
625 lines
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/* 4.0.1 20170305
* Fix char default sizes and set MESSZ to 360 (#143)
* Fix SerialLog setting status
* Disable syslog when emulation is active
* Add DS18B20 web page display refresh
* 4.0.0 20170303
* Add define to remove config migration code for versions below 3.0 (See Wiki-Upgrade-Migration path)
* Free memory by switching from String to char[]
* Raised Sonoff Led PWM frequency from 200Hz to 432Hz in search of stability (hardware watchdog timeouts) (#122)
* Increase message size and suggested minimum MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE to 512 (#114, #124)
* Remove runtime warning message regarding MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE too small as it is now moved to compile time (#124)
* Fix possible panics with web console and http commands while UDP syslog is active (#127)
* Add optional static IP address (#129)
* Add define ENERGY_RESOLUTION in user_config.h to allow user control over precision (#136)
* 3.9.22 20170228
* Update web console
* Fix Status 4 JSON message
* Add Exception info during restart if available
* Add osWatch service to detect loop hangs that might happen during (OTA) upgrades
* Add WiOn support for relay and switch only (#82, #102)
* Allow for user specified relay count up to four in sonoff_template.h (#109)
* Add support for HTU21 compatible I2C sensors SI7013, SI7020 and SI7021 (#118)
* Add NodeMCU or Wemos configuration option (#119)
* 3.9.21 20170224
* Add ajax to web root page and web console (#79)
* Add commands SwitchMode1..4 and enable user switches 2, 3 and 4 (#84, #88)
* Fix MQTT upgrade when webserver is active
* 3.9.20 20170221
* Add minimal basic authentication to Web Admin mode (#87)
* Fix Hue and add HSB support (#89)
* 3.9.19 20170219
* Sonoff Led: Made GPIO04, 05 and 15 available for user
* Sonoff Led: Add commands Fade, Speed, WakupDuration, Wakeup and LedTable
* 3.9.18 20170218
* Fix ledstate 0 to turn off led
* Fix Sonoff Led dimmer range (#16)
* Change Sonoff Led command Dimmer to act on both cold and warm color
* Add Sonoff Led command Color CCWW where CCWW are hexadecimal values fro 00 - FF
* Reduce Sonoff Led flickering by disabling interrupts during flash save and disabling
* Led during OTA upgrade and Web upload (#16)
* 3.9.17 20170217
* Fix possible ArduinoJSON related memory fragmentation
* Changed console logging using less memory
* Add GPIO04 as user selectable for Sonoff Dual (#75)
* 3.9.16 20170214
* Update latching relay handler
* Add support for IR led using IRremoteESP8266 library (#59)
* Add Hue argument passing using ArduinoJSON library (#59)
* 3.9.15 20170213
* Change JSON float values from string to number according to http://json.org (#56)
* Add support for exs latched relay module https://ex-store.de/ESP8266-WiFi-Relay-V31 (#58)
* Add support for inverted relays
* Changed MAX_LOG_LINES from 70 to 60 to preserve memory
* 3.9.14 20170211
* Add False and True as alternatives for 0/Off and 1/On (#49)
* Fix Status10 JSON format (#52)
* Fix DS18x20 using OneWire library (#53)
* 3.9.13 20170210
* Add FlashChipMode to Status 4
* Removed redundant DHT2 option and code
* Add Sonoff SV GPIO pin 05 configuration (#40)
* Add configuration file backup and restore via web page
* Fix latency due to light_sleep mode even if sleep was set to zero (#50)
* 3.9.12 20170208
* Fix compile error when webserver is disabled (#30)
* Fix possible ESP8285 flash problem by updating Flash Chip Mode to DOUT during OTA upload
* Fix hostname issues by not allowing user entry of string formatting and removing from user_config.h (#36)
* 3.9.11 20170204
* Fix command I2Cscan
* Fix not allowed spaces in Topic, ButtonTopic and SwitchTopic
* Make all TELEMETRY, STATUS and COMMAND message topics unique (#4)
* Advertise command topic to be used by iobroker (#299)
* Fix butten (non)detection if no GPIO_KEY1 is defined (#13)
* Change WeMo serialnumber from 7 decimal chars to 8 hexadecimal chars (#18)
* Update web page with Build Date/Time, Emulation and mDNS Discovery and Advertise information (#21)
* 3.9.10 20170130
* Add WS2812 Color Type selection (RGB or GRB) to user_config.h (#7)
* Hue api changes to support HUE App(s) (#8)
* 3.9.9 20170130
* Add command status 10 showing sensor data
* Fix hlw status messages if hlw is disabled
* 3.9.8 20170130
* Remove GPIO07 and GPIO08 from user selectable (#5)
* 3.9.7 20170129
* Fix possible WS2812 exceptions when using emulation
* Add command Emulation to dynamic configure Belkin WeMo and Hue Bridge for Alexa
* 3.9.6 20170129
* Add dynamic sleep for WS2812 animation (#1)
* 3.9.5 20170128
* Fix error message in case of wrong Domoticz command
* 3.9.4 20170127
* Fix Sonoff Dual Relay switching (#287)
* 3.9.3 20170127
* Add confirmation before Restart via webpage
* Expand Domoticz Configuration webpage with Key, Switch and Sensor Index and
* add commands DomoticzSwitchIdx and DomoticzSensorIdx (#86) (#174) (#219)
* Fix default DHT11 sensor driver selection
* Fix LedPower status after button press (#279)
* Add command Sleep 0 - 250 mSec for optional light sleep mode to lower energy consumption (#272)
* (Expect overall button/key/switch misses and wrong values on Sonoff Pow)
* Add Hue brightness extension (#281)
* Fix Hue brightness and change to call by reference (#283)
* 3.9.2 20170124
* Add confirmation before Reset Configuration via webpage (#244)
* Add WS2812 features (see Wiki commands)
* 3.9.1 20170124
* Change PowerOnState function to only trigger when Power On (and not just restart) (#238)
* Move HLW interrupts back to RAM and make WS2812_DMA optional as it generates Exception on Pow (#264)
* Add charset=utf-8 to webpages (#266)
* Update Hue emulation (#268)
* Fix status module number
* Add support for domoticz Dimmer on Sonoff_Led and WS2812
* Fix possible ESP8285 flash problem by updating Flash Chip Mode to DOUT during web upload
* 3.2.6a 20170120
* Fix Sonoff Pow compile error (#255)
* Move HLW interrupts back to ROM (Needed for WS2812 DMA interrupts)
* Removed all IO config from user_config.h as this will be done by commands or webpage
* Removed MessageFormat and supports JSON only except POWER/LIGHT status
* Add command LedPower to control main led (#247)
* Add more FriendlyNames for Hue (#254)
* Add DMA support for WS2812 when using pin 3 while other pins work just as well in my case...
* Add HUE emulation for Alexa (#229)
* Add basic WS2812 support (#229)
* Fix Wemo when MQTT is disabled (#245)
* Revert ButtonTopic and change SwitchTopic1 - 4 to one SwitchTopic
* Rename MqttUnits to Units
* Add Mqtt command to enable/disable MQTT
* 3.2.2a 20170115
* Add dynamic (Sonoff) Module, user GPIO and sensor selection (one size fits (almost) all)
* Add support for Sonoff LED
* Add Seriallog disable after 600 seconds for Sonoff Dual and 4 Channel
* Add ButtonTopic2 - 4, SwitchTopic1 - 4 and SwitchRetain
* 3.2.2 20170113
* Fix PowerOnState 2 functionality after re-applying power (#230)
* 3.2.1 20170113
* Fix some failed command decoding (#228)
* Removed passwords from status messages (#216)
* 3.2.0 20170111
* Add I2C BH1750 sensor (#222)
* Sensor rewrite preparing for online selection
* 3.1.16 20170109
* Fix Domoticz possible error condition
* Remove Wifi password from connection message (#216)
* Add Configure Other menu item to web page (#209)
* Add command FriendlyName, field Friendly Name and define FRIENDLY_NAME to be used by Alexa
* eliminating current use of MQTT_CLIENT_ID (#209)
* Add friendlyname to webpage replacing former hostname
* 3.1.15 20170108
* Fix Domoticz send key regression with Toggle command
* 3.1.14 20170107
* Add support for command TOGGLE (define MQTT_CMND_TOGGLE) when ButtonTopic is in use and not equal to Topic (#207)
* 3.1.13 20170107
* Fix web console command input when SUB_PREFIX contains '/' (#152)
* Add command response to web command (#200)
* Add option to disable MQTT as define USE_MQTT in user_config.h (#200)
* 3.1.12 20170106
* Add OTA retry to solve possible HTTP transient errors (#204)
* Fix MQTT host discovery
* 3.1.11 20170105
* Add mDNS to advertise webserver as <hostname>.local/
* 3.1.10 20170105
* Fix ButtonTopic when SUB_PREFIX = PUB_PREFIX
* Add workaround for possible MQTT queueing when SUB_PREFIX = PUB_PREFIX
* Add optional MQTT host discovery using define USE_DISCOVERY in user_config.h (#115)
* 3.1.9 20170104
* Fix Power Blink start position (toggled)
* Change PulseTime increments: 1 .. 111 in 0.1 sec (max 11 seconds) and 112 .. 64900 in seconds (= 12 seconds until 18 hours) (#188)
* Add support for SUB_PREFIX = PUB_PREFIX (#190)
* 3.1.8 20170103
* Add retain flag to LWT offline and only send "tele/sonoff/LWT Offline" (#179)
* Change retained LWT Online message to only send "tele/sonoff/LWT Online"
* 3.1.7 20161231
* Add retained message LWT Online when sonoff makes MQTT connection (#179)
* 3.1.6 20161230
* Add blinking using commands BlinkTime, BlinkCount and Power Blink|3|BlinkOff|4 (#165)
* 3.1.5 20161228
* Fix serial space command exception (28)
* 3.1.4 20161227
* Fix MQTT subscribe regression exception (3) (#162)
* Fix serial empty command exception (28)
* 3.1.3 20161225
* Extent Domoticz configuration webpage with optional indices (#153)
* Fix multi relay legacy tele message from tele/sonoff/2/POWER to tele/sonoff/POWER2
* Add support for iTead Motor Clockwise/Anticlockwise
* 3.1.2 20161224
* Extent command PowerOnState with toggle at power on (option 2 is now option 3!) (#156)
* 3.1.1 20161223
* Add support for Sonoff Touch and Sonoff 4CH (#40)
* Update DomoticzIdx and DomoticzKeyIdx with relay/key index (DomoticzIdx1/DomoticzKeyIdx1)
* Add command PowerOnState to control relay(s) at power on (#154)
* 3.1.0 20161221
* Add Sonoff Pow measurement smoothing
* Fix serial command topic preamble error (#151)
* Fix 2.x to 3.x migration inconsistencies (#146)
* 3.0.9 20161218
* Add Sonoff Pow voltage reading when relay is on but no load present (#123)
* 3.0.8 20161218
* Add temperature conversion to Fahrenheit as option in user_config.h (TEMP_CONVERSION) (#145)
* 3.0.7 20161217
* Add user_config_override.h to be used by user to override some defaults in user_config.h (#58)
* Fix Sonoff Pow low power (down to 4W) intermittent measurements (#123)
* 3.0.6 20161217
* Fix MQTT_CLIENT_ID starting with % sign as in "%06X" (#142)
* Add auto power off after PulseTime * 0.1 Sec to relay 1 (#134)
* 3.0.5 20161215
* Add more control over LED with command LedState options (#136, #143)
* Add option WIFI_RETRY (4) to command WifiConfig to allow connection retry to other AP without restart (#73)
* 3.0.4 20161211
* Fix intermittent Domoticz update misses (#133)
* 3.0.3 20161210
* Fix compiler warnings (#132)
* Remove redundant code
* Fix Domoticz pushbutton support
* 3.0.2 20161209
* Add pushbutton to SwitchMode (#130)
* 3.0.1 20161209
* Fix initial config
* 3.0.0 20161208
* Migrate and clean-up flash layout
* Settings from version 2.x are saved but settings from version 3.x can not be used with version 2.x
* Change SEND_TELEMETRY_RSSI to SEND_TELEMETRY_WIFI and add AP and SSID to telemetry
* Split long JSON messages
* Fix inconsistent status messages
* Fix all status messages to return JSON if enabled
* Remove relay index in cmnd/sonoff/<relay>/POWER now changed
* to cmnd/sonoff/POWER for single relay units
* and cmnd/sonoff/POWER<relay> for multi relay units like Sonoff dual
* Add retain option to Power/Light status controlled by command PowerRetain On|Off (#126)
* 2.1.2 20161204
* Add support for second wifi AP (#73)
* Update command WifiConfig
* Fix possible WifiManager hang
* 2.1.1a 20161203
* Fix scan for wifi networks if WeMo is enabled
* Fix syslog setting using web page
* 2.1.1 20161202
* Add support for ElectroDragon second relay and button (only toggle with optional ButtonTopic) (#110)
* 2.1.0 20161202
* Add optional EXPERIMENTAL TLS to MQTT (#49)
* Fix MQTT payload handling (#111)
* Optimzed WeMo code
* 2.0.21a 20161201
* Fix WeMo PowerPlug emulation
* 2.0.21 20161130
* Add Belkin WeMo PowerPlug emulation enabled with USE_WEMO_EMULATION in user_config.h (Heiko Krupp) (#105, #109)
* 2.0.20 20161130
* Relax MQTTClient naming but only allows hexadecimal uppercase numbers (#107)
* Add I2C support with command I2CScan
* Add I2C sensor driver for HTU21 as alternate sensor using TH10/16 connectors (Heiko Krupp) (#105)
* Add I2C sensor driver for BMP085/BMP180/BMP280/BME280 as alternate sensor using TH10/16 connectors
* 2.0.19a 20161127
* Add support for ButtonTopic and ButtonRetain to wall switch function
* Add pullup to SWITCH_PIN and command SwitchMode to syntax
* 2.0.18 20161126
* Add SUB_PREFIX multi level support allowing 'cmnd' or 'cmnd/level2/level3'
* Add wall switch function to GPIO14 and command SwitchMode (Alex Scott) (#103)
* 2.0.17 20161123
* Calibrate HLWPCAL from 12345 to 12530
* Add alternative sensor driver DHT2 using Adafruit DHT library
* Add define MESSAGE_FORMAT to user_config.h
* Throttle console messages
* Shorten JSON messages
* Fix possible Panic
* Fix User mode webserver security
* 2.0.16 20161118
* Add alternative sensor driver DS18x20 using OneWire library (#95)
* Change sensor MQTT message from tele/sonoff/TEMPERATURE to tele/sonoff/DHT/TEMPERATURE or
* tele/sonoff/DS18B20/TEMPERATURE or tele/sonoff/DS18x20/1/TEMPERATURE
* Add sensors to root webpage and auto refresh every 4 seconds (#92)
* Add optional JSON messageformat to all telemetry data
* Enforce minimum TelePeriod to be 10 seconds
* Fix Energy Yesterday reset after restart
* Add Energy Today restore after controlled restart
* 2.0.15 20161116
* Fix serial regression
* Fix syslog hangs when loghost is unavailable
* 2.0.14 20161115
* Add HLW threshold delay
* Fix HLW intermittent current deviation
* Fix button functionality during wificonfig
* Add CRC check to DS18B20 sensor (#88)
* 2.0.13 20161113
* Add additional upload error code descriptions
* Add PlatformIO support (#80)
* 2.0.12 20161113
* Fix Serial and Web response regression when no MQTT connection available
* Fix Sonoff Dual power telemetric data for second relay
* Removed MQTT password from Information web page
* Hide MQTT password from Configure MQTT web page
* 2.0.11 20161111
* Rewrite button and web toggle code
* Fix NTP sync
* Add HLW calibration commands HLWPCAL, HLWUCAL and HLWICAL (need define USE_POWERCALIBRATION)
* Fix power threshold tests
* 2.0.10 20161109
* Add additional Domoticz define (#63)
* Add defines MQTT_STATUS_ON and MQTT_STATUS_OFF in user_config.h to select status On/Off string
* Fix status response differences (#65)
* Fix divide by zero exception (#70)
* Fix syslog loop exception
* 2.0.9 20161108
* clarify MODULE in user_config.h
* Fix hlw false values
* 2.0.8 20161108
* Add initial status after power on
* Seperate driver files
* Fix hlw code and calibrate Pow
* Move user config defines to user_config.h (#61)
* 2.0.7 20161030
* Make Ticker mandatory
* Add Domoticz support (Increase MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE to 400) (#54)
* Add command MessageFormat 0|1 to select either legacy or JSON output
* 2.0.6 20161024
* Add Sonoff Pow power factor
* Initial support for up to four relays using iTEAD PSB (4Channel)
* - Currently only supports one button (All buttons behave the same)
* - Use command MODEL 4 to select four relay option
* (After first power on it will support 2 relays like Sonoff Dual)
* Fix ledstate
* Add command Status 9 to display Sonoff Pow thresholds
* Add commands PowerLow, PowerHigh, VoltageLow, VoltageHigh, CurrentLow and CurrentHigh for use
* with Sonoff Pow thresholds
* 2.0.5 20161018
* Add updates to user_config.h - moved SEND_TELEMETRY_DS18B20 and SEND_TELEMETRY_DHT to module area.
* As Sonoff TH10/16 does not have the logic installed for GPIO04 You'll have to select ONE of both
* Add Sonoff Pow support (experimental until Pow tested)
* Add command Status 8 to display Sonoff Pow energy values
* Add command MqttUnits On|Off to add units to values
* Change web main page header character size
* Change On/Off to ON/OFF status messages to satisfy openHAB
* 2.0.4 20161009
* Add MQTT_BUTTON_RETAIN, SAVE_DATA and SAVE_STATE defines to user_config.h (#35)
* Update ButtonRetain to remove retained message(s) from broker when turned off
* Add Retain for second relay on Sonoff Dual
* Provide power status messages with device topic index if requested
* 2.0.3 20161008
* Update wifi initialization
* Add command BUTTONRETAIN for optional MQTT retain on button press (#35)
* Add command SAVESTATE to disable power state save. May be used with MQTT retain
* 2.0.2 20161006
* Fix wifi issue 2186
* 2.0.1 20161002
* Fix button press
* 2.0.0 20161002
* Update Sonoff TH10/16 sensor pins (My TH10 only has GPIO14 connected)
* Add full support for Sonoff dual
* 1.0.35 20160929
* Add more lines to console
* Add timeout and disable MQTT on web upload
* Add command SAVEDATA to control parameter save (for flash wear afficionados) (#30)
* 1.0.34 20160926
* Fix button press six and seven
* Add more information to webserver
* 1.0.33 20160915
* Better WPS error message
* Separate webserver code from support.ino into webserver.ino
* Fix webserver User by removing unwanted restart option
* 1.0.32 20160913
* Add Wifi Protected Setup (WPS) as third option for initial config
* Add command WIFICONFIG replacing deprecated command SMARTCONFIG
* Add option WIFICONFIG 3 to start WPSconfig
* Add option WIFICONFIG 0 to start saved Wifi config tool (WPSconfig, Smartconfig or Wifimanager)
* Change button behaviour - See Wiki
* 1.0.31 20160907
* Fix DS18B20 misread if teleperiod = 2
* Tuned sensor code
* Updated prefered ElectroDragon connection to Relay 1 and Button 1
* Moved SONOFF and ELECTRO_DRAGON port config to user_config.h
* 1.0.30 20160902
* Fix command TELEPERIOD 0
* Add ESP- tag to UDP log message for easy rsyslogd filtering
* Add ElectroDragon (Relay 2 only) functionality. Select with #define MODULE ELECTRO_DRAGON
* Add ? as null message alternative
* Add DHT temperature and humidity telemetry support. Enable with #define SEND_TELEMETRY_DHT
* Add DS18B20 temperature telemetry support. Enable with #define SEND_TELEMETRY_DS18B20
* Restrict HOSTNAME, MQTTCLIENT, TOPIC and BUTTONTOPIC in topic mode only
* 1.0.29 20160831
* 1.0.28 20160831
* Add webserver state to status 5
* Add optional PUB_PREFIX2 (tele) for telemetry usage
* Add command TELEPERIOD
* Fix syntax message
* Change memory status display
* 1.0.27 20160831
* Add sketch flash size
* Add console to webserver
* Add command weblog
* Change WifiManager web pages to minimal
* Change display default hostname and MQTT client id in webserver
* Change HTTP command interface to http://sonoff-1234/cm?cmnd=light 2
* 1.0.26 20160829
* Add define USE_WEBSERVER to disable web server code in source
* Add file upload as alternative for ota upload to webserver
* Add information to webserver
* Add command hostname
* Add command logport
* Change HTTP command interface to http://sonoff-1234/cmd?cmnd=light 2
* Change button behaviour with regards to Smartconfig and OTA upload. See README.md
* Enforce default hostname to either "%s-%04d" or user defined without any %
* Enforce default mqtt client id to either "DVES_%06X" or user defined without any %
* 1.0.25 20160822
* Remove config system halts to keep ota available
* 1.0.24 20160821
* Add test for MQTT_SUBTOPIC
* Change log range to LOG_LEVEL_ALL
* Change MQTT introduction messages
* Moved MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE warning message to introduction messages
* 1.0.23 20160821
* Add option USE_SPIFFS to move config from flash to spiffs
* Add webserver with options 0 (off), 1 (user) and 2 (admin)
* Add HTTP command interface (http://sonoff-1234/c?cmnd=light 2)
* Add wifimanager countdown counter
* Add command line webpage
* Add relay control to wifimanager
* Add restart option 99 to force restart
* Fix wifi hostname
* Fix NETBIOS hostname problem by reducing default hostname length
* Fix possible exception if WIFI_HOSTNAME is changed
* Fix upgrade messages
* Reduce memory use by redesigning config routines
* Split syntax message
* Rename define SERIAL_IO to USE_SERIAL
* 1.0.22 20160814
* Add all MQTT parameters for configuration
* Add wifimanager to configure Wifi and MQTT via web server
* Change NTP time handling
* Fix Smartconfig parameter buffer overflow
* Fix PlatformIO warnings
* 1.0.21 20160808
* Remove semaphore as subscription flooding (more than 15 subscriptions per second) is managed by SDK (LmacRxBlk:1)
* Add optional RTC interrupt (define USE_TICKER) to keep RTC synced during subscription flooding
* Remove heartbeatflag
* 1.0.20 20160805
* Add semaphore to handle out of memory when too many subscriptions requested
* Use Daylight Saving (DST) parameters from user_config.h when timezone = 99
* Add status 7 option displaying RTC information
* Add ledstate to status 0
* 1.0.19 20160803
* Fix possible MQTT_CLIENT_ID induced Exception(28)
* 1.0.18 20160803
* Moved Cfg_Default
* Fix negative data handling
* Remove MQTT information from status 1 and add labels to status 1
* Add mac address to status 5
* Add MQTT ClientId, UserId and Password to status 6
* 1.0.17 20160731
* Better variable range checking
* Change ambiguous connection messages
* Add timestamp to serial message
* 1.0.16 20160729
* Moved wifi, rtc, syslog and config to support.ino
* Fixed button action when buttontopic is used. Introduced with 1.0.15
* Better buffer overflow checks (strlcpy)
* 1.0.15 20160728
* Removed pubsubclient config changes from sonoff.ino as it doesn't work
* reapply MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 256 and MQTT_KEEPALIVE 120 to PubSubClient.h
* Add status 0 option displaying all status messages
* Change MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE from 1024 to 256
* Add buffer overflow checks (snprintf and strncpy)
* Implemented common string sizes
* 1.0.14 20160722
* Seperate user config from sonoff.ino to user_config.h (pucebaboon)
* Change defaults from sidnas2 to domus1
* Add MQTT status message as status 6 (pucebaboon)
* Add status type to message (pucebaboon)
* Add pubsubclient config changes to sonoff.ino (pucebaboon)
* 1.0.13 20160702
* Add Ledstate 1 option to show power state on led
* 1.0.12 20160529
* Allow disable of button topic using "0"
* 1.0.11 20160524
* Provide button response if MQTT connection lost
* 1.0.10 20160520
* Add optional button topic to assist external MQTT clients
* Change version notation
* Reset default values
* 1.0.9 20160503
* Add more blinks
* Add reset 2 option erasing flash
* Add status 5 option displaying network info
* Add syslog check for Wifi connection
* Resize mqtt_publish log array
* Change Wifi smartconfig active from 100 to 60 seconds
* Update Wifi initialization
* 1.0.8 20160430
* Remove use of Wifi config data from SDK
* Add status 3 (syslog info) and status 4 (flash info)
* Add restart option to button (5 quick presses)
* 1.0.7 20160420
* Add UDP syslog support
* Change HOST command to MQTTHOST command
* Change hostname to lower case to distinguise between open-sdk version
* Add support for ESP-12F used in my modified wkaku power socket switch
* Fix timezone command
* Add RTC month names for future use
* Modify button code
* Remove initialization errors by better use of MQTT loop
* 1.0.6 20160406
* Removed Wifi AP mode (#1)
* Add test for Arduino IDE version >= 1.6.8
* Fix RTC time sync code
* 1.0.5 20160310
* Initial public release
* Show debug info by selecting option from IDE Tools Debug port: Serial