
798 lines
27 KiB

// Copyright 2017 Jonny Graham
// Copyright 2017-2019 David Conran
#include "ir_Fujitsu.h"
#include <algorithm>
#ifndef ARDUINO
#include <string>
#include "IRsend.h"
#include "IRtext.h"
#include "IRutils.h"
// Fujitsu A/C support added by Jonny Graham & David Conran
// Equipment it seems compatible with:
// * Fujitsu ASYG30LFCA with remote AR-RAH2E
// * Fujitsu AST9RSGCW with remote AR-DB1
// * Fujitsu ASYG7LMCA with remote AR-REB1E
// * Fujitsu AR-RAE1E remote.
// * Fujitsu General with remote AR-JW2
// * <Add models (A/C & remotes) you've gotten it working with here>
// Ref:
// These values are based on averages of measurements
const uint16_t kFujitsuAcHdrMark = 3324;
const uint16_t kFujitsuAcHdrSpace = 1574;
const uint16_t kFujitsuAcBitMark = 448;
const uint16_t kFujitsuAcOneSpace = 1182;
const uint16_t kFujitsuAcZeroSpace = 390;
const uint16_t kFujitsuAcMinGap = 8100;
using irutils::addBoolToString;
using irutils::addIntToString;
using irutils::addLabeledString;
using irutils::addModeToString;
using irutils::addModelToString;
using irutils::addFanToString;
using irutils::addTempToString;
using irutils::setBit;
using irutils::setBits;
// Send a Fujitsu A/C message.
// Args:
// data: An array of bytes containing the IR command.
// nbytes: Nr. of bytes of data in the array. Typically one of:
// kFujitsuAcStateLength
// kFujitsuAcStateLength - 1
// kFujitsuAcStateLengthShort
// kFujitsuAcStateLengthShort - 1
// repeat: Nr. of times the message is to be repeated.
// (Default = kFujitsuAcMinRepeat).
// Status: STABLE / Known Good.
void IRsend::sendFujitsuAC(const unsigned char data[], const uint16_t nbytes,
const uint16_t repeat) {
sendGeneric(kFujitsuAcHdrMark, kFujitsuAcHdrSpace, kFujitsuAcBitMark,
kFujitsuAcOneSpace, kFujitsuAcBitMark, kFujitsuAcZeroSpace,
kFujitsuAcBitMark, kFujitsuAcMinGap, data, nbytes, 38, false,
repeat, 50);
// Code to emulate Fujitsu A/C IR remote control unit.
// Initialise the object.
IRFujitsuAC::IRFujitsuAC(const uint16_t pin,
const fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t model,
const bool inverted, const bool use_modulation)
: _irsend(pin, inverted, use_modulation) {
void IRFujitsuAC::setModel(const fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t model) {
_model = model;
switch (model) {
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARDB1:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARJW2:
_state_length = kFujitsuAcStateLength - 1;
_state_length_short = kFujitsuAcStateLengthShort - 1;
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRY4:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRAH2E:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARREB1E:
_state_length = kFujitsuAcStateLength;
_state_length_short = kFujitsuAcStateLengthShort;
fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t IRFujitsuAC::getModel(void) { return _model; }
// Reset the state of the remote to a known good state/sequence.
void IRFujitsuAC::stateReset(void) {
_temp = 24;
_fanSpeed = kFujitsuAcFanHigh;
_mode = kFujitsuAcModeCool;
_swingMode = kFujitsuAcSwingBoth;
_cmd = kFujitsuAcCmdTurnOn;
_filter = false;
_clean = false;
// Configure the pin for output.
void IRFujitsuAC::begin(void) { _irsend.begin(); }
// Send the current desired state to the IR LED.
void IRFujitsuAC::send(const uint16_t repeat) {
_irsend.sendFujitsuAC(remote_state, getStateLength(), repeat);
void IRFujitsuAC::buildState(void) {
remote_state[0] = 0x14;
remote_state[1] = 0x63;
remote_state[2] = 0x00;
remote_state[3] = 0x10;
remote_state[4] = 0x10;
bool fullCmd = false;
switch (_cmd) {
case kFujitsuAcCmdTurnOff: // 0x02
case kFujitsuAcCmdEcono: // 0x09
case kFujitsuAcCmdPowerful: // 0x39
case kFujitsuAcCmdStepVert: // 0x6C
case kFujitsuAcCmdToggleSwingVert: // 0x6D
case kFujitsuAcCmdStepHoriz: // 0x79
case kFujitsuAcCmdToggleSwingHoriz: // 0x7A
remote_state[5] = _cmd;
switch (_model) {
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRY4:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRAH2E:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARREB1E:
remote_state[5] = 0xFE;
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARDB1:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARJW2:
remote_state[5] = 0xFC;
fullCmd = true;
if (fullCmd) { // long codes
uint8_t tempByte = _temp - kFujitsuAcMinTemp;
// Nr. of bytes in the message after this byte.
remote_state[6] = _state_length - 7;
remote_state[7] = 0x30;
remote_state[8] = (_cmd == kFujitsuAcCmdTurnOn) | (tempByte << 4);
remote_state[9] = _mode | 0 << 4; // timer off
remote_state[10] = _fanSpeed;
remote_state[11] = 0; // timerOff values
remote_state[12] = 0; // timerOff/On values
remote_state[13] = 0; // timerOn values
switch (_model) {
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRY4:
remote_state[14] = _filter << 3;
remote_state[9] |= (_clean << 3);
remote_state[14] = 0;
uint8_t checksum = 0;
uint8_t checksum_complement = 0;
switch (_model) {
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARDB1:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARJW2:
checksum = sumBytes(remote_state, _state_length - 1);
checksum_complement = 0x9B;
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARREB1E:
setBit(&remote_state[14], kFujitsuAcOutsideQuietOffset, _outsideQuiet);
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRAH2E:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRY4:
setBit(&remote_state[14], 5); // |= 0b00100000
setBits(&remote_state[10], kHighNibble, kFujitsuAcSwingSize,
checksum = sumBytes(remote_state + _state_length_short,
_state_length - _state_length_short - 1);
// and negate the checksum and store it in the last byte.
remote_state[_state_length - 1] = checksum_complement - checksum;
} else { // short codes
switch (_model) {
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRY4:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRAH2E:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARREB1E:
// The last byte is the inverse of penultimate byte
remote_state[_state_length_short - 1] =
~remote_state[_state_length_short - 2];
{}; // We don't need to do anything for the others.
// Zero the rest of the state.
for (uint8_t i = _state_length_short; i < kFujitsuAcStateLength; i++)
remote_state[i] = 0;
uint8_t IRFujitsuAC::getStateLength(void) {
this->buildState(); // Force an update of the internal state.
if (((_model == fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRAH2E ||
_model == fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARREB1E ||
_model == fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRY4) &&
remote_state[5] != 0xFE) ||
((_model == fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARDB1 ||
_model == fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARJW2) && remote_state[5] != 0xFC))
return _state_length_short;
return _state_length;
// Return a pointer to the internal state date of the remote.
uint8_t* IRFujitsuAC::getRaw(void) {
return remote_state;
void IRFujitsuAC::buildFromState(const uint16_t length) {
switch (length) {
case kFujitsuAcStateLength - 1:
case kFujitsuAcStateLengthShort - 1:
// ARJW2 has horizontal swing.
if (this->getSwing(true) > kFujitsuAcSwingVert)
switch (this->getCmd(true)) {
case kFujitsuAcCmdEcono:
case kFujitsuAcCmdPowerful:
switch (remote_state[6]) {
case 8:
if (this->getModel() != fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARJW2)
case 9:
if (this->getModel() != fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARREB1E)
setTemp((remote_state[8] >> 4) + kFujitsuAcMinTemp);
if (GETBIT8(remote_state[8], 0))
setMode(GETBITS8(remote_state[9], kLowNibble, kModeBitsSize));
setFanSpeed(GETBITS8(remote_state[10], kLowNibble, kFujitsuAcFanSize));
setSwing(GETBITS8(remote_state[10], kHighNibble, kFujitsuAcSwingSize));
// Currently the only way we know how to tell ARRAH2E & ARRY4 apart is if
// either the raw Filter or Clean setting is on.
if (getModel() == fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRAH2E && (getFilter(true) ||
switch (remote_state[5]) {
case kFujitsuAcCmdTurnOff:
case kFujitsuAcCmdStepHoriz:
case kFujitsuAcCmdToggleSwingHoriz:
case kFujitsuAcCmdStepVert:
case kFujitsuAcCmdToggleSwingVert:
case kFujitsuAcCmdEcono:
case kFujitsuAcCmdPowerful:
_outsideQuiet = this->getOutsideQuiet(true);
bool IRFujitsuAC::setRaw(const uint8_t newState[], const uint16_t length) {
if (length > kFujitsuAcStateLength) return false;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < kFujitsuAcStateLength; i++) {
if (i < length)
remote_state[i] = newState[i];
remote_state[i] = 0;
return true;
void IRFujitsuAC::stepHoriz(void) { this->setCmd(kFujitsuAcCmdStepHoriz); }
void IRFujitsuAC::toggleSwingHoriz(const bool update) {
// Toggle the current setting.
if (update) this->setSwing(this->getSwing() ^ kFujitsuAcSwingHoriz);
// and set the appropriate special command.
void IRFujitsuAC::stepVert(void) { this->setCmd(kFujitsuAcCmdStepVert); }
void IRFujitsuAC::toggleSwingVert(const bool update) {
// Toggle the current setting.
if (update) this->setSwing(this->getSwing() ^ kFujitsuAcSwingVert);
// and set the appropriate special command.
// Set the requested command of the A/C.
void IRFujitsuAC::setCmd(const uint8_t cmd) {
switch (cmd) {
case kFujitsuAcCmdTurnOff:
case kFujitsuAcCmdTurnOn:
case kFujitsuAcCmdStayOn:
case kFujitsuAcCmdStepVert:
case kFujitsuAcCmdToggleSwingVert:
_cmd = cmd;
case kFujitsuAcCmdStepHoriz:
case kFujitsuAcCmdToggleSwingHoriz:
switch (_model) {
// Only these remotes have horizontal.
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRAH2E:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARJW2:
_cmd = cmd;
_cmd = kFujitsuAcCmdStayOn;
case kFujitsuAcCmdEcono:
case kFujitsuAcCmdPowerful:
switch (_model) {
// Only these remotes have these commands.
case ARREB1E:
_cmd = cmd;
_cmd = kFujitsuAcCmdStayOn;
_cmd = kFujitsuAcCmdStayOn;
// Get the special command part of the message.
// Args:
// raw: Do we need to get it from first principles from the raw data?
// Returns:
// A uint8_t containing the contents of the special command byte.
uint8_t IRFujitsuAC::getCmd(const bool raw) {
if (raw) return remote_state[5];
return _cmd;
// Set the requested power state of the A/C.
void IRFujitsuAC::setPower(const bool on) {
this->setCmd(on ? kFujitsuAcCmdTurnOn : kFujitsuAcCmdTurnOff);
// Set the requested power state of the A/C to off.
void IRFujitsuAC::off(void) { this->setPower(false); }
// Set the requested power state of the A/C to on.
void IRFujitsuAC::on(void) { this->setPower(true); }
bool IRFujitsuAC::getPower(void) { return _cmd != kFujitsuAcCmdTurnOff; }
void IRFujitsuAC::setOutsideQuiet(const bool on) {
_outsideQuiet = on;
this->setCmd(kFujitsuAcCmdStayOn); // No special command involved.
// Get the status of the Outside Quiet setting.
// Args:
// raw: Do we get the result from base data?
// Returns:
// A boolean for if it is set or not.
bool IRFujitsuAC::getOutsideQuiet(const bool raw) {
if (_state_length == kFujitsuAcStateLength && raw) {
_outsideQuiet = GETBIT8(remote_state[14], kFujitsuAcOutsideQuietOffset);
// Only ARREB1E seems to have this mode.
if (_outsideQuiet) this->setModel(fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARREB1E);
return _outsideQuiet;
// Set the temp. in deg C
void IRFujitsuAC::setTemp(const uint8_t temp) {
_temp = std::max((uint8_t)kFujitsuAcMinTemp, temp);
_temp = std::min((uint8_t)kFujitsuAcMaxTemp, _temp);
this->setCmd(kFujitsuAcCmdStayOn); // No special command involved.
uint8_t IRFujitsuAC::getTemp(void) { return _temp; }
// Set the speed of the fan
void IRFujitsuAC::setFanSpeed(const uint8_t fanSpeed) {
if (fanSpeed > kFujitsuAcFanQuiet)
_fanSpeed = kFujitsuAcFanHigh; // Set the fan to maximum if out of range.
_fanSpeed = fanSpeed;
this->setCmd(kFujitsuAcCmdStayOn); // No special command involved.
uint8_t IRFujitsuAC::getFanSpeed(void) { return _fanSpeed; }
// Set the requested climate operation mode of the a/c unit.
void IRFujitsuAC::setMode(const uint8_t mode) {
if (mode > kFujitsuAcModeHeat)
_mode = kFujitsuAcModeHeat; // Set the mode to maximum if out of range.
_mode = mode;
this->setCmd(kFujitsuAcCmdStayOn); // No special command involved.
uint8_t IRFujitsuAC::getMode(void) { return _mode; }
// Set the requested swing operation mode of the a/c unit.
void IRFujitsuAC::setSwing(const uint8_t swingMode) {
_swingMode = swingMode;
switch (_model) {
// No Horizontal support.
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARDB1:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARREB1E:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRY4:
// Set the mode to max if out of range
if (swingMode > kFujitsuAcSwingVert) _swingMode = kFujitsuAcSwingVert;
// Has Horizontal support.
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRAH2E:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARJW2:
// Set the mode to max if out of range
if (swingMode > kFujitsuAcSwingBoth) _swingMode = kFujitsuAcSwingBoth;
this->setCmd(kFujitsuAcCmdStayOn); // No special command involved.
// Get what the swing part of the message should be.
// Args:
// raw: Do we need to get it from first principles from the raw data?
// Returns:
// A uint8_t containing the contents of the swing state.
uint8_t IRFujitsuAC::getSwing(const bool raw) {
if (raw) _swingMode = GETBITS8(remote_state[10], kHighNibble,
return _swingMode;
void IRFujitsuAC::setClean(const bool on) {
_clean = on;
this->setCmd(kFujitsuAcCmdStayOn); // No special command involved.
bool IRFujitsuAC::getClean(const bool raw) {
if (raw) {
return GETBIT8(remote_state[9], kFujitsuAcCleanOffset);
} else {
switch (getModel()) {
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRY4: return _clean;
default: return false;
void IRFujitsuAC::setFilter(const bool on) {
_filter = on;
this->setCmd(kFujitsuAcCmdStayOn); // No special command involved.
bool IRFujitsuAC::getFilter(const bool raw) {
if (raw) {
return GETBIT8(remote_state[14], kFujitsuAcFilterOffset);
} else {
switch (getModel()) {
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRY4: return _filter;
default: return false;
bool IRFujitsuAC::validChecksum(uint8_t state[], const uint16_t length) {
uint8_t sum = 0;
uint8_t sum_complement = 0;
uint8_t checksum = state[length - 1];
switch (length) {
case kFujitsuAcStateLengthShort: // ARRAH2E, ARREB1E, & ARRY4
return state[length - 1] == (uint8_t)~state[length - 2];
case kFujitsuAcStateLength - 1: // ARDB1 & ARJW2
sum = sumBytes(state, length - 1);
sum_complement = 0x9B;
case kFujitsuAcStateLength: // ARRAH2E, ARRY4, & ARREB1E
sum = sumBytes(state + kFujitsuAcStateLengthShort,
length - 1 - kFujitsuAcStateLengthShort);
default: // Includes ARDB1 & ARJW2 short.
return true; // Assume the checksum is valid for other lengths.
return checksum == (uint8_t)(sum_complement - sum); // Does it match?
// Convert a standard A/C mode into its native mode.
uint8_t IRFujitsuAC::convertMode(const stdAc::opmode_t mode) {
switch (mode) {
case stdAc::opmode_t::kCool: return kFujitsuAcModeCool;
case stdAc::opmode_t::kHeat: return kFujitsuAcModeHeat;
case stdAc::opmode_t::kDry: return kFujitsuAcModeDry;
case stdAc::opmode_t::kFan: return kFujitsuAcModeFan;
default: return kFujitsuAcModeAuto;
// Convert a standard A/C Fan speed into its native fan speed.
uint8_t IRFujitsuAC::convertFan(stdAc::fanspeed_t speed) {
switch (speed) {
case stdAc::fanspeed_t::kMin: return kFujitsuAcFanQuiet;
case stdAc::fanspeed_t::kLow: return kFujitsuAcFanLow;
case stdAc::fanspeed_t::kMedium: return kFujitsuAcFanMed;
case stdAc::fanspeed_t::kHigh:
case stdAc::fanspeed_t::kMax: return kFujitsuAcFanHigh;
default: return kFujitsuAcFanAuto;
// Convert a native mode to it's common equivalent.
stdAc::opmode_t IRFujitsuAC::toCommonMode(const uint8_t mode) {
switch (mode) {
case kFujitsuAcModeCool: return stdAc::opmode_t::kCool;
case kFujitsuAcModeHeat: return stdAc::opmode_t::kHeat;
case kFujitsuAcModeDry: return stdAc::opmode_t::kDry;
case kFujitsuAcModeFan: return stdAc::opmode_t::kFan;
default: return stdAc::opmode_t::kAuto;
// Convert a native fan speed to it's common equivalent.
stdAc::fanspeed_t IRFujitsuAC::toCommonFanSpeed(const uint8_t speed) {
switch (speed) {
case kFujitsuAcFanHigh: return stdAc::fanspeed_t::kMax;
case kFujitsuAcFanMed: return stdAc::fanspeed_t::kMedium;
case kFujitsuAcFanLow: return stdAc::fanspeed_t::kLow;
case kFujitsuAcFanQuiet: return stdAc::fanspeed_t::kMin;
default: return stdAc::fanspeed_t::kAuto;
// Convert the A/C state to it's common equivalent.
stdAc::state_t IRFujitsuAC::toCommon(void) {
stdAc::state_t result;
result.protocol = decode_type_t::FUJITSU_AC;
result.model = this->getModel();
result.power = this->getPower();
result.mode = this->toCommonMode(this->getMode());
result.celsius = true;
result.degrees = this->getTemp();
result.fanspeed = this->toCommonFanSpeed(this->getFanSpeed());
uint8_t swing = this->getSwing();
switch (result.model) {
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARREB1E:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRAH2E:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARRY4:
result.clean = _clean;
result.filter = _filter;
result.swingv = (swing & kFujitsuAcSwingVert) ? stdAc::swingv_t::kAuto :
result.swingh = (swing & kFujitsuAcSwingHoriz) ? stdAc::swingh_t::kAuto :
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARDB1:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARJW2:
result.swingv = stdAc::swingv_t::kOff;
result.swingh = stdAc::swingh_t::kOff;
result.quiet = (this->getFanSpeed() == kFujitsuAcFanQuiet);
result.turbo = this->getCmd() == kFujitsuAcCmdPowerful;
result.econo = this->getCmd() == kFujitsuAcCmdEcono;
// Not supported.
result.light = false;
result.filter = false;
result.clean = false;
result.beep = false;
result.sleep = -1;
result.clock = -1;
return result;
// Convert the internal state into a human readable string.
String IRFujitsuAC::toString(void) {
String result = "";
result.reserve(100); // Reserve some heap for the string to reduce fragging.
fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t model = this->getModel();
result += addModelToString(decode_type_t::FUJITSU_AC, model, false);
result += addBoolToString(getPower(), kPowerStr);
result += addModeToString(getMode(), kFujitsuAcModeAuto, kFujitsuAcModeCool,
kFujitsuAcModeHeat, kFujitsuAcModeDry,
result += addTempToString(getTemp());
result += addFanToString(getFanSpeed(), kFujitsuAcFanHigh, kFujitsuAcFanLow,
kFujitsuAcFanAuto, kFujitsuAcFanQuiet,
switch (model) {
// These models have no internal swing, clean. or filter state.
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARDB1:
case fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARJW2:
default: // Assume everything else does.
result += addBoolToString(getClean(), kCleanStr);
result += addBoolToString(getFilter(), kFilterStr);
result += addIntToString(this->getSwing(), kSwingStr);
result += kSpaceLBraceStr;
switch (this->getSwing()) {
case kFujitsuAcSwingOff:
result += kOffStr;
case kFujitsuAcSwingVert:
result += kSwingVStr;
case kFujitsuAcSwingHoriz:
result += kSwingHStr;
case kFujitsuAcSwingBoth:
result += kSwingVStr;
result += '+';
result += kSwingHStr;
result += kUnknownStr;
result += ')';
result += kCommaSpaceStr;
result += kCommandStr;
result += kColonSpaceStr;
switch (this->getCmd()) {
case kFujitsuAcCmdStepHoriz:
result += kStepStr;
result += ' ';
result += kSwingHStr;
case kFujitsuAcCmdStepVert:
result += kStepStr;
result += ' ';
result += kSwingVStr;
case kFujitsuAcCmdToggleSwingHoriz:
result += kToggleStr;
result += ' ';
result += kSwingHStr;
case kFujitsuAcCmdToggleSwingVert:
result += kToggleStr;
result += ' ';
result += kSwingVStr;
case kFujitsuAcCmdEcono:
result += kEconoStr;
case kFujitsuAcCmdPowerful:
result += kPowerfulStr;
result += kNAStr;
if (this->getModel() == fujitsu_ac_remote_model_t::ARREB1E)
result += addBoolToString(getOutsideQuiet(), kOutsideQuietStr);
return result;
// Decode a Fujitsu AC IR message if possible.
// Places successful decode information in the results pointer.
// Args:
// results: Ptr to the data to decode and where to store the decode result.
// offset: The starting index to use when attempting to decode the raw data.
// Typically/Defaults to kStartOffset.
// nbits: The number of data bits to expect. Typically kFujitsuAcBits.
// strict: Flag to indicate if we strictly adhere to the specification.
// Returns:
// boolean: True if it can decode it, false if it can't.
// Status: STABLE / Working.
// Ref:
bool IRrecv::decodeFujitsuAC(decode_results* results, uint16_t offset,
const uint16_t nbits,
const bool strict) {
uint16_t dataBitsSoFar = 0;
// Have we got enough data to successfully decode?
if (results->rawlen < (2 * kFujitsuAcMinBits) + kHeader + kFooter - 1 +
return false; // Can't possibly be a valid message.
// Compliance
if (strict) {
switch (nbits) {
case kFujitsuAcBits:
case kFujitsuAcBits - 8:
case kFujitsuAcMinBits:
case kFujitsuAcMinBits + 8: break;
default: return false; // Must be called with the correct nr. of bits.
// Header
if (!matchMark(results->rawbuf[offset++], kFujitsuAcHdrMark)) return false;
if (!matchSpace(results->rawbuf[offset++], kFujitsuAcHdrSpace)) return false;
// Data (Fixed signature)
match_result_t data_result =
matchData(&(results->rawbuf[offset]), kFujitsuAcMinBits - 8,
kFujitsuAcBitMark, kFujitsuAcOneSpace, kFujitsuAcBitMark,
kFujitsuAcZeroSpace, _tolerance, kMarkExcess, false);
if (data_result.success == false) return false; // Fail
if (data_result.data != 0x1010006314) return false; // Signature failed.
dataBitsSoFar += kFujitsuAcMinBits - 8;
offset += data_result.used;
results->state[0] = 0x14;
results->state[1] = 0x63;
results->state[2] = 0x00;
results->state[3] = 0x10;
results->state[4] = 0x10;
// Keep reading bytes until we either run out of message or state to fill.
for (uint16_t i = 5;
offset <= results->rawlen - 16 && i < kFujitsuAcStateLength;
i++, dataBitsSoFar += 8, offset += data_result.used) {
data_result = matchData(
&(results->rawbuf[offset]), 8, kFujitsuAcBitMark, kFujitsuAcOneSpace,
kFujitsuAcBitMark, kFujitsuAcZeroSpace, _tolerance, kMarkExcess, false);
if (data_result.success == false) break; // Fail
results->state[i] = data_result.data;
// Footer
if (offset > results->rawlen ||
!matchMark(results->rawbuf[offset++], kFujitsuAcBitMark))
return false;
// The space is optional if we are out of capture.
if (offset < results->rawlen &&
!matchAtLeast(results->rawbuf[offset], kFujitsuAcMinGap))
return false;
// Compliance
if (strict) {
if (dataBitsSoFar != nbits) return false;
results->decode_type = FUJITSU_AC;
results->bits = dataBitsSoFar;
// Compliance
switch (dataBitsSoFar) {
case kFujitsuAcMinBits:
// Check if this values indicate that this should have been a long state
// message.
if (results->state[5] == 0xFC) return false;
return true; // Success
case kFujitsuAcMinBits + 8:
// Check if this values indicate that this should have been a long state
// message.
if (results->state[5] == 0xFE) return false;
// The last byte needs to be the inverse of the penultimate byte.
if (results->state[5] != (uint8_t)~results->state[6]) return false;
return true; // Success
case kFujitsuAcBits - 8:
// Long messages of this size require this byte be correct.
if (results->state[5] != 0xFC) return false;
case kFujitsuAcBits:
// Long messages of this size require this byte be correct.
if (results->state[5] != 0xFE) return false;
return false; // Unexpected size.
if (!IRFujitsuAC::validChecksum(results->state, dataBitsSoFar / 8))
return false;
// Success
return true; // All good.