
337 lines
12 KiB

// 'wavface' example sketch for Adafruit I2C 8x8 LED backpacks
// and Wave Shield:
// www.adafruit.com/products/870 www.adafruit.com/products/1049
// www.adafruit.com/products/871 www.adafruit.com/products/1050
// www.adafruit.com/products/872 www.adafruit.com/products/1051
// www.adafruit.com/products/959 www.adafruit.com/products/1052
// www.adafruit.com/products/94
// Requires Adafruit_LEDBackpack, Adafruit_GFX libraries and WaveHC
// libraries.
// This sketch shows animation roughly synchronized to prerecorded
// speech. It's fairly complex and may be overwhelming to novice
// programmers, who may want to start with the 'matrix8x8' example
// and then 'roboface' before working through this code. Also, much
// of the comments relating to the face animation have been stripped
// here for brevity...refer to the 'roboface' sketch if you have any
// questions how that part works.
// Additional hardware required: sounds are triggered using three
// normally-open momentary buttons connected to Digital pins 6, 7, 8
// and GND. (e.g. www.adafruit.com/products/1009 )
// Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
// please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
// products from Adafruit!
// Written by P. Burgess for Adafruit Industries, parts adapted from
// 'PiSpeakHC' sketch included with WaveHC library.
// BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution.
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <WaveHC.h>
#include <WaveUtil.h>
#include "Adafruit_LEDBackpack.h"
// These WAV files should be in the root level of the SD card:
static const char PROGMEM
wav0[] = "beware_i.wav",
wav1[] = "ihunger.wav",
wav2[] = "run_cowd.wav";
static const char * const wavname[] PROGMEM = { wav0, wav1, wav2 };
// PROGMEM makes frequent appearances throughout this code, reason being that
// the SD card library requires gobs of precious RAM (leaving very little to
// our own sketch). PROGMEM lets us put fixed data into program flash memory,
// which is considerably more spacious. String tables are paritcularly nasty.
// See www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/PROGMEM for more info.
SdReader card; // This object holds the information for the card
FatVolume vol; // This holds the information for the partition on the card
FatReader root; // This holds the information for the volumes root directory
FatReader file; // This object represent the WAV file for a phrase
WaveHC wave; // A single wave object -- only one sound is played at a time
// Because the two eye matrices share the same address, only four
// matrix objects are needed for the five displays:
#define MATRIX_EYES 0
Adafruit_8x8matrix matrix[4] = { // Array of Adafruit_8x8matrix objects
Adafruit_8x8matrix(), Adafruit_8x8matrix(),
Adafruit_8x8matrix(), Adafruit_8x8matrix() };
// Rather than assigning matrix addresses sequentially in a loop, each
// has a spot in this array. This makes it easier if you inadvertently
// install one or more matrices in the wrong physical position --
// re-order the addresses in this table and you can still refer to
// matrices by index above, no other code or wiring needs to change.
static const uint8_t PROGMEM matrixAddr[] = { 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73 };
static const uint8_t PROGMEM // Bitmaps are stored in program memory
blinkImg[][8] = { // Eye animation frames
{ B00111100, // Fully open eye
B00111100 },
{ B00000000,
B00111100 },
{ B00000000,
B00000000 },
{ B00000000,
B00000000 },
{ B00000000, // Fully closed eye
B00000000 } },
mouthImg[][24] = { // Mouth animation frames
{ B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // Mouth position A
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
B01111111, B11111111, B11111110,
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000 },
{ B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // Mouth position B
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
B00111111, B11111111, B11111100,
B00000111, B00000000, B11100000,
B00000000, B11111111, B00000000,
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000 },
{ B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // Mouth position C
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
B00111111, B11111111, B11111100,
B00001000, B00000000, B00010000,
B00000110, B00000000, B01100000,
B00000001, B11000011, B10000000,
B00000000, B00111100, B00000000,
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000 },
{ B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // Mouth position D
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
B00111111, B11111111, B11111100,
B00100000, B00000000, B00000100,
B00010000, B00000000, B00001000,
B00001100, B00000000, B00110000,
B00000011, B10000001, B11000000,
B00000000, B01111110, B00000000 },
{ B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, // Mouth position E
B00000000, B00111100, B00000000,
B00011111, B11000011, B11111000,
B00000011, B10000001, B11000000,
B00000000, B01111110, B00000000,
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000 },
{ B00000000, B00111100, B00000000, // Mouth position F
B00000000, B11000011, B00000000,
B00001111, B00000000, B11110000,
B00000001, B00000000, B10000000,
B00000000, B11000011, B00000000,
B00000000, B00111100, B00000000,
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000 } };
// Animation sequences corresponding to each WAV. First number in
// each pair is a mouth bitmap index. Second number is the hold
// time (in frames). 255 marks end of list.
// There is no 'magic' here, the software is NOT deriving mouth
// position from the sound...the tables were determined by hand,
// just as animators do it. Further explanation here:
// http://www.idleworm.com/how/anm/03t/talk1.shtml
static const uint8_t PROGMEM
seq1[] = { 0, 2, 2, 5, 5, 3, 3, 7, // "Beware, I live!"
4, 5, 3, 4, 2, 5, 4, 3,
3, 4, 1, 5, 3, 5, 255 },
seq2[] = { 0, 1, 3, 5, 1, 5, 4, 2, // "I hunger!"
3, 2, 1, 2, 4, 4, 1, 3,
4, 2, 255 },
seq3[] = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 6, 2, 5, // "Run, coward!"
0, 1, 4, 4, 5, 2, 1, 5,
3, 6, 1, 4, 255 };
static const uint8_t * const anim[] = { seq1, seq2, seq3 };
const uint8_t
blinkIndex[] PROGMEM = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1 }; // Blink bitmap sequence
blinkCountdown = 100, // Countdown to next blink (in frames)
gazeCountdown = 75, // Countdown to next eye movement
gazeFrames = 50, // Duration of eye movement (smaller = faster)
mouthPos = 0, // Current image number for mouth
mouthCountdown = 10, // Countdown to next mouth change
newPos = 255, // New mouth position for current frame
*seq, // Animation sequence currently being played back
idx, // Current array index within animation sequence
prevBtn = 99, // Button # pressed on last loop() iteration
btnCount = 0; // Number of iterations same button has been held
eyeX = 3, eyeY = 3, // Current eye position
newX = 3, newY = 3, // Next eye position
dX = 0, dY = 0; // Distance from prior to new position
void setup() {
Serial.println(F("WAV face"));
if(!card.init()) Serial.println(F("Card init. failed!"));
if(!vol.init(card)) Serial.println(F("No partition!"));
if(!root.openRoot(vol)) Serial.println(F("Couldn't open dir"));
Serial.println(F("Files found:"));
// Seed random number generator from an unused analog input:
// Initialize each matrix object:
for(uint8_t i=0; i<4; i++) {
// If using 'small' (1.2") displays vs. 'mini' (0.8"), enable this:
// matrix[i].setRotation(3);
// Enable pull-up resistors on three button inputs.
// Other end of each button then connects to GND.
for(uint8_t i=6; i<=8; i++) {
pinMode(i, INPUT);
digitalWrite(i, HIGH); // Enable pullup
void loop() {
uint8_t i;
// Draw eyeball in current state of blinkyness (no pupil).
matrix[MATRIX_EYES].drawBitmap(0, 0,
(blinkCountdown < sizeof(blinkIndex)) ? // Currently blinking?
pgm_read_byte(&blinkIndex[blinkCountdown]) : // Yes, look up bitmap #
0 // No, show bitmap 0
], 8, 8, LED_ON);
// Decrement blink counter. At end, set random time for next blink.
if(--blinkCountdown == 0) blinkCountdown = random(5, 180);
if(--gazeCountdown <= gazeFrames) {
// Eyes are in motion - draw pupil at interim position
newX - (dX * gazeCountdown / gazeFrames),
newY - (dY * gazeCountdown / gazeFrames),
2, 2, LED_OFF);
if(gazeCountdown == 0) { // Last frame?
eyeX = newX; eyeY = newY; // Yes. What's new is old, then...
do { // Pick random positions until one is within the eye circle
newX = random(7); newY = random(7);
dX = newX - 3; dY = newY - 3;
} while((dX * dX + dY * dY) >= 10); // Thank you Pythagoras
dX = newX - eyeX; // Horizontal distance to move
dY = newY - eyeY; // Vertical distance to move
gazeFrames = random(3, 15); // Duration of eye movement
gazeCountdown = random(gazeFrames, 120); // Count to end of next movement
} else {
// Not in motion yet -- draw pupil at current static position
matrix[MATRIX_EYES].fillRect(eyeX, eyeY, 2, 2, LED_OFF);
// Scan buttons 6, 7, 8 looking for first button pressed...
for(i=0; (i<3) && (digitalRead(i+6) == HIGH); i++);
if(i < 3) { // Anything pressed? Yes!
if(i == prevBtn) { // Same as last time we checked? Good!
if(++btnCount == 3) { // 3 passes to 'debounce' button input
playfile((char *)pgm_read_word(&wavname[i])); // Start WAV
// Look up animation sequence # corresponding to this WAV...
seq = (uint8_t *)pgm_read_word(&anim[i]);
idx = 0; // Begin at first byte of data
newPos = pgm_read_byte(&seq[idx++]); // Initial mouth pos
mouthCountdown = pgm_read_byte(&seq[idx++]); // Hold time for pos
} else btnCount = 0; // Different button than before - start count over
prevBtn = i;
} else prevBtn = 99; // No buttons pressed
if(newPos != 255) { // Is the mouth in motion?
if(--mouthCountdown == 0) { // Count down frames to next position
newPos = pgm_read_byte(&seq[idx++]); // New mouth position
if(newPos == 255) { // End of list?
mouthPos = 0; // Yes, set mouth to neutral position
} else {
mouthPos = newPos; // Set mouth to new position
mouthCountdown = pgm_read_byte(&seq[idx++]); // Read hold time
} else mouthPos = 0; // Mouth not in motion -- set to neutral position
// Refresh all matrices in one quick pass
for(uint8_t i=0; i<4; i++) matrix[i].writeDisplay();
// Draw mouth image across three adjacent displays
void drawMouth(const uint8_t *img) {
for(uint8_t i=0; i<3; i++) {
matrix[MATRIX_MOUTH_LEFT + i].clear();
matrix[MATRIX_MOUTH_LEFT + i].drawBitmap(i * -8, 0, img, 24, 8, LED_ON);
// Open and start playing a WAV file
void playfile(const char *name) {
char filename[13]; // 8.3+NUL
if(wave.isplaying) wave.stop(); // Stop any currently-playing WAV
strcpy_P(filename, name); // Copy name out of PROGMEM into RAM
if(!file.open(root, filename)) {
Serial.print(F("Couldn't open file "));
if(!wave.create(file)) {
Serial.println(F("Not a valid WAV"));