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// NeoPixelCylon
// This example will move a Cylon Red Eye back and forth across the
// the full collection of pixels on the strip.
// This will demonstrate the use of the NeoEase animation ease methods; that provide
// simulated acceleration to the animations.
#include <NeoPixelBus.h>
#include <NeoPixelAnimator.h>
const uint16_t PixelCount = 16; // make sure to set this to the number of pixels in your strip
const uint8_t PixelPin = 2; // make sure to set this to the correct pin, ignored for Esp8266
const RgbColor CylonEyeColor(HtmlColor(0x7f0000));
NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod> strip(PixelCount, PixelPin);
// for esp8266 omit the pin
//NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod> strip(PixelCount);
NeoPixelAnimator animations(2); // only ever need 2 animations
uint16_t lastPixel = 0; // track the eye position
int8_t moveDir = 1; // track the direction of movement
// uncomment one of the lines below to see the effects of
// changing the ease function on the movement animation
AnimEaseFunction moveEase =
// NeoEase::Linear;
// NeoEase::QuadraticInOut;
// NeoEase::CubicInOut;
// NeoEase::QuinticInOut;
// NeoEase::SinusoidalInOut;
// NeoEase::ExponentialInOut;
// NeoEase::CircularInOut;
void FadeAll(uint8_t darkenBy)
RgbColor color;
for (uint16_t indexPixel = 0; indexPixel < strip.PixelCount(); indexPixel++)
color = strip.GetPixelColor(indexPixel);
strip.SetPixelColor(indexPixel, color);
void FadeAnimUpdate(const AnimationParam& param)
if (param.state == AnimationState_Completed)
void MoveAnimUpdate(const AnimationParam& param)
// apply the movement animation curve
float progress = moveEase(param.progress);
// use the curved progress to calculate the pixel to effect
uint16_t nextPixel;
if (moveDir > 0)
nextPixel = progress * PixelCount;
nextPixel = (1.0f - progress) * PixelCount;
// if progress moves fast enough, we may move more than
// one pixel, so we update all between the calculated and
// the last
if (lastPixel != nextPixel)
for (uint16_t i = lastPixel + moveDir; i != nextPixel; i += moveDir)
strip.SetPixelColor(i, CylonEyeColor);
strip.SetPixelColor(nextPixel, CylonEyeColor);
lastPixel = nextPixel;
if (param.state == AnimationState_Completed)
// reverse direction of movement
moveDir *= -1;
// done, time to restart this position tracking animation/timer
void SetupAnimations()
// fade all pixels providing a tail that is longer the faster
// the pixel moves.
animations.StartAnimation(0, 5, FadeAnimUpdate);
// take several seconds to move eye fron one side to the other
animations.StartAnimation(1, 2000, MoveAnimUpdate);
void setup()
void loop()
// this is all that is needed to keep it running
// and avoiding using delay() is always a good thing for
// any timing related routines