
361 lines
13 KiB

xdrv_02_mqtt_1_file.ino - mqtt file support for Tasmota
Copyright (C) 2021 Theo Arends
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* MQTT file transfer
* Supports both binary and base64 encoded binary data transfer
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <base64.hpp>
extern PubSubClient MqttClient;
struct FMQTT {
uint32_t file_pos = 0; // MQTT file position during upload/download
uint32_t file_size = 0; // MQTT total file size
uint32_t file_type = 0; // MQTT File type (See UploadTypes)
uint8_t* file_buffer = nullptr; // MQTT file buffer
const char* file_password = nullptr; // MQTT password
MD5Builder md5; // MQTT md5
String file_md5; // MQTT received file md5 (32 chars)
uint16_t topic_size; // MQTT topic length with terminating <null>
uint8_t file_id = 0; // MQTT unique file id during upload/download
} FMqtt;
The download chunk size is the data size before it is encoded to base64.
It is smaller than the upload chunksize as it is bound by MESSZ
The download buffer with length MESSZ (1042) contains
- Payload ({"Id":117,"Data":"<base64 encoded mqtt_file_chuck_size>"}<null>)
const uint32_t FileTransferHeaderSize = 21; // {"Id":116,"Data":""}<null>
const uint32_t mqtt_file_chuck_size = (((MESSZ - FileTransferHeaderSize) / 4) * 3) -2;
uint32_t FileUploadChunckSize(void) {
The upload chunk size is the data size of the payload.
It can be larger than the download chunksize which is bound by MESSZ
The PubSubClient upload buffer with length MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE (1200) contains
- Header of 5 bytes (MQTT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE)
- Topic string terminated with a zero (stat/demo/FILEUPLOAD<null>)
- Payload ({"Id":116,"Data":"<base64 encoded FileUploadChunckSize>"}<null>) or (<binary data>)
const uint32_t PubSubClientHeaderSize = 5; // MQTT_MAX_HEADER_SIZE
return MqttClient.getBufferSize() - PubSubClientHeaderSize - FMqtt.topic_size -1;
uint32_t MqttFileUploadValidate(uint32_t rcv_id) {
if (XdrvMailbox.grpflg) { return 5; }
if ((0 == FMqtt.file_id) && (rcv_id > 0) && (FMqtt.file_size > 0) && (FMqtt.file_type > 0)) {
FMqtt.file_buffer = nullptr; // Init upload buffer
if (!FMqtt.file_password || (strcmp(FMqtt.file_password, SettingsText(SET_MQTT_PWD)) != 0)) {
return 1; // Invalid password
// Check buffer size
if (UPL_SETTINGS == FMqtt.file_type) {
if (FMqtt.file_size > 4096) {
return 2; // Settings supports max 4k size
} else { // Check enough flash space for intermediate upload
uint32_t head_room = (FlashWriteMaxSector() - FlashWriteStartSector()) * SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE;
uint32_t rounded_size = (FMqtt.file_size + SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE -1) & (~(SPI_FLASH_SEC_SIZE - 1));
if (rounded_size > head_room) {
return 2; // Not enough space
// Init file_buffer
if (UPL_TASMOTA == FMqtt.file_type) {
if (Update.begin(FMqtt.file_size)) {
FMqtt.file_buffer = &FMqtt.file_id; // Dummy buffer
// TasmotaGlobal.blinkstate = true; // Stay lit
SettingsSave(1); // Free flash for OTA update
else if (UPL_SETTINGS == FMqtt.file_type) {
if (SettingsConfigBackup()) {
FMqtt.file_buffer = settings_buffer;
else {
return 3; // Invalid file type
FMqtt.file_id = rcv_id;
FMqtt.file_pos = 0;
FMqtt.md5 = MD5Builder();
MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(STAT, XdrvMailbox.command); // Enforce stat/wemos10/FILEUPLOAD
else if ((FMqtt.file_id > 0) && (FMqtt.file_id != rcv_id)) {
// Error receiving data
if (UPL_TASMOTA == FMqtt.file_type) {
else if (UPL_SETTINGS == FMqtt.file_type) {
return 4; // Upload aborted
return 0; // No error
void CmndFileUpload(void) {
Upload <MaxSize> bytes chunks of data either base64 encoded or binary with MD5 hash
Supported Type:
1 - OTA firmware
2 - Settings
FileUpload 0 - Abort current upload
Start an upload session:
FileUpload {"Password":"","File":"Config_wemos10_9.4.0.3.dmp","Id":116,"Type":2,"Size":4096}
Upload data using base64:
FileUpload {"Id":116,"Data":"CRJcTQ9fYGF ... OT1BRUlNUVVZXWFk="}
FileUpload {"Id":116,"Data":" ... "}
Or binary:
FileUpload201 <binary data>
Finish upload session:
FileUpload {"Id":116,"Md5":"496fcbb433bbca89833063174d2c5747"}
const char* base64_data = nullptr;
uint32_t rcv_id = 0;
char* dataBuf = (char*)XdrvMailbox.data;
bool binary_data = (XdrvMailbox.index > 199); // Check for raw data
if (!binary_data) {
if (strlen(dataBuf) > 8) { // Workaround exception if empty JSON like {} - Needs checks
JsonParser parser((char*) dataBuf);
JsonParserObject root = parser.getRootObject();
if (root) {
JsonParserToken val = root[PSTR("ID")];
if (val) { rcv_id = val.getUInt(); }
val = root[PSTR("TYPE")];
if (val) { FMqtt.file_type = val.getUInt(); }
val = root[PSTR("SIZE")];
if (val) { FMqtt.file_size = val.getUInt(); }
val = root[PSTR("MD5")];
if (val) { FMqtt.file_md5 = val.getStr(); }
val = root[PSTR("DATA")];
if (val) { base64_data = val.getStr(); }
val = root[PSTR("PASSWORD")];
if (val) { FMqtt.file_password = val.getStr(); }
} else {
rcv_id = FMqtt.file_id;
uint32_t error = MqttFileUploadValidate(rcv_id);
if (error) {
FMqtt.file_buffer = nullptr;
TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = LOG_LEVEL_NONE; // Enable logging
char error_txt[20];
snprintf_P(error_txt, sizeof(error_txt), PSTR(D_JSON_ERROR " %d"), error);
if (FMqtt.file_buffer) {
if ((FMqtt.file_pos < FMqtt.file_size) && (binary_data || base64_data)) {
// Save upload into buffer - Handle possible buffer overflows
unsigned char* raw_data = (unsigned char*)XdrvMailbox.data;
uint32_t rcvd_bytes = XdrvMailbox.data_len;
if (!binary_data) {
raw_data = (unsigned char*)malloc(XdrvMailbox.data_len);
if (raw_data) {
rcvd_bytes = decode_base64((unsigned char*)base64_data, (unsigned char*)raw_data);
if (raw_data) {
uint32_t bytes_left = FMqtt.file_size - FMqtt.file_pos;
uint32_t read_bytes = (bytes_left < rcvd_bytes) ? bytes_left : rcvd_bytes;
FMqtt.md5.add(raw_data, read_bytes);
if (UPL_TASMOTA == FMqtt.file_type) {
Update.write(raw_data, read_bytes);
} else {
uint8_t* buffer = FMqtt.file_buffer + FMqtt.file_pos;
memcpy(buffer, raw_data, read_bytes);
if (!binary_data) {
FMqtt.file_pos += read_bytes;
if ((FMqtt.file_pos > rcvd_bytes) && ((FMqtt.file_pos % 102400) <= rcvd_bytes)) {
TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = LOG_LEVEL_NONE; // Enable logging
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, PSTR(D_LOG_UPLOAD "Progress %d kB"), (FMqtt.file_pos / 10240) * 10);
TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE; // Hide upload data logging
if ((FMqtt.file_pos < FMqtt.file_size) || (FMqtt.file_md5.length() != 32)) {
TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE; // Hide upload data logging
uint32_t chunk_size = FileUploadChunckSize();
if (!binary_data) {
chunk_size = (((chunk_size - FileTransferHeaderSize) / 4) * 3) -2; // Calculate base64 chunk size
// {"Id":116,"MaxSize":"765"}
Response_P(PSTR("{\"Id\":%d,\"MaxSize\":%d}"), FMqtt.file_id, chunk_size);
} else {
if (strcasecmp(FMqtt.file_md5.c_str(), FMqtt.md5.toString().c_str())) {
} else {
// Process upload data en free buffer
if (UPL_TASMOTA == FMqtt.file_type) {
if (!Update.end(true)) {
} else {
TasmotaGlobal.restart_flag = 2; // Always restart to re-enable disabled features during update
else if (UPL_SETTINGS == FMqtt.file_type) {
if (!SettingsConfigRestore()) {
} else {
TasmotaGlobal.restart_flag = 2; // Always restart to re-enable disabled features during update
FMqtt.file_buffer = nullptr;
if (!FMqtt.file_buffer) {
TasmotaGlobal.masterlog_level = LOG_LEVEL_NONE; // Enable logging
FMqtt.file_id = 0;
FMqtt.file_size = 0;
FMqtt.file_type = 0;
FMqtt.file_md5 = (const char*) nullptr; // Force deallocation of the String internal memory
FMqtt.file_password = nullptr;
MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(STAT, XdrvMailbox.command); // Enforce stat/wemos10/FILEUPLOAD
void CmndFileDownload(void) {
Download (binary) max 700 bytes chunks of data base64 encoded with MD5 hash over base64 decoded data
Currently supports Settings (file type 2)
Filedownload 0 - Abort current download
FileDownload 2 - Start download of settings file
FileDownload - Continue downloading data until reception of MD5 hash
if (XdrvMailbox.grpflg) { return; }
if (FMqtt.file_id && FMqtt.file_buffer) {
bool finished = false;
if (0 == XdrvMailbox.payload) { // Abort file download
finished = true;
else if (FMqtt.file_pos < FMqtt.file_size) {
uint32_t bytes_left = FMqtt.file_size - FMqtt.file_pos;
uint32_t write_bytes = (bytes_left < mqtt_file_chuck_size) ? bytes_left : mqtt_file_chuck_size;
uint8_t* buffer = FMqtt.file_buffer + FMqtt.file_pos;
FMqtt.md5.add(buffer, write_bytes);
// {"Id":117,"Data":"CRJcTQ9fYGF ... OT1BRUlNUVVZXWFk="}
Response_P(PSTR("{\"Id\":%d,\"Data\":\""), FMqtt.file_id); // FileTransferHeaderSize
char base64_data[encode_base64_length(write_bytes)];
encode_base64((unsigned char*)buffer, write_bytes, (unsigned char*)base64_data);
FMqtt.file_pos += write_bytes;
} else {
// {"Id":117,"Md5":"496fcbb433bbca89833063174d2c5747"}
Response_P(PSTR("{\"Id\":%d,\"Md5\":\"%s\"}"), FMqtt.file_id, FMqtt.md5.toString().c_str());
finished = true;
if (finished) {
if (UPL_SETTINGS == FMqtt.file_type) {
FMqtt.file_id = 0;
else if (XdrvMailbox.data_len) {
FMqtt.file_buffer = nullptr;
FMqtt.file_id = (UtcTime() & 0xFE) +1; // Odd id between 1 and 255
if (UPL_SETTINGS == XdrvMailbox.payload) {
uint32_t len = SettingsConfigBackup();
if (len) {
FMqtt.file_type = UPL_SETTINGS;
FMqtt.file_buffer = settings_buffer;
FMqtt.file_size = len;
// {"File":"Config_wemos10_9.4.0.3.dmp","Id":117,"Type":2,"Size":4096}
SettingsConfigFilename().c_str(), FMqtt.file_id, FMqtt.file_type, len);
if (FMqtt.file_buffer) {
FMqtt.file_pos = 0;
FMqtt.md5 = MD5Builder();
} else {
FMqtt.file_id = 0;
MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(STAT, XdrvMailbox.command);
#endif // USE_MQTT_FILE