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774 lines
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Executable File
774 lines
30 KiB
Executable File
"""Attempt an automatic analysis of IRremoteESP8266's Raw data output.
Makes suggestions on key values and tried to break down the message
into likely chunks."""
# Copyright 2018 David Conran
import argparse
import sys
SAFE64NOTE = "--safe64note--"
CODEGEN = "--codegen--"
class RawIRMessage():
"""Basic analyse functions & structure for raw IR messages."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
def __init__(self, margin, timings, output=sys.stdout, verbose=True):
self.ldr_mark = None
self.hdr_mark = None
self.hdr_space = None
self.bit_mark = None
self.zero_space = None
self.one_space = None
self.gaps = []
self.margin = margin
self.marks = []
self.mark_buckets = {}
self.spaces = []
self.space_buckets = {}
self.output = output
self.verbose = verbose
self.section_count = 1
self.rawlen = len(timings)
if self.rawlen <= 3:
raise ValueError("Too few message timings supplied.")
self.timings = timings
def _generate_timing_candidates(self):
"""Determine the likely values from the given data."""
count = 0
for usecs in self.timings:
count = count + 1
if count % 2:
self.marks, self.mark_buckets = self.reduce_list(self.marks)
self.spaces, self.space_buckets = self.reduce_list(self.spaces)
def reduce_list(self, items):
"""Reduce a list of numbers into buckets that are at least margin apart."""
result = []
last = -1
buckets = {}
for item in sorted(items, reverse=True):
if last == -1 or item < last - self.margin:
last = item
buckets[last] = [item]
return result, buckets
def _usec_compare(self, seen, expected):
"""Compare two usec values and see if they match within a
subtractive margin."""
if expected is None:
return False
return expected - self.margin < seen <= expected
def _usec_compares(self, usecs, expecteds):
"""Compare a usec value to a list of values and return True
if they are within a subtractive margin."""
for expected in expecteds:
if self._usec_compare(usecs, expected):
return True
return False
def display_binary(self, binary_str):
"""Display common representations of the suppied binary string."""
num = int(binary_str, 2)
bits = len(binary_str)
rev_binary_str = binary_str[::-1]
rev_num = int(rev_binary_str, 2)
self.output.write("\n Bits: %d\n"
" Hex: %s (MSB first)\n"
" %s (LSB first)\n"
" Dec: %s (MSB first)\n"
" %s (LSB first)\n"
" Bin: 0b%s (MSB first)\n"
" 0b%s (LSB first)\n" %
(bits, ("0x{0:0%dX}" % (bits / 4)).format(num),
("0x{0:0%dX}" % (bits / 4)).format(rev_num), num,
rev_num, binary_str, rev_binary_str))
def add_data_code(self, bin_str, name="", footer=True):
"""Add the common "data" sequence of code to send the bulk of a message."""
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
code = []
nbits = len(bin_str)
code.append(" // Data Section #%d" % self.section_count)
code.append(" // e.g. data = 0x%X, nbits = %d" % (int(bin_str, 2),
code.append(" sendData(k%sBitMark, k%sOneSpace, k%sBitMark, "
"k%sZeroSpace, send_data, %d, true);" %
(name, name, name, name, nbits))
code.append(" send_data >>= %d;" % nbits)
if footer:
code.append(" // Footer")
code.append(" mark(k%sBitMark);" % name)
return code
def add_data_decode_code(self, bin_str, name="", footer=True):
"""Add the common "data" sequence code to decode the bulk of a message."""
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
code = []
nbits = len(bin_str)
" // Data Section #%d" % self.section_count,
" // e.g. data_result.data = 0x%X, nbits = %d" % (int(bin_str, 2),
" data_result = matchData(&(results->rawbuf[offset]), %s," % nbits,
" k%sBitMark, k%sOneSpace," % (name, name),
" k%sBitMark, k%sZeroSpace);" % (name, name),
" offset += data_result.used;",
" if (data_result.success == false) return false; // Fail",
" data <<= %s; // Make room for the new bits of data." % nbits,
" data |= data_result.data;"])
if footer:
" // Footer",
" if (!matchMark(results->rawbuf[offset++], k%sBitMark))" % name,
" return false;"])
return code
def add_data_byte_code(self, bin_str, name="", ambles=None):
"""Add the code to send the data from an array."""
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
code = []
nbits = len(bin_str)
nbytes = nbits / 8
if ambles is None:
ambles = {}
firstmark = ambles.get("firstmark", 0)
firstspace = ambles.get("firstspace", 0)
lastmark = ambles.get("lastmark", "k%sBitMark" % name)
lastspace = ambles.get("lastspace", "kDefaultMessageGap")
" // Data Section #%d" % self.section_count)
if nbits % 8:
code.append(" // DANGER: Nr. of bits is not a multiple of 8. "
"This section won't work!")
" // e.g.",
" // bits = %d; bytes = %d;" % (nbits, nbytes),
" // *(data + pos) = {0x%s};" % (
", 0x".join("%02X" % int(bin_str[i:i + 8], 2)
for i in range(0, len(bin_str), 8))),
" sendGeneric(%s, %s," % (firstmark, firstspace),
" k%sBitMark, k%sOneSpace," % (name, name),
" k%sBitMark, k%sZeroSpace," % (name, name),
" %s, %s," % (lastmark, lastspace),
" data + pos, %d, // Bytes" % nbytes,
" k%sFreq, true, kNoRepeat, kDutyDefault);" % name,
" pos += %d; // Adjust by how many bytes of data we sent" % nbytes])
return code
def add_data_byte_decode_code(self, bin_str, name="", ambles=None):
"""Add the common byte-wise "data" sequence decode code."""
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
code = []
nbits = len(bin_str)
nbytes = nbits / 8
if nbits % 8:
code.append(" // WARNING: Nr. of bits is not a multiple of 8. "
"This section won't work!")
if ambles is None:
ambles = {}
firstmark = ambles.get("firstmark", 0)
firstspace = ambles.get("firstspace", 0)
lastmark = ambles.get("lastmark", "k%sBitMark" % name)
lastspace = ambles.get("lastspace", "kDefaultMessageGap")
" // Data Section #%d" % self.section_count,
" // e.g.",
" // bits = %d; bytes = %d;" % (nbits, nbytes),
" // *(results->state + pos) = {0x%s};" % (
", 0x".join("%02X" % int(bin_str[i:i + 8], 2)
for i in range(0, len(bin_str), 8))),
" used = matchGeneric(results->rawbuf + offset, results->state + pos,",
" results->rawlen - offset, %d," % nbits,
" %s, %s," % (firstmark, firstspace),
" k%sBitMark, k%sOneSpace," % (name, name),
" k%sBitMark, k%sZeroSpace," % (name, name),
" %s, %s, true);" % (lastmark, lastspace),
" if (used == 0) return false; // We failed to find any data.",
" offset += used; // Adjust for how much of the message we read.",
" pos += %d; // Adjust by how many bytes of data we read" % nbytes])
return code
def _calc_values(self):
"""Calculate the values which describe the standard timings
for the protocol."""
if self.verbose:
self.output.write("Potential Mark Candidates:\n"
"Potential Space Candidates:\n"
"%s\n" % (str(self.marks), str(self.spaces)))
# The bit mark is likely to be the smallest mark.
self.bit_mark = self.marks[-1]
if len(self.marks) > 2: # Possible leader mark?
self.ldr_mark = self.marks[0]
self.hdr_mark = self.marks[1]
elif len(self.marks) > 1: # At least two marks
# Largest mark is likely the kHdrMark
self.hdr_mark = self.marks[0]
# Probably no header mark.
self.hdr_mark = 0
if self.is_space_encoded() and len(self.spaces) >= 2:
if self.verbose and len(self.marks) > 2:
self.output.write("DANGER: Unusual number of mark timings!")
# We should have 3 space candidates at least.
# They should be: zero_space (smallest), one_space, & hdr_space (largest)
spaces = list(self.spaces)
if spaces:
self.zero_space = spaces.pop()
if spaces:
self.one_space = spaces.pop()
if spaces:
self.hdr_space = spaces.pop()
# Rest are probably message gaps
self.gaps = spaces
def is_space_encoded(self):
"""Make an educated guess if the message is space encoded."""
return len(self.spaces) > len(self.marks)
def is_ldr_mark(self, usec):
"""Is usec the leader mark?"""
if self.ldr_mark is None:
return False
return self._usec_compare(usec, self.ldr_mark)
def is_hdr_mark(self, usec):
"""Is usec the header mark?"""
return self._usec_compare(usec, self.hdr_mark)
def is_hdr_space(self, usec):
"""Is usec the header space?"""
return self._usec_compare(usec, self.hdr_space)
def is_bit_mark(self, usec):
"""Is usec the bit mark?"""
return self._usec_compare(usec, self.bit_mark)
def is_one_space(self, usec):
"""Is usec the one space?"""
return self._usec_compare(usec, self.one_space)
def is_zero_space(self, usec):
"""Is usec the zero_space?"""
return self._usec_compare(usec, self.zero_space)
def is_gap(self, usec):
"""Is usec the a space gap?"""
return self._usec_compares(usec, self.gaps)
def avg_list(items):
"""Return the average of a list of numbers."""
if items:
return int(sum(items) / len(items))
return 0
def add_bit(so_far, bit, output=sys.stdout):
"""Add a bit to the end of the bits collected so far."""
if bit == "reset":
return ""
output.write(str(bit)) # This effectively displays in LSB first order.
return so_far + str(bit) # Storing it in MSB first order.
def convert_rawdata(data_str):
"""Parse a C++ rawdata declaration into a list of values."""
start = data_str.find('{')
end = data_str.find('}')
if end == -1:
end = len(data_str)
if start > end:
raise ValueError("Raw Data not parsible due to parentheses placement.")
data_str = data_str[start + 1:end]
results = []
for timing in [x.strip() for x in data_str.split(',')]:
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
"Raw Data contains a non-numeric value of '%s'." % timing)
return results
def dump_constants(message, defines, name="", output=sys.stdout):
"""Dump the key constants and generate the C++ #defines."""
ldr_mark = None
hdr_mark = 0
hdr_space = 0
if message.ldr_mark is not None:
ldr_mark = avg_list(message.mark_buckets[message.ldr_mark])
if message.hdr_mark != 0:
hdr_mark = avg_list(message.mark_buckets[message.hdr_mark])
bit_mark = avg_list(message.mark_buckets[message.bit_mark])
if message.hdr_space is not None:
hdr_space = avg_list(message.space_buckets[message.hdr_space])
one_space = avg_list(message.space_buckets[message.one_space])
zero_space = avg_list(message.space_buckets[message.zero_space])
output.write("Guessing key value:\n"
"k%sHdrMark = %d\n"
"k%sHdrSpace = %d\n"
"k%sBitMark = %d\n"
"k%sOneSpace = %d\n"
"k%sZeroSpace = %d\n" % (name, hdr_mark, name, hdr_space,
name, bit_mark, name, one_space,
name, zero_space))
defines.append("const uint16_t k%sHdrMark = %d;" % (name, hdr_mark))
defines.append("const uint16_t k%sBitMark = %d;" % (name, bit_mark))
defines.append("const uint16_t k%sHdrSpace = %d;" % (name, hdr_space))
defines.append("const uint16_t k%sOneSpace = %d;" % (name, one_space))
defines.append("const uint16_t k%sZeroSpace = %d;" % (name, zero_space))
if ldr_mark:
output.write("k%sLdrMark = %d\n" % (name, ldr_mark))
defines.append("const uint16_t k%sLdrMark = %d;" % (name, ldr_mark))
avg_gaps = [avg_list(message.space_buckets[x]) for x in message.gaps]
if len(message.gaps) == 1:
output.write("k%sSpaceGap = %d\n" % (name, avg_gaps[0]))
defines.append("const uint16_t k%sSpaceGap = %d;" % (name, avg_gaps[0]))
count = 0
for gap in avg_gaps:
# We probably (still) have a gap in the protocol.
count = count + 1
output.write("k%sSpaceGap%d = %d\n" % (name, count, gap))
defines.append("const uint16_t k%sSpaceGap%d = %d;" % (name, count, gap))
defines.append("const uint16_t k%sFreq = 38000; "
"// Hz. (Guessing the most common frequency.)" % name)
def parse_and_report(rawdata_str, margin, gen_code=False, name="",
"""Analyse the rawdata c++ definition of a IR message."""
defines = []
code = {}
code["sendcomhead"] = []
code["send"] = []
code["send64+"] = []
code["sendcomfoot"] = []
code["recvcomhead"] = []
code["recv"] = []
code["recv64+"] = []
code["recvcomfoot"] = []
# Parse the input.
rawdata = convert_rawdata(rawdata_str)
output.write("Found %d timing entries.\n" % len(rawdata))
message = RawIRMessage(margin, rawdata, output)
output.write("\nGuessing encoding type:\n")
if message.is_space_encoded():
output.write("Looks like it uses space encoding. Yay!\n\n")
dump_constants(message, defines, name, output)
output.write("Sorry, it looks like it is Mark encoded. "
"I can't do that yet. Exiting.\n")
total_bits = decode_data(message, defines, code, name, output)
if gen_code:
generate_code(defines, code, total_bits, name, output)
def decode_data(message, defines, code, name="", output=sys.stdout):
"""Decode the data sequence with the given values in mind."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements
# Now we have likely candidates for the key values, go through the original
# sequence and break it up and indicate accordingly.
output.write("\nDecoding protocol based on analysis so far:\n\n")
state = ""
code_info = {}
count = 1
total_bits = ""
binary_value = binary64_value = add_bit("", "reset")
if name:
def_name = name
def_name = "TBD"
"#if SEND_%s" % def_name.upper(),
"/// Send a %s formatted message." % name,
"/// Status: ALPHA / Untested."])
"/// @param[in] data containing the IR command.",
"/// @param[in] nbits Nr. of bits to send. usually k%sBits" % name,
"/// @param[in] repeat Nr. of times the message is to be repeated.",
"void IRsend::send%s(const uint64_t data, const uint16_t"
" nbits, const uint16_t repeat) {" % def_name,
" enableIROut(k%sFreq);" % name,
" for (uint16_t r = 0; r <= repeat; r++) {",
" uint64_t send_data = data;"])
"/// @param[in] data An array of bytes containing the IR command.",
"/// It is assumed to be in MSB order for this code.",
"/// e.g.",
"/// @code",
"/// @endcode",
"/// @param[in] nbytes Nr. of bytes of data in the array."
" (>=k%sStateLength)" % name,
"/// @param[in] repeat Nr. of times the message is to be repeated.",
"void IRsend::send%s(const uint8_t data[], const uint16_t nbytes,"
" const uint16_t repeat) {" % def_name,
" for (uint16_t r = 0; r <= repeat; r++) {",
" uint16_t pos = 0;"])
" }",
"#endif // SEND_%s" % def_name.upper()])
"#if DECODE_%s" % def_name.upper(),
"/// Decode the supplied %s message." % name,
"/// Status: ALPHA / Untested.",
"/// @param[in,out] results Ptr to the data to decode &"
" where to store the decode",
"/// @param[in] offset The starting index to use when"
" attempting to decode the",
"/// raw data. Typically/Defaults to kStartOffset.",
"/// @param[in] nbits The number of data bits to expect.",
"/// @param[in] strict Flag indicating if we should perform strict"
" matching.",
"/// @return A boolean. True if it can decode it, false if it can't.",
"bool IRrecv::decode%s(decode_results *results, uint16_t offset,"
" const uint16_t nbits, const bool strict) {" % def_name,
" if (results->rawlen < 2 * nbits + k%sOverhead - offset)" % name,
" return false; // Too short a message to match.",
" if (strict && nbits != k%sBits)" % name,
" return false;",
" uint64_t data = 0;",
" match_result_t data_result;"])
" uint16_t pos = 0;",
" uint16_t used = 0;"])
" return true;",
"#endif // DECODE_%s" % def_name.upper()])
# states are:
# HM: Header/Leader mark
# HS: Header space
# BM: Bit mark
# BS: Bit space
# GS: Gap space
# UNK: Unknown state.
for usec in message.timings:
# Handle header/leader marks.
if ((message.is_hdr_mark(usec) or message.is_ldr_mark(usec)) and
count % 2 and not message.is_bit_mark(usec)):
state = "HM"
if message.is_hdr_mark(usec):
mark_type = "H" # Header
mark_type = "L" # Leader
if binary_value:
code["send"].extend(message.add_data_code(binary_value, name, False))
code["recv"].extend(message.add_data_decode_code(binary_value, name,
message.section_count = message.section_count + 1
code_info["lastmark"] = "k%s%sdrMark" % (name, mark_type)
total_bits = total_bits + binary_value
code_info["firstmark"] = "k%s%sdrMark" % (name, mark_type)
binary_value = add_bit(binary_value, "reset")
output.write("k%s%sdrMark+" % (name, mark_type))
code["send"].extend([" // %seader" % mark_type,
" mark(k%s%sdrMark);" % (name, mark_type)])
" // %seader" % mark_type,
" if (!matchMark(results->rawbuf[offset++], k%s%sdrMark))" % (
name, mark_type),
" return false;"])
# Handle header spaces.
elif message.is_hdr_space(usec) and not message.is_one_space(usec):
if binary64_value:
code_info["lastspace"] = "k%sHdrSpace" % name
message.section_count = message.section_count - 1
code["send64+"].extend(message.add_data_byte_code(binary64_value, name,
binary64_value = binary_value
message.section_count = message.section_count + 1
if state != "HM":
if binary_value: # If we we are in a header and we have data, add it.
total_bits = total_bits + binary_value
code["send"].extend(message.add_data_code(binary_value, name))
code["recv"].extend(message.add_data_decode_code(binary_value, name))
code_info["lastspace"] = "k%sHdrSpace" % name
message.section_count = message.section_count + 1
binary_value = binary64_value = add_bit(binary_value, "reset")
state = "HS"
output.write("k%sHdrSpace+" % name)
code["send"].append(" space(k%sHdrSpace);" % name)
" if (!matchSpace(results->rawbuf[offset++], k%sHdrSpace))" % name,
" return false;"])
code_info["firstspace"] = "k%sHdrSpace" % name
# Handle bit marks.
elif message.is_bit_mark(usec) and count % 2:
if state not in ("HS", "BS"):
output.write("k%sBitMark(UNEXPECTED)" % name)
state = "BM"
# Handle "zero" spaces
elif message.is_zero_space(usec):
if state != "BM":
output.write("k%sZeroSpace(UNEXPECTED)" % name)
state = "BS"
binary_value = binary64_value = add_bit(binary_value, 0, output)
# Handle "one" spaces
elif message.is_one_space(usec):
if state != "BM":
output.write("k%sOneSpace(UNEXPECTED)" % name)
state = "BS"
binary_value = binary64_value = add_bit(binary_value, 1, output)
elif message.is_gap(usec):
if state != "BM":
output.write("GAP(%d)" % usec)
code_info["lastspace"] = "k%sSpaceGap" % name
if binary64_value:
code["send64+"].extend(message.add_data_byte_code(binary64_value, name,
if binary_value:
code["send"].extend(message.add_data_code(binary_value, name))
code["recv"].extend(message.add_data_decode_code(binary_value, name))
message.section_count = message.section_count + 1
" // Gap"])
code["send"].extend([" // Gap"])
if state == "BM":
code["send"].extend([" mark(k%sBitMark);" % name])
" if (!matchMark(results->rawbuf[offset++], k%sBitMark))" % name,
" return false;"])
code["send"].append(" space(k%sSpaceGap);" % name)
" if (!matchSpace(results->rawbuf[offset++], k%sSpaceGap))" % name,
" return false;"])
total_bits = total_bits + binary_value
binary_value = binary64_value = add_bit(binary_value, "reset")
state = "GS"
output.write("UNKNOWN(%d)" % usec)
state = "UNK"
count = count + 1
if binary64_value:
code["send64+"].extend(message.add_data_byte_code(binary64_value, name,
name, code_info))
if binary_value:
code["send"].extend(message.add_data_code(binary_value, name))
code["recv"].extend(message.add_data_decode_code(binary_value, name))
message.section_count = message.section_count + 1
" space(kDefaultMessageGap); // A 100% made up guess of the gap"
" between messages."])
" // Success",
" results->decode_type = decode_type_t::%s;" % def_name.upper(),
" results->bits = nbits;",
" results->value = data;",
" results->command = 0;",
" results->address = 0;"])
" // Success",
" results->decode_type = decode_type_t::%s;" % def_name.upper(),
" results->bits = nbits;"])
total_bits = total_bits + binary_value
output.write("\nTotal Nr. of suspected bits: %d\n" % len(total_bits))
defines.append("const uint16_t k%sBits = %d;"
" // Move to IRremoteESP8266.h" % (name, len(total_bits)))
if len(total_bits) > 64:
defines.append("const uint16_t k%sStateLength = %d;"
" // Move to IRremoteESP8266.h" %
(name, len(total_bits) / 8))
defines.append("const uint16_t k%sOverhead = %d;" %
(name, message.rawlen - 2 * len(total_bits)))
return total_bits
def generate_code(defines, code, bits_str, name="", output=sys.stdout):
"""Output the estimated C++ code to reproduce & decode the IR message."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
if name:
def_name = name
def_name = "TBD"
output.write("\nGenerating a VERY rough code outline:\n\n"
"// Copyright 2020 David Conran (crankyoldgit)\n"
"/// @file\n"
"/// @brief Support for %s protocol\n\n"
"// Supports:\n"
"// Brand: %s, Model: TODO add device and remote\n\n"
'#include "IRrecv.h"\n'
'#include "IRsend.h"\n'
'#include "IRutils.h"\n\n'
"// WARNING: This probably isn't directly usable."
" It's a guide only.\n\n"
"// See https://github.com/crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266/wiki/"
"// for details of how to include this in the library."
"\n" % (def_name, def_name))
for line in defines:
output.write("%s\n" % line)
if len(bits_str) > 64: # Will it fit in a uint64_t?
output.write("// DANGER: More than 64 bits detected. A uint64_t for "
"'data' won't work!\n")
# Display the "normal" version's send code incase there are some
# oddities in it.
for line in code["sendcomhead"] + code["send"] + code["sendcomfoot"]:
if line == SAFE64NOTE:
line = "// Function should be safe up to 64 bits."
output.write("%s\n" % line)
if len(bits_str) > 64: # Will it fit in a uint64_t?
for line in code["sendcomhead"] + code["send64+"] + code["sendcomfoot"]:
if line == SAFE64NOTE:
line = "// Alternative >64bit function to send %s messages\n" % \
def_name.upper() + "// Function should be safe over 64 bits."
elif line == CODEGEN:
line = "/// uint8_t data[k%sStateLength] = {0x%s};" % (
name, ", 0x".join("%02X" % int(bits_str[i:i + 8], 2)
for i in range(0, len(bits_str), 8)))
output.write("%s\n" % line)
if len(bits_str) > 64: # Will it fit in a uint64_t?
output.write("\n// DANGER: More than 64 bits detected. A uint64_t for "
"'data' won't work!")
# Display the "normal" version's decode code incase there are some
# oddities in it.
for line in code["recvcomhead"] + code["recv"] + code["recvcomfoot"]:
if line == SAFE64NOTE:
line = "// Function should be safe up to 64 bits."
output.write("%s\n" % line)
# Display the > 64bit version's decode code
if len(bits_str) > 64: # Is it too big for a uint64_t?
if len(bits_str) % 8:
output.write("\n// WARNING: Data is not a multiple of bytes. "
"This won't work!\n")
for line in code["recvcomhead"] + code["recv64+"] + code["recvcomfoot"]:
if line == SAFE64NOTE:
line = "// Function should be safe over 64 bits."
output.write("%s\n" % line)
def add_rawdata_args(parser):
"""Add the arguments for feeding in the rawdata string(s)."""
arg_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
help="A rawData line from IRrecvDumpV2+. e.g. 'uint16_t rawbuf[37] = {"
"7930, 3952, 494, 1482, 520, 1482, 494, 1508, 494, 520, 494, 1482, 494, "
"520, 494, 1482, 494, 1482, 494, 3978, 494, 520, 494, 520, 494, 520, "
"494, 520, 520, 520, 494, 520, 494, 520, 494, 520, 494};'",
"-f", "--file", help="Read in a rawData line from the file.")
help="Read in a rawData line from STDIN.",
def get_rawdata(arg_options):
"""Return the rawdata string(s) as per the options."""
if arg_options.stdin:
return sys.stdin.read()
if arg_options.file:
with open(arg_options.file) as input_file:
return input_file.read()
return arg_options.rawdata
def main():
"""Parse the commandline arguments and call the method."""
arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Read an IRremoteESP8266 rawData declaration and tries to "
"analyse it.",
help="Generate a C++ code outline to aid making an IRsend function.")
help="Name of the protocol/device to use in code generation. E.g. Onkyo",
help="Max number of micro-seconds difference between values to consider"
" it the same value.",
arg_options = arg_parser.parse_args()
raw_data = get_rawdata(arg_options).strip()
if not raw_data:
sys.stderr.write("error: no rawdata content\n")
parse_and_report(raw_data, arg_options.margin,
arg_options.gen_code, arg_options.name)
if __name__ == '__main__':