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xdrv_23_zigbee.ino - zigbee support for Tasmota
Copyright (C) 2021 Theo Arends and Stephan Hadinger
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#define ZIGBEE_SAVE_DELAY_SECONDS 2 // wait for 2s before saving Zigbee info
const uint16_t kZigbeeSaveDelaySeconds = ZIGBEE_SAVE_DELAY_SECONDS; // wait for x seconds
enum class Z_Data_Type : uint8_t {
Z_Unknown = 0x00,
Z_Light = 1, // Lights 1-5 channels
Z_Plug = 2, // Plug power consumption
Z_PIR = 3,
Z_Alarm = 4,
Z_Thermo = 5, // Thermostat and sensor for home environment (temp, himudity, pressure)
Z_OnOff = 6, // OnOff, Buttons and Relays (always complements Lights and Plugs)
Z_Mode = 0xE, // Encode special modes for communication, like Tuya Zigbee protocol
Z_Ext = 0xF, // extended for other values
Z_Device = 0xFF // special value when parsing Device level attributes
const uint8_t Z_Data_Type_char[] PROGMEM = {
'?', // 0x00 Z_Data_Type::Z_Unknown
'L', // 0x01 Z_Data_Type::Z_Light
'P', // 0x02 Z_Data_Type::Z_Plug
'I', // 0x03 Z_Data_Type::Z_PIR
'A', // 0x04 Z_Data_Type::Z_Alarm
'T', // 0x05 Z_Data_Type::Z_Thermo
'O', // 0x06 Z_Data_Type::Z_OnOff
'\0', // 0x07
'\0', // 0x08
'\0', // 0x09
'\0', // 0x0A
'\0', // 0x0B
'\0', // 0x0C
'\0', // 0x0D
'~', // 0x0E
'E', // 0x0F Z_Data_Type::Z_Ext
// '_' maps to 0xFF Z_Data_Type::Z_Device
class Z_Data_Set;
* Device specific data, sensors...
class Z_Data {
Z_Data(Z_Data_Type type = Z_Data_Type::Z_Unknown, uint8_t endpoint = 0) : _type(type), _endpoint(endpoint), _config(0xF), _align_1(0), _reserved(0) {}
inline Z_Data_Type getType(void) const { return _type; }
inline int8_t getConfig(void) const { return _config; }
inline bool validConfig(void) const { return _config != 0xF; }
inline void setConfig(int8_t config) { _config = config; }
uint8_t getConfigByte(void) const { return ( ((uint8_t)_type) << 4) | ((_config & 0xF) & 0x0F); }
uint8_t getReserved(void) const { return _reserved; }
inline uint8_t getEndpoint(void) const { return _endpoint; }
void toAttributes(Z_attribute_list & attr_list) const;
// update internal structures after an attribut update
// True if a configuration was changed
inline bool update(void) { return false; }
static const Z_Data_Type type = Z_Data_Type::Z_Unknown;
static size_t DataTypeToLength(Z_Data_Type t);
static bool ConfigToZData(const char * config_str, Z_Data_Type * type, uint8_t * ep, uint8_t * config);
static Z_Data_Type CharToDataType(char c);
static char DataTypeToChar(Z_Data_Type t);
friend class Z_Data_Set;
Z_Data_Type _type; // encoded on 4 bits, type of the device
uint8_t _endpoint; // source endpoint, or 0x00 if any endpoint
uint8_t _config : 4; // encoded on 4 bits, customize behavior
uint8_t _align_1 : 4; // force aligned to bytes, and fill with zero
uint8_t _reserved; // power state if the type supports it
Z_Data z_data_unk; // dummy object to mark that data is unknown
Z_Data_Type Z_Data::CharToDataType(char c) {
if (c) {
if (c == '_') {
return Z_Data_Type::Z_Device;
} else {
for (uint32_t i=0; i<nitems(Z_Data_Type_char); i++) {
if (pgm_read_byte(&Z_Data_Type_char[i]) == c) {
return (Z_Data_Type) i;
return Z_Data_Type::Z_Unknown;
char Z_Data::DataTypeToChar(Z_Data_Type t) {
if (t == Z_Data_Type::Z_Device) {
return '_';
} else {
uint8_t tt = (uint8_t) t;
if (tt < nitems(Z_Data_Type_char)) {
return pgm_read_byte(&Z_Data_Type_char[tt]);
return '\0';
// Parse configuration
// Either '_'
// or 'T01' or 'L01.2'
// result: true if parsing ok
bool Z_Data::ConfigToZData(const char * config_str, Z_Data_Type * type, uint8_t * ep, uint8_t * config) {
if (config_str == nullptr) { return false; }
Z_Data_Type data_type = Z_Data::CharToDataType(config_str[0]);
if (data_type == Z_Data_Type::Z_Unknown) {
return false;
if (type != nullptr) {
*type = data_type;
if (ep != nullptr) {
*ep = strtoul(&config_str[1], nullptr, 16); // hex base 16
if ((config != nullptr) && (config_str[3] == '.')) {
// we have a config attribute
*config = strtoul(&config_str[4], nullptr, 16) & 0x0F; // hex base 16
return true;
* Device specific: On/Off, power up to 8 relays
// _config contains the number of valid OnOff relays: 0..7
// _power contains a bitfield of relays values
class Z_Data_OnOff : public Z_Data {
Z_Data_OnOff(uint8_t endpoint = 0) :
Z_Data(Z_Data_Type::Z_OnOff, endpoint),
inline bool validPower(void) const { return 0xFF != power; } // power is declared
inline bool getPower(void) const { return validPower() ? (power != 0) : false; } // default to false if undefined
inline void setPower(bool val) { power = val ? 1 : 0; }
static const Z_Data_Type type = Z_Data_Type::Z_OnOff;
// 1 byte
uint8_t power;
* Device specific: Plug device
class Z_Data_Plug : public Z_Data {
Z_Data_Plug(uint8_t endpoint = 0) :
Z_Data(Z_Data_Type::Z_Plug, endpoint),
inline bool validMainsVoltage(void) const { return 0xFFFF != mains_voltage; }
inline bool validMainsPower(void) const { return -0x8000 != mains_power; }
inline uint16_t getMainsVoltage(void) const { return mains_voltage; }
inline int16_t getMainsPower(void) const { return mains_power; }
inline void setMainsVoltage(uint16_t _mains_voltage) { mains_voltage = _mains_voltage; }
inline void setMainsPower(int16_t _mains_power) { mains_power = _mains_power; }
static const Z_Data_Type type = Z_Data_Type::Z_Plug;
// 4 bytes
uint16_t mains_voltage; // AC voltage
int16_t mains_power; // Active power
* Device specific: Light device
class Z_Data_Light : public Z_Data {
Z_Data_Light(uint8_t endpoint = 0) :
Z_Data(Z_Data_Type::Z_Light, endpoint),
inline bool validColormode(void) const { return 0xFF != colormode; }
inline bool validDimmer(void) const { return 0xFF != dimmer; }
inline bool validSat(void) const { return 0xFF != sat; }
inline bool validHue(void) const { return 0xFF != hue; }
inline bool validCT(void) const { return 0xFFFF != ct; }
inline bool validX(void) const { return 0xFFFF != x; }
inline bool validY(void) const { return 0xFFFF != y; }
inline uint8_t getColorMode(void) const { return colormode; }
inline uint8_t getDimmer(void) const { return dimmer; }
inline uint8_t getSat(void) const { return sat; }
inline uint16_t getHue(void) const { return changeUIntScale(hue, 0, 254, 0, 360); }
inline uint16_t getCT(void) const { return ct; }
inline uint16_t getX(void) const { return x; }
inline uint16_t getY(void) const { return y; }
inline void setColorMode(uint8_t _colormode) { colormode = _colormode; }
inline void setDimmer(uint8_t _dimmer) { dimmer = _dimmer; }
inline void setSat(uint8_t _sat) { sat = _sat; }
inline void setHue(uint16_t _hue) { hue = changeUIntScale(_hue, 0, 360, 0, 254);; }
inline void setCT(uint16_t _ct) { ct = _ct; }
inline void setX(uint16_t _x) { x = _x; }
inline void setY(uint16_t _y) { y = _y; }
void toRGBAttributes(Z_attribute_list & attr_list) const ;
static void toRGBAttributesHSB(Z_attribute_list & attr_list, uint16_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t brightness);
static void toRGBAttributesXYB(Z_attribute_list & attr_list, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t brightness);
static void toRGBAttributesRGBb(Z_attribute_list & attr_list, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t brightness);
static const Z_Data_Type type = Z_Data_Type::Z_Light;
// 12 bytes
uint8_t colormode; // 0x00: Hue/Sat, 0x01: XY, 0x02: CT | 0xFF not set, default 0x01
uint8_t dimmer; // last Dimmer value: 0-254 | 0xFF not set, default 0x00
uint8_t sat; // last Sat: 0..254 | 0xFF not set, default 0x00
uint8_t hue; // last Hue: 0..359 | 0xFFFF not set, default 0
uint16_t ct; // last CT: 153-500 | 0xFFFF not set, default 200
uint16_t x, y; // last color [x,y] | 0xFFFF not set, default 0
* Device specific: PIR
// List of occupancy time-outs:
// 0xF = default (90 s)
// 0x0 = no time-out
// 0x1 = 15 s
// 0x2 = 30 s
// 0x3 = 45 s
// 0x4 = 60 s
// 0x5 = 75 s
// 0x6 = 90 s -- default
// 0x7 = 105 s
// 0x8 = 120 s
class Z_Data_PIR : public Z_Data {
Z_Data_PIR(uint8_t endpoint = 0) :
Z_Data(Z_Data_Type::Z_PIR, endpoint),
inline bool validOccupancy(void) const { return 0xFF != occupancy; }
inline bool validIlluminance(void) const { return 0xFFFF != illuminance; }
inline uint8_t getOccupancy(void) const { return occupancy; }
inline uint16_t getIlluminance(void) const { return illuminance; }
inline void setOccupancy(uint8_t _occupancy) { occupancy = _occupancy; }
inline void setIlluminance(uint16_t _illuminance) { illuminance = _illuminance; }
uint32_t getTimeoutSeconds(void) const;
void setTimeoutSeconds(int32_t value);
static const Z_Data_Type type = Z_Data_Type::Z_PIR;
// PIR
uint8_t occupancy; // map8
uint16_t illuminance; // illuminance
uint32_t Z_Data_PIR::getTimeoutSeconds(void) const {
if (_config != 0xF) {
return _config * 15;
} else {
return 90;
void Z_Data_PIR::setTimeoutSeconds(int32_t value) {
if (value < 0) {
_config = 0xF;
} else {
uint32_t val_15 = (value + 14)/ 15; // always round up
if (val_15 > 8) { val_15 = 8; }
_config = val_15;
* Device specific: Sensors: temp, humidity, pressure...
enum Z_Alarm_Type {
ZA_CIE = 0x0,
ZA_PIR = 0x1,
ZA_Contact = 0x2,
ZA_Fire = 0x3,
ZA_Water = 0x4,
ZA_CO = 0x5,
ZA_Personal = 0x6,
ZA_Movement = 0x7,
ZA_Panic = 0x8,
ZA_GlassBreak = 0x9,
class Z_Data_Thermo : public Z_Data {
Z_Data_Thermo(uint8_t endpoint = 0) :
Z_Data(Z_Data_Type::Z_Thermo, endpoint),
inline bool validTemperature(void) const { return -0x8000 != temperature; }
inline bool validPressure(void) const { return -0x8000 != pressure; }
inline bool validHumidity(void) const { return 0xFFFF != humidity; }
inline bool validThSetpoint(void) const { return 0xFF != th_setpoint; }
inline bool validTempTarget(void) const { return -0x8000 != temperature_target; }
inline int16_t getTemperature(void) const { return temperature; }
inline int16_t getPressure(void) const { return pressure; }
inline uint16_t getHumidity(void) const { return humidity; }
inline uint8_t getThSetpoint(void) const { return th_setpoint; }
inline int16_t getTempTarget(void) const { return temperature_target; }
inline void setTemperature(int16_t _temperature) { temperature = _temperature; }
inline void setPressure(int16_t _pressure) { pressure = _pressure; }
inline void setHumidity(uint16_t _humidity) { humidity = _humidity; }
inline void setThSetpoint(uint8_t _th_setpoint) { th_setpoint = _th_setpoint; }
inline void setTempTarget(int16_t _temperature_target){ temperature_target = _temperature_target; }
static const Z_Data_Type type = Z_Data_Type::Z_Thermo;
// 8 bytes
// sensor data
int16_t temperature; // temperature in 1/10th of Celsius, 0x8000 if unknown
int16_t pressure; // air pressure in hPa, 0xFFFF if unknown
uint16_t humidity; // humidity in percent, 0..100, 0xFF if unknown
// thermostat
uint8_t th_setpoint; // percentage of heat/cool in percent
int16_t temperature_target; // settings for the temparature
* Device specific: Alarm
// We're lucky that alarm type fits in 12 bits, so we can have a total entry of 16 bits
typedef union Z_Alarm_Types_t {
struct {
uint16_t zcl_type : 12;
uint8_t config : 4;
} t;
uint16_t i;
} Z_Alarm_Types_t;
static const Z_Alarm_Types_t Z_Alarm_Types[] PROGMEM = {
{ .t = { 0x000, ZA_CIE }}, // 0x0 : Standard CIE
{ .t = { 0x00d, ZA_PIR }}, // 0x1 : PIR
{ .t = { 0x015, ZA_Contact }}, // 0x2 : Contact
{ .t = { 0x028, ZA_Fire }}, // 0x3 : Fire
{ .t = { 0x02a, ZA_Water }}, // 0x4 : Leak
{ .t = { 0x02b, ZA_CO }}, // 0x5 : CO
{ .t = { 0x02c, ZA_Personal }}, // 0x6 : Personal
{ .t = { 0x02d, ZA_Movement }}, // 0x7 : Movement
{ .t = { 0x10f, ZA_Panic }}, // 0x8 : Panic
{ .t = { 0x115, ZA_Panic }}, // 0x8 : Panic
{ .t = { 0x21d, ZA_Panic }}, // 0x8 : Panic
{ .t = { 0x226, ZA_GlassBreak }}, // 0x9 : Glass break
class Z_Data_Alarm : public Z_Data {
Z_Data_Alarm(uint8_t endpoint = 0) :
Z_Data(Z_Data_Type::Z_Alarm, endpoint),
static const Z_Data_Type type = Z_Data_Type::Z_Alarm;
inline bool validZoneType(void) const { return 0xFFFF != zone_type; }
inline uint16_t getZoneType(void) const { return zone_type; }
inline bool isPIR(void) const { return ZA_PIR == _config; }
inline bool isContact(void) const { return ZA_Contact == _config; }
inline bool isFire(void) const { return ZA_Fire == _config; }
inline bool isWater(void) const { return ZA_Water == _config; }
inline bool isCO(void) const { return ZA_CO == _config; }
inline bool isPersonalAlarm(void) const { return ZA_Personal == _config; }
inline bool isMovement(void) const { return ZA_Movement == _config; }
inline bool isPanic(void) const { return ZA_Panic == _config; }
inline bool isGlassBreak(void) const { return ZA_GlassBreak == _config; }
inline void setZoneType(uint16_t _zone_type) { zone_type = _zone_type; }
bool update(void) {
for (uint32_t i=0; i<nitems(Z_Alarm_Types); i++) {
Z_Alarm_Types_t conv_type;
conv_type.i = pgm_read_word(&Z_Alarm_Types[i].i);
if (zone_type == conv_type.t.zcl_type) {
if (_config == conv_type.t.config) {
return false; // no change
} else {
_config = conv_type.t.config;
return true;
return false;
void convertZoneStatus(Z_attribute_list & attr_list, uint16_t val) const;
// 4 bytes
uint16_t zone_status; // last known state for sensor 1 & 2
uint16_t zone_type; // mapped to the Zigbee standard
// 0x0000 Standard CIE
// 0x000d Motion sensor
// 0x0015 Contact switch
// 0x0028 Fire sensor
// 0x002a Water sensor
// 0x002b Carbon Monoxide (CO) sensor
// 0x002c Personal emergency device
// 0x002d Vibration/Movement sensor
// 0x010f Remote Control
// 0x0115 Key fob
// 0x021d Keypad
// 0x0225 Standard Warning Device (see [N1] part 4)
// 0x0226 Glass break sensor
// 0x0229 Security repeater*
void Z_Data_Alarm::convertZoneStatus(Z_attribute_list & attr_list, uint16_t val) const {
if (validConfig()) {
// indicator #1, published for false and true
if (isPIR()) { // set Occupancy
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0406, 0x0000).setUInt(val & 0x01 ? 1 : 0);
} else { // all other cases
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0500, 0xFFF0 + getConfig()).setUInt(val & 0x01 ? 1 : 0);
// indicator #2 published only if true
if (val & 0x02) {
if (isPIR()) { // set Occupancy
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0406, 0x0000, 2).setUInt(val & 0x02 ? 1 : 0);
} else { // all other cases
attr_list.addAttribute(0x0500, 0xFFF0 + getConfig(), 2).setUInt(val & 0x02 ? 1 : 0);
// Tamper
if (val & 0x04) {
// BatteryLow
if (val & 0x08) {
// // SupervisionReports
// if (val & 0x10) {
// attr_list.addAttributePMEM(PSTR("SupervisionReports")).setUInt(1);
// }
// // RestoreReports
// if (val & 0x20) {
// attr_list.addAttributePMEM(PSTR("RestoreReports")).setUInt(1);
// }
// Failure
if (val & 0x40) {
// MainsFault
if (val & 0x80) {
// Test
if (val & 0x100) {
// BatteryDefect
if (val & 0x200) {
* Mode
// List of modes
// 0x1 = Tuya Zigbee mode
// 0xF (default) = ZCL standard mode
enum Z_Mode_Type {
ZM_Tuya = 0x1,
class Z_Data_Mode : public Z_Data {
Z_Data_Mode(uint8_t endpoint = 0) :
Z_Data(Z_Data_Type::Z_Mode, endpoint)
inline bool isTuyaProtocol(void) const { return _config == 1; }
static const Z_Data_Type type = Z_Data_Type::Z_Mode;
const uint8_t Z_Data_Type_len[] PROGMEM = {
0, // 0x00 Z_Data_Type::Z_Unknown
sizeof(Z_Data_Light), // 0x01 Z_Data_Type::Z_Light
sizeof(Z_Data_Plug), // 0x02 Z_Data_Type::Z_Plug
sizeof(Z_Data_PIR), // 0x03 Z_Data_Type::Z_PIR
sizeof(Z_Data_Alarm), // 0x04 Z_Data_Type::Z_Alarm
sizeof(Z_Data_Thermo), // 0x05 Z_Data_Type::Z_Thermo
sizeof(Z_Data_OnOff), // 0x06 Z_Data_Type::Z_OnOff
0, // 0x07
0, // 0x08
0, // 0x09
0, // 0x0A
0, // 0x0B
0, // 0x0C
0, // 0x0D
sizeof(Z_Data_Mode), // 0x0E
0, // 0x0F Z_Data_Type::Z_Ext
// '_' maps to 0xFF Z_Data_Type::Z_Device
size_t Z_Data::DataTypeToLength(Z_Data_Type t) {
uint32_t tt = (uint32_t) t;
if (tt < nitems(Z_Data_Type_len)) {
return pgm_read_byte(&Z_Data_Type_len[tt]);
return 0;
* Device specific Linked List
class Z_Data_Set : public LList<Z_Data> {
// List<Z_Data>() : List<Z_Data>() {}
Z_Data & getByType(Z_Data_Type type, uint8_t ep = 0); // creates if non-existent
const Z_Data & find(Z_Data_Type type, uint8_t ep = 0) const;
// getX() always returns a valid object, and creates the object if there is none
// find() does not create an object if it does not exist, and returns *(X*)nullptr
// Emulate a virtuel update method for Z_Data
static bool updateData(Z_Data & elt);
template <class M>
M & get(uint8_t ep = 0);
template <class M>
const M & getConst(uint8_t ep = 0) const;
template <class M>
const M & find(uint8_t ep = 0) const;
// create a new data object from a 4 bytes buffer
Z_Data & createFromBuffer(const SBuffer & buf, uint32_t start, uint32_t len);
// check if the pointer is null, if so create a new object with the right sub-class
template <class M>
M & addIfNull(M & cur, uint8_t ep = 0);
bool Z_Data_Set::updateData(Z_Data & elt) {
switch (elt._type) {
case Z_Data_Type::Z_Light: return ((Z_Data_Light&) elt).update(); break;
case Z_Data_Type::Z_Plug: return ((Z_Data_Plug&) elt).update(); break;
case Z_Data_Type::Z_Alarm: return ((Z_Data_Alarm&) elt).update(); break;
case Z_Data_Type::Z_Thermo: return ((Z_Data_Thermo&) elt).update(); break;
case Z_Data_Type::Z_OnOff: return ((Z_Data_OnOff&) elt).update(); break;
case Z_Data_Type::Z_PIR: return ((Z_Data_PIR&) elt).update(); break;
case Z_Data_Type::Z_Mode: return ((Z_Data_Mode&) elt).update(); break;
default: return false;
Z_Data & Z_Data_Set::getByType(Z_Data_Type type, uint8_t ep) {
switch (type) {
case Z_Data_Type::Z_Light:
return get<Z_Data_Light>(ep);
case Z_Data_Type::Z_Plug:
return get<Z_Data_Plug>(ep);
case Z_Data_Type::Z_Alarm:
return get<Z_Data_Alarm>(ep);
case Z_Data_Type::Z_Thermo:
return get<Z_Data_Thermo>(ep);
case Z_Data_Type::Z_OnOff:
return get<Z_Data_OnOff>(ep);
case Z_Data_Type::Z_PIR:
return get<Z_Data_PIR>(ep);
case Z_Data_Type::Z_Mode:
return get<Z_Data_Mode>(ep);
return *(Z_Data*)nullptr;
// Instanciate with either:
// (04)04010100 - without data except minimal Z_Data
// (08)04010100.B06DFFFF - with complete data - in this case must not exceed the structure len
// Byte 0: type
// Byte 1: endpoint
// Byte 2: config
// Byte 3: Power
Z_Data & Z_Data_Set::createFromBuffer(const SBuffer & buf, uint32_t start, uint32_t len) {
if (len < sizeof(Z_Data)) {
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "Invalid len (<4) %d"), len);
return *(Z_Data*)nullptr;
Z_Data_Type data_type = (Z_Data_Type) buf.get8(start);
uint8_t expected_len = Z_Data::DataTypeToLength(data_type);
uint8_t endpoint = buf.get8(start + 1);
Z_Data & elt = getByType(data_type, endpoint);
if (&elt == nullptr) { return *(Z_Data*)nullptr; }
if (len <= expected_len) {
memcpy(&elt, buf.buf(start), len);
} else {
memcpy(&elt, buf.buf(start), sizeof(Z_Data));
AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, PSTR(D_LOG_ZIGBEE "buffer len overflow %d > %d"), len, expected_len);
return elt;
template <class M>
M & Z_Data_Set::get(uint8_t ep) {
M & m = (M&) find(M::type, ep);
return addIfNull<M>(m, ep);
template <class M>
const M & Z_Data_Set::getConst(uint8_t ep) const {
const M & m = (M&) find(M::type, ep);
return m;
template <class M>
const M & Z_Data_Set::find(uint8_t ep) const {
return (M&) find(M::type, ep);
// Input: reference to object
// Output: if reference is null, instantiate object and add it at the end of the list
template <class M>
M & Z_Data_Set::addIfNull(M & cur, uint8_t ep) {
if (&z_data_unk == &cur) {
LList_elt<M> * elt = new LList_elt<M>();
elt->val()._endpoint = ep;
return elt->val();
} else {
if (cur._endpoint == 0) { cur._endpoint = ep; } // be more specific on endpoint
return cur;
const Z_Data & Z_Data_Set::find(Z_Data_Type type, uint8_t ep) const {
for (auto & elt : *this) {
if (elt._type == type) {
// type matches, check if ep matches.
// 0 matches all endpoints
if ((ep == 0) || (elt._endpoint == 0) || (ep == elt._endpoint)) {
return elt;
return z_data_unk; // mark as unknown
* Structures for Rules variables related to the last received message
const size_t endpoints_max = 8; // we limit to 8 endpoints
class Z_Device {
uint64_t longaddr; // 0x00 means unspecified
char * manufacturerId;
char * modelId;
char * friendlyName;
// _defer_last_time : what was the last time an outgoing message is scheduled
// this is designed for flow control and avoid messages to be lost or unanswered
uint32_t defer_last_message_sent;
uint8_t endpoints[endpoints_max]; // static array to limit memory consumption, list of endpoints until 0x00 or end of array
// Used for attribute reporting
Z_attribute_list attr_list;
// sequence number for Zigbee frames
uint16_t shortaddr; // unique key if not null, or unspecified if null
uint8_t seqNumber;
bool is_router; // flag used by ZbMap to distibguish routers from end-devices
bool hidden;
bool reachable;
// Light information for Hue integration integration, last known values
// New version of device data handling
Z_Data_Set data; // Linkedlist of device data per endpoint
// other status - device wide data is 8 bytes
uint32_t last_seen; // Last seen time (epoch)
uint8_t lqi; // lqi from last message, 0xFF means unknown
uint8_t batterypercent; // battery percentage (0..100), 0xFF means unknwon
uint16_t reserved_for_alignment;
// Debounce informmation when receiving commands
// If we receive the same ZCL transaction number from the same device and the same endpoint within 300ms
// then discard the second packet
uint8_t debounce_endpoint; // endpoint of the last received packet, or 0 if not active (expired)
uint8_t debounce_transact; // ZCL transaction number of the last packet
// Constructor with all defaults
Z_Device(uint16_t _shortaddr = BAD_SHORTADDR, uint64_t _longaddr = 0x00):
endpoints{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ };
inline bool valid(void) const { return BAD_SHORTADDR != shortaddr; } // is the device known, valid and found?
inline bool validLongaddr(void) const { return 0x0000 != longaddr; }
inline bool validManufacturerId(void) const { return nullptr != manufacturerId; }
inline bool validModelId(void) const { return nullptr != modelId; }
inline bool validFriendlyName(void) const { return nullptr != friendlyName; }
inline bool validPower(uint8_t ep =0) const;
inline bool validLqi(void) const { return 0xFF != lqi; }
inline bool validBatteryPercent(void) const { return 0xFF != batterypercent; }
inline bool validLastSeen(void) const { return 0x0 != last_seen; }
inline void setReachable(bool _reachable) { reachable = _reachable; }
inline bool getReachable(void) const { return reachable; }
inline bool getPower(uint8_t ep =0) const;
inline bool isRouter(void) const { return is_router; }
inline bool isCoordinator(void) const { return 0x0000 == shortaddr; }
inline void setRouter(bool router) { is_router = router; }
inline void setLQI(uint8_t _lqi) { lqi = _lqi; }
inline void setBatteryPercent(uint8_t bp) { batterypercent = bp; }
// Add an endpoint to a device
bool addEndpoint(uint8_t endpoint);
void clearEndpoints(void);
uint32_t countEndpoints(void) const; // return the number of known endpoints (0 if unknown)
void setManufId(const char * str);
void setModelId(const char * str);
void setFriendlyName(const char * str);
void setLastSeenNow(void);
// multiple function to dump part of the Device state into JSON
void jsonAddDeviceNamme(Z_attribute_list & attr_list) const;
void jsonAddIEEE(Z_attribute_list & attr_list) const;
void jsonAddModelManuf(Z_attribute_list & attr_list) const;
void jsonAddEndpoints(Z_attribute_list & attr_list) const;
void jsonAddConfig(Z_attribute_list & attr_list) const;
void jsonAddDataAttributes(Z_attribute_list & attr_list) const;
void jsonAddDeviceAttributes(Z_attribute_list & attr_list) const;
void jsonDumpSingleDevice(Z_attribute_list & attr_list, uint32_t dump_mode, bool add_name) const;
void jsonPublishAttrList(const char * json_prefix, const Z_attribute_list &attr_list) const;
void jsonLightState(Z_attribute_list & attr_list) const;
// dump device attributes to ZbData
void toAttributes(Z_attribute_list & attr_list) const;
// Device data specific
void setPower(bool power_on, uint8_t ep = 0);
// If light, returns the number of channels, or 0xFF if unknown
int8_t getLightChannels(void) const {
const Z_Data_Light & light = data.find<Z_Data_Light>(0);
if (&light != &z_data_unk) {
return light.getConfig();
} else {
return -1;
void setLightChannels(int8_t channels);
static void setStringAttribute(char*& attr, const char * str);
* Structures for deferred callbacks
typedef void (*Z_DeviceTimer)(uint16_t shortaddr, uint16_t groupaddr, uint16_t cluster, uint8_t endpoint, uint32_t value);
// Category for Deferred actions, this allows to selectively remove active deferred or update them
typedef enum Z_Def_Category {
Z_CAT_ALWAYS = 0, // no category, it will happen whatever new timers
// Below will clear any event in the same category for the same address (shortaddr / groupaddr)
Z_CAT_READ_ATTR, // Attribute reporting, either READ_ATTRIBUTE or REPORT_ATTRIBUTE, we coalesce all attributes reported if we can
Z_CAT_VIRTUAL_OCCUPANCY, // Creation of a virtual attribute, typically after a time-out. Ex: Aqara presence sensor
Z_CAT_REACHABILITY, // timer set to measure reachability of device, i.e. if we don't get an answer after 1s, it is marked as unreachable (for Alexa)
Z_CAT_PERMIT_JOIN, // timer to signal the end of the PermitJoin period
// Below will clear based on device + cluster pair.
// Below will clear based on device + cluster + endpoint
Z_CAT_EP_DESC, // read endpoint descriptor to gather clusters
Z_CAT_BIND, // send auto-binding to coordinator
Z_CAT_CONFIG_ATTR, // send a config attribute reporting request
Z_CAT_READ_ATTRIBUTE, // read a single attribute
Z_CAT_DEBOUNCE_CMD, // debounce incoming commands
Z_CAT_CIE_ATTRIBUTE, // write CIE address
Z_CAT_CIE_ENROLL, // enroll CIE zone
} Z_Def_Category;
const uint32_t Z_CAT_REACHABILITY_TIMEOUT = 2000; // 1000 ms or 1s
typedef struct Z_Deferred {
// below are per device timers, used for example to query the new state of the device
uint32_t timer; // millis() when to fire the timer, 0 if no timer
uint16_t shortaddr; // identifier of the device
uint16_t groupaddr; // group address (if needed)
uint16_t cluster; // cluster to use for the timer
uint8_t endpoint; // endpoint to use for timer
uint8_t category; // which category of deferred is it
uint32_t value; // any raw value to use for the timer
Z_DeviceTimer func; // function to call when timer occurs
} Z_Deferred;
* Singleton for device configuration
// All devices are stored in a Vector
// Invariants:
// - shortaddr is unique if not null
// - longaddr is unique if not null
// - shortaddr and longaddr cannot be both null
class Z_Devices {
Z_Devices() : _deferred() {};
// Probe the existence of device keys
// Results:
// - 0x0000 = not found
// - BAD_SHORTADDR = bad parameter
// - 0x<shortaddr> = the device's short address
Z_Device & isKnownLongAddrDevice(uint64_t longaddr) const;
Z_Device & isKnownIndexDevice(uint32_t index) const;
Z_Device & isKnownFriendlyNameDevice(const char * name) const;
Z_Device & findShortAddr(uint16_t shortaddr);
const Z_Device & findShortAddr(uint16_t shortaddr) const;
Z_Device & findLongAddr(uint64_t longaddr);
const Z_Device & findLongAddr(uint64_t longaddr) const;
Z_Device & getShortAddr(uint16_t shortaddr); // find Device from shortAddr, creates it if does not exist
Z_Device & getLongAddr(uint64_t longaddr); // find Device from shortAddr, creates it if does not exist
// check if a device was found or if it's the fallback device
inline bool foundDevice(const Z_Device & device) const { return device.valid(); }
int32_t findFriendlyName(const char * name) const;
uint64_t getDeviceLongAddr(uint16_t shortaddr) const;
uint8_t findFirstEndpoint(uint16_t shortaddr) const;
// Add new device, provide ShortAddr and optional longAddr
// If it is already registered, update information, otherwise create the entry
Z_Device & updateDevice(uint16_t shortaddr, uint64_t longaddr = 0);
inline const char * getFriendlyName(uint16_t shortaddr) const {
return findShortAddr(shortaddr).friendlyName;
inline const char * getModelId(uint16_t shortaddr) const {
return findShortAddr(shortaddr).modelId;
inline const char * getManufacturerId(uint16_t shortaddr) const{
return findShortAddr(shortaddr).manufacturerId;
// get next sequence number for (increment at each all)
uint8_t getNextSeqNumber(uint16_t shortaddr);
// Dump json
String dumpDevice(uint32_t dump_mode, const Z_Device & device) const;
String dumpCoordinator(void) const;
int32_t deviceRestore(JsonParserObject json);
// Hue support
int8_t getHueBulbtype(uint16_t shortaddr) const ;
void hideHueBulb(uint16_t shortaddr, bool hidden);
bool isHueBulbHidden(uint16_t shortaddr) const ;
Z_Data_Light & getLight(uint16_t shortaddr);
// device is reachable
void deviceWasReached(uint16_t shortaddr);
// Timers
void resetTimersForDevice(uint16_t shortaddr, uint16_t groupaddr, uint8_t category, uint16_t cluster = 0xFFFF, uint8_t endpoint = 0xFF);
void setTimer(uint16_t shortaddr, uint16_t groupaddr, uint32_t wait_ms, uint16_t cluster, uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t category, uint32_t value, Z_DeviceTimer func);
void queueTimer(uint16_t shortaddr, uint16_t groupaddr, uint32_t wait_ms, uint16_t cluster, uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t category, uint32_t value, Z_DeviceTimer func);
void runTimer(void);
// Append or clear attributes Json structure
void jsonAppend(uint16_t shortaddr, const Z_attribute_list &attr_list);
void jsonPublishFlush(uint16_t shortaddr); // publish the json message and clear buffer
bool jsonIsConflict(uint16_t shortaddr, const Z_attribute_list &attr_list) const;
void jsonPublishNow(uint16_t shortaddr, Z_attribute_list &attr_list);
// Iterator
inline const LList<Z_Device> & getDevices(void) const { return _devices; }
size_t devicesSize(void) const {
return _devices.length();
Z_Device & devicesAt(size_t i) const;
// Remove device from list
void clearDeviceRouterInfo(void); // reset all router flags, done just before ZbMap
bool removeDevice(uint16_t shortaddr);
// Mark data as 'dirty' and requiring to save in Flash
void dirty(void);
void clean(void); // avoid writing to flash the last changes
// Find device by name, can be short_addr, long_addr, number_in_array or name
Z_Device & parseDeviceFromName(const char * param, uint16_t * parsed_shortaddr = nullptr, int32_t mailbox_payload = 0);
bool isTuyaProtocol(uint16_t shortaddr, uint8_t ep = 0) const;
LList<Z_Device> _devices; // list of devices
LList<Z_Deferred> _deferred; // list of deferred calls
uint32_t _saveTimer = 0;
uint8_t _seqnumber = 0; // global seqNumber if device is unknown
//int32_t findShortAddrIdx(uint16_t shortaddr) const;
// Create a new entry in the devices list - must be called if it is sure it does not already exist
Z_Device & createDeviceEntry(uint16_t shortaddr, uint64_t longaddr = 0);
void freeDeviceEntry(Z_Device *device);
* Berry support
#ifdef USE_BERRY
extern "C" int32_t callBerryZigbeeDispatcher(const char* cmd, const char* type, void* data, int32_t idx);
#endif // USE_BERRY
* Singleton variable
Z_Devices zigbee_devices = Z_Devices();
// Following device is used represent the unknown device, with all defaults
// Any find() function will not return Null, instead it will return this instance
Z_Device device_unk = Z_Device(BAD_SHORTADDR);
// Local coordinator information
uint64_t localIEEEAddr = 0;
uint16_t localShortAddr = 0;
#endif // USE_ZIGBEE