Updated Commands (markdown)

Michael Ingraham 2019-08-06 11:37:24 -04:00
parent 5ea0939e98
commit 206ec460a8
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Modules | Show available modules by name and index<a id="Module"></a>
Module | Displays active module by name and index<BR>`<x>` = switch to Module\<x\> and restart<a id="NtpServer"></a>
NtpServer\<x\> | NTP server setup (x= `1..3`)<BR>`0` = clear NtpServer\<x\> settings<BR>`1` = reset NtpServer\<x\> settings to firmware defaults<BR>`<value>` = set NtpServer\<x\> host or IP address (32 char limit)<a id="OtaUrl"></a>
OtaUrl | Display current OTA URL<BR> `1` = Reset OtaUrl to firmware default<BR> `url` = set address for OTA (100 char limit)<a id="Pwm"></a>
Pwm\<x\>|`0..1023` = set PWM value for channel<BR>Numbering of devices is Relays first then PWMs. [`Channel<x>`](#channel) is aligned to [`Power<x>`](#power) numbering.<BR>Example: 2 Relays and 3 PWM<BR><li>Relay1: `Power1`</li><li>Relay2: `Power2`</li><li>PWM1: `Power3` and `Channel3`</li><li>PWM2: `Power4` and `Channel4`</li><li>PWM3: `Power5` and `Channel5`</li><a id="PwmFrequency"></a>
Pwm\<x\>|`0..1023` = set PWM value for channel<a id="PwmFrequency"></a>
PwmFrequency|`1` = reset PWM frequency to 880Hz<BR>`100..4000` = set PWM frequency (100Hz to 4kHz)<a id="PwmRange"></a>
PwmRange|`1` = reset maximum PWM range to 1023<BR>`255..1023` = set maximum PWM range<a id="Reset"></a>
Reset|`1` = reset device settings to firmware defaults and restart<BR>`2` = erase flash, reset device settings to firmware defaults and restart<BR> `3` = erase flash SDK parameters and restart<BR> `4` = reset device settings to firmware defaults but retain Wi-Fi credentials and restart<BR> `5` = erase all flash and reset parameters to firmware defaults but keep Wi-Fi settings and restart<BR>`6` = erase all flash and reset parameters to firmware defaults but keep Wi-Fi and MQTT settings and restart<BR>*(Erase of flash can take a few seconds to complete and there is no output during the erase process on the serial or web console)*<a id="Restart"></a>
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ Channel\<x\>|`0..100` = set PWM channel dimmer value from 0 to 100%<a id="Color"
<a id="tb-lights">Command | Parameters
:--- | :---
Channel\<x\>|<a id="Channel"></a>`0..100` = set PWM channel dimmer value from 0 to 100%<a id="Color"></a>
Channel\<x\>|<a id="Channel"></a>`0..100` = set PWM channel dimmer value from 0 to 100%<BR>When [`SetOption68`](#setoption68) is set to `1`, numbering of channels is Relays first then PWM channels. [`Channel<x>`](#channel) will be aligned to [`Power<x>`](#power) numbering.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;**Example**: 2 Relays and 3 PWM<BR><ul><li>Relay1: `Power1`</li><li>Relay2: `Power2`</li><li>PWM1: `Power3` and `Channel3`</li><li>PWM2: `Power4` and `Channel4`</li><li>PWM3: `Power5` and `Channel5`</li></ul><a id="Color"></a>
Color | Show color setting (hex or decimal depending on [`SetOption17`](#SetOption17))<BR> `r,g,b` = set color by decimal value (`0..255`)<BR>`#CWWW` = set hex color value for CT lights <BR>`#RRGGBB` = set hex color value for RGB lights<BR>`#RRGGBBWW` = set hex color value for RGBW lights<BR>`#RRGGBBCWWW` = set hex color value for RGBCCT lights (5 PWM channels)<BR><BR>[**White Blend Mode:**](white-blend-mode) _used for 4 channel (RGBW) and 5 channel (RGBWC) devices_. Enable with [`RGBWWTable`](#rgbwwtable) by setting the last PWM channel to zero (e.g., `RGBWWTable 255,255,255,<n>,0`) to lower the white channel intensity.
| | Set color to<BR>`1` = red<BR>`2` = green<BR>`3` = blue<BR>`4` = orange<BR>`5` = light green<BR>`6` = light blue<BR>`7` = amber<BR>`8` = cyan<BR>`9` = purple<BR>`10` = yellow<BR>`11` = pink<BR>`12` = white (using RGB channels)<BR>`+` = next color<BR>`-` = previous color<a id="Color2"></a>
Color2 | Same as `Color` but adjust to current `Dimmer` value<a id="Color3"></a>