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pt-BR.h - localization for Portuguese - Brazil for Tasmota
Copyright (C) 2021 Fabiano Bovo and Adrian Scillato
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef _LANGUAGE_PT_BR_H_
#define _LANGUAGE_PT_BR_H_
/*************************** ATTENTION *******************************\
* Due to memory constraints only UTF-8 is supported.
* To save code space keep text as short as possible.
* Time and Date provided by SDK can not be localized (yet).
* Use online command StateText to translate ON, OFF, HOLD and TOGGLE.
* Use online command Prefix to translate cmnd, stat and tele.
* Updated until v9.5.0.9
#define LANGUAGE_MODULE_NAME // Enable to display "Module Generic" (ie Spanish), Disable to display "Generic Module" (ie English)
#define LANGUAGE_LCID 1046
// HTML (ISO 639-1) Language Code
#define D_HTML_LANGUAGE "pt"
// "2017-03-07T11:08:02" - ISO8601:2004
#define D_DAY3LIST "DomSegTerQuaQuiSexSab"
#define D_MONTH3LIST "JanFevMarAbrMaiJunJulAgoSepOutNovDez"
// Non JSON decimal separator
// Common
#define D_ABSOLUTE_HUMIDITY "Abs Humidity"
#define D_ADMIN "Admin"
#define D_AIR_QUALITY "Qualidade do ar"
#define D_AP "Ponto de acesso" // Ponto de Acesso
#define D_AS "como"
#define D_AUTO "Auto"
#define D_BATTERY "Battery"
#define D_BATT "Bat" // Short for Battery
#define D_BATTERY_CHARGE "Charge" // Battery charge in %
#define D_BLINK "Piscar"
#define D_BLINKOFF "Piscar desligado"
#define D_BOOT_COUNT "Contagem de inicialização"
#define D_BRIGHTLIGHT "Brilho"
#define D_BSSID "BSSId"
#define D_BUTTON "Botão"
#define D_BY "por" // Write by me
#define D_BYTES "Bytes"
#define D_CELSIUS "Celsius"
#define D_CHANNEL "Canal"
#define D_CO2 "CO₂"
#define D_CODE "Código" // Button code
#define D_COLDLIGHT "Luz fria"
#define D_COMMAND "Comando"
#define D_CONNECTED "Ligado"
#define D_CORS_DOMAIN "Domínio CORS"
#define D_COLOR "Color"
#define D_COUNT "Contagem"
#define D_COUNTER "Contador"
#define D_CT_POWER "Carga CT"
#define D_CURRENT "Corrente" // As in Voltage and Current
#define D_CURRENT_NEUTRAL "Current Neutral"
#define D_DATA "Dados"
#define D_DARKLIGHT "Luz escura"
#define D_DEBUG "Depurar"
#define D_DEWPOINT "Ponto de orvalho"
#define D_DISABLED "Desabilitado"
#define D_MOVING_DISTANCE "Moving Distance"
#define D_STATIC_DISTANCE "Static Distance"
#define D_DETECT_DISTANCE "Detect Distance"
#define D_DISTANCE "Distância"
#define D_DNS_SERVER "Servidor DNS"
#define D_DO "Oxigênio dissolvido"
#define D_DONE "Concluído"
#define D_DST_TIME "DST"
#define D_EC "EC"
#define D_ECO2 "eCO₂"
#define D_EMULATION "Emulação"
#define D_ENABLED "Habilitado"
#define D_ERASE "Apagar"
#define D_ERROR "Erro"
#define D_FAHRENHEIT "Fahrenheit"
#define D_FAILED "Falha"
#define D_FALLBACK "Retornar"
#define D_FALLBACK_TOPIC "Tópico para retornar"
#define D_FALSE "Falso"
#define D_FILE "Arquivo"
#define D_FILE_SYSTEM_SIZE "File System Size"
#define D_FLOW_RATE "Quociente de vazão"
#define D_FRAGMENTATION "frag." // Lower case abbreviated version of fragmentation used in "memory fragmentation"
#define D_FRAME_RATE "Frame rate"
#define D_FREE_MEMORY "Memória livre"
#define D_PSR_MAX_MEMORY "Memória PS-RAM"
#define D_PSR_FREE_MEMORY "Memória PS-RAM livre"
#define D_FREQUENCY "Frequência"
#define D_GAS "Gás"
#define D_GATEWAY "Gateway"
#define D_GROUP "Grupo"
#define D_HOST "Host"
#define D_HALL_EFFECT "Efeito Hall"
#define D_HEATINDEX "Heat index"
#define D_HOSTNAME "Nome do Host"
#define D_HUMIDITY "Umidade"
#define D_ILLUMINANCE "Luminância"
#define D_IMMEDIATE "Imediato" // Button immediate
#define D_INDEX "Índice"
#define D_INFO "Informação"
#define D_INFRARED "Infravermelho"
#define D_INITIALIZED "Inicializado"
#define D_IP_ADDRESS "Endereço IP"
#define D_LIGHT "Luz"
#define D_LWT "LWT"
#define D_LQI "LQI" // Zigbee Link Quality Index
#define D_MODULE "Módulo"
#define D_MOISTURE "Umidade"
#define D_MQTT "MQTT"
#define D_MULTI_PRESS "multi-pressão"
#define D_NOISE "Ruído"
#define D_NONE "Nenhum"
#define D_NOX "NOx"
#define D_O2 "Oxigênio"
#define D_OFF "Desligado"
#define D_OFFLINE "Desconectado"
#define D_OK "Ok"
#define D_ON "Ligado"
#define D_ONLINE "Conectado"
#define D_ORP "ORP"
#define D_PASSWORD "Senha"
#define D_PH "pH"
#define D_MQ "MQ"
#define D_PARTITION "Partition" // As in flash and firmware partition
#define D_PORT "Porta"
#define D_POWER_FACTOR "Fator de potência"
#define D_POWERUSAGE "Potência"
#define D_POWERUSAGE_ACTIVE "Potência ativa"
#define D_POWERUSAGE_ACTIVE_TOTAL "Active Power Total"
#define D_POWERUSAGE_APPARENT "Potência aparente"
#define D_POWERUSAGE_REACTIVE "Potência reativa"
#define D_PRESSURE "Pressão"
#define D_PRESSUREATSEALEVEL "Pressão ao nível do mar"
#define D_PROGRAM_FLASH_SIZE "Tamanho do programa na memória"
#define D_PROGRAM_SIZE "Tamanho do programa"
#define D_PROJECT "Projeto"
#define D_RAIN "Chuva"
#define D_RANGE "Alcance"
#define D_RECEIVED "Recebido"
#define D_RESTART "Reiniciar"
#define D_RESTARTING "Reiniciando"
#define D_RESTART_REASON "Motivo do reinício"
#define D_RETAINED "Manter"
#define D_RULE "Regra"
#define D_SAVE "Salvar"
#define D_SENSOR "Sensor"
#define D_SSID "SSId"
#define D_START "Iniciar"
#define D_STD_TIME "STD"
#define D_STOP "Parar"
#define D_SUBNET_MASK "Máscara sub rede"
#define D_SUBSCRIBE_TO "Inscrever para"
#define D_UNSUBSCRIBE_FROM "Desinscrever de"
#define D_SUCCESSFUL "Successo"
#define D_SUNRISE "Nascer do sol"
#define D_SUNSET "Por do sol"
#define D_TEMPERATURE "Temperatura"
#define D_TO "Para"
#define D_TOGGLE "Inverter"
#define D_TOPIC "Tópico"
#define D_TOTAL_USAGE "Total Usage"
#define D_TRANSMIT "Transmitir"
#define D_TRUE "Verdadeiro"
#define D_TVOC "TVOC"
#define D_TWILIGHT_ASTRONOMICAL "Astronomical"
#define D_TWILIGHT_CIVIL "Civil"
#define D_TWILIGHT_NAUTICAL "Nautical"
#define D_UPLOAD "Enviar"
#define D_UPTIME "Tempo de atividade"
#define D_USED "used"
#define D_USER "Usuário"
#define D_UTC_TIME "UTC"
#define D_UV_INDEX "Índice UV"
#define D_UV_INDEX_1 "Baixo"
#define D_UV_INDEX_2 "Médio"
#define D_UV_INDEX_3 "Alto"
#define D_UV_INDEX_4 "Perigo"
#define D_UV_INDEX_5 "Queimadura 1º/2º"
#define D_UV_INDEX_6 "Queimadura 3º"
#define D_UV_INDEX_7 "OoR"
#define D_UV_LEVEL "Nível UV"
#define D_UV_POWER "Potência UV"
#define D_VERSION "Versão"
#define D_VOC "VOC"
#define D_VOLTAGE "Voltagem"
#define D_VOLUME "Volume"
#define D_WEIGHT "Peso"
#define D_WARMLIGHT "Luz quente"
#define D_WEB_SERVER "Servidor WEB"
#define D_SOC "Estado de Carga"
#define D_SOH "Estado de Saúde"
// tasmota.ino
#define D_WARNING_MINIMAL_VERSION "AVISO: esta versão não supporta configurações persistentes"
#define D_LEVEL_10 "nível 1-0"
#define D_LEVEL_01 "nível 0-1"
#define D_SERIAL_LOGGING_DISABLED "Registro Serial desabilitado"
#define D_SYSLOG_LOGGING_REENABLED "Registro do Syslog reativado"
#define D_SET_BAUDRATE_TO "Ajuste da velocidade para"
#define D_RECEIVED_TOPIC "Tópico recebido"
#define D_DATA_SIZE "Tamanho de dados"
#define D_ANALOG_INPUT "Entrada analógica"
// support.ino
#define D_OSWATCH "osWatch"
#define D_BLOCKED_LOOP "Loop bloqueado"
#define D_WPS_FAILED_WITH_STATUS "WPSconfig falha de estado"
#define D_ACTIVE_FOR_3_MINUTES "Ativo por 3 minutos"
#define D_FAILED_TO_START "Falha ao iníciar"
#define D_PATCH_ISSUE_2186 "Questão 2186"
#define D_CONNECTING_TO_AP "Ligando ao PA"
#define D_IN_MODE "em modo"
#define D_CONNECT_FAILED_NO_IP_ADDRESS "A ligação falhou porque nenhum endereço IP foi recebido"
#define D_CONNECT_FAILED_AP_NOT_REACHED "A ligação falhou porque o PA não pôde ser alcançado"
#define D_CONNECT_FAILED_WRONG_PASSWORD "A ligação falhou"
#define D_CONNECT_FAILED_AP_TIMEOUT "A ligação falhou porque o tempo foi excedido"
#define D_ATTEMPTING_CONNECTION "Ligando..."
#define D_CHECKING_CONNECTION "Verificando ligação..."
#define D_QUERY_DONE "Consulta finalizada. Serviço MQTT não encontrado"
#define D_MQTT_SERVICE_FOUND "Serviço MQTT encontrado em"
#define D_FOUND_AT "encontrado em"
#define D_SYSLOG_HOST_NOT_FOUND "Syslog host não encontrado"
// settings.ino
#define D_SAVED_TO_FLASH_AT "Salvo na flash em"
#define D_LOADED_FROM_FLASH_AT "Lido da flash em"
#define D_USE_DEFAULTS "Usar predefinições"
#define D_ERASED_SECTOR "Apagar setores"
// xdrv_02_webserver.ino
#define D_NOSCRIPT "Para usar o Tasmota, por favor habilite o JavaScript"
#define D_MINIMAL_FIRMWARE_PLEASE_UPGRADE "Firmware mínimo<br>Atualizar por favor"
#define D_WEBSERVER_ACTIVE_ON "Servidor WEB ativo em"
#define D_WITH_IP_ADDRESS "com o endereço IP"
#define D_WEBSERVER_STOPPED "Servidor WEB parou"
#define D_FILE_NOT_FOUND "Arquivo não encontrado"
#define D_REDIRECTED "Redirecionado para o portal ativo"
#define D_WIFIMANAGER_SET_ACCESSPOINT_AND_STATION "Wifimanager: configura o Ponto de Acesso e a Estação"
#define D_WIFIMANAGER_SET_ACCESSPOINT "Wifimanager: configura o Ponto de Acesso"
#define D_TRYING_TO_CONNECT "Conectar o dispositivo à rede"
#define D_RESTART_IN "Reinicia em"
#define D_SECONDS "segundos"
#define D_DEVICE_WILL_RESTART "O dispositivo irá reiniciar dentro de alguns segundos"
#define D_BUTTON_TOGGLE "Comandar"
#define D_CONFIGURATION "Configuração"
#define D_INFORMATION "Informação"
#define D_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE "Atualização de firmware"
#define D_MANAGEMENT "Tools"
#define D_GPIO_VIEWER "GPIO Viewer"
#define D_CONSOLE "Console"
#define D_CONFIRM_RESTART "Confirmar o reinicio"
#define D_CONFIGURE_MODULE "Configurar Módulo"
#define D_CONFIGURE_WIFI "Configurar WiFi"
#define D_CONFIGURE_MQTT "Configurar MQTT"
#define D_CONFIGURE_DOMOTICZ "Configurar Domoticz"
#define D_CONFIGURE_LOGGING "Configurar Log"
#define D_CONFIGURE_OTHER "Configurar outras opções"
#define D_CONFIRM_RESET_CONFIGURATION "Confirmar limpeza de configuração"
#define D_RESET_CONFIGURATION "Apagar configuração"
#define D_BACKUP_CONFIGURATION "Salvar configuração"
#define D_RESTORE_CONFIGURATION "Repor configuração"
#define D_START_RESTORE "Start restore"
#define D_MAIN_MENU "Menu principal"
#define D_MODULE_PARAMETERS "Parâmetros do módulo"
#define D_MODULE_TYPE "Tipo de módulo"
#define D_PULLUP_ENABLE "Nenhum Botão/Switch ligado"
#define D_ADC "ADC"
#define D_GPIO "GPIO"
#define D_SERIAL_IN "Entrada serial"
#define D_SERIAL_OUT "Saída serial"
#define D_WIFI_PARAMETERS "Parâmetros do wifi"
#define D_SCAN_FOR_WIFI_NETWORKS "Encontrar redes wifi"
#define D_SCAN_DONE "Busca finalizada"
#define D_NO_NETWORKS_FOUND "Sem redes"
#define D_REFRESH_TO_SCAN_AGAIN "Nova busca"
#define D_DUPLICATE_ACCESSPOINT "Ponto de Acesso duplicado"
#define D_SKIPPING_LOW_QUALITY "Ignorado devido à baixa qualidade do sinal"
#define D_MODE "Mode"
#define D_RSSI "RSSI"
#define D_WEP "WEP"
#define D_WPA_PSK "WPA PSK"
#define D_WPA2_PSK "WPA2 PSK"
#define D_AP1_SSID "Rede WiFi"
#define D_AP1_SSID_HELP "Digite ou selecione sua rede WiFi"
#define D_AP2_SSID "Rede WiFi 2"
#define D_AP2_SSID_HELP "Digite ou selecione sua rede WiFi"
#define D_AP_PASSWORD "Senha do WiFi"
#define D_AP_PASSWORD_HELP "Digite sua Senha WiFi"
#define D_SELECT_YOUR_WIFI_NETWORK "Selecione sua Rede WiFi"
#define D_SHOW_MORE_WIFI_NETWORKS "Procure todas as Redes WiFi"
#define D_SHOW_MORE_OPTIONS "Mais Opções"
#define D_CHECK_CREDENTIALS "Por favor, verifique suas credenciais"
#define D_SUCCESSFUL_WIFI_CONNECTION "Conexão WiFi bem-sucedida"
#define D_NOW_YOU_CAN_CLOSE_THIS_WINDOW "Agora você pode fechar esta janela"
#define D_REDIRECTING_TO_NEW_IP "Redirecionando para o novo endereço IP do dispositivo"
#define D_MQTT_PARAMETERS "Parâmetros MQTT"
#define D_CLIENT "Cliente"
#define D_FULL_TOPIC "Tópico completo"
#define D_LOGGING_PARAMETERS "Parâmetros Log"
#define D_SERIAL_LOG_LEVEL "Nível de registro serial"
#define D_MQTT_LOG_LEVEL "Mqtt log level"
#define D_WEB_LOG_LEVEL "Nível de registro WEB"
#define D_SYS_LOG_LEVEL "Nível de registro Syslog"
#define D_MORE_DEBUG "Depurar mais"
#define D_SYSLOG_HOST "Syslog anfitrião"
#define D_SYSLOG_PORT "Porta Syslog"
#define D_TELEMETRY_PERIOD "Período de telemetria"
#define D_OTHER_PARAMETERS "Outros parâmetros"
#define D_TEMPLATE "Modelo"
#define D_ACTIVATE "Ativar"
#define D_DEVICE_NAME "Nome do dispositivo"
#define D_WEB_ADMIN_PASSWORD "Senha de WEB Admin"
#define D_MQTT_ENABLE "MQTT habilitado"
#define D_HTTP_API_ENABLE "HTTP API habilitado"
#define D_FRIENDLY_NAME "Nome amigável"
#define D_BELKIN_WEMO "Belkin WeMo"
#define D_HUE_BRIDGE "Hue Bridge"
#define D_SINGLE_DEVICE "Dispositivo único" |