
217 lines
7.6 KiB

xdrv_52_3_berry_hue.ino - Berry scripting language, native fucnctions
Copyright (C) 2021 Stephan Hadinger, Berry language by Guan Wenliang https://github.com/Skiars/berry
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Mappgin from internal light and a generic `light_state` Berry class
#ifdef USE_BERRY
#if defined(USE_EMULATION) && defined(USE_EMULATION_HUE)
#include "berry.h"
bool be_hue_status(String* response, uint32_t device_id);
bool be_hue_status(String* response, uint32_t device_id) {
bool handled = false;
// we need first to confirm if the `device_id` is ours
// If so, append json response, and return `true`
// otherwise ignore and respond `false``
bvm* vm = berry.vm;
if (nullptr == vm) { return false; }
if (be_getglobal(vm, "hue_bridge")) {
if (be_getmember(vm, -1, "full_status")) {
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, ">be_hue_status found");
be_pushvalue(vm, -2);
be_pushint(vm, device_id);
int32_t ret = be_pcall(vm, 2); // 2 params: self, id
if (ret != 0) {
be_error_pop_all(vm); // clear Berry stack
be_pop(vm, 2);
if (be_isstring(vm, -1)) {
const char* buf = be_tostring(vm, -1);
*response += buf;
handled = true;
be_pop(vm, 2);
return handled;
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, ">be_hue_status response='%s' device_id=%i", response->c_str(), device_id);
be_pop(vm, 2);
return false;
// Discovery of devices
void be_hue_discovery(String* response, bool* appending);
void be_hue_discovery(String* response, bool* appending) {
bvm* vm = berry.vm;
if (nullptr == vm) { return; }
if (be_getglobal(vm, "hue_bridge")) {
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, ">be_hue_discovery hue_bridge found");
if (be_getmember(vm, -1, "discover")) {
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, ">be_hue_discovery calling discovery");
be_pushvalue(vm, -2);
int32_t ret = be_pcall(vm, 1); // 2 params: self
if (ret != 0) {
be_error_pop_all(vm); // clear Berry stack
be_pop(vm, 1);
if (be_isstring(vm, -1)) {
if (*appending) { *response += ","; }
*appending = true;
const char* buf = be_tostring(vm, -1);
*response += buf;
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, ">be_hue_discovery added '%s'", buf);
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, ">be_hue_discovery");
be_pop(vm, 2);
// Groups command, list all ids prefixed by ',', ex: ",11,23"
void be_hue_groups(String* response);
void be_hue_groups(String* response) {
bvm* vm = berry.vm;
if (nullptr == vm) { return; }
if (be_getglobal(vm, "hue_bridge")) {
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, ">be_hue_discovery hue_bridge found");
if (be_getmember(vm, -1, "groups")) {
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, ">be_hue_discovery calling discovery");
be_pushvalue(vm, -2);
int32_t ret = be_pcall(vm, 1); // 2 params: self
if (ret != 0) {
be_error_pop_all(vm); // clear Berry stack
be_pop(vm, 1);
if (be_isstring(vm, -1)) {
*response += ','; // prefix with comma
const char* buf = be_tostring(vm, -1);
*response += buf;
be_pop(vm, 2);
// handle incoming command
bool be_hue_command(uint8_t device, uint32_t device_id, String* response) {
bool handled = false;
// we need first to confirm if the `device_id` is ours
// If so, append json response, and return `true`
// otherwise ignore and respond `false``
bvm* vm = berry.vm;
if (nullptr == vm) { return false; }
if (be_getglobal(vm, "hue_bridge")) {
if (be_getmember(vm, -1, "cmd")) {
be_pushvalue(vm, -2);
be_pushint(vm, device_id);
String request_arg = Webserver->arg((Webserver->args())-1);
be_pushstring(vm, request_arg.c_str());
// be_pushint(vm, device);
int32_t ret = be_pcall(vm, 3); // 2 params: self, id, args
if (ret != 0) {
be_error_pop_all(vm); // clear Berry stack
be_pop(vm, 3);
if (be_isstring(vm, -1)) {
const char* buf = be_tostring(vm, -1);
*response += buf;
handled = true;
be_pop(vm, 2);
return handled;
// AddLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_MORE, ">be_hue_status response='%s' device_id=%i", response->c_str(), device_id);
be_pop(vm, 2);
return false;
// idx: index in the list of zigbee_devices
// void be_hue_status1(String* response, const LightStateClass *l);
// void be_hue_status1(String* response, const LightStateClass *l) {
char* be_hue_light_state(class LightStateClass* l) {
// int be_ntv_hue_light_state(struct bvm *vm) {
bool power = l->getPower();
bool reachable = l->getReachable();
uint8_t colormode = l->getColorMode();
uint8_t bri;
uint8_t sat;
uint16_t ct;
uint16_t hue;
float x, y;
uint32_t local_light_subtype = l->getSubType();
l->getHSB(&hue, &sat, NULL);
bri = l->getBri();
ct = l->getCT();
l->getXY(&x, &y);
uint16_t hue16 = l->getHue16();
uint32_t echo_gen = findEchoGeneration(); // 1 for 1st gen =+ Echo Dot 2nd gen, 2 for 2nd gen and above
if (bri > 254) bri = 254; // Philips Hue bri is between 1 and 254
if (bri < 1) bri = 1;
if (sat > 254) sat = 254; // Philips Hue only accepts 254 as max hue
const size_t buf_size = 256;
char * buf = (char*) malloc(buf_size); // temp buffer for strings, avoid stack
snprintf_P(buf, buf_size, PSTR("{\"on\":%s,"), power ? PSTR("true") : PSTR("false"));
// Brightness for all devices with PWM
if ((1 == echo_gen) || (LST_SINGLE <= local_light_subtype)) { // force dimmer for 1st gen Echo
snprintf_P(buf, buf_size, PSTR("%s\"bri\":%d,"), buf, bri);
if (LST_COLDWARM <= local_light_subtype) {
snprintf_P(buf, buf_size, PSTR("%s\"colormode\":\"%s\","), buf, (colormode & LCM_RGB) ? "hs" : "ct");
if (LST_RGB <= local_light_subtype) { // colors
snprintf_P(buf, buf_size, PSTR("%s\"xy\":[%s,%s],"), buf, String(x, 5).c_str(), String(y, 5).c_str());
snprintf_P(buf, buf_size, PSTR("%s\"hue\":%d,\"sat\":%d,"), buf, hue16, sat);
if (LST_COLDWARM == local_light_subtype || LST_RGBW <= local_light_subtype) { // white temp
snprintf_P(buf, buf_size, PSTR("%s\"ct\":%d,"), buf, ct > 0 ? ct : 284);
snprintf_P(buf, buf_size, HUE_LIGHTS_STATUS_JSON1_SUFFIX_ZIGBEE, buf, reachable ? PSTR("true") : PSTR("false"));
return buf; // caller will call free() on it
char* be_hue_light_full_state(int32_t id, class LightStateClass* l, const char* name, const char* model, const char* manuf) {
static const char FULL_STATE[] = "{\"state\":%s%s";
char* buf_state = be_hue_light_state(l);
char* buf_suffix = HueLightStatus2Generic(name, model, manuf, GetHueDeviceId(id).c_str());
char* buf = ext_snprintf_malloc_P(FULL_STATE, buf_state, buf_suffix);
return buf; // caller will call `free()` on it
#endif // USE_LIGHT
#endif // USE_BERRY