
1924 lines
102 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
decode-config.py - Decode configuration of Sonoff-Tasmota device
Copyright (C) 2018 Norbert Richter <nr@prsolution.eu>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- Python
- pip json pycurl urllib2 configargparse
Execute command with option -d to retrieve config data from device or
use -f to read out a previously saved configuration file.
For help execute command with argument -h
decode-config.py [-h] [-f <filename>] [-d <devicename or IP address>]
[-u <user>] [-p <password>] [--format <word>]
[--sort <word>] [--raw] [--unhide-pw] [-o <filename>]
[-c <filename>] [-V]
Decode configuration of Sonoff-Tasmota device. Args that start with '--' (eg.
-f) can also be set in a config file (specified via -c). Config file syntax
allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see syntax at
https://goo.gl/R74nmi). If an arg is specified in more than one place, then
commandline values override config file values which override defaults.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c <filename>, --config <filename>
Config file, can be used instead of command parameter
(defaults to None)
-f <filename>, --file <filename>
file to retrieve Tasmota configuration from (default:
-d <devicename or IP address>, --device <devicename or IP address>
device to retrieve configuration from (default: None)
-u <user>, --username <user>
for -d usage: http access username (default: admin)
-p <password>, --password <password>
for -d usage: http access password (default: None)
--format <word> output format ("json" or "text", default: "json")
--sort <word> sort result - <word> can be "none" or "name" (default:
--raw output raw values (default: processed)
--unhide-pw unhide passwords (default: hide)
-o <filename>, --output-file <filename>
file to store decrypted raw binary configuration to
(default: None)
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
Note: Either argument -d <device> or -f <tasmotafile> must be given.
Read configuration from hostname 'sonoff1' and output default json config
./decode-config.py -d sonoff1
Read configuration from file 'Config__6.2.1.dmp' and output default json config
./decode-config.py -f Config__6.2.1.dmp
Read configuration from hostname 'sonoff1' using web login data
./decode-config.py -d sonoff1 -u admin -p xxxx
Read configuration from hostname 'sonoff1' using web login data and unhide passwords
./decode-config.py -d sonoff1 -u admin -p xxxx --unhide-pw
Read configuration from hostname 'sonoff1' using web login data, unhide passwords
and sort key names
./decode-config.py -d sonoff1 -u admin -p xxxx --unhide-pw --sort name
import os.path
import io
import sys
import configargparse
import collections
import struct
import re
import json
import pycurl
except ImportError:
print("module <pycurl> not found. Try 'pip pycurl' to install it")
import urllib2
except ImportError:
print("module <urllib2> not found. Try 'pip urllib2' to install it")
VER = '1.5.0008'
PROG='{} v{} by Norbert Richter'.format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),VER)
args = {}
'configfile': None,
'device': None,
'username': 'admin',
'password': None,
'tasmotafile': None,
'format': 'json',
'sort': 'name',
'raw': False,
'unhide-pw': False,
'outputfile': None,
Settings dictionary describes the config file fields definition:
Each setting name has a tuple containing the following items:
(format, baseaddr, datadef, <convert>)
Define the data interpretation.
For details see struct module format string
The address (starting from 0) within config data
Define the field interpretation different from simple
standard types (like char, byte, int) e. g. lists or bit fields
Can be None, a single integer, a list or a dictionary
None must be given if the field contains a simple value
desrcibed by the <format> prefix
Same as [n] below
Defines a one-dimensional array of size <n>
[n, n <,n...>]
Defines a multi-dimensional array
[{} <,{}...]
Defines a bit struct. The items are simply dict
{'bitname', bitlen}, the dict order is important.
convert (optional)
Define an output/conversion methode, can be a simple string
or a previously defined function name.
a string defines a format specification of the string
formatter, see
a function defines the name of a formating function
# config data conversion function and helper
def baudrate(value):
return value * 1200
def int2ip(value):
return '{:d}.{:d}.{:d}.{:d}'.format(value & 0xff, value>>8 & 0xff, value>>16 & 0xff, value>>24 & 0xff)
def int2geo(value):
return float(value) / 1000000
def password(value):
if args.unhidepw:
return value
return '********'
def fingerprintstr(value):
s = list(value)
result = ''
for c in s:
if c in '0123456789abcdefABCDEF':
result += c
return result
Setting_6_2_1 = {
'cfg_holder': ('<H', 0x000, None),
'cfg_size': ('<H', 0x002, None),
'save_flag': ('<L', 0x004, None),
'version': ('<L', 0x008, None, '0x{:x}'),
'bootcount': ('<H', 0x00C, None),
'cfg_crc': ('<H', 0x00E, None),
'flag': ('<L', 0x010, [
{'save_state': 1},
{'button_restrict': 1},
{'value_units': 1},
{'mqtt_enabled': 1},
{'mqtt_response': 1},
{'mqtt_power_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_button_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_switch_retain': 1},
{'temperature_conversion': 1},
{'mqtt_sensor_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_offline': 1},
{'button_swap': 1},
{'stop_flash_rotate': 1},
{'button_single': 1},
{'interlock': 1},
{'pwm_control': 1},
{'ws_clock_reverse': 1},
{'decimal_text': 1},
{'light_signal': 1},
{'hass_discovery': 1},
{'not_power_linked': 1},
{'no_power_on_check': 1},
{'mqtt_serial': 1},
{'rules_enabled': 1},
{'rules_once': 1},
{'knx_enabled': 1},
{'device_index_enable': 1},
{'knx_enable_enhancement': 1},
{'rf_receive_decimal': 1},
{'ir_receive_decimal': 1},
{'hass_light': 1},
{'global_state': 1}
], '0x{:08x}'),
'save_data': ('<h', 0x014, None),
'timezone': ('b', 0x016, None),
'ota_url': ('101s',0x017, None),
'mqtt_prefix': ('11s', 0x07C, [3]),
'baudrate': ('B', 0x09D, None, baudrate),
'seriallog_level': ('B', 0x09E, None),
'sta_config': ('B', 0x09F, None),
'sta_active': ('B', 0x0A0, None),
'sta_ssid': ('33s', 0x0A1, [2]),
'sta_pwd': ('65s', 0x0E3, [2], password),
'hostname': ('33s', 0x165, None),
'syslog_host': ('33s', 0x186, None),
'rule_stop': ('B', 0x1A7, None),
'syslog_port': ('<H', 0x1A8, None),
'syslog_level': ('B', 0x1AA, None),
'webserver': ('B', 0x1AB, None),
'weblog_level': ('B', 0x1AC, None),
'mqtt_fingerprint': ('20s', 0x1AD, [2], fingerprintstr),
'mqtt_host': ('33s', 0x1E9, None),
'mqtt_port': ('<H', 0x20A, None),
'mqtt_client': ('33s', 0x20C, None),
'mqtt_user': ('33s', 0x22D, None),
'mqtt_pwd': ('33s', 0x24E, None, password),
'mqtt_topic': ('33s', 0x26F, None),
'button_topic': ('33s', 0x290, None),
'mqtt_grptopic': ('33s', 0x2B1, None),
'display_model': ('B', 0x2D2, None),
'display_mode': ('B', 0x2D3, None),
'display_refresh': ('B', 0x2D4, None),
'display_rows': ('B', 0x2D5, None),
'display_cols': ('B', 0x2D6, [2]),
'display_address': ('B', 0x2D8, [8]),
'display_dimmer': ('B', 0x2E0, None),
'display_size': ('B', 0x2E1, None),
'tflag': ('<H', 0x2E2, [2]),
'pwm_frequency': ('<H', 0x2E6, None),
'power': ('<L', 0x2E8, [
{'Power1': 1},
{'Power2': 1},
{'Power3': 1},
{'Power4': 1},
{'Power5': 1},
{'Power6': 1},
{'Power7': 1},
{'Power8': 1}
], '0x{:02x}'),
'pwm_value': ('<H', 0x2EC, [5]),
'altitude': ('<h', 0x2F6, None),
'tele_period': ('<H', 0x2F8, None),
'display_rotate': ('B', 0x2FA, None),
'ledstate': ('B', 0x2FB, None),
'param': ('B', 0x2FC, [18]),
'toffset': ('<h', 0x30E, [2]),
'display_font': ('B', 0x312, None),
'state_text': ('11s', 0x313, [4]),
'energy_power_delta': ('B', 0x33F, None),
'domoticz_update_timer': ('<H', 0x340, None),
'pwm_range': ('<H', 0x342, None),
'domoticz_relay_idx': ('<L', 0x344, [4]),
'domoticz_key_idx': ('<L', 0x354, [4]),
'energy_power_calibration': ('<L', 0x364, None),
'energy_voltage_calibration': ('<L', 0x368, None),
'energy_current_calibration': ('<L', 0x36C, None),
'energy_kWhtoday': ('<L', 0x370, None),
'energy_kWhyesterday': ('<L', 0x374, None),
'energy_kWhdoy': ('<H', 0x378, None),
'energy_min_power': ('<H', 0x37A, None),
'energy_max_power': ('<H', 0x37C, None),
'energy_min_voltage': ('<H', 0x37E, None),
'energy_max_voltage': ('<H', 0x380, None),
'energy_min_current': ('<H', 0x382, None),
'energy_max_current': ('<H', 0x384, None),
'energy_max_power_limit': ('<H', 0x386, None),
'energy_max_power_limit_hold': ('<H', 0x388, None),
'energy_max_power_limit_window': ('<H', 0x38A, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit': ('<H', 0x38C, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit_hold': ('<H', 0x38E, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit_window': ('<H', 0x390, None),
'energy_max_energy': ('<H', 0x392, None),
'energy_max_energy_start': ('<H', 0x394, None),
'mqtt_retry': ('<H', 0x396, None),
'poweronstate': ('B', 0x398, None),
'last_module': ('B', 0x399, None),
'blinktime': ('<H', 0x39A, None),
'blinkcount': ('<H', 0x39C, None),
'light_rotation': ('<H', 0x39E, None),
'flag3': ('<L', 0x3A0, [
{'timers_enable': 1},
{'user_esp8285_enable': 1},
{'time_append_timezone': 1}
], '0x{:08x}'),
'switchmode': ('B', 0x3A4, [8]),
'friendlyname': ('33s', 0x3AC, [4]),
'switch_topic': ('33s', 0x430, None),
'serial_delimiter': ('b', 0x451, None),
'sbaudrate': ('B', 0x452, None),
'sleep': ('B', 0x453, None),
'domoticz_switch_idx': ('<H', 0x454, [4]),
'domoticz_sensor_idx': ('<H', 0x45C, [12]),
'module': ('B', 0x474, None),
'ws_color': ('B', 0x475, [4,3]),
'ws_width': ('B', 0x481, [3]),
'my_gp': ('B', 0x484, [18]),
'light_pixels': ('<H', 0x496, None),
'light_color': ('B', 0x498, [5]),
'light_correction': ('B', 0x49D, None),
'light_dimmer': ('B', 0x49E, None),
'rule_enabled': ('B', 0x49F, None),
'rule_once': ('B', 0x4A0, None),
'light_fade': ('B', 0x4A1, None),
'light_speed': ('B', 0x4A2, None),
'light_scheme': ('B', 0x4A3, None),
'light_width': ('B', 0x4A4, None),
'knx_GA_registered': ('B', 0x4A5, None),
'light_wakeup': ('<H', 0x4A6, None),
'knx_CB_registered': ('B', 0x4A8, None),
'web_password': ('33s', 0x4A9, None, password),
'ntp_server': ('33s', 0x4CE, [3]),
'ina219_mode': ('B', 0x531, None),
'pulse_timer': ('<H', 0x532, [8]),
'button_debounce': ('<H', 0x542, None),
'ip_address': ('<L', 0x544, [4], int2ip),
'energy_kWhtotal': ('<L', 0x554, None),
'mqtt_fulltopic': ('100s',0x558, None),
'flag2': ('<L', 0x5BC, [
{'spare': 11},
{'frequency_resolution': 2},
{'axis_resolution': 2},
{'current_resolution': 2},
{'voltage_resolution': 2},
{'wattage_resolution': 2},
{'emulation': 2},
{'energy_resolution': 3},
{'pressure_resolution': 2},
{'humidity_resolution': 2},
{'temperature_resolution': 2}
], '0x{:08x}'),
'pulse_counter': ('<L', 0x5C0, [4]),
'pulse_counter_type': ('<H', 0x5D0, None),
'pulse_counter_debounce': ('<H', 0x5D2, None),
'rf_code': ('B', 0x5D4, [17,9], '0x{:02x}'),
'switch_debounce': ('<H', 0x66E, None),
'timer': ('<L', 0x670, [16]),
'latitude': ('i', 0x6B0, None, int2geo),
'longitude': ('i', 0x6B4, None, int2geo),
'knx_physsical_addr': ('<H', 0x6B8, None),
'knx_GA_addr': ('<H', 0x6BA, [10]),
'knx_CB_addr': ('<H', 0x6CE, [10]),
'knx_GA_param': ('B', 0x6E2, [10]),
'knx_CB_param': ('B', 0x6EC, [10]),
'mcp230xx_config': ('<H', 0x6F6, [16]),
'mcp230xx_int_prio': ('B', 0x716, None),
'mcp230xx_int_timer': ('<H', 0x718, None),
'mems': ('10s', 0x7CE, [5]),
'rules': ('512s',0x800, [3])
Setting_6_1_1 = {
'cfg_holder': ('<H', 0x000, None),
'cfg_size': ('<H', 0x002, None),
'save_flag': ('<L', 0x004, None),
'version': ('<L', 0x008, None, '0x{:x}'),
'bootcount': ('<H', 0x00C, None),
'cfg_crc': ('<H', 0x00E, None),
'flag': ('<L', 0x010, [
{'save_state': 1},
{'button_restrict': 1},
{'value_units': 1},
{'mqtt_enabled': 1},
{'mqtt_response': 1},
{'mqtt_power_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_button_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_switch_retain': 1},
{'temperature_conversion': 1},
{'mqtt_sensor_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_offline': 1},
{'button_swap': 1},
{'stop_flash_rotate': 1},
{'button_single': 1},
{'interlock': 1},
{'pwm_control': 1},
{'ws_clock_reverse': 1},
{'decimal_text': 1},
{'light_signal': 1},
{'hass_discovery': 1},
{'not_power_linked': 1},
{'no_power_on_check': 1},
{'mqtt_serial': 1},
{'rules_enabled': 1},
{'rules_once': 1},
{'knx_enabled': 1},
{'device_index_enable': 1},
{'knx_enable_enhancement': 1},
{'rf_receive_decimal': 1},
{'ir_receive_decimal': 1},
{'hass_light': 1},
], '0x{:08x}'),
'save_data': ('<h', 0x014, None),
'timezone': ('b', 0x016, None),
'ota_url': ('101s',0x017, None),
'mqtt_prefix': ('11s', 0x07C, [3]),
'baudrate': ('B', 0x09D, None, baudrate),
'seriallog_level': ('B', 0x09E, None),
'sta_config': ('B', 0x09F, None),
'sta_active': ('B', 0x0A0, None),
'sta_ssid': ('33s', 0x0A1, [2]),
'sta_pwd': ('65s', 0x0E3, [2], password),
'hostname': ('33s', 0x165, None),
'syslog_host': ('33s', 0x186, None),
'syslog_port': ('<H', 0x1A8, None),
'syslog_level': ('B', 0x1AA, None),
'webserver': ('B', 0x1AB, None),
'weblog_level': ('B', 0x1AC, None),
'mqtt_fingerprint': ('20s', 0x1AD, [2]),
'mqtt_host': ('33s', 0x1E9, None),
'mqtt_port': ('<H', 0x20A, None),
'mqtt_client': ('33s', 0x20C, None),
'mqtt_user': ('33s', 0x22D, None),
'mqtt_pwd': ('33s', 0x24E, None, password),
'mqtt_topic': ('33s', 0x26F, None),
'button_topic': ('33s', 0x290, None),
'mqtt_grptopic': ('33s', 0x2B1, None),
'display_model': ('B', 0x2D2, None),
'display_mode': ('B', 0x2D3, None),
'display_refresh': ('B', 0x2D4, None),
'display_rows': ('B', 0x2D5, None),
'display_cols': ('B', 0x2D6, [2]),
'display_address': ('B', 0x2D8, [8]),
'display_dimmer': ('B', 0x2E0, None),
'display_size': ('B', 0x2E1, None),
'tflag': ('<H', 0x2E2, [2]),
'pwm_frequency': ('<H', 0x2E6, None),
'power': ('<L', 0x2E8, [
{'Power1': 1},
{'Power2': 1},
{'Power3': 1},
{'Power4': 1},
{'Power5': 1},
{'Power6': 1},
{'Power7': 1},
{'Power8': 1}
], '0x{:02x}'),
'pwm_value': ('<H', 0x2EC, [5]),
'altitude': ('<h', 0x2F6, None),
'tele_period': ('<H', 0x2F8, None),
'ledstate': ('B', 0x2FB, None),
'param': ('B', 0x2FC, [18]),
'toffset': ('<h', 0x30E, [2]),
'state_text': ('11s', 0x313, [4]),
'energy_power_delta': ('B', 0x33F, None),
'domoticz_update_timer': ('<H', 0x340, None),
'pwm_range': ('<H', 0x342, None),
'domoticz_relay_idx': ('<L', 0x344, [4]),
'domoticz_key_idx': ('<L', 0x354, [4]),
'energy_power_calibration': ('<L', 0x364, None),
'energy_voltage_calibration': ('<L', 0x368, None),
'energy_current_calibration': ('<L', 0x36C, None),
'energy_kWhtoday': ('<L', 0x370, None),
'energy_kWhyesterday': ('<L', 0x374, None),
'energy_kWhdoy': ('<H', 0x378, None),
'energy_min_power': ('<H', 0x37A, None),
'energy_max_power': ('<H', 0x37C, None),
'energy_min_voltage': ('<H', 0x37E, None),
'energy_max_voltage': ('<H', 0x380, None),
'energy_min_current': ('<H', 0x382, None),
'energy_max_current': ('<H', 0x384, None),
'energy_max_power_limit': ('<H', 0x386, None),
'energy_max_power_limit_hold': ('<H', 0x388, None),
'energy_max_power_limit_window': ('<H', 0x38A, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit': ('<H', 0x38C, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit_hold': ('<H', 0x38E, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit_window': ('<H', 0x390, None),
'energy_max_energy': ('<H', 0x392, None),
'energy_max_energy_start': ('<H', 0x394, None),
'mqtt_retry': ('<H', 0x396, None),
'poweronstate': ('B', 0x398, None),
'last_module': ('B', 0x399, None),
'blinktime': ('<H', 0x39A, None),
'blinkcount': ('<H', 0x39C, None),
'light_rotation': ('<H', 0x39E, None),
'flag3': ('<L', 0x3A0, None),
'switchmode': ('B', 0x3A4, [8]),
'friendlyname': ('33s', 0x3AC, [4]),
'switch_topic': ('33s', 0x430, None),
'serial_delimiter': ('b', 0x451, None),
'sbaudrate': ('B', 0x452, None),
'sleep': ('B', 0x453, None),
'domoticz_switch_idx': ('<H', 0x454, [4]),
'domoticz_sensor_idx': ('<H', 0x45C, [12]),
'module': ('B', 0x474, None),
'ws_color': ('B', 0x475, [4,3]),
'ws_width': ('B', 0x481, [3]),
'my_gp': ('B', 0x484, [18]),
'light_pixels': ('<H', 0x496, None),
'light_color': ('B', 0x498, [5]),
'light_correction': ('B', 0x49D, None),
'light_dimmer': ('B', 0x49E, None),
'rule_enabled': ('B', 0x49F, None),
'rule_once': ('B', 0x4A0, None),
'light_fade': ('B', 0x4A1, None),
'light_speed': ('B', 0x4A2, None),
'light_scheme': ('B', 0x4A3, None),
'light_width': ('B', 0x4A4, None),
'knx_GA_registered': ('B', 0x4A5, None),
'light_wakeup': ('<H', 0x4A6, None),
'knx_CB_registered': ('B', 0x4A8, None),
'web_password': ('33s', 0x4A9, None, password),
'ntp_server': ('33s', 0x4CE, [3]),
'ina219_mode': ('B', 0x531, None),
'pulse_timer': ('<H', 0x532, [8]),
'ip_address': ('<L', 0x544, [4], int2ip),
'energy_kWhtotal': ('<L', 0x554, None),
'mqtt_fulltopic': ('100s',0x558, None),
'flag2': ('<L', 0x5BC, [
{'spare': 15},
{'current_resolution': 2},
{'voltage_resolution': 2},
{'wattage_resolution': 2},
{'emulation': 2},
{'energy_resolution': 3},
{'pressure_resolution': 2},
{'humidity_resolution': 2},
{'temperature_resolution': 2}
], '0x{:08x}'),
'pulse_counter': ('<L', 0x5C0, [4]),
'pulse_counter_type': ('<H', 0x5D0, None),
'pulse_counter_debounce': ('<H', 0x5D2, None),
'rf_code': ('B', 0x5D4, [17,9], '0x{:02x}'),
'timer': ('<L', 0x670, [16]),
'latitude': ('i', 0x6B0, None, int2geo),
'longitude': ('i', 0x6B4, None, int2geo),
'knx_physsical_addr': ('<H', 0x6B8, None),
'knx_GA_addr': ('<H', 0x6BA, [10]),
'knx_CB_addr': ('<H', 0x6CE, [10]),
'knx_GA_param': ('B', 0x6E2, [10]),
'knx_CB_param': ('B', 0x6EC, [10]),
'mcp230xx_config': ('<H', 0x6F6, [16]),
'mems': ('10s', 0x7CE, [5]),
'rules': ('512s',0x800, [3])
Setting_6_0_0 = {
'cfg_holder': ('<H', 0x000, None),
'cfg_size': ('<H', 0x002, None),
'save_flag': ('<L', 0x004, None),
'version': ('<L', 0x008, None, '0x{:x}'),
'bootcount': ('<H', 0x00C, None),
'cfg_crc': ('<H', 0x00E, None),
'flag': ('<L', 0x010, [
{'save_state': 1},
{'button_restrict': 1},
{'value_units': 1},
{'mqtt_enabled': 1},
{'mqtt_response': 1},
{'mqtt_power_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_button_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_switch_retain': 1},
{'temperature_conversion': 1},
{'mqtt_sensor_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_offline': 1},
{'button_swap': 1},
{'stop_flash_rotate': 1},
{'button_single': 1},
{'interlock': 1},
{'pwm_control': 1},
{'ws_clock_reverse': 1},
{'decimal_text': 1},
{'light_signal': 1},
{'hass_discovery': 1},
{'not_power_linked': 1},
{'no_power_on_check': 1},
{'mqtt_serial': 1},
{'rules_enabled': 1},
{'rules_once': 1},
{'knx_enabled': 1},
{'device_index_enable': 1},
{'knx_enable_enhancement': 1},
], '0x{:08x}'),
'save_data': ('<h', 0x014, None),
'timezone': ('b', 0x016, None),
'ota_url': ('101s',0x017, None),
'mqtt_prefix': ('11s', 0x07C, [3]),
'baudrate': ('B', 0x09D, None, baudrate),
'seriallog_level': ('B', 0x09E, None),
'sta_config': ('B', 0x09F, None),
'sta_active': ('B', 0x0A0, None),
'sta_ssid': ('33s', 0x0A1, [2]),
'sta_pwd': ('65s', 0x0E3, [2], password),
'hostname': ('33s', 0x165, None),
'syslog_host': ('33s', 0x186, None),
'syslog_port': ('<H', 0x1A8, None),
'syslog_level': ('B', 0x1AA, None),
'webserver': ('B', 0x1AB, None),
'weblog_level': ('B', 0x1AC, None),
'mqtt_fingerprint': ('20s', 0x1AD, [2]),
'mqtt_host': ('33s', 0x1E9, None),
'mqtt_port': ('<H', 0x20A, None),
'mqtt_client': ('33s', 0x20C, None),
'mqtt_user': ('33s', 0x22D, None),
'mqtt_pwd': ('33s', 0x24E, None, password),
'mqtt_topic': ('33s', 0x26F, None),
'button_topic': ('33s', 0x290, None),
'mqtt_grptopic': ('33s', 0x2B1, None),
'display_model': ('B', 0x2D2, None),
'display_mode': ('B', 0x2D3, None),
'display_refresh': ('B', 0x2D4, None),
'display_rows': ('B', 0x2D5, None),
'display_cols': ('B', 0x2D6, [2]),
'display_address': ('B', 0x2D8, [8]),
'display_dimmer': ('B', 0x2E0, None),
'display_size': ('B', 0x2E1, None),
'tflag': ('<H', 0x2E2, [2]),
'pwm_frequency': ('<H', 0x2E6, None),
'power': ('<L', 0x2E8, [
{'Power1': 1},
{'Power2': 1},
{'Power3': 1},
{'Power4': 1},
{'Power5': 1},
{'Power6': 1},
{'Power7': 1},
{'Power8': 1}
], '0x{:02x}'),
'pwm_value': ('<H', 0x2EC, [5]),
'altitude': ('<h', 0x2F6, None),
'tele_period': ('<H', 0x2F8, None),
'ledstate': ('B', 0x2FB, None),
'param': ('B', 0x2FC, [18]),
'toffset': ('<h', 0x30E, [2]),
'state_text': ('11s', 0x313, [4]),
'energy_power_delta': ('B', 0x33F, None),
'domoticz_update_timer': ('<H', 0x340, None),
'pwm_range': ('<H', 0x342, None),
'domoticz_relay_idx': ('<L', 0x344, [4]),
'domoticz_key_idx': ('<L', 0x354, [4]),
'energy_power_calibration': ('<L', 0x364, None),
'energy_voltage_calibration': ('<L', 0x368, None),
'energy_current_calibration': ('<L', 0x36C, None),
'energy_kWhtoday': ('<L', 0x370, None),
'energy_kWhyesterday': ('<L', 0x374, None),
'energy_kWhdoy': ('<H', 0x378, None),
'energy_min_power': ('<H', 0x37A, None),
'energy_max_power': ('<H', 0x37C, None),
'energy_min_voltage': ('<H', 0x37E, None),
'energy_max_voltage': ('<H', 0x380, None),
'energy_min_current': ('<H', 0x382, None),
'energy_max_current': ('<H', 0x384, None),
'energy_max_power_limit': ('<H', 0x386, None),
'energy_max_power_limit_hold': ('<H', 0x388, None),
'energy_max_power_limit_window': ('<H', 0x38A, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit': ('<H', 0x38C, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit_hold': ('<H', 0x38E, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit_window': ('<H', 0x390, None),
'energy_max_energy': ('<H', 0x392, None),
'energy_max_energy_start': ('<H', 0x394, None),
'mqtt_retry': ('<H', 0x396, None),
'poweronstate': ('B', 0x398, None),
'last_module': ('B', 0x399, None),
'blinktime': ('<H', 0x39A, None),
'blinkcount': ('<H', 0x39C, None),
'light_rotation': ('<H', 0x39E, None),
'friendlyname': ('33s', 0x3AC, [4]),
'switch_topic': ('33s', 0x430, None),
'serial_delimiter': ('b', 0x451, None),
'sbaudrate': ('B', 0x452, None),
'sleep': ('B', 0x453, None),
'domoticz_switch_idx': ('<H', 0x454, [4]),
'domoticz_sensor_idx': ('<H', 0x45C, [12]),
'module': ('B', 0x474, None),
'ws_color': ('B', 0x475, [4,3]),
'ws_width': ('B', 0x481, [3]),
'my_gp': ('B', 0x484, [18]),
'light_pixels': ('<H', 0x496, None),
'light_color': ('B', 0x498, [5]),
'light_correction': ('B', 0x49D, None),
'light_dimmer': ('B', 0x49E, None),
'rule_enabled': ('B', 0x49F, None),
'rule_once': ('B', 0x4A0, None),
'light_fade': ('B', 0x4A1, None),
'light_speed': ('B', 0x4A2, None),
'light_scheme': ('B', 0x4A3, None),
'light_width': ('B', 0x4A4, None),
'knx_GA_registered': ('B', 0x4A5, None),
'light_wakeup': ('<H', 0x4A6, None),
'knx_CB_registered': ('B', 0x4A8, None),
'web_password': ('33s', 0x4A9, None, password),
'switchmode': ('B', 0x4CA, [4]),
'ntp_server': ('33s', 0x4CE, [3]),
'ina219_mode': ('B', 0x531, None),
'pulse_timer': ('<H', 0x532, [8]),
'ip_address': ('<L', 0x544, [4], int2ip),
'energy_kWhtotal': ('<L', 0x554, None),
'mqtt_fulltopic': ('100s',0x558, None),
'flag2': ('<L', 0x5BC, [
{'spare': 15},
{'current_resolution': 2},
{'voltage_resolution': 2},
{'wattage_resolution': 2},
{'emulation': 2},
{'energy_resolution': 3},
{'pressure_resolution': 2},
{'humidity_resolution': 2},
{'temperature_resolution': 2}
], '0x{:08x}'),
'pulse_counter': ('<L', 0x5C0, [4]),
'pulse_counter_type': ('<H', 0x5D0, None),
'pulse_counter_debounce': ('<H', 0x5D2, None),
'rf_code': ('B', 0x5D4, [17,9], '0x{:02x}'),
'timer': ('<L', 0x670, [16]),
'latitude': ('i', 0x6B0, None, int2geo),
'longitude': ('i', 0x6B4, None, int2geo),
'knx_physsical_addr': ('<H', 0x6B8, None),
'knx_GA_addr': ('<H', 0x6BA, [10]),
'knx_CB_addr': ('<H', 0x6CE, [10]),
'knx_GA_param': ('B', 0x6E2, [10]),
'knx_CB_param': ('B', 0x6EC, [10]),
'mems': ('10s', 0x7CE, [5]),
'rules': ('512s',0x800, [3])
Setting_5_14_0 = {
'cfg_holder': ('<L', 0x000, None),
'save_flag': ('<L', 0x004, None),
'version': ('<L', 0x008, None, '0x{:x}'),
'bootcount': ('<L', 0x00C, None),
'flag': ('<L', 0x010, [
{'save_state': 1},
{'button_restrict': 1},
{'value_units': 1},
{'mqtt_enabled': 1},
{'mqtt_response': 1},
{'mqtt_power_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_button_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_switch_retain': 1},
{'temperature_conversion': 1},
{'mqtt_sensor_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_offline': 1},
{'button_swap': 1},
{'stop_flash_rotate': 1},
{'button_single': 1},
{'interlock': 1},
{'pwm_control': 1},
{'ws_clock_reverse': 1},
{'decimal_text': 1},
{'light_signal': 1},
{'hass_discovery': 1},
{'not_power_linked': 1},
{'no_power_on_check': 1},
{'mqtt_serial': 1},
{'rules_enabled': 1},
{'rules_once': 1},
{'knx_enabled': 1},
{'device_index_enable': 1},
], '0x{:08x}'),
'save_data': ('<h', 0x014, None),
'timezone': ('b', 0x016, None),
'ota_url': ('101s',0x017, None),
'mqtt_prefix': ('11s', 0x07C, [3]),
'baudrate': ('B', 0x09D, None, baudrate),
'seriallog_level': ('B', 0x09E, None),
'sta_config': ('B', 0x09F, None),
'sta_active': ('B', 0x0A0, None),
'sta_ssid': ('33s', 0x0A1, [2]),
'sta_pwd': ('65s', 0x0E3, [2], password),
'hostname': ('33s', 0x165, None),
'syslog_host': ('33s', 0x186, None),
'syslog_port': ('<H', 0x1A8, None),
'syslog_level': ('B', 0x1AA, None),
'webserver': ('B', 0x1AB, None),
'weblog_level': ('B', 0x1AC, None),
'mqtt_fingerprint': ('20s', 0x1AD, [2]),
'mqtt_host': ('33s', 0x1E9, None),
'mqtt_port': ('<H', 0x20A, None),
'mqtt_client': ('33s', 0x20C, None),
'mqtt_user': ('33s', 0x22D, None),
'mqtt_pwd': ('33s', 0x24E, None, password),
'mqtt_topic': ('33s', 0x26F, None),
'button_topic': ('33s', 0x290, None),
'mqtt_grptopic': ('33s', 0x2B1, None),
'display_model': ('B', 0x2D2, None),
'display_mode': ('B', 0x2D3, None),
'display_refresh': ('B', 0x2D4, None),
'display_rows': ('B', 0x2D5, None),
'display_cols': ('B', 0x2D6, [2]),
'display_address': ('B', 0x2D8, [8]),
'display_dimmer': ('B', 0x2E0, None),
'display_size': ('B', 0x2E1, None),
'tflag': ('<H', 0x2E2, [2]),
'pwm_frequency': ('<H', 0x2E6, None),
'power': ('<L', 0x2E8, [
{'Power1': 1},
{'Power2': 1},
{'Power3': 1},
{'Power4': 1},
{'Power5': 1},
{'Power6': 1},
{'Power7': 1},
{'Power8': 1}
], '0x{:02x}'),
'pwm_value': ('<H', 0x2EC, [5]),
'altitude': ('<h', 0x2F6, None),
'tele_period': ('<H', 0x2F8, None),
'ledstate': ('B', 0x2FB, None),
'param': ('B', 0x2FC, [18]),
'toffset': ('<h', 0x30E, [2]),
'state_text': ('11s', 0x313, [4]),
'energy_power_delta': ('B', 0x33F, None),
'domoticz_update_timer': ('<H', 0x340, None),
'pwm_range': ('<H', 0x342, None),
'domoticz_relay_idx': ('<L', 0x344, [4]),
'domoticz_key_idx': ('<L', 0x354, [4]),
'energy_power_calibration': ('<L', 0x364, None),
'energy_voltage_calibration': ('<L', 0x368, None),
'energy_current_calibration': ('<L', 0x36C, None),
'energy_kWhtoday': ('<L', 0x370, None),
'energy_kWhyesterday': ('<L', 0x374, None),
'energy_kWhdoy': ('<H', 0x378, None),
'energy_min_power': ('<H', 0x37A, None),
'energy_max_power': ('<H', 0x37C, None),
'energy_min_voltage': ('<H', 0x37E, None),
'energy_max_voltage': ('<H', 0x380, None),
'energy_min_current': ('<H', 0x382, None),
'energy_max_current': ('<H', 0x384, None),
'energy_max_power_limit': ('<H', 0x386, None),
'energy_max_power_limit_hold': ('<H', 0x388, None),
'energy_max_power_limit_window': ('<H', 0x38A, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit': ('<H', 0x38C, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit_hold': ('<H', 0x38E, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit_window': ('<H', 0x390, None),
'energy_max_energy': ('<H', 0x392, None),
'energy_max_energy_start': ('<H', 0x394, None),
'mqtt_retry': ('<H', 0x396, None),
'poweronstate': ('B', 0x398, None),
'last_module': ('B', 0x399, None),
'blinktime': ('<H', 0x39A, None),
'blinkcount': ('<H', 0x39C, None),
'light_rotation': ('<H', 0x39E, None),
'friendlyname': ('33s', 0x3AC, [4]),
'switch_topic': ('33s', 0x430, None),
'serial_delimiter': ('b', 0x451, None),
'sbaudrate': ('B', 0x452, None),
'sleep': ('B', 0x453, None),
'domoticz_switch_idx': ('<H', 0x454, [4]),
'domoticz_sensor_idx': ('<H', 0x45C, [12]),
'module': ('B', 0x474, None),
'ws_color': ('B', 0x475, [4,3]),
'ws_width': ('B', 0x481, [3]),
'my_gp': ('B', 0x484, [18]),
'light_pixels': ('<H', 0x496, None),
'light_color': ('B', 0x498, [5]),
'light_correction': ('B', 0x49D, None),
'light_dimmer': ('B', 0x49E, None),
'light_fade': ('B', 0x4A1, None),
'light_speed': ('B', 0x4A2, None),
'light_scheme': ('B', 0x4A3, None),
'light_width': ('B', 0x4A4, None),
'knx_GA_registered': ('B', 0x4A5, None),
'light_wakeup': ('<H', 0x4A6, None),
'knx_CB_registered': ('B', 0x4A8, None),
'web_password': ('33s', 0x4A9, None, password),
'switchmode': ('B', 0x4CA, [4]),
'ntp_server': ('33s', 0x4CE, [3]),
'ina219_mode': ('B', 0x531, None),
'pulse_timer': ('<H', 0x532, [8]),
'ip_address': ('<L', 0x544, [4], int2ip),
'energy_kWhtotal': ('<L', 0x554, None),
'mqtt_fulltopic': ('100s',0x558, None),
'flag2': ('<L', 0x5BC, [
{'spare': 15},
{'current_resolution': 2},
{'voltage_resolution': 2},
{'wattage_resolution': 2},
{'emulation': 2},
{'energy_resolution': 3},
{'pressure_resolution': 2},
{'humidity_resolution': 2},
{'temperature_resolution': 2}
], '0x{:08x}'),
'pulse_counter': ('<L', 0x5C0, [4]),
'pulse_counter_type': ('<H', 0x5D0, None),
'pulse_counter_debounce': ('<H', 0x5D2, None),
'rf_code': ('B', 0x5D4, [17,9], '0x{:02x}'),
'timer': ('<L', 0x670, [16]),
'latitude': ('i', 0x6B0, None, int2geo),
'longitude': ('i', 0x6B4, None, int2geo),
'knx_physsical_addr': ('<H', 0x6B8, None),
'knx_GA_addr': ('<H', 0x6BA, [10]),
'knx_CB_addr': ('<H', 0x6CE, [10]),
'knx_GA_param': ('B', 0x6E2, [10]),
'knx_CB_param': ('B', 0x6EC, [10]),
'rules': ('512s',0x800, [3])
Setting_5_13_1 = {
'cfg_holder': ('<L', 0x000, None),
'save_flag': ('<L', 0x004, None),
'version': ('<L', 0x008, None, '0x{:x}'),
'bootcount': ('<L', 0x00C, None),
'flag': ('<L', 0x010, [
{'save_state': 1},
{'button_restrict': 1},
{'value_units': 1},
{'mqtt_enabled': 1},
{'mqtt_response': 1},
{'mqtt_power_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_button_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_switch_retain': 1},
{'temperature_conversion': 1},
{'mqtt_sensor_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_offline': 1},
{'button_swap': 1},
{'stop_flash_rotate': 1},
{'button_single': 1},
{'interlock': 1},
{'pwm_control': 1},
{'ws_clock_reverse': 1},
{'decimal_text': 1},
{'light_signal': 1},
{'hass_discovery': 1},
{'not_power_linked': 1},
{'no_power_on_check': 1},
{'mqtt_serial': 1},
{'rules_enabled': 1},
{'rules_once': 1},
{'knx_enabled': 1},
], '0x{:08x}'),
'save_data': ('<h', 0x014, None),
'timezone': ('b', 0x016, None),
'ota_url': ('101s',0x017, None),
'mqtt_prefix': ('11s', 0x07C, [3]),
'baudrate': ('B', 0x09D, None, baudrate),
'seriallog_level': ('B', 0x09E, None),
'sta_config': ('B', 0x09F, None),
'sta_active': ('B', 0x0A0, None),
'sta_ssid': ('33s', 0x0A1, [2]),
'sta_pwd': ('65s', 0x0E3, [2], password),
'hostname': ('33s', 0x165, None),
'syslog_host': ('33s', 0x186, None),
'syslog_port': ('<H', 0x1A8, None),
'syslog_level': ('B', 0x1AA, None),
'webserver': ('B', 0x1AB, None),
'weblog_level': ('B', 0x1AC, None),
'mqtt_fingerprint': ('20s', 0x1AD, [2]),
'mqtt_host': ('33s', 0x1E9, None),
'mqtt_port': ('<H', 0x20A, None),
'mqtt_client': ('33s', 0x20C, None),
'mqtt_user': ('33s', 0x22D, None),
'mqtt_pwd': ('33s', 0x24E, None, password),
'mqtt_topic': ('33s', 0x26F, None),
'button_topic': ('33s', 0x290, None),
'mqtt_grptopic': ('33s', 0x2B1, None),
'display_model': ('B', 0x2D2, None),
'display_mode': ('B', 0x2D3, None),
'display_refresh': ('B', 0x2D4, None),
'display_rows': ('B', 0x2D5, None),
'display_cols': ('B', 0x2D6, [2]),
'display_address': ('B', 0x2D8, [8]),
'display_dimmer': ('B', 0x2E0, None),
'display_size': ('B', 0x2E1, None),
'pwm_frequency': ('<H', 0x2E6, None),
'power': ('<L', 0x2E8, [
{'Power1': 1},
{'Power2': 1},
{'Power3': 1},
{'Power4': 1},
{'Power5': 1},
{'Power6': 1},
{'Power7': 1},
{'Power8': 1}
], '0x{:02x}'),
'pwm_value': ('<H', 0x2EC, [5]),
'altitude': ('<h', 0x2F6, None),
'tele_period': ('<H', 0x2F8, None),
'ledstate': ('B', 0x2FB, None),
'param': ('B', 0x2FC, [23]),
'state_text': ('11s', 0x313, [4]),
'energy_power_delta': ('B', 0x33F, None),
'domoticz_update_timer': ('<H', 0x340, None),
'pwm_range': ('<H', 0x342, None),
'domoticz_relay_idx': ('<L', 0x344, [4]),
'domoticz_key_idx': ('<L', 0x354, [4]),
'energy_power_calibration': ('<L', 0x364, None),
'energy_voltage_calibration': ('<L', 0x368, None),
'energy_current_calibration': ('<L', 0x36C, None),
'energy_kWhtoday': ('<L', 0x370, None),
'energy_kWhyesterday': ('<L', 0x374, None),
'energy_kWhdoy': ('<H', 0x378, None),
'energy_min_power': ('<H', 0x37A, None),
'energy_max_power': ('<H', 0x37C, None),
'energy_min_voltage': ('<H', 0x37E, None),
'energy_max_voltage': ('<H', 0x380, None),
'energy_min_current': ('<H', 0x382, None),
'energy_max_current': ('<H', 0x384, None),
'energy_max_power_limit': ('<H', 0x386, None),
'energy_max_power_limit_hold': ('<H', 0x388, None),
'energy_max_power_limit_window': ('<H', 0x38A, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit': ('<H', 0x38C, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit_hold': ('<H', 0x38E, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit_window': ('<H', 0x390, None),
'energy_max_energy': ('<H', 0x392, None),
'energy_max_energy_start': ('<H', 0x394, None),
'mqtt_retry': ('<H', 0x396, None),
'poweronstate': ('B', 0x398, None),
'last_module': ('B', 0x399, None),
'blinktime': ('<H', 0x39A, None),
'blinkcount': ('<H', 0x39C, None),
'light_rotation': ('<H', 0x39E, None),
'friendlyname': ('33s', 0x3AC, [4]),
'switch_topic': ('33s', 0x430, None),
'serial_delimiter': ('b', 0x451, None),
'sbaudrate': ('B', 0x452, None),
'sleep': ('B', 0x453, None),
'domoticz_switch_idx': ('<H', 0x454, [4]),
'domoticz_sensor_idx': ('<H', 0x45C, [12]),
'module': ('B', 0x474, None),
'ws_color': ('B', 0x475, [4,3]),
'ws_width': ('B', 0x481, [3]),
'my_gp': ('B', 0x484, [18]),
'light_pixels': ('<H', 0x496, None),
'light_color': ('B', 0x498, [5]),
'light_correction': ('B', 0x49D, None),
'light_dimmer': ('B', 0x49E, None),
'light_fade': ('B', 0x4A1, None),
'light_speed': ('B', 0x4A2, None),
'light_scheme': ('B', 0x4A3, None),
'light_width': ('B', 0x4A4, None),
'knx_GA_registered': ('B', 0x4A5, None),
'light_wakeup': ('<H', 0x4A6, None),
'knx_CB_registered': ('B', 0x4A8, None),
'web_password': ('33s', 0x4A9, None, password),
'switchmode': ('B', 0x4CA, [4]),
'ntp_server': ('33s', 0x4CE, [3]),
'ina219_mode': ('B', 0x531, None),
'pulse_timer': ('<H', 0x532, [8]),
'ip_address': ('<L', 0x544, [4], int2ip),
'energy_kWhtotal': ('<L', 0x554, None),
'mqtt_fulltopic': ('100s',0x558, None),
'flag2': ('<L', 0x5BC, [
{'spare': 15},
{'current_resolution': 2},
{'voltage_resolution': 2},
{'wattage_resolution': 2},
{'emulation': 2},
{'energy_resolution': 3},
{'pressure_resolution': 2},
{'humidity_resolution': 2},
{'temperature_resolution': 2}
], '0x{:08x}'),
'pulse_counter': ('<L', 0x5C0, [4]),
'pulse_counter_type': ('<H', 0x5D0, None),
'pulse_counter_debounce': ('<H', 0x5D2, None),
'rf_code': ('B', 0x5D4, [17,9], '0x{:02x}'),
'timer': ('<L', 0x670, [16]),
'latitude': ('i', 0x6B0, None, int2geo),
'longitude': ('i', 0x6B4, None, int2geo),
'knx_physsical_addr': ('<H', 0x6B8, None),
'knx_GA_addr': ('<H', 0x6BA, [10]),
'knx_CB_addr': ('<H', 0x6CE, [10]),
'knx_GA_param': ('B', 0x6E2, [10]),
'knx_CB_param': ('B', 0x6EC, [10]),
'rules': ('512s',0x800, [3])
Setting_5_12_0 = {
'cfg_holder': ('<L', 0x000, None),
'save_flag': ('<L', 0x004, None),
'version': ('<L', 0x008, None, '0x{:x}'),
'bootcount': ('<L', 0x00C, None),
'flag': ('<L', 0x010, [
{'save_state': 1},
{'button_restrict': 1},
{'value_units': 1},
{'mqtt_enabled': 1},
{'mqtt_response': 1},
{'mqtt_power_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_button_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_switch_retain': 1},
{'temperature_conversion': 1},
{'mqtt_sensor_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_offline': 1},
{'button_swap': 1},
{'stop_flash_rotate': 1},
{'button_single': 1},
{'interlock': 1},
{'pwm_control': 1},
{'ws_clock_reverse': 1},
{'decimal_text': 1},
{'light_signal': 1},
{'hass_discovery': 1},
{'not_power_linked': 1},
{'no_power_on_check': 1},
], '0x{:08x}'),
'save_data': ('<h', 0x014, None),
'timezone': ('b', 0x016, None),
'ota_url': ('101s',0x017, None),
'mqtt_prefix': ('11s', 0x07C, [3]),
'seriallog_level': ('B', 0x09E, None),
'sta_config': ('B', 0x09F, None),
'sta_active': ('B', 0x0A0, None),
'sta_ssid': ('33s', 0x0A1, [2]),
'sta_pwd': ('65s', 0x0E3, [2], password),
'hostname': ('33s', 0x165, None),
'syslog_host': ('33s', 0x186, None),
'syslog_port': ('<H', 0x1A8, None),
'syslog_level': ('B', 0x1AA, None),
'webserver': ('B', 0x1AB, None),
'weblog_level': ('B', 0x1AC, None),
'mqtt_fingerprint': ('60s', 0x1AD, None),
'mqtt_host': ('33s', 0x1E9, None),
'mqtt_port': ('<H', 0x20A, None),
'mqtt_client': ('33s', 0x20C, None),
'mqtt_user': ('33s', 0x22D, None),
'mqtt_pwd': ('33s', 0x24E, None, password),
'mqtt_topic': ('33s', 0x26F, None),
'button_topic': ('33s', 0x290, None),
'mqtt_grptopic': ('33s', 0x2B1, None),
'display_model': ('B', 0x2D2, None),
'display_mode': ('B', 0x2D3, None),
'display_refresh': ('B', 0x2D4, None),
'display_rows': ('B', 0x2D5, None),
'display_cols': ('B', 0x2D6, [2]),
'display_address': ('B', 0x2D8, [8]),
'display_dimmer': ('B', 0x2E0, None),
'display_size': ('B', 0x2E1, None),
'pwm_frequency': ('<H', 0x2E6, None),
'power': ('<L', 0x2E8, [
{'Power1': 1},
{'Power2': 1},
{'Power3': 1},
{'Power4': 1},
{'Power5': 1},
{'Power6': 1},
{'Power7': 1},
{'Power8': 1}
], '0x{:02x}'),
'pwm_value': ('<H', 0x2EC, [5]),
'altitude': ('<h', 0x2F6, None),
'tele_period': ('<H', 0x2F8, None),
'ledstate': ('B', 0x2FB, None),
'param': ('B', 0x2FC, [23]),
'state_text': ('11s', 0x313, [4]),
'domoticz_update_timer': ('<H', 0x340, None),
'pwm_range': ('<H', 0x342, None),
'domoticz_relay_idx': ('<L', 0x344, [4]),
'domoticz_key_idx': ('<L', 0x354, [4]),
'energy_power_calibration': ('<L', 0x364, None),
'energy_voltage_calibration': ('<L', 0x368, None),
'energy_current_calibration': ('<L', 0x36C, None),
'energy_kWhtoday': ('<L', 0x370, None),
'energy_kWhyesterday': ('<L', 0x374, None),
'energy_kWhdoy': ('<H', 0x378, None),
'energy_min_power': ('<H', 0x37A, None),
'energy_max_power': ('<H', 0x37C, None),
'energy_min_voltage': ('<H', 0x37E, None),
'energy_max_voltage': ('<H', 0x380, None),
'energy_min_current': ('<H', 0x382, None),
'energy_max_current': ('<H', 0x384, None),
'energy_max_power_limit': ('<H', 0x386, None),
'energy_max_power_limit_hold': ('<H', 0x388, None),
'energy_max_power_limit_window': ('<H', 0x38A, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit': ('<H', 0x38C, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit_hold': ('<H', 0x38E, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit_window': ('<H', 0x390, None),
'energy_max_energy': ('<H', 0x392, None),
'energy_max_energy_start': ('<H', 0x394, None),
'mqtt_retry': ('<H', 0x396, None),
'poweronstate': ('B', 0x398, None),
'last_module': ('B', 0x399, None),
'blinktime': ('<H', 0x39A, None),
'blinkcount': ('<H', 0x39C, None),
'friendlyname': ('33s', 0x3AC, [4]),
'switch_topic': ('33s', 0x430, None),
'sleep': ('B', 0x453, None),
'domoticz_switch_idx': ('<H', 0x454, [4]),
'domoticz_sensor_idx': ('<H', 0x45C, [12]),
'module': ('B', 0x474, None),
'ws_color': ('B', 0x475, [4,3]),
'ws_width': ('B', 0x481, [3]),
'my_gp': ('B', 0x484, [18]),
'light_pixels': ('<H', 0x496, None),
'light_color': ('B', 0x498, [5]),
'light_correction': ('B', 0x49D, None),
'light_dimmer': ('B', 0x49E, None),
'light_fade': ('B', 0x4A1, None),
'light_speed': ('B', 0x4A2, None),
'light_scheme': ('B', 0x4A3, None),
'light_width': ('B', 0x4A4, None),
'light_wakeup': ('<H', 0x4A6, None),
'web_password': ('33s', 0x4A9, None, password),
'switchmode': ('B', 0x4CA, [4]),
'ntp_server': ('33s', 0x4CE, [3]),
'ina219_mode': ('B', 0x531, None),
'pulse_timer': ('<H', 0x532, [8]),
'ip_address': ('<L', 0x544, [4], int2ip),
'energy_kWhtotal': ('<L', 0x554, None),
'mqtt_fulltopic': ('100s',0x558, None),
'flag2': ('<L', 0x5BC, [
{'spare': 15},
{'current_resolution': 2},
{'voltage_resolution': 2},
{'wattage_resolution': 2},
{'emulation': 2},
{'energy_resolution': 3},
{'pressure_resolution': 2},
{'humidity_resolution': 2},
{'temperature_resolution': 2}
], '0x{:08x}'),
'pulse_counter': ('<L', 0x5C0, [4]),
'pulse_counter_type': ('<H', 0x5D0, None),
'pulse_counter_debounce': ('<H', 0x5D2, None),
'rf_code': ('B', 0x5D4, [17,9], '0x{:02x}'),
Setting_5_11_0 = {
'cfg_holder': ('<L', 0x000, None),
'save_flag': ('<L', 0x004, None),
'version': ('<L', 0x008, None, '0x{:x}'),
'bootcount': ('<L', 0x00C, None),
'flag': ('<L', 0x010, [
{'save_state': 1},
{'button_restrict': 1},
{'value_units': 1},
{'mqtt_enabled': 1},
{'mqtt_response': 1},
{'mqtt_power_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_button_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_switch_retain': 1},
{'temperature_conversion': 1},
{'mqtt_sensor_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_offline': 1},
{'button_swap': 1},
{'stop_flash_rotate': 1},
{'button_single': 1},
{'interlock': 1},
{'pwm_control': 1},
{'ws_clock_reverse': 1},
{'decimal_text': 1},
{'light_signal': 1},
], '0x{:08x}'),
'save_data': ('<h', 0x014, None),
'timezone': ('b', 0x016, None),
'ota_url': ('101s',0x017, None),
'mqtt_prefix': ('11s', 0x07C, [3]),
'seriallog_level': ('B', 0x09E, None),
'sta_config': ('B', 0x09F, None),
'sta_active': ('B', 0x0A0, None),
'sta_ssid': ('33s', 0x0A1, [2]),
'sta_pwd': ('65s', 0x0E3, [2], password),
'hostname': ('33s', 0x165, None),
'syslog_host': ('33s', 0x186, None),
'syslog_port': ('<H', 0x1A8, None),
'syslog_level': ('B', 0x1AA, None),
'webserver': ('B', 0x1AB, None),
'weblog_level': ('B', 0x1AC, None),
'mqtt_fingerprint': ('60s', 0x1AD, None),
'mqtt_host': ('33s', 0x1E9, None),
'mqtt_port': ('<H', 0x20A, None),
'mqtt_client': ('33s', 0x20C, None),
'mqtt_user': ('33s', 0x22D, None),
'mqtt_pwd': ('33s', 0x24E, None, password),
'mqtt_topic': ('33s', 0x26F, None),
'button_topic': ('33s', 0x290, None),
'mqtt_grptopic': ('33s', 0x2B1, None),
'display_model': ('B', 0x2D2, None),
'display_mode': ('B', 0x2D3, None),
'display_refresh': ('B', 0x2D4, None),
'display_rows': ('B', 0x2D5, None),
'display_cols': ('B', 0x2D6, [2]),
'display_address': ('B', 0x2D8, [8]),
'display_dimmer': ('B', 0x2E0, None),
'display_size': ('B', 0x2E1, None),
'pwm_frequency': ('<H', 0x2E6, None),
'power': ('<L', 0x2E8, [
{'Power1': 1},
{'Power2': 1},
{'Power3': 1},
{'Power4': 1},
{'Power5': 1},
{'Power6': 1},
{'Power7': 1},
{'Power8': 1}
], '0x{:02x}'),
'pwm_value': ('<H', 0x2EC, [5]),
'altitude': ('<h', 0x2F6, None),
'tele_period': ('<H', 0x2F8, None),
'ledstate': ('B', 0x2FB, None),
'param': ('B', 0x2FC, [23]),
'state_text': ('11s', 0x313, [4]),
'domoticz_update_timer': ('<H', 0x340, None),
'pwm_range': ('<H', 0x342, None),
'domoticz_relay_idx': ('<L', 0x344, [4]),
'domoticz_key_idx': ('<L', 0x354, [4]),
'energy_power_calibration': ('<L', 0x364, None),
'energy_voltage_calibration': ('<L', 0x368, None),
'energy_current_calibration': ('<L', 0x36C, None),
'energy_kWhtoday': ('<L', 0x370, None),
'energy_kWhyesterday': ('<L', 0x374, None),
'energy_kWhdoy': ('<H', 0x378, None),
'energy_min_power': ('<H', 0x37A, None),
'energy_max_power': ('<H', 0x37C, None),
'energy_min_voltage': ('<H', 0x37E, None),
'energy_max_voltage': ('<H', 0x380, None),
'energy_min_current': ('<H', 0x382, None),
'energy_max_current': ('<H', 0x384, None),
'energy_max_power_limit': ('<H', 0x386, None),
'energy_max_power_limit_hold': ('<H', 0x388, None),
'energy_max_power_limit_window': ('<H', 0x38A, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit': ('<H', 0x38C, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit_hold': ('<H', 0x38E, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit_window': ('<H', 0x390, None),
'energy_max_energy': ('<H', 0x392, None),
'energy_max_energy_start': ('<H', 0x394, None),
'mqtt_retry': ('<H', 0x396, None),
'poweronstate': ('B', 0x398, None),
'last_module': ('B', 0x399, None),
'blinktime': ('<H', 0x39A, None),
'blinkcount': ('<H', 0x39C, None),
'friendlyname': ('33s', 0x3AC, [4]),
'switch_topic': ('33s', 0x430, None),
'sleep': ('B', 0x453, None),
'domoticz_switch_idx': ('<H', 0x454, [4]),
'domoticz_sensor_idx': ('<H', 0x45C, [12]),
'module': ('B', 0x474, None),
'ws_color': ('B', 0x475, [4,3]),
'ws_width': ('B', 0x481, [3]),
'my_gp': ('B', 0x484, [18]),
'light_pixels': ('<H', 0x496, None),
'light_color': ('B', 0x498, [5]),
'light_correction': ('B', 0x49D, None),
'light_dimmer': ('B', 0x49E, None),
'light_fade': ('B', 0x4A1, None),
'light_speed': ('B', 0x4A2, None),
'light_scheme': ('B', 0x4A3, None),
'light_width': ('B', 0x4A4, None),
'light_wakeup': ('<H', 0x4A6, None),
'web_password': ('33s', 0x4A9, None, password),
'switchmode': ('B', 0x4CA, [4]),
'ntp_server': ('33s', 0x4CE, [3]),
'ina219_mode': ('B', 0x531, None),
'pulse_timer': ('<H', 0x532, [8]),
'ip_address': ('<L', 0x544, [4], int2ip),
'energy_kWhtotal': ('<L', 0x554, None),
'mqtt_fulltopic': ('100s',0x558, None),
'flag2': ('<L', 0x5BC, [
{'spare': 15},
{'current_resolution': 2},
{'voltage_resolution': 2},
{'wattage_resolution': 2},
{'emulation': 2},
{'energy_resolution': 3},
{'pressure_resolution': 2},
{'humidity_resolution': 2},
{'temperature_resolution': 2}
], '0x{:08x}'),
'pulse_counter': ('<L', 0x5C0, [4]),
'pulse_counter_type': ('<H', 0x5D0, None),
'pulse_counter_debounce': ('<H', 0x5D2, None),
'rf_code': ('B', 0x5D4, [17,9], '0x{:02x}'),
Setting_5_10_0 = {
'cfg_holder': ('<L', 0x000, None),
'save_flag': ('<L', 0x004, None),
'version': ('<L', 0x008, None, '0x{:x}'),
'bootcount': ('<L', 0x00C, None),
'flag': ('<L', 0x010, [
{'save_state': 1},
{'button_restrict': 1},
{'value_units': 1},
{'mqtt_enabled': 1},
{'mqtt_response': 1},
{'mqtt_power_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_button_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_switch_retain': 1},
{'temperature_conversion': 1},
{'mqtt_sensor_retain': 1},
{'mqtt_offline': 1},
{'button_swap': 1},
{'stop_flash_rotate': 1},
{'button_single': 1},
{'interlock': 1},
{'pwm_control': 1},
{'ws_clock_reverse': 1},
{'decimal_text': 1},
], '0x{:08x}'),
'save_data': ('<h', 0x014, None),
'timezone': ('b', 0x016, None),
'ota_url': ('101s',0x017, None),
'mqtt_prefix': ('11s', 0x07C, [3]),
'seriallog_level': ('B', 0x09E, None),
'sta_config': ('B', 0x09F, None),
'sta_active': ('B', 0x0A0, None),
'sta_ssid': ('33s', 0x0A1, [2]),
'sta_pwd': ('65s', 0x0E3, [2], password),
'hostname': ('33s', 0x165, None),
'syslog_host': ('33s', 0x186, None),
'syslog_port': ('<H', 0x1A8, None),
'syslog_level': ('B', 0x1AA, None),
'webserver': ('B', 0x1AB, None),
'weblog_level': ('B', 0x1AC, None),
'mqtt_fingerprint': ('60s', 0x1AD, None),
'mqtt_host': ('33s', 0x1E9, None),
'mqtt_port': ('<H', 0x20A, None),
'mqtt_client': ('33s', 0x20C, None),
'mqtt_user': ('33s', 0x22D, None),
'mqtt_pwd': ('33s', 0x24E, None, password),
'mqtt_topic': ('33s', 0x26F, None),
'button_topic': ('33s', 0x290, None),
'mqtt_grptopic': ('33s', 0x2B1, None),
'mqtt_fingerprinth': ('B', 0x2D2, [20]),
'pwm_frequency': ('<H', 0x2E6, None),
'power': ('<L', 0x2E8, [
{'Power1': 1},
{'Power2': 1},
{'Power3': 1},
{'Power4': 1},
{'Power5': 1},
{'Power6': 1},
{'Power7': 1},
{'Power8': 1}
], '0x{:02x}'),
'pwm_value': ('<H', 0x2EC, [5]),
'altitude': ('<h', 0x2F6, None),
'tele_period': ('<H', 0x2F8, None),
'ledstate': ('B', 0x2FB, None),
'param': ('B', 0x2FC, [23]),
'state_text': ('11s', 0x313, [4]),
'domoticz_update_timer': ('<H', 0x340, None),
'pwm_range': ('<H', 0x342, None),
'domoticz_relay_idx': ('<L', 0x344, [4]),
'domoticz_key_idx': ('<L', 0x354, [4]),
'energy_power_calibration': ('<L', 0x364, None),
'energy_voltage_calibration': ('<L', 0x368, None),
'energy_current_calibration': ('<L', 0x36C, None),
'energy_kWhtoday': ('<L', 0x370, None),
'energy_kWhyesterday': ('<L', 0x374, None),
'energy_kWhdoy': ('<H', 0x378, None),
'energy_min_power': ('<H', 0x37A, None),
'energy_max_power': ('<H', 0x37C, None),
'energy_min_voltage': ('<H', 0x37E, None),
'energy_max_voltage': ('<H', 0x380, None),
'energy_min_current': ('<H', 0x382, None),
'energy_max_current': ('<H', 0x384, None),
'energy_max_power_limit': ('<H', 0x386, None),
'energy_max_power_limit_hold': ('<H', 0x388, None),
'energy_max_power_limit_window': ('<H', 0x38A, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit': ('<H', 0x38C, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit_hold': ('<H', 0x38E, None),
'energy_max_power_safe_limit_window': ('<H', 0x390, None),
'energy_max_energy': ('<H', 0x392, None),
'energy_max_energy_start': ('<H', 0x394, None),
'mqtt_retry': ('<H', 0x396, None),
'poweronstate': ('B', 0x398, None),
'last_module': ('B', 0x399, None),
'blinktime': ('<H', 0x39A, None),
'blinkcount': ('<H', 0x39C, None),
'friendlyname': ('33s', 0x3AC, [4]),
'switch_topic': ('33s', 0x430, None),
'sleep': ('B', 0x453, None),
'domoticz_switch_idx': ('<H', 0x454, [4]),
'domoticz_sensor_idx': ('<H', 0x45C, [12]),
'module': ('B', 0x474, None),
'ws_color': ('B', 0x475, [4,3]),
'ws_width': ('B', 0x481, [3]),
'my_gp': ('B', 0x484, [18]),
'light_pixels': ('<H', 0x496, None),
'light_color': ('B', 0x498, [5]),
'light_correction': ('B', 0x49D, None),
'light_dimmer': ('B', 0x49E, None),
'light_fade': ('B', 0x4A1, None),
'light_speed': ('B', 0x4A2, None),
'light_scheme': ('B', 0x4A3, None),
'light_width': ('B', 0x4A4, None),
'light_wakeup': ('<H', 0x4A6, None),
'web_password': ('33s', 0x4A9, None, password),
'switchmode': ('B', 0x4CA, [4]),
'ntp_server': ('33s', 0x4CE, [3]),
'ina219_mode': ('B', 0x531, None),
'pulse_timer': ('<H', 0x532, [8]),
'ip_address': ('<L', 0x544, [4], int2ip),
'energy_kWhtotal': ('<L', 0x554, None),
'mqtt_fulltopic': ('100s',0x558, None),
'flag2': ('<L', 0x5BC, [
{'spare': 15},
{'current_resolution': 2},
{'voltage_resolution': 2},
{'wattage_resolution': 2},
{'emulation': 2},
{'energy_resolution': 3},
{'pressure_resolution': 2},
{'humidity_resolution': 2},
{'temperature_resolution': 2}
], '0x{:08x}'),
'pulse_counter': ('<L', 0x5C0, [4]),
'pulse_counter_type': ('<H', 0x5D0, None),
'pulse_counter_debounce': ('<H', 0x5D2, None),
'rf_code': ('B', 0x5D4, [17,9], '0x{:02x}'),
Settings = [(0x6020100, 0xe00, Setting_6_2_1),
(0x6010100, 0xe00, Setting_6_1_1),
(0x6000000, 0xe00, Setting_6_0_0),
(0x50e0000, 0xa00, Setting_5_14_0),
(0x50d0100, 0xa00, Setting_5_13_1),
(0x50c0000, 0x66d, Setting_5_12_0),
(0x50b0000, 0x66d, Setting_5_11_0),
(0x50a0000, 0x66d, Setting_5_10_0),
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# helper
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class Log:
def message(self, msg, typ=None, status=None, jsonformat=False):
Writes a message to stdout
@param msg: string
message to output
if msg is of type dict, json format will be used
if jsonformat:
message = {}
message['msg'] = msg
if type is not None:
message['type'] = typ
if status is not None:
message['status'] = status
print json.dumps( message )
print '{}{} {}{} {}'.format(typ if typ is not None else '',
' ' if status is not None and typ is not None else '',
status if status is not None else '',
':' if typ is not None else '',
def exit(status=0, message="end"):
Called when the program should be exit
@param status:
the exit status program returns to callert
@param message:
the message logged before exit
logger = Log()
logger.message(message, typ='ERROR' if status!=0 else 'INFO', status=status, jsonformat=args.format=='json' )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tasmota config data handling
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def GetSettingsCrc(dobj):
Return binary config data calclulated crc
@param dobj:
uncrypted binary config data
@return: 2 byte unsigned integer crc value
crc = 0
for i in range(0, len(dobj)):
if not i in [14,15]: # Skip crc
crc += ord(dobj[i]) * (i+1)
return crc & 0xffff
def GetFieldLength(fielddef):
Return length of a field in bytes based on field format definition
@param fielddef:
field format - see python struct module Format String
@return: length of field in bytes
if fielddef[2] is not None:
# fielddef[2] contains a array or int
# calc size recursive by sum of all elements
# tuple 2 contains a list with integer or an integer value
if (isinstance(fielddef[2], list) and len(fielddef[2])>0 and isinstance(fielddef[2][0], int)) or isinstance(fielddef[2], int):
for i in range(0, fielddef[2][0] if isinstance(fielddef[2], list) else fielddef[2] ):
# multidimensional array
if isinstance(fielddef[2], list) and len(fielddef[2])>1:
length += GetFieldLength( (fielddef[0], fielddef[1], fielddef[2][1:]) )
length += GetFieldLength( (fielddef[0], fielddef[1], None) )
if fielddef[0][-1:].lower() in ['b','c','?']:
elif fielddef[0][-1:].lower() in ['h']:
elif fielddef[0][-1:].lower() in ['i','l','f']:
elif fielddef[0][-1:].lower() in ['q','d']:
elif fielddef[0][-1:].lower() in ['s','p']:
# s and p needs prefix as length
match = re.search("\s*(\d+)", fielddef[0])
if match:
# it's a single value
return length
def ConvertFieldValue(value, fielddef):
Convert field value based on field desc
@param value:
original value read from binary data
@param fielddef
field definition (contains possible conversion defiinition)
@return: (und)converted value
if not args.raw and len(fielddef)>3:
if isinstance(fielddef[3],str): # use a format string
return fielddef[3].format(value)
elif callable(fielddef[3]): # use a format function
return fielddef[3](value)
return value
def GetField(dobj, fieldname, fielddef):
Get field value from definition
@param dobj:
uncrypted binary config data
@param fieldname:
name of the field
@param fielddef:
see Settings desc above
@return: read field value
result = None
if fielddef[2] is not None:
result = []
# tuple 2 contains a list with integer or an integer value
if (isinstance(fielddef[2], list) and len(fielddef[2])>0 and isinstance(fielddef[2][0], int)) or isinstance(fielddef[2], int):
addr = fielddef[1]
for i in range(0, fielddef[2][0] if isinstance(fielddef[2], list) else fielddef[2] ):
# multidimensional array
if isinstance(fielddef[2], list) and len(fielddef[2])>1:
subfielddef = (fielddef[0], addr, fielddef[2][1:], None if len(fielddef)<4 else fielddef[3])
else: # single array
subfielddef = (fielddef[0], addr, None, None if len(fielddef)<4 else fielddef[3])
length = GetFieldLength(subfielddef)
if length != 0:
result.append(GetField(dobj, fieldname, subfielddef))
addr += length
# tuple 2 contains a list with dict
elif isinstance(fielddef[2], list) and len(fielddef[2])>0 and isinstance(fielddef[2][0], dict):
d = {}
value = struct.unpack_from(fielddef[0], dobj, fielddef[1])[0]
d['base'] = ConvertFieldValue(value, fielddef);
union = fielddef[2]
i = 0
for l in union:
for name,bits in l.items():
bitval = (value & ( ((1<<bits)-1) << i )) >> i
d[name] = bitval
i += bits
result = d
# it's a single value
if GetFieldLength(fielddef) != 0:
result = struct.unpack_from(fielddef[0], dobj, fielddef[1])[0]
if fielddef[0][-1:].lower() in ['s','p']:
if ord(result[:1])==0x00 or ord(result[:1])==0xff:
result = ''
s = str(result).split('\0')[0]
result = s #unicode(s, errors='replace')
result = ConvertFieldValue(result, fielddef)
return result
def DeEncrypt(obj):
Decrpt/Encrypt binary config data
@param obj:
binary config data
@return: decrypted configuration (if obj contains encrypted data)
encrypted configuration (if obj contains decrypted data)
dobj = obj[0:2]
for i in range(2, len(obj)):
dobj += chr( (ord(obj[i]) ^ (CONFIG_FILE_XOR +i)) & 0xff )
return dobj
def Decode(obj):
Decodes (already decrypted) binary data stream
@param obj:
binary config data
# get header data
cfg_size = GetField(obj, 'cfg_size', Setting_6_2_1['cfg_size'])
version = GetField(obj, 'version', Setting_6_2_1['version'])
# search setting definition
setting = None
for cfg in Settings:
if version >= cfg[0] and cfg_size == cfg[1]:
template = cfg
setting = template[2]
# if we did not found a mathching setting
if setting is None:
exit(2, "Can't handle Tasmota configuration data for version 0x{:x} with {} bytes".format(version, cfg_size) )
if GetField(obj, 'cfg_crc', setting['cfg_crc']) != GetSettingsCrc(obj):
exit(3, 'Data crc error' )
config = {}
config['version_template'] = '0x{:x}'.format(template[0])
for name in setting:
config[name] = GetField(obj, name, setting[name])
if args.sort == 'name':
config = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(config.items()))
if args.format == 'json':
print json.dumps(config, sort_keys=args.sort=='name')
for key,value in config.items():
print '{} = {}'.format(key, repr(value))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = configargparse.ArgumentParser(description='Decode configuration of Sonoff-Tasmota device.',
epilog='Note: Either argument -d <device> or -f <tasmotafile> must be given.')
source = parser.add_argument_group('source')
source.add_argument('-f', '--file',
help='file to retrieve Tasmota configuration from (default: {})'.format(DEFAULTS['source']['tasmotafile']))
source.add_argument('-d', '--device',
metavar='<devicename or IP address>',
help='device to retrieve configuration from (default: {})'.format(DEFAULTS['source']['device']) )
source.add_argument('-u', '--username',
help='for -d usage: http access username (default: {})'.format(DEFAULTS['source']['username']))
source.add_argument('-p', '--password',
help='for -d usage: http access password (default: {})'.format(DEFAULTS['source']['password']))
output = parser.add_argument_group('output')
choices=['json', 'text'],
help='output format ("json" or "text", default: "{}")'.format(DEFAULTS['output']['format']) )
choices=['none', 'name'],
help='sort result - <word> can be "none" or "name" (default: "{}")'.format(DEFAULTS['output']['sort']) )
help='output raw values (default: {})'.format('raw' if DEFAULTS['output']['raw'] else 'processed') )
help='unhide passwords (default: {})'.format('unhide' if DEFAULTS['output']['unhide-pw'] else 'hide') )
output.add_argument('-o', '--output-file',
help='file to store decrypted raw binary configuration to (default: {})'.format(DEFAULTS['output']['outputfile']))
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
help='Config file, can be used instead of command parameter (defaults to {})'.format(DEFAULTS['DEFAULT']['configfile']) )
info = parser.add_argument_group('info')
info.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version=PROG)
args = parser.parse_args()
configobj = None
if args.device is not None:
# read config direct from device via http
buffer = io.BytesIO()
url = str("http://{}/dl".format(args.device))
c = pycurl.Curl()
c.setopt(c.URL, url)
c.setopt(c.VERBOSE, 0)
if args.username is not None and args.password is not None:
c.setopt(c.USERPWD, args.username + ':' + args.password)
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)
except Exception, e:
exit(e[0], e[1])
response = c.getinfo(c.RESPONSE_CODE)
if response>=400:
exit(response, 'HTTP returns {}'.format(response) )
configobj = buffer.getvalue()
elif args.tasmotafile is not None:
# read config from a file
if not os.path.isfile(args.tasmotafile): # check file exists
exit(1, "file '{}' not found".format(args.tasmotafile))
tasmotafile = open(args.tasmotafile, "rb")
configobj = tasmotafile.read()
except Exception, e:
exit(e[0], e[1])
if configobj is not None and len(configobj)>0:
cfg = DeEncrypt(configobj)
if args.outputfile is not None:
outputfile = open(args.outputfile, "wb")
exit(4, "Could not read configuration data from {} '{}'".format('device' if args.device is not None else 'file', args.device if args.device is not None else args.tasmotafile) )