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xdrv_23_zigbee_4a_eeprom.ino - zigbee support for Tasmota - nano filesystem for EEPROM, with anti-weavering
Copyright (C) 2021 Theo Arends and Stephan Hadinger
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// #define Z_EEPROM_DEBUG
// The EEPROM is 64KB in size with individually writable bytes.
// They are conveniently organized in pages of 128 bytes to accelerate
// data transfer, but unlike flash memory, you don't need to erase an entire page.
// The chip spec says it supports over 2 million writes per byte.
// ==============
// 64KB EEPROM is divided in 256 block of 256 bytes.
// The internal page size is 128 bytes, so we're grouping 2 pages in one block
// The advantage is that any pointer to a block is a single byte
// Block 0, 1 and 255 are reserved.
// BLock 0 contains the directory of files
// Block 1 contains the linked list of blocks for each file
// Block 255 contains the bitmap of block and ageing information
// File structure
// Each file has :
// - a name of 4 chars (no extension) that conveniently fit in uint32_t.
// - a length in bytes, encoded with 16 bits (uint16_t)
// - 1 byte indicating the first block of the file
// - 1 byte reserved
// Then blocks are a linked-list of content. The next block is indicated in Block 1
// Note: the linked list could cause a circular reference loop and potentially an infinite loop.
// This is why the content lenght is used to check that the block count does not exceed
// the content length hence cannot cause an infinite loop.
// Any pointer to blocks 1 or 255 is considered invalid and means a corruption of the file system.
// Signature entry:
// - 4 bytes of signature, currently 'Tasm'. Any other entry indicates that the EEPROM was not formatted
// - 1 byte version number, currently 0x00
// - all other bytes (5..7) are reserved and filled with 0s
// =========
// Block 0 is the directory. There is no support for folders.
// Each file entry is 8 bytes.
// First entry is a signature marker and version
// Entries 1..30 are for files
// Entry 31 (last entry) is reserved and filled with 0s
// ==========
// Block 255:
// Each byte represents a block, remember there are 256 blocks in total
// Each byte is set as follows:
// bit 7 - block is used (1) or free (0) - note that blocks 0, 1 and 255 are always used
// bit 6 - block is damaged - not implemented yet but may be useful
// bit 0..5 - generation number for anti-weavering
// Caveat: this bitmap system may lead to wasted blocked marked as used but actually unused
// Periodical garbage collection and sanity checks can occur, for ex at boot.
// If the generation number overflows, all blocks start at generation `0`
// meaning that the entire bitmap block is overwritten.
// Version 0:
// Many features are not yet implemented.
// We start with hardcoded values:
// - the two entries for files 'zig2' and 'dat2' are predefined
// - the starting block for each file is fixed.
// 'Zig2' uses 32 blocks (8kb max) - starting at block 32
// 'Dat2' uses 32 blocks (8kb max) - starting at block 64
// - the bitmap marks those blocks as used
// - version number only uses first entry that doesn't get re-written
// - only file size actually changes
* Constants
const size_t ZFS_BLOCK_SIZE = 256;
const size_t ZFS_ENTRY_SIZE = 8; // each entry is 32 bytes
const size_t ZFS_ENTRIES = 30;
const uint32_t ZFS_SIGNATURE = 0x6D736154; // 'Tasm'
* Specific to v2 (limited support)
const size_t ZFS_FILE_BLOCKS = 31; // 31 blocks
* ZFS_File_Entry
class ZFS_File_Entry {
uint32_t name; // file name representing 4 chars, 0x00000000 means empty entry
uint16_t length; // length of file in bytes
uint8_t blk_start;
uint8_t reserved; // reserved for future use
ZFS_File_Entry() :
inline static bool validIdx(uint8_t blk_start) { return ((blk_start != 0x00) && (blk_start != 0x01) && (blk_start != 0xFF)); };
static uint16_t getAddress(uint8_t entry_idx);
void read(uint8_t entry_idx);
void write(uint8_t entry_idx) const ;
* ZFS_File_Entry
class ZFS_Root_Entry {
uint32_t signature; // Signature that the block is correctly formatted
uint8_t version; // version of file system structure
uint8_t reserved[3];
ZFS_Root_Entry() :
signature(ZFS_SIGNATURE), // 'Tasm'
* ZFS_File_Entry
class ZFS_Dir_Block {
ZFS_Root_Entry b0; // signature entry
ZFS_File_Entry e[ZFS_ENTRIES]; // 7 entries for files
ZFS_File_Entry reserved; // reserved for future use
void format(void); // prepare default values for formatting
* ZFS_Bitmap at block 0xFF
// Individual block
union ZFS_Bitmap_Entry {
uint8_t raw;
struct {
uint8_t gen : 6;
bool damaged : 1;
bool used : 1;
class ZFS_Bitmap {
ZFS_Bitmap_Entry block[ZFS_BLOCK_SIZE];
void format(void);
* ZFS_Map, linked list of blocks, at block 1
class ZFS_Map {
uint8_t next_blk[ZFS_BLOCK_SIZE];
void format(void);
* Formatting implementations
void ZFS_Dir_Block::format(void) {
// entry 0 - 'zig2'
e[0].name = ZIGB_NAME2;
e[0].length = 0;
e[0].blk_start = 2; // start at block 2 to 32
// entry 1 - 'dat2'
e[1].name = ZIGB_DATA2;
e[1].length = 0;
e[1].blk_start = 2 + 31; // start at block 33 to 63
void ZFS_Bitmap::format(void) {
ZFS_Bitmap_Entry val_used;
val_used.gen = 0;
val_used.damaged = false;
val_used.used = true;
// block 0, 1, 255
// block[0x00] = val_used; // already in loop
// block[0x01] = val_used;
block[0xFF] = val_used;
// reserve block 32->63 for file 0 and 64->95 for file 1
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
block[i] = val_used;
void ZFS_Map::format(void) {
// map a linear linked list for v1
for (uint32_t i = 2; i < ZFS_BLOCK_SIZE - 2; i++) {
next_blk[i] = i+1;
* Writing a file
class ZFS_Write_File {
// file info
uint32_t name;
uint16_t cursor;
uint16_t length;
uint8_t blk_start; // if 0x00 then file does not exist
uint8_t entry_idx; // entry number in the directory
ZFS_Write_File(uint32_t _name) : name(_name), cursor(0), length(0), blk_start(0) { findOrCreate(); }
inline bool valid(void) const { return blk_start != 0; } // does the file exist?
int32_t addBytes(void* buffer, size_t buffer_len);
int32_t close(void);
void findOrCreate(void);
* Check that the EEPROM is formatted
// Main class for the Zigbee filesystem
class ZFS {
static void initOrFormat(void); // <0 means error
static void format(void); // format EEPROM
static int32_t getLength(uint32_t name);
static bool findFileEntry(uint32_t name, ZFS_File_Entry & entry, uint8_t * entry_idx);
static void erase(void); // erase EEPROM
// read file
static int32_t readBytes(uint32_t name, void* buffer, size_t buffer_len, uint16_t start, uint16_t len);
* Check that the EEPROM is formatted
bool ZFS::findFileEntry(uint32_t name, ZFS_File_Entry & entry, uint8_t * _entry_idx) {
if (!zigbee.eeprom_ready) { return false; }
for (uint32_t entry_idx = 0; entry_idx < ZFS_ENTRIES; entry_idx++) {
// read entry from EEPROM
uint16_t entry_addr = 0x0000 + sizeof(ZFS_Root_Entry) + sizeof(ZFS_File_Entry) * entry_idx;
zigbee.eeprom.readBytes(entry_addr, sizeof(ZFS_File_Entry), (byte*)&entry);
// {
// char hex_char[(sizeof(ZFS_File_Entry) * 2) + 2];
// AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "Read entry %d at address 0x%04X contains %*_H"), entry_idx, entry_addr, sizeof(entry), &entry);
// }
if (entry.name == name) {
if (_entry_idx) { *_entry_idx = entry_idx; }
return true;
return false;
int32_t ZFS::getLength(uint32_t name) {
ZFS_File_Entry entry;
if (ZFS::findFileEntry(name, entry, nullptr)) {
return entry.length;
return -1;
void ZFS::erase(void) {
if (!zigbee.eeprom_present) { return; }
uint32_t zero = 0;
zigbee.eeprom.writeBytes(0x0000, sizeof(zero), (byte*)&zero);
* Reading a file
int32_t ZFS::readBytes(uint32_t name, void* buffer, size_t buffer_len, uint16_t read_start, uint16_t read_len) {
if (!zigbee.eeprom_ready) { return -1; }
// AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "readBytes name=%08X, buffer_len=%d, read_start=0x%04X, read_len=%d"), name, buffer_len, read_start, read_len);
if (name == 0x00000000) { return -1; }
if (buffer_len == 0) { return 0; }
// look for file
ZFS_File_Entry entry;
uint8_t entry_idx;
if (!findFileEntry(name, entry, &entry_idx)) { return -1; } // file not found
if (read_start >= entry.length) { return 0; } // start of read is beyond end of file, return nothing
uint16_t max_read_len = entry.length - read_start; // we know it's > 0
if (read_len > max_read_len) { read_len = max_read_len; }
if (read_len > buffer_len) { read_len = buffer_len; }
// we know read_len is the correct max value now
// compute the start block for the file
// V1 it's the first one
uint8_t blk = entry.blk_start;
zigbee.eeprom.readBytes((blk << 8) + read_start, read_len, (byte*) buffer);
return read_len;
* Check that the EEPROM is formatted
void ZFS::initOrFormat(void) {
if (!zigbee.eeprom_present) { return; }
// AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "sizeof(ZFS_Bitmap)=%d sizeof(ZFS_File_Entry)=%d sizeof(ZFS_Root_Entry)=%d sizeof(ZFS_Dir_Block)=%d"), sizeof(ZFS_Bitmap), sizeof(ZFS_File_Entry), sizeof(ZFS_Root_Entry), sizeof(ZFS_Dir_Block));
byte map[256];
char hex_char[(256 * 2) + 2];
zigbee.eeprom.readBytes(0x0000, 256, map);
AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "BLK 00 %s"), ToHex_P(map, sizeof(map), hex_char, sizeof(hex_char)));
// zigbee.eeprom.readBytes(0x0100, 256, map);
// AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "BLK 01 %s"), ToHex_P(map, sizeof(map), hex_char, sizeof(hex_char)));
zigbee.eeprom.readBytes(0x0200, 256, map);
AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "BLK 02 %s"), ToHex_P(map, sizeof(map), hex_char, sizeof(hex_char)));
zigbee.eeprom.readBytes(0x2100, 256, map);
AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "BLK 21 %s"), ToHex_P(map, sizeof(map), hex_char, sizeof(hex_char)));
// zigbee.eeprom.readBytes(0xFF00, 256, map);
// AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "BLK FF %s"), ToHex_P(map, sizeof(map), hex_char, sizeof(hex_char)));
ZFS_Dir_Block * dir = new ZFS_Dir_Block();
zigbee.eeprom.readBytes(0, sizeof(ZFS_Dir_Block), (byte*) dir);
if (dir->b0.signature == ZFS_SIGNATURE) {
// Good
AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "EEPROM signature 0x%08X is correct"), dir->b0.signature);
} else {
AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "EEPROM signature 0x%08X is incorrect, formatting"), dir->b0.signature);
delete dir;
zigbee.eeprom_ready = true;
// Format EEPROM
void ZFS::format(void) {
// First write the bitmap
ZFS_Bitmap * bitmap = new ZFS_Bitmap();
zigbee.eeprom.writeBytes(0xFF00, 256, (byte*) bitmap);
delete bitmap;
// Map
ZFS_Map * map = new ZFS_Map();
zigbee.eeprom.writeBytes(0x0100, 256, (byte*) map);
delete map;
// Dir
ZFS_Dir_Block * dir = new ZFS_Dir_Block();
zigbee.eeprom.writeBytes(0x0000, 256, (byte*) dir);
delete dir;
uint16_t ZFS_File_Entry::getAddress(uint8_t entry_idx) {
return sizeof(ZFS_Root_Entry) + sizeof(ZFS_File_Entry) * entry_idx;
void ZFS_File_Entry::read(uint8_t entry_idx) {
if (!zigbee.eeprom_ready) { return; }
zigbee.eeprom.readBytes(getAddress(entry_idx), sizeof(ZFS_File_Entry), (byte*)this);
void ZFS_Write_File::findOrCreate(void) {
ZFS_File_Entry entry;
if (ZFS::findFileEntry(name, entry, &entry_idx)) {
blk_start = entry.blk_start;
int32_t ZFS_Write_File::addBytes(void* buffer, size_t buffer_len) {
if (!zigbee.eeprom_ready) { return -1; }
if ((buffer == nullptr) || (buffer_len == 0)) { return 0; }
if (length + buffer_len > ZFS_FILE_BLOCKS * 256) { return -1; } // exceeded max size
// #ifdef Z_EEPROM_DEBUG
// AddLog_P(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "eeprom.writeBytes address=0x%04X, len=%d"), (blk_start << 8) + length, buffer_len);
// #endif
zigbee.eeprom.writeBytes((blk_start << 8) + length, buffer_len, (byte*)buffer);
length += buffer_len;
return length;
int32_t ZFS_Write_File::close(void) {
if (!zigbee.eeprom_ready) { return -1; }
// write the final length
uint16_t address = ZFS_File_Entry::getAddress(entry_idx);
zigbee.eeprom.writeBytes(address + sizeof(name), 2, (byte*)&length);
return length;
#endif // USE_ZIGBEE