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// NeoPixelAnimation
// This example will randomly pick a new color for each pixel and animate
// the current color to the new color over a random small amount of time, using
// a randomly selected animation curve.
// It will repeat this process once all pixels have finished the animation
// This will demonstrate the use of the NeoPixelAnimator extended time feature.
// This feature allows for different time scales to be used, allowing slow extended
// animations to be created.
// This will demonstrate the use of the NeoEase animation ease methods; that provide
// simulated acceleration to the animations.
// It also includes platform specific code for Esp8266 that demonstrates easy
// animation state and function definition inline. This is not available on AVR
// Arduinos; but the AVR compatible code is also included for comparison.
// The example includes some serial output that you can follow along with as it
// does the animation.
#include <NeoPixelBus.h>
#include <NeoPixelAnimator.h>
const uint16_t PixelCount = 4; // make sure to set this to the number of pixels in your strip
const uint8_t PixelPin = 2; // make sure to set this to the correct pin, ignored for Esp8266
NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod> strip(PixelCount, PixelPin);
// For Esp8266, the Pin is omitted and it uses GPIO3 due to DMA hardware use.
// There are other Esp8266 alternative methods that provide more pin options, but also have
// other side effects.
//NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod> strip(PixelCount);
// NeoEsp8266Uart800KbpsMethod uses GPI02 instead
// NeoPixel animation time management object
NeoPixelAnimator animations(PixelCount, NEO_CENTISECONDS);
// create with enough animations to have one per pixel, depending on the animation
// effect, you may need more or less.
// since the normal animation time range is only about 65 seconds, by passing timescale value
// to the NeoPixelAnimator constructor we can increase the time range, but we also increase
// the time between the animation updates.
// NEO_CENTISECONDS will update the animations every 100th of a second rather than the default
// of a 1000th of a second, but the time range will now extend from about 65 seconds to about
// 10.9 minutes. But you must remember that the values passed to StartAnimations are now
// in centiseconds.
// Possible values from 1 to 32768, and there some helpful constants defined as...
// NEO_MILLISECONDS 1 // ~65 seconds max duration, ms updates
// NEO_CENTISECONDS 10 // ~10.9 minutes max duration, centisecond updates
// NEO_DECISECONDS 100 // ~1.8 hours max duration, decisecond updates
// NEO_SECONDS 1000 // ~18.2 hours max duration, second updates
// NEO_DECASECONDS 10000 // ~7.5 days, 10 second updates
// for AVR, you need to manage the state due to lack of STL/compiler support
// for Esp8266 you can define the function using a lambda and state is created for you
// see below for an example
struct MyAnimationState
RgbColor StartingColor; // the color the animation starts at
RgbColor EndingColor; // the color the animation will end at
AnimEaseFunction Easeing; // the acceleration curve it will use
MyAnimationState animationState[PixelCount];
// one entry per pixel to match the animation timing manager
void AnimUpdate(const AnimationParam& param)
// first apply an easing (curve) to the animation
// this simulates acceleration to the effect
float progress = animationState[param.index].Easeing(param.progress);
// this gets called for each animation on every time step
// progress will start at 0.0 and end at 1.0
// we use the blend function on the RgbColor to mix
// color based on the progress given to us in the animation
RgbColor updatedColor = RgbColor::LinearBlend(
// apply the color to the strip
strip.SetPixelColor(param.index, updatedColor);
void SetRandomSeed()
uint32_t seed;
// random works best with a seed that can use 31 bits
// analogRead on a unconnected pin tends toward less than four bits
seed = analogRead(0);
for (int shifts = 3; shifts < 31; shifts += 3)
seed ^= analogRead(0) << shifts;
// Serial.println(seed);
void setup()
while (!Serial); // wait for serial attach
// just pick some colors
for (uint16_t pixel = 0; pixel < PixelCount; pixel++)
RgbColor color = RgbColor(random(255), random(255), random(255));
strip.SetPixelColor(pixel, color);
void SetupAnimationSet()
// setup some animations
for (uint16_t pixel = 0; pixel < PixelCount; pixel++)
const uint8_t peak = 128;
// pick a random duration of the animation for this pixel
// since values are centiseconds, the range is 1 - 4 seconds
uint16_t time = random(100, 400);
// each animation starts with the color that was present
RgbColor originalColor = strip.GetPixelColor(pixel);
// and ends with a random color
RgbColor targetColor = RgbColor(random(peak), random(peak), random(peak));
// with the random ease function
AnimEaseFunction easing;
switch (random(3))
case 0:
easing = NeoEase::CubicIn;
case 1:
easing = NeoEase::CubicOut;
case 2:
easing = NeoEase::QuadraticInOut;
// each animation starts with the color that was present
animationState[pixel].StartingColor = originalColor;
// and ends with a random color
animationState[pixel].EndingColor = targetColor;
// using the specific curve
animationState[pixel].Easeing = easing;
// now use the animation state we just calculated and start the animation
// which will continue to run and call the update function until it completes
animations.StartAnimation(pixel, time, AnimUpdate);
// we must supply a function that will define the animation, in this example
// we are using "lambda expression" to define the function inline, which gives
// us an easy way to "capture" the originalColor and targetColor for the call back.
// this function will get called back when ever the animation needs to change
// the state of the pixel, it will provide a animation progress value
// from 0.0 (start of animation) to 1.0 (end of animation)
// we use this progress value to define how we want to animate in this case
// we call RgbColor::LinearBlend which will return a color blended between
// the values given, by the amount passed, hich is also a float value from 0.0-1.0.
// then we set the color.
// There is no need for the MyAnimationState struct as the compiler takes care
// of those details for us
AnimUpdateCallback animUpdate = [=](const AnimationParam& param)
// progress will start at 0.0 and end at 1.0
// we convert to the curve we want
float progress = easing(param.progress);
// use the curve value to apply to the animation
RgbColor updatedColor = RgbColor::LinearBlend(originalColor, targetColor, progress);
strip.SetPixelColor(pixel, updatedColor);
// now use the animation properties we just calculated and start the animation
// which will continue to run and call the update function until it completes
animations.StartAnimation(pixel, time, animUpdate);
void loop()
if (animations.IsAnimating())
// the normal loop just needs these two to run the active animations
Serial.println("Setup Next Set...");
// example function that sets up some animations