I added this option as it seems to have the best price/performance ratio and in addition is very user friendly (easy to use).

oywino 2019-09-19 09:49:25 +02:00
parent a718981abc
commit 029a0f8a10
1 changed files with 1 additions and 0 deletions

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Any [variation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESP8266#Espressif_modules) of the
### Serial-to-USB adapter with 3.3V supply
The [power supplied to the device](https://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/index.php?title=Power) is **one of the most important elements** for both flashing the device and for stable operation. You must ensure that the device receives sufficient power (current AND appropriate voltage level) to properly flash the firmware on the device.
* [CH340G](https://cdn.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Dev/Arduino/Other/CH340DS1.PDF) is a reliable and very cheap adapter (example [1](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14050), [2](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1PCS-CH340-module-instead-of-PL2303-CH340G-RS232-to-TTL-module-upgrade-USB-to-serial-port/32761423124.html)).
* [Geekcreit® FT232RL FTDI](https://www.banggood.com/no/FT232RL-FTDI-USB-To-TTL-Serial-Converter-Adapter-Module-For-Arduino-p-917226.html?cur_warehouse=CN) - This adapter is low cost high quality, with jumper selectable 5V/3V and no need for any drivers.
* [FTDI FT232](https://www.ftdichip.com/Products/ICs/FT232R.htm) - these adapters have a lot of fakes in the market so buy only from reliable sources ([example](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13746)). Buy only the variant with a separate 3.3V regulator on PCB!
* [CP2102](https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/data-sheets/cp2102-9.pdf) or [PL2303](http://www.prolific.com.tw/UserFiles/files/ds_pl2303HXD_v1_4_4.pdf) - works with certain devices, but using an external 3.3V supply might be necessary. Not recommended for beginners!
* [RaspberryPi](https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/Flash-Sonoff-using-Raspberry-Pi) - only for advanced users. External 3.3V supply necessary.