4100682297 | ||
.. | ||
SSLClient | ||
extras | ||
ESP_Mail_Client.cpp | ||
ESP_Mail_Client.h | ||
ESP_Mail_Client_Version.h | ||
ESP_Mail_Const.h | ||
ESP_Mail_Error.h | ||
ESP_Mail_FS.h | ||
ESP_Mail_IMAP.h | ||
ESP_Mail_SMTP.h | ||
ESP_Mail_TCPClient.h | ||
HeapStat.h | ||
ESP Mail Client Arduino Library
The description of the available functions in the current reease are shown below.
Global functions
Sending Email through the SMTP server.
param smtp
The pointer to SMTP session object which holds the data and the TCP client.
param msg
The pointer to SMTP_Message class which contains the header, body, and attachments.
param closeSession
The option to Close the SMTP session after sent.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the success of operation.
bool sendMail(SMTPSession *smtp, SMTP_Message *msg, bool closeSession = true);
Append message to the mailbox
param imap
The pointer to IMAP sesssion object which holds the data and the TCP client.
param msg
The pointer to SMTP_Message class which contains the header, body, and attachments.
param lastAppend
The last message to append (optional). In case MULTIAPPEND extension
is supported, set this to false will append messages in single APPEND command.
param flags
The flags to set to this message.
param dateTime
The date/time to set to this message (optional).
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the success of operation.
bool appendMessage(IMAPSession *imap, SMTP_Message *msg, T flags = "");
Reading Email through IMAP server.
param imap
The pointer to IMAP sesssion object which holds the data and the TCP client.
param closeSession
The option to close the IMAP session after fetching or searching the Email.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the success of operation.
bool readMail(IMAPSession *imap, bool closeSession = true);
Set the argument to the Flags for the specified message.
param imap
The pointer to IMAP session object which holds the data and the TCP client.
param msgUID
The UID of the message.
param flags
The flag list to set.
param closeSession
The option to close the IMAP session after set flag.
param silent
The option to ignore the response.
param modsequence
The int32_t option for UNCHANGESINCE conditional test.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the success of operation.
The modsequence value can be used only if IMAP server supports Conditional STORE extension and the selected mailbox supports modsequences.
bool setFlag(IMAPSession *imap, int msgUID, <string> flags, bool closeSession, bool silent = false, int32_t modsequence = -1);
Set the argument to the Flags for the specified message.
param imap
The pointer to IMAP session object which holds the data and the TCP client.
param sequenceSet
The sequence set string i.g., unique identifier (UID) or
message sequence number or ranges of UID or sequence number.
param UID
The option for sequenceSet whether it is UID or message sequence number.
param flags
The flag list to set.
param closeSession
The option to close the IMAP session after set flag.
param silent
The option to ignore the response.
param modsequence
The int32_t option for UNCHANGESINCE conditional test.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the success of operation.
The modsequence value can be used only if IMAP server supports Conditional STORE extension and the selected mailbox supports modsequences.
bool setFlag(IMAPSession *imap, <string> sequenceSet, bool UID, <string> flags, bool closeSession, bool silent = false, int32_t modsequence = -1);
Add the argument to the Flags for the specified message.
param imap
The pointer to IMAP session object which holds the data and the TCP client.
param msgUID
The UID of the message.
param flags
The flag list to add.
param closeSession
The option to close the IMAP session after add flag.
param silent
The option to ignore the response.
param modsequence
The int32_t option for UNCHANGESINCE conditional test.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the success of operation.
The modsequence value can be used only if IMAP server supports Conditional STORE extension and the selected mailbox supports modsequences.
bool addFlag(IMAPSession *imap, int msgUID, <string> flags, bool closeSession, int32_t modsequence = -1);
Add the argument to the Flags for the specified message.
param imap
The pointer to IMAP session object which holds the data and the TCP client.
param sequenceSet
The sequence set string i.g., unique identifier (UID) or
message sequence number or ranges of UID or sequence number.
param UID
The option for sequenceSet whether it is UID or message sequence number.
param flags
The flag list to add.
param closeSession
The option to close the IMAP session after set flag.
param silent
The option to ignore the response.
param modsequence
The int32_t option for UNCHANGESINCE conditional test.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the success of operation.
The modsequence value can be used only if IMAP server supports Conditional STORE extension and the selected mailbox supports modsequences.
bool addFlag(IMAPSession *imap, <string> sequenceSet, bool UID, <string> flags, bool closeSession, bool silent = false, int32_t modsequence = -1);
Remove the argument from the Flags for the specified message.
param imap
The pointer to IMAP session object which holds the data and the TCP client.
param msgUID
The UID of the message that flags to be removed.
param flags
The flag list to remove.
param closeSession
The option to close the IMAP session after remove flag.
param silent
The option to ignore the response.
param modsequence
The int32_t option for UNCHANGESINCE conditional test.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the success of operation.
The modsequence value can be used only if IMAP server supports Conditional STORE extension and the selected mailbox supports modsequences.
bool removeFlag(IMAPSession *imap, int msgUID, <string> flags, bool closeSession, int32_t modsequence = -1);
Remove the argument from the Flags for the specified message.
param imap
The pointer to IMAP session object which holds the data and the TCP client.
param sequenceSet
The sequence set string i.g., unique identifier (UID) or
message sequence number or ranges of UID or sequence number.
param UID
The option for sequenceSet whether it is UID or message sequence number.
param flags
The flag list to remove.
param closeSession
The option to close the IMAP session after set flag.
param silent
The option to ignore the response.
param modsequence
The int32_t option for UNCHANGESINCE conditional test.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the success of operation.
The modsequence value can be used only if IMAP server supports Conditional STORE extension and the selected mailbox supports modsequences.
bool removeFlag(IMAPSession *imap, <string> sequenceSet, bool UID, <string> flags, bool closeSession, bool silent = false, int32_t modsequence = -1);
Reconnect WiFi or network if lost connection.
param reconnect
The boolean to set/unset WiFi AP reconnection.
void networkReconnect(bool reconnect);
Initiate SD card with SPI port configuration.
param ss
The SPI Chip/Slave Select pin.
param sck
The SPI Clock pin.
param miso
The SPI MISO pin.
param mosi
The SPI MOSI pin.
aram frequency
The SPI frequency.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the success of operation.
bool sdBegin(int8_t ss = -1, int8_t sck = -1, int8_t miso = -1, int8_t mosi = -1, uint32_t frequency = 4000000);
Initiate SD card with SD FS configurations (ESP8266 only).
param ss
SPI Chip/Slave Select pin.
param sdFSConfig
The pointer to SDFSConfig object (ESP8266 only).
return boolean
type status indicates the success of the operation.
bool sdBegin(SDFSConfig *sdFSConfig);
Initiate SD card with chip select and SPI configuration (ESP32 only).
param ss
The SPI Chip/Slave Select pin.
param spiConfig
The pointer to SPIClass object for SPI configuartion.
param frequency
The SPI frequency.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the success of operation.
bool sdBegin(int8_t ss, SPIClass *spiConfig = nullptr, uint32_t frequency = 4000000);
Initiate SD card with SdFat SPI and pins configurations (with SdFat included only).
param sdFatSPIConfig
The pointer to SdSpiConfig object for SdFat SPI configuration.
param ss
The SPI Chip/Slave Select pin.
param sck
The SPI Clock pin.
param miso
The SPI MISO pin.
param mosi
The SPI MOSI pin.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the success of operation.
bool sdBegin(SdSpiConfig *sdFatSPIConfig, int8_t ss = -1, int8_t sck = -1, int8_t miso = -1, int8_t mosi = -1);
Initiate SD card with SdFat SDIO configuration (with SdFat included only).
param sdFatSDIOConfig
The pointer to SdioConfig object for SdFat SDIO configuration.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the success of operation.
bool sdBegin(SdioConfig *sdFatSDIOConfig);
Initialize the SD_MMC card (ESP32 only).
param mountpoint
The mounting point.
param mode1bit
Allow 1 bit data line (SPI mode).
param format_if_mount_failed
Format SD_MMC card if mount failed.
return Boolean
type status indicates the success of the operation.
bool sdMMCBegin(const char *mountpoint = "/sdcard", bool mode1bit = false, bool format_if_mount_failed = false);
Get free Heap memory.
return int
Free memory amount in byte.
int getFreeHeap();
IMAPSession class functions
The following functions are available from the IMAP Session class.
This class used for controlling IMAP transports and retrieving the data from the IMAP server.
Set the tcp timeout.
param timeoutSec
The tcp timeout in seconds.
void setTCPTimeout(unsigned long timeoutSec);
Assign custom Client from Arduino Clients.
param client
The pointer to Arduino Client derived class e.g. WiFiClient, WiFiClientSecure, EthernetClient or GSMClient.
void setClient(Client *client);
Assign TinyGsm Clients.
param client
The pointer to TinyGsmClient.
param modem
The pointer to TinyGsm modem object. Modem should be initialized and/or set mode before transfering data.
param pin
The SIM pin.
param apn
The GPRS APN (Access Point Name).
param user
The GPRS user.
param password
The GPRS password.
void setGSMClient(Client *client, void *modem, const char *pin, const char *apn, const char *user, const char *password);
Assign the callback function to handle the network connection for custom Client.
param networkConnectionCB
The function that handles the network connection.
void networkConnectionRequestCallback(NetworkConnectionRequestCallback networkConnectionCB);
Assign the callback function to handle the network connection status acknowledgement.
param networkStatusCB
The function that handle the network connection status acknowledgement.
void networkStatusRequestCallback(NetworkStatusRequestCallback networkStatusCB);
Set the network status acknowledgement.
param status
The network status.
void setNetworkStatus(bool status);
Set the BearSSL IO buffer size.
param rx
The BearSSL receive buffer size in bytes.
param tx
The BearSSL trasmit buffer size in bytes.
void setSSLBufferSize(int rx = -1, int tx = -1);
Set system time with timestamp.
param ts
timestamp in seconds from midnight Jan 1, 1970.
param gmtOffset
The GMT offset.
This function allows the internal time setting by timestamp i.e. timestamp from external RTC.
void setSystemTime(time_t ts, float gmtOffset = 0);
Begin the IMAP server connection.
param session_config
The pointer to Session_Config structured data that keeps the server and log in details.
param imap_data
The pointer to IMAP_Data structured data that keeps the operation options.
param login
The bool option for login after server connection.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool connect(Session_Config *session_config, IMAP_Data *imap_data, bool login = true);
Login to IMAP server using Email and password.
param email
The IMAP server account email.
param password
The IMAP server account password.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bbool loginWithPassword(<string> email, <string> password);
Login to IMAP server using Email and access token.
param email
The IMAP server account email.
param token
The Access token to log in.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bbool loginWithAccessToken(<string> email, <string> token);
Send the client identification to the server
param identification
The pointer to IMAP_Identification structured data that keeps
the key properties e.g., name, version, os, os_version, vendor, support_url, address,
date, command, arguments, and environment.
bool id(IMAP_Identification *identification);
Return the server ID returns from ID command.
return The server ID string.
String serverID();
Return the SASL authentication status.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates SASL authentication status.
bool isAuthenticated();
Return the log in status.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates log in status.
bool isLoggedIn();
Return firmware update result when attachment filename matches.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the firmware update status.
bool isFirmwareUpdateSuccess();
Close the IMAP session.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool closeSession();
Setup TCP KeepAlive for internal TCP client.
param tcpKeepIdleSeconds
lwIP TCP Keepalive idle in seconds.
param tcpKeepIntervalSeconds
lwIP TCP Keepalive interval in seconds.
param tcpKeepCount
lwIP TCP Keepalive count.
For the TCP (KeepAlive) options, see this doc.
If value of one of these parameters is zero, the TCP KeepAlive will be disabled.
You can check the server connecting status, by exexuting <IMAPSession>.connected()
which will return true when connection to the server is still alive.
void keepAlive(int tcpKeepIdleSeconds, int tcpKeepIntervalSeconds, int tcpKeepCount);
Get TCP KeepAlive status.
return Boolean
status of TCP Keepalive.
bool isKeepAlive();
Get TCP connection status.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the connection status.
bool connected();
Set to enable the debug.
param level
The level to enable the debug message
level = 0, no debugging
level = 1, basic level debugging
void debug(int level);
Get the list of all the mailbox folders since the TCP session was opened and user was authenticated.
param folders
The FoldersCollection class that contains the collection of the
FolderInfo structured data.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool getFolders(FoldersCollection &folders);
Select or open the mailbox folder to search or fetch the message inside.
param folderName
The known mailbox folder name. The default name is INBOX.
param readOnly
The option to open the mailbox for read only. Set this option to false when you wish
to modify the Flags using the setFlag, addFlag and removeFlag functions.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
note: the function will exit immediately and return true if the time since previous success folder selection (open) with the same readOnly mode, is less than 5 seconds.
bool selectFolder(<string> folderName, bool readOnly = true);
Open the mailbox folder to read or search the mesages.
param folderName
The name of known mailbox folder to be opened.
param readOnly
The option to open the mailbox for reading only. Set this option to false when you wish
to modify the flags using the setFlag, addFlag and removeFlag functions.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
note: the function will exit immediately and return true if the time since previous success folder selection (open) with the same readOnly mode, is less than 5 seconds.
bool openFolder(<string> folderName, bool readOnly = true);
Close the mailbox folder that was opened.
param expunge
The option to allow emty the deleted flag set messages in case folder was open with editable mode.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool closeFolder(bool expunge = false);
Create folder.
param folderName
The name of folder to create.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool createFolder(<string> folderName);
Get subscribes mailboxes.
param reference
The reference name.
param mailbox
The mailbox name with possible wildcards.
param folders
The return FoldersCollection that contains the folder info e.g., name, attribute and delimiter.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool getSubscribesMailboxes(<string> reference, <string> mailbox, FoldersCollection &folders);
Subscribe mailbox.
param folderName
The name of folder to subscribe.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool subscribe(<string> folderName)
Unsubscribe mailbox.
param folderName
The name of folder to unsubscribe.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool unSubscribe(<string> folderName)
Rename folder.
param currentFolderName
The name of folder to create.
param newFolderName
The new name of folder to create.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool renameFolder(<string> currentFolderName, <string> newFolderName);
Delete folder.
param folderName
The name of folder to delete..
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool deleteFolder(<string> folderName);
Get UID number in selected or opened mailbox.
param msgNum
The message number or order in the total message numbers.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
Returns 0 when fail to get UID.
int getUID(int msgNum);
Get message flags in selected or opened mailbox.
param msgNum
The message number or order in the total message numbers.
return string
Message flags in selected or opened mailbox.
empty string when fail to get flags.
const char *getFlags(int msgNum);
Send the custom IMAP command and get the result via callback.
param cmd
The command string.
param callback
The function that accepts IMAP_Response as parameter.
param tag
The tag string to pass to the callback function.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
imap.connect and imap.selectFolder or imap.openFolder are needed to call once prior to call this function.
bool sendCustomCommand(<string> cmd, imapResponseCallback callback, <string> tag);
Send the custom IMAP command data string.
param data
The string data.
param lastData
The flag represents the last data to send (optional).
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
Should be used after calling sendCustomCommand("APPEND xxxxxx");
bool sendCustomData(T data, bool lastData = false);
Send the custom IMAP command data.
param data
The byte data.
param size
The data size.
param lastData
The flag represents the last data to send (optional).
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
Should be used after calling ssendCustomCommand("APPEND xxxxxx");
bool sendCustomData(uint8_t *data, size_t size, bool lastData = false);
Begin the IMAP server connection without authentication.
param session_config
The pointer to Session_Config structured data that keeps the server and log in details.
param callback
The callback function that accepts IMAP_Response as parameter.
param tag
The tag that pass to the callback function.
return The boolean
value indicates the success of operation.
bool customConnect(Session_Config *session_config, imapResponseCallback callback, <string> tag);
Copy the messages to the defined mailbox folder.
param toCopy
The pointer to the MessageList class that contains the list of messages to copy.
param dest
The destination folder that the messages to copy to.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool copyMessages(MessageList *toCopy, <string> dest);
Copy the messages to the defined mailbox folder.
param sequenceSet
The sequence set string i.g., unique identifier (UID) or
message sequence number or ranges of UID or sequence number.
param UID
The option for sequenceSet whether it is UID or message sequence number.
param dest
The destination folder that the messages to copy to.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool copyMessages(<string> sequenceSet, bool UID, <string> dest);
Move the messages to the defined mailbox folder.
param toMove
The pointer to the MessageList class that contains the list of messages to move.
param dest
The destination folder that the messages to move to.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool moveMessages(MessageList *toMove, <string> dest);
Move the messages to the defined mailbox folder.
param sequenceSet
The sequence set string i.g., unique identifier (UID) or
message sequence number or ranges of UID or sequence number.
param UID
The option for sequenceSet whether it is UID or message sequence number.
param dest
The destination folder that the messages to move to.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool moveMessages(<string> sequenceSet, bool UID, <string> dest);
Delete the messages in the opened mailbox folder.
param toDelete
The pointer to the MessageList class that contains the list of messages to delete.
param expunge
The boolean option to expunge all messages.
param modsequence
The int32_t option for UNCHANGESINCE conditional test.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the success of operation.
The modsequence value can be used only if IMAP server supports Conditional STORE extension and the selected mailbox supports modsequences.
bool deleteMessages(MessageList *toDelete, bool expunge = false, int32_t modsequence = -1);
Delete the messages in the opened mailbox folder.
param sequenceSet
The sequence set string i.g., unique identifier (UID) or
message sequence number or ranges of UID or sequence number.
param UID
The option for sequenceSet whether it is UID or message sequence number.
param expunge
The boolean option to expunge all messages.
param modsequence
The int32_t option for UNCHANGESINCE conditional test.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the success of operation.
The modsequence value can be used only if IMAP server supports Conditional STORE extension and the selected mailbox supports modsequences.
bool deleteMessages(<string> sequenceSet, bool UID, bool expunge = false, int32_t modsequence = -1);
Get the quota root's resource usage and limits.
param quotaRoot
The quota root to get.
param info
The pointer to IMAP_Quota_Root_Info
that contains quota root's resource name, usage and limit.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool getQuota(<string> quotaRoot, IMAP_Quota_Root_Info *info);
Set the quota root's resource usage and limits.
param quotaRoot
The quota root to set.
param data
The pointer to IMAP_Quota_Root_Info
that contains quota root's resource name, usage and limit.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool setQuota(<string> quotaRoot, IMAP_Quota_Root_Info *data);
Get the list of quota roots for the named mailbox.
param mailbox
The mailbox name.
param quotaRootsList
The pointer to IMAP_Quota_Roots_List
that contains the list of IMAP_Quota_Root_Info
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool getQuotaRoot(<string> mailbox, IMAP_Quota_Roots_List *quotaRootsList);
Get the ACLs for a mailbox.
param mailbox
The mailbox name.
param aclList
The pointer to the returning IMAP_Rights_List
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool getACL(<string> mailbox, IMAP_Rights_List *aclList);
Get the ACLs for a mailbox.
param mailbox
The mailbox name.
param acl
The pointer to the acl IMAP_Rights_Info to set.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool setACL(<string> mailbox, IMAP_Rights_Info *acl);
Delete the ACLs set for identifier on mailbox.
param mailbox
The mailbox name.
param identifier
The identifier (user) to remove the rights.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool deleteACL(<string> mailbox, <string> identifier);
Show my ACLs for a mailbox.
param mailbox
The mailbox name.
param acl
The pointer to the returning IMAP_Rights_Info
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool myRights(<string> mailbox, IMAP_Rights_Info *acl);
Returns IMAP namespaces.
param mailbox
The mailbox name.
param ns
The pointer to the returning IMAP_Namespaces_List
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool getNamespace(IMAP_Namespaces_List *ns);
Enable IMAP capability.
param capability
The mailbox name.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool enable(<string> capability);
Listen for the selected or open mailbox for updates.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool listen();
Stop listen for the mailbox for updates.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool stopListen();
Check for the selected or open mailbox updates.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the changes status of mailbox.
bool folderChanged();
Assign the callback function that returns the operating status when fetching or reading the Email.
param imapCallback
The function that accepts the imapStatusCallback
as parameter.
void callback(imapStatusCallback imapCallback);
Assign the callback function to decode the string based on the character set.
param callback
The function that accepts the pointer to IMAP_Decoding_Info
as parameter.
void characterDecodingCallback(imapCharacterDecodingCallback callback);
Assign the callback function that returns the MIME data stream from fetching or reading the Email.
param mimeDataStreamCallback
The function that accepts the MIME_Stream_Info
as parameter.
void mimeDataStreamCallback(MIMEDataStreamCallback mimeDataStreamCallback);
Determine if no message body contained in the search result and only the message header is available.
bool headerOnly();
Get the message list from search or fetch the Emails
return The IMAP_MSG_List structured
data which contains the text and html contents,
attachments, inline images, embedded rfc822 messages details for each message.
IMAP_MSG_List data();
Get the details of the selected or opned mailbox folder
return The SelectedFolderInfo class
instance which contains the info about flags, total messages, next UID,
earch count and the available messages count.
SelectedFolderInfo selectedFolder();
Get the error details when readingg the Emails.
return String
The string of error details.
String errorReason();
Get the operating status error code.
return int
The value of operating status error code.
The negative value indicated error.
See src/ESP_Mail_Error.h and extras/MB_FS.h
int errorCode();
Clear all the cache data stored in the IMAP session object.
void empty();
Get the status of message fetching and searching.
return IMAP_Status
The IMAP_Status object contains the fetching and searching statuses.
IMAP_Status status();
Get the JSON string of file name list of files that stored in SD card.
return The JSON string
of filenames.
note This will available only when standard SD library was used and file storage is SD.
String fileList();
SMTPSession class functions
The following functions are available from the SMTP Session class.
This class is similar to the IMAP session class, used for controlling SMTP transports and retrieving the data from the SMTP server.
Set the tcp timeout.
param timeoutSec
The tcp timeout in seconds.
void setTCPTimeout(unsigned long timeoutSec);
Assign custom Client from Arduino Clients.
param client
The pointer to Arduino Client derived class e.g. WiFiClient, WiFiClientSecure, EthernetClient or GSMClient.
void setClient(Client *client);
Assign TinyGsm Clients.
param client
The pointer to TinyGsmClient.
param modem
The pointer to TinyGsm modem object. Modem should be initialized and/or set mode before transfering data.
param pin
The SIM pin.
param apn
The GPRS APN (Access Point Name).
param user
The GPRS user.
param password
The GPRS password.
void setGSMClient(Client *client, void *modem, const char *pin, const char *apn, const char *user, const char *password);
Assign the callback function to handle the network connection for custom Client.
param networkConnectionCB
The function that handles the network connection.
void networkConnectionRequestCallback(NetworkConnectionRequestCallback networkConnectionCB);
Assign the callback function to handle the network connection status acknowledgement.
param networkStatusCB
The function that handle the network connection status acknowledgement.
void networkStatusRequestCallback(NetworkStatusRequestCallback networkStatusCB);
Set the network status acknowledgement.
param status
The network status.
void setNetworkStatus(bool status);
Set the BearSSL IO buffer size.
param rx
The BearSSL receive buffer size in bytes.
param tx
The BearSSL trasmit buffer size in bytes.
void setSSLBufferSize(int rx = -1, int tx = -1);
Set system time with timestamp.
param ts
timestamp in seconds from midnight Jan 1, 1970.
param gmtOffset
The GMT offset.
This function allows the internal time setting by timestamp i.e. timestamp from external RTC.
void setSystemTime(time_t ts, float gmtOffset = 0);
Begin the SMTP server connection.
param session_config
The pointer to Session_Config structured data that keeps the server and log in details.
param login
The bool option for login after server connection.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the success of operation.
bool connect(Session_Config *session_config, bool login = true);
Login to SMTP server using Email and password.
param email
The SMTP server account email.
param password
The SMTP server account password.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool loginWithPassword(<string> email, <string> password);
Login to SMTP server using Email and access token.
param email
The SMTP server account email.
param token
The Access token to log in.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
bool loginWithAccessToken(<string> email, <string> token);
Return the SASL authentication status.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates SASL authentication status.
bool isAuthenticated();
Return the log in status.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates log in status.
bool isLoggedIn();
Close the SMTP session.
bool closeSession();
Setup TCP KeepAlive for internal TCP client.
param tcpKeepIdleSeconds
lwIP TCP Keepalive idle in seconds.
param tcpKeepIntervalSeconds
lwIP TCP Keepalive interval in seconds.
param tcpKeepCount
lwIP TCP Keepalive count.
For the TCP (KeepAlive) options, see this doc.
If value of one of these parameters is zero, the TCP KeepAlive will be disabled.
You can check the server connecting status, by exexuting <SMTPSession>.connected()
which will return true when connection to the server is still alive.
void keepAlive(int tcpKeepIdleSeconds, int tcpKeepIntervalSeconds, int tcpKeepCount);
Get TCP KeepAlive status.
return Boolean
status of TCP Keepalive.
bool isKeepAlive();
Get TCP connection status.
return boolean
The boolean value indicates the connection status.
bool connected();
Begin the SMTP server connection without authentication.
param session_config
The pointer to Session_Config structured data that keeps the server and log in details.
param callback
The callback function that accepts the SMTP_Response as parameter.
param commandID
The command identifier number that will pass to the callback.
return The int
value of response code.
If commandID was not set or set to -1, the command identifier will be auto increased started from zero.
int customConnect(Session_Config *session_config, smtpResponseCallback callback, int commandID = -1);
Send the custom SMTP command and get the result via callback.
param cmd
The command string.
param callback
The function that accepts the SMTP_Response as parameter.
return boolean
The boolean value which indicates the success of operation.
smtp.connect or smtp.customConnect is needed to call once prior to call this function.
bool sendCustomCommand(<string> cmd, smtpResponseCallback callback);
Send the custom SMTP command data string.
param data
The string data.
return The boolean
value which indicates the success of operation.
Should be used after calling sendCustomCommand("DATA");
bool sendCustomData(<string> data);
Send the custom SMTP command data.
param data
The byte data.
param size
The data size.
return The boolean
value which indicates the success of operation.
Should be used after calling sendCustomCommand("DATA");
bool sendCustomData(uint8_t *data, size_t size);
Set to enable the debug.
param level
The level to enable the debug message
level = 0, no debugging
level = 1, basic level debugging
void debug(int level);
Get the error details when sending the Email
return String
The string of error details.
String errorReason();
Get the operating status error code.
return int
The value of operating status error code.
The negative value indicated error.
See src/ESP_Mail_Error.h and extras/MB_FS.h
int errorCode();
Get the SMTP server response status code.
return int
The value of SMTP server response status code.
See RFC 5321 standard's documentation.
int statusCode();
Get the SMTP server response status message.
return String
The value of SMTP server response status message.
String statusMessage();
Set the Email sending status callback function.
param smtpCallback
The callback function that accept the smtpStatusCallback
void callback(smtpStatusCallback smtpCallback);
Get the status of message fetching and searching.
return SMTP_Status
The SMTP_Status object contains the sending status.
SMTP_Status status();
SMTP_Message class functions
The following functions are available from the SMTP Message class.
This class is used for storing the message data including headers, body and attachments which will be processed with the SMTP session class.
To reset the SMTP_Attachment item data
param att
The SMTP_Attachment class that stores the info about attachment
This function was used for clear the internal data of attachment item to be ready for reuse.
void resetAttachItem(SMTP_Attachment &att);
To clear all data in SMTP_Message class included headers, bodies and attachments
void clear();
To clear all the inline images in SMTP_Message class.
void clearInlineimages();
To clear all the attachments.
void clearAttachments();
To clear all rfc822 message attachment.
void clearRFC822Messages();
To clear the primary recipient mailboxes.
void clearRecipients();
To clear the Carbon-copy recipient mailboxes.
void clearCc();
To clear the Blind-carbon-copy recipient mailboxes.
void clearBcc();
To clear the custom message headers.
void clearHeader();
To add attachment to the message.
param att
The SMTP_Attachment data item
void addAttachment(SMTP_Attachment &att);
To add parallel attachment to the message.
param att
The SMTP_Attachment data item
void addParallelAttachment(SMTP_Attachment &att);
To add inline image to the message.
param att
The SMTP_Attachment data item
void addInlineImage(SMTP_Attachment &att);
To add rfc822 message to the message.
param msg
The RFC822_Message class object
void addMessage(SMTP_Message &msg);
To add the primary recipient mailbox to the message.
param name
The name of primary recipient
param email
The Email address of primary recipient
void addRecipient(<string> name, <string> email);
To add Carbon-copy recipient mailbox.
param email
The Email address of secondary recipient
void addCc(<string> email);
To add Blind-carbon-copy recipient mailbox.
param email
The Email address of the tertiary recipient
void addBcc(<string> email);
To add the custom header to the message.
param hdr
The header name and value
void addHeader(<string> hdr);
[properties] The message author config
This property has the sub properties
[const char*] name - The sender name.
[const char*] email - The sender Email address.
esp_mail_email_info_t sender;
[properties] The topic of message
const char *subject;
[properties] The message type
byte type;
[properties] The PLAIN text message
This property has the sub properties
[esp_mail_smtp_embed_message_body_t] embed - The option to embed this message content as a file.
[const char*] content - The PLAIN text content of the message.
[esp_mail_blob_message_content_t] blob - The blob that contins PLAIN text content of the message.
[esp_mail_file_message_content_t] file - The file that contins PLAIN text content of the message.
[const char*] charSet - The character transcoding of the PLAIN text content of the message.
[const char*] content_type - The content type of message.
[const char*] transfer_encoding - The option to encode the content for data transfer.
[boolean] flowed - The option to send the PLAIN text with wrapping.
esp_mail_plain_body_t text;
[properties] The HTML text message
This propery has the sub properties
[const char*] content - The HTML content of the message.
[esp_mail_blob_message_content_t] blob - The blob that contins HTML content of the message.
[esp_mail_file_message_content_t] file - The file that contins HTML content of the message.
[const char*] charSet - The character transcoding of the HTML content of the message.
[const char*] content_type - The content type of message.
[const char*] transfer_encoding - The option to encode the content for data transfer.
esp_mail_html_body_t html;
[properties] The response config
This propery has the sub properties
[const char*] reply_to - The author Email address to reply.
[const char*] return_path - The sender Email address to return the message.
[int] notify - The Delivery Status Notifications enumeration e.g.
esp_mail_smtp_notify_never = 0,
esp_mail_smtp_notify_success = 1,
esp_mail_smtp_notify_failure = 2, and
esp_mail_smtp_notify_delay = 4
esp_mail_smtp_msg_response_t response;
[properties] The priority of the message
This property has the enumeration values
esp_mail_smtp_priority_high = 1,
esp_mail_smtp_priority_normal = 3,
esp_mail_smtp_priority_low = 5
esp_mail_smtp_priority priority;
[properties] The enable options
This propery has the sub property
[boolean] chunking - enable chunk data sending for large message.
esp_mail_smtp_enable_option_t enable;
[properties] The message from config
This property has the sub properties
[const char*] name - The messsage author name.
[const char*] email - The message author Email address.
esp_mail_email_info_t from;
[properties] The message identifier
const char *ID;
[properties] The keywords or phrases, separated by commas
const char *keywords;
[properties] The comments about message
const char *comments;
[properties] The date of message
const char *date;
[properties] The return recipient of the message
const char *return_path;
[properties] The field that contains the parent's message ID of the message to which this one is a reply
const char *in_reply_to;
[properties] The field that contains the parent's references (if any) and followed by the parent's message ID (if any) of the message to which this one is a reply
const char *references;
IMAP_Status class functions
The following functions are available from the IMAP Status class.
This class is used as the callback parameter for retrieving the status while reading the Email.
Get the information of each process in the reading operation.
return string
The info for each process
const char *info();
Get the status of completion.
return boolean
The bool value indicates that all reading processes are finished
bool success();
To clear all data store in this class.
void empty();
SMTP_Status class functions
The following functions are available from the SMTP Status class.
This class is used as the callback parameter for retrieving the status while sending the Email.
Get the information of each process in the sending operation.
return string
The info for each process
const char *info();
Get the status of completion.
return boolean
The bool value indicates that all sending processes are finished
bool success();
To clear all data store in this class.
void empty();
Get the number of complete sending message.
return number
The number of message that was sent
size_t completedCount();
Get the number of failed sending message.
return number
The number of message that was not sent
size_t failedCount();
SendingResult class functions
The following functions are available from the SendingResult class.
This class is used for retrieving the info about the result of sending the messages.
Get the information of a message sending status.
param index
The index number of a message sending status
return SMTP_Result
The SMTP_Result type data that provides these properties
[bool] completed - The status of the message
[MB_String] recipients - The primary recipient mailbox of the message
[MB_String] subject - The topic of the message
[time_t] timesstamp - The timestamp of the message
SMTP_Result getItem(size_t index);
Get the amount of the result data.
return number
The number of result item
size_t size();
SMTP_Response type data
The following properties are available from the SMTP_Response data type.
This data type obtains the response from sending custom SMTP commands.
[Properties] The command identifier
int id;
[Properties] The response text
MB_String text;
[Properties] The response code
int respCode;
FoldersCollection class functions
The following functions are available from the FoldersCollection class.
This class is used for retrieving the info about the mailbox folders which available to read or serach in the user Email mailbox.
Get the information of a folder in a folder collection.
param index
The index number of folders
return esp_mail_folder_info_item_t
The esp_mail_folder_info_item_t structured data that provides these properties
[MB_String] name - The name of folder
[MB_String] attributes - The attributes of folder
[MB_String] delimiter - The delimeter of folder
esp_mail_folder_info_item_t info(size_t index);
Get the number of folders in the collection.
return number
The number of folder in the collection
size_t size();
SelectedFolderInfo class functions
The following functions are available from the SelectedFolderInfo class.
This class is used for retrieving the info about the sselected or opened mailbox folder.
Get the numbers of flags in the user Email mailbox.
return number
The numbers of flags
size_t flagCount();
Get the numbers of messages in this mailbox.
return number
The numbers of messages in the selected mailbox folder
size_t msgCount();
Get the numbers of messages in this mailbox that recent flag was set.
return number
The numbers of messages in the selected mailbox folder that recent flag was set
size_t recentCount();
Get the order of message in number of message in this mailbox that reoved.
return IMAP_Polling_Status
The data that holds the polling status.
The IMAP_Polling_Status has the properties e.g. type, messageNum, and argument.
The type property is the type of status e.g.imap_polling_status_type_undefined, imap_polling_status_type_new_message, imap_polling_status_type_remove_message, and imap_polling_status_type_fetch_message.
The messageNum property is message number or order from the total number of message that added, fetched or deleted.
The argument property is the argument of commands e.g. FETCH
struct IMAP_Polling_Status pollingStatus();
Get the predicted next message UID in the sselected folder.
return number
The number represents the next message UID number
size_t nextUID();
Get the numbers of messages from search result based on the search criteria.
return number
The total number of messsages from search
size_t searchCount();
Get the numbers of messages to be stored in the ressult.
return number
The number of messsage stored from search
size_t availableMessages();
Get the flag argument at the specified index.
return index
The index of flag in the flags list
return String
The argument of selected flag
String flag(size_t index);
Session_Config type data
The following properties are available from the Session_Config data type.
This data type is used for storing the session info about the server and login credentials.
[Properties] The server config
This property has the sub properties
[MB_String] host_name - The hostName of the server.
[uint16_t] port - The port on the server to connect to.
esp_mail_sesson_sever_config_t server;
[Properties] The log in config
This property has the sub properties
[MB_String] email - The user Email address to log in.
[consst char *] password - The user password to log in.
[consst char *] accessToken - The OAuth2.0 access token to log in.
[consst char *] user_domain - The host name or public IP of client system.
esp_mail_sesson_login_config_t login;
[Properties] The secure config
This property has the sub properties
[bool] startTLS - The option to send the command to start the TLS connection.
esp_mail_sesson_secure_config_t secure;
[Properties] The ports and protocols config
This property has the sub properties
[port_function *] list - The list (aray) of port_function.
[size_t] size - The size of array.
esp_mail_ports_functions ports_functions;
[Properties] The certificate config
[const char *] cert_data - The certificate data (base64 data).
[const char *] cert_file - The certificate file (DER format).
[esp_mail_file_storage_type] cert_file_storage_type - The storage type.
[bool] verify - The cerificate verification option.
esp_mail_sesson_cert_config_t certificate;
[Properties] SPI Ethernet Module config for ESP8266
[ENC28J60lwIP *] enc28j60 - The ENC28J60 Ethernet module lwip interfac.
[Wiznet5100lwIP *] w5100 - The W5100 Ethernet module lwip interfac.
[Wiznet5500lwIP *] w5500 - The W5500 Ethernet module lwip interfac.
esp_mail_spi_ethernet_module_t spi_ethernet_module;
[Properties] The callback function for WiFi connection
NetworkConnectionHandler network_connection_handler;
port_function type data
[Properties] The port number
uint16_t port;
[Properties] The protocol
The port protocol e.g. esp_mail_protocol_plain_text, esp_mail_protocol_ssl and esp_mail_protocol_tls.
esp_mail_protocol protocol;
IMAP_Data type data
The following properties are available from the IMAP_Data data type.
This data type is used for storing the IMAP transport and operating options to control and store the operation result e.g. the messahe contents from search and fetch.
[Properties] The config for fetching
This property has the sub properties
[MB_String] uid - The UID of message to fetch.
[MB_String] number - The message sequence number to fetch.
[esp_mail_imap_sequence_set_t] sequence_set - The sequence set options.
[MB_String] set_seen - Set the message flag as seen.
esp_mail_imap_fetch_config_t fetch;
[Properties] The config for IMAP sequence set fetching
This property has the sub properties
[MB_String] string - The sequence set string i.g., unique identifier (UID)
or message sequence number or ranges of UID or sequence number.
[bool] UID - The option for sequenceSet whether it is UID or message sequence number.
[bool] headerOnly - The option for header only fetching.
esp_mail_imap_sequence_set_t fetch;
[Properties] The config for search
This property has the sub properties
[MB_String] criteria - The search criteria.
[boolean] unseen_msg - The option to search the unseen message.
esp_mail_imap_search_config_t search;
[Properties] The config about the limits
This property has the sub properties
[size_t] search - The maximum messages from the search result.
[size_t] fetch - The maximum messages from the sequence set fetching result.
[size_t] msg_size - The maximum size of the memory buffer to store the message content.
This is only limit for data to be stored in the IMAPSession.
[size_t] attachment_size - The maximum size of each attachment to download.
The IMAP idle (polling) timeout in ms (1 min to 29 min). Default is 10 min.
[size_t] imap_idle_timeout - The IMAP idle timeout in ms.
The IMAP idle (polling) host check interval in ms (30 sec to imap_idle_timeout) for internet availability checking to ensure the connection is active.
Default is 1 min.
[size_t] imap_idle_host_check_interval - The IMAP idle host check interval in ms.
esp_mail_imap_limit_config_t limit;
[Properties] The config to enable the features
This property has the sub properties
[boolean] text - To store the PLAIN text of the message in the IMAPSession.
[boolean] html - To store the HTML of the message in the IMAPSession.
[boolean] rfc822 - To store the rfc822 messages in the IMAPSession.
[boolean] download_status - To enable the download status via the serial port.
[boolean] recent_sort - To sort the message UID of the search result in descending order.
[boolean] header_case_sesitive - To allow case sesitive in header parsing.
esp_mail_imap_enable_config_t enable;
[Properties] The config about downloads
This property has the sub properties
[boolean] text - To download the PLAIN text content of the message.
[boolean] html - To download the HTML content of the message.
[boolean] attachment - To download the attachments of the message.
[boolean] inlineImg - To download the inline image of the message.
[boolean] rfc822 - To download the rfc822 mesages in the message.
[boolean] header - To download the message header.
esp_mail_imap_download_config_t download;
[Properties] The config about the storage and path to save the downloaded file.
This property has the sub properties
[const char*] saved_path - The path to save the downloaded file.
[esp_mail_file_storage_type] type - The type of file storages enumeration e.g.
esp_mail_file_storage_type_none = 0,
esp_mail_file_storage_type_flash = 1, and
esp_mail_file_storage_type_sd = 2
esp_mail_imap_storage_config_t storage;
[Properties] The config about firmware updates and downloads for ESP32, ESP8266 and Raspberry Pi Pico.
This property has the sub properties
[string] attach_filename - Update firmware using message attachments if one of its filename matches.
[bool] save_to_file - Save firmware file option.
esp_mail_imap_firmware_config_t firmware_update;
esp_mail_smtp_embed_message_body_t structured data
The following properties are available from the IMAP_Data data type.
This data type is used for storing the IMAP transport and operating options to control and store the operation result e.g. the messahe contents from search and fetch.
[Properties] Enable to send this message body as file
bool enable;
[Properties] The name of embedded file
const char* enable;
[Properties] The embedded type enumeration
esp_mail_smtp_embed_message_type_attachment = 0
sp_mail_smtp_embed_message_type_inline = 1
esp_mail_smtp_embed_message_type type;
esp_mail_blob_message_content_t structured data
The following properties are available from the esp_mail_blob_message_content_t data type.
This data type is used for storing the blob info of message body.
[Properties] The array of content in flash memory.
const uint8_t * data;
[Properties] The array size in bytes.
size_t size;
esp_mail_file_message_content_t structured data
The following properties are available from the esp_mail_file_message_content_t data type.
This data type is used for storing the file info of message body.
[Properties] The file path include its name.
const char *name;
[Properties] The type of file storages.
esp_mail_file_storage_type type;
IMAP_MSG_Item type data
The following properties are available from the IMAP_MSG_Item data type.
This data type is used for message item info and its contents from search and fetch.
[Properties] The message number
int msgNo;
[Properties] The message UID
int UID;
[Properties] The message identifier
const char *ID;
[Properties] The language(s) for auto-responses
const char *acceptLang;
[Properties] The language of message content
const char *contentLang;
[Properties] The mailbox of message author
const char *from;
[Properties] The charset of the mailbox of message author (deprecate)
const char *fromCharset;
[Properties] The primary recipient mailbox
const char *to;
[Properties] The charset of the primary recipient mailbox (deprecate)
const char *toCharset;
[Properties] The Carbon-copy recipient mailboxes
const char *cc;
[Properties] The charset of the Carbon-copy recipient mailbox header (deprecate)
const char *ccCharset;
[Properties] The message date and time
const char *date;
[Properties] The topic of message
const char *subject;
[Properties] The topic of message charset (deprecate)
const char *subjectCharset;
[Properties] The PLAIN text content of the message
esp_mail_plain_body_t text;
[Properties] The HTML content of the message
esp_mail_html_body_t html;
[Properties] The sender Email
const char *sender;
[Properties] The charset of the sender Email (obsoleted)
const char *senderCharset;
[Properties] The keywords or phrases, separated by commas
const char *keyword;
[Properties] The comments about message
const char *comments;
[Properties] The return recipient of the message
const char *return_path;
[Properties] The Email address to reply
const char *reply_to;
[Properties] The field that contains the parent's message ID of the message to which this one is a reply
const char *in_reply_to;
[Properties] The field that contains the parent's references (if any) and followed by the parent's message ID (if any) of the message to which this one is a reply
const char *references;
[Properties] The Blind carbon-copy recipients
const char *bcc;
[Properties] The charset of the Blind carbon-copy recipient mailbox header (obsoleted)
const char *bccCharset;
[Properties] The error description from fetching the message
const char *fetchError;
[Properties] The info about the attachments in the message
std::vector<IMAP_Attach_Item> attachments;
[Properties] The info about the rfc822 messages included in the message
std::vector<IMAP_MSG_Item> rfc822;
IMAP_Response type data
The following properties are available from the IMAP_Response data type.
This data type obtains the response from sending custom IMAP commands.
[Properties] The status tag
MB_String tag;
[Properties] The status text
MB_String text;
[Properties] The completion of response
bool completed;
MIME_Data_Stream_Info type data
The following properties are available from the MIME_Data_Stream_Info data type.
This data type obtains the IMAP multipart body or MIME stream data via the callback function.
[Properties] The message UID
uint32_t uid;
[Properties] The content type of the message part
const char *type;
[Properties] The content disposition of the message part
const char *disposition;
[Properties] The content character set of the message part
const char *charSet;
[Properties] The text content flowed format parameter of the message part
bool flowed;
[Properties] The text content format DelSp parameter of the message part
bool delsp;
[Properties] The content transfer encoding of the message part
const char *transfer_encoding;
[Properties] The content ID of the inline attachment type message part
const char *cid;
[Properties] The content description of the message part
const char *description;
[Properties] The file name of the attachment type message part
const char *filename;
[Properties] The name of the attachment type message part
const char *name;
[Properties] The creation date of the message part
const char *date;
[Properties] The size of the attachment (unencoded) type message part
size_t size;
[Properties] The total octet of the message part
size_t octet_size;
[Properties] The current octet count of the message part that currently parses
int octet_count;
[Properties] The size of content (unencoded) of message part
size_t data_size;
[Properties] The data buffer of message part that currently parses
void *data;
[Properties] The flag that states the first chunk data of message part that currently parses
bool isFirstData;
[Properties] The flag that states the final chunk data of message part that currently parses
bool isLastData;
IMAP_Decoding_Info type data
The following properties are available from the IMAP_Decoding_Info data type.
This data type obtains the IMAP header and text (plain and html) strings to be decoded via the callback function based on its character set.
[Properties] The character set of the string to decode
const char *charset;
[Properties] The string to decode
const char *data;
[Properties] The type of data that currently processed
0 or IMAP_Decoding_Info::message_part_type_header
1 or IMAP_Decoding_Info::message_part_type_text
message_part_type type;
Search Criteria
Search crieria is used for searching the mailbox for messages that match the given searching criteria.
Searching criteria consist of one or more search keys. When multiple keys are specified, the result is the intersection (AND function) of all the messages that match those keys.
to all deleted messages from Smith that were placed in the mailbox since
February 1, 1994.
A search key can also be a parenthesized list of one or more search keys (e.g., for use with the OR and NOT keys).
SINCE 10-Feb-2019
will search all messages that received since 10 Feb 2019
will seach all message which will return the message UID
that can be use later for fetch one or more messages.
The following keywords can be used for the search criteria.
ALL - All messages in the mailbox; the default initial key for ANDing.
ANSWERED - Messages with the \Answered flag set.
BCC - Messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure's BCC field.
BEFORE - Messages whose internal date (disregarding time and timezone) is earlier than the specified date.
BODY - Messages that contain the specified string in the body of the message.
CC - Messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure's CC field.
DELETED - Messages with the \Deleted flag set.
DRAFT - Messages with the \Draft flag set.
FLAGGED - Messages with the \Flagged flag set.
FROM - Messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure's FROM field.
HEADER - Messages that have a header with the specified field-name (as defined in [RFC-2822])
and that contains the specified string in the text of the header (what comes after the colon).
If the string to search is zero-length, this matches all messages that have a header line with
the specified field-name regardless of the contents.
KEYWORD - Messages with the specified keyword flag set.
LARGER - Messages with an (RFC-2822) size larger than the specified number of octets.
NEW - Messages that have the \Recent flag set but not the \Seen flag.
This is functionally equivalent to "(RECENT UNSEEN)".
NOT - Messages that do not match the specified search key.
OLD - Messages that do not have the \Recent flag set. This is functionally equivalent to
"NOT RECENT" (as opposed to "NOT NEW").
ON - Messages whose internal date (disregarding time and timezone) is within the specified date.
OR - Messages that match either search key.
RECENT - Messages that have the \Recent flag set.
SEEN - Messages that have the \Seen flag set.
SENTBEFORE - Messages whose (RFC-2822) Date: header (disregarding time and timezone) is earlier than the specified date.
SENTON - Messages whose (RFC-2822) Date: header (disregarding time and timezone) is within the specified date.
SENTSINCE - Messages whose (RFC-2822) Date: header (disregarding time and timezone) is within or later than the specified date.
SINCE - Messages whose internal date (disregarding time and timezone) is within or later than the specified date.
SMALLER - Messages with an (RFC-2822) size smaller than the specified number of octets.
SUBJECT - Messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure's SUBJECT field.
TEXT - Messages that contain the specified string in the header or body of the message.
TO - Messages that contain the specified string in the envelope structure's TO field.
UID - Messages with unique identifiers corresponding to the specified unique identifier set.
Sequence set ranges are permitted.
UNANSWERED - Messages that do not have the \Answered flag set.
UNDELETED - Messages that do not have the \Deleted flag set.
UNDRAFT - Messages that do not have the \Draft flag set.
UNFLAGGED - Messages that do not have the \Flagged flag set.
UNKEYWORD - Messages that do not have the specified keyword flag set.
UNSEEN - Messages that do not have the \Seen flag set.
MailClient.Time functions
The helper function to set and get the system time.
Set the system time from the NTP server.
param gmtOffset
The GMT time offset in hour.
param daylightOffset
The Daylight time offset in hour.
return boolean
The status indicates the success of operation.
This requires internet connection
bool setClock(float gmtOffset, float daylightOffset);
Get the timestamp from the year, month, date, hour, minute, and second provided.
param year
The year.
param mon
The months from 1 to 12.
param date
The dates.
param hour
The hours.
param mins
The minutes.
param sec
The seconds.
return time_t
The value of timestamp.
time_t getTimestamp(int year, int mon, int date, int hour, int mins, int sec);
Get the timestamp from the time string.
param gmt
Return GMT time.
return timestamp
of time string.
time_t getTimestamp(const char* timeString, bool gmt = false);
Get the current timestamp.
return uint64_t
The value of current timestamp.
uint64_t getCurrentTimestamp();
Get the current date time string that valid for Email
return String
The current date time string.
String getDateTimeString();
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2023 K. Suwatchai (Mobizt)
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person returning a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.