
102 lines
2.9 KiB

import re
import sys
lv_module_file = "lv_gpio_enum.h"
out_prefix = "../../tasmota/berry/include/"
be_gpio_defines = "be_gpio_defines.h"
lv_module = []
def try_int(s):
v = int(s)
return v
except ValueError:
return None
# parse module file containing numerical constants
with open(lv_module_file) as f:
for l_raw in f:
l_raw = l_raw.strip(" \t\n\r") # remove leading or trailing spaces
if l_raw.startswith("//"):
lv_module.append( [ None, l_raw ] ) # if key in None then add comment line
l_raw = re.sub('//.*$', '', l_raw) # remove trailing comments
l_raw = re.sub('\s+', '', l_raw) # remove all spaces
l_raw = re.sub(',.*$', '', l_raw) # remove comma and anything after it
if (len(l_raw) == 0): continue
k_v = l_raw.split("=")
if len(k_v) > 2:
print(f"Error: cannot match {l_raw}")
# extract the key name
k = k_v[0]
if k.startswith("_"):
continue # skip any label starting with '_'
k = re.sub('^LV_', '', k) # remove remove any LV_ prefix
v = None
if len(k_v) == 2: # value is included
v = k_v[1]
if k is None or v is None: continue # we skip if key is void or value is void
if not k.isidentifier():
print(f"Error: {k} is not an identifier")
lv_module.append( [k, v] ) # keep as string or None
sys.stdout = open(out_prefix + be_gpio_defines, 'w')
print(" * Generated code, don't edit")
print(" *******************************************************************/")
const be_const_member_t lv_gpio_constants[] = {
lv_module2 = {}
for k_v in lv_module:
(k,v) = k_v
if k is not None:
lv_module2[k] = v
# print the enums, symbols and functions
# Encoding:
# 1. `COLOR_WHITE=0xFFFFFF` enum with explicit value
# 2. `LV_EVENT_ALL` enum with implicit value with same name resolved by C compiler
# 3. `$SYMBOL_OK="\xef\x80\x8c"` if starts with `$` then it's a string
# 4. `&seg7_font=lv0_load_seg7_font` if starts with `&` then it's a native function
# We need to sort ignoring the first char if it's not a letter
for k in sorted(lv_module2):
v = lv_module2[k]
# check the type of the value
# if first char is '"' then it's a string and prefix with '$'
# if first char is '&' then it's a function and prefix with '&'
# if no value, then it's an enum, prefix with `LV_`
# otherwise it's an int, leave if unchanged
if v is not None:
v_prefix = ""
if v[0] == '"': v_prefix = "$"
if v[0] == '&': v_prefix = "&"
print(f" {{ \"{v_prefix}{k}\", (int32_t) {v} }},")
print(f" {{ \"{k}\", {k} }},")
const size_t lv_gpio_constants_size = sizeof(lv_gpio_constants)/sizeof(lv_gpio_constants[0]);