"mode_stat_t\":\"~/" MQTT_CLIMATE_STAT "/" KEY_MODE "\","
// I don't know why, but the modes need to be lower case to work with
// Home Assistant & Google Home.
"\"temp_cmd_t\":\"~/" MQTT_CLIMATE_CMND "/" KEY_TEMP "\","
"\"temp_stat_t\":\"~/" MQTT_CLIMATE_STAT "/" KEY_TEMP "\","
"\"fan_mode_cmd_t\":\"~/" MQTT_CLIMATE_CMND "/" KEY_FANSPEED "\","
"\"fan_mode_stat_t\":\"~/" MQTT_CLIMATE_STAT "/" KEY_FANSPEED "\","
"\"fan_modes\":[\"" D_STR_AUTO "\",\"" D_STR_MIN "\",\"" D_STR_LOW "\",\""
D_STR_MEDIUM "\",\"" D_STR_HIGH "\",\"" D_STR_MAX "\"],"
"\"swing_mode_cmd_t\":\"~/" MQTT_CLIMATE_CMND "/" KEY_SWINGV "\","
"\"swing_mode_stat_t\":\"~/" MQTT_CLIMATE_STAT "/" KEY_SWINGV "\","
"\"swing_modes\":[\"" D_STR_OFF "\",\"" D_STR_AUTO "\",\"" D_STR_HIGHEST
"\",\"" D_STR_HIGH "\",\"" D_STR_MIDDLE "\",\""
D_STR_LOW "\",\"" D_STR_LOWEST "\"],"
"\"uniq_id\":\"" + MqttUniqueId + "\","
"\"identifiers\":[\"" + MqttUniqueId + "\"],"
"\"connections\":[[\"mac\",\"" + WiFi.macAddress() + "\"]],"
"\"name\":\"" + Hostname + "\","
"\"sw_version\":\"" _MY_VERSION_ "\""
"}").c_str(), true)) {
mqttLog("MQTT climate discovery successful sent.");
hasDiscoveryBeenSent = true;
} else {
mqttLog("MQTT climate discovery FAILED to send.");
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
void loop(void) {
server.handleClient(); // Handle any web activity
uint32_t now = millis();
// MQTT client connection management
if (!mqtt_client.connected()) {
if (wasConnected) {
lastDisconnectedTime = now;
wasConnected = false;
// Reconnect if it's longer than kMqttReconnectTime since we last tried.
if (now - lastReconnectAttempt > kMqttReconnectTime) {
lastReconnectAttempt = now;
debug("client mqtt not connected, trying to connect");
// Attempt to reconnect
if (reconnect()) {
lastReconnectAttempt = 0;
wasConnected = true;
if (boot) {
mqttLog("IRMQTTServer " _MY_VERSION_ " just booted");
boot = false;
} else {
"IRMQTTServer just (re)connected to MQTT. Lost connection about "
+ timeSince(lastConnectedTime)).c_str());
lastConnectedTime = now;
debug("successful client mqtt connection");
if (lockMqttBroadcast) {
// Attempt to fetch back any Climate state stored in MQTT retained
// messages on the MQTT broker.
mqttLog("Started listening for previous state.");
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < kNrOfIrTxGpios; i++)
subscribing(genStatTopic(i) + '+');
} else {
// MQTT loop
lastConnectedTime = now;
if (lockMqttBroadcast && statListenTime.elapsed() > kStatListenPeriodMs) {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < kNrOfIrTxGpios; i++) {
String stat_topic = genStatTopic(i);
unsubscribing(stat_topic + '+');
// Did something change?
if (climate[i] != NULL && climate[i]->hasStateChanged()) {
sendClimate(stat_topic, true, false, false,
lastClimateSource = F("MQTT (via retain)");
mqttLog("The state was recovered from MQTT broker.");
mqttLog("Finished listening for previous state.");
lockMqttBroadcast = false; // Release the lock so we can broadcast again.
// Periodically send all of the climate state via MQTT.
doBroadcast(&lastBroadcast, kBroadcastPeriodMs, climate, false, false);
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
#if IR_RX
// Check if an IR code has been received via the IR RX module.
if (irrecv != NULL && irrecv->decode(&capture)) {
if (irrecv != NULL && irrecv->decode(&capture) &&
capture.decode_type != UNKNOWN) {
lastIrReceivedTime = millis();
lastIrReceived = String(capture.decode_type) + kCommandDelimiter[0] +
if (capture.decode_type == UNKNOWN) {
lastIrReceived += ";";
for (uint16_t i = 1; i < capture.rawlen; i++) {
uint32_t usecs;
for (usecs = capture.rawbuf[i] * kRawTick; usecs > UINT16_MAX;
usecs -= UINT16_MAX) {
lastIrReceived += uint64ToString(UINT16_MAX);
lastIrReceived += ",0,";
lastIrReceived += uint64ToString(usecs, 10);
if (i < capture.rawlen - 1)
lastIrReceived += ",";
// If it isn't an AC code, add the bits.
if (!hasACState(capture.decode_type))
lastIrReceived += kCommandDelimiter[0] + String(capture.bits);
mqtt_client.publish(MqttRecv.c_str(), lastIrReceived.c_str());
debug("Incoming IR message sent to MQTT:");
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
if (decodeCommonAc(&capture)) lastClimateSource = F("IR");
#endif // IR_RX
// Arduino framework doesn't support strtoull(), so make our own one.
uint64_t getUInt64fromHex(char const *str) {
uint64_t result = 0;
uint16_t offset = 0;
// Skip any leading '0x' or '0X' prefix.
if (str[0] == '0' && (str[1] == 'x' || str[1] == 'X')) offset = 2;
for (; isxdigit((unsigned char)str[offset]); offset++) {
char c = str[offset];
result *= 16;
if (isdigit(c))
result += c - '0'; // '0' .. '9'
else if (isupper(c))
result += c - 'A' + 10; // 'A' .. 'F'
result += c - 'a' + 10; // 'a' .. 'f'
return result;
// Transmit the given IR message.
// Args:
// irsend: A pointer to a IRsend object to transmit via.
// ir_type: enum of the protocol to be sent.
// code: Numeric payload of the IR message. Most protocols use this.
// code_str: The unparsed code to be sent. Used by complex protocol encodings.
// bits: Nr. of bits in the protocol. 0 means use the protocol's default.
// repeat: Nr. of times the message is to be repeated. (Not all protocols.)
// Returns:
// bool: Successfully sent or not.
bool sendIRCode(IRsend *irsend, decode_type_t const ir_type,
uint64_t const code, char const * code_str, uint16_t bits,
uint16_t repeat) {
if (irsend == NULL) return false;
bool success = true; // Assume success.
// Ensure we have enough repeats.
repeat = std::max(IRsend::minRepeats(ir_type), repeat);
if (bits == 0) bits = IRsend::defaultBits(ir_type);
// Create a pseudo-lock so we don't try to send two codes at the same time.
while (lockIr)
lockIr = true;
// Turn off IR capture if we need to.
if (irrecv != NULL) irrecv->disableIRIn(); // Stop the IR receiver
// send the IR message.
switch (ir_type) {
case decode_type_t::PRONTO: // 25
success = parseStringAndSendPronto(irsend, code_str, repeat);
#endif // SEND_PRONTO
case decode_type_t::RAW: // 30
success = parseStringAndSendRaw(irsend, code_str);
case decode_type_t::GLOBALCACHE: // 31
success = parseStringAndSendGC(irsend, code_str);
default: // Everything else.
if (hasACState(ir_type)) // protocols with > 64 bits
success = parseStringAndSendAirCon(irsend, ir_type, code_str);
else // protocols with <= 64 bits
success = irsend->send(ir_type, code, bits, repeat);
// Turn IR capture back on if we need to.
if (irrecv != NULL) irrecv->enableIRIn(); // Restart the receiver
lastSendTime = millis();
// Release the lock.
lockIr = false;
// Indicate that we sent the message or not.
if (success) {
debug("Sent the IR message:");
} else {
debug("Failed to send IR Message:");
debug(D_STR_PROTOCOL ": ");
// For "long" codes we basically repeat what we got.
if (hasACState(ir_type) || ir_type == PRONTO || ir_type == RAW ||
ir_type == GLOBALCACHE) {
debug(D_STR_CODE ": ");
// Confirm what we were asked to send was sent.
if (success) {
if (ir_type == PRONTO && repeat > 0)
mqtt_client.publish(MqttAck.c_str(), (String(ir_type) +
kCommandDelimiter[0] + 'R' +
String(repeat) +
kCommandDelimiter[0] +
mqtt_client.publish(MqttAck.c_str(), (String(ir_type) +
kCommandDelimiter[0] +
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
} else { // For "short" codes, we break it down a bit more before we report.
debug((D_STR_CODE ": 0x" + uint64ToString(code, 16)).c_str());
debug((D_STR_BITS ": " + String(bits)).c_str());
debug((D_STR_REPEAT ": " + String(repeat)).c_str());
if (success) {
mqtt_client.publish(MqttAck.c_str(), (String(ir_type) +
kCommandDelimiter[0] +
uint64ToString(code, 16) +
kCommandDelimiter[0] +
String(bits) +
kCommandDelimiter[0] +
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
return success;
bool sendInt(const String topic, const int32_t num, const bool retain) {
return mqtt_client.publish(topic.c_str(), String(num).c_str(), retain);
#else // MQTT_ENABLE
return true;
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
bool sendBool(const String topic, const bool on, const bool retain) {
return mqtt_client.publish(topic.c_str(), (on ? "on" : "off"), retain);
#else // MQTT_ENABLE
return true;
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
bool sendString(const String topic, const String str, const bool retain) {
return mqtt_client.publish(topic.c_str(), str.c_str(), retain);
#else // MQTT_ENABLE
return true;
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
bool sendFloat(const String topic, const float_t temp, const bool retain) {
return mqtt_client.publish(topic.c_str(), String(temp, 1).c_str(), retain);
#else // MQTT_ENABLE
return true;
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
void sendJsonState(const stdAc::state_t state, const String topic,
const bool retain, const bool ha_mode) {
DynamicJsonDocument json(kJsonAcStateMaxSize);
json[KEY_PROTOCOL] = typeToString(state.protocol);
json[KEY_MODEL] = state.model;
json[KEY_POWER] = IRac::boolToString(state.power);
json[KEY_MODE] = IRac::opmodeToString(state.mode);
// Home Assistant wants mode to be off if power is also off & vice-versa.
if (ha_mode && (state.mode == stdAc::opmode_t::kOff || !state.power)) {
json[KEY_MODE] = IRac::opmodeToString(stdAc::opmode_t::kOff);
json[KEY_POWER] = IRac::boolToString(false);
json[KEY_CELSIUS] = IRac::boolToString(state.celsius);
json[KEY_TEMP] = state.degrees;
json[KEY_FANSPEED] = IRac::fanspeedToString(state.fanspeed);
json[KEY_SWINGV] = IRac::swingvToString(state.swingv);
json[KEY_SWINGH] = IRac::swinghToString(state.swingh);
json[KEY_QUIET] = IRac::boolToString(state.quiet);
json[KEY_TURBO] = IRac::boolToString(state.turbo);
json[KEY_ECONO] = IRac::boolToString(state.econo);
json[KEY_LIGHT] = IRac::boolToString(state.light);
json[KEY_FILTER] = IRac::boolToString(state.filter);
json[KEY_CLEAN] = IRac::boolToString(state.clean);
json[KEY_BEEP] = IRac::boolToString(state.beep);
json[KEY_SLEEP] = state.sleep;
String payload = "";
serializeJson(json, payload);
sendString(topic, payload, retain);
bool validJsonStr(DynamicJsonDocument doc, const char* key) {
return doc.containsKey(key) && doc[key].is<char*>();
bool validJsonInt(DynamicJsonDocument doc, const char* key) {
return doc.containsKey(key) && doc[key].is<signed int>();
stdAc::state_t jsonToState(const stdAc::state_t current, const char *str) {
DynamicJsonDocument json(kJsonAcStateMaxSize);
if (deserializeJson(json, str, kJsonAcStateMaxSize)) {
debug("json MQTT message did not parse. Skipping!");
return current;
stdAc::state_t result = current;
if (validJsonStr(json, KEY_PROTOCOL))
result.protocol = strToDecodeType(json[KEY_PROTOCOL]);
else if (validJsonInt(json, KEY_PROTOCOL))
result.protocol = (decode_type_t)json[KEY_PROTOCOL].as<signed int>();
if (validJsonStr(json, KEY_MODEL))
result.model = IRac::strToModel(json[KEY_MODEL].as<char*>());
else if (validJsonInt(json, KEY_MODEL))
result.model = json[KEY_MODEL];
if (validJsonStr(json, KEY_MODE))
result.mode = IRac::strToOpmode(json[KEY_MODE]);
if (validJsonStr(json, KEY_FANSPEED))
result.fanspeed = IRac::strToFanspeed(json[KEY_FANSPEED]);
if (validJsonStr(json, KEY_SWINGV))
result.swingv = IRac::strToSwingV(json[KEY_SWINGV]);
if (validJsonStr(json, KEY_SWINGH))
result.swingh = IRac::strToSwingH(json[KEY_SWINGH]);
if (json.containsKey(KEY_TEMP))
result.degrees = json[KEY_TEMP];
if (validJsonInt(json, KEY_SLEEP))
result.sleep = json[KEY_SLEEP];
if (validJsonStr(json, KEY_POWER))
result.power = IRac::strToBool(json[KEY_POWER]);
if (validJsonStr(json, KEY_QUIET))
result.quiet = IRac::strToBool(json[KEY_QUIET]);
if (validJsonStr(json, KEY_TURBO))
result.turbo = IRac::strToBool(json[KEY_TURBO]);
if (validJsonStr(json, KEY_ECONO))
result.econo = IRac::strToBool(json[KEY_ECONO]);
if (validJsonStr(json, KEY_LIGHT))
result.light = IRac::strToBool(json[KEY_LIGHT]);
if (validJsonStr(json, KEY_CLEAN))
result.clean = IRac::strToBool(json[KEY_CLEAN]);
if (validJsonStr(json, KEY_FILTER))
result.filter = IRac::strToBool(json[KEY_FILTER]);
if (validJsonStr(json, KEY_BEEP))
result.beep = IRac::strToBool(json[KEY_BEEP]);
if (validJsonStr(json, KEY_CELSIUS))
result.celsius = IRac::strToBool(json[KEY_CELSIUS]);
return result;
void updateClimate(stdAc::state_t *state, const String str,
const String prefix, const String payload) {
if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_JSON))
*state = jsonToState(*state, payload.c_str());
if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_PROTOCOL)) {
state->protocol = strToDecodeType(payload.c_str());
} else if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_MODEL)) {
state->model = IRac::strToModel(payload.c_str());
} else if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_POWER)) {
state->power = IRac::strToBool(payload.c_str());
if (!state->power) state->mode = stdAc::opmode_t::kOff;
} else if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_MODE)) {
state->mode = IRac::strToOpmode(payload.c_str());
state->power = (state->mode != stdAc::opmode_t::kOff);
} else if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_TEMP)) {
state->degrees = payload.toFloat();
} else if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_FANSPEED)) {
state->fanspeed = IRac::strToFanspeed(payload.c_str());
} else if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_SWINGV)) {
state->swingv = IRac::strToSwingV(payload.c_str());
} else if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_SWINGH)) {
state->swingh = IRac::strToSwingH(payload.c_str());
} else if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_QUIET)) {
state->quiet = IRac::strToBool(payload.c_str());
} else if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_TURBO)) {
state->turbo = IRac::strToBool(payload.c_str());
} else if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_ECONO)) {
state->econo = IRac::strToBool(payload.c_str());
} else if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_LIGHT)) {
state->light = IRac::strToBool(payload.c_str());
} else if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_BEEP)) {
state->beep = IRac::strToBool(payload.c_str());
} else if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_FILTER)) {
state->filter = IRac::strToBool(payload.c_str());
} else if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_CLEAN)) {
state->clean = IRac::strToBool(payload.c_str());
} else if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_CELSIUS)) {
state->celsius = IRac::strToBool(payload.c_str());
} else if (str.equals(prefix + KEY_SLEEP)) {
state->sleep = payload.toInt();
bool sendClimate(const String topic_prefix, const bool retain,
const bool forceMQTT, const bool forceIR,
const bool enableIR, IRac *ac) {
bool diff = false;
bool success = true;
const stdAc::state_t next = ac->getState();
const stdAc::state_t prev = ac->getStatePrev();
if (prev.protocol != next.protocol || forceMQTT) {
diff = true;
success &= sendString(topic_prefix + KEY_PROTOCOL,
typeToString(next.protocol), retain);
if (prev.model != next.model || forceMQTT) {
diff = true;
success &= sendInt(topic_prefix + KEY_MODEL, next.model, retain);
String mode_str = IRac::opmodeToString(next.mode);
// I don't know why, but the modes need to be lower case to work with
// Home Assistant & Google Home.
// Home Assistant want's these two bound together.
if (prev.power != next.power || prev.mode != next.mode || forceMQTT) {
success &= sendBool(topic_prefix + KEY_POWER, next.power, retain);
if (!next.power) mode_str = F("off");
// In non-Home Assistant mode, power and mode are not bound together.
if (prev.power != next.power || forceMQTT) {
diff = true;
success &= sendBool(topic_prefix + KEY_POWER, next.power, retain);
if (prev.mode != next.mode || forceMQTT) {
success &= sendString(topic_prefix + KEY_MODE, mode_str, retain);
diff = true;
if (prev.degrees != next.degrees || forceMQTT) {
diff = true;
success &= sendFloat(topic_prefix + KEY_TEMP, next.degrees, retain);
if (prev.celsius != next.celsius || forceMQTT) {
diff = true;
success &= sendBool(topic_prefix + KEY_CELSIUS, next.celsius, retain);
if (prev.fanspeed != next.fanspeed || forceMQTT) {
diff = true;
success &= sendString(topic_prefix + KEY_FANSPEED,
IRac::fanspeedToString(next.fanspeed), retain);
if (prev.swingv != next.swingv || forceMQTT) {
diff = true;
success &= sendString(topic_prefix + KEY_SWINGV,
IRac::swingvToString(next.swingv), retain);
if (prev.swingh != next.swingh || forceMQTT) {
diff = true;
success &= sendString(topic_prefix + KEY_SWINGH,
IRac::swinghToString(next.swingh), retain);
if (prev.quiet != next.quiet || forceMQTT) {
diff = true;
success &= sendBool(topic_prefix + KEY_QUIET, next.quiet, retain);
if (prev.turbo != next.turbo || forceMQTT) {
diff = true;
success &= sendBool(topic_prefix + KEY_TURBO, next.turbo, retain);
if (prev.econo != next.econo || forceMQTT) {
diff = true;
success &= sendBool(topic_prefix + KEY_ECONO, next.econo, retain);
if (prev.light != next.light || forceMQTT) {
diff = true;
success &= sendBool(topic_prefix + KEY_LIGHT, next.light, retain);
if (prev.filter != next.filter || forceMQTT) {
diff = true;
success &= sendBool(topic_prefix + KEY_FILTER, next.filter, retain);
if (prev.clean != next.clean || forceMQTT) {
diff = true;
success &= sendBool(topic_prefix + KEY_CLEAN, next.clean, retain);
if (prev.beep != next.beep || forceMQTT) {
diff = true;
success &= sendBool(topic_prefix + KEY_BEEP, next.beep, retain);
if (prev.sleep != next.sleep || forceMQTT) {
diff = true;
success &= sendInt(topic_prefix + KEY_SLEEP, next.sleep, retain);
if (diff && !forceMQTT) {
debug("Difference in common A/C state detected.");
sendJsonState(next, topic_prefix + KEY_JSON);
} else {
debug("NO difference in common A/C state detected.");
// Only send an IR message if we need to.
if (enableIR && ((diff && !forceMQTT) || forceIR)) {
if (ac == NULL) { // No climate object is available.
debug("Can't send climate state as common A/C object doesn't exist!");
return false;
debug("Sending common A/C state via IR.");
// Turn IR capture off if we need to.
if (irrecv != NULL) irrecv->disableIRIn(); // Stop the IR receiver
lastClimateSucceeded = ac->sendAc();
// Turn IR capture back on if we need to.
if (irrecv != NULL) irrecv->enableIRIn(); // Restart the receiver
if (lastClimateSucceeded) hasClimateBeenSent = true;
success &= lastClimateSucceeded;
// Mark the "next" value as old/previous.
if (ac != NULL) {
return success;
// Decode and use a valid IR A/C remote that we understand enough to convert
// to a Common A/C format.
// Args:
// decode: A successful raw IR decode object.
// Returns:
// A boolean indicating success or failure.
bool decodeCommonAc(const decode_results *decode) {
if (!IRac::isProtocolSupported(decode->decode_type)) {
debug("Inbound IR messages isn't a supported common A/C protocol");
return false;
if (climate[0] == NULL) {
debug("No common A/C object allocated for channel 0. Skipping.");
return false;
stdAc::state_t state = climate[0]->next;
debug("Converting inbound IR A/C message to common A/C");
if (!IRAcUtils::decodeToState(decode, &state, &(climate[0]->next))) {
debug("Failed to convert to common A/C."); // This shouldn't happen!
return false;
if (climate[0]->next.protocol != decode_type_t::UNKNOWN) {
// Use the previous protocol/model if set.
state.protocol = climate[0]->next.protocol;
state.model = climate[0]->next.model;
// Continue to use the previously prefered temperature units.
// i.e. Keep using Celsius or Fahrenheit.
if (climate[0]->next.celsius != state.celsius) {
// We've got a mismatch, so we need to convert.
state.degrees = climate[0]->next.celsius ?
fahrenheitToCelsius(state.degrees) : celsiusToFahrenheit(state.degrees);
state.celsius = climate[0]->next.celsius;
climate[0]->next = state; // Copy over the new climate state.
sendClimate(genStatTopic(0), true, false, REPLAY_DECODED_AC_MESSAGE,
#else // MQTT_ENABLE
sendClimate("", false, false, REPLAY_DECODED_AC_MESSAGE,
#endif // MQTT_ENABLE
return true;