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81 lines
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# Sample Relay driver for 595 shift registers
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You can cascade multiple '595 for a total of 28 relays (including other native relays)
# Include the following lines in 'preinit.be'
# import Shift595
# tasmota.add_driver(Shift595(srclk,ser,rclk,count,inverted))
# where
# srclk : GPIO number connected to the 595's SRCLK pin (serial shift clock)
# ser : GPIO number connected to the 595's SER pin (serial data in)
# rclk : GPIO number connected to the 595's RCLK pin (transfer to output)
# count : number of used output pins / relays (must be consecutive)
# inverted : if true, relay is driven by a 0/LOW inverted (instead of 1/HIGH)
# To use multiple '595, connects
# all SRCLK together to GPIO srclk
# all RCLK together to GPIO rclk
# GPIO ser to SER input of first '595
# QH' output of first '595 to SER input of 2nd '595 and so on
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
import string
import gpio
class Shift595
var srclk, ser, rclk, count, inverted
var first, state
def log_relay(relay)
var s = ""
for r:relay if r s+='1' else s+='0' end end
log("595: "+s,2)
def shift_out(relay)
for i:0..size(relay)-1
var bit
bit = (relay[size(relay)-1 - i]) ? int(!self.inverted) : int(self.inverted)
gpio.digital_write(self.srclk, 0)
gpio.digital_write(self.ser, bit)
gpio.digital_write(self.srclk, 1)
gpio.digital_write(self.rclk, 1)
gpio.digital_write(self.rclk, 0)
gpio.digital_write(self.srclk, 0)
def init(srclk, ser, rclk, count, inverted)
self.srclk= srclk
self.ser = ser
self.rclk = rclk
self.count = count
self.inverted = inverted
self.first = tasmota.global.devices_present
tasmota.global.devices_present += count
gpio.pin_mode(self.srclk, gpio.OUTPUT)
gpio.pin_mode(self.ser, gpio.OUTPUT)
gpio.pin_mode(self.rclk, gpio.OUTPUT)
gpio.digital_write(self.srclk, 0)
gpio.digital_write(self.ser, 0)
gpio.digital_write(self.rclk, 0)
self.state = 0
def set_power_handler(cmd, idx)
var new_state = tasmota.get_power()[self.first..self.first+self.count]
if self.state != new_state
self.state = new_state
return Shift595 # allow using 'import' instead of 'load()'