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// Copyright 2017 David Conran
/// @file
/// @brief Support for Toshiba protocols.
/// @see https://github.com/r45635/HVAC-IR-Control
/// @see https://github.com/r45635/HVAC-IR-Control/blob/master/HVAC_ESP8266/HVAC_ESP8266T.ino#L77
/// @see https://github.com/crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266/issues/1205
/// @see https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yidE2fvaO9kpCHfKafIdH31q4uaskYR1OwwrkyOxbp0/edit?usp=drivesdk
/// @see https://www.toshiba-carrier.co.jp/global/about/index.htm
/// @see http://www.toshiba-carrier.co.th/AboutUs/Pages/CompanyProfile.aspx
// Supports:
// Brand: Toshiba, Model: RAS-B13N3KV2
// Brand: Toshiba, Model: Akita EVO II
// Brand: Toshiba, Model: RAS-B13N3KVP-E
// Brand: Toshiba, Model: RAS 18SKP-ES
// Brand: Toshiba, Model: WH-TA04NE
// Brand: Toshiba, Model: WC-L03SE
// Brand: Toshiba, Model: WH-UB03NJ remote
// Brand: Toshiba, Model: RAS-2558V A/C
// Brand: Carrier, Model: 42NQV060M2 / 38NYV060M2 A/C
// Brand: Carrier, Model: 42NQV050M2 / 38NYV050M2 A/C
// Brand: Carrier, Model: 42NQV035M2 / 38NYV035M2 A/C
// Brand: Carrier, Model: 42NQV025M2 / 38NYV025M2 A/C
#ifndef IR_TOSHIBA_H_
#define IR_TOSHIBA_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef ARDUINO
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "IRremoteESP8266.h"
#include "IRsend.h"
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
#include "IRsend_test.h"
/// Native representation of a Toshiba A/C message.
union ToshibaProtocol{
uint8_t raw[kToshibaACStateLengthLong]; ///< The state in code form.
struct {
// Byte[0] - 0xF2
uint8_t :8;
// Byte[1] - 0x0D (inverted previous byte's value)
uint8_t :8;
// Byte[2] - The expected payload length (in bytes) past the Byte[4].
///< Known lengths are:
///< 1 (56 bit message)
///< 3 (72 bit message)
///< 4 (80 bit message)
uint8_t Length :8;
// Byte[3] - The bit-inverted value of the "length" byte.
uint8_t :8;
// Byte[4]
uint8_t :3;
uint8_t LongMsg :1;
uint8_t :1;
uint8_t ShortMsg:1;
uint8_t :2;
// Byte[5]
uint8_t Swing :3;
uint8_t :1;
uint8_t Temp :4;
// Byte[6]
uint8_t Mode :3;
uint8_t :2;
uint8_t Fan :3;
// Byte[7]
uint8_t :8;
// Byte[8]
// (Checksum for 72 bit messages, Eco/Turbo for long 80 bit messages)
uint8_t EcoTurbo :8;
// Constants
const uint8_t kToshibaAcLengthByte = 2; ///< Byte pos of the "length" attribute
const uint8_t kToshibaAcMinLength = 6; ///< Min Nr. of bytes in a message.
const uint16_t kToshibaAcInvertedLength = 4; ///< Nr. of leading bytes in
///< inverted pairs.
const uint8_t kToshibaAcSwingStep = 0; ///< 0b000
const uint8_t kToshibaAcSwingOn = 1; ///< 0b001
const uint8_t kToshibaAcSwingOff = 2; ///< 0b010
const uint8_t kToshibaAcSwingToggle = 4; ///< 0b100
const uint8_t kToshibaAcMinTemp = 17; ///< 17C
const uint8_t kToshibaAcMaxTemp = 30; ///< 30C
const uint8_t kToshibaAcAuto = 0; // 0b000
const uint8_t kToshibaAcCool = 1; // 0b001
const uint8_t kToshibaAcDry = 2; // 0b010
const uint8_t kToshibaAcHeat = 3; // 0b011
const uint8_t kToshibaAcFan = 4; // 0b100
const uint8_t kToshibaAcOff = 7; // 0b111
const uint8_t kToshibaAcFanAuto = 0; // 0b000
const uint8_t kToshibaAcFanMin = 1; // 0b001
const uint8_t kToshibaAcFanMed = 3; // 0b011
const uint8_t kToshibaAcFanMax = 5; // 0b101
const uint8_t kToshibaAcTurboOn = 1; // 0b01
const uint8_t kToshibaAcEconoOn = 3; // 0b11
// Legacy defines. (Deprecated)
#define TOSHIBA_AC_AUTO kToshibaAcAuto
#define TOSHIBA_AC_COOL kToshibaAcCool
#define TOSHIBA_AC_DRY kToshibaAcDry
#define TOSHIBA_AC_HEAT kToshibaAcHeat
#define TOSHIBA_AC_POWER kToshibaAcPower
#define TOSHIBA_AC_FAN_AUTO kToshibaAcFanAuto
#define TOSHIBA_AC_FAN_MAX kToshibaAcFanMax
#define TOSHIBA_AC_MIN_TEMP kToshibaAcMinTemp
#define TOSHIBA_AC_MAX_TEMP kToshibaAcMaxTemp
// Classes
/// Class for handling detailed Toshiba A/C messages.
class IRToshibaAC {
explicit IRToshibaAC(const uint16_t pin, const bool inverted = false,
const bool use_modulation = true);
void stateReset(void);
void send(const uint16_t repeat = kToshibaACMinRepeat);
/// Run the calibration to calculate uSec timing offsets for this platform.
/// @return The uSec timing offset needed per modulation of the IR Led.
/// @note This will produce a 65ms IR signal pulse at 38kHz.
/// Only ever needs to be run once per object instantiation, if at all.
int8_t calibrate(void) { return _irsend.calibrate(); }
void begin(void);
void on(void);
void off(void);
void setPower(const bool on);
bool getPower(void) const;
void setTemp(const uint8_t degrees);
uint8_t getTemp(void) const;
void setFan(const uint8_t speed);
uint8_t getFan(void) const;
void setTurbo(const bool on);
bool getTurbo(void) const;
void setEcono(const bool on);
bool getEcono(void) const;
void setMode(const uint8_t mode);
uint8_t getMode(const bool raw = false) const;
void setRaw(const uint8_t newState[],
const uint16_t length = kToshibaACStateLength);
uint8_t* getRaw(void);
static uint16_t getInternalStateLength(const uint8_t state[],
const uint16_t size);
uint16_t getStateLength(void) const;
static bool validChecksum(const uint8_t state[],
const uint16_t length = kToshibaACStateLength);
uint8_t getSwing(const bool raw = true) const;
void setSwing(const uint8_t setting);
static uint8_t convertMode(const stdAc::opmode_t mode);
static uint8_t convertFan(const stdAc::fanspeed_t speed);
static stdAc::opmode_t toCommonMode(const uint8_t mode);
static stdAc::fanspeed_t toCommonFanSpeed(const uint8_t speed);
stdAc::state_t toCommon(const stdAc::state_t *prev = NULL) const;
String toString(void) const;
#ifndef UNIT_TEST
IRsend _irsend; ///< Instance of the IR send class
#else // UNIT_TEST
/// @cond IGNORE
IRsendTest _irsend; ///< Instance of the testing IR send class
/// @endcond
#endif // UNIT_TEST
ToshibaProtocol _;
uint8_t backup[kToshibaACStateLengthLong]; ///< A backup copy of the state.
uint8_t _prev_mode; ///< Store of the previously set mode.
bool _send_swing; ///< Flag indicating if we need to send a swing message.
uint8_t _swing_mode; ///< The saved swing state/mode/command.
void checksum(const uint16_t length = kToshibaACStateLength);
static uint8_t calcChecksum(const uint8_t state[],
const uint16_t length = kToshibaACStateLength);
void setStateLength(const uint16_t size);
void _backupState(void);
void _restoreState(void);
#endif // IR_TOSHIBA_H_