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xdrv_52_3_berry_embedded.ino - Berry scripting language, embedded code
Copyright (C) 2021 Stephan Hadinger, Berry language by Guan Wenliang https://github.com/Skiars/berry
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifdef USE_BERRY
* Handlers for Berry calls and async
const char berry_prog[] =
//"def func(x) for i:1..x print('a') end end "
//"def testreal() return str(1.2+1) end "
//"def noop() log('noop before'); yield(); log('middle after'); yield(); log('noop after'); end "
//"log(\"foobar\") "
// auto-import modules
// // import alias
"import wire "
// Phase 1
// Prepare the super class that will be eventually in Flash
"class Tasmota_ntv "
"var _op, _operators, _rules, _timers, _cmd "
// Map all native functions to methods
// Again, this will be eventually pre-compiled
"var getfreeheap, publish, cmd, getoption, millis, timereached, yield "
"var respcmnd, respcmndstr, respcmnd_done, respcmnd_error, respcmnd_failed, resolvecmnd "
"var getlight "
"def init_ntv() "
"import tasmota_ntv "
"self.getfreeheap = tasmota_ntv.getfreeheap "
"self.publish = tasmota_ntv.publish "
"self.cmd = tasmota_ntv.cmd "
"self.getoption = tasmota_ntv.getoption "
"self.millis = tasmota_ntv.millis "
"self.timereached = tasmota_ntv.timereached "
"self.yield = tasmota_ntv.yield "
"self._operators = tasmota_ntv._operators "
"self.respcmnd = tasmota_ntv.respcmnd "
"self.respcmndstr = tasmota_ntv.respcmndstr "
"self.respcmnd_done = tasmota_ntv.respcmnd_done "
"self.respcmnd_error = tasmota_ntv.respcmnd_error "
"self.respcmnd_failed = tasmota_ntv.respcmnd_failed "
"self.resolvecmnd = tasmota_ntv.resolvecmnd "
"self.getlight = tasmota_ntv.getlight "
"end "
"def init() "
"self._op = [ "
"['==', /s1,s2-> str(s1) == str(s2)],"
"['!==',/s1,s2-> str(s1) != str(s2)],"
"['=', /f1,f2-> real(f1) == real(f2)],"
"['!=', /f1,f2-> real(f1) != real(f2)],"
"['>=', /f1,f2-> real(f1) >= real(f2)],"
"['<=', /f1,f2-> real(f1) <= real(f2)],"
"['>', /f1,f2-> real(f1) > real(f2)],"
"['<', /f1,f2-> real(f1) < real(f2)],"
"] "
"self._rules = {} "
"self._timers = [] "
"self._cmd = {} "
"self.init_ntv() "
"end "
"end "
"class Tasmota: Tasmota_ntv "
// add `charsinstring(s:string,c:string) -> int``
// looks for any char in c, and return the position of the first chat
// or -1 if not found
"def charsinstring(s,c) "
"for i:0..size(s)-1 "
"for j:0..size(c)-1 "
"if s[i] == c[j] return i end "
"end "
"end "
"return -1 "
"end "
// find a key in map, case insensitive, return actual key or nil if not found
"def findkeyi(m,keyi) "
"import string "
"var keyu = string.toupper(keyi) "
"if classof(m) == map "
"for k:m.keys() "
"if string.toupper(k)==keyu || keyi=='?' "
"return k "
"end "
"end "
"end "
"end "
// Rules
"def addrule(pat,f) self._rules[pat] = f end "
// # split the item when there is an operator, returns a list of (left,op,right)
// # ex: "Dimmer>50" -> ["Dimmer",tasmota_gt,"50"]
"def find_op(item) "
"import string "
"var pos = self.charsinstring(item, self._operators) "
"if pos>=0 "
"var op_split = string.split(item,pos) "
// #print(op_split)
"var op_left = op_split[0] "
"var op_rest = op_split[1] "
// # iterate through operators
"for op: self._op "
"if string.find(op_rest,op[0]) == 0 "
"var op_func = op[1] "
"var op_right = string.split(op_rest,size(op[0]))[1] "
"return [op_left,op_func,op_right] "
"end "
"end "
"end "
"return [item, nil, nil] "
"end "
// Rules trigger if match. return true if match, false if not
// Note: condition is not yet managed
"def try_rule(ev, rule, f) "
"import string "
"var rl_list = self.find_op(rule) "
"var e=ev "
"var rl=string.split(rl_list[0],'#') "
"for it:rl "
"found=self.findkeyi(e,it) "
"if found == nil "
"return false "
"end "
"e=e[found] "
"end "
// # check if condition is true
"if rl_list[1] "
// # did we find a function
"if !rl_list[1](e,rl_list[2]) "
// # condition is not met
"return false "
"end "
"end "
"f(e,ev) "
"return true "
"end "
// Run rules, i.e. check each individual rule
// Returns true if at least one rule matched, false if none
"def exec_rules(ev_json) "
"import json "
"var ev = json.load(ev_json) "
"var ret = false "
"if ev == nil "
"print('BRY: ERROR, bad json: '+ev_json, 3) "
"else "
"for r: self._rules.keys() "
"ret = self.try_rule(ev,r,self._rules[r]) || ret "
"end "
"end "
"return ret "
"end "
"def settimer(delay,f) self._timers.push([self.millis(delay),f]) end "
"def run_deferred() "
"var i=0 "
"while i<self._timers.size() "
"if self.timereached(self._timers[i][0]) "
"f=self._timers[i][1] "
"self._timers.remove(i) "
"f() "
"else "
"i=i+1 "
"end "
"end "
"end "
// Delay function, internally calls yield() every 10ms to avoid WDT
"def delay(ms) "
"var tend = self.millis(ms) "
"while !self.timereached(tend) "
"self.yield() "
"end "
"end "
// Add command to list
"def addcommand(c,f) "
"self._cmd[c]=f "
"end "
"def exec_cmd(cmd, idx, payload) "
"import json "
"var payload_json = json.load(payload) "
"var cmd_found = self.findkeyi(self._cmd, cmd) "
"if cmd_found != nil "
"self.resolvecmnd(cmd_found) " // set the command name in XdrvMailbox.command
"self._cmd[cmd_found](cmd_found, idx, payload, payload_json) "
"return true "
"end "
"return false "
"end "
// Force gc and return allocated memory
"def gc() "
"import gc "
"gc.collect() "
"return gc.allocated() "
"end "
"end "
// Instantiate tasmota object
"tasmota = Tasmota() "
// Not sure how to run call methods from C
"def _exec_rules(e) return tasmota.exec_rules(e) end "
"def _run_deferred() return tasmota.run_deferred() end "
"def _exec_cmd(cmd, idx, payload) return tasmota.exec_cmd(cmd, idx, payload) end "
"def _gc() return tasmota.gc() end "
// simple wrapper to load a file
// prefixes '/' if needed, and simpler to use than `compile()`
"def load(f) "
"import string "
"try "
// check that the file ends with '.be' of '.bec'
"var fl = string.split(f,'.') "
"if (size(fl) <= 1 || (fl[-1] != 'be' && fl[-1] != 'bec')) "
"raise \"file extension is not '.be' or '.bec'\" "
"end "
"var native = f[size(f)-1] == 'c' "
// add prefix if needed
"if f[0] != '/' f = '/' + f end "
// load - works the same for .be and .bec
"var c = compile(f,'file') "
// save the compiled bytecode
"if !native "
"save(f+'c', c) "
"end "
// call the compiled code
"c() "
"except .. as e "
"log(string.format(\"BRY: could not load file '%s' - %s\",f,e)) "
"end "
"end "
// try to load "/autoexec.be"
// "try compile('/autoexec.be','file')() except .. log('BRY: no /autoexec.bat file') end "
// Wire
#endif // USE_BERRY