mirror of https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota.git
329 lines
13 KiB
329 lines
13 KiB
# Written by Maximilian Gerhardt <maximilian.gerhardt@rub.de>
# 29th December 2020
# License: Apache
# Expanded from functionality provided by PlatformIO's espressif32 and espressif8266 platforms, credited below.
# This script provides functions to download the filesystem (SPIFFS or LittleFS) from a running ESP32 / ESP8266
# over the serial bootloader using esptool.py, and mklittlefs / mkspiffs for extracting.
# run by either using the VSCode task "Custom" -> "Download Filesystem"
# or by doing 'pio run -t downloadfs' (with optional '-e <environment>') from the commandline.
# output will be saved, by default, in the "unpacked_fs" of the project.
# this folder can be changed by writing 'custom_unpack_dir = some_other_dir' in the corresponding platformio.ini
# environment.
import re
import sys
from os.path import isfile, join
from enum import Enum
import typing
from platformio.builder.tools.pioupload import AutodetectUploadPort
import os
import subprocess
import shutil
platform = env.PioPlatform()
board = env.BoardConfig()
mcu = board.get("build.mcu", "esp32")
# needed for later
class FSType(Enum):
class FSInfo:
def __init__(self, fs_type, start, length, page_size, block_size):
self.fs_type = fs_type
self.start = start
self.length = length
self.page_size = page_size
self.block_size = block_size
def __repr__(self):
return f"FS type {self.fs_type} Start {hex(self.start)} Len {self.length} Page size {self.page_size} Block size {self.block_size}"
# extract command supposed to be implemented by subclasses
def get_extract_cmd(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
class LittleFSInfo(FSInfo):
def __init__(self, start, length, page_size, block_size):
if env["PIOPLATFORM"] == "espressif32":
#for ESP32: retrieve and evaluate, e.g. to mkspiffs_espressif32_arduino
self.tool = env.subst(env["MKSPIFFSTOOL"])
self.tool = env["MKFSTOOL"] # from mkspiffs package
self.tool = join(platform.get_package_dir("tool-mklittlefs"), self.tool)
super().__init__(FSType.LITTLEFS, start, length, page_size, block_size)
def __repr__(self):
return f"FS type {self.fs_type} Start {hex(self.start)} Len {self.length} Page size {self.page_size} Block size {self.block_size} Tool: {self.tool}"
def get_extract_cmd(self, input_file, output_dir):
return f'"{self.tool}" -b {self.block_size} -p {self.page_size} --unpack "{output_dir}" "{input_file}"'
class SPIFFSInfo(FSInfo):
def __init__(self, start, length, page_size, block_size):
if env["PIOPLATFORM"] == "espressif32":
#for ESP32: retrieve and evaluate, e.g. to mkspiffs_espressif32_arduino
self.tool = env.subst(env["MKSPIFFSTOOL"])
self.tool = env["MKFSTOOL"] # from mkspiffs package
self.tool = join(platform.get_package_dir("tool-mkspiffs"), self.tool)
super().__init__(FSType.SPIFFS, start, length, page_size, block_size)
def __repr__(self):
return f"FS type {self.fs_type} Start {hex(self.start)} Len {self.length} Page size {self.page_size} Block size {self.block_size} Tool: {self.tool}"
def get_extract_cmd(self, input_file, output_dir):
return f'"{self.tool}" -b {self.block_size} -p {self.page_size} --unpack "{output_dir}" "{input_file}"'
# SPIFFS helpers copied from ESP32, https://github.com/platformio/platform-espressif32/blob/develop/builder/main.py
# Copyright 2014-present PlatformIO <contact@platformio.org>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
def _parse_size(value):
if isinstance(value, int):
return value
elif value.isdigit():
return int(value)
elif value.startswith("0x"):
return int(value, 16)
elif value[-1].upper() in ("K", "M"):
base = 1024 if value[-1].upper() == "K" else 1024 * 1024
return int(value[:-1]) * base
return value
def _parse_partitions(env):
partitions_csv = env.subst("$PARTITIONS_TABLE_CSV")
if not isfile(partitions_csv):
sys.stderr.write("Could not find the file %s with partitions "
"table.\n" % partitions_csv)
result = []
next_offset = 0
with open(partitions_csv) as fp:
for line in fp.readlines():
line = line.strip()
if not line or line.startswith("#"):
tokens = [t.strip() for t in line.split(",")]
if len(tokens) < 5:
partition = {
"name": tokens[0],
"type": tokens[1],
"subtype": tokens[2],
"offset": tokens[3] or next_offset,
"size": tokens[4],
"flags": tokens[5] if len(tokens) > 5 else None
next_offset = (_parse_size(partition['offset']) +
return result
def esp32_fetch_spiffs_size(env):
spiffs = None
for p in _parse_partitions(env):
if p['type'] == "data" and p['subtype'] == "spiffs":
spiffs = p
if not spiffs:
env.subst("Could not find the `spiffs` section in the partitions "
env["SPIFFS_START"] = _parse_size(spiffs['offset'])
env["SPIFFS_SIZE"] = _parse_size(spiffs['size'])
env["SPIFFS_PAGE"] = int("0x100", 16)
env["SPIFFS_BLOCK"] = int("0x1000", 16)
## FS helpers for ESP8266
# copied from https://github.com/platformio/platform-espressif8266/blob/develop/builder/main.py
# Copyright 2014-present PlatformIO <contact@platformio.org>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
def _get_board_f_flash(env):
frequency = env.subst("$BOARD_F_FLASH")
frequency = str(frequency).replace("L", "")
return int(int(frequency) / 1000000)
def _parse_ld_sizes(ldscript_path):
assert ldscript_path
result = {}
# get flash size from board's manifest
result['flash_size'] = int(env.BoardConfig().get("upload.maximum_size", 0))
# get flash size from LD script path
match = re.search(r"\.flash\.(\d+[mk]).*\.ld", ldscript_path)
if match:
result['flash_size'] = _parse_size(match.group(1))
appsize_re = re.compile(
r"irom0_0_seg\s*:.+len\s*=\s*(0x[\da-f]+)", flags=re.I)
filesystem_re = re.compile(
r"PROVIDE\s*\(\s*_%s_(\w+)\s*=\s*(0x[\da-f]+)\s*\)" % "FS"
if "arduino" in env.subst("$PIOFRAMEWORK")
else "SPIFFS",
with open(ldscript_path) as fp:
for line in fp.readlines():
line = line.strip()
if not line or line.startswith("/*"):
match = appsize_re.search(line)
if match:
result['app_size'] = _parse_size(match.group(1))
match = filesystem_re.search(line)
if match:
result['fs_%s' % match.group(1)] = _parse_size(
return result
def _get_flash_size(env):
ldsizes = _parse_ld_sizes(env.GetActualLDScript())
if ldsizes['flash_size'] < 1048576:
return "%dK" % (ldsizes['flash_size'] / 1024)
return "%dM" % (ldsizes['flash_size'] / 1048576)
def esp8266_fetch_fs_size(env):
ldsizes = _parse_ld_sizes(env.GetActualLDScript())
for key in ldsizes:
if key.startswith("fs_"):
env[key.upper()] = ldsizes[key]
assert all([
k in env
for k in ["FS_START", "FS_END", "FS_PAGE", "FS_BLOCK"]
# esptool flash starts from 0
for k in ("FS_START", "FS_END"):
_value = 0
if env[k] < 0x40300000:
_value = env[k] & 0xFFFFF
elif env[k] < 0x411FB000:
_value = env[k] & 0xFFFFFF
_value -= 0x200000 # correction
_value = env[k] & 0xFFFFFF
_value += 0xE00000 # correction
env[k] = _value
def esp8266_get_esptoolpy_reset_flags(resetmethod):
# no dtr, no_sync
resets = ("no_reset_no_sync", "soft_reset")
if resetmethod == "nodemcu":
# dtr
resets = ("default_reset", "hard_reset")
elif resetmethod == "ck":
# no dtr
resets = ("no_reset", "soft_reset")
return ["--before", resets[0], "--after", resets[1]]
## Script interface functions
def get_fs_type_start_and_length():
platform = env["PIOPLATFORM"]
if platform == "espressif32":
print("Retrieving filesystem info for ESP32. Assuming SPIFFS.")
print("Partition file: " + str(env.subst("$PARTITIONS_TABLE_CSV")))
return SPIFFSInfo(env["SPIFFS_START"], env["SPIFFS_SIZE"], env["SPIFFS_PAGE"], env["SPIFFS_BLOCK"])
elif platform == "espressif8266":
print("Retrieving filesystem info for ESP8266.")
filesystem = board.get("build.filesystem", "spiffs")
if filesystem not in ("spiffs", "littlefs"):
print("Unrecognized board_build.filesystem option '" + str(filesystem) + "'.")
# fetching sizes is the same for all filesystems
print("FS_START: " + hex(env["FS_START"]))
print("FS_END: " + hex(env["FS_END"]))
print("FS_PAGE: " + hex(env["FS_PAGE"]))
print("FS_BLOCK: " + hex(env["FS_BLOCK"]))
if filesystem == "spiffs":
print("Recognized SPIFFS filesystem.")
return SPIFFSInfo(env["FS_START"], env["FS_END"] - env["FS_START"], env["FS_PAGE"], env["FS_BLOCK"])
elif filesystem == "littlefs":
print("Recognized LittleFS filesystem.")
return LittleFSInfo(env["FS_START"], env["FS_END"] - env["FS_START"], env["FS_PAGE"], env["FS_BLOCK"])
print("Unrecongized configuration.")
def download_fs(fs_info: FSInfo):
esptoolpy = join(platform.get_package_dir("tool-esptoolpy") or "", "esptool.py")
fs_file = join(env["PROJECT_DIR"], f"downloaded_fs_{hex(fs_info.start)}_{hex(fs_info.length)}.bin")
esptoolpy_flags = [
"--chip", mcu,
"--port", '"' + env.subst("$UPLOAD_PORT") + '"',
"--baud", env.subst("$UPLOAD_SPEED"),
"--before", "default_reset",
"--after", "hard_reset",
'"' + fs_file + '"'
esptoolpy_cmd = '"' + env["PYTHONEXE"]+ '"' + ' "' + esptoolpy + '" ' + " ".join(esptoolpy_flags)
print("Executing flash download command.")
returncode = subprocess.call(esptoolpy_cmd, shell=False)
print("Downloaded filesystem binary.")
return (True, fs_file)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
print("Downloading failed with " + str(exc))
return (False, "")
def unpack_fs(fs_info: FSInfo, downloaded_file: str):
# by writing custom_unpack_dir = some_dir in the platformio.ini, one can
# control the unpack directory
unpack_dir = env.GetProjectOption("custom_unpack_dir", "unpacked_fs")
#unpack_dir = "unpacked_fs"
if os.path.exists(unpack_dir):
except Exception as exc:
print("Exception while attempting to remove the folder '" + str(unpack_dir) + "': " + str(exc))
if not os.path.exists(unpack_dir):
cmd = fs_info.get_extract_cmd(downloaded_file, unpack_dir)
print("Executing extraction command: " + str(cmd))
returncode = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=False)
print("Unpacked filesystem.")
return (True, unpack_dir)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
print("Unpacking filesystem failed with " + str(exc))
return (False, "")
def display_fs(extracted_dir):
# extract command already nicely lists all extracted files.
# no need to display that ourselves. just display a summary
file_count = sum([len(files) for r, d, files in os.walk(extracted_dir)])
print("Extracted " + str(file_count) + " file(s) from filesystem.")
def command_download_fs(*args, **kwargs):
info = get_fs_type_start_and_length()
print("Parsed FS info: " + str(info))
download_ok, downloaded_file = download_fs(info)
print("Download was okay: " + str(download_ok) + ". File at: "+ str(downloaded_file))
unpack_ok, unpacked_dir = unpack_fs(info, downloaded_file)
if unpack_ok is True:
title="Download Filesystem",
description="Downloads and displays files stored in the target ESP32/ESP8266"
) |